HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-05-22 Planning PACKET Note: Anyyone wishing too speak at any Planning Commission meetinng is encourageed to do so. If you wish to sppeak, please risee and, after youu have been reecognized by thhe Chair, give yyour name and complete address for the reccord. You will then be allowed to speak. Pleaase note that thhe public testimmony may be limited by the CChair and normaally is not allowed after the Pubblic Hearing is cclosed. ASSHLAND PLAANNING COMMMISSION STUDY SESSIONN MAAY 22, 2012 AAGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER II.. ANNOOUNCEMENTTS • SOUU Student Grooup Researchh Projects IIII. PUBLIC FORUM IVV. DISCUUSSION ITEMMS A. Unnified Land UUse Ordinancce B. Noormal Avenue Neighborhhood Plan V. ADJOURNMENT Inn compliance wwith the Americaans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please coontact the Commmunity Develoopment office aat 541-488-53055 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-22900). Notificattion 48 hours pprior to the mmeeting will enaable the City to make reasonaable arrangemeents to ensure aaccessibility to the meeting (228 CFR 35.1022-35.104 ADDA Title 1). Memo DATE: May 22, 2012 TO:AshlandPlanning Coommission FROM:Maria Haarris, Planninng Manager RE:Unified LLand Use Coode Project UUpdate SSUMMARYY TThe work offreorganizingg the Ashlannd Land Usee Ordinance (ALUO) to ccreate the firrst draft of thhe UUnified Codee is underwaay, and severral issues neeed discussioon. Staff reqquests feedbaack from thee PPlanning Commmission inn three areas - the unifiedd code outlinne, simplifyinng the lists oof allowed uuses, and tthe policy isssues and recommendatioons from the 2006 Land Use Ordinannce Review SSTAFF RECCOMMENDDATION AND REQUEESTED ACTION 11.Unified CCode Outlinee. QQUESTION: Does the PPlanning Commmission haave commennts on the draaft outline foor the unifiedd code? RRECOMMEENDATION//COMMENTTS: Staff recommends tthe proposedd outline beccause groupinng cchapters by ffunction is easier to undeerstand and nnavigate.AAdditionally, staff believees the consollidation oof chapters wwill make thee code more concise by avoiding reddundant infoormation (e.gg. repeating rresidential seetbacks six tiimes in six ddifferent zonning district cchapters). TThe existing land use orddinance incluudes 37 sepaarate chapterrs and is suppplemented bby standards in three sseparate docuuments incluuding the Sitte Design annd Use Standdards, the Strreet Standardds and the RRecommendded Street Tree Guide.ZZoning districts, design sstandards andd proceduress are addresssed sseparately inn individual cchapters. Thhe existing ooutline of thee land use orrdinance (Tittle 18 of the Ashland MMunicipal Code) is on paages 6-23 off the attachedd outline. TThe proposedd outline grooups similar code functioons togetherr in five distiinct parts, wiith each partt ccontaining a group of rellated chapterrs. The five parts are Geeneral Provissions, Zoninng and Plan DDistricts, SSite Developpment and UUse Standardss, Administrrative Proceddures, and DDefinitions annd Rules of MMeasuremennt. The proposed outlinee is on pagess 1-5 of the aattached outlline. CCurrently,mmultiple ordinnance provissions repeat uunnecessarilly. For exammple, the samme informatiion rregarding maaximum permmitted floor area in the HHistoric Disttrict, and connversion of mmulti-familyy ddwelling rental units is inncluded in seeveral resideential zoningg chapters. BBy consolidaating chapterrs, using mmore tables aand using cross-referencces more effeectively, the overall nummber of pages can be reduuced and tthe code willl be easier too use. New ttables can coonsolidate reepetitive listss, which are difficult to rread. Page2 of 5 Examples of code provisions that be summarized in tables include allowed uses, dimensions and lot development standards. The proposed outline groups residential zones in one chapter, and non-residential zones in one chapter, thereby reducing the current ten chapters covering the zoning districts into two chapters. The new chapters will have consolidated tables for land uses allowed and dimensional requirements (e.g. lot size, setbacks, height). An example of a residential zones chapter is attached (Chapter 2.2 Residential Land Use Districts, Oregon Model Development Code). In a similar fashion, the proposed 18-3 Site Development and Design Standards will consolidate the Site Design and Use Standards booklet, Street Standards booklet and miscellaneous design standards in the land use ordinance. The background text from the Site Design and Use Standards and Street Design Standards booklets will not be included in the ordinance, and could be incorporated into handouts in the future. Finally, the proposed 18-4 Administrative Procedures will combine the information about the processing of planning applications currently located throughout the ordinance. 2.Simplifying the Lists of Allowed Land Uses QUESTION: Does the Planning Commission have comments on simplifying the list of land uses allowed in the zoning districts? RECOMMENDATION/COMMENTS: Simplifying the allowed land uses involves replacing the long and varied lists of uses currently included in each of the zoning districts chapters with a table of general land use categories. The purpose is to make the ordinance more concise and easier to read. This approach also assumes that the physical characteristics and impacts of a development are largely addressed by the site development and design standards. Currently, the existing land use ordinance and development review focus largely on the physical characteristics of development, and therefore staff believes simplifying the allowed land uses is consistent with the current planning approval process. However, the Planning Commission should