HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-04-24 Planning PACKET Note: Anyyone wishing too speak at any Planning Commission meetinng is encourageed to do so. If you wish to sppeak, please risee and, after youu have been reecognized by thhe Chair, give yyour name and complete address for the reccord. You will then be allowed to speak. Pleaase note that thhe public testimmony may be limited by the CChair and normaally is not allowed after the Pubblic Hearing is cclosed. ASSHLAND PLAANNING COMMMISSION STUDY SESSIONN APRRIL 24, 2012 AAGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER II.. ANNOOUNCEMENTTS IIII. PUBLIC FORUM IVV. DISCUUSSION ITEMMS A. UUnified Land Use Code Kiick-Off B. TSP Follow-up – Sidewalkks / Fourth SStreet Crossinng / Downtowwn Plan V. OTHER BUSINESSS A. Planning Commmission Rettreat Topics VI. ADJOURNMENT Inn compliance wwith the Americaans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please coontact the Commmunity Develoopment office aat 541-488-53055 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-22900). Notificattion 48 hours pprior to the mmeeting will enaable the City to make reasonaable arrangemeents to ensure aaccessibility to the meeting (228 CFR 35.1022-35.104 ADDA Title 1). Memo DATE: April 24,, 2012 TO:AshlandPlanning Coommission FROM:Maria Haarris, Planninng Manager RE:Unified LLand Use Coode Project KKick-Off SSummary TThe Community Developpment Depaartment is beginning worrk on a projeect to combinne the Ashlaand Land UUse Ordinannce (ALUO) and related developmennt standards ((i.e. Site Dessign and Usee Standards, Street SStandards annd Recommeended Street Tree Guide)) into a Uniffied Land Usse Code withh improved oorganization, wording, foormatting annd graphics. The City Council set a goal to “Incrrease the claarity, rresponsiveneess and certaainty of the ddevelopmentt process.DDevelop a speecific action plan to resppond to tthe recommeendation of tthe 2006 Zuccker and Siegel reports.”” Creating aa Unified Lannd Use Codee is a rrecommendaation of the SSiegel reportt (i.e. Land UUse Ordinannce Review bby Siegel Plaanning Serviices, LLLC, 2006), and was preesented as a specific actiion item to aaddress the CCouncil’s goaal at the Cityy CCouncil meeeting in Januaary 2012. IIn addition too creating a unified codee, the projectt will include an evaluattion of the pllanning appllication pprocess and ggreen develoopment meassures, and prreparation off code amenndment optioons addressinng these aareas for connsideration. In addition tto the City CCouncil goal of “Increasee the clarity,, responsivenness and ccertainty of tthe developmment processs…” discussed above, thhe Economicc Developmeent Strategy (adopted JJuly 2011) iddentifies impproving the lland use devvelopment prrocess as onee of seven toop priority acctions. SSpecifically, the action ssays to “mannage physical developmeent process too ensure undderstandablee rrequirementss with timelyy and predicttable results while safegguarding andd improving tthe quality oof the eenvironmentt and the commmunity.” In terms of ggreen developpment measuures, the Citty Council addopted tthe followingg goal, “Adoopt land use codes, buildding codes, ggreen buildinng standards,, and fee struuctures tthat creates sstrong incenttives for devvelopment thhat is energy, water, and land efficiennt and suppoorts a mmulti-modal transportatioon system.” BBackgrounnd TThe Unified Land Use CCode project is scheduledd for April 2012 throughh March 20133. It is anticcipated tthat the Plannning Commiission will ooversee the pproject by revviewing andd revising thee draft documments at tthe monthly study sessioons starting inn May 2012 and throughh the compleetition of thee project. Thhe aattached drafft “Project Innformation” handout inccludes introdductory inforrmation abouut the project including thee goals and oobjectives,ppublic involvvement and sschedule. Too begin the pproject, stafff will be PPage 1 of 5 - 2- visiting the advisory commissions and working with the local newspapers to introduce the project to the community. The project will be completed in three phases as described below. Phase 1: Evaluate and Review (April – September 2012) The ALUO and other development- related documents will be reviewed and revised to improve the organization, readability and usability of the code into Draft #1 of the Unified Code. In this phase, the focus will be to reorganize and reformat the code, and potential substantive changes to code content will be flagged for discussion. The Planning Commission will review Draft #1 in three modules, with each module representing approximately one-third