HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-05-25 Planning PACKET ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING May 25, 2021 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM II. ANNOUNCEMENTS A.LUBA decision for PA-T3-2019-00001, 1511 Hwy 99 North (Attached) III. PUBLIC FORUM IV.UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Approval of Findings for PA-T1-2021-00141, 599 East Main Street. B. Approval of Findings for PA-L-2021-00010, Duplex and Accessory Residential Units code amendments. V. ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). ANNOUNCEMENTS _________________________________ PA-T3-2019-00001 LUBA DECISION Memo DATE: 5/21/2021 TO: Ashland Planning Commission FROM: Bill Molnar, Community Development Director RE: LUBA decision for PA-T3-2019-00001, 1511 Hwy 99 North On May 12th, the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) provided their Final Opinion and Order and reversed the city's annexation approval for two parcels totaling 16.87 acres at 1511 Highway 99N (Applicant: Kendrick Enterprise LLC and Casita Developments). In reversing the city's approval, LUBA determined that the city's annexation criteria require that Highway 99N, which runs adjacent to the property, be improved to full city street standards with a public sidewalk separated from the travel lane by a seven to eight-foot wide landscaped planting strip. The city's approval granted an Exception to allow installation of a section of curbside sidewalk to accommodate a bus pull-out lane for a new transit stop and an additional curbside section necessary to adjust to topographical constraints and an existing roadside drainage ditch. LUBA agreed with the Appellant, finding that the Ashland Municipal Code does not allow the city to approve Exceptions to the annexation approval criteria. Under the Ashland Municipal Code, Exceptions apply to proposals for new development or land divisions, neither of which were proposed as part of the application for annexation. Department of Community Development Tel: 541-488-5305 51 Winburn Way Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us FINDINGS _________________________________ PA-T1-2021-00141 599 East Main BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION May 25, 2021 IN THE MATTER OF PLANNING ACTION #PA-T1-2021-00141, A REQUEST FOR ) SITE DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL TO MODIFY THE EXISTING BUILDING AT ) 599 EAST MAIN STREET INCLUDING CONVERTING THE FORMER CHURCH TO ) A MODERN OFFICE BUILDING AND ADDING A NEW ENTRY . THE APPLI- ) CATION ALSO INCLUDES REQUESTS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AS IT ) FINDINGS, INVOLVES THE ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING, NON-CONFORMING DEVELOP-) CONCLUSIONS, MENT WHERE NO OFF-STREET PARKING IS AVAILABLE, AND STREET TREE ) ) & REMOVAL PERMITS TO REMOVE AND REPLACE TWO CALLERY PEAR STREET ORDERS TREES (10.2-INCH AND 12.7-INCH DIAMETER AT BREAT HEIGHT) IN THE PARK ) ROW PLANTING STRIP ALONG EAST MAIN STREET. ) ) APPLICANT/OWNERS: Rogue Planning & Development Services, LLC/ ) Livni Family Trust (Gil Livni, usvtuff) ) ! ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECITALS: 1) Tax lot #7600 of Map 39 1E 09AC is located at 599 East Main Street and is zoned C-1 (Commercial). The property is also within the Ashland Railroad Addition Historic District, the Detail Site Review and the Wildfire Lands overlay zones. ¤ 2) The applicant is requesting Site Design Review approval to modify the xisting building ΔΘΘ%- ¨­ at ast Street including converting the former church to use as office space and adding a ¤ new ntry. The application also includes requests for a Conditional Use Permit as it involves the ¤ alteration of an xisting non-conforming development where no off-street parking is available, and Street Tree Removal Permits to remove and replace two Callery Pear street trees (10.2-inch & 12.7-inch %- ¨­ DBH) in the park row planting strip along ast Street. The proposal is outlined in plans on file at the Department of Community Development. AMC 3) The approval criteria for Site Design Review approval are detailed in as follows: A. Underlying Zone: The proposal complies with all of the applicable provisions of the underlying zone (part 18.2), including but not limited to: building and yard setbacks, lot area and dimensions, density and floor area, lot coverage, building height, building orientation, architecture, and other applicable standards. B. Overlay Zones: The proposal complies with applicable overlay zone requirements (part 18.3). C. Site Development and Design Standards: The proposal complies with the applicable Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4, except as provided by subsection E, below. D. City Facilities: The proposal complies with the applicable standards in section 18.4.6 Public Facilities and that adequate capacity of City facilities for water, sewer, electricity, urban storm PA-T1-2021-00141 May 25, 2021 Page 1 drainage, paved access to and throughout the property and adequate transportation can and will be provided to the subject property. E. Exception to the Site Development and Design Standards. The approval authority may approve exceptions to the Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4 if the circumstances in either subsection 1 or 2, below, are found to exist. 1. There is a demonstrable difficulty meeting the specific requirements of the Site Development and Design Standards due to a unique or unusual aspect of an existing structure or the proposed use of a site; and approval of the exception will not substantially negatively impact adjacent properties; and approval of the exception is consistent with the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design; and the exception requested is the minimum which would alleviate the difficulty.; or 2. There is no demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements, but granting the exception will result in a design that equally or better achieves the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design Standards. 4) The approval criteria for a Conditional Use Permit are detailed in AMC as follows: ! 2/!!Uibu!uif!vtf!xpvme!cf!jo!dpogpsnbodf!xjui!bmm!tuboebset!xjuijo!uif!{pojoh!ejtusjdu! jo!xijdi!uif!vtf!jt!qspqptfe!up!cf!mpdbufe-!boe!jo!dpogpsnbodf!xjui!sfmfwbou! Dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!qpmjdjft!uibu!bsf!opu!jnqmfnfoufe!cz!boz!Djuz-!Tubuf-!ps! Gfefsbm!mbx!ps!qsphsbn/! 3/!Uibu!befrvbuf!dbqbdjuz!pg!Djuz!gbdjmjujft!gps!xbufs-!tfxfs-!fmfdusjdjuz-!vscbo!tupsn! esbjobhf-!qbwfe!bddftt!up!boe!uispvhipvu!uif!efwfmpqnfou-!boe!befrvbuf! usbotqpsubujpo!dbo!boe!xjmm!cf!qspwjefe!up!uif!tvckfdu!qspqfsuz/! 4/!!Uibu!uif!dpoejujpobm!vtf!xjmm!ibwf!op!hsfbufs!bewfstf!nbufsjbm!fggfdu!po!uif! mjwbcjmjuz!pg!uif!jnqbdu!bsfb!xifo!dpnqbsfe!up!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!uif!tvckfdu!mpu! xjui!uif!ubshfu!vtf!pg!uif!{pof-!qvstvbou!xjui!tvctfdujpo!29/6/5/161/B/6-!cfmpx/! Xifo!fwbmvbujoh!uif!fggfdu!pg!uif!qspqptfe!vtf!po!uif!jnqbdu!bsfb-!uif!gpmmpxjoh! gbdupst!pg!mjwbcjmjuz!pg!uif!jnqbdu!bsfb!tibmm!cf!dpotjefsfe!jo!sfmbujpo!up!uif!ubshfu! vtf!pg!uif!{pof/! b/!Tjnjmbsjuz!jo!tdbmf-!cvml-!boe!dpwfsbhf/! c/!Hfofsbujpo!pg!usbggjd!boe!fggfdut!po!tvsspvoejoh!tusffut/!Jodsfbtft!jo! qfeftusjbo-!cjdzdmf-!boe!nbtt!usbotju!vtf!bsf!dpotjefsfe!cfofgjdjbm! sfhbsemftt!pg!dbqbdjuz!pg!gbdjmjujft/! d/!Bsdijufduvsbm!dpnqbujcjmjuz!xjui!uif!jnqbdu!bsfb/! e/!Bjs!rvbmjuz-!jodmvejoh!uif!hfofsbujpo!pg!evtu-!pepst-!ps!puifs!fowjsponfoubm! qpmmvubout/! PA-T1-2021-00141 May 25, 2021 Page 2 f/!Hfofsbujpo!pg!opjtf-!mjhiu-!boe!hmbsf/! g/!Uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!bekbdfou!qspqfsujft!bt!fowjtjpofe!jo!uif!Dpnqsfifotjwf! Qmbo/! h/!Puifs!gbdupst!gpvoe!up!cf!sfmfwbou!cz!uif!bqqspwbm!bvuipsjuz!gps!sfwjfx!pg!uif! qspqptfe!vtf/! 5/!!B!dpoejujpobm!vtf!qfsnju!tibmm!opu!bmmpx!b!vtf!uibu!jt!qspijcjufe!ps!pof!uibu!jt! opu!qfsnjuufe!qvstvbou!up!uijt!psejobodf/! 6/!!Gps!uif!qvsqptft!pg!sfwjfxjoh!dpoejujpobm!vtf!qfsnju!bqqmjdbujpot!gps!dpogpsnjuz! xjui!uif!bqqspwbm!dsjufsjb!pg!uijt!tvctfdujpo-!uif!ubshfu!vtft!pg!fbdi!{pof!bsf!bt! gpmmpxt/! C-1. e/!!!Uif!hfofsbm!sfubjm!dpnnfsdjbm!vtft!mjtufe!jo!dibqufs!29/3/3!Cbtf! \[poft!boe!Bmmpxfe!Vtft-!efwfmpqfe!bu!bo!joufotjuz!pg!1/46!gmpps!up!bsfb! sbujp-!dpnqmzjoh!xjui!bmm!psejobodf!sfrvjsfnfout<!boe!xjuijo!uif!Efubjmfe! Tjuf!Sfwjfx!pwfsmbz-!bu!bo!joufotjuz!pg!1/61!gmpps!up!bsfb!sbujp-!dpnqmzjoh! xjui!bmm!psejobodf!sfrvjsfnfout/! 5) Non-conforming developments are discussed in the Ashland Municipal Code in AMC as follows: A. Exempt Alterations. !Sfqbjs!boe!nbjoufobodf!pg!b!opodpogpsnjoh!efwfmpqnfou! )f/h/-!qbwfe!bsfb-!qbsljoh!bsfb-!mboetdbqjoh*!bsf!bmmpxfe!tvckfdu!up!bqqspwbm!pg! sfrvjsfe!cvjmejoh!qfsnjut!jg!uif!efwfmpqnfou!jt!opu!fombshfe!ps!bmufsfe!jo!b!xbz! uibu!csjoht!uif!opodpogpsnjoh!tjuf!mftt!jo!dpogpsnjuz!xjui!uijt!psejobodf/!Tff! bmtp-!tfdujpo!29/4/22/161!sfmbufe!up!opodpogpsnjoh!vtft!jo!Xbufs!Sftpvsdf! Qspufdujpo!{poft/! B. Planning Approval Required. !B!opodpogpsnjoh!efwfmpqnfou!nbz!cf!fombshfe! ps!bmufsfe!tvckfdu!up!bqqspwbm!pg!b!Dpoejujpobm!Vtf!Qfsnju!voefs!dibqufs! 29/6/5!boe!bqqspwbm!pg!sfrvjsfe!cvjmejoh!qfsnjut-!fydfqu!uibu!b!qmboojoh!bdujpo!jt! opu!sfrvjsfe!gps!fyfnqu!bmufsbujpot!eftdsjcfe!jo!tvctfdujpo!29/2/5/151/B-!bcpwf-! boe!gps!opo.sftjefoujbm!efwfmpqnfou!tvckfdu!up!tvctfdujpo!29/5/3/151/C/7/! C. Roadway Access. !Uif!pxofs!pg!b!opodpogpsnjoh!esjwfxbz!bqqspbdi!ps!bddftt! up!b!qvcmjd!tusffu!ps!ijhixbz-!vqpo!sfdfjwjoh!mboe!vtf!ps!efwfmpqnfou!bqqspwbm-! nbz!cf!sfrvjsfe!bt!b!dpoejujpo!pg!bqqspwbm!up!csjoh!uif!opodpogpsnjoh!bddftt! joup!dpogpsnbodf!xjui!uif!tuboebset!pg!uif!bqqspwbm!bvuipsjuz/! D. Destruction. !B!mfhbm!opodpogpsnjoh!efwfmpqnfou!uibu!jt!ebnbhfe!cz!nfbot! dbubtuspqif-!up!bo!fyufou!pg!61!qfsdfou!ps!npsf!pg!jut!sfqmbdfnfou!dptu-!nbz!cf! PA-T1-2021-00141 May 25, 2021 Page 3 sftupsfe!ps!sfdpotusvdufe!xjuijo!uif!psjhjobm!uisff.ejnfotjpobm!cvjmejoh!fowfmpqf! )j/f/-!sfmbujwf!up!dpwfsbhf-!ifjhiu-!tfucbdlt-!boe!puifs!ejnfotjpot!pg!uif! efwfmpqfe!bsfb*!qspwjefe!uif!opodpogpsnjuz!tibmm!opu!jodsfbtf/! 6) The permission to plant or remove street trees within public right-of-way is considered a ministerial action, and is discussed in AMC 13.06.030 as follows: Uif!Djuz!fodpvsbhft!uif!qmboujoh!pg!bqqspqsjbuf!usfft/!Op!usfft!tibmm!cf!qmboufe!jo!ps! sfnpwfe!gspn!boz!qvcmjd!qmboujoh!tusjq!ps!puifs!qvcmjd!qspqfsuz!jo!uif!Djuz!voujm!b!qfsnju! ibt!cffo!jttvfe!cz!uif!Djuz!Benjojtusbups!ps!b!evmz!bvuipsj{fe!sfqsftfoubujwf/! Bqqmjdbout!gps!b!sfnpwbm!qfsnju!nbz!cf!sfrvjsfe!up!sfqmbdf!uif!usff!ps!usfft!cfjoh! sfnpwfe!xjui!b!usff!ps!usfft!pg!dpnqbsbcmf!wbmvf/! Jg!uif!usff!jt!efufsnjofe!up!cf!efbe!ps!ezjoh-!uifo!uif!sfqmbdfnfou!offe!cf!op!mbshfs! uibo!uif!njojnvn!eftdsjcfe!jo!uijt!dibqufs/!Uif!sfqmbdfnfou!usff)t*!tibmm!cf!pg!b!tj{f! tqfdjgjfe!jo!uif!qfsnju!boe!op!tnbmmfs!uibo!fjhiu!gffu!jo!ifjhiu!ps!pof!jodi!jo!dbmjqfs!23! jodift!bcpwf!sppu!dspxo!boe!tibmm!cf!bo!bqqspqsjbuf!tqfdjft!tfmfdufe!gspn!boe!qmboufe! bddpsejoh!up!uif!Sfdpnnfoefe!Tusffu!Usff!Mjtu/! 7) On April 15, 2020 Governor Kate Brown issued Executive Order #20-16 Lffq!Hpwfsonfou! Xpsljoh;!Psefsjoh!Ofdfttbsz!Nfbtvsft!up!Fotvsf!Tbgf!Qvcmjd!Nffujoht!boe!Dpoujovfe!Pqfsbujpot!cz! Mpdbm!Hpwfsonfou!Evsjoh!Dpspobwjsvt!)DPWJE.2:*!Pvucsfbl/ public bodies hold public meetings by telephone, video, or through some other electronic or virtual means, whenever possible; that the public body make available a method by which the public can listen to or virtually attend the public meeting or hearing at the time it occurs; that the public body does not have to provide a physical space for the public to attend the meeting or hearing; that requirements that oral public testimony be taken during hearings be suspended, and that public bodies instead provide a means for submitting written testimony by e-mail or other electronic methods that the public body can consider in a timely manner. The subsequently adopted House Bill #4212 further authorized governing bodies in Oregon to conduct all public meetings using telephone or video conferencing technology or through other electronic or virtual means. 8) The Planning Commission, following proper public notice, held an electronic public hearing on April 13, 2021. In keeping with Executive Order #20-16 and subsequent House Bill #4212, this meeting was broadcast live on local television channel 9 and on Charter Communications channels 180 & 181, and was live-streamed over the internet on RVTV Prime at http://www.rvtv.sou.edu. A copy of the application, including all documents, evidence and applicable criteria relied upon by the applicant, and a copy of the staff report were made available on-line seven days prior to the hearing. Those wishing to provide written testimony were able to submit it via e-mail in advance of the hearing, as detailed the mailed and posted notices, and all written testimony received by the established deadlines was made available for Commissioners to review before the hearing and was included in the meeting minutes. In addition, those wishing to participate during the hearing could arrange to provide oral testimony by making arrangements to do so in advance of the meeting. PA-T1-2021-00141 May 25, 2021 Page 4 Prior to the closing of the public hearing on April 13, the Planning Commission continued the hearing to their next regular meeting on May 11, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. to allow for further review and analysis of a Technical Memo from Sandow Engineering which was submitted into the record by the applicant shortly before the hearing began. The Planning Commission reconvened the electronic public hearing on May 11, 2021 at which time written testimony submitted in advance of the hearing was considered and new oral testimony was presented. Following the closing of the public hearing and the record, the Planning Commission considered the materials received and testimony presented and approved the project, subject to a number of conditions pertaining to the appropriate development of the site. Now, therefore, the Planning Commission of the City of Ashland finds, concludes and recommends as follows: SECTION 1. EXHIBITS For the purposes of reference to these Findings, the attached index of exhibits, data, and testimony will be used: Staff Exhibits lettered with an "S" Proponent's Exhibits, lettered with a "P" Opponent's Exhibits, lettered with an "O" Hearing Minutes, Notices, Miscellaneous Exhibits lettered with an "M" SECTION 2. FINDINGS & CONCLUSIONS 2.1 The Planning Commission finds that it has received all information necessary to make a decision based on the application materials, staff report, public testimony and exhibits received. 2.2 The Planning Commission finds that the proposal for Site Design Review, Conditional Use Permit and Street Tree Removal Permit approvals meets all applicable criteria for Site Design Review described in AMC, for a Conditional Use Permit described in AMC, and for a Street Tree Removal Permit described in AMC 13.06.030. 2.3 The Planning Commission concludes that the proposal satisfies all applicable criteria for Site Design Review approval. The Planning Commission finds that the application involves a new addition in the C-1 zone, and as such requires Site Design Review approval as required in AMC The Planning Commission further finds that because the building and site improvements are already in place, the requested Site Design Review is largely limited to consideration of the proposed changes as they relate PA-T1-2021-00141 May 25, 2021 Page 5 to the applicable criteria and standards. The changes proposed include the addition of a new entry at the corner, changes to the exterior treatment of the existing building, and the removal and replacement of the rear stairs and creation of a new rear entry and courtyard space, as well as a proposed interior remodel and change of use. The first approval criterion for Site Design Review approval addresses the requirements of the underlying zone, requiring that, Uif!qspqptbm!dpnqmjft!xjui!bmm!pg!uif!bqqmjdbcmf!qspwjtjpot!pg!uif! voefsmzjoh!