be aware that changing to general categories of allowed uses can be perceived as changing permitted uses or zoning. One of the recommendations of the 2006 Land Use Ordinance Review is to simplify the lists of allowed land uses in the ordinance. Unified and form-based codes typically consolidate what would otherwise be long, decentralized lists of uses into tables. The tables can help make the ordinance more concise and easier to read. The tables also tend to categorize the land uses more generally than do conventional zoning ordinances. A unified code typically provides examples of uses in the definitions section, instead of within the zoning district. An example of am allowed use table is included in the attached Sample Table of Contents for Zoning Regulations. In addition to making the code concise and easier to read, the idea behind using more general categories of allowed land uses is to focus less on the naming types of uses and separating those uses, and instead concentrate more on the physical characteristics of the site and building design, the relationship between buildings to the street and to other buildings, and the scale and types of streets and blocks. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Page3 of 5 Currently, the land use ordinance regulates uses in 12 base zones and several overlay zones. Each zone lists allowed uses, including those that are permitted outright, those permitted with special standards and those allowed conditionally (i.e. conditional use permit). For example, the existing list of Allowed Uses in Chapter 18.32 C-1 Retail Commercial District is as follows. Currently, permitted uses, in and of themselves, do not require a planning approval. However, a new commercial building housing a permitted use requires a Site Review approval. SECTION 18.32.020 Permitted Uses. The following uses and their accessory uses are permitted outright: A. Professional, financial, business and medical offices, and personal service establishments such as beauty and barber shops, launderette, and clothes and laundry pick-up stations. B. Stores, shops and offices supplying commodities or performing services, such as a department store, antique shop, artists supply store, and including a regional shopping center or element of such center, such as a major department store. C. Restaurants. D. Theaters, but not including a drive-in. E. Manufacture or assembly of items sold in a permitted use, provided such manufacturing or assembly occupies six hundred (600) square feet or less, and is contiguous to the permitted retail outlet. F. Mortuaries and crematoriums. G. Printing, publishing, lithography, xerography, copy centers. H. Temporary tree sales, from November 1 to January 1. I. Public and quasi-public utility and service buildings, and public parking lots, but excluding electrical substations. J. Kennels and veterinary clinics, with all animals housed within structures. K. Nightclubs and Bars. Except as provided in 18.32.030, however, no nightclub or bar is permitted within the Historic Interest Area unless it is located in the “D” Downtown Overlay District. SECTION 18.32.025 Special Permitted Uses. The following uses and their accessory uses are permitted outright subject to the requirements of this section and the requirements of Chapter 18.72, Site Design and Use Standards. A.Commercial laundry, cleaning and dyeing establishments. 1. All objectionable odors associated with the use shall be confined to the lot upon which the use is located, to the greatest extent feasible. For the purposes of this provision, the standard for judging "objectionable odors" shall be that of an average, reasonable person with ordinary sensibilities after taking into consideration the character of the neighborhood in which the odor is made and the odor is detected. 2. The use shall comply with all requirements of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. B.Bowling alleys, auditoriums, skating rinks, and miniature golf courses. If parking areas are located within 200' of a residential district, they shall be shielded from residences by a fence or solid vegetative screen a minimum of 4' in height. C.Automobile fuel sales, and automobile and truck repair facilities. These uses may only be located in the Freeway Overlay District as shown on the official zoning map. D.Residential uses. 1. At least 65% of the total gross floor area of the ground floor, or at least 50% of the total lot area if there are multiple buildings shall be designated for permitted or special permitted uses, excluding residential. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Page4 of 5 2. Residential densities shall not exceed 30 dwelling units per acre in the C-1 District, and 60 dwelling units per acre in the C-1-D District. For the purpose of density calculations, units of less than 500 square feet of gross habitable floor area shall count as 0.75 of a unit. 3. Residential uses shall be subject to the same setback, landscaping, and design standards as for permitted uses in the underlying C-1 or C-1-D District. 4. Off-street parking shall not be required for residential uses in the C-1-D District. 5. If the number of residential units exceeds 10, then at least 10% of the residential units shall be affordable for moderate income persons in accord with the standards established by resolution of the Ashland City Council through procedures contained in the resolution. The number of units required to be affordable shall be rounded down to the nearest whole unit. E.Drive-up uses as defined and regulated as follows: 1. Drive-up uses may be approved in the C-1 District only, and only in the area east of a line drawn perpendicular to Ashland Street at the intersection of Ashland Street and Siskiyou Boulevard. 