HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-08-27 Planning PACKET Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Planning Commission meeting is encouraged to do so. If you wish to speak, please fill out a Speaker Request Form and place it in the Speaker Request Box by staff. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note that the public testimony may be limited by the Chair and normally is not allowed after the Public Hearing is closed. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY SESSION August 27, 2019 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM, Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street II. ANNOUNCEMENTS III. PUBLIC FORUM IV.DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Plaza and Public Space Standards B. Draft Amendments to Open Space Standards V. ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). Memo DATE: August 27, 2019 TO: Ashland Planning Commission FROM: Maria Harris, Planning Manager RE: Draft ordinance amendments to open space standards Summary The Planning Commission is being asked to provide feedback to staff on the attached draft ordinance amendments to the open space standards. Background The Planning Commission discussed amendments to the open space standards at the January 22, 2019 and March 26, 2019 meeting. The Commission reviewed draft amendments at the March 26 meeting. There were a variety of items discussed at the meeting including the term open space, requirements for upper-floor level balconies, impacts on steeper slopes on usable areas, improving the definition of major recreation facility and addressing the written comments submitted or the March 26 meeting. Draft Ordinance Amendments Sta and the written comments received at the March 26 meeting. The key changes since the March 26 meeting include the following. Open Space Standards for Multifamily and Attached Single-family Housing A requirement that a minimum of 50 percent of the required open space is provided as a o common area for developments of 10 or more units. This can be reduced if the site is within a quarter mile of a public park. Addition of standards for common open space including minimum dimensions, locational o requirements and slopes. Addition of private open space standards for decks, patios, porches, yards and similar o areas. Standards added for ground-floor dwelling units and upper-floor dwelling units. Open Space Standards for Performance Standards Options (PSO) Developments Addition of dimensional standards for common open space except for pedestrian paths o and natural feature areas. Definitions Definition of common area revised. o Major recreational facilities definition added. o Definitions for common and private open space added. o Definition of yard revised. o Page 2 of 2 The attached document incudes what staff believes are the key issues and changes discussed thus far by the Planning Commission. If the Planning Commission believes the draft ordinance amendments are moving in the right direction, staff will perform and provide a comprehensive update to the land use ordinance including subsection 18.25.080.F Residential Density bonus, cross references and terminology consistency throughout the land use ordinance. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us ORDINANCE NO.______ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS 18.3.9, 18.4.2 AND 18.6OF THE ASHLAND LAND USE ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE OPEN SPACESTANDARDS Annotated to show deletions and additionsto the code sections being modified. Deletions are bold lined throughbold underlined and additions are .Unchanged text is grey. SECTION 1. Section\[Residential Development–Open Space\] of the Ashland Land Use Ordinance is hereby amended as follows: Development Commented \[MH1\]: This section applies to development with two or more multi-family dwelling units per lot (ARUs H.Open Space.Residential developments that are subject to the provisions of this chapter are exempted) and attached common wall single-family shall conform to all of the following standards. dwellings (e.g. townhomes, condominiums, rowhouses). See Site Design Review applicability in 1.Recreation AreaOpen Space.An area equal to at least eight percent of the lot area shall be dedicated toopen space for recreational use by the tenantsof the development. a.Required Area. An area equal to at least eight percent of the total lot area shall be dedicated as open space. The required open space area may be met by combining common and private open spacesmeeting the requirements of this section. b.All areas set aside for common open space shall be counted forbase density. The required open space is not subject to bonus point calculations. c.Ownershipand Maintenance.The open space shall be designated as common area on the application submittals and permanently set aside for the use of residents of the development.Maintenance ofopen space shall be responsibility of the lot owner(s). d.Timing.Open space shall be constructedand landscaped, or secured with a financial instrument, prior to final occupancy of the first dwelling