of the volume of the code. TASKS: A.Project Kick-Off (April – June 2012) Introduce project to Planning Commission and Advisory Commissions. Set up project web page and open city hall. Update throughout project as needed. Develop project bulletin. Prepare press release as needed. Hold Open House public meeting. Set up project web page and Open City Hall. B.Preparation of Reorganized Code (April – June 2012) Prepare outline and first complete draft of the reorganized code for public and Planning Commission review. C.Review Unified Code (June – September 2012) Planning Commission review of Unified Code in groups of chapters at study session meetings. Staff will refer bring issues to Advisory Commissions on an as-needed basis. Phase 2: Review and Revise (July 2012 – October 2012) An evaluation of the planning application process and green development measures with code amendment options will be prepared for review. After the Planning Commission review, an adoption-ready Draft #2 incorporating City comments will be prepared. Any substantive, policy-related issues indentified during the initial draft will be clearly delineated in the second draft. D.Evaluation of Planning Application Process and Green Development Measures (July – August 2012) Evaluate and prepare code amendment options addressing concerns regarding timing and predictability of development process and facilitating the use of green development measures. Prepare press release. Planning Commission review of evaluation and code amendment options. E.Revise Unified Code and Prepare Adoption-Ready Draft (September – October 2012) DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us - 3- Prepare Draft #2 of the Unified Code for adoption process. Hold Open House meeting. Prepare press release for adoption process. Phase 3: Adoption Process (November 2012 – March 2013) Conduct Planning Commission and City Council public hearings. F.Planning Commission Public Hearing (November – December 2012) Planning Commission conducts public hearing and makes recommendation to the City Council. G.City Council Public Hearing (January – March 2013) City Council conducts public hearing and makes decision on adoption of Unified Code. Discussion Items: MODEL CODE To respond to the challenges of maintain quality of life in small cities in Oregon and allowing efficient development, the Transportation and Growth Management Program of the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development developed a Model Development Code for Small Cities. While the content of many of the standards are similar to Ashland’s current land use ordinance (the Model Code includes significant sections of Ashland’s Site Design and Use Standards and Street Standards), staff believes the Model Development Code is a good example of a user-friendly document with organization and wording that are approachable and easy to understand for a wide variety of users An excerpt from the introduction to the Model Code is included below. The Table of Contents form the Model Development Code for Small Cities is attached, and the document in its entirety can be viewed at http://www.lcd.state.or.us/LCD/TGM/modelCode05.shtml . Oregon’s Model Development Code for Small Cities TheModel Development Code and User’s Guide for Small Cities (“model code”) is one such tool. First published in 1999, it has been used widely around Oregon. The State of Oregon’s Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) Program developed the model code in response to numerous requests for assistance from Oregon communities. Small cities wanted consistent guidance and technical expertise in zoning, development standards, review procedures, and implementation of state planning rules and statutes. In developing the model code, the TGM Program worked with a statewide advisory committee, consisting of city officials, planning commissioners, state and regional planning agency representatives, and land use and business industry advocates. All agreed that small communities, or those with populations under 10,000, were most in need of a technical code reference. The model code was intended to help these cities, primarily, and in the following ways: Integrate land use and transportation planning – or plan for smart development – Historically, many of Oregon’s small cities developed slowly in a compact, pedestrian-friendly pattern with a balance of land uses, adequate transportation, and a distinct character or sense-of-place. Then in the 1990s, some cities began to grow rapidly due to strong in-migration. Concerned about the loss of community character, increased traffic, and other growth-related problems, the cities wanted assistance in updating their codes to better manage growth. Likewise, other communities that have not grown as rapidly, or that have declining populations, have requested assistance in removing regulatory obstacles to economic development. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us - 4- Meet new legal requirements – Many of Oregon’s cities have zoning and subdivision codes that are 20- to-30- years old. These communities have requested guidance in meeting new requirements under state land use statutes, administrative rules, and case law. While the Model Code does not provide a safe harbor for complying with all of the legal requirements under Oregon’s complex land use system, it does provide examples and guidance on how to address some common legal issues. It is also intended to avoid regulatory takings by recommending standards and procedures that make it easier to build some types of projects in every zoning district. The model code provisions also encourage high quality design in development, which can increase property values. Provide a user-friendly, flexible model code – The cities wanted a one-stop reference that could be adapted to fit local characteristics and values. The Second Edition Over thirty Oregon cities on both sides of the Cascade Mountains, with populations ranging from under 1,000 to over 50,000 used the first edition (“first edition”) of the model code. Some cities completely rewrote their regulations based on the model, while others selected individual chapters or sections that met their specific needs (e.g.,new zoning districts, review procedures, design standards, and Transportation Planning Rule implementation). The first edition was widely distributed around the state and nationally. It even won a national award and was praised for its unified format, graphically-based standards, and encouragement of mixed-use and pedestrian-oriented design. However, after five years of use, some deficiencies became evident. The first edition lacked a complete set of definitions, and some of its discretionary standards were difficult to interpret without definitions. Communities that adopted parts of the model code without updating and cross- referencing their existing ordinances, inadvertently created code conflicts. Others found some of the model regulations overly restrictive. Most agreed that the original user’s guide did not adequately explain how to customize the standards. Finally, soon after the model code was published and distributed, the legislature changed some of the state’s planning laws, causing legal conflicts within the model code. ThisSecond Edition is intended to address the above deficiencies, incorporate new best practices, and make the document easier to use. It is a flexible document that is intended to be customized by cities to meet their needs. Cities are encouraged to examine their historical development patterns, determine what they like, what they want to improve, and which model code provisions will help them achieve their vision. Finally, while the authors have tried to address all of the applicable state land use requirements (as of June 2005), cities should always consult their own legal counsel in drafting new regulations. QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER The Unified Land Use Code is a fairly significant undertaking, and Staff would appreciate any feedback the Planning Commission has on the project. Specifically, the following items may be helpful discussion questions. What does not work with the current Ashland Land Use Ordinance (ALUO) from the Planning Commissions perspective? How could the ALUO be easier to use? Are there specific areas that the Planning Commission finds confusing or in conflict with other sections? Does the project approach and phasing seem workable? What type and level of policy changes should be considered given the time frame? DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us - 5- Staff anticipates four areas of policy amendments may arise during the Unified Code project – 1) corrections for omissions or inconsistencies, 2) housekeeping amendments that the Planning Commission, public and staff identify (e.g. fine-tuning Pedestrian Circulation wording), and 3) policy issues from the Siegel report, and 4) policy changes related to the evaluation of the planning application process and green development measures. It is likely a fair amount of minor corrections will be generally agreeable, but some changes may be controversial and need further discussion. In staff’s review of the Land Use Ordinance Review Phase I Housekeeping