2. Drive-up uses are prohibited in Ashland's Historic Interest Area as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Drive-up uses are subject to the following criteria: a. The average waiting time in line for each vehicle shall not exceed five minutes. Failure to maintain this average waiting time may be grounds for revocation of the approval. b. All facilities providing drive-up service shall provide at least two designated parking spaces immediately beyond the service window or provide other satisfactory methods to allow customers requiring excessive waiting time to receive service while parked. c. A means of egress for vehicular customers who wish to leave the waiting line shall be provided. d. The grade of the stacking area to the drive-up shall either be flat or downhill to eliminate excessive fuel consumption and exhaust during the wait in line. e. The drive-up shall be designed to provide as much natural ventilation as possible to eliminate the buildup of exhaust gases. f. Sufficient stacking area shall be provided to ensure that public rights-of-way are not obstructed. g. The sound level of communications systems shall not exceed 55 decibels at the property line and shall otherwise comply with the Ashland Municipal Code regarding sound levels. h. The number of drive-up uses shall not exceed the 12 in existence on July 1, 1984. Drive- up uses may be transferred to another location in accord with all requirements of this section. The number of drive-up window stalls shall not exceed 1 per location, even if the transferred use had greater than one stall. F. Kennel and veterinary clinics where animals are housed outside, provided the use is not located within 200' of a residential district. SECTION 18.32.030 Conditional Uses. The following uses and their accessory uses are permitted when authorized in accordance with the chapter on Conditional Use Permits: A. Electrical substations. B. Automobile fuel sales, and automobile and truck repair facilities, except as allowed as a special permitted use in 18.32.025. C. New and used car sales, boat, trailer, and recreational vehicles sales and storage areas, except within the Historic Interest Area as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. D. Hotels and motels. E. Temporary uses. F. Outdoor storage of commodities associated with a permitted, special permitted or DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Page5 of 5 conditional use. G. Hostels, provided that the facility be subject to an annual Type I review for at least the first three years, after which time the Planning Commission may approve, under a Type II procedure, a permanent permit for the facility. H. Building material sales yards, but not including concrete or asphalt batch or mixing plants. I. Churches or similar religious institutions. J. Wireless Communication Facilities not permitted outright and authorized pursuant to Section 18.72.180. K. Structures which are greater than forty (40) feet in height, but less than fifty-five (55) feet, in the “D” Downtown Overlay District. The above section might be replaced with something like the following. This list would be part of larger table addressing multiple zones. Special use (‘S’) standards, such as those for nightclubs and bars would be organized alphabetically in a separate code chapter addressing all special uses. C-1 Zone Allowed Uses (Permitted = P Permitted With Standards = S; Conditional = CU) A. Amusement and Entertainment, Enclosed in Building (P) B. Amusement and Entertainment, Not Enclosed in Building (CU) C. Artisanal (Small-Scale Manufacturer), Enclosed in Building (S) D. Artisanal (Small-Scale Manufacturer), Not Enclosed in Building (S) E. Commercial Services, Enclosed in Building (P) F. Commercial Services, Not Enclosed in Building (CU) G. Drive-Through Uses (CU) H. Eating and Drinking Establishments (S) I. Hotels and Motels (CU) 3.Policy Issues and Recommendations from 2006 Land Use Ordinance Review QUESTION: Does the Planning Commission wish to consider the policy issues and recommendations from the 2006 Land Use Ordinance Review? RECOMMENDATION/COMMENTS: Staff recommends working through the attached list, and giving staff preliminary direction on the potential changes. The attached list includes a brief description of the issue and recommendation from the 2006 Land Use Ordinance Review, and the existing standard. Several items were removed from the original list because they were addressed after the 2006 report was prepared including the arterial setback, drive-up uses, affordable housing requirements for annexations and land supply methodology for annexations. SUGGESTED MOTION N/A ATTACHMENTS 1.Unified Code Outline 2.Chapter 2.2 - Residential Land Use Districts, Oregon Model Development Code 3.Sample Table of Contents for Zoning Regulations, Oregon Model Development Code 4.Policy Issues and Recommendations from 2006 Land Use Ordinance Review DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us çîóöó÷øðûîøçé÷íêøóîûîù÷ìêíò÷ùè èÔ×ÖÍÐÐÍÅÓÎÕÍÇÈÐÓÎ×ÕÊÍÇÌÉÉÓÏÓÐÛÊÙÍØ×ÖÇÎÙÈÓÍÎÉÈÍÕ×ÈÔ×ÊÓÎÈÍÖÓÆ×ØÓÉÈÓÎÙÈÌÛÊÈÉÍÖèÓÈÐ× ÅÓÈÔ×ÛÙÔÌÛÊÈÙÍÎÈÛÓÎÓÎÕÛÉÇÓÈ×ÍÖÊ×ÐÛÈ×ØÙÔÛÌÈ×ÊÉÛÎØÉÇÚÉ×ÙÈÓÍÎÉÅÓÈÔÓÎ×ÛÙÔ ÙÔÛÌÈ×Ê ûÉÔÐÛÎØtÉ×ÄÓÉÈÓÎÕÐÛÎØÇÉ×Ê×ÕÇÐÛÈÓÍÎÉÛÊ×ÈÍÚ×ÓÎÙÍÊÌÍÊÛÈ×ØÍÊwÇÎÓÖÓ×ØvÓÎÈÍÈÔ×Î×Å ÖÍÊÏÛÈ÷ÄÓÉÈÓÎÕÊ×ÕÇÐÛÈÓÍÎÉÓÎÙÐÇØ×ÈÔÍÉ×ÙÇÊÊ×ÎÈÐÃÓÎ×ÖÖ×ÙÈÛÎØÈÔÍÉ×ÉÙÔ×ØÇÐ×ØÖÍÊ ÛØÍÌÈÓÍÎÈÔÓÉûÌÊÓÐïÛÃé××Ê×Æ×ÊÉ×ØÓÊ×ÙÈÍÊÃÍÖÙÍØ×ÙÔÛÎÕ×ÉÚ×ÕÓÎÎÓÎÕÍÎÌÛÕ× îÍÌÍÐÓÙÃÙÔÛÎÕ×ÉÛÊ×ÌÊÍÌÍÉ×ØÅÓÈÔÈÔÓÉÌÔÛÉ×ÍÖÅÍÊÑÊ×ÆÓÉÓÍÎÉÅÓÐÐÚ×ÐÓÏÓÈ×ØÈÍ ×ØÓÈÓÎÕÖÍÊÊ×ÛØÛÚÓÐÓÈÃèÔ××ØÓÈÍÊÅÓÐÐÖÐÛÕÉ×ÙÈÓÍÎÉÈÔÛÈÉÔÍÇÐØÚ×Ê×ÆÓÉ×ØÓÎÈÔ×Î×ÄÈÌÔÛÉ× ÍÖÅÍÊÑìÐ×ÛÉ×É××ÈÔ×ÛÙÙÍÏÌÛÎÃÓÎÕÙÍÆ×ÊÏ×ÏÍ ÖÍÊÛØØÓÈÓÍÎÛÐÚÛÙÑÕÊÍÇÎØ éÛÏÌÐ×ùÍØ×ô×ÛØÓÎÕÉ  èÓÈÐ× ÍÖìÛÊÈÉ  õ×Î×ÊÛÐìÊÍÆÓÉÓÍÎÉ   ùÔÛÌÈ×Ê   èÓÈÐ×    é×ÙÈÓÍÎ ûéÇÚÉ×ÙÈÓÍÎ   ìÇÊÌÍÉ× ìÛÊÛÕÊÛÌÔ   ÷ÎÛÙÈÏ×ÎÈÛÎØ÷ÖÖ×ÙÈ ùÊÍÉÉÊ×Ö×Ê×ÎÙ×    û   ùÍÏÌÐÓÛÎÙ×ê×ËÇÓÊ×Ø  óÎÈ×ÊÌÊ×ÈÛÈÓÍÎáÛÐÐÍÅÉÙÓÈÃÈÍÛØÍÌÈÔÛÎØÚÍÍÑÉ×ÕÖÍÊì×ÊÖÍÊÏÛÎÙ× éÈÛÎØÛÊØÉíÌÈÓÍÎÍÊéÇÉÈÛÓÎÛÚÓÐÓÈÃß  