unit. e.Performance Standards Option (PSO) Overlay.Open space dedicated to meet the requirements of this section shall also satisfy the open space requirement of subsection for developmentsexercising the Performance Standards option in Chapter 18.3.9. Commented \[MH2\]: Multifamily and attached single-family developments that are subject to Site Design Review and 2.Surfacing. Areas covered by shrubs, bark mulch, and other ground covers that do are creating a subdivision (Performance Standards Option) not provide suitable surface for human use may not be counted towards this can also count the 8% open space required under Site Design Review as the required 5% of common open space requirement. required for a PSO subdivision for 10 or more units. In other words, the percentages required overlap and are not 3.Decks and Patios.Decks, patios, and similar areas are eligible for open space. added to require 13%. 4.Play Areas. Play areas for children are required for projects of greater than 20 units that are designed to include families. Play areas are eligible for open space. 1 2.Common Open Space.Common open space shall meet the following standards. a.Required Area.A minimum of fifty percent of the required open spaceshall be designated and permanently set aside ascommon open spacein all developmentsof ten or moredwelling units that are over 500 square feet of gross habitable floor area. The common open space requirement may be reduced throughthe application of acredit in section, below. Commented \[MH3\]: This is a new approach to require ½ of open space in common area. This is reduced to ¼ in b.Dimensional Standards.Common open space dimensions shall be a minimum common area if within ¼ mile walk of a park. This of 20 feet and a minimum area of 400 square feet. suggestion was discussed by the Planning Commission at the March 26 study session. i.Pedestrian Connections.Pedestrianand multi-use paths shallcontribute Commented \[MH4\]: This is a new requirement intended toward meeting the required common open space areaafter the minimum to provide a functional common open spaces. area required in subsection18.4.2.030.H.2.a, above,is met. c. Location. i.Common open space shall not be located within a required buffer or perimeter yard setback area. ii.Common open space shall not abut a street that is classified as acollector or higher order street. Commented \[MH5\]: These are new requirements intended to provide functional common open spaces. d.Slope. Commonopen spacedesigned for active human use such as lawn and picnic areasshall be located on slopes less than fivepercent, except for areas regulated by the Building Code (e.g., walkways) and natural areas. Commented \[MH6\]: These are new requirements intended to provide functional common open spaces. Slope e.Surfacing.Areas covered by shrubs, bark mulch, and other ground covers that was raised at the previous March 26 review by the Planning do not provide suitable surface for human use may not be counted towards Commission. this requirement. Commented \[MH7\]: Moved from 2 above. f.Fences and Walls.Fences, walls, hedges and screen planting that are located on the perimeter of common open space shall not exceed four feet in height and shall be located and constructed in accordance with section Commented \[MH8\]: In the past, required as a condition on developments/subdivisions. g.Play Areas.Play areas for children are required for projects including 20 or more units that are designed to include families. Play areasare eligible for common open space. Commented \[MH9\]: Moved from 4 above. h.Credit for Proximity to a Park.A credit of up to 50 percent for common open space may be granted when the development is located within one-quarter mile walking distanceof a public park. Commented \[MH10\]: The issue of whether common open space is necessary if public parks are available was 3.Private Open Space.Open spaceprovided for private use of individual dwelling discussed by the Planning Commission at the March 26 unitsshall conform to the following standards. study session. a.Decks, patios, porches, yardsand similar areas are eligible for private open space. i.Private outdoor space shall be directly accessible by a door from the interior of the individual dwelling unit served by the space. ii.The minimum area required for private open space shall not include area for ingress and egress to a ground-floordwelling unit(e.g., walkwayto dwelling unit door) or storage space(storageor bicycle rack). 