HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-25 Planning PACKET Total Page Number: 2 _________________________________ Total Page Number: 3 Total Page Number: 4 Memo DATE: June 25, 2024 TO: Planning Commissioners FROM: Derek Severson, Planning Manager RE: SOU Masterplan Background Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 2 – Land Use Planning and Chapter 197 of the Oregon Revised Statutes both require that the planning activities of colleges and universities as state agencies be coordinated with cities to ensure compatibility with the city’s Comprehensive Plan and local land use ordinances.To that end, Ashland has adopted Southern Oregon University’s master plans by ordinance as supporting documents to the Comprehensive Plan and hascreated a specific chapter in the land use ordinance (AMC 18.3.6) which details regulations specific to the Southern Oregon (SO) University District to reflect the master plan. In August of 1990, the Ashland City Council adopted the “ as prepared by Southern Oregon State College with amendments by the City of Ashland. In February of 2000, the Ashland City Council adopted the “ ” as prepared by Southern Oregon University with amendments by the City of Ashland. In May of 2010, the Ashland City Council adopted the “ ” as prepared by Southern Oregon University with amendments by the City of Ashland. Master plans of thisnaturearetypically prepared on a ten-year planning horizon. SOU began conversations with Planning staff about updating their Master Plan priorto 2020, but this process was delayed due to thepandemic. TheUniversity is nowlooking to begin a “light update” of their Master Plan looking primarily to address planned COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 51 Winburn Way Tel: 541.488.5305 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2050 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 Total Page Number: 5 projects, changes to thecampus since the last update, and issues that are foreseen to arise over the planning horizon. Tonight’s Discussion Staff will provide a brief presentation to give an overview of the existing master plan, changes that have been approved since adoption, and some issues likely tobe encountered with a lightupdateto the master plan. SOU’s team for the master planupdate process (James McNamara, Rob Patridge and Alan Harper) will present tonight tospeak about theupdate process and answer Commissioners’ questions. Next Steps In discussions with SOU’s team, they anticipatethat they will be bringing forth a proposed light update to the SOU Master Plan in the fall of this year. At that time, there will be study sessions before the Planning Commission and Council followed by hearings and theultimate adoption by ordinance of the updated SOU Master Plan as a supporting document to the Comprehensive Plan, along with any necessary modifications to the Chapter 18.3.6 “Southern Oregon University District”, which regulates land uses on the campus in keeping with the master plan, and any associated updates tothe Zoning and Comprehensive Planmaps (if applicable). Tonight’s discussion is intended to give Planning Commissioners some background on the master plan and update process inadvance of the process beginning this fall. For Reference SOU Campus Master Plan Update 2010-2020 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 51 Winburn Way Tel: 541.488.5305 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2050 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 Total Page Number: 6 Total Page Number: 7 Total Page Number: 8 Total Page Number: 9 Number: 10 Page Total Number: 11 Page Total Number: 12 Page Total Number: 13 Page Total Number: 14 Page Total Number: 15 Page Total Number: 16 Page Total Number: 17 Page Total Number: 18 Page Total Number: 19 Page Total Number: 20 Page Total Number: 21 Page Total Number: 22 Page Total Number: 23 Page Total Number: 24 Page Total Number: 25 Page Total Number: 26 Page Total Number: 27 Page Total Number: 28 Page Total Number: 29 Page Total Number: 30 Page Total Number: 31 Page Total Memo DATE: June 25, 2024 TO: Planning Commissioners FROM: Derek Severson, Planning Manager RE: Southern Oregon University (SOU) Business Venture Tournament Team Presentation The Business Venture Tournament is a “Shark Tank-inspired” experience for student competitors that includes a workshop and anawards competition. SOU’s team hopes touse thetournament to raise awareness about local resources and support for venture start-ups and small businesses. Students onSouthern Oregon University’s first annual Business Venture Tournament team have been tasked with preparing a proposal to transform theold AshlandStreet Cinema building at 1644 Ashland Street into a place that allows young people to socialize and find a purpose while also accommodating new business ideas to benefit the community. Your packet includes an SOU News article on the tournament, an explanation of the Ashland Street Cinema Business Concept Proposal, and the informationabout thebuildingthat was provided to the students entering the tournament. SOU reached out to Planning staff and Council members asking to present the winning proposal to the Counciland Planning Commission both to further theidea of sustainable business development in Ashland and to strengthen the relationship between the University and the City of Ashland. Students will have 20-30 minutes on tonight’s agenda to present and answer any questions from Planning Commissioners about their proposal. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 51 Winburn Way Tel: 541.488.5305 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541.552.2050 ashland.oregon.govTTY: 800.735.2900 Total Page Number: 32