HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-09-27 Public Arts MIN Public Art Commission Minutes September 27, 2013 Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way 8:15 a.m. 1. Call to Order Meeting was called to order by Chair Garrington at 8:20. Commissioners Pugh, Garrington, Bussell and Clark were in attendance with Hanks attending as City Staff. 2. Approval of August 16 Minutes Motion to approve minutes made by Bussell, second from Clark. Approved unanimously. 3. Citizen Issues/Proposals N/A 4. Approval of Gateway RFQ and announcement The Commission reviewed the draft request for qualifications document and associated summary announcement. Bussell recommended including the term “three dimensional” in the first sentence describing the artwork, as well as corrections to the street names that intersect at the proposed location of the art work and a correction in the deadline to read Pacific Daylight Time, rather than standard time (appears twice in the document). Bussell them made a motion to approve with the suggested amendments, second from Pugh. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Review Distribution List for Gateway Project Bussell summarized her work on the newest draft list, dated 9/9/13. Garrington provided an additional sheet of galleries to be added. Clark stated that she is still working on additions from the Joseph, OR area as discussed. The Commission suggested researching Twitter hashtag opportunities to help in distribution of the RFQ and will be sending their results to staff. Assignments for the contact list were made; Garrington page one, Clark page four and Bussell page five. Other two pages to be determined at next regular meeting. 6. Review Draft RFP, Timeline, and Distribution List for Calle Project Bussell updated the Commission on the RFP and associated timeline summary and suggested several edits to the pedestal measurements section. Dimensions for the base and steel box remain, the remainder replaced with the following: “Holes for mounting bolts on the top of the steel box are .75” in diameter and are approximately 3.5” apart on center See photo’s below for additional pedestal information.”\\ Bussell provided a photo to staff to replace the existing photo #4. Bussell made a motion to approve the Calle RFP with amendments, second by Clark. Motion passed unanimously. Bussell noted that the Calle distribution list will consist of the Oregon portion of the Gateway distribution list plus the new additions from Garrington and Clark. Bussell added that she will be preparing the announcement for the Calle RFP and will also send out a reminder announcement to the distribution list the first part of December if needed. Garrington provided materials to review on the CAFÉ Call for entry website distribution service and described briefly how the system works. The cost for the Commission to join is $700 and Garrington felt that may be too expensive for the value of the program to the Commission. Bussell agreed that it was expensive especially due to the fact that the Commission would only use it for the Gateway project. The Commission made no decision other than to continue to review the program and possibly bring it up at a future meeting. 7. Update Park Commission on Calle Project Garrington explained that Bussell will present an update to the Parks Commission at their October 28, 2013 regular meeting to update the Parks Commission on the Calle RFP process and timeline. Other Commissioners are invited to attend as well. 8. Review draft report to City Council Garrington noted that she is scheduled to present an annual update of the work of the Public Arts Commission to City Council at the October 1,2013 Council meeting. The content of the report is contained in the draft memo for Commission review and approval. The Commission reviewed the memo. 9. Training Opportunity Garrington briefed the Commission on an upcoming training conducted by the City Recorder and the City Attorney and is recommended training for all public officials. Topics will cover ethics, public records, public meeting law. The course is at noon on Thursday, October 17 in the Sisikiyou Room and will last about an hour and a half. Garrington mentioned that she has been to one in the past and found it very useful and asked anyone interested to email the City Recorder at christeb@ashland.or.us to attend. Garrington also mentioned that she has been involved in the recommendation process for the color section for the information booth on the Plaza and will be meeting later this morning (10:30) on the Plaza to meet and look at the larger painted boards installed to help finalize the selection. Pugh mentioned that she thought the press relating to the Commission’s role in the Plaza paver selection was not indicative of her perception of the Commission’s actual role. The Commission generally agreed that it was unfortunate the way the process was described but that a formal response does not seem appropriate at this point in the process. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20