HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-05-20 Public Arts MIN Minutes Public Art Commission May 20, 2016 Attendance Commissioners: Garrington, Merchant, Bussell, Newman, Friend, Reinhardt, Block-Brown, Hanks (staff liaison) Absent: Seltzer (regular staff liaison) Guests Denise Baxter Minutes Minutes of the April meeting were carried forward for approval at the June meeting. Citizen Issues None. Council Liaison Update Councilor Lemhouse provided the PAC with updates on the various downtown ordinances recently approved by Council including the prohibition of the blocking of sidewalks and a ban on smoking in public areas in the downtown. Lemhouse also mentioned the ongoing discussion and process for the potential Nevada Street bridge connecting the North Mountain neighborhood with West Nevada Street. Hanks also added that the first of three Climate and th Energy Action Plan open houses is scheduled for Tuesday, May 24 at 5:30 at the Historic Ashland Armory and invited the PAC to attend. New Chair Garrington nominated Sandy Friend to take her position as Chair of the PAC noting that Sandy is agreeable to take on the duties of this position. Bussell made a motion to approve Friend as new Chair, second from Newman. The motion passed unanimously. Garrington thanked the Commissioners for allowing her to serve as Chair and communicated her confidence in Friend taking on the duties and moving the group forward. Garrington also requested that Commissioners begin to think of a nomination for Vice-Chair to replace Friend, but that the formal nomination would occur in a future meeting. Proposed Calle Guanajuato Mural Garrington introduced Denise Baxter who was in attendance on behalf of the Calle mural project to answer questions regarding the revised rendering based on previous PAC input. Garrington noted that the PAC will be making a recommendation on acceptance of one of the two versions (original and revised rendering). 1 PAC Discussion Baxter described her positive opinion of the revisions, including a general statement of her enthusiasm that the artist was receptive to the suggestions. Discussion items included impact of the existing windows and how they would be incorporated (frames will be painted and existing location does not complete with primary mural elements), improved balance of color, continuation of streetscape beyond left edge of mural. PAC agreed with Baxter that the alterations addressed their concerns and improved the overall project considerably. Garrington noted that the Parks Commission chose not to alter the Market’s use of the sunshade, but will be converting the existing gate to a bollard type system at the south entrance to the Calle. Friend motioned to approve the revised design and noted that Council had already approved both options, which left the decision to the PAC for the final say. Reinhardt seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Next Steps Councilor Lemhouse suggested the potential of an update presentation to the Council highlighting the responsiveness of the artist, Denise Baxter’s involvement in coordinating the effort with the artist and the use of five local mural assistant’s to complete the project. Lemhouse also suggested that the PAC and staff assist in coordinating safety issues while the project is in progress. Reinhardt offered to coordinate some video documentation of the project with Baxter. Garrington reminded the PAC of their role in reviewing the project as it progresses with three key site visits needed by a sub-set of the PAC; early in the process with the mural outline, near the middle of the process with colors and at the end of the process for final project sign off. Because the exact schedule was not yet known, Garrington suggested that the small group assignments for on site review be coordinated via email as PAC members schedules allow. Garrington also requested that the PAC be provided the schedule as soon as it was available. Zoccola Second Gateway Concept Garrington noted that the second submittal had not yet been submitted to either her or staff so there was not a concept for the PAC to review. Garrington noted that she will be in contact with Zoccola and staff to determine when the submittal will occur and asked if the PAC was able to schedule a date for a special meeting to review the submittal to stay within the project timeline. All agreed that a special meeting will be scheduled for June 6, 2016 at 12:00 in the Siskiyou Room. PAC also discussed the possibility of changing the location and time of the scheduled Zoccola public presentation of the two concepts, currently scheduled for June 21 at 11:30 at the Ashland Art Center. The group discussed the benefits of trying to relocate to the Library and also to move the time to later in the afternoon. Garrington and Friend to coordinate with staff. 2 Upcoming Presentation to Council Garrington inquired about the progress and status of the upcoming Council presentation on contemporary public art and how the PAC could assist Reinhardt in preparing the presentation. Reinhardt noted that it is still in progress and that the focus is not necessarily on contemporary public art but includes a variety of issues regarding public art that have been discussed in recent months. Garrington and Friend offered their assistance and suggested that Reinhardt use the June 17 PAC meeting to run through the presentation as a preview to the group and for feedback on the presentation. Reinhardt requested the availability and use of a laptop for both the June 17 PAC meeting and the Council presentation on June 20. Calendar Review Garrington added the June 6 special meeting for the Zoccolo concept to the current list of dates. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m. 3