HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-06-15 Public Arts MIN Minutes Public Art Commission June 15, 2012 Attendance Commissioners: Bussell, Garrington, Pugh, Friend, Seltzer (staff) Absent Davis Lemhouse (Council Liaison) Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 8:1 5 a.m. Guests City Recorder Barbara Christensen and City Attorney Dave Lohman presented an overview of Public Meeting Law and AMC 2.1 Uniform Policies and Operating Procedures for Advisory Commissions and Boards. PAC is asked to review and provide input on:  AMC 2.10.025 Meetings and Attendance currently the code states a member who has two or more unexcused absences in a six month period shall be considered inactive and the position vacant. Should the language be more flexible to allow for excused absences (leave of absence?) in a six month period? Is the current language too restrictive?  AMC 2.10.050 Election of Officers, Secretary and Subcommittees currently the code allows a chair to serve two consecutive terms e.g. 6 years. Should the language be changed to reflect 2 consecutive years?  AMC 2.10.040 Quorum and Effect of Lack Thereof currently the code defines a quorum as more than one-half the total number of authorized members, including vacant positions. Should the language allow for a quorum of one-half existing members? Approval of Minutes Minutes of the May 18 meeting were approved with amendments M/S Friend/Garrington Minutes of the June 8 meeting were approved M/S Garrington/Friend Timeline and Implementation of Calle Electric Boxes The group made the following adjustments to the RFP: To avoid possible confusion, delete reference to previous Reflections of Ashland projects (page 1)  Painting will occur the first two weeks of September (page2)  Artist selected for the three-box project will receive $750 (page 2)  July 31 deadline for response to Calle for Artists (page 2)  August 20 Notification of Winning Entries (page 2)  September 2 Begin painting (page 2)  September 17 complete painting (page 2)  Add Josephine County (page 2)  Submission deadline July 31 (page 2)  Delete #3 submit sample of past work (page 3) Garrington will revise the box templates and send to Seltzer to include in the RFP. Seltzer will notify PAC once the RFP/Call for Artists is posted on-line. PAC members will “spread the word” about the project and encourage artists to submit entries. Seltzer will notify the electric department about the project. PAC will come up with a list of possible names to participate as the Selection Panel. Refer to AMC 2.29.100: B. Selection Panel. A selection panel, separate from the Public Art Commission, consisting of art professionals and enthusiasts, residents near the proposed site, community members, and city administrators will be chosen to evaluate the proposals received from artists. A different selection panel shall be chosen for each project by the Commission after the following notifications have been made: Invitations to potential selection panel will occur during the last two weeks of July. Selection panel decision will occur during the first two weeks of August. Finalize Plaza Vision Statement PAC members approved Garrington revised Plaza Vision Statement. Seltzer will send the statement to Covey Pardee Landscape Architects. Criteria and Timeline for Fire Station No. 2 The group agreed each member would make an effort to evaluate each of the submissions using the example sheet sent by Seltzer. PAC members can come to City Hall to review the submissions, or take a few entries home for review. Review of submissions by PAC members should be completed no later than the next regular PAC meeting on July 20. At that meeting, PAC will “compare notes” and determine the next steps. Update on library Pedestal The pedestal is completed and the sculpture is being installed. Bussell noted the next step is the plaque.