HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-06-26 Planning PACKET Note: Anyyone wishing too speak at any Planning Commission meetinng is encourageed to do so. If you wish to sppeak, please risee and, after youu have been reecognized by thhe Chair, give yyour name and complete address for the reccord. You will then be allowed to speak. Pleaase note that thhe public testimmony may be limited by the CChair and normaally is not allowed after the Pubblic Hearing is cclosed. ASSHLAND PLAANNING COMMMISSION SPECCIAL MEETINNG JUNNE 26, 2012 AAGENDA MEETING LOCATION:SSISKIYOU COONFERENCEE ROOM 551 WINBURNN WAY I. CALL TO ORDER II.. ANNOOUNCEMENTTS IIII. PUBLIC FORUM IVV. PRESENTATION A. Etthics & Commmission Guiddelines (Dave Lohman, CCity Attorneyy) V. PUBLIC HEARINGGS A. PLLANNING ACCTION: #20122-00573 APPPLICANT: CCity of Ashland LOOCATION: Noot property-sspecific ORRDINANCE RREFERENCEE: 18.108.170 Legislative AAmendmentts REEQUEST: A Legislative Amendmennt is propossed to adoppt a new ""Chapter XVV - Reegional Plann" element tto the City of Ashland Comprehennsive Plan tto incorporaate appplicable porrtions of thee Greater Beear Creek VValley Regionnal Problemm Solving Plaan (“tthe RPS Plaan”) and too acknowledgge revised ppopulation aallocationsffor the City of Asshland. Jackkson Countyy recently adopted the RPPS Plan whicch identifies urban reservve areeas to accommmodate a doubling of the region’ss population, but before the RPS Plaan caan take effecct, each of the six parrticipating ccities in the region (Asshland, Talennt, Phhoenix, Medfford, Centrall Point and EEagle Point) must adopt the applicabble portions of thee plan into ttheir compreehensive plaans and impllementing orrdinances. (AAshland is the onnly participating city whhich has nott identified urban reservves as the city’s existinng urrban growth boundary wwas determinned to be sufficient to accommodaate anticipateed grrowth. Adopption of the nnew elementt incorporatees those porrtions of the Regional Plaan aplicable to shland as signatory articipant with no identiied urban rserves.) ppAAaappffee VI. ADJOURNMENT Inn compliance wwith the Americaans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please coontact the Commmunity Develoopment office aat 541-488-53055 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-22900). Notificattion 48 hours pprior to the mmeeting will enaable the City to make reasonaable arrangemeents to ensure aaccessibility tothe meeting (228 CFR 35.1022-35.104 ADDA Title 1). ÔÛÙ×ÍÔßÌ×ÊÛ ßÓÛÒÜÓÛÒÌ ÐËÞÔ×Ý ØÛßÎ×ÒÙ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ýîðïîóððëéí APPENDIX [Reserved for future Urban Reserve Management Agreement (URMA) to be agreed to jointly by Jack- son County and the City of Ashland at the time Urban Reserves are identified for Ashland. ] Regional Plan Element Page 19 of 19