2 b.Ground-Floor Dwelling Units. Ground-floor dwelling units shall have decks, patios, porches or yards at least sixfeet deep and measuring at least 48 square feet.Ground-floor dwelling unit means the unit entrance (front or rear) is within five feet of the finished grade.Ground-floor private open space shall not be located within 12 feet of recycling and refuse disposal areas. c.Upper-Floor Dwelling Units.Include balconies at least four feet deep and measuring at least 48 square feet.Upper-floor dwelling unit means the unit entrance (front or rear) is more than five feet above the finished grade. Commented \[MH11\]: These are new requirements. This suggestion to include sizes for private open spaces was discussed by the Planning Commission at the March 26 SECTION 2. Section\[Performance Standards Option and PSO Overlay–study session. Performance Standards for Residential Developments\] of the Ashland Land Use Ordinance is hereby amended as follows: Standards for Residential Developments A.Base Densities.The density of the development shall not exceed the density established by this section. The density shall be computed by dividing the total number of dwelling units by the acreage of the project, including land dedicated to the public. Fractional portions of the final answer, after bonus point calculations, shall not apply towards the total density. Accessory residential units are not required to meet the density requirements of this chapter in accordance with section 1.The base density, for purposes of determining density bonuses allowed under this section, for developments other than cottage housing, is as provided in Table Table Base Densities for Determining Allowable Density Bonus with Performance Standards Option ZoneAllowable Density (dwelling units per acre) WR-20.30 du/acre WR-2.50.24 du/acre WR-50.12 du/acre WR-100.06 du/acre WR-200.03 du/acre RR-10.60 du/acre RR-.51.2 du/acre R-1-102.40 du/acre R-1-7.53.60 du/acre R-1-54.50 du/acre R-1-3.57.2 du/acre R-213.5 du/acre R-320 du/acre 2.Cottage Housing. The base density for cottage housing developments,for purposes of determining density bonuses, allowed under this section is as provided in Table 3 Table Base Densities for Determining Allowable Density Bonus with Performance Standards Option Minimum Maximum number of Minimum lot size Maximum number of Maximum cottages per (accommodates ZonesCottage cottages per Floor Area cottage minimum number Densitycottage housing Ratio (FAR) housing of cottages) development development 1 cottage R-1-5, dwelling unit per NN-1-53127,500 sq.ft.0.35 2,500 square NM-R-5 feet of lot area 1 cottage R-1-7.5dwelling unit per 31211,250 sq.ft.0.35 NM-R-1-7.53,750 square feet of lot area 3.Common Open Space Required.All developments with a base density of ten units or greater shall be required to provide a minimum of five percent of the total lot area in Open Space; that area is not subject to bonus point calculations,however, density bonuses shall be awarded to open space in excess of the five percent required by this subsection. Commented \[MH12\]: Moved to bonus point section below. a.Required Area.All developments with a base density of ten units or greater shall be required to provide a minimum of five percent of the total lot area in common open space, except as required in 18.3.9.A.3.a.i, below. i.Multifamily and Attached Single-Family Housing.Housing developments subject to Site DesignReviewin accordance with subsection and exercising the Performance Standards Option under this chaptershall provide a minimum of eight percent of total lot areain open space in accordance with and meeting the standards in subsection Open Space. Commented \[MH13\]: This requires housing developments subject to Site Design Review and including ii.All areas set aside for common open space shall be counted forbase 10 or more units to provide 8% open space rather than 5%. density. The required open space is not subject to bonus point The open space is then required to meet the open space standards in above. calculations. Commented \[MH14\]: Moved up from 2.b.a below. ii.Natural Areas. Common open space may include areas that provide for the preservation or enhancement of natural features such as wetlands, floodplain corridors, ponds, large trees and rock outcroppings. Commented \[MH15\]: Natural areas are required by the Outline Plan approval criteria in to be iii.Ownership.The common open space shall be designatedon the Outline preserved in open space, common or unbuildable area. and Final Plan submittalsand permanently set aside as common area for the use of residents of the development. Commented \[MH16\]: Moved up from the definition of open space. iv.Timing and Phasing. Common open space shall be constructed and landscaped, or secured with afinancial instrument,prior to occupancy of the first dwelling unit. Phased developments shall meet the requirements of subsection b.Dimensional Standards.Common open space shall have no dimension that is less than 20 feetand a minimum area of 400 square feet, except as outlined Commented \[MH17\]: This is a new requirement below. intended to provide a functional common open spaces. 4 i.Pedestrian Connections.Pedestrianand multi-use paths shall contribute toward meeting the required common open space areaafter the minimum area required in subsection, above, is met. ii.Natural Features. Natural features located in common open space and meeting the Outline Plan approval criteria in shall be counted toward meeting common open space requirements. B.Density Bonus Point Calculations.The permitted base density shall be increased by the percentage gained through bonus points. In no case shall the density exceed that allowed under the Comprehensive Plan. The maximum density bonus permitted shall be 60 percent (base density x 1.6), pursuant to the following criteria. 