Edits from 2006 by Siegel Planning, a variety of possible policy changes were identified but not completed in the 2007/2008 Land Use Ordinance Revisions. A memo that was prepared by Siegel Planning Services, LLC in conjunction with the Land Use Ordinance Review in 2006 is attached, and includes a list of policy issues to consider addressing (see Recommendations on pages 2-4). Also attached is a memo outlining an assessment of the Site Design and Use Standards and Ashland Street Standards from Siegel Planning Services, LLC. Staff understands that is important to clearly differentiate and communicate the reorganization and reformatting work from any potential policy or substantive changes. In addition to clearly identifying policy changes in the draft code documents, a summary of the code changes will be provided with the Planning Commission meeting packets. Requested Action: This item is being presented for discussion purposes. Attachments: 1.Draft Unified Land Use Code Project Information Handout 2.Oregon’s Model Development Code, Table of Contents 3.Land Use Ordinance Review, from Scot Siegel, April 4, 2006 4.Site Design and Use Standards and Street Standards Handbook, from Scot Siegel, April 4, 2006 DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Unifiied Lannd Usee Codee Project Informaation INTROUCTION DD The City of Ashland Communityy Developmeent Departmment is underttaking a projject to combbine the Ashlaand Land Usse Ordinancee (ALUO) annd related deevelopment standards innto a Unifiedd Land Usee Code with improved organization, wording, foormatting and graphics. TThe land usee regulations implemennt the commmunity’s visioon as expressed in the AAshland CommprehensivePPlan, and goveerns the deveelopment of property witthin the Cityy limits. The ALUUO has beenn incrementallly amendedd numerous ttimes since it was originaally adoptedd in 1964. Eaach update wwas preparedd and adopted independeently, and theere are severral documennts that compprise the lannd use regulaations and staandards. Ass a result, thee code todayy is sometimees confusingg, is difficult to navigatee, has inadveertent repetittion, and includes slight inconsistenccies. While thee focus of thhe project is reorganizingg the existingg developmeent standards into one usser- friendlyddocument, thhe project wwill also incluude an evaluation of the planning appplication proocess and greenn developmeent measuress, and preparration of codde amendmeent options adddressing thhese areas for consideratioon. There maay be situatioons where chhanges to the land use reegulations arre proposed which resultt in policy chhanges. For example, coorrecting an iinadvertent oomission or inconsistenccy may resullt in a policy cchange, or aaddressing thhe planning aapplicationpprocess and ggreen develoopment meassures may resuult in policy cchanges. Alll policy chaanges will bee clearly commmunicated tthroughouttthe project inn written maaterials and ooral reports. PROJET GOAL ND OBJETIVES CCAACC goall The of the projeect is to present the inforrmation conttained in the existing coddes and standdards so the lannd use ordinance is clearr, consistent,, concise, addaptable and user-friendlly. projject objectivves The are: MMake the codde usable forr a wide variety of code uusers (i.e. appplicants, neighbors, apppointed offficials, electeed officials, staff). MMake the codde easy to naavigate so alll standards related to onee subject aree in one location. MMake the codde clear withh consistent sstandards, deefinitions, foormat and graphics. MMake the codde adaptableso the documment is easyy to amend inn the future aand is a livinng document thaat adjusts witth future chaanges. Immprove timeeliness and ppredictabilityy of planningg applicationn process by removing coode innconsistenciees. AAddress interrnal city department commmunicationand coordinnationfor deevelopment seervices. CConsider streamlining plaanning appliication proceess to addresss Economic Developmeent 1 Strategy priorrity action reegarding timmeliness, preddictability annd potential impacts of development process to eeconomic devvelopment pprojects. Facilitate incrreased use of green deveelopment meeasuresby reemoving barrriers in and addding provissions to the lland use coddes. SCOPEOF PROJCT EE The folloowing develoopment-relatted ordinancces and standdards will bee included inn the project: Title 18 oof the Ashlannd Municipaal Code, Lannd Use Ordinnance Site Desiign and Use Standards AshlandStreet Standdards Recommmended Street Tree Guidee PUBLIC INVOLVEMMENT Over the next 12 monnths (April 22012 – Marcch 2013), thee Planning CCommission wwill overseee