ðÍÈÍÖê×ÙÍÊØ 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Issue: Whether to exempt porous paving materials. Suggestion: Consider exempting a percentage of area developed with an approved, pervious paving system from the lot coverage calculations. Applicants would need to have porous surfaces engineered to ensure property storm water infiltration. Existing Standard: SECTION 18.08.160 Coverage, lot or site. Total area of all, buildings, parking areas, driveways, as well as other solid surfaces that will not allow normal water infiltration to the ground. The coverage is expressed as a percentage of such area in relation to the total gross area of the lot or site. Landscaping which does not negatively impact the natural water retention and soil characteristics of the site shall not be deemed part of the lot or site coverage. Slopes 2. Suggestion: Update the Comprehensive Plan to be consistent with the land use ordinance, which restricts development to slopes of 35% or less. R-1 Corner Lots 3. Issue: Minimum lot area for a corner lot in the Single-Family Residential District is 6,000 and minimum lot width is 60 feet, whereas interior lots are required to be 5,000 square feet in size and 50 feet wide. Suggestion: Consider dropping the 6,000 minimum for corner lots. As long as setbacks and other development standards are met, 5,000 square feet is sufficient. Existing Standard: SECTION 18.20.040 General Regulations. Minimum lot area: A. Basic minimum lot area in the R-1 zone shall be five thousand (5,000) square feet, except six thousand (6,000) square feet for corner lots. R-1 areas may be designed for seventy-five hundred (7,500), or ten thousand (10,000) square foot minimum lot sizes where slopes or other conditions make larger sizes necessary. Permitted lot sizes shall be indicated by a number following the R-1 Unified Land Use Code Page 1 of 12 May 22, 2012 notation which represents allowable minimum square footage in thousands of square feet, as follows: R-1-5 5,000 square feet R-1-7.57,500 square feet R-1-10 10,000 square feet Minimum lot width: B. Interior lots 50 feet Corner lots 60 feet All R-1-7.5 lots65 feet All R-1-10 lots 75 feet R- 1 Lot Depth 4. Issue: The existing provision is too restrictive and may have unintended consequences such as promoting deep cuts and fills on hillside lots. Wide shallow lots can work better than deep-narrow lots for hillside development. Suggestion: Make minimum lot depth the same as minimum lot width provided the lot meets the minimum area standards. Existing Standard: 18.20.040.C Lot Depth: C. All lots shall have a minimum depth of eighty (80) feet, and a maximum depth of one hundred fifty (150) feet unless lot configuration prevents further development of the back of the lot. Maximum lot depth requirements shall not apply to lots created by a minor land partition. No lot shall have a width greater than its depth, and no lot shall exceed one hundred fifty (150) feet in width. R-1 Front Porch 5. Issue: The required setback to an unenclosed porch is eight feet in the R-1 zone, but is ten feet in the R-2 and R-3 zones. Unified Land Use Code Page 2 of 12 May 22, 2012 Suggestion: Change porch setback to 10 feet to be consistent with R-2 and R-3 zones. Existing Standard: 18.20.040.D Standard Yard Requirements: D. Front yards shall be a minimum of, 15 feet excluding garages. Unenclosed porches shall be permitted with a minimum setback of eight feet or the width of any existing public utility easement, whichever is greater, from the front property line. All garages accessed from the front shall have a minimum setback of 20' from the front property line; side yards, six feet; the side yard of a corner lot abutting a public street shall have a ten foot setback; rear yard, ten feet plus ten feet for each story in excess of one story. In addition, the setbacks must comply with Chapter 18.70 which provides for Solar Access. R- 1-3.5 Housing Types 6. Issue: Clarify desired multifamily housing types that are compatible with R-1-3.5 and to encourage innovative housing. Suggestion: Replace 18.22.020.B (below) with: subject to site review. Appropriate multi-family uses are B. Multi-family dwellings, two-family structures, cottage cluster developments and other building types that are of a similar scale and density. Existing Standard: SECTION 18.22.020 Permitted Uses. A. Single-family dwellings. B. Multi-family dwellings. C. Agriculture. D. Public schools, parks and recreation facilities. E. Residential planned unit developments when authorized in accordance with Chapter 18.88. F. Home occupations. G. Boarding or rooming houses, fraternity or sorority houses and dormitories. H. Nursery schools, kindergartens and day nurseries. I. Mobile home developments when authorized in accordance with Chapter 18.84. Distance Between Buildings in R-1-3.5, R-2 and R-3 7. Suggestion: Recommend stepping back upper building stories away from adjacent, single-story residential uses, as an alternative to moving the entire building away with extra yard setback to encourage more efficient use of land and creative in design of buildings, especially for infill situations. Existing Standard: Unified Land Use Code Page 3 of 12 May 22, 2012 18.22.040.E.318.24.040.E.3 and 18.28.040.E.3 (R-1-3.5),(R-2)(R-3) Special Yards--Distances Between Buildings. 