1.Conservation Housing.A maximum 15 percent bonus is allowed. One-hundred percent of the homes or residential units approved for development, after bonus point calculations, shall meet the minimum requirements for certification as a Earth Advantage home, as approved by the Ashland Conservation Division under the City’ s Earth Advantage program as adopted by resolution 2006-06. 2.Provision of Common Open Space.A maximum ten percent bonus is allowed, pursuant to the following. a.Purpose.Common open spaces may be provided in the form of natural areas, wetlands, playgrounds, active or passive recreational areas, and similar areas in common ownership. All areas set aside for common open space may be counted for base density, unless otherwise excluded by subsection, for the purposes of awarding density bonus points, the Commented \[MH18\]: Moved up to 3.a.ii. Planning Commission shall consider whether or not the common open space is a significant amenity to project residents, and whether project residents will realistically interact with the common open space on a day-to-day basis. The purpose of the density bonus for common open space is to permit areas, which could otherwise be developed, or sold as individual lots, to be retained in their natural state or to be developedas a recreational amenity. It is not the purpose of this provision to permit density bonuses for incidental open spaces that have no realistic use by project residents on a day-to-day basis. Open space provided in cottage housing developments, meeting the standards of section Cottage Housing, is not eligible for density bonus points. Commented \[MH19\]: Moved below to b.i. b.Standard.Developments with fewer than ten units that provide more than two percent of the project area for common open space, or for developments of ten units or greater that provide more than five percent common open space, a one percent bonus shall be awarded for each one percent of the total project area in common open space, except as specified below. i.Cottage Housing.Common open space provided in cottage housing developments, meeting the standards of section Cottage Housing, is not eligible for density bonus points. ii.Multifamily and Attached Single-Family Housing.Housing developments subject to Site DesignReviewin accordance with subsection and exercising the Performance Standards Development optionshall 5 receive density bonus pointsunder this section for common open space area in excess of the required eight percent of total lot areain accordance with the standards in subsection Open Space. Commented \[MH20\]: For attached single-family housing projects that require Site Design Review, allows density 3.Provision of Major Recreational Facilities.A maximum ten percent bonus is allowed, bonus for open space after required 8% of open space is pursuant to the following. met, rather than 5%. a.Purpose.Points may be awarded for the provision of major recreational facilities such as tennis courts, swimming pools, playgrounds, or similar facilities.See definition of major recreational facilities in part 18.6. Commented \[MH21\]: Created definition of major recreational facilities based on feedback from March 26 b.Standard.For each percent of total project cost devoted to recreational facilities, a Planning Commission meeting. six percent density bonus may be awarded up to a maximum of ten percent bonus. Total project cost shall be defined as the estimated sale price or value of each residential unit times the total number of units in the project. Estimated value shall include the total market value for the structure and land. A qualified architect or engineer shall prepare the cost of the recreational facility using current costs of recreational facilities. ci.Cottage Housing. Major recreational facilities provided in cottage housing developments, meeting the standards of section Cottage Housing, are not eligible for density bonus points. c.Major recreationalfacilities may be located in the minimum area required for common open space in subsection, above. Commented \[MH22\]: Clarifies that major facilities can be located on the required open space area and don’t require 4.Affordable Housing.A maximum bonus of 35 percent is allowed. Developments shall additional area beyond the 5 or 8% open space that is receive a density bonus of two units for each affordable housing unit provided. required. Affordable housing bonus shall be for residential units that are guaranteed affordable in accordance with the standards of section Housing Standards. SECTION3. Section18.6.1.030\[Definitions–Definitions\] of the Ashland Land Use Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: Buildable Area.That portion of an existing or proposed lot that can be built upon. Commented \[MH23\]: This definition was inadvertently deleted in the 2015 update. Common Area.Land jointly owned by an association of owners or permanently designated for the use of residentsof a multifamily developmenttothat includesshared site facilities and amenities such as open space, landscaping, streets, driveways, parking, loading areasor recreation, recycling and refuse disposal areas,and storage structures(e. g., may be managed by a homeowners' association). Major Recreational Facilities.Those recreational facilities typically associated with a developed public park such as community gardens; gatheringspacessuch as gazebos, picnic and barbecue areas; play structures; and recreational facilities such as sport courts and swimming pools. Commented \[MH24\]: Added based on feedback from March 26 Planning Commission meeting. 