{pof!)qbsu!29/3*-!jodmvejoh!cvu!opu!mjnjufe!up;!cvjmejoh!boe!zbse!tfucbdlt-!mpu!bsfb!boe! ejnfotjpot-!efotjuz!boe!gmpps!bsfb-!mpu!dpwfsbhf-!cvjmejoh!ifjhiu-!cvjmejoh!psjfoubujpo-!bsdijufduvsf-!boe! The Planning Commission finds that the building and yard setbacks, lot area and dimensions, density and floor area, lot coverage and building height are existing conditions which are not changing with the current proposal. The Planning Commission further finds that the , as the new corner addition with an atrium and storefront entry creates a stronger orientation the corner as sought in the Building Placement, Orientation and Design Standards. The second approval criterion deals with overlay zones, and requires that,Uif!qspqptbm!dpnqmjft!xjui! The Planning Commission finds that the property is located within the Detail Site Review, Ashland Railroad Addition Historic District, and Wildfire Lands overlay zones. The Detail Site Review overlay requires that the application address the Detail Site Review Standards in AMC Buildings are required to have a minimum floor area ratio of at least 0.50. In this instance, the subject property is 3,484 square feet in area and a floor area of at least 1,742 square represents a floor area ratio of approximately 1.32, more than satisfies the minimum floor area ratio requirement. The Commission further finds that more than 20 percent of the wall area facing the street is provided in windows and doorways, that there are no blank walls, and that there are substantial changes in relief on the surface of the existing building. The proposal here improves relief and fenestration, and adds a new roof extension to provide pedestrian coverage from the rain and sun at the entry. Where proposed buildings are greater than 10,000 square feet in gross floor area or contain more than 100 feet of building frontage, the Additional Standards for Large Scale Projects in AMC must also be addressed. The Planning Commission finds that in this instance, the existing building is less than 10,000 square feet in gross floor area and does not have frontages of more than 100 feet, and as such is not subject to the Additional Standards for Large Scale Projects. The Historic District Development Standards and Historic Commission review are discussed under part 18.4 below. The Planning Commission further finds that the subject property is located within the Wildfire Lands overlay zone, and as such a Fire Prevention and Control Plan addressing the General Fuel Modification Area requirements in AMC must be provided for the review of the Fire Marshal prior PA-T1-2021-00141 May 25, 2021 Page 6 to bringing combustible materials onto the property, and any new landscaping proposed will need to comply with these standards and shall not include plants listed on the Prohibited Flammable Plant List per Resolution #2018-028. A condition to this effect has been included below. Based on the foregoing, the Planning Commission finds that this second criterion is satisfied. The!qspqptbm! dpnqmjft!xjui!uif!bqqmjdbcmf!Tjuf!Efwfmpqnfou!boe!Eftjho!Tuboebset!pg!qbsu!29/5-!fydfqu!bt!qspwjefe! !!! The Building Placement, Orientation and Design Standards for Non-Residential Development seek buildings with their primary orientation to the street, and where located at a corner this orientation is to be to the corner or the higher order street and should include a public entrance to the street with access from the public sidewalk. The Planning Commission finds that the proposed new entry addition establishes a much stronger orientation to the corner as envisioned in the standards. In addition, the standards require the planting of street trees according to city standards along street frontages, and here the Commission finds that the applicant has proposed to remove trees which are not thriving in the location and to plant better selected specimens in their place. The Detail Site Review overlay requires that the application address the Detail Site Review Standards in AMC Buildings are required to have a minimum floor area ratio of at least 0.50. In this instance, the subject property is 3,484 square feet in area and a floor area of at least 1,742 square feet is required. The Planning Commission finds that t represents a floor area ratio of approximately 1.32, more than satisfies the minimum floor area ratio requirement. The Commission further finds that more than 20 percent of the wall area facing the street is provided in windows and doorways, that there are no blank walls, and that there are substantial changes in relief on the surface of the existing building. The Commission finds that the proposal here improves relief and fenestration, and adds a new roof extension to provide pedestrian coverage from the rain and sun at the entry. Where proposed buildings are greater than 10,000 square feet in gross floor area or contain more than 100 feet of building frontage, the Additional Standards for Large Scale Projects in AMC must also be addressed. The Planning Commission finds that in this instance, the existing building is less than 10,000 square feet in gross floor area and does not have frontages of more than 100 feet, and as such is not subject to the Additional Standards for Large Scale Projects. In its review of the proposal for compliance with the Historic District Development Standards of AMC, the Ashland Historic Commission had three specific recommendations. The Historic in AMC, noting that, B!dmfbsmz!efgjofe!cbtf-!ps!qmbugpsn!dibsbdufsjtujd!pg!ijtupsjd!cvjmejoht!jo!uif!jnnfejbuf! wjdjojuz!(is recommended, and)!xbmmt!uibu!bqqfbs!up!sjtf!tusbjhiu!pvu!pg!uif!hspvoe!xjuipvu!b!ejtujodu! qmbugpsn!ps!cbtf!bu!uif!hspvoe!mfwfm!(are to be avoided) With regard to the base or platform standards, the Historic Commission recommended that one of the following design options be pursued: PA-T1-2021-00141 May 25, 2021 Page 7 Provide detail demonstrating that the SD-4.1, SD-4.2 and SD- cap co submittals. Extend the brick base around the back corner of the building on the Fifth Street side (j/f/!uif!opsuixftu!dpsofs) for at least a column width. Rather than extending veneer brick claddingon the Fifth Street side of the building, use it to accent the front entry and end the brick at the north side of the main entrance facing the intersection of East Main and Fifth Streets. Brick should be used on the east side of the tower as shown in the revised elevation SD- and a heavier weight than shown on the application submittals. Retain stucco as the base material rather than adding the eneer brick cladding. With regard to rehabilitations of historic buildings and additions, the standards in AMC Sfqmbdfnfou!xjoepxt!jo!ijtupsjd!cvjmejoht!tibmm!nbudi!uif!psjhjobm!xjoepxt/!Xjoepxt! jo!ofx!beejujpot!tibmm!cf!dpnqbujcmf!jo!qspqpsujpo-!tibqf!boe!tj{f-!cvu!opu!sfqmjdbuf!psjhjobm!xjoepxt! jo!uif!ijtupsjd!cvjmejoh/ revised elevations, including on the east side of the building (SD-4.1) unless modifications to this elevation are prohibited by building code due to the proximity to the property line. Sfqmbdfnfou!gjojtift! po!fyufsjps!xbmmt!pg!ijtupsjd!cvjmejoht!tibmm!nbudi!uif!psjhjobm!gjojti/!Fyufsjps!gjojtift!po!ofx!beejujpot! up!ijtupsjd!cvjmejoht!tibmm!cf!dpnqbujcmf!xjui-!cvu!opu!sfqmjdbuf-!uif!gjojti!pg!uif!ijtupsjd!cvjmejoh Ejbhpobm!boe!wfsujdbm!tjejoh!tibmm!cf!bwpjefe!po!ofx!beejujpot!ps!po!ijtupsjd! cvjmejoht!fydfqu!jo!uiptf!jotubodft!xifsf!ju!xbt!vtfe!bt!uif!psjhjobm!tjejoh and Jnjubujwf! nbufsjbmt!jodmvejoh!cvu!opu!mjnjufe!up!btqibmu!tjejoh-!xppe!ufyuvsfe!bmvnjovn!tjejoh-!boe!bsujgjdjbm!tupof! tibmm!cf!bwpjefe (C.2.f.). The Historic Commission recommended that all siding be replaced as shown on revised elevations using Hardie® lap siding with a seven-inch exposure, including the east side of the building (SD-4.1) unless modifications to this elevation are prohibited by building code due to the proximity to the property line. In considering the proposal, the Historic Commission expressed their appreciation that the applicant had added a was initially discussed with the Commission, and commended the applicant both for the proposed design and for the efforts being made to remodel and repurpose a historic structure that has been significantly modified over time. The recommendations of the Historic Commission have been incorporated as requirements in the conditions of approval attached hereto. Based on the foregoing, the Planning Commission concludes that the proposal complies with the applicable Site Development and Design Standards for part 18.4. The fourth approval criterion addresses city facilities, specifically requiring that, Uif!qspqptbm! dpnqmjft!xjui!uif!bqqmjdbcmf!tuboebset!jo!tfdujpo!29/5/7!Qvcmjd!Gbdjmjujft!boe!uibu!befrvbuf!dbqbdjuz!pg! Djuz!gbdjmjujft!gps!xbufs-!tfxfs-!fmfdusjdjuz-!vscbo!tupsn!esbjobhf-!qbwfe!bddftt!up!boe!uispvhipvu!uif! PA-T1-2021-00141 May 25, 2021 Page 8 Water, sanitary sewer, electric and stormwater facilities are in place from the Fifth Street right-of-way and presently serve the building, and both East Main Street and Fifth Streets are public streets which are improved with paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, storm drain, and park row planting strips in place, with street trees in place or to be replaced in conjunction with the current proposal. The Planning Commission finds that there are public facilities in place to serve the existing building, and that no changes to the property are proposed which would further impact public facilities. The Commission concludes that this criterion has been satisfied. The final criterion fo Fydfqujpo!up!uif!Tjuf!Efwfmpqnfou!boe! Eftjho!Tuboebset The application has requested no exceptions, and as such this criterion does not apply. As detailed above, the Planning Commission concludes that the proposal satisfactorily addresses the requirements for Site Design Review approval. 2.4 The Planning Commission finds that the existing development of the property is considered a non-conforming development as detailed in AMC The existing buildings on the subject Tax Lot #7600 and the adjacent Tax Lot #7500, which is not part of the current request-!have previously been used as a church which held weekly services with seating for up to 244 churchgoers. The required off-street parking ratio for a religious institution is one off-street parking space per four seats, and as such 244 seats would require 61 off-street parking spaces. There are no off-street parking spaces available on the subject Tax Lot #7600. AMC provides that repair and maintenance of non-conforming developments where the development is not altered in a way that brings the development less into conformity with standards is exempt from land use review, but that the enlargement or alteration of a non-conforming development is subject to Conditional Use Permit approval. The Planning Commission finds that the non-conforming development is being altered here beyond repair and maintenance both by the change in use from the previous church to the proposed office, and by separating the two contiguous tax lots which together have made up the church campus since 1993 and instead seeking to consider the future use of each tax lot separately. As such, the request is subject to Conditional Use Permit approval. The Planning Commission finds that the proposal satisfies the applicable criteria specific to a Conditional Use Permit. The first criterion for Uibu!uif!vtf!xpvme!cf!jo!dpogpsnbodf! xjui!bmm!tuboebset!xjuijo!uif!{pojoh!ejtusjdu!jo!xijdi!uif!vtf!jt!qspqptfe!up!cf!mpdbufe-!boe!jo! dpogpsnbodf!xjui!sfmfwbou!Dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!qpmjdjft!uibu!bsf!opu!jnqmfnfoufe!cz!boz!Djuz-!Tubuf-!ps! The proposed office use is an outright permitted use within the C-1 district Vtft!Bmmpxfe!cz!\[pof The Planning Commission finds that the proposed change of use is in keeping with the standards of the district but is more in line with employment generation sought within the zone, supports preserving a historic building, conserves energy and materials versus demolishing the existing structure to reconstruct a smaller building with off-street parking on site, and is in keeping with the goals and policies of the Economic Element of the Comprehensive Plan in terms of seeking to!fotvsf!uif!mpdbm!fdpopnz!jodsfbtft!jut!ifbmui!boe! ejwfstjgjft!uif!ovncfs-!uzqf!boe!tj{f!pg!cvtjofttft!dpotjtufou!xjui!uif!mpdbm!tpdjbm!offet-!qvcmjd!tfswjdf! PA-T1-2021-00141 May 25, 2021 Page 9 dbqbcjmjujft-!boe!uif!sfufoujpo!pg!b!ijhi.rvbmjuz!fowjsponfou!)Hpbm!8/18/14* ! The second criteri Uibu!befrvbuf!dbqbdjuz!pg!Djuz!gbdjmjujft! gps!xbufs-!tfxfs-!fmfdusjdjuz-!vscbo!tupsn!esbjobhf-!qbwfe!bddftt!up!boe!uispvhipvu!uif!efwfmpqnfou-! !!As discussed in 2.4 above, water, sanitary sewer, electric and stormwater facilities are in place and serve the building from the adjacent Fifth Street right-of-way, and both East Main Street and Fifth Streets are public streets which are improved with paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, storm drain, and park row planting strips in place, with street trees in place or to be replaced in conjunction with the current proposal. The Planning Commission finds that there are public facilities in place to serve the existing building, and that no changes to the property are proposed which would further impact public facilities. The Commission concludes that this criterion has been satisfied. ! ! The third approval criterion is,!Uibu!uif!dpoejujpobm!vtf!xjmm!ibwf!op!hsfbufs!bewfstf!nbufsjbm!fggfdu! po!uif!mjwbcjmjuz!pg!uif!jnqbdu!bsfb!xifo!dpnqbsfe!up!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!uif!tvckfdu!mpu!xjui!uif!ubshfu! vtf!pg!uif!{pof-!qvstvbou!xjui!tvctfdujpo!29/6/5/161/6-!cfmpx/!Xifo!fwbmvbujoh!uif!fggfdu!pg!uif!qspqptfe! vtf!po!uif!jnqbdu!bsfb-!uif!gpmmpxjoh!gbdupst!pg!mjwbcjmjuz!pg!uif!jnqbdu!bsfb!tibmm!cf!dpotjefsfe!jo! sfmbujpo!up!uif!ubshfu!vtf!pg!uif!{pof;!b/!Tjnjmbsjuz!jo!tdbmf-!cvml-!boe!dpwfsbhf<!c/!Hfofsbujpo!pg!usbggjd! boe!fggfdut!po!tvsspvoejoh!tusffut/!Jodsfbtft!jo!qfeftusjbo-!cjdzdmf-!boe!nbtt!usbotju!vtf!bsf!dpotjefsfe! cfofgjdjbm!sfhbsemftt!pg!dbqbdjuz!pg!gbdjmjujft<!d/!Bsdijufduvsbm!dpnqbujcjmjuz!xjui!uif!jnqbdu!bsfb<!e/! Bjs!rvbmjuz-!jodmvejoh!uif!hfofsbujpo!pg!evtu-!pepst-!ps!puifs!fowjsponfoubm!qpmmvubout<!f/!Hfofsbujpo! pg!opjtf-!mjhiu-!boe!hmbsf<!g/!Uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!bekbdfou!qspqfsujft!bt!fowjtjpofe!jo!uif!Dpnqsfifotjwf! Qmbo<!boe!h/!Puifs!gbdupst!gpvoe!up!cf!sfmfwbou!cz!uif!bqqspwbm!bvuipsjuz!gps!sfwjfx!pg!uif!qspqptfe! ! ! The Planning Commission notes that the application includes a Technical Memo from Sandow Engineering which assesses the trip generation for the previous church use, proposed office use and th target retail use using the ITE Trip Generation Manuals, 10 Edition, as illustrated in the table below, and concludes that the proposed office use has less of a trip generation impact to the neighborhood than either the previous church or the target retail use of the zone. USE PM PEAK SATURDAY PEAK SUNDAY PEAK HOUR TRIPS HOUR TRIPS HOUR TRIPS Previous Church А ВВ ЋАЊ Proposed Office ЊЊ Ћ Њ Target Retail ЋА ЋЎ ЌА The Commission finds that the Technical Memo and subsequent clarifications by the applicant make clear that any assembly component of the proposed use will be limited to occasional gatherings associated with the office tenant, accessory to and part of the regular operations of the office tenant, and would only occur a few times a year. The Technical Memo explains that the target retail use could similarly see occasional gatherings in the form of sales, product launches, holiday parties, etc. and as such these assemblies allowed accessory to either primary use would be negligible in comparing the proposed and target uses. PA-T1-2021-00141 May 25, 2021 Page 10 distribution of parking demand based on the ITE th Parking Generation Manual, 6 Edition. Sandow explains that there is ample on-street parking available within a comfortable walk of the site, and goes on to detail that the peak parking demand for the previous church use was between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on weekends, whereas the proposed office use would typically generate parking demand between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on weekdays with the peak demand between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon and again between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. There would be little or no parking demand on weekends for the proposed office use. The target retail use would have parking demand every day, with a peak between 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. The Technical Memo goes on to note that because the surrounding uses are largely residential, their periods of peak demand are from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. on weekdays but they also generate a consistently high demand on weekends. The memo concludes that the peak parking demand periods for the proposed office use and the surrounding residential uses are effectively offset so as not to be in conflict (j/f/!pggjdf!qbsljoh!efnboe! jt!ijhiftu!xifo!tvsspvoejoh!sftjefoujbm!efnboe!jt!mpxftu) whereas the peak retail parking demand overlaps the peak residential parking demand meaning that the