1. The distance between any principal building and an accessory building shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet. 2. An inner court providing access to a double-row dwelling group shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet. 3. The distance between principal buildings shall be at least one-half (½) the sum of the height of both buildings; provided, however, that in no case shall the distance be less than twelve (12) feet. Affordable Housing Density Bonus in R-2 and R-3 8. Suggestion: Recommend increasing density bonus for affordable housing from 1% to 2% ( 2:1 density bonus) to provide a greater incentive for affordability, while limiting total bonus to 20% address concerns about neighborhood compatibility. Existing Standard: 18.24.040.B.d (R-2), 18.28.040.B.3.d (R-3) d. Affordable Housing - for every percent of units that are affordable, an equivalent percentage of density bonus shall be allowed. Maximum bonus of 25%. Affordable housing bonus shall be for residential units that are affordable for moderate income persons in accord with the standards established by resolution of the City Council and guaranteed affordable through procedures contained in said resolution. North Mountain Core Overlay - Multi-Family 9. Issue: Neighborhood Core Overlay is 12 units per acre, and is transition area between Central Core (20 residential units per acre and commercial uses allowed) and the Single- Family Residential Overlay (3.6 to 5 units per acre). Housing design standards for North Mountain Neighborhood require street elevations to be broken with reveals, recesses, trim elements and architectural features such as dormers, gables covered porch entries. Suggestion: Consider providing a range of lot coverage standards based on building types consistent with desired character and scale of North Mountain Neighborhood Plan (e.g., live-work units, townhomes, and small lot single family) would be allowed to cover 75% as is currently allowed; apartments, which typically have central open space, would be able to cover 65%. Existing Standard: 18.30.040.D Unified Land Use Code Page 4 of 12 May 22, 2012 D.Lot Coverage : 75 percent C-1 Residential Uses 10. Issue: It is unclear how to calculate the allowed residential uses for sites with multiple buildings, and whether ground floor parking counts toward the 65% minimum. Suggestion: Resolve how much residential to allow, and on what portions of the site; need to resolve whether underground parking is counted toward floor area for purposes of the C-1 residential limit. Existing Standard: 18.32.025.D D.Residential uses. 1. At least 65% of the total gross floor area of the ground floor, or at least 50% of the total lot area if there are multiple buildings shall be designated for permitted or special permitted uses, excluding residential. 2. Residential densities shall not exceed 30 dwelling units per acre in the C-1 District, and 60 dwelling units per acre in the C-1-D District. For the purpose of density calculations, units of less than 500 square feet of gross habitable floor area shall count as 0.75 of a unit. 3. Residential uses shall be subject to the same setback, landscaping, and design standards as for permitted uses in the underlying C-1 or C-1-D District. 4. Off-street parking shall not be required for residential uses in the C-1-D District. 5. If the number of residential units exceeds 10, then at least 10% of the residential units shall be affordable for moderate income persons in accord with the standards established by resolution of the Ashland City Council through procedures contained in the resolution. The number of units required to be affordable shall be rounded down to the nearest whole unit. Solar Access Setback in C-1 11. Issue: Solar requirements typically do not work well in commercial areas. Suggestion: Recommend deleting solar requirements in the C-1 zone in addition to current exemption for C-1-D (downtown). Existing Standard: SECTION 18.32.050 "D" Downtown Overlay District. A. In all areas within the "D" Downtown Overlay District, all uses are not required to provide off-street parking or loading areas, except for hotel, motel, or hostel uses. All Unified Land Use Code Page 5 of 12 May 22, 2012 parking areas provided shall comply with the Off-Street Parking chapter and the Site Review chapter. B. Structures which are greater than 40 feet in height, but less than 55 feet, may be permitted as a conditional use. C. The solar access setback does not apply in the "D" Overlay district." C-1 Building Height 12. Issue: The existing height and rear yard setbacks from residential districts results in 30 to 40-feet rear yards, which are likely to be used for surface parking. This isn’t very efficient use of land, limits opportunities mixed-uses, and discourages structured parking. Suggestion: Consider allowing greater building height for portions of a site that are oriented away from residential districts, and reducing rear setbacks from residential districts from ten feet to five feet per story. Existing Standard : SECTION 18.32.040 General Regulations. A. Area, Width, Yard Requirements. There shall be no lot area, width, coverage, front yard, side yard, or rear yard, except as required under the Off-Street Parking and Solar Access Chapters; where required or increased for conditional uses; where required by the Site Review Chapter or where abutting a residential district, where such setback shall be maintained at ten feet per story for rear yards and ten feet for side yards. HC Lot Depth and Yards 13. Issue: Health-related services are more parking intensive than other office uses because they accommodate more people per square foot. Suggestion: Recommend allowing deeper lots and shallower front setbacks to accommodate parking behind buildings. Additional setbacks can be allowed for buildings with circular driveway/covered front loading and drop off area. Existing Standard: SECTION 18.54.040 General Regulations. A. Minimum lot area: Minimum lot area shall be 5,000 square feet. B. Minimum lot width: Minimum lot width shall be 50 feet. C. Minimum lot depth: All lots shall have a minimum depth of 80 feet. No lot depth shall be more than two and one-half times its width. Unified Land Use Code Page 6 of 12 May 22, 2012 D. Standard yard requirements: Front yard, 20 feet; side yards, six feet; rear yard, 10 feet, plus 10 feet for each story in excess of one story. The side yard of a corner lot abutting a public street shall be 10 feet. In addition, the setbacks must comply with Section 18.70 of this title which provides for solar access. E. Special Yards - distances between buildings. 