HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-02-18 Public Arts MIN Minutes Public Art Commission February 18, 2010 Regular Meeting Attendance: Commissioners: Davis, Bussell, Edson, Wilkerson, Seltzer (staff) Absent: Pugh, Slattery Chair Bussell called meeting to order at 8:15 a.m. Minutes of January 21, 2011meeting were approved. Citizen Issues/Proposals None Approval of final Calle Call for Entries At the December 2010 PAC meeting, the Commission approved the final draft for the Calle Call for Entire, however because there was not a quorum at that meeting, that approval should not have taken place. The City Recorder advised staff the PAC should vote again with a quorum to approve the Calle Call for Entries. Motion/second to approve Calle Call for Entries. Discuss PAC meeting time Bussell expressed her concern that an hour and fifteen minute meeting is often insufficient time to complete the agenda. She proposed changing the start time of the PAC monthly meeting to 8:15 a.m. and end at 9:45. Continue discussion on commissioning a significant piece of public art. The group discussed the various steps and timeline for the gateway project. Davis cited examples of processes used in other communities to get a qualified pool of artists and then select a final artists to do the work. Wilkerson asked about the gateway island and what changes/improvements might be planned for the area and how to ensure the area with art is protected against future improvement e.g. electric boxes, bus shelters, that would detract from the overall look of the island. Bussell reminded the group in 2003, the City Council approved the gateway island as one of four placeholders for public art. Seltzer will confer with the public works department to determine if there are any plans for public work/transportation improvements to the area and with the planning department to determine potential hurdles. The commission decided to hold a two-hour planning meeting to develop the timeline and to do list for the project. Seltzer will reserve a meeting space. Review of PAC goals Bussell expressed the challenge of implementing the goals identified by the PAC in January 2010. Each of the goals requires significant time and research and the commission simply doesn’t have the time to accomplish all of the identified goals. In addition, a number of the goals require significant funding, particularly the mural. In light of the Commission’s interest in commissioning a significant piece of public art for the gateway island she proposes to put the three priority goals on hold and delay another round of 1 utility box painting (secondary goal) until additional funds can be secured. Of the four goals identified as “givens” she proposes continuing with the Calle Sculpture project and finalizing a location for the Hardesty memorial. The commission agreed to table the other goals until the gateway project is underway. Continue discussion on review of PAC powers, duties and membership. Bussell reminded the group of the Council’s goal to review powers, duties and membership of selected commissions, including public art. She encouraged the group to review the current language. Seltzer will email the appropriate link to the Ashland Municipal Code. Approval of proposed selection criteria weighting method. A motion was made and seconded to approve the proposed selection criteria. Motion passes. Discussion of insurance for Calle sculptures. Davis is researching companies that might be willing to ensure the sculptures on the Calle that are on loan to the City. The city’s insurance has a $10,000 deductable. Seltzer reminded the group that the previous sculptures, Oyster and Kelp did have additional insurance. Oyster was vandalized and insurance paid $2000 to the artist. The company would not insure the next round of sculpture. Next meetings Friday March 18 and April 15 Meeting adjourned 9:42 a.m. 2