proposed office use would be less impactful to the surrounding area in terms of parking demand than would either the target retail use, or the prior church use. The Planning Commission finds that in terms of parking and trip generation, the proposed office use will generate fewer peak hour trips than the target retail use of the property and its peak parking demand periods are materially offset from the surrounding residential neighborhood so that, while the office use for this nonconforming development relies on on-street parking, it would do so largely when on-street demand from residential uses in the neighborhood is at its lowest and would thus limit the adverse impacts in the impact area. In contrast, peak hour trip generation for the target retail use would be 25- 37 trips while only five off-street parking spaces would be required, yielding a substantially greater impact to the surrounding neighborhood and doing so when residential demand was at its peak. The Planning Commission finds that in terms of architectural compatibility with the impact area, the building has been a fixture in the neighborhood since 1928, and the current request which includes new exterior treatments and a new entry addition to establish a much better relationship with the pedestrian streetscape, is supported by the Ashland Historic Commission and represents a substantial improvement that will benefit the immediate neighborhood and surrounding historic district. The Historic Commission commended the applicant for the design and for the effort to remodel and repurpose a historic building that had seen significant modifications over time. ! The Planning Commission recognizes that one neighbor had expressed concern with noise, and specifically with construction noise. The Commission finds that the proposed office use is likely to have no more impact in terms of noise, light, glare or air quality than would have been generated by the previous church or target retail uses, and if anything would be less impactful. The Commission further finds that construction noise is governed by AMC 9.08.170.D.6, which allows construction noise in the city to occur between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on weekdays, and between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekends and holidays, and that the current proposal or any work which might be done on the subject property without the need for land use approval would be limited by these same parameters. PA-T1-2021-00141 May 25, 2021 Page 11 The Planning Commission finds that AMC provides for the consideration of Puifs! in evaluating Conditional Use Permit requests. Here, the Commission finds that the existing historic building on the property poses a demonstrable difficulty preventing the applicant from alleviating any of the deve-conformity, as the existing building covers the subject property virtually from lot line to lot line. The Commission finds that the benefits of preserving and renovating the historic building must be weighed against the generation of traffic and its effect on the surrounding streets that result from the continuing parking non-conformity. With all of things considered, the Commission concludes that the effect of parking and trip generation on the surrounding streets for the proposed office use compares favorably to the target use as evidenced in Technical Memo, particularly when weighed alongside the benefit of preserving and renovating the historic building. The fourth approval criterion is that,! !!The Planning Commission finds that the proposed office use is an outright permitted use within the C-1 district as detailed in AMC Table Vtft!Bmmpxfe!cz!\[pof ! The final criterion notes that,!!sfwjfxjoh!dpoejujpobm!vtf!qfsnju!bqqmjdbujpot!gps! e/!D.2/!Uif!hfofsbm!sfubjm!dpnnfsdjbm!vtft!mjtufe!jo!dibqufs!29/3/3!Cbtf!\[poft!boe!Bmmpxfe!Vtft-! efwfmpqfe!bu!bo!joufotjuz!pg!1/46!gmpps!up!bsfb!sbujp-!dpnqmzjoh!xjui!bmm!psejobodf!sfrvjsfnfout<!boe! xjuijo!uif!Efubjmfe!Tjuf!Sfwjfx!pwfsmbz-!bu!bo!joufotjuz!pg!1/61!gmpps!up!bsfb!sbujp-!dpnqmzjoh!xjui!bmm! !!The Planning Commission finds that the subject property is located with the C-1 zoning district and the Detailed Site Review overlay, and as such the target use of the property for the purpose of reviewing the Conditional Use Permit application is general retail commercial use developed at an intensity of 0.50 floor to area ratio which equates to 1,742 square feet of retail space for the 3,484 square foot lot. The Commission further finds that 1,742 square feet of retail space would require five off-street parking spaces (1,742 sq. ft./1 parking space per 350 sq. ft. = 4.977 parking spaces). 2.5 The Planning Commission finds that the application proposes to remove and replace two Callery Pear (Qzsvt!dbmmfszbob) street trees in the park row planting strip along East Main Street. The Commission further finds that Street Tree Removal Permits are generally a ministerial action as they are not considered to require the exercise of substantial discretion and are regulated through AMC Section 13.06 rather than the Land Use Ordinance. The Street Tree Removal Permit request is included here as Dpotpmjebufe!Sfwjfx!Qspdfevsft a project proposal at one time. The Planning Commission finds that the Ashland Tree Commission has reviewed the request and noted that while the tree removals were not requested based on the trees being hazardous, dead or in immediate danger of collapse, the trees here have been in place for more than 30 years and have not shown substantial growth over that time. In addition, Callery Pears are described by the applicant as a poor landscape choice in a valley that has a commercial pear-growing industry where poorly maintained trees could become a vector for pests or disease. As such, the Tree Commissioners supported the request provided that the removals were mitigated within 12 months with two-inch caliper Bdfs!y!gsffnbojj! PA-T1-2021-00141 May 25, 2021 Page 12 wbstBdfs!svcsvn trees. The Planning Commission concludes that the Street Tree Removal Permit request here merits approval, and has incorporated the recommendations of the Tree Commission into a condition of this approval. SECTION 3. DECISION 3.1 Based on the record of the Public Hearing on this matter, the Planning Commission concludes that the proposal for Site Design Review and Conditional Use Permit approval to modify the existing non- conforming development at 599 East Main Street by converting the former church sanctuary building to a modern office building is supported by evidence contained within the whole record. For the Commission, the existing historic building, which covers the subject property virtually from lot line to lot line, creates a demonstrable difficulty which prevents the applicant from adding parking to alleviate any measure of the parking non-conformity. The applicant proposes to renovate the building with the full support of the Historic Commission and repurpose it with a use better-suited to the neighborhood. The Planning Commission finds that the proposal represents a reasonable adaptive reuse of the building; that the renovations represent a significant improvement to the site and the building, which sits at a prominent entry point to the historic neighborhood; that the proposed office use will be less impactful than the previous church; that the office use will generate fewer peak hour trips than the target retail use of the property; and that the office use will generate peak parking demands which are materially offset from the surrounding residential neighborhood so that, while the office use relies on on-street parking, it will do so at times when on-street demand from residential uses in the neighborhood is at its lowest to lessen the adverse impacts. The Commission finds that the effect of parking and trip generation on the surrounding streets for the proposed office use compares favorably to the target use as evidenced in Technical Memo, particularly when weighed alongside the benefit of preserving and renovating the historic building. The Planning Commission concludes that the proposal merits approval with the conditions detailed below. Therefore, based on our overall conclusions, and upon the proposal being subject to each of the following conditions, we approve Planning Action #PA-T1-2021-00141. Further, if any one or more of the conditions below are found to be invalid, for any reason whatsoever, then Planning Action #PA-T1-2021- 00141 is denied. The following are the conditions and they are attached to the approval: 1.All proposals of the applicant shall be conditions of approval unless otherwise modified herein, including but not limited to that any assembly use shall be accessory to the office use and that larger office-associated events shall occur no more than once per quarter. 2.The plans submitted for the building permit shall be in substantial conformance with those approved as part of this application. If the plans submitted for the building permit are not in substantial conformance with those approved as part of this application, an application to modify this Site Design Review approval shall be submitted and approved prior to issuance of a building permit. 3.Any new addresses shall be assigned by City of Ashland Engineering Department. PA-T1-2021-00141 May 25, 2021 Page 13 4.Permits shall be obtained from the Ashland Public Works Department prior to any work in the public right of way. 5.The windows on the ground floor shall not be tinted so as to prevent views into the interior of the building 6.The front entrance at the corner of East Main and Fifth Streets shall remain functional and open to the public during all business hours. 7.No signage or fencing is approved with this application. Sign and fence permits shall be obtained prior to installation of any new signage or fencing. All signage shall meet the requirements of Chapter 18.4.7, and all fencing shall meet the requirements of Chapter 8.The Ashland Tree Commission Tree Removal Permit request, including that the two pear tree removals shall be mitigated with two-inch caliper replacement trees selected to achieve a large stature at maturity, such as Bdfs!y!gsffnbojj!wbstBdfs!svcsvn irrigation be provided for the mitigation trees. 9.That the Conditional Use Permit approval is limited to the office use described. Any change in use which alters parking or trip generation beyond that described herein, or otherwise changes the way the non-conforming development relates to applicable standards, shall be required to obtain Conditional Use Permit approval as a new application. 10.That the building permit submittal shall include: a.Identification of all easements, including but not limited to any public and private utility easements. b.Final electric service, utility and civil engineering plans including grading, erosion control and drainage. The utility plan shall include the location of connections to all public facilities including the locations of water lines and meter sizes, fire hydrants, sanitary sewer mains and services, manholes and clean-outs, and storm drainage pipes and catch basins, along with any backflow prevention measures required by the Water Department. Any required private or public utility easements shall be delineated on the civil plans. All civil infrastructure shall be installed by the applicants, inspected and approved prior to final inspection/occupancy approval. c.The final electric design and distribution plan shall include load calculations and locations of all primary and secondary services including transformers, cabinets and all other necessary equipment with the Final Plan application. This plan must be reviewed and approved by the Electric Department prior to the signature of the final survey plat. Transformers and cabinets shall be located in areas least visible from streets and outside of vision clearance areas, while considering the access needs of the Electric Department. d.That storm water from all new impervious surfaces and runoff associated with peak rainfalls must be collected on site and channeled to the City storm water collection system (i.e., curb gutter at public street, public storm pipe or public drainage way) or through an approved alternative in accordance with Ashland Building Division policy BD-PP-0029. On-site collection systems shall be detailed on the building permit submittals. The storm drainage plan shall detail the location and final engineering for all storm drainage improvements associated with the project, and shall be submitted for review and approval by the Departments of Public Works, Planning and Building Divisions. The storm drainage plan shall demonstrate that post-development peak flows are less than or equal PA-T1-2021-00141 May 25, 2021 Page 14 to the pre-development peak flow for the site as a whole, and that storm water quality mitigation has been addressed through the final design. e.Final site lighting details including the fixture type, placement and any measures necessary to avoid directly illuminating adjacent properties (down-directed placement, shrouding, etc.). f.The requirements of the Ashland Fire Department relating to approved addressing; commercial fire apparatus access; a firefighter access pathway; fire flow; hydrant installation, distance, spacing and clearance; fire work area; applicable fire sprinkler requirements; fire department connection; key box; extinguishers; limitations on obstructions to fire access; and wildfire hazard area requirements shall be satisfactorily addressed in the permit submittals. g.A Fire Prevention and Control Plan addressing the General Fuel Modification Area requirements in AMC shall be provided prior to bringing combustible materials onto the property, and any new landscaping proposed shall comply with these standards and shall not include plants l adopted with Resolution #2018-028. h.A Tree Protection Plan consistent with the standards described in AMC 18.4.5 addressing protection of the existing street trees along Fifth Street shall be submitted for review and approval by the Staff Advisor prior to the issuance of a building permit. The plan shall identify the location and placement of fencing around the drip lines of the street trees to be retained. Tree protection fencing shall be installed according to the approved plan, inspected and approved prior to any site work including demolition, staging or storage of materials. i.The building permit submittals shall verify that the bicycle parking, spacing and coverage requirements are met in accordance with Inverted U-racks shall be used for the bicycle parking, and all bicycle parking shall be installed in accordance with design and rack standards in and J, inspected and approved by the Staff Advisor prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. j.Exterior building materials and paint colors shall be compatible with the surrounding area and consistent with those illustrated in the application, and sample exterior building colors shall be provided with the building permit submittals for review and approval of the Staff Advisor. Very bright or neon paint colors shall not be used in accordance AMC k.That the building permit submittals shall incorporate the recommendations of the Ashland Historic Commission, including that: i.For the base of the building, one of the following three options: Provide detail demonstrating that the revised elevations SD-4.1, SD-4.2 and SD-4.3 will fit properly around the substantial and a heavier weight than shown on the application submittals. Extend the brick base around the back corner of the building on the Fifth Street side () for at least a column width. j/f/!uif!opsuixftu!dpsofs PA-T1-2021-00141 May 25, 2021 Page 15 Rather than extending veneer brick claddingon the Fifth Street side of the building, use it to accent the front entry and end the brick at the north side of the main entrance facing the intersection of East Main and Fifth Streets. Brick should be used on the east side of the tower as shown in the revised elevation SD- substantial and a heavier weight than shown on the application submittals. Retain stucco as the base material rather than adding the eneer brick cladding. ii.Replace all windows with True Divided Light Clad Windows shown on revised elevations including the east side of the building (SD-4.1) unless prohibited by building code (e.g. due to proximity to property line). iii.Replace all siding as shown on revised elevations (i.e. Hardie® lap siding with seven-inch exposure) including the east side of the building (SD-4.1) unless prohibited by building code (e.g. due to proximity to property line). 