1. The distance between any principal building and accessory building shall be a minimum of 10 feet. 2. An inner court providing access to a double-row dwelling group shall be a minimum of 20 feet. F. Maximum height: No structure shall be over 35 feet in height. G. Maximum coverage: Maximum lot coverage shall be 65%. Non-conforming Uses 14. Issue: Six months isn’t long, and can be an enforcement problem. Suggestion: Consider allowing longer than six months before requiring non-conforming uses to conform. Existing Standard: SECTION 18.68.090 Nonconforming Uses and Structures. B. Discontinuance. If the nonconforming use of a building structure, or premises ceases for a period of six (6) months or more, said use shall be considered abandoned; and said building, structure, or premises shall thereafter be used only for uses permitted in the district in which it is located. Discontinuance shall not include a period of active reconstruction following a fire or other result of natural hazard; and the Planning Commission may extend the discontinuance period in the event of special unique unforeseen circumstances. C. Reactivation. A non-conforming use, which has been abandoned for a period of more than six (6) months may be reactivated to an equivalent or more restricted use through the Conditional Use and Site Review process. In evaluating whether or not to permit the reactivation of a non-conforming use, the Planning Commission, in addition to using the criteria required for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Review, shall also use the following additional criteria: 1. That any improvements for the reactivation of the non-conforming use on the site shall be less than fifty (50%) percent of the value of the structure. The value of the structure shall be determined by an independent real estate appraiser licensed in the State of Oregon. The value of the improvement shall be determined based upon copies of the contractor’s bid for said improvements, which shall be required with the Conditional Use permit application. Personal property necessary for the operation of the business or site improvements not Unified Land Use Code Page 7 of 12 May 22, 2012 included in the structure shall not be counted as improvements under this criterion. 2. An assessment that the traffic generated by the proposed use would not be greater than permitted uses on the site. In assessing the traffic generated by the proposed use, the Planning Commission shall consider the number of vehicle trips per day, the hours of operation, and the types of traffic generated; i.e., truck or passenger vehicle. The Planning Commission shall modify the Conditional Use Permit so that the operation of the non-conforming use is limited to the same traffic impact as permitted uses in the same zone. 3. That the noise generated by the proposal will be mitigated so that it complies with the Ashland Noise Ordinance, Chapter 9.08.170, and also that it does not exceed the average ambient noise level already existing in the area, as measured by this standard. 4. That there will be no lighting of the property which would have direct illumination on adjacent uses and that there would be no reflected light from the property greater than the amount of reflected light from any permitted use in that same zone. 5. In a residential zone the findings must further address that such reactivation will further implement Goal VI, Policy 2, Housing Chapter of the Ashland Comprehensive Plan. 6. Nothing herein shall apply to non-conforming signs, which are governed by the provisions of Section 18.96.150 of this Code. Parking for Small Multifamily Units, Assisted Living etc. 15. Issue: Recommend reduced parking ratios to conserve land. Specifically, for single- family and multi-family dwellings, other communities allow 1.5 spaces for a 2-bedroom unit, and this usually works in areas with on-street parking. For retirement complexes, one space per unit is excessive for some retirement complexes, such as assisted living and for residents who typically do not drive. Suggestion: Consider reducing requirements to 1.5 spaces for 2-bedroom units. Consider allowing reductions of 0.3 – 0.5 spaces for each retirement complex unit, with a nominal amount of visitor and employee parking, with an administrative variance. The actual demand really depends on what type of senior housing is proposed. Existing Standard: SECTION 18.92.030 Automobile Parking Spaces Required. Uses and standards are as follows: Residential Uses A.. For residential uses the following automobile parking spaces are required. Unified Land Use Code Page 8 of 12 May 22, 2012 1. Single family dwellings. Two spaces for the primary dwelling unit and the following for accessory residential units: a. Studio units or 1-bedroom units less than 500 sq. ft. -- 1 space/unit. b. 1-bedroom units 500 sq. ft. or larger -- 1.50 spaces/unit. c. 2-bedroom units --1.75 spaces/unit. d. 3-bedroom or greater units -- 2.00 spaces/unit. 2. Multi-family dwellings. a. Studio units or 1-bedroom units less than 500 sq. ft. -- 1 space/unit. b. 1-bedroom units 500 sq. ft. or larger -- 1.50 spaces/unit. c. 2-bedroom units -- 1.75 spaces/unit. d. 3-bedroom or greater units -- 2.00 spaces/unit. e. Retirement complexes for seniors 55-years or greater -- One space per unit. 3. Clubs, fraternity and sorority houses, rooming and boarding houses, dormitories. Two spaces for each three guest rooms; in dormitories, 100 square feet shall be equivalent to a guest room. 4. Hotels and motels. One space for each guest room, plus one space for the owner or manager. 