HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-08-21 Public Arts MIN Minutes Public Art Commission Regular Meeting August 21, 2015 Attendance Commissioners: Merchant, Garrington, Bussell, Clark, Newman, Friend, Lemhouse Seltzer (staff), Absent: None Guests: Eric Warren (graphic designer for entry signs), Steve Morgan (sign fabricator), Michael Dawkins (downtown beautification committee), Brent Thompson (downtown beautification committee). Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. Minutes of the July 19 meeting were approved. Develop entry sign objectives Garrington welcomed the guests and provided a brief background on the entry sign project. Warren asked the group to speak to what the signs should convey. Generally the group spoke about the uniqueness of Ashland, its history, its cosmopolitan feel while retaining its small town feel. The group expressed interest in the signs being artfully designed, incorporating color, non representational of everything that Ashland has to offer or its roots in history. Warren asked what the words on the sign should be and the group reached consensus that the signs should simply say ‘Ashland’. Warren explained that fonts can set the tone. The same word in different fonts can convey different feelings and he will select a font that is readable and unique (non-corporate, non-retail, etc.). Warren asked the group to speak to the style of the signs. Should the style be classic, contemporary, historic, craftsman, etc.? Generally the group agreed the signs should have the quality of “public art”. The group reached consensus that the signs should be artful, contemporary, sculptural and well crafted. The group also commented that each sign location was very different from the other and therefore each sign need not be identical is shape and size but should have a common look. In addition, there was discussion on whether the current location of the welcome sign at Exit 14 was the best and whether a better location was possible. 1 Next steps Warren will take photos and measurements of each sign location. In addition, he will explore other possible locations for the Exit 14 location. Using the input from this meeting, he will develop three concepts for the PAC review at a future meeting. Timeline for signs November 13 – review three sign concepts December 11 – final selection and approval of sign concept January 19 – Council meeting for approval (tentative date) April (or earlier) – sign installation Seltzer will connect Warren and Morgan with ODOT representative to ensure ODOT is available throughout the process for input and ultimately permit approval for installation. Approval of July minutes July minutes were approved with noted correction. Utility Box Pilot Seltzer reported that all the photo files have been sent to The Signdude and that he will install the vinyl wrap on Wednesday, August 26 at 9:30. The cost is $700. The group acknowledged that as the new utility box wrap program is developed the PAC will likely need to engage a graphic designer to develop templates and photo manipulation for the sign company and to get quotes from other companies on the cost and process to wrap future boxes. Gateway Outreach Members will follow through on previous assignments to get the word out about the Gateway presentations. The group discussed details for the Gateway presentations. Friend, Bussell, Garrington, Merchant will meet at the library at 10:00 am on September 10 to arrange the room. Seltzers will bring name tags and easel, paper and pens, Friend will create ‘Selection Panel’ signs to place on seats designated for the members. The group agreed to have questions from the audience after each presentation and that Clark will scribe the question and answer on the easel. Merchant, Bussell, Newman and Clark will breakdown the room after the 5:00 session. Gateway Selection Panel Seltzer will send a packet to the members once the final proposals are received. The meeting will occur at 8:30 am on Friday, September 11 and Seltzer will arrange for coffee and pastries for the group. Garrington and Friend will facilitate the meeting. Other PAC members are welcome to attend but will not participate in the discussion. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. 2