11.That prior to the final inspection approval or issuance of a certificate of occupancy: a.Utility installations and the planting of two irrigated street trees to replace the removed pear trees along the East Main Street frontage shall be completed, inspected and approved by the Staff Advisor. b.Trash and recycling facilities and associated screening shall be installed in accordance with the Sfdzdmjoh!boe!Sfgvtf!Ejtqptbm!Bsfbt prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or final inspection approvals. An opportunity to recycle site of equal or greater size than the solid waste receptacle shall be provided. c.That all exterior lighting shall be directed on the property and shall not directly illuminate adjacent proprieties. d.That the bicycle parking facilities shall be installed according to the approved plan, inspected and approved by the Staff Advisor. The approved bicycle parking plan includes three inverted U-racks at the rear of the building. May 25, 2021 Haywood Norton, Dibjs! Date Planning Commission Approval PA-T1-2021-00141 May 25, 2021 Page 16 FINDINGS _________________________________ PA-L-2021-00010 Duplex & ARU code amendments BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON June 1, 2021 In the matter of amendmentsto the Ashland Municipal) Code (AMC) Title 18 Land Useconcerningthe)FINDINGS OF FACT AND allowances and development standards for duplexes and )CONCLUSIONS OF LAW accessory residential units as required by House Bill) th 2001from the 80Oregon Legislative Assembly, 2019) Regular Legislative Session.) PURPOSE: The proposal includes a series of amendments to AMC Title 18Land Use to update the allowances and standards for the development of duplexes and accessory residential units (ARUs)to meet new state requirements. New state legislation, in the form of House Bill (HB)2001and subsequently adoptedOregon Administrative Rules (OAR)Chapter 660 Division 46 Middle Housing in Medium and Large Cities, requires Ashland to update the local land use code to meet new state laws and rules pertaining to duplexes and ARUs by June 30, 2021. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Notice was publishedin The Ashland Daily Tidings on April 30, 2021priorto the PlanningCommission public hearing,and onMay 20, 2021prior to the City Council public hearing. A public hearing washeld at the Planning Commission on May 11, 2021 and at the City Council on June 1, 2021. Notice was also sent to the Department of Land Conservation and Development on April 1, 2021. SUMMARY OF AMENDMENTS The primary changes to the land use code for duplexes are that duplexes are permitted in all of the residential zones including the single-family zones, are required to have two on- site parking spaces, and the approval process requires a building permit prior to construction or conversion of an existing structure. These changes are required by the new state laws and rules referenced above. The current code allows duplexes on corner lots within the single-family zones as part of a subdivision developed under the Performance Standards Option, and within the multifamily zones as a multifamily development through the Site Design Review process. Planning approvals are required for both a subdivision and multifamily development. In addition, the current code calculates the required parking for a duplex based on the requirements for a multifamily dwelling, which are based on the number of bedrooms in a unit. Generally, any duplex with units larger than 1-bedroom units would require four or more on-site parking spaces under the current code requirements. The primary changes to the land use code for ARUs are that ARUs do not require on-site parking spaces and the approval process requires a building permit prior to construction Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 1 or conversion of an existing structure.The elimination of the on-site parking requirement for ARUs is a requirement of HB 2001. The current code requires a planning approval, Site Design Review, for attached ARUs that are over 500 square feet in size, detached ARUs, and ARUs located in thehistoric district that include exterior building modifications. ARUs that are attached to a single- family dwelling and less than 500 square feet do not require a planning approval. Currently, ARUs under 800 square feet in size require one on-site parking space and ARUs 800 square feet and larger require two on-site parking spaces. The code amendments result in two options for the development of two dwelling units located on one lot. One option is an ARU along with a single-family dwelling. The ARU is required to meet the existing size limits and does not have to provide on-site parking for the ARU. The approval process for constructing an ARU is a building permit. The second option is a duplex with two dwellings, either in attached or detached structures, located on one lot. Duplexes do not have size limits and are required to provide two on-site automobile parking spaces. The approval process for constructing a duplex is a building permit. In any of theoptions, whether a lot includes a single-family dwelling, a single-family dwelling and an ARU, or a duplex, the development must meet the dimensional requirements of the zone such as lot coverage, setbacks and building height. REVIEW CRITERIA The decision of the City Council together withthe recommendation by the Planning Commission was based on consideration and findings of consistency with the following factors. A.Consistency with City of Ashland approval criteria for legislative amendments, AMC B.Consistency with City of Ashland Comprehensive Planand Other City Policies C.Consistency with OregonStatewide Planning Goals D.Consistency with Oregon land use laws and administrative rules including specifically HB 2001 and OARChapter 660 Division 46 Middle Housing in Medium and Large Cities EVALUATION AND COUNCIL FINDINGS: A. Consistency with City of Ashland approval criteria for legislative amendments and zoning mapamendments,AMC and Review Procedure Bqqmjdbujpot!gps!Qmbo!Bnfoenfout!boe!\[pof!Dibohft!bsf!bt!gpmmpxt; B.Type III. Ju!nbz!cf!ofdfttbsz!gspn!ujnf!up!ujnf!up!nblf!mfhjtmbujwf!bnfoenfout!jo! psefs!up!dpogpsn!xjui!uif!Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!ps!up!nffu!puifs!dibohft!jo! djsdvntubodft!ps!dpoejujpot/!Uif!Uzqf!JJJ!qspdfevsf!bqqmjft!up!uif!dsfbujpo-!sfwjtjpo-! Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 2 ps!mbshf.tdbmf!jnqmfnfoubujpo!pg!qvcmjd!qpmjdz!sfrvjsjoh!Djuz!Dpvodjm!bqqspwbm!boe! fobdunfou!pg!bo!psejobodf<!uijt!jodmveft!bepqujpo!pg!sfhvmbujpot-!{pof!dibohft!gps! mbshf!bsfbt-!{pof!dibohft!sfrvjsjoh!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!bnfoenfou-! dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!nbq!ps!ufyu!bnfoenfou-!boofybujpot!)tff!dibqufs!29/6/9!gps! boofybujpo!jogpsnbujpo*-!boe!vscbo!hspxui!cpvoebsz!bnfoenfout/!Uif!gpmmpxjoh! qmboojoh!bdujpot!tibmm!cf!tvckfdu!up!uif!Uzqf!JJJ!qspdfevsf/ 2/\[pof!dibohft!ps!bnfoenfout!up!uif!\[pojoh!Nbq!ps!puifs!pggjdjbm!nbqt-!fydfqu! xifsf!njops!bnfoenfout!ps!dpssfdujpot!nbz!cf!qspdfttfe!uispvhi!uif!Uzqf!JJ! qspdfevsf!qvstvbou!up!tvctfdujpo!29/6/:/131/B-!bcpwf/ 3/Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!dibohft-!jodmvejoh!ufyu!boe!nbq!dibohft!ps!dibohft!up! puifs!pggjdjbm!nbqt/ 4/Mboe!Vtf!Psejobodf!bnfoenfout/ 5/Vscbo!Hspxui!Cpvoebsz!bnfoenfout/ Ashland Municipal Code (AMC) permits legislative amendments to meet changes in circumstances and conditions. The City Council findsit is necessary to amend the land use ordinanceto meet the new state requirements for middle housing in HB 2001 and OARChapter 660 Division 46 Middle Housing in Medium and Large Cities/ In the 2019 legislative session, the Oregon State Legislature passed HB 2001 which requires “medium” cities such as Ashland to amend local zoning codes to allow duplexes on residentially zoned lots that allow the development of detached single-family homes. A medium city is defined as with a population between 10,000 and 25,000 and outside the Portland Metro boundary. The 2020 population estimate for Ashland from Portland State University is 21,105, and Ashland is located outside the Portland Metro boundary. HB 2001 also includes a provision that prohibits jurisdictionsfrom requiring off-street parking and owner-occupancy requirements for ARUs. ORS 197.312(5) requires cities with populations over 2,500 to allow the development of at least one ARU for each detached single-family dwelling in areas that are zoned for detached single-family dwellings “subject to reasonable local regulations relating to siting and design.” The current code is not consistent with the new state requirements in that a planning approval is required to construct or convert a structure to a duplexas part of a subdivision or a multifamily development. In contrast, the approval process for a detached single- family home, assuming the home meets all standard dimensional requirements of the zone, is a building permit. In addition, the current code calculates the required parking for a duplex based on the requirements for a multifamily dwelling, which are based on the number of bedrooms in a unit. Generally, any duplex with units larger than 1-bedroom units would require four or more on-site parking spaces underthe current code requirements. In addition, ARUs under 800 square feet in size currently require one on- site parking space and ARUs 800 square feet and larger require two on-site parking spaces. HB 2001 says that cities may regulate the siting and design of duplexes as long as the regulations do not, individually or cumulatively, deter the development of duplexes through unreasonable cost and delay. The administrative rules clarify that siting and Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 3 design standards that create unreasonable cost anddelay include any standards applied to duplex development that are more restrictive than those applicable to detached single- family dwellings in the same zone. In Ashland, detached single-family homes are a permitted use and in most cases simply require a building permit. The exceptions are planning approvals required for exceeding the maximum permitted house size (MPFA) in the historic districts, exceptions for the solar setback, variances to dimensional, parking and access requirements, tree removal permits, and permits for construction in natural hazard and resource areas such as hillside lands (25 percent slope and greater), floodplains, riparian areas and wetlands. The City Council finds the land use ordinance amendments are necessary to update the development standards and approval processfor duplexesto comply with HB 2001 and OARChapter 660 Division 46 Middle Housing in Medium and Large Cities, and are therefore consistent with AMC18.5.9.020.B. B.Consistency with the AshlandComprehensive Planand other City Policies The Btimboe!Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo includes a goal in the Housing Element to “fotvsf!b! sbohf!pg!ejggfsfou!exfmmjoh!uzqft!uibu!qspwjef!mjwjoh!pqqpsuvojujft!gps!uif!upubm!dsptt! tfdujpo!pg!Btimboe“t!qpqvmbujpo!)7/21/12*/”Includedwith this goal are thefollowing applicable policies: “Qpmjdz!2;!Qspwjef!gps!b!njy!pg!ipvtjoh!uzqft!uibu!bsf!buusbdujwf!boe! bggpsebcmf!up!b!ejwfstjuz!pg!bhft-!jodpnft-!ipvtfipme!tj{ft-!boe!ipvtfipme!uzqft-” and “Qpmjdz!4;!Joufhsbuf!ipvtjoh!xjui!puifs!dpnqbujcmf!mboe!vtft!uispvhi!gmfyjcmf!{pojoh! qspwjtjpot.” The Housing Element includes another goal to “tvqqpsu!uif!dsfbujpo!boe!qsftfswbujpo!pg! ipvtjoh!uibu!jt!bggpsebcmf!up!mpx!boe!npefsbuf!jodpnf!ipvtfipmet!boe!uibu!jt! dpnnfotvsbuf!xjui!uif!jodpnft!pg!Btimboe“t!xpslgpsdf!)7/21/13*-” along with the following applicable policy “Qpmjdz!25;!Qspwjef!gps!njojnbm!pgg.tusffu!qbsljoh! sfrvjsfnfout!jo!mpdbujpot!xifsf!ju!jt!efnpotusbufe!uibu!dbs!pxofstijq!sbuft!bsf!mpx!gps! sftjefou!qpqvmbujpot!jo!psefs!up!ifmq!sfevdf!ipvtjoh!dptut!boe!jodsfbtf!bggpsebcjmjuz!boe! xifsf!uif!jnqbdu!po!ofjhicpsippet!bmmpx/”The 2012 Btimboe!Ipvtjoh!Bobmztjt identified a deficit in rental housing and recommended more rental studio and one- bedroom units. Finding: The proposed land use codeamendments provide two different options to construct secondunits in the form of duplexes or ARUs in all of the residential zones. Thesesecond units will not require a planning approval and instead, as outright permitted uses,can be built or a structure converted with the approval of a building permit. Since the proposed land use ordinance amendments allow duplexes and ARUs without a planning application and approval, this change in the approval process eliminates $850 to $1,380 in planning application fees and two to three months for the review and public noticing process for a property owner who wishes to develop a duplex or ARU. The reduction in the requiredon-site parking for a duplex and elimination of an on-site parking requirement for ARUs as required by the new state laws and administrative rules Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 4 is consistent with the City’s housing policy to provide minimal off-street parking requirements to help reduce housing costs and increase affordability. The DmjnbufboeFofshz!Bdujpo!Qmbo(CEAP) includes an action to“Sfwjtf!dpnnvojuz! efwfmpqnfou!qmbot!up!gbwps!xbmlbcmf!ofjhicpsippet!boe!jogjmm!efotjuz/!Btimboe!ibt!b! tfsjft!pg!mpoh.sbohf!qmboojoh!epdvnfout!uibu!hvjef!efwfmpqnfou!bdsptt!Btimboe! ejtusjdut-ofjhicpsippet-!boe!obuvsbm!bsfbt/!Sfwjtjujoh!uiftf!qmbot!up!fotvsf!uibu!uifz! tvqqpsu!dmjnbuf.sfbez!efwfmpqnfou!offet-!tvdi!bt!xbmljoh-!cjljoh-!usbotju-!qbsljoh! nbobhfnfou-!boe!dmjnbuf!bebqubujpo!gfbuvsft-!xjmm!fotvsf!uibu!Btimboe!efwfmpqnfou!jt! dpotjtufouxjui!uif!Djuz“t!dmjnbuf!hpbmt!boe!dpnnjunfout/!Ju!xjmm!cf!jnqpsubou!up!fotvsf! uibu!uiftf!bdujwjujft!ep!opu!dpnf!bu!uif!fyqfotf!pg!ijhifs!ipvtjoh!dptut-!xijdi!dpvme! ejtbewboubhf!mpx.jodpnf!qpqvmbujpot!)DFBQ!VMU.5.3*/” Finding: The proposed land use code amendments will provide opportunities to develop duplexes and ARUs as infill density within existing neighborhoods which is consistent with the CEAP. The Btimboe!Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo includes a regional plan element with performance indicators including a committed residential density for the city limits of 6.6 dwelling units per acre. Finding: The City of Ashland participated in the regional planning process that resulted in the adoption of the Hsfbufs!Cfbs!Dsffl!Wbmmfz!Sfhjpobm!Qmbo in 2012. Cities throughout the region identified urban reserve areas (URAs) to accommodate housing for future population growth. The City of Ashland decided to accommodate housing for future population with the Ashland’s current boundaries rather than identify future growth areas on the perimeter of the city. As a result, Ashland committed to exploring ways to increase land use efficiency and accommodate future housing needs without identifying URAs. Changes to the zoning and land use ordinance that encourage development of residential units in existing neighborhoods can provide needed multifamily residential units to contribute toward accommodating future housing needs. The City Council finds and determines that the proposed land use code amendments are consistent with the Comprehensive Planand other aforementioned City documents and policies. C.Consistency with Oregon Statewide Planning Goals GOAL 1: CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT Up!efwfmpq!b!djuj{fo!jowpmwfnfou!qsphsbn!uibu!fotvsft!uif!pqqpsuvojuz!gps!djujft!up!cf! jowpmwfe!jo!bmm!qibtft!pg!uif!qmboojoh!qspdftt/ Finding: The City of Ashland meets this requirement by having the Planning Commission serve as the Committee on Citizen Involvement, as well as having various Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 5 citizencommissions with opportunities for the public to testify on general or specific matters. The Planning Commission discussed the proposed code amendments at four electronic public meetings onOctober 13, 2020, December 22, 2021, February 23, 2021 and April 27, 2021. The Planning Commission held an electronicpublic hearing on May 11, 2021 and recommended approval of the attached ordinance. The code amendments were also presented to the Housing and Human Services Commission on April 22, 2021 and the Historic Commission on May 5, 2021. Opportunities to provide written and oral testimony were available at all of the commission meetings.All of the aforementioned meetings were held electronically because of the City of Ashland emergency declaration for the COVID-19 pandemic that began onMarch 15, 2020 and the Governor’s Executive Order 20-16 that suspended all in-person public meetings. In addition to the Planning Commission meetings, an electronic development