the Unified LLand Use Prrojectby reviiewing and rrevising the draft documments at theirr monthly stuudy sessionmmeetings on tthe fourth Tuuesday of thhe month at 77:00 p.m. at the Civic Ceenter Counciil Chamberrs located at 1175 E. Maain St. Ultimmately, a finished draft wwill be compiiled and takeen throughtthe formal puublic hearingg process whhich involvees a public heearing and reecommendattion by the Pllanning Commmission, and a public heearing and ddecision by thhe City Counncil. To ensurre that the puublic is awarre and involvved in this prroject, severaal communiccation tools will be used, as follows: OOpen House –– two to threee public meeetings will bbe held to inntroduce the pproject, provvide innformation aand status uppdates, and ooffer opportuunities for quuestions and comments. Planning Commmission Stuudy Sessionss – the Plannning Commiission study sessions are oppen to the puublic, and innclude a timee for particippants to makke commentss. AAdvisory Commmission Uppdates – stafff will introdduce the projject to the vaarious City AAdvisory Commmissions (ee.g. Historicc Commissioon), and brinng issues to thhe commissiions onn an as-needded basis. LLocal Newspapers – stafff will work wwith local neewspapers too provide infformation abbout thhe project. Project Bullettinby Subsccription – uppdates will bee sent to individuals duriing the projeect. OOn-line Forumm – “Open CCity Hall” wwww.ashlandd.or.us/openncityhallis ann on-line forrum wwhere informmation about the project wwill be regullarly posted. If participaants chose too do soo, they can aalso submit ccomments. Project websiite - the Uniffied Land Usse Code projject website is wwww.ashlandd.or.us/unifieedcode , andd will have uppdated projeect informatiion, meetingg scchedules andd materials. Staff Assistannce - City staaff is availabble to assist wwith questioons and inforrmation abouut the prroject – contactMMaria Harrris, Planniing Managger at 5441-552-20455 or harrism@ashhland.or.us,or Brandonn Goldman,, Senior Pllanner at 5541-552-20776 or goldmanb@aashland.or.uss. The TTY phone is 1-8800-735-29000. 2 PROJECCT SCHEDUULE A.PProject Kickk-Off (April – June 2012) Introdduce project to Planning Commissionn and Advisory Commisssions. HoldOOpen Housee public meeeting. B.PPreparationof Reorgannized “Unified” Code (MMay – June 2012) Preparre outline annd first compplete draft off the reorgannized code foor public andd Planning Commisssion review. C.RReview Unifified Code (JJune – Septeember 2012)) Planning Commisssion review of Unified CCode in grouups of chapteers at study sessioon meetings. Staff wwill refer briing issues too Advisory CCommissionss on an as-neeeded basis. D.EEvaluationoof PlanningApplicationn Process annd Green Deevelopmentt Measures ((July –August 20112) Evaluuate and preppare code ammendment opptions addresssing concerrns regardingg impacct of developpment processs on econommic developmment projectts and facilittating the usse of green ddevelopment measures. Planning Commisssion review of code ameendment opttions. E.RRevise Unifieed Code andd Prepare AAdoption-Reeady Draft (Septemberr – October 2012) Preparre draft of thhe Unified CCode for adopption processs. HoldOOpen Housee meeting. F.PPlanning Commission PPublic Heariing (Novemmber – Decemmber 2012) Planning Commisssion conduccts public hearing and mmakes recommmendation too the CityCCouncil. G.CCity Councill Public Heaaring (January – Marcch 2013) Cityccouncil condducts public hhearing and makes decission on adopption of Uniffied Code. BACKGROUND Improvinng the timelinness and preedictabilityoof the develoopment proceess is a City Council goaal, and a topp priority of tthe Communnity Developpment Deparrtment. Thee City Counccil set a goal to “Increasee the clarity, responsivenness and certtainty of the developmennt process.DDevelop a specificaaction plan tto respond too the recommmendation off the 2006 Zucker and Siiegel reportss.” Creatinga Unified Land Use Codde is a recommmendation of the Siegeel report (i.e.. Land Use Ordinancce Review byy Siegel Plannning Servicces, LLC, 20006), and waas presented as a specificc action iteem to addresss the Council’s goal at tthe City Couuncil meetingg in January 2012. In additioon to creatinng a unified ccode, the prooject will incclude an evaaluation of thhe planning applicatioon process aand green development mmeasures andd prepare code amendmeent options addressinng these areaas for considderation. In aaddition to tthe City Couuncil goal of “Increase thhe clarity, reesponsiveness and certaiinty of the development process…”discussed abbove, the Economiic Developmment Strategyy (adopted