5. Manufactured housing developments. Parking requirements are as established in Chapter 18.84. 6. Performance Standards Developments. Parking requirements are as established in Chapter 18.88. Parking for Medical Offices 16. Issue: Health-related services are more parking intensive than other office uses because they accommodate more people per square foot. Suggestion: Recommend increase from 1 space per 350 square feet to 1 space per 300 square feet. The change is consistent with other jurisdictions but it should be evaluated for impacts on existing uses before it is finalized. Existing Standard: SECTION 18.92.030 Automobile Parking Spaces Required. Uses and standards are as follows: Commercial Uses. B. For commercial uses the following automobile parking spaces are required. 1. Auto, boat or trailer sales, retail nurseries and other open-space uses. One space per 1,000 square feet of the first 10,000 square feet of gross land area; plus one space per 5,000 square feet for the excess over 10,000 square feet of gross land area; and one per two employees. 2. Bowling Alleys. Unified Land Use Code Page 9 of 12 May 22, 2012 Three spaces per alley, plus additional spaces for auxiliary activities set forth in this section. 3. Business, general retail, person services. General - one space for 350 square feet of gross floor area. Furniture and appliances - one space per 750 square feet of gross floor area. 4. Chapels and mortuaries. One space per four fixed seats in the main chapel. 5. Offices. Medical and dental - one space per 350 square feet of gross floor area. General - one space per 500 square feet of gross floor area. 6. Restaurants, bars, ice cream parlors and similar uses. One space per four seats or one space per 100 sq. ft. of gross leasable floor area, whichever is less. 7. Skating rinks. One space per 350 sq. ft. of gross building area. 8. Theaters, auditoriums, stadiums, gymnasiums and similar uses. One space per four seats. (Ord 3034, amended, 08/17/10) Accessory Residential Units 17. Issue: Need to determine whether accessory residential units are target uses in R-1 (Single-Family Residential). Suggestion: Consider establishing a maximum allowable density or spacing standard for accessory residential units. Existing Standard: SECTION 18.20.030 R-1, Conditional Uses. The following uses and their accessory uses are permitted when authorized in accordance with Chapter 18.104, Conditional Use Permits. H. Accessory residential units, subject to the Type I procedure and criteria, and the following additional criteria: 1. The proposal must conform with the overall maximum lot coverage and setback requirements of the underlying zone. 2. The maximum number of dwelling units shall not exceed 2 per lot. 3. The maximum gross habitable floor area (GHFA) of the accessory residential structure shall not exceed 50% of the GHFA of the primary residence on the lot, and shall not exceed 1000 sq. ft. GHFA. 4. Additional parking shall be in conformance with the off-street Parking provisions for single-family dwellings of this Title. SECTION 18.104.020 Definitions. The following are definitions for use in this chapter. Unified Land Use Code Page 10 of 12 May 22, 2012 "Target Use" B. - The basic permitted use in the zone, as defined below. 2. R-1 (Single Family Residential) zones: Residential use complying with all ordinance requirements, developed at the density permitted by Section 18.88.040. SECTION 18.104.050 Approval Criteria. A conditional use permit shall be granted if the approval authority finds that the proposed use conforms, or can be made to conform through the imposition of conditions, with the following approval criteria. A. That the use would be in conformance with all standards within the zoning district in which the use is proposed to be located, and in conformance with relevant Comprehensive plan policies that are not implemented by any City, State, or Federal law or program. B. That adequate capacity of City facilities for water, sewer, paved access to and through the development, electricity, urban storm drainage, and adequate transportation can and will be provided to and through the subject property. C. That the conditional use will have no greater adverse material effect on the livability of the impact area when compared to the development of the subject lot with the target use of the zone. When evaluating the effect of the proposed use on the impact area, the following factors of livability of the impact area shall be considered in relation to the target use of the zone: 1. Similarity in scale, bulk, and coverage. 2. Generation of traffic and effects on surrounding streets. Increases in pedestrian, bicycle, and mass transit use are considered beneficial regardless of capacity of facilities. 3. Architectural compatibility with the impact area. 4. Air quality, including the generation of dust, odors, or other environmental pollutants. 5. Generation of noise, light, and glare. 