roundtable meeting was held on April 21, 2021 to provide information and obtain comments on the proposed code amendments. Thirty-five development professionals including planners, design professionals, contractors and developers were invited. In addition, three notices were sent to the same group of development professionals regarding meeting and code updates to the same group for the above mentioned Planning Commission meetings. A project web pageat www.ashland.or.us/duplexcodewith the draft code amendments, meeting materials and reference materialswasavailable throughout the duration of the project and was included in all meeting notices and announcements.This Goal is met. GOAL 2: LAND USE PLANNING Up!ftubcmjti!b!mboe!vtf!qmboojoh!qspdftt!boe!qpmjdz!gsbnfxpsl!bt!b!cbtjt!gps!bmm! efdjtjpot!boe!bdujpot!sfmbufe!up!vtf!pg!mboe!boe!up!bttvsf!bo!befrvbuf!gbduvbm!cbtft!gps! tvdi!efdjtjpot!boe!bdujpot/ Finding: The proposed land use code amendments have an adequate factual base and are required by HB 2001 and OAR Chapter660 Division 46, as has beenthoroughly describedin this application.The implementation measures proposed are consistent with and adequate to carry out HB 200, OAR Chapter 660 Division 46, and Comprehensive Planpolices as noted in these findings. The alternative to amending the land use code would be to follow the Model Code and OAR Chapter660Division046 for duplex requirements.The Goal is met. GOAL 3: AGRICULATURAL LANDS Up!qsftfswf!boe!nbjoubjo!bhsjdvmuvsbmmboet/ Finding: Not applicable becausethe proposal doesnot proposeany land use regulation changes to agricultural lands outside ofthe AshlandUrban Growth Boundary. GOAL 4: FOREST LANDS Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 6 Up!dpotfswf!gpsftu!mboet!cz!nbjoubjojoh!uif!gpsftu!mboe!cbtf!boe!up!qspufdu!uif!tubuf“t! gpsftu!fdpopnz!cz!nbljoh!qpttjcmf!fdpopnjdbmmz!fggjdjfou!gpsftu!qsbdujdft!uibu!bttvsf!uif! dpoujovpvt!hspxjoh!boe!ibswftujoh!pg!gpsftu!usff!tqfdjft!bt!uif!mfbejoh!vtf!po!gpsftu!mboe! dpotjtufou!xjui!tpvoe!nbobhfnfou!pg!tpjm-!bjs-!xbufs-!boe!gjti!boe!xjmemjgf!sftpvsdft!boe! up!qspwjefgps!sfdsfbujpobm!pqqpsuvojujft!boe!bhsjdvmuvsf/ Finding: Not applicable because the proposal does not propose any land use regulation changes to forest lands outside of the Ashland Urban Growth Boundary. GOAL 5: NATURAL RESOURCES, SCENIC AND HISTORIC AREAS, AND OPEN SPACES Up!qspufdu!obuvsbm!sftpvsdft!boe!dpotfswf!tdfojd!boe!ijtupsjd!bsfbt!boe!pqfo!tqbdft/ Finding: The proposed land use code amendments will not negatively impact inventoried Goal 5 resources. The proposal for duplex dwelling s with theWater Resource Protection Zones(i.e., stream bank and wetland protection zones) follow the same provisions for detached single-family dwellings including activities requiring permits in AMC Chapter 18.3.11 Water Resource Protection Zones (Overlays). For designated historic resources, duplex dwellings are treated the same as detached single-family dwellings.AMC requires Site Design Review of exterior changes to any residential structure that is individually listed on the National Registerof Historic Places and requirea building permit, regardless of the number of dwelling units. AMC Maximum Permitted Residential Floor Area in Historic District limits the floor area of residential dwellings in the City of Ashland’s four national register historic districts. The maximum permitted floor area (MPFA) allows more floor area for a duplex than for a single-family, and therefore the existing regulation is not more restrictive for a detached single-family dwelling as compared to a duplex. In addition,the proposed amendments provide an exemption fora detached duplex dwelling from the MPFA calculation if it is separated from the other structures by six feet or more. This same exemption from MPFA is currently in place for detachedaccessory structures and ARUs. This Goal is met. GOAL 6: AIR, WATER AND LAND RESOURCES QUALITY Up!nbjoubjo!boe!jnqspwf!uif!rvbmjuz!pg!uif!bjs-!xbufs!boe!mboe!sftpvsdft!pg!uif!tubuf/ Finding: The City of Ashland has an acknowledged Comprehensive Plan that complies with this goal. This proposal does not modify the existing goals and policies,and compliance with HB 2001 and OAR Chapter 660 Division 46 does not negatively impact Goal 6.This Goal is met. GOAL 7: AREAS SUBJECT TO NATURAL HAZARDS Up!qspufdu!qfpqmf!boe!qspqfsuz!gspn!obuvsbm!ib{bset/ Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 7 Finding: The City of Ashland has an acknowledged Comprehensive Plan that complies with this goal. This proposal does not modify the existing goals and policies and compliance with HB 2001 and OAR Chapter 660 Division 46 doesnot negatively impact Goal 7. AMC 18.3.10 Physical and Environmental Constraints Overlay regulates flood plan corridor lands, hillside and severe constraint lands, and wildfire lands. The standards that apply to the aforementioned natural hazard areas follow the same provisions for any structure whether a detached single-family dwelling or a duplex, with one exception which is discussed below. AMC limits the development of existing parcels without adequate buildable area less than or equal to 35 percent slope to be buildable for one unit. The proposed land use code amendments revise the allowance for one unit to an accessory residential unit in combination with a single-family dwellingor a duplex. There are thirty-one vacant parcels,which is less than one percent of the residential parcels in the Ashland city limits,that do not have a buildable area that is less than or equal to 35 percent slope. Given that any development in the regulated Hillside Lands area is subject to the dimensional requirements of the underlying zone including lot coverage and that the Hillside Development Standards in AMC regulate the areas of cut and fill, surface and groundwater design, building location and design, and tree preservation, the development of a single-family dwelling, a single-family dwelling and an accessory residential unit or a duplex will result in comparable impact to the natural hazard area. In addition, development in areas over 35 percent slope are required to include a geotechnical study that addresses site geology ad suitable of the site for the proposed development form a geologic standpoint.This Goal is met. GOAL 8: RECREATIONAL NEEDS Up!tbujtgz!uif!sfdsfbujpobm!offet!pg!uif!djuj{fot!pg!uif!tubuf!boe!wjtjupst!boe-!xifsf! bqqspqsjbuf-!up!qspwjef!gps!uif!tjujoh!pg!ofdfttbsz!sfdsfbujpobm!gbdjmjujft!jodmvejoh! eftujobujpo!sftpsut/ Finding: The City of Ashland has an acknowledged Comprehensive Plan that complies with this goal and the proposal does not modify the existing goals and policies related to Goal 7 and recreational needs.This Goal is met. GOAL 9: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Up!qspwjef!befrvbuf!pqqpsuvojujft!uispvhipvu!uif!tubuf!gps!b!wbsjfuz!pg!fdpopnjd! bdujwjujft!wjubm!up!ifbmui-!xfmgbsf-!boe!qsptqfsjuz!pg!Psfhpo“t!djuj{fot/ Finding: HB 2001 and OAR Chapter 660 Division 046 for duplexes do not apply to lands with a nonresidential Comprehensive Plan designation and that are zoned for employment uses. The proposal does not modify the existing goals and polices related to Goal 9and economic development. This Goal is met. GOAL 10: HOUSING Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 8 Up!qspwjef!gps!uif!ipvtjoh!offet!pg!djuj{fot!pg!uif!tubuf/ Finding: The proposed land use code amendments provide two different options to construct secondunits in the form of duplexes or ARUs in all of the residential zones. These second units will not require a planning approval and instead, as outright permitted uses, can be built or a structure converted with the approval of a building permit. Since the land use ordinance amendments allow duplexes and ARUs without a planning application and approval, this change in the approval process eliminates $850 to $1,380 in planning application fees and two to three months for the review and public noticing process for a property owner who wishes to develop a duplex or ARU. The reduction in the require on-site parking for a duplex and elimination of an on-site parking requirement for ARUsisrequired by the new state laws and administrative rules, andis consistent with the City’s housing policy to provide minimal off-street parking requirements in locations to help reduce housing costs and increase affordability. The City of Ashland with the assistance of a grant from DLCD recently completed a draft Housing Capacity Analysis (HCA) that is scheduled for a public hearing at the Ashland City Council in August 2021. The proposed land use ordinance amendments comply with HB 2001 and OAR Chapter 660 Division 046 and allow the development of duplexes using the same approval process and standards as a detached single-family dwelling in all of the residential zones in Ashland. This Goal is met. GOAL 11:PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES Up!qmbo!boe!efwfmpq!b!ujnfmz-!psefsmz!boe!fggjdjfou!bssbohfnfou!pg!qvcmjd!gbdjmjujft!boe tfswjdft!up!tfswf!bt!b!gsbnfxpsl!gps!vscbo!boe!svsbm!efwfmpqnfou/ Finding: The City of Ashland has master plans in place for water, wastewater and stormwaterthat address project population growth in the Ashland city limits and UGB. The Water Master Plan was completed in 2020 and projects and plans for an adequate water supply for a 20-year planning period. The Wastewater Master Plan was completed in 2012 and projects and plans for an adequate water supply for a 20-year planning period. The Stormwater and Drainage Master Plan was completed in 2020 and projects and plans for an adequate water supply for a 20-year planning period. GOAL 12: TRANSPORTATION Upqspwjef!boe!fodpvsbhf!b!tbgf-!dpowfojfou!boe!fdpopnjd!usbotqpsubujpo!tztufn/ Psfhpo!Benjojtusbujwf!Svmft 771.157.1141 Jnqmfnfoubujpo!pg!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!Psejobodft )4*!Xifo!b!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!bnfoet!jut!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!ps!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!up! bmmpx!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh-!uif!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!jt!opu!sfrvjsfe!up!dpotjefs!xifuifs!uif! bnfoenfout!tjhojgjdboumz!bggfdu!bo!fyjtujoh!ps!qmboofe!usbotqpsubujpo!gbdjmjuz/ Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 9 Finding: The City of Ashland adopted a Transportation System Plan (TSP) in 2013 which has gone through the post acknowledgement amendment process. The transportation system isplanned to accommodate the populationgrowthof the community for the 20-year planning period. The City of Ashland has not evaluated the impacts of duplex dwellings on the transportation system in accordance with OAR 660-046-0030. This Goal is met. GOAL13: ENERGY CONSERVATION Up!dpotfswf!fofshz/ Finding: This goal is not applicable because the proposed land use code amendments to not directly affect energy conservation. GOAL 14: URBANZIATION Up!qspwjef!gps!bo!psefsmz!boe!fggjdjfou!usbotjujpo!gspn!svsbm!up!vscbo!mboe!vtf-!up! bddpnnpebuf!vscbo!qpqvmbujpo!boe!vscbo!fnqmpznfou!jotjef!vscbo!hspxui!cpvoebsjft-! up!fotvsf!fggjdjfou!vtf!pg!mboe-!boe!up!qspwjef!gps!mjwbcmf!dpnnvojujft/ Finding: The proposed land use code amendments donot include changes tothe Ashland Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). The changes to the duplex approval process and standards facilitate the efficient use of land with the existing city limits and UGB to meet the project populationfor Ashland. This Goal is met. D.Consistency with HB 2001 and OARChapter 660 Division 46 Middle Housing in Medium and Large Cities Applicable Oregon Revised Statute 197.758 Development of middle housing; local regulations. )2*!Bt!vtfe!jo!uijt!tfdujpo; )b*!”Dpuubhf!dmvtufst•!nfbothspvqjoht!pg!op!gfxfs!uibo!gpvs!efubdife!ipvtjoh!vojut! qfs!bdsf!xjui!b!gppuqsjou!pg!mftt!uibo!:11!trvbsf!gffu!fbdi!boe!uibu!jodmvef!b!dpnnpo! dpvsuzbse/ )c*!”Njeemf!ipvtjoh•!nfbot; )B*!Evqmfyft< )C*!Usjqmfyft< )D*!Rvbeqmfyft< )E*!Dpuubhf!dmvtufst<!boe )F*!Upxoipvtft/ )d*!”Upxoipvtft•!nfbot!b!exfmmjoh!voju!dpotusvdufe!jo!b!spx!pg!uxp!ps!npsf! buubdife!vojut-!xifsf!fbdi!exfmmjoh!voju!jt!mpdbufe!po!bo!joejwjevbm!mpu!ps!qbsdfm!boe! tibsft!bu!mfbtu!pof!dpnnpo!xbmm!xjui!bo!bekbdfou!voju/ )3*!Fydfqu!bt!qspwjefe!jo!tvctfdujpo!)5*!pg!uijt!tfdujpo-!fbdi!djuz!xjui!b!qpqvmbujpo!pg! 36-111!ps!npsf!boe!fbdi!dpvouz!ps!djuz!xjuijo!b!nfuspqpmjubo!tfswjdf!ejtusjdu!tibmm!bmmpx! uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg; Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 10 )b*!Bmm!njeemf!ipvtjoh!uzqft!jo!bsfbt!{pofe!gps!sftjefoujbm!vtf!uibu!bmmpx!gps!uif! efwfmpqnfou!pg!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht<!boe )c*!B!evqmfy!po!fbdi!mpu!ps!qbsdfm!{pofe!gps!sftjefoujbm!vtf!uibu!bmmpxt!gps!uif! efwfmpqnfou!pg!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht/ )4*!Fydfqu!bt!qspwjefe!jo!tvctfdujpo!)5*!pg!uijt!tfdujpo-!fbdi!djuz!opu!xjuijo!b! nfuspqpmjubo!tfswjdf!ejtusjdu!xjui!b!qpqvmbujpo!pg!npsf!uibo!21-111!boe!mftt!uibo!36-111! tibmm!bmmpx!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!b!evqmfy!po!fbdi!mpu!ps!qbsdfm!{pofe!gps!sftjefoujbm!vtf! uibu!bmmpxt!gps!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht/!Opuijoh!jo!uijt! tvctfdujpo!qspijcjut!b!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!gspn!bmmpxjoh!njeemf!ipvtjoh!uzqft!jo!beejujpo! up!evqmfyft/ )5*!Uijt!tfdujpo!epft!opu!bqqmz!up; )b*!Djujft!xjui!b!qpqvmbujpo!pg!2-111!ps!gfxfs< )c*!Mboet!opu!xjuijo!bo!vscbo!hspxui!cpvoebsz< )d*!Mboet!uibu!bsf!opu!jodpsqpsbufe!boe!bmtp!mbdl!tvggjdjfou!vscbo!tfswjdft-!bt!efgjofe! jo!PST!2:6/176< )e*!Mboet!uibu!bsf!opu!{pofe!gps!sftjefoujbm!vtf-!jodmvejoh!mboet!{pofe!qsjnbsjmz!gps! dpnnfsdjbm-!joevtusjbm-!bhsjdvmuvsbm!ps!qvcmjd!vtft<!ps )f*!Mboet!uibu!bsf!opu!jodpsqpsbufe!boe!bsf!{pofe!voefs!bo!joufsjn!{pojoh! eftjhobujpo!uibu!nbjoubjot!uif!mboe“t!qpufoujbm!gps!qmboofe!vscbo!efwfmpqnfou/ )6*!Mpdbm!hpwfsonfout!nbz!sfhvmbuf!tjujoh!boe!eftjho!pg!njeemf!ipvtjoh!sfrvjsfe!up! cf!qfsnjuufe!voefs!uijt!tfdujpo-!qspwjefe!uibu!uif!sfhvmbujpot!ep!opu-!joejwjevbmmz!ps! dvnvmbujwfmz-!ejtdpvsbhf!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!bmm!njeemf!ipvtjoh!uzqft!qfsnjuufe!jo!uif! bsfb!uispvhi!vosfbtpobcmf!dptut!ps!efmbz/!Mpdbm!hpwfsonfout!nbz!sfhvmbuf!njeemf! ipvtjoh!up!dpnqmz!xjui!qspufdujwf!nfbtvsft!bepqufe!qvstvbou!up!tubufxjef!mboe!vtf! qmboojoh!hpbmt/ )7*!Uijt!tfdujpo!epft!opu!qspijcju!mpdbm!hpwfsonfout!gspn!qfsnjuujoh; )b*!Tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht!jo!bsfbt!{pofe!up!bmmpx!gps!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht<!ps )c*!Njeemf!ipvtjoh!jo!bsfbt!opu!sfrvjsfe!voefs!uijt!tfdujpo/!\\312:!d/74:!¨3^ Note: Tfdujpot!4!boe!5-!dibqufs!74:-!Psfhpo!Mbxt!312:-!qspwjef; Sec. 3. )2*!Opuxjuituboejoh!PST!2:8/757-!b!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!tibmm!bepqu!mboe!vtf! sfhvmbujpot!ps!bnfoe!jut!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!up!jnqmfnfou!tfdujpo!3!pg!uijt!312:!Bdu! \\2:8/869^!op!mbufs!uibo; )b*!Kvof!41-!3132-!gps!fbdi!djuz!tvckfdu!up!tfdujpo!3!)4*!pg!uijt!312:!Bdu<!ps )c*!Kvof!41-!3133-!gps!fbdi!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!tvckfdu!up!tfdujpo!3!)3*!pg!uijt!312:!Bdu/ )3*!Uif!Mboe!Dpotfswbujpo!boe!Efwfmpqnfou!Dpnnjttjpo-!xjui!uif!bttjtubodf!pg!uif! Cvjmejoh!Dpeft!Ejwjtjpo!pg!uif!Efqbsunfou!pg!Dpotvnfs!boe!Cvtjoftt!Tfswjdft-!tibmm! efwfmpq!b!npefm!njeemf!ipvtjoh!psejobodf!op!mbufs!uibo!Efdfncfs!42-!3131/ )4*!B!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!uibu!ibt!opu!bdufe!xjuijo!uif!ujnf!qspwjefe!voefs!tvctfdujpo! )2*!pg!uijt!tfdujpo!tibmm!ejsfdumz!bqqmz!uif!npefm!psejobodf!efwfmpqfe!cz!uif!dpnnjttjpo! voefs!tvctfdujpo!)3*!pg!uijt!tfdujpo!voefs!PST!2:8/757!)4*!voujm!uif!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou! bdut!bt!eftdsjcfe!jo!tvctfdujpo!)2*!pg!uijt!tfdujpo/ )5*!Jo!bepqujoh!sfhvmbujpot!ps!bnfoejoh!b!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!voefs!uijt!tfdujpo-!b! mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!tibmm!dpotjefs!xbzt!up!jodsfbtf!uif!bggpsebcjmjuz!pg!njeemf!ipvtjoh!cz! dpotjefsjoh!psejobodft!boe!qpmjdjft!uibu!jodmvef!cvu!bsf!opu!mjnjufe!up; )b*!Xbjwjoh!ps!efgfssjoh!tztufn!efwfmpqnfou!dibshft< Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 11 )c*!Bepqujoh!ps!bnfoejoh!dsjufsjb!gps!qspqfsuz!uby!fyfnqujpot!voefs!PST!418/626!up! 418/634-!418/651!up!418/659!ps!418/762!up!418/798!ps!qspqfsuz!uby!gsff{ft!voefs!PST! 419/561!up!419/592<!boe )d*!Bttfttjoh!b!dpotusvdujpo!uby!voefs!PST!431/2:3!boe!431/2:6/ )6*!Xifo!b!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!nblft!b!mfhjtmbujwf!efdjtjpo!up!bnfoe!jut!dpnqsfifotjwf! qmbo!ps!