Juuly 2011) identifies imprroving the laand use developmment processs as one of seeven top prioority actionss. Specificallly, the actionn says to “manage physical deevelopment pprocess to ennsure understandable reqquirements wwith timely aand predictabble results whhile safeguaarding and immproving thee quality of tthe environmment and the communiity.” In termms of green ddevelopmentt measures, tthe City Couuncil adoptedd the followiing 3 goal, “Addopt land use codes, buillding codes, green buildding standardds, and fee sttructures thaat creates sttrong incentiives for deveelopment thaat is energy, water, and lland efficiennt and supporrts a multi-moodal transporrtation systemm.” The City of Ashland began the process of revviewing the land use andd developmeent process inn 2006 witth an organizzational revieewby Zuckeer Systems aand a land usse ordinancee review by Siegel Pllanning Servvices, LLC.The land usee ordinance review incluuded a code evaluation aand phasedwwork plan forr updating thhe ALUO.TThe first phase of “houseekeeping” coode edits wass completeed in 2007/20008, and creeating a unifiied code wass identified aas a subsequuent phase. QUESTIONS/COMENTS MM Communnity Developpment Deparrtment staff iis committedd to making sure project informationn is accessiblle, complete and accurate, and there are informal and formall opportunitiies for citizenns to participatte and provide input for the project. There arre several ddifferent wayys to get innformation aand to provvide input.Open City Hall www.ashhland.or.us/oopencityhallis an on-linne forum to llearn about and commennt on the prooject. The Uniffied Land UUse Code prroject website is www.aashland.or.us/unifiedcodde will also have updatedpproject inforrmation, meeeting scheduules and mateerials. Finallly, you can write or calll City staff withh questions oor commentts – contact MMaria Harris, Planning MManager at 541-552-2045 or harrism@@ashland.or..us, or Brandon Gooldman, Seenior Plannner at 5441-552-20766 or goldmanbb@ashland.oor.us. The TTTY phone iis 1-800-7355-2900. 4 Oregon’s Model Development Code for Small Cities Table of Contents Article 1. 0Introduction — Chapters: 1. 1. How to Use the Development Code 1. 2. General Administration 1. 3. Definitions 1. 4. Use Categories 1. 5. Enforcement Article 2Land Use Districts - Chapters: 2.1. Organization of Land Use Districts 2.2. Residential (R) Districts 2.3. Commercial (C) Districts 2.4. Industrial (I) Districts 2.5. Overlay (O) Districts Article 3Community Design Standards — Chapters: 3.0 Design Standards Administration 3.1 Access and Circulation 3.2 Landscaping, Street Trees, Fences and Walls 3.3 Parking and Loading 3.4 Public Facilities 3.5 Surface Water Management 3.6 Other Site Design Standards 3.7 Sensitive Lands 3.8 Signs City of __ 1-1 Development Code Article 4 – Administration of Land Use and Development Chapters: 4.1. Types of Review Procedures 4.2. Land Use Review and Site Design Review 4.3. Land Divisions and Property Line Adjustments 4.4. Conditional Use Permits 4.5. Master Planned Developments 4.6. Modifications to Approved Plans and Conditions of Approval 4.7. Land Use District Map and Text Amendments 4.8. Code Interpretations 4.9. Miscellaneous Permits – Temporary Uses, Home Occupations Article 5Exceptions to Code Standards — Chapters: 5.1 Variances 5.2 Non-Conforming Uses and Development 5.3 Lots of Record Article 6 - Map Amendments and Code Interpretations The purpose of Article 6 is to create a place for filing land use district/zoning map amendments made under Chapter 4.7, including Master Planned Developments overlays, and code interpretations made under Chapter 4.8, for reference by staff and applicants. This section of the code does not amend the procedures for completing land use district map and text amendments located in Chapter 4.7. Map amendments shall be located in this section in chronological order based on date of adoption. [Reserved for land use district/zoning amendments and code interpretation decisions.] Oregon’s Model Development Code for Small Cities is partially funded by a grant from the Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) Program, a joint program of the Oregon Department of Transportation and the Oregon Department of Land Conservation City of __ 1-2 Development Code and Development. This TGM grant is financed, in part, by federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21 Century (TEA-21), local st government, and the State of Oregon funds. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect views or policies of the State of Oregon. 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