6. The development of adjacent properties as envisioned in the Comprehensive Plan. 7. Other factors found to be relevant by the Hearing Authority for review of the proposed use. Railroad District Conditional Uses 18. Issue: Concern about cumulative impact of Conditional Use Permits, particularly professional offices and travelers accommodations in the Railroad District. Suggestion: Proposed language (see below) attempts to address the concern over cumulative impacts of conditional uses. Unified Land Use Code Page 11 of 12 May 22, 2012 Existing Standard: SECTION 18.104.050 Approval Criteria. A conditional use permit shall be granted if the approval authority finds that the proposed use conforms, or can be made to conform through the imposition of conditions, with the following approval criteria. A. That the use would be in conformance with all standards within the zoning district in which the use is proposed to be located, and in conformance with relevant Comprehensive plan policies that are not implemented by any City, State, or Federal law or program. B. That adequate capacity of City facilities for water, sewer, paved access to and through the development, electricity, urban storm drainage, and adequate transportation can and will be provided to and through the subject property. C. That the conditional use will have no greater adverse material effect on the livability of the impact area when compared to the development of the subject lot with the target use of the zone. When evaluating the effect of the proposed use on the impact area, the following factors of livability of the impact area shall be considered in relation to the target use of the zone: 1. Similarity in scale, bulk, and coverage. 2. Generation of traffic and effects on surrounding streets. Increases in pedestrian, bicycle, and mass transit use are considered beneficial regardless of capacity of facilities. 3. Architectural compatibility with the impact area. 4. Air quality, including the generation of dust, odors, or other environmental pollutants. 5. Generation of noise, light, and glare. , including the cumulative effect of the 6. The development of adjacent properties proposed conditional use with other conditional uses in the vicinity (i.e. within # feet) of the subject site, as envisioned in the Comprehensive Plan. 7. Other factors found to be relevant by the Hearing Authority for review of the proposed use. Unified Land Use Code Page 12 of 12 May 22, 2012 Memoo Planninng Commmission StudySSessionn 5/22/20012 TO: Ashhland Planning Commisssion FROM:Braandon Goldmman, Senior PPlanner Braandon.Goldmman@ashlannd.or.us RE: Normaal Avenue Neeighborhoodd Plan Summary On May1, 22012 the Cityy Council auuthorized an Intergovernmmental Agreeement (IGAA) with Oreggon Department of Transporrtation’s (ODDOT) Transpportation andd Growth MManagement ((TGM) proggram to undertake thhe developmment of the NNormal Avennue Neighborrhood Plan. The objectivve of TGM ffunded projects is too better integgrate transpoortation and land use plaanning and ddevelop new ways to mannage growth in orrder to achieeve compact pedestrian,bicycle, andd transit frienndly developpment. The CCity of Ashland hass been awardded a $70,0000 TGM Graant to develoop the Normaal Avenue NNeighborhoodd Plan. The Normall Avenue NeeighborhoodPlan is intennded to guidde future chaanges to the aarea in a wayy that supports a ccompact neigghborhood foorm, and whhich will ultimmately accommodate a vvariety of hoousing, connect a syystem of greeenways, protect and inteegrate existinng creek corrridors and wwetlands, andd enhance moobility for areea residents through estaablishing saffe and direct walking andd bicycle rouutes, as well as helpp to build a fooundation thhat supports future bus seervice in thee area. Plan ppreparationiis expected to be completeed by July 20013. Upon completionoof this projecct, the Normaal Avenue Neighborhoood Plan willl provide a ccoordinated aapproach forr future area developmennt. This neighborhood plannning effort wwill address the followinng objectivess: Project Objjectives Increease efficienncy in the usee of land thrrough concenntration of hhousing in a ccentrally loccated areawithin the CCity UGB pllanned for fuuture urban ddevelopmentt; Achiieve a develoopment patteern that resuults in a balannced, multi-modal transpportation sysstem andtthat enhancees opportunitties for walkking, bicyclinng or using ttransit in areeas planned ffor transsit service; Delineate housinng, neighborrhood serving commerciaal, open spacce, public sppace, and greeen infraastructure immprovementss, in a manneer that providdes for preseervation andd enhancemennt of creekks and wetlaands; Deveelop new illuustrative connceptual archhitectural annd site plans for Project AArea consistent with Trannsportationaand Growth MManagemennt objectives.. Concepts wwill meet City’s and the propperty owners’ developmeent goals andd standards. Desiign a local sttreet grid forr the Project Area includding connections to existting and plannned streeet, pedestriann, and bicyclle facilities ooutside Projeect Area, to mmore fully inntegrate the Project Areaa into the Citty transportaation system; PPage 1 of 2 Provvide for pedeestrian and bbicycle routes and facilityy improvements within tthe Project AArea thatwill providee safe access to local schhools; Provvide alternatiives to, or deelay the needd for, expanssion of the CCity UGB; Reduuce emissionns that contribute to climmate change through changes to transsportation orr land usepplans that reduce expecteed automobiile vehicle mmiles traveledd; Provvide an impleementation sstrategy that includes suppporting Commprehensivee Plan and uupdated TSPamendmentts, form baseed codes, andd design stanndards; and Present the Plan and documeentation neceessary to suppport adoptioon to City’s Planning Commmission (PCC) and City CCouncil (Council). ATTACHMMENTS: Estimmated projecct timeline Plann area aerial pphoto Plann area naturall resources mmap PPage 2 of 2 -IN aaa o- �I wo 1 z � q �y L — cn p ------- (J) (a q � K O . t ,- � O O ' ia�mnN L �aaa�g Aej:D - (D LL (D Clay Crook N 04 r 44 O - q - O L a ---- r q� 4 w L -'---- -�- "=k k. t 0 N ses vi T � r PULIRO q Z c �pano duaiur�� igny�eWjoN M R � f{ O bNo r y Q O ca --------------- .. i C C, ,TS 7 N -------- y EL Z ° ° q --------- ' -- - -- q y -__ q i s N O — - t Y -- r Q co _ CO � � — --- w - __ __ _ � _ q any aa iaM -� EIq � a Q