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!up!bmmpx!njeemf!ipvtjoh!jo!bsfbt!{pofe!gps!sftjefoujbm!vtf! uibu!bmmpx!gps!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht-!uif!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!jt!opu!sfrvjsfe!up! dpotjefs!xifuifs!uif!bnfoenfout!tjhojgjdboumz!bggfdu!bo!fyjtujoh!ps!qmboofe! usbotqpsubujpo!gbdjmjuz/!\\312:!d/74:!¨4^ Sec. 4. )2*!Opuxjuituboejoh!tfdujpo!4!)2*!ps!)4*!pg!uijt!312:!Bdu-!uif!Efqbsunfou!pg! Mboe!Dpotfswbujpo!boe!Efwfmpqnfou!nbz!hsbou!up!b!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!uibu!jt!tvckfdu!up! tfdujpo!3!pg!uijt!312:!Bdu!\\2:8/869^!bo!fyufotjpo!pg!uif!ujnf!bmmpxfe!up!bepqu!mboe!vtf! sfhvmbujpot!ps!bnfoe!jut!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!voefs!tfdujpo!4!pg!uijt!312:!Bdu/ )3*!Bo!fyufotjpo!voefs!uijt!tfdujpo!nbz!cf!bqqmjfe!pomz!up!tqfdjgjd!bsfbt!xifsf!uif! mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!ibt!jefoujgjfe!xbufs-!tfxfs-!tupsn!esbjobhf!ps!usbotqpsubujpo!tfswjdft! uibu!bsf!fjuifs!tjhojgjdboumz!efgjdjfou!ps!bsf!fyqfdufe!up!cf!tjhojgjdboumz!efgjdjfou!cfgpsf! Efdfncfs!42-!3134-!boe!gps!xijdi!uif!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!ibt!ftubcmjtife!b!qmbo!pg!bdujpot! uibu!xjmm!sfnfez!uif!efgjdjfodz!jo!uiptf!tfswjdft!uibu!jt!bqqspwfe!cz!uif!efqbsunfou/!Uif! fyufotjpo!nbz!opu!fyufoe!cfzpoe!uif!ebuf!uibu!uif!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!joufoet!up!dpssfdu!uif! efgjdjfodz!voefs!uif!qmbo/ )4*!Jo!bsfbt!xifsf!uif!fyufotjpo!voefs!uijt!tfdujpo!epft!opu!bqqmz-!uif!mpdbm! hpwfsonfou!tibmm!bqqmz!jut!pxo!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!dpotjtufou!xjui!tfdujpo!4!)2*!pg!uijt! 312:!Bdu!ps!uif!npefm!psejobodf!efwfmpqfe!voefs!tfdujpo!4!)3*!pg!uijt!312:!Bdu/ )5*!B!sfrvftu!gps!bo!fyufotjpo!cz!b!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!nvtu!cf!gjmfe!xjui!uif! efqbsunfou!op!mbufs!uibo; )b*!Efdfncfs!42-!3131-!gps!b!djuz!tvckfdu!up!tfdujpo!3!)4*!pg!uijt!312:!Bdu/ )c*!Kvof!41-!3132-!gps!b!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!tvckfdu!up!tfdujpo!3!)3*!pg!uijt!312:!Bdu/ )6*Uif!efqbsunfou!tibmm!hsbou!ps!efoz!b!sfrvftu!gps!bo!fyufotjpo!voefs!uijt!tfdujpo; )b*!Xjuijo!:1!ebzt!pg!sfdfjqu!pg!b!dpnqmfuf!sfrvftu!gspn!b!djuz!tvckfdu!up!tfdujpo!3!)4*! pg!uijt!312:!Bdu/ )c*!Xjuijo!231!ebzt!pg!sfdfjqu!pg!b!dpnqmfuf!sfrvftu!gspn!b!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!tvckfdu! up!tfdujpo!3!)3*!pg!uijt!312:!Bdu/ )7*!Uif!efqbsunfou!tibmm!bepqu!svmft!sfhbsejoh!uif!gpsn!boe!tvctubodf!pg!b!mpdbm! hpwfsonfou“t!bqqmjdbujpo!gps!bo!fyufotjpo!voefs!uijt!tfdujpo/!Uif!efqbsunfou!nbz! jodmvef!svmft!sfhbsejoh; )b*!Efgjojoh!uif!bggfdufe!bsfbt< )c*!Dbmdvmbujoh!efgjdjfodjft!pg!xbufs-!tfxfs-!tupsn!esbjobhf!ps!usbotqpsubujpo! tfswjdft< )d*!Tfswjdf!efgjdjfodz!mfwfmt!sfrvjsfe!up!rvbmjgz!gps!uif!fyufotjpo< )e*!Uif!dpnqpofout!boe!ujnjoh!pg!b!sfnfejbujpo!qmbo!ofdfttbsz!up!rvbmjgz!gps!bo! fyufotjpo< )f*!Tuboebset!gps!fwbmvbujoh!bqqmjdbujpot<!boe )g*!Ftubcmjtijoh!efbemjoft!boe!dpnqpofout!gps!uif!bqqspwbm!pg!b!qmbo!pg!bdujpo/!\\312:! d/74:!¨5^ Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 12 Finding: Compliance with 197.758 is addressed in the findings below under OAR Chapter 660, Division 46 Middle Housing in Medium and Large Cities. Applicable Oregon Administrative Rules OAR Chapter 660, Division 46 Middle Housing in Medium and Large Cities 771.157.1111 Qvsqptf Uif!qvsqptf!pg!uijt!ejwjtjpo!jt!up!qsftdsjcf!tuboebset!hvjejoh!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!Njeemf! Ipvtjoh!uzqft!bt!qspwjefe!jo!Psfhpo!Mbxt!312:-!dibqufs!74:/!PBS!771.157.1121!up! PBS!771.157.1346!ftubcmjti!tuboebset!sfmbufe!up!uif!tjujoh!boe!eftjho!pg!Njeemf! Ipvtjoh!uzqft!jo!vscbo!hspxui!cpvoebsjft/!PBS!771.157.1411!up!PBS!771.157.1481 ftubcmjti!uif!gpsn!boe!tvctubodf!pg!bo!bqqmjdbujpo!boe!uif!sfwjfx!qspdftt!up!efmbz!uif! fobdunfou!pg!tuboebset!sfmbufe!up!uif!tjujoh!boe!eftjho!pg!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!uzqft!jo!bsfbt! xjui!tjhojgjdbou!jogsbtusvduvsf!efgjdjfodjft/ 771.157.1121 Bqqmjdbcjmjuz )2*!B!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!uibu!jt!b!Nfejvn!Djuz!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!nvtu!dpnqmz!xjui!uijt! ejwjtjpo/ Finding: The City of Ashland is classified as a Medium City. A medium city is defined as with a population between 10,000 and 25,000 and outside the Portland Metro boundary. The 2020 population estimate for Ashland from Portland State University is 21,105 and is located outside the Portland Metro boundary. )3*!Opuxjuituboejoh!tfdujpo!)2*-!b!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!offe!opu!dpnqmz!xjui!uijt! ejwjtjpo!gps; )b*!Mput!ps!Qbsdfmt!uibu!bsf!opu!{pofe!gps!sftjefoujbm!vtf-!jodmvejoh!cvu!opu!mjnjufe!up!Mput! ps!Qbsdfmt!{pofe!qsjnbsjmz!gps!dpnnfsdjbm-!joevtusjbm-!bhsjdvmuvsbm-!ps!qvcmjd!vtft< )c*!Mput!ps!Qbsdfmt!uibu!bsf!\[pofe!Gps!Sftjefoujbm!Vtf!cvu!ep!opu!bmmpx!gps!uif! efwfmpqnfou!pg!b!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoh<!boe )d*!Mput!ps!Qbsdfmt!uibu!bsf!opu!jodpsqpsbufe!boe!uibu!bsf!{pofe!voefs!bo!joufsjn!{pojoh! eftjhobujpo!uibu!nbjoubjot!uif!mboe“t!qpufoujbm!gps!qmboofe!vscbo!efwfmpqnfou/ Finding: The proposed land use code amendments to allow duplexes as an outright permitted use is applied to all residential zones in the City of Ashland. The implementation of HB 2001 for duplexes does not apply to the commercial, employment and industrialzones where the primary use is intended for employment uses. )4*!B!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!nbz!sfhvmbuf!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!up!dpnqmz!xjui!qspufdujwf! nfbtvsft!)jodmvejoh!qmbot-!qpmjdjft-!boe!sfhvmbujpot*!bepqufe!boe!bdlopxmfehfe! qvstvbou!up!tubufxjef!mboe!vtf!qmboojoh!hpbmt/!Xifsf!Nfejvn!boe!Mbshf!Djujft!ibwf! bepqufe-!ps!tibmm!bepqu-!sfhvmbujpot!jnqmfnfoujoh!uif!gpmmpxjoh!tubufxjef!qmboojoh! hpbmt-!uif!gpmmpxjoh!qspwjtjpot!qspwjef!ejsfdujpo!bt!up!ipx!uiptf!sfhvmbujpot!tibmm!cf! jnqmfnfoufe!jo!sfmbujpo!up!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh-!bt!sfrvjsfe!cz!uijt!svmf/ Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 13 )b*!Hpbm!6;!Obuvsbm!Sftpvsdft-!Tdfojd-!boe!Ijtupsjd!Bsfbt!—PBS!dibqufs!771-!ejwjtjpo! 34-!qsftdsjcft!qspdfevsft-!boe!jo!tpnf!dbtft-!tuboebset-!gps!dpnqmzjoh!xjui!Hpbm!6/! PBS!dibqufs!771-!ejwjtjpo!27!ejsfdufe!jnqmfnfoubujpo!pg!Hpbm!6!qsjps!up!ejwjtjpo!34/! Mpdbm!qspufdujpo!nfbtvsft!bepqufe!qvstvbou!up!ejwjtjpot!34!boe!27!bsf!bqqmjdbcmf!up! Njeemf!Ipvtjoh/ )B*!Hpbm!6!Obuvsbm!Sftpvsdft!—Qvstvbou!up!PBS!771.134.1161!uispvhi!PBS!771.134. 1221-!Nfejvn!boe!Mbshf!Djujft!nvtu!bepqu!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!up!qspufdu!xbufs!rvbmjuz-! brvbujd!ibcjubu-!boe!uif!ibcjubu!pg!uisfbufofe-!foebohfsfe!boe!tfotjujwf!tqfdjft/!Uijt! jodmveft!sfhvmbujpot!bqqmjdbcmf!up!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!up!dpnqmz!xjui!qspufdujwf!nfbtvsft! bepqufe!qvstvbou!up!Hpbm!6; )j*!Nfejvn!boe!Mbshf!Djujft!nbz!bqqmz!sfhvmbujpot!up!Evqmfyft!uibu!bqqmz!up!efubdife! tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht!jo!uif!tbnf!{pof< )jj*!Nfejvn!boe!Mbshf!Djujft!nbz!mjnju!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!puifs!uibo! Evqmfyft!jo!tjhojgjdbou!sftpvsdf!tjuft!jefoujgjfe!boe!qspufdufe!qvstvbou!up!Hpbm!6<!boe )jjj*!Jg!b!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!ibt!opu!bepqufe!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!qvstvbou!up!PBS! 771.134.11:1-!ju!nvtu!bqqmz!b!211.gppu!tfucbdl!up!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!efwfmpqfe!bmpoh!b! sjqbsjbo!dpssjeps/ Finding: AMC 18.3.11 Water Resource Protection Zones (Overlays) regulates riparian areas and wetlands, and follow the same provisions for any structure whether a detached single-family dwelling or a duplex. There are no changes proposed to AMC 18.3.11 Water Resource Protection Zones (Overlays). )C*!Hpbm!6;!Ijtupsjd!Sftpvsdft!—Qvstvbou!up!PBS!771.134.1311)8*-!Nfejvn!boe!Mbshf! Djujft!nvtu!bepqu!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!up!qspufdu!mpdbmmz!tjhojgjdbou!ijtupsjd!sftpvsdft/! Uijt!jodmveft!sfhvmbujpot!bqqmjdbcmf!up!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!up!dpnqmz!xjui!qspufdujwf! nfbtvsft!bt!ju!sfmbuft!up!uif!joufhsjuz!pg!b!ijtupsjd!sftpvsdf!ps!ejtusjdu/!Qspufdujwf! nfbtvsft!tibmm!cf!bepqufe!boe!bqqmjfe!bt!qspwjefe!jo!PBS!771.134.1311/!Nfejvn!boe! Mbshf!Djujft!nbz!bqqmz!sfhvmbujpot!bepqufe!voefs!PBS!771.134.1311!up!Njeemf! Ipvtjoh!uibu!bqqmz!up!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht!jo!uif!tbnf!{pof-!fydfqu!bt! qspwjefe!cfmpx/Jg!b!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!ibt!opu!bepqufe!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!up! qspufdu!tjhojgjdbou!ijtupsjd!sftpvsdft!mjtufe!po!uif!Obujpobm!Sfhjtufspg!Ijtupsjd!Qmbdft-!ju! nvtu!bqqmz!qspufdujwf!nfbtvsft!up!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!bt!qspwjefe!jo!PBS!771.134. 1311)9*)b*!voujm!uif!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!bepqut!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!jo!dpnqmjbodf! xjui!PBS!771.134.1311/!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djujft!nbz!opu!bqqmz!uif!gpmmpxjoh!uzqft!pg! sfhvmbujpot!tqfdjgjd!up!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh; )j*!Vtf-!efotjuz-!boe!pddvqbodz!sftusjdujpot!uibu!qspijcju!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!Njeemf! Ipvtjoh!po!ijtupsjd!qspqfsujft!ps!ejtusjdut!uibu!puifsxjtf!qfsnju!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg! efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht<!boe )jj*!Tuboebset!uibu!qspijcju!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!po!ijtupsjd!qspqfsujft!ps! ejtusjdut!uibu!puifsxjtf!qfsnju!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht/ Finding: AMC requires Site Design Review of exterior changes to any residential structure that is individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places and requires a building permit, regardless of the number of dwelling units. AMC Maximum Permitted Residential Floor Area in Historic District limits the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 14 floor area of residential dwellings in the City of Ashland’s four national register historic districts. The maximum permitted floor area (MPFA) allows more floor area for a duplex than for a single-family, and therefore the existing regulation is not more restrictive for a detached single-family dwelling as compared to a duplex. In addition,the proposed land use code amendments exempta detachedduplex dwelling unit from the MPFA calculation if it is separated from the other structures by six feet or more. This same exemption from MPFA is currently in place for detached accessory structures and ARUs. There are no changes proposed to AMC and AMC AMC requires Site Design Review of two or more dwelling units on a lot and AMC exempts single-familydwellings and ARUs(i.e., accessory dwelling units) from Site Design Review. The proposed land use code amendments change the threshold for Site Design Review in AMC to three or more unitsin residential zonesand duplexes are added to the exemptions from Site Design Review in AMC )c*!Hpbm!7;!Bjs-!Xbufs!boe!Mboe!Sftpvsdft!Rvbmjuz!—Qvstvbou!up!PBS!771.126.1111)7*-! b!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!nbz!mjnju!efwfmpqnfou!xjuijo!bo!vscbo!hspxui!cpvoebsz!up tvqqpsu!buubjonfou!pg!gfefsbm!boe!tubuf!bjs-!xbufs-!boe!mboe!rvbmjuz!sfrvjsfnfout/! Nfejvn!boe!Mbshf!Djujft!nbz!bqqmz!sfhvmbujpot!bepqufe!qvstvbou!up!Hpbm!7!up!uif! efwfmpqnfou!pg!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh/ Finding: The City of Ashland has an acknowledge Comprehensive Plan that complies with this goal, and the proposed land use code amendments do not modify the exiting goals and policies. )d*!Hpbm!8;!Bsfbt!Tvckfdu!up!Obuvsbm!Ib{bset!—Qvstvbou!up!PBS!771.126.1111)8*-! Nfejvn!boe!Mbshf!Djujft!nvtu!bepqu!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbot!)jowfoupsjft-!qpmjdjft-!boe! jnqmfnfoujoh!nfbtvsft*!up!sfevdf!sjtl!up!qfpqmf!boe!qspqfsuz!gspn!obuvsbm!ib{bset/! Tvdi!qspufdujwf!nfbtvsft!bepqufe!qvstvbou!up!Hpbm!8!bqqmz!up!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh-! jodmvejoh-!cvu!opu!mjnjufe!up-!sftusjdujpot!po!vtf-!efotjuz-boe!pddvqbodz!jo!uif!gpmmpxjoh! bsfbt; )B*!Tqfdjbm!Gmppe!Ib{bse!Bsfbt!bt!jefoujgjfe!po!uif!bqqmjdbcmf!Gfefsbm!Fnfshfodz! Nbobhfnfou!Bhfodz!Gmppe!Jotvsbodf!Sbuf!Nbq<!boe )C*!Puifs!ib{bse!bsfbt!jefoujgjfe!jo!bo!bepqufe!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!ps!efwfmpqnfou! dpef-!qspwjefe!uif!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!efufsnjoft!uibu!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!Njeemf! Ipvtjoh!qsftfout!b!hsfbufs!sjtl!up!mjgf!ps!qspqfsuz!uibo!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!efubdife! tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht!gspn!uif!jefoujgjfe!ib{bse/!Hsfbufs!sjtl!jodmveft!cvu!jt!opu!mjnjufe! upbdujpot!ps!fggfdut!tvdi!bt; )j*!Jodsfbtjoh!uif!ovncfs!pg!qfpqmf!fyqptfe!up!b!ib{bse< )jj*!Jodsfbtjoh!sjtl!pg!ebnbhf!up!qspqfsuz-!cvjmu-!ps!obuvsbm!jogsbtusvduvsf<!boe )jjj*!Fybdfscbujoh!uif!sjtl!cz!bmufsjoh!uif!obuvsbm!mboetdbqf-!izesbvmjdt-!ps!izespmphz/ Finding: AMC 1.3.10 Physical and Environmental Constraints Overlay regulates flood plan corridor lands, hillside and severe constraint lands, and wildfire lands. The standards that apply to the aforementioned natural hazard areas follow the same provisions for any Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 15 structure whether a detached single-family dwelling or a duplex, with one exception which is discussed below. AMC limits the development of existing parcels without adequate buildable area less than or equal to 35 percent slope tobe buildable for one unit.The proposed land use code amendments revise the allowance for one unit to allow a duplex or an accessory residential unit in combination with a single-family dwelling.Thirty-one parcels,which is less than one percent of the residential parcels in the Ashland city limits, do not have a buildable area that is less than or equal to 35 percent slope.Given that any development in the regulated Hillside Lands area is subject to the dimensional requirements of the underlying zone and that theHillside Development Standards in AMC regulate the areas of cut and fill, surface and groundwater design, building location and design, and tree preservation, the development of a single-family dwelling, a single-family dwelling and an accessory residential unit or a duplex will result in comparable impact as a single-family dwelling to the natural hazard area. In addition, development in areas over 35 percent slope are required to include a geotechnical study that addresses site geology ad suitable of the site for the proposed development form a geologic standpoint. )e*!Hpbm!:;!Fdpopnjd!Efwfmpqnfou!.Qvstvbou!up!PBS!771.11:.1136-!Nfejvn!boe! Mbshf!Djujft!nvtu!bepqu!nfbtvsft!befrvbuf!up!jnqmfnfou!joevtusjbm!boe!puifs! fnqmpznfou!efwfmpqnfou!qpmjdjft-!jodmvejoh!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!eftjhobujpot/!Nfejvn! boe!Mbshf!Djujft!nbz!mjnju!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!po!Mput!ps!Qbsdfmt!\[pofe! Gps!Sftjefoujbm!Vtf!eftjhobufe!gps!gvuvsf!joevtusjbm!ps!fnqmpznfou!vtft/ Finding: The implementation of HB 2001 for duplexes does not apply to lands with a nonresidential Comprehensive Plan designation, including the commercial, employment and industrial designations and zones in Ashland. )f*!Hpbm!22;!Qvcmjd!Gbdjmjujft!boe!Tfswjdft!.Qvstvbou!up!PBS!771.122.1131)3*-!b!qvcmjd! gbdjmjuz!qmbo!nvtu!jefoujgz!tjhojgjdbou!qvcmjd!gbdjmjuz!qspkfdut!xijdi!bsf!up!tvqqpsu!uif!mboe! vtft!eftjhobufe!jo!uif!bdlopxmfehfe!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo/!Uijt!jodmveft!qvcmjd!gbdjmjuz! qspkfdut!up!tvqqpsu!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!jobsfbt!{pofe!gps!sftjefoujbm!vtf! uibu!bmmpx!gps!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht/!Gpmmpxjoh!bepqujpo! pg!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!bmmpxbodft!cz!b!Mbshf!Djuz-!uif!Mbshf!Djuz!tibmm!xpsl!up!fotvsf!uibu! jogsbtusvduvsf!tfswjoh!voefwfmpqfe!ps!voefsefwfmpqfe!bsfbt-!bt!efgjofe!jo!PBS!771. 157.1431)9*-!xifsf!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!jt!bmmpxfe!jt!bqqspqsjbufmz!eftjhofe!boe!tj{fe!up! tfswf!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh/ Finding: The City of Ashland has an acknowledge Comprehensive Plan that complies with this goal. In addition, the City of Ashland has master plans for transportation as well as the public utilities (i.e., water, sanitary sewer and storm drainage) that are regularly updated and include projected buildouts for infill and vacant lands. )g*!Hpbm!26;!Xjmmbnfuuf!Hsffoxbz!