6 Open Space.A common area designated on the final plans of the development, permanently set aside for the common use of the residents of the development. Open Commented \[MH25\]: Moved up to standards in space area is landscaped and/or left with a natural vegetation cover, and does not include thoroughfares, parking areas, or improvements other than recreational facilities. Any propertyor area of landor water set aside, designated or reserved for public or private use specifically for the purpose of providing places for recreation, conservation or other openspaces uses. Open space does not include thoroughfares, parking areas or improvements other than recreational facilitiescommon areassuch asdedicated to streets, driveways, parking, loading areas, recycling and refuse disposal areas, and storage structures. - Open Space, Common.An area for the use or enjoyment of all residents of a development (e.g., multifamily dwelling units) or subdivision. Common open space may include areas that provide for the preservation or enhancement of natural features such as wetlands, floodplain corridors, ponds, large trees and rock outcroppings. - Open Space, Private.Areas intended for private outdoor use by residents of an individual dwelling units. Private open space includes decks, patios, porches, yardsand similar areas. Commented \[MH26\]: Added to distinguish between two types of open space. Use of recreation area deleted based on feedback from March 26 Planning Commission meeting. Unbuildable Area.All areas outside of building envelopesand within open space.That portion of an existing or proposed lot that building upon is restricted by regulations. Unbuildable area includesbut isnot limited to required yards, easements, and Flood Plain Corridor and Severe Constraints Lands as classified in section Commented \[MH27\]: This definition was inadvertently deleted in the 2015 update. Yard.An openspace onoutdoor area of a lot which is unobstructed by a structure, except as allowed in section Yard Requirements and General Exceptions, and Commented \[MH28\]: Changes to respond to feedback from March 26 Planning Commission meeting. measured from a lot line to the nearest point of a building. May also be an area defined by required setbacks (e.g.,between a building or structure and nearest property line). - Yard, Front.A yard between side lot lines and measured horizontally at right angles to the front lot line from the front lot line to the nearest point of the building. - Yard, Side.Anopen spaceyardbetween the front and rear yards measured horizontally and at right angles from the side lot line to the nearest point of the building. - Yard, Rear.A yard between side lot lines and measured horizontally at right angles to the rear yard line from the rear yard line to the nearest point of the building. SECTION 4. Savings .Notwithstanding this amendment/repeal, the City ordinances in existence at the time any criminal or civil enforcement actions were commenced, shall remain valid and in full force and effect for purposes of all cases filed or commenced during the times said ordinances(s) or portions thereof were operative. This section simply clarifies the existing situation that nothing in this Ordinance affects the validity of prosecutions commenced and 7 continued under the laws in effect at the time the matters were originally filed. SECTION 5. Severability . The sections, subsections, paragraphs and clauses of this ordinance are severable. The invalidity of one section, subsection, paragraph, or clause shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, subsections,paragraphs and clauses. SECTION 6. Codification . Provisions of this Ordinance shall be incorporated in the City Code and the word “ordinance” may be changed to “code”, “article”, “section”, “chapter” or another word, and the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered, or re-lettered, provided however that any Whereas clauses and boilerplate provisions (i.e. Sections 1-14) need not be codified and the City Recorder is authorized to correct any cross-references and any typographical errors. The foregoing ordinance was first read by title only in accordance with Article X, Section 2(C) of the City Charter on the _____day of ______________, 2019, and duly PASSED and ADOPTED this _____ day of ________________, 2019. _______________________________ Melissa Huhtala, City Recorder SIGNED and APPROVED this day of , 2019. ________________________ John Stromberg, Mayor Reviewed as to form: _______________________________ David H. Lohman, City Attorney 8