—Qvstvbou!up!PBS!771.126.1116-!Nfejvn!boe!Mbshf! Djujft!nvtu!sfwjfx!joufotjgjdbujpot-!dibohft!pg!vtf!ps!efwfmpqnfout!up!jotvsf!uifjs! Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 16 dpnqbujcjmjuz!xjui!uif!Xjmmbnfuuf!Sjwfs!Hsffoxbz/!Nfejvn!boe!Mbshf!Djujft!nbz!bmmpx! boe!sfhvmbuf!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!jo!uif!Xjmmbnfuuf!Hsffoxbz-!qspwjefe! uibu!bqqmjdbcmf!sfhvmbujpot!bepqufe!qvstvbou!up!Hpbm!26!dpnqmz!xjui!PST!2:8/418/ Finding: This goal is not applicable to the City of Ashland because Ashland is not located in the Willamette Greenway. )h*!Hpbm!27;Ftuvbsjof!Sftpvsdft!—Qvstvbou!up!PBS!771.126.1121)2*!boe!PBS!dibqufs! 771-!ejwjtjpo!28-!Nfejvn!boe!Mbshf!Djujft!nvtu!bqqmz!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!uibu!qspufdu! uif!ftuvbsjof!fdptztufn-!jodmvejoh!jut!obuvsbm!cjpmphjdbm!qspevdujwjuz-!ibcjubu-!ejwfstjuz-! vojrvfgfbuvsft-!boe!xbufs!rvbmjuz/!Nfejvn!boe!Mbshf!Djujft!nbz!qspijcju!Njeemf! Ipvtjoh!jo!bsfbt!sfhvmbufe!up!qspufdu!ftuvbsjof!sftpvsdft!voefs!Hpbm!27!jo!uif!tbnf! nboofs!bt!uif!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!qspijcjut!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht!up! qspufdu!ftuvbsjofsftpvsdft!voefs!Hpbm!27/ Finding: This goal is not applicable to the City of Ashland because Ashland does not have identified estuarine resources. )i*!Hpbm!28;!Dpbtubm!Tipsfmboet!—Qvstvbou!up!PBS!771.126.1121)3*!boe!PBS!771.148. 1191-!mpdbm!hpwfsonfout!nvtu!bqqmz!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!uibu!qspufdu!tipsfmboet!gps! xbufs.efqfoefou!sfdsfbujpobm-!dpnnfsdjbm-!boe!joevtusjbm!vtft/Uijt!jodmveft! sfhvmbujpot!bqqmjdbcmf!up!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!up!dpnqmz!xjui!qspufdujwf!nfbtvsft!bepqufe! qvstvbou!up!Hpbm!28/!Mpdbm!hpwfsonfout!nbz!bqqmz!sfhvmbujpot!up!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!uibu! bqqmz!up!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht!jo!uif!tbnf!{pof/ Finding: This goal is not applicable to the City of Ashland because Ashland is not a coastal community and does not have coastal shorelands. )j*Hpbm!29;!Cfbdift!boe!Evoft!—Qvstvbou!up!PBS!771.126.1121)4*-!Nfejvn!boe! Mbshf!Djujft!nvtu!bqqmz!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!up!sftjefoujbm!efwfmpqnfout!up!njujhbuf! ib{bset!up!mjgf-!qvcmjd!boe!qsjwbuf!qspqfsuz-!boe!uif!obuvsbm!fowjsponfou!jo!bsfbt! jefoujgjfe!bt!Cfbdift!boe!Evoft!voefs!Hpbm!29/!Uijt!jodmveft!sfhvmbujpot!bqqmjdbcmf!up! Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!up!dpnqmz!xjui!qspufdujwf!nfbtvsft!bepqufe!qvstvbou!up!Hpbm!29! jodmvejoh!cvu!opu!mjnjufe!up!sftusjdujpot!po!vtf-!efotjuz-!boe!pddvqbodz<!qspwjefe!uif! efwfmpqnfou!pg!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!qsftfout!b!hsfbufs!sjtl!up!mjgf!ps!qspqfsuz!uibo! efwfmpqnfou!pg!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht/!Hsfbufs!sjtl!jodmveft!cvu!jt!opu!mjnjufe! up!bdujpot!ps!fggfdut!tvdi!bt; )B*!Jodsfbtjoh!uif!ovncfs!pg!qfpqmf!fyqptfe!up!b!ib{bse< )C*!Jodsfbtjoh!sjtl!pg!ebnbhf!up!qspqfsuz-!cvjmu!ps!obuvsbm!jogsbtusvduvsf<!boe )D*!Fybdfscbujoh!uif!sjtl!cz!bmufsjoh!uif!obuvsbm!mboetdbqf-!izesbvmjdt-!ps!izespmphz/ )5*!Gps!uif!qvsqptft!pg!bttjtujoh!mpdbm!kvsjtejdujpot!jo!bepqujoh!sfbtpobcmf!tjujoh!boe! eftjho!tuboebset!gps!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh-!uif!bqqmjdbcmf!Npefm!Dpef!bepqufe!jo!uijt!tfdujpo! xjmm!cf!bqqmjfe!up!B!Mpdbm!Hpwfsonfou!Uibu!Ibt!Opu!Bdufe!up!dpnqmz!xjui!uif!qspwjtjpot! pg!PST!2:8/869!boe!uijt!ejwjtjpo/!Gps!tvdi!Nfejvn!boe!Mbshf!Djujft-!uif!bqqmjdbcmf! Npefm!Dpef!dpnqmfufmz!sfqmbdft!boe!qsf.fnqut!boz!qspwjtjpot!pg!uiptf!Nfejvn!boe! Mbshf!Djujft“!efwfmpqnfou!dpeft!uibu!dpogmjdu!xjui!uif!Npefm!Dpef/!Uif!Dpnnjttjpo! Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 17 bepqut!uif!gpmmpxjoh!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!Npefm!Dpeft; )b*!Uif!Nfejvn!Djuz!Npefm!Dpef!bt!qspwjefe!jo!Fyijcju!B<!boe )c*!Uif!Mbshf!Djuz!Npefm!Dpef!bt!qspwjefe!jo!Fyijcju!C/ )6*!Uijt!ejwjtjpo!epft!opu!qspijcju!Nfejvn!pg!Mbshf!Djujft!gspn!bmmpxjoh; )b*!Tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht!jo!bsfbt!{pofe!up!bmmpx!gps!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht<!ps )c*!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!jo!bsfbt!opu!sfrvjsfe!voefs!uijt!ejwjtjpo/ Finding: The proposed land use code amendments provide standards and an approval process for duplexes that are consistent with the standards and approval process applied to detached single-family dwellingsinthe same residential zones. 771.157.1131 Efgjojujpot Bt!vtfe!jo!uijt!ejwjtjpo-!uif!efgjojujpot!jo!PST!2:8/126!boe!PST!2:8/869!bqqmz-!vomftt! uif!dpoufyu!sfrvjsft!puifsxjtf/Jo!beejujpo-!uif!gpmmpxjoh!efgjojujpot!bqqmz; )2*!”B!Mpdbm!Hpwfsonfou!Uibu!Ibt!Opu!Bdufe•!nfbot!b!Nfejvn!psMbshf!Djuz!uibu!ibt! opu!bepqufe!bdlopxmfehfe!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!uibu!bsf!jo!dpnqmjbodf!xjui!PST!2:8/869! boe!uijt!ejwjtjpo/ )3*!”Dpuubhf!Dmvtufs•!nfbot!b!hspvqjoh!pg!op!gfxfs!uibo!gpvs!efubdife!exfmmjoh!vojut! qfs!bdsf!xjui!b!gppuqsjou!pg!mftt!uibo!:11!trvbsf!gffu!fbdi!uibu!jodmveft!b!dpnnpo! dpvsuzbse/!B!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!nbz!bmmpx!Dpuubhf!Dmvtufs!vojut!up!cf!mpdbufe!po!b! tjohmf!Mpu!ps!Qbsdfm-!ps!po!joejwjevbm!Mput!ps!Qbsdfmt/ )4*!”Efqbsunfou•!nfbot!uif!Efqbsunfou!pg!Mboe!Dpotfswbujpo!boe!Efwfmpqnfou/ )5*!”Eftjho!Tuboebse•!nfbot!b!tuboebse!sfmbufe!up!uif!bssbohfnfou-!psjfoubujpo-! nbufsjbmt-!bqqfbsbodf-!bsujdvmbujpo-!ps!bftuifujd!pg!gfbuvsft!po!b!exfmmjoh!voju!ps! bddfttpsz!fmfnfout!po!b!tjuf/!Eftjho!tuboebset!jodmvef-!cvu!bsf!opu!mjnjufe!up-!tuboebset! uibu!sfhvmbuf!fousz!boe!exfmmjoh!psjfoubujpo-!gbèbef!nbufsjbmt!boe!bqqfbsbodf-!xjoepx! dpwfsbhf-!esjwfxbzt-!qbsljoh!dpogjhvsbujpo-!qfeftusjbo!bddftt-!tdsffojoh-!mboetdbqjoh-! boe!qsjwbuf-!pqfo-!tibsfe-!dpnnvojuz-!ps!dpvsuzbse!tqbdft/ )6*!”Efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoh•!nfbot!b!efubdife!tusvduvsf!po!b!Mpu!ps!Qbsdfm! uibu!jt!dpnqsjtfe!pg!b!tjohmf!exfmmjoh!voju/ )7*!”Evqmfy•!nfbot!uxp!buubdife!exfmmjoh!vojut!po!b!Mpu!ps!Qbsdfm/!B!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf! Djuz!nbz!efgjof!b!Evqmfy!up!jodmvef!uxp!efubdife!exfmmjoh!vojut!po!bMpu!ps!Qbsdfm/ )8*!”Hpbm!Qspufdufe!Mboet•!nfbot!mboet!qspufdufe!ps!eftjhobufe!qvstvbou!up!boz!pof!pg! uif!gpmmpxjoh!tubufxjef!qmboojoh!hpbmt; )b*!Hpbm!6!Obuvsbm!Sftpvsdft-!Tdfojd!boe!Ijtupsjd!Bsfbt-!boe!Pqfo!Tqbdft< )c*!Hpbm!7!Bjs-!Xbufs!boe!Mboe!Sftpvsdf!Rvbmjuz< )d*!Hpbm!8!Bsfbt!Tvckfdu!up!Obuvsbm!Ib{bset< )e*!Hpbm!:!Fdpopnjd!Efwfmpqnfou< )f*!Hpbm!26!Xjmmbnfuuf!Sjwfs!Hsffoxbz< )g*!Hpbm!27!Ftuvbsjof!Sftpvsdft< )h*!Hpbm!28!Dpbtubm!Tipsfmboet<!boe )i*!Hpbm!29!Cfbdift!boe!Evoft/ )9*!”Mbshf!Djuz•!nfbot!b!djuz!xjui!b!dfsujgjfe!Qpsumboe!Tubuf!Vojwfstjuz!Qpqvmbujpo! Sftfbsdi!Dfoufs!ftujnbufe!qpqvmbujpo!pg!36-111!ps!npsf!ps!b!djuz!xjui!b!qpqvmbujpo!pwfs! 2-111!xjuijo!b!nfuspqpmjubo!tfswjdf!ejtusjdu/!B!Mbshf!Djuz!jodmveft!vojodpsqpsbufe!bsfbt! Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 18 pg!dpvoujft!xjuijo!b!nfuspqpmjubo!tfswjdf!ejtusjdu!uibu!bsf!qspwjefe!xjui!tvggjdjfou!vscbo! tfswjdft!bt!efgjofe!jo!PST!2:6/176/!Tvggjdjfou!vscbo!tfswjdft!nfbot!bsfbt!uibu!bsf!xjuijo! bo!vscbo!tfswjdf!ejtusjdu!cpvoebsz/ ):*!”Mpu!ps!Qbsdfm•!nfbot!boz!mfhbmmz!dsfbufe!voju!pg!mboe/ )21*”Nbtufs!Qmboofe!Dpnnvojuz•!nfbot!b!tjuf!uibu!jt!boz!pof!pg!uif!gpmmpxjoh; )b*!Hsfbufs!uibo!31!bdsft!jo!tj{f!xjuijo!b!Mbshf!Djuz!ps!bekbdfou!up!uif!Mbshf!Djuz!xjuijo! uif!vscbo!hspxui!cpvoebsz!uibu!jt!{pofe!gps!ps!qspqptfe!up!cf!\[pofe!Gps!Sftjefoujbm! Vtf-!boe!xijdi!jt!opu!dvssfoumz!efwfmpqfe!xjui!vscbo!sftjefoujbm!vtft-!gps!xijdi!b!Mbshf! Djuz!qspqptft!up!bepqu-!cz!sftpmvujpo!ps!psejobodf-!b!nbtufs!qmbo!ps!b!qmbo!uibu!gvodujpot! jo!uif!tbnf!nboofs!bt!b!nbtufs!qmbo< )c*!Hsfbufs!uibo!31!bdsft!jo!tj{f!xjuijo!b!Mbshf!Djuz!ps!bekbdfou!up!uif!Mbshf!Djuz!xjuijo! uif!vscbo!hspxui!cpvoebsz!gps!xijdi!b!Mbshf!Djuz!bepqufe-!cz!sftpmvujpo!ps!psejobodf-! b!nbtufs!qmbo!ps!b!qmbo!uibu!gvodujpot!jo!uif!tbnf!nboofs!bt!b!nbtufs!qmbo!bgufs!uif!tjuf! xbt!jodpsqpsbufe!joup!uif!vscbo!hspxui!cpvoebsz<!ps )d*!Beefe!up!uif!Mbshf!Djuz“t!vscbo!hspxui!cpvoebsz!bgufs!Kbovbsz!2-!3132!gps!xijdi!uif! Mbshf!Djuz!qspqptft!up!bepqu-!cz!sftpmvujpo!ps!psejobodf-!b!nbtufs!qmbo!ps!b!qmbo!uibu! gvodujpot!jo!uif!tbnf!nboofs!bt!b!nbtufs!qmbo/ )22*!”Nfejvn!Djuz•!nfbot!b!djuz!xjui!b!dfsujgjfe!Qpsumboe!Tubuf!Vojwfstjuz!Qpqvmbujpo! Sftfbsdi!Dfoufs!ftujnbufe!qpqvmbujpo!npsf!uibo!21-111!boe!mftt!uibo!36-111!boe!opu! xjuijo!b!nfuspqpmjubo!tfswjdf!ejtusjdu/ )23*!”Njeemf!Ipvtjoh•!nfbot!Evqmfyft-!Usjqmfyft-!Rvbeqmfyft-Dpuubhf!Dmvtufst-!boe! Upxoipvtft/ )24*!”Npefm!Dpef•!nfbot!uif!bqqmjdbcmf!Npefm!Dpef!efwfmpqfe!cz!uif!Efqbsunfou!boe! dpoubjofe!jo!uif!fyijcjut!jo!PBS!771.157.1121)5*/ )25*!”Rvbeqmfy•!nfbot!gpvs!buubdife!exfmmjoh!vojut!po!b!Mpu!ps!Qbsdfm/!B!Mbshf!Djuz! nbz!efgjof!b!Rvbeqmfy!up!jodmvef!boz!dpogjhvsbujpo!pg!gpvs!efubdife!ps!buubdife! exfmmjoh!vojut!po!pof!Mpu!ps!Qbsdfm/ )26*!”Tjujoh!Tuboebse•!nfbot!b!tuboebse!sfmbufe!up!uif!qptjujpo-!cvml-!tdbmf-!ps!gpsn!pg!b! tusvduvsf!ps!b!tuboebse!uibu!nblft!mboe!tvjubcmf!gps!efwfmpqnfou/!Tjujoh!tuboebset! jodmvef-!cvu!bsf!opu!mjnjufe!up-!tuboebset!uibu!sfhvmbuf!qfsjnfufs!tfucbdlt-!ejnfotjpot-! cvml-!tdbmf-!dpwfsbhf-!njojnvn!boe!nbyjnvn!qbsljoh!sfrvjsfnfout-!vujmjujft-!boe!qvcmjd! gbdjmjujft/ )27*!”Tvggjdjfou!Jogsbtusvduvsf•!nfbotuif!gpmmpxjoh!mfwfm!pg!qvcmjd!tfswjdft!up!tfswf!ofx! Usjqmfyft-!Rvbeqmfyft-!Upxoipvtft-!ps!Dpuubhf!Dmvtufs!efwfmpqnfou; )b*!Dpoofdujpo!up!b!qvcmjd!tfxfs!tztufn!dbqbcmf!pg!nffujoh!ftubcmjtife!tfswjdf!mfwfmt< )c*!Dpoofdujpo!up!b!qvcmjd!xbufs!tztufn!dbqbcmf!pg!nffujoh!ftubcmjtife!tfswjdf!mfwfmt< )d*!Bddftt!wjb!qvcmjd!ps!qsjwbuf!tusffut!nffujoh!bepqufe!fnfshfodz!wfijdmf!bddftt! tuboebset!up!b!djuz“t!qvcmjd!tusffu!tztufn<!boe )e*!Tupsn!esbjobhf!gbdjmjujft!dbqbcmf!pg!nffujoh!ftubcmjtife!tfswjdf!mfwfmt!gps!tupsn! esbjobhf/ )28*!”Upxoipvtf•!nfbot!b!exfmmjoh!voju!uibu!jt!qbsu!pg!b!spx!pg!uxp!ps!npsf!buubdife! exfmmjoh!vojut-!xifsf!fbdi!voju!jt!mpdbufe!po!bo!joejwjevbm!Mpu!ps!Qbsdfm!boe!tibsft!bu! mfbtu!pof!dpnnpo!xbmm!xjui!bo!bekbdfou!exfmmjoh!voju/ )29*!”Upxoipvtf!Qspkfdu•!nfbot!pof!ps!npsf!upxoipvtf!tusvduvsft!dpotusvdufe-!ps! qspqptfe!up!cf!dpotusvdufe-!uphfuifs!xjui!uif!efwfmpqnfou!tjuf!xifsf!uif!mboe!ibt!cffo! ejwjefe-!ps!jt!qspqptfe!up!cf!ejwjefe-!up!sfgmfdu!uif!Upxoipvtf!qspqfsuz!mjoft!boe!uif!boz! Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 19 dpnnpomz!pxofe!qspqfsuz/ )2:*!”Usjqmfy•!nfbot!uisff!buubdife!exfmmjoh!vojut!po!b!Mpu!ps!Qbsdfm/!B!Mbshf!Djuz!nbz! efgjof!b!Usjqmfy!up!jodmvef!boz!dpogjhvsbujpo!pg!uisff!efubdife!ps!buubdife!exfmmjoh!vojut! po!pof!Mpu!ps!Qbsdfm/ )31*!”\[pofe!gps!Sftjefoujbm!Vtf•!nfbot!b!{pojoh!ejtusjdu!jo!xijdi!sftjefoujbm!exfmmjoht! bsf!uif!qsjnbsz!vtf!boe!xijdi!jnqmfnfout!b!sftjefoujbm!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!nbq! eftjhobujpo/ 771.157.1141 Jnqmfnfoubujpo!pg!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!Psejobodft )2*!Cfgpsf!b!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!bnfoet!bo!bdlopxmfehfe!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!ps!b!mboe! vtf!sfhvmbujpo!up!bmmpx!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh-!uif!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!nvtu!tvcnju!uif!qspqptfe! bnfoenfou!up!uif!Efqbsunfou!gps!sfwjfx!boe!dpnnfou!qvstvbou!up!PBS!dibqufs!771-! ejwjtjpo!29 . Finding: The proposed land use code amendments were submittedto the Department of Land Conservation and Development on April 1, 2021 providing 40 days prior to the first public scheduled hearing on May 11, 2021. )3*!Jo!bepqujoh!ps!bnfoejoh!sfhvmbujpot!ps!bnfoejoh!b!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!up!bmmpx! Njeemf!Ipvtjoh-!b!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!nvtu!jodmvef!gjoejoht!efnpotusbujoh!dpotjefsbujpo-! bt!qbsu!pg!uif!qptu.bdlopxmfehfnfou!qmbo!bnfoenfou!qspdftt-!pg!nfuipet!up!jodsfbtf!uif! bggpsebcjmjuz!pg!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!uispvhi!psejobodft!ps!qpmjdjft!uibu!jodmvef!cvu!bsf!opu! mjnjufe!up; )b*!Xbjwjoh!ps!efgfssjoh!tztufn!efwfmpqnfou!dibshft< Finding: The Ashland City Council adopted Resolution 2018-30 on November 6, 2018 implementing discounts on transportation systems development charges (SDCs) for small market rate dwelling units. The 2012 Housing Needs Analysis identified a need for studio and one-bedroom rental units in Ashland and the SDC discounts are intended to support the development of small market rate units. These same discounts will support the development of middle housing in the form of duplexes as well as dwellings meeting the size requirements such as accessory dwelling units, cottages and multifamily dwellings. The updated SDC methodology included in Resolution 2018-30 went into effect on January 1, 2018. The discounts include: 1) a 50 percent discount in transportation SDCs for new dwellings that are 500 square feet or smaller. 2) a 25 percent discount in transportation SDCs for dwellings that are 501 to 800 square feet, and 3) provides a 20 percent discount in transportationSDCs for developers planning to employ Transportation Demand Management (measures aimed at reducing single occupancy vehicle use); as an example this credit recognizes developing near transit (e.g., Transit Triangle Overlay); eligible projects must demonstrate achievable transportation impact reductions and parking reductions. Additionally to support the creation of new affordable housing and provide a means of reducing the upfront costs of SDCs, the Ashland City Council approved Ordinance 3174 Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 20 in 2019 which codified the following SDC waivers: 1) maintained and codified the existing affordable housing 100 percent discount for all SDCs for qualified as affordable housing by the City of Ashland Housing Program and deed restricted to remain affordable for aminimum of 30 years, and 2) regarding collection of SDC charges a new section AMC 4.20.090 was added to include an option to pay the SDC obligation over 10 years in semi-annual payments if the SDC obligation is over $2,000. )c*!Bepqujoh!ps!bnfoejoh!dsjufsjb!gps!qspqfsuz!uby!fyfnqujpot!voefs!PST!418/626!up! PST!418/634-!PST!418/651!up!PST!418/659!ps!PST!418/762!up!PST!418/798!ps!qspqfsuz! uby!gsff{ft!voefs!PST!419/561!up!PST!419/592<!boe Finding: The City of Ashlandwith the assistance of a grant from DLCD recently completed a draft Housing Capacity Analysis (HCA) that is scheduled for a public hearing at the Ashland City Council in August 2021. The HCA includes the following recommendation which will be considered in the upcoming Housing Production Strategy: Strategic Issue 3: Provide opportunities for development of housing affordable to all income levels -Bdujpo!4/3;!Fwbmvbuf!vtjoh!uif!Nvmujqmf!Voju!Qspqfsuz!Uby!Fyfnqujpo!up! jodfoujwj{f!qsftfswbujpo!boe!efwfmpqnfoupg!ipvtjoh!gps!mpx.up!njeemf.jodpnf! ipvtfipmet!gps!offefe!ipvtjoh!uzqft/ )d*!Bttfttjoh!b!dpotusvdujpo!uby!voefs!PST!431/2:3!boe!PST!431/2:6/ Finding: The City of Ashland with the assistance of a grant from DLCD recently completed a draft Housing Capacity Analysis (HCA) that is scheduled for a public hearing at the Ashland City Council in August 2021. The HCA includes the following recommendation which will be considered in the upcoming Housing Production Strategy: Strategic Issue 4: Identify funding sources to support development of infrastructure and housing affordability programs Bdujpo!5/2;!Fwbmvbuf!ftubcmjtijoh!b!Dpotusvdujpo! , Fydjtf!Uby!)DFU*!gps!sftjefoujbm-!dpnnfsdjbm-!boe!joevtusjbm!efwfmpqnfou/!Xifo!uif!Djuz! fwbmvbuft!jnqmfnfoujoh!b!DFU-!uif!Djuz!tipvme!dpotjefs!ipx!nvdi!gvoejoh!uif!DFU! dpvme!qspevdf!boe!efdjef!jg!uibu!gvoejoh!xpvme!nfbojohgvmmz!ifmq!jo!qspevdujpo!pg! bggpsebcmf!ipvtjoh/!Uif!Djuz!nbz!xbou!up!dpotjefs!b!nfuipepmphz!uibu!fyfnqut!b!qpsujpo! pg!uif!qfsnju!wbmvf!)tvdi!bt!uif!gjstu!%211-111!ps!npsf!qfsnju!wbmvf*-!bt!b!xbz!pg! gpdvtjoh!DFU!dibshft!po!vojut!xjui!b!ijhifs!qfsnju!wbmvf/ )4*!Xifo!b!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!bnfoet!jut!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!ps!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!up! bmmpx!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh-!uif!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!jt!opu!sfrvjsfe!up!dpotjefs!xifuifs!uif! bnfoenfout!tjhojgjdboumz!bggfdu!bo!fyjtujoh!ps!qmboofe!usbotqpsubujpo!gbdjmjuz/ Finding: The City of Ashland adopted a Transportation System Plan in 2013 which includes a transportation system that willaccommodate the population growth of the community for a 20-yearplanning period. 771.157.1151 Dpnqmjbodf )2*!B!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!nbz!bepqu!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!ps!bnfoe!jut!dpnqsfifotjwf! Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 21 qmbo!up!dpnqmz!xjui!PST!2:8/869!boe!uif!qspwjtjpot!pg!uijt!ejwjtjpo/ )3*!B!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!nbz!sfrvftu!gspn!uif!Efqbsunfou!bo!fyufotjpo!pg!uif!ujnf! bmmpxfe!up!dpnqmfuf!uif!bdujpo!voefs!tfdujpo!)2*!qvstvbou!up!uif!bqqmjdbcmf!tfdujpot!pg! PBS!771.157.1411!uispvhi!PBS!771.157.1481/ )4*!B!Nfejvn!Djuz!xijdi!jt!B!Mpdbm!Hpwfsonfou!Uibu!Ibt!Opu!Bdufe!cz!Kvof!41-3132!ps! xjuijo!pof!zfbs!pg!rvbmjgzjoh!bt!b!Nfejvn!Djuz!qvstvbou!up!PBS!771.157.1161!boe!ibt! opu!sfdfjwfe!bo!fyufotjpo!voefs!tfdujpo!)3*-!tibmm!ejsfdumz!bqqmz!uif!bqqmjdbcmf!Npefm! Dpef!dpoubjofe!jo!PBS!771.157.1121)5*!jo!jut!foujsfuz!up!bmm!qspqptfe!NjeemfIpvtjoh! efwfmpqnfou!bqqmjdbujpot!voujm!tvdi!ujnf!bt!uif!Nfejvn!Djuz!ibt!bepqufe!qspwjtjpot! voefs!tfdujpo!)2*/ )5*!B!Mbshf!Djuz!xijdi!jt!B!Mpdbm!Hpwfsonfou!Uibu!Ibt!Opu!Bdufe!cz!Kvof!41-!3133!ps! xjuijo!uxp!zfbst!pg!rvbmjgzjoh!bt!b!Mbshf!Djuz!qvstvbou!up!PBS!771.157.1161!boe!ibt! opu!sfdfjwfe!bo!fyufotjpo!voefs!tfdujpo!)3*-!tibmm!ejsfdumz!bqqmz!uif!bqqmjdbcmf!Npefm! Dpef!dpoubjofe!jo!PBS!771.157.1121)5*!gps!uif!tqfdjgjd!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!uzqf!uibu!jt!opu! jo!dpnqmjbodf!xjui!uif!sfmfwbou!svmft!jo!uijt!ejwjtjpo!up!bmm!qspqptfe!efwfmpqnfou! bqqmjdbujpot!gps!uibu!tqfdjgjd!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!uzqf!voujm!tvdi!ujnf!bt!uif!Mbshf!Djuz!ibt! bepqufe!qspwjtjpot!voefs!tfdujpo!)2*/ )6*!Jg!b!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!ibt!bepqufe!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!ps!bnfoefe!jut! dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!cz!uif!ebuf!qspwjefe!voefs!tfdujpot!)4*!boe!)5*!boe!uif!Nfejvn!ps! Mbshf!Djuz“t!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!ps!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!dibohft!bsf!tvctfrvfoumz! sfnboefe!cz!uif!Mboe!Vtf!Cpbse!pg!Bqqfbmt!ps!bo!bqqfmmbuf!dpvsu!tpmfmz!po!qspdfevsbm! hspvoet-!uif!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!jt!effnfe!up!ibwf!bdufe/!Bddpsejohmz-!uif!Nfejvn!ps! Mbshf!Djuz!nbz!dpoujovf!up!bqqmz!jut!pxo!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!boe!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo! bt!uifz!fyjtufe!qsjps!up!uif!bepqujpo!pg!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!ps!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo! bnfoenfout!uibu!xfsf!uif!tvckfdu!pg!qspdfevsbm!sfnboe!voujm!uif!gjstu!pg!uif!uxp!pqujpot; )b*!Uif!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!ibt!bepqufe!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!ps!bnfoefe!jut! dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!jo!sftqpotf!up!uif!sfnboe<!ps )c*!231!ebzt!bgufs!uif!ebuf!pg!uif!sfnboe/!Jg!uif!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!ibt!opu!bepqufe! mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!ps!bnfoefe!jut!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!xjuijo!231!ebzt!pg!uif!ebuf!pg! uif!sfnboe-!uif!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!jt!effnfe!opu!up!ibwf!bdufe!voefs!tfdujpot!)4*! boe!)5*/ )7*!Jg!b!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!ibt!bepqufe!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!ps!bnfoefe!jut! dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!cz!uif!ebuf!qspwjefe!voefs!tfdujpot!)4*!boe!)5*!boe!uif!Nfejvn!ps! Mbshf!djuz“t!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!ps!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!dibohft!bsf!tvctfrvfoumz! sfnboefe!cz!uif!Mboe!Vtf!Cpbse!pg!Bqqfbmt!ps!bo!bqqfmmbuf!dpvsu!po!boz!tvctuboujwf! hspvoet-!uif!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!jt!effnfe!up!ibwf!opu!bdufe!voefs!tfdujpot!)4*!boe! )5*/ )8*!Jg!b!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!bdlopxmfehfe!up!cf!jo!dpnqmjbodf!xjui!uijt!ejwjtjpo! tvctfrvfoumz!bnfoet!jut!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!ps!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo-!boe!uiptf bnfoenfout!bsf!sfnboefe!cz!uif!Mboe!Vtf!Cpbse!pg!Bqqfbmt!ps!bo!bqqfmmbuf!dpvsu-!uif! Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!tibmm!dpoujovf!up!bqqmz!jut!mboe!vtf!sfhvmbujpot!boe!dpnqsfifotjwf! qmbo!bt!uifz!fyjtufe!qsjps!up!uif!bnfoenfout!voujm!uif!bnfoenfout!bsf!bdlopxmfehfe/ )9*!Xifsf!b!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz!ejsfdumz!bqqmjft!uif!Npefm!Dpef!jo!bddpsebodf!xjui! tfdujpot!)4*-!)5*!boe!)6*-!uif!Npefm!Dpef!dpnqmfufmz!sfqmbdft!boe!qsf.fnqut!boz! qspwjtjpot!pg!uibu!Nfejvn!ps!Mbshf!Djuz“t!efwfmpqnfou!dpef!uibu!dpogmjdu!xjui!uif! bqqmjdbcmf!tfdujpot!pg!uif!Npefm!Dpef/ Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 22 Finding: The Ashland Planning Commission held a public hearing and recommended approval of the proposed land use code amendments on May 11, 2021. A public hearing and first reading arescheduled at the Ashland City Councill on June 1, 2021, and second reading is scheduled at the Ashland City Council on June 15, 2021. 771.157.1161 Eligible Local Governments )2*!Jg!b!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!xbt!opu!qsfwjpvtmz!b!Nfejvn!Djuz!boe!b!dfsujgjfe!Qpsumboe! Tubuf!Vojwfstjuz!Qpqvmbujpo!SftfbsdiDfoufs!qpqvmbujpo!ftujnbuf!rvbmjgjft!ju!bt!b! Nfejvn!Djuz-!uif!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!nvtu!dpnqmz!xjui!uijt!ejwjtjpo!xjuijo!pof!zfbs!pg!jut! rvbmjgjdbujpo!bt!b!Nfejvn!Djuz/ Finding: Not applicable because Ashland is classified as a Medium City. )3*!Jg!b!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!xbt!opu!qsfwjpvtmz!b!Mbshf!Djuz!boe!b!dfsujgjfe!Qpsumboe!Tubuf! Vojwfstjuz!Qpqvmbujpo!Sftfbsdi!Dfoufs!qpqvmbujpo!ftujnbuf!rvbmjgjft!ju!bt!b!Mbshf!Djuz-! uif!mpdbm!hpwfsonfou!nvtu!dpnqmz!xjui!uijt!ejwjtjpo!xjuijo!uxp!zfbst!pg!jut!rvbmjgjdbujpo! bt!bMbshf!Djuz/ Finding: Not applicable because Ashland is classified as a Medium City. 771.157.1211 Qvsqptf!pg!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!jo!Nfejvn!Djujft PBS!771.157.1216!uispvhi!PBS!771.157.1241!bsf!joufoefe!up!nfbtvsf!dpnqmjbodf! xjui!PST!2:8/869!fu!tfr!boe!Hpbm!21Ipvtjoh!gps!Nfejvn!Djujft/ Finding: The City of Ashland is proposing to amend the land use regulations to comply with ORS 197.758 and OAR Chapter 660 Division 46 as they relate to duplex dwellings. 771.157.1216 Bqqmjdbcjmjuz!pg!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!jo!Nfejvn!Djujft )2*!B!Nfejvn!Djuz!nvtu!bmmpx!gps!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!b!Evqmfy-!jodmvejoh!uiptf!Evqmfyft! dsfbufe!uispvhi!dpowfstjpo!pg!bo!fyjtujoh!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoh-!po!fbdi!Mpu! ps!Qbsdfm!{pofe!gps!sftjefoujbm!vtf!uibu!bmmpxt!gps!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!efubdife!tjohmf. gbnjmz!exfmmjoht/ )3*!PBS!771.157.1216!uispvhi!PBS!771.157.1241!ep!opu!sfrvjsf!b!Nfejvn!Djuz!up! bmmpx!npsf!uibo!uxp!exfmmjoht!vojut!po!b!Mpu!ps!Qbsdfm-!jodmvejoh!boz!bddfttpsz! exfmmjoh!vojut/ Finding: The City of Ashland is proposing to amend the land use regulations to comply with ORS 197.758 and OAR Chapter 660 Division 46 as they relate to duplex dwellings. The proposed land use code amendments allow duplexes outright with an approved building permit, whether new construction or conversion of an existing structure, in all of the residential zones in Ashland. All of the residential zones in Ashland allow the development of a detached single-family dwellings. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 23 771.157.1221 Provisions Applicable to Duplexes in Medium Cities )2*!Nfejvn!Djujft!nbzsfhvmbuf!Evqmfyft!up!dpnqmz!xjui!qspufdujwf!nfbtvsft-!jodmvejoh! qmbot-!qpmjdjft!boe!sfhvmbujpot-!bt!qspwjefe!jo!PBS!771.157.1121)4*/ Finding: Analysis is provided under 660-046-0010(3) to meet this requirement. )3*!Nfejvn!Djujft!nbz!sfhvmbuf!tjujoh!boe!eftjho!pg!Evqmfyft-!qspwjefe!uibu!uif! sfhvmbujpot; )b*!Bsf!dmfbs!boe!pckfdujwf!tuboebset-!dpoejujpot-!ps!qspdfevsft!dpotjtufou!xjui!PST! 2:8/418<!boe )c*!Ep!opu-!joejwjevbmmz!ps!dvnvmbujwfmz-!ejtdpvsbhf!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!Evqmfyft! uispvhi!vosfbtpobcmf!dptutps!efmbz/ Finding: The proposed land use code amendment address siting and design standards that include the dimensional requirementsincluding buildingheight, setbacks, lot size, and lot coverage that are clear and objective standardsand are the samefor single-family and duplex dwellings. )4*!Tjujoh!boe!eftjho!tuboebset!uibu!dsfbuf!vosfbtpobcmf!dptu!boe!efmbz!jodmvef!boz! tuboebset!bqqmjfe!up!Evqmfy!efwfmpqnfou!uibu!bsf!npsf!sftusjdujwf!uibo!uiptf!bqqmjdbcmf! up!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht!jo!uif!tbnf!{pof/ Finding: The proposed land use code amendment usesthe same standards for duplexes as detached single-family dwellings in the same zone, and therefore the standards are not more restrictive for a duplex than the standards applied to detached single-family dwellings. )5*!Tjujoh!boe!eftjho!tuboebset!uibu!ep!opu-!joejwjevbmmz!ps!dvnvmbujwfmz-!ejtdpvsbhf!uif! efwfmpqnfou!pg!Evqmfyft!uispvhi!vosfbtpobcmf!dptu!boe!efmbz!jodmvef!pomz!uif! gpmmpxjoh; )b*!Sfhvmbujpot!up!dpnqmz!xjui!qspufdujwf!nfbtvsftbepqufe!qvstvbou!up!tubufxjef!mboe! vtf!qmboojoh!hpbmt!qspwjefe!jo!PBS!771.157.1121)4*< )c*!Qfsnjuufe!vtft!boe!bqqspwbm!qspdftt!qspwjefe!jo!PBS!771.157.1226< )d*!Tjujoh!tuboebset!qspwjefe!jo!PBS!771.157.1231< )e*!Eftjho!tuboebset!jo!Nfejvn!Djujft!qspwjefe!jo!PBS!771.157.1236< )f*!Evqmfy!Dpowfstjpot!qspwjefe!jo!PBS!771.157.1241<!boe )g*!Boz!tjujoh!boe!eftjho!tuboebset!jo!uif!Npefm!Dpef!dpoubjofe!jo!tfdujpo!PBS!771. 157.1121)5*)b*/ 771.157.1226 Qfsnjuufe!Vtft!boe!Bqqspwbm!Qspdftt Nfejvn!Djujft!nvtu!bqqmz!uif!tbnf!bqqspwbm!qspdftt!up!Evqmfyft!bt!efubdife!tjohmf. gbnjmz!exfmmjoht!jo!uif!tbnf!{pof/!Qvstvbou!up!PBS!771.118.1126-!PBS!771.119.1126- boe!PST!2:8/418-!Nfejvn!Djujft!nbz!bepqu!boe!bqqmz!pomz!dmfbs!boe!pckfdujwf! Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 24 tuboebset-!dpoejujpot-!boe!qspdfevsft!sfhvmbujoh!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!Evqmfyft/!Opuijoh! jo!uijt!svmf!qspijcjut!b!Nfejvn!Djuz!gspn!bepqujoh!bo!bmufsobujwf!bqqspwbm!qspdftt!gps! bqqmjdbujpot!boe!qfsnjut!gps!Njeemf!Ipvtjoh!cbtfe!po!bqqspwbm!dsjufsjb!uibu!bsf!opu! dmfbs!boe!pckfdujwf!bt!qspwjefe!jo!PBS!771.118.1126)3*-!PBS!771.119.1126)3*-!boe! PST!2:8/418)7*/ Finding: The City of Ashland is not proposingan alternativereview process for duplex dwellings. 771.157.1231 Evqmfy!Tjujoh!Tuboebset!jo!Nfejvn!Djujft Uif!gpmmpxjoh!tuboebset!bqqmz!up!bmm!Evqmfyft; )2*!Njojnvn!Mpu!ps!Qbsdfm!Tj{f;!B!Nfejvn!Djuz!nbz!opu!sfrvjsf!b!njojnvn!Mpu!ps! Qbsdfm!tj{f!uibu!jt!hsfbufs!uibo!uif!njojnvn!Mpu!ps!Qbsdfm!tj{f!sfrvjsfe!gps!b!efubdife! tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoh!jo!uif!tbnf!{pof/!Beejujpobmmz-!Nfejvn!Djujft!tibmm!bmmpx!uif! efwfmpqnfou!pg!b!Evqmfy!po!boz!qspqfsuz!{pofe!up!bmmpx!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz! exfmmjoht-!xijdi!xbt!mfhbmmz!dsfbufe!qsjps!up!uif!Nfejvn!Djuz“t!dvssfou!mpu!tj{f!njojnvn! gps!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht!jo!uif!tbnf!{pof/ Finding: The proposed land use code amendments includes the same lot size for detached single-family dwellings and duplex in all of the residential zones. In addition, duplexes are exempted from the minimum lot size requirements to address existing, legally created lots that may not meet current lot size requirements. )3*!Efotjuz;!Jg!b!Nfejvn!Djuz!bqqmjft!efotjuz!nbyjnvnt!jo!b!{pof-!ju!nbz!opu!bqqmz!uiptf! nbyjnvnt!up!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!Evqmfyft/ Finding: The proposed land use code amendments apply density maximums to developments of three or more units, and exempt duplexes from maximum density calculations. )4*!Tfucbdlt;!B!Nfejvn!Djuz!nbz!opu!sfrvjsf!tfucbdlt!up!cf!hsfbufs!uibo!uiptf! bqqmjdbcmf!up!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht!jo!uif!tbnf!{pof/ Finding: The proposed land use code amendments includes the same setbacks for detached single-family dwellings andduplexes in allof the residential zones. )5*!Ifjhiu;!B!Nfejvn!Djuz!nbz!opu!bqqmz!mpxfs!nbyjnvn!ifjhiu!tuboebset!uibo!uiptf! bqqmjdbcmf!up!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoht!jo!uif!tbnf!{pof/ Finding: The proposed land use code amendments includes the same height restrictions for detached single-family dwellings andduplexes in allof the residential zones. )6*!Qbsljoh; )b*!B!Nfejvn!Djuz!nbz!opu!sfrvjsf!npsf!uibo!b!upubm!pg!uxp!pgg.tusffu!qbsljoh!tqbdft!gps! b!Evqmfy/ Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 25 )c*!Opuijoh!jo!uijt!tfdujpo!qsfdmveft!b!Nfejvn!Djuz!gspn!bmmpxjoh!po.tusffu!qbsljoh! dsfejut!up!tbujtgz!pgg.tusffu!qbsljoh!sfrvjsfnfout/ Finding: The proposed land use code amendments revise the off-street parking requirements to a total of two off-street spaces. )7*!Mpu!Dpwfsbhf!boe!Gmpps!Bsfb!Sbujp;!Nfejvn!Djujft!bsf!opu!sfrvjsfe!up!bqqmz!mpu! dpwfsbhf!ps!gmpps!bsfb!sbujp!tuboebset!up!ofx!Evqmfyft/!Ipxfwfs-!jg!uif!Nfejvn!Djuz! dipptft!up!bqqmz!mpu!dpwfsbhf!ps!gmppsbsfb!sbujp!tuboebset-!ju!nbz!opu!ftubcmjti!b! dvnvmbujwf!mpu!dpwfsbhf!ps!gmpps!bsfb!sbujp!gps!b!Evqmfy!uibu!jt!mftt!uibo!ftubcmjtife!gps! efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoh!jo!uif!tbnf!{pof/ Finding: The proposed land use code amendments include the same lot coverage maximums for detached single-family dwellings andduplexes in allof the residential zones. There is no floor area ratio requirement for single-family dwellings except for the MPFA in historic districts, which allows more floor area for a duplex than a detached single-family home. )8*!B!Nfejvn!Djuz!ps!puifs!vujmjuz!tfswjdf!qspwjefs!uibu!hsbout!dmfbs!boe!pckfdujwf! fydfqujpot!up!qvcmjd!xpslt!tuboebset!up!efubdife!tjohmf.gbnjmz!exfmmjoh!efwfmpqnfou! nvtu!bmmpx!uif!hsboujoh!pg!uif!tbnf!fydfqujpot!up!Evqmfyft/ Finding: No exceptions are proposed for duplexes frompublic works standards that would apply differently to detached single-family dwellings. 771.157.1236 Evqmfy!Eftjho!Tuboebset!jo!Nfejvn!Djujft )2*!Nfejvn!Djujft!bsf!opu!sfrvjsfe!up!bqqmz!eftjho!tuboebset!up!ofx!Evqmfyft/!Ipxfwfs-! jg!uif!Nfejvn!Djuz!dipptft!up!bqqmz!eftjho!tuboebset!up!ofx!Evqmfyft-!ju!nbz!pomz!bqqmz! uif!tbnf!dmfbs!boe!pckfdujwf!eftjho!tuboebset!uibu!uif!Nfejvn!Djuz!bqqmjft!up!efubdife! tjohmf.gbnjmz!tusvduvsft!jo!uif!tbnf!{pof/ )3*!B!Nfejvn!Djuz!nbz!opu!bqqmz!eftjho!tuboebset!up!Evqmfyft!dsfbufe!bt!qspwjefe!jo! PBS!771.157.1241/ Finding: The existing design standard for single-family homes are also applied to duplexes, and the standards are clear and objective standards. 660-046-0130 Duplex Conversions Conversion of an existing detached single-family dwelling to a Duplex is allowed, pursuant to OAR 660-046-0105(2), provided that the conversion does not increase nonconformance with applicable clear and objective standards in the Medium City’s development code, unless increasing nonconformance is otherwise allowed by the Medium City. Finding: The proposed land use code amendments include provisions for conversion of a Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 26 nonconforming structure into a duplex in compliance with OAR 660-046-0130. Conversion of conforming structures in residential zones is not regulated by the City of Ashlandland use code. OVERALL COUNCIL CONCLUSIONS The City Council finds and determines the approval criteria for this decision have been fully met, based on the detailed findings set forth herein, the detailed findings and analysis of the Planning Commission, andsupporting documents together with all staff reports, addenda and supporting materials in the whole record. Specifically,the Council finds that the proposed land use code amendments are consistent with City of Ashland approval criteria for land use ordinance and zoning map amendments asset forth in ALUO are consistent with the City of Ashland Comprehensive Planand other City policies. The Council finds and determines that the proposed amendments are consistent the Oregon Statewide Planning Goals, HB 2001 and OAR Chapter 660 Division 46. Accordingly, based on the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and based upon the evidence in the whole record, the City Council hereby APPROVES the ADOPTION of the following amendments to AMC Title 18 Land Useas reflected in the attached ordinance. Ashland City Council Approval _______________________________________________ Julie Akins, MayorDate Signature authorized and approved by the full Council this 15th day of June, 2021. Attest: ___________________________________________ Melissa Huhtala, City RecorderDate Approved as to form: _____________________________________________ David H. Lohman, City AttorneyDate Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawPage 27