HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-09-10 Planning PACKET Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Planning Commission meeting is encouraged to do so. If you wish to speak, please fill out a Speaker Request Form and place it in the Speaker Request Box by staff. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note that the public testimony may be limited by the Chair and normally is not allowed after the Public Hearing is closed. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING September 10, 2019 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM, Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street II. ANNOUNCEMENTS III. AD-HOC COMMITTEE UPDATES IV.CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes 1. July 9, 2019 Regular Meeting 2. July 23, 2019 Special Meeting 3. August 27, 2019 Study Session V. PUBLIC FORUM VI.TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS A. PLANNING ACTION: PA-T2-2019-00011 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 657 Oak Street (Tree Removal 677 Oak Street) APPLICANT: Rogue Planning & Development OWNER: Salty Rogue Real Estate LLC DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Design Review for a 4-unit Cottage Housing development and a Performance Standards Subdivision Outline and Final Plan approval for a 5-lot subdivision located at 657 Oak St. The application includes a Physical and Environmental Constraints Permit to utilize a portion of the floodplain as open space and construct a patio in the floodplain. The application includes an Exception to Site Development and Design standards to locate the open space at the rear of the development. The application also includes a request for a Tree Removal Permit to remove four trees - a 40-inch diameter at breast height (d.b.h.) Black Walnut tree in poor condition on the shared property line between 657 and 677 Oak, and three additional trees on the subject property - a 22-inch Deodar cedar, a 14-inch Ash and a 16-inch Box Elder.COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single-Family Residential ZONING: R-1- B. PLANNING ACTION: PA-T2-2019-00013 SUBJECT PROPERTY: Otis Street (39 1E Map 05AD Tax Lot #200) APPLICANT: Rogue Planning & Development Services, LLC OWNER: Taylored Elements/CMK Development LLC DESCRIPTION: A request for Outline Plan subdivision approval under the Performance Standards Options Chapter to develop a 27-lot subdivision for the vacant 5.92-acre parcel (Tax Lot #200) at the current western terminuses of Otis and Randy Streets, west of Elizabeth Avenue. The proposed subdivision would include 23 single family residential lots, two common open space parcels and two larger lots intended for future Cottage Housing developments totaling 19 cottages. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:Single-Family Residential; ZONING: R-1-5-P; 391E05AD; TAX LOT: #200. VII.ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES - Draft July 9, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Chair Roger Pearce called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street. Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Troy Brown, Jr. Bill Molnar, Community Development Director Michael Dawkins Derek Severson, Senior Planner Alan Harper Dana Smith, Executive Assistant Melanie Mindlin Haywood Norton Roger Pearce Absent Members: Council Liaison: Lynn Thompson Stefani Seffinger, absent ANNOUNCEMENTS Community Development Director Bill Molnar explained Planning Department staff would meet with the property owners and the Public Works Director on the Croman Mill Site Master Plan. They would look at the design of Central Boulevard and potential cost savings. AD-HOC COMMITTEE UPDATES - None CONSENT AGENDA 1.Approval of Minutes 1.June 11, 2019 Regular Meeting 2.June 25, 2019 Study Session Commissioners Harper/Brown m/s to approve the minutes of June 11, 2019. Commissioner Dawkins abstained. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed. Commissioners Brown/Dawkins m/s to approve the minutes of June 25, 2019. Commissioner Norton and Chair Pearce abstained. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed. PUBLIC FORUM Jessie Kinney/Ashland/Explained she was the field coordinator for the Rogue Action Center. She reported on an 18-month survey that involved 2,500 renters sharing their experiences and housing needs (see attachment). She spoke to the need of more affordable housing in Ashland. ued public hearing on Snowberry Brook and had to be disregarded. He thanked Ms. Kinney for her comments on the need for affordable housing. Princess Franks/Ashland/Shared her experience with the Housing Authority of Jackson County and attaining affordable housing in Ashland. She spoke on the community support that occurred in affordable housing developments and described the overall benefits. Ashland Planning Commission July 9, 2019 Page 1 of 7 Maya Jaarad/Ashland/Shared her experience as a renter in Ashland for ten years. She thanked the Commission for their efforts to support affordable housing. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Approval of Findings for PA-T2-2019-00009, 158-165.5 N Laurel Street The Commission had no ex parte on the matter. Commissioners Brown/Harper m/s to approve the Findings for PA-T2-2019-00009. Commissioner Dawkins abstained. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS A. PLANNING ACTION: PA-T2-2019-00008 SUBJECT PROPERTY: Map 39 1E 11C Tax Lot #2504 on Engle St/Map 39 1E 11C Tax Lot #2505 on Villard St. OWNER/APPLICANT: Housing Authority of Jackson County/HAJC Development/Dan Horton, Architect DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Design Review approval to allow the construction of a for 60- unit multi-family development on two tax lots (#2504 & #2505) along Villard and Engle Streets as -story eight-plex apartment buildings and seven two-story townhouse four-plexes. Units will consist of ten one-bedroom flats, 12 two-bedroom flats, ten three-bedroom flats, and 28 two-bedroom townhomes. The application includes a request for a Tree Removal Permit to remove one tree, an approximately 24-inch diameter Deodar Cedar (cedrus deodara) which the project arborist describes as posing a hazard. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density, Multi- Family Residential; ZONING: R- Ex Parte Contact Commissioner Norton declared no ex parte. Commissioner Dawkins did not attend the June 11, 2019 but had read the packet and watched the meeting video. He explained he had been on the Planning Commission since the approval of Barclay Square that included the McCall Condominiums. He had also made comments during the Transportation System Plan (TSP) pertaining to McCall Drive. He knew the property well. Commissioners Harper, Brown, Mindlin and Chair Pearce declared no ex parte. Chair Pearce explained they had closed the public hearing at the meeting June 11, 2019. They had left the record open for three comment periods for participants in the public hearing to testify and present legal arguments. An article in the Daily Tidings had incorrectly indicated anyone could submit evidence. Subsequently, new evidence was submitted and may need to be stricken from the record. They were reopening the public hearing due to a system owner software. It failed to include second floor units within 200-feet of the subject property so the notice did not go to everyone who was entitled to receive the notice. He reopened the public hearing to hear from the people in the McCall Condominiums who should have received the notice but did not. An additional notice was sent on June 24, 2019. Public Testimony Lisandra Miranda/Ashland/Read a letter from Susan Mandel into the record (see attachment). Karla Chianello/Ashland/Was part of the Birchwood Home Owners Association (HOA). She submitted a letter into the record (see attachment) from the Birchwood HOA signed by 25 neighbors in support of stopping the proposed continuation of McCall Drive. Ashland Planning Commission July 9, 2019 Page 2 of 7 Courtney Williams/Ashland/Read a letter from Bob Alessandrelli that was not submitted into the record. It supported a locked gate on McCall Drive. Ms. Williams added her own comments. She questioned waiting to block McCall Drive until an incident occurred. There were 32 parking garages and seven access points. Adding more traffic created more hazard. Chair Pearce read ORS 197.763(7) that pertained to reopening a record for new evidence and that anyone could raise new issues relating to that new evidence. The rule applied to the public testimony. He would accept Ms. ny. Russ Dale/Ashland/Was the original developer for Barclay Square and the McCall Condominiums. He supported the Snowberry project. He wanted a locked gate to preclude pedestrian traffic. They already had massive problems occurring on McCall Drive. If they could not get the fence installed, he would appeal the project and subsequently Ryan Hanks, director of real estate development/Housing Authority of Jackson County/Thanked the speakers for their testimony. The applicants had submitted a revised site plan that blocked off the pedestrian access from the Snowberry Brook development to McCall Drive. Based on other comments, they had also removed the basketball court. As Mr. Dale had indicated in his testimony, approving the project with pedestrian access would end the project. If approved as amended, they would not have any issues with Mr. Dale or other property owners. Chair Pearce closed the public hearing. He explained they had received comments from Mark Knox and 1000 Friends that needed to be stricken from the record and not considered. A letter was submitted by the applicant during the period for legal argument that normally would have been stricken as new evidence. However, they would accept that information in response to the testimony given at this meeting. Deliberations & Decision encroachments. It was the responsibility of the Public Works Director and the Fire Department. It was a with Land Use Code Street Design Standards. Mr. Severson read the last sentence in Condition 4(h) that required approval from the Public Works Department and the Transportation Commission to install bollards. The Commission discussed revising the language so it would not inhibit what the applicant might install on McCall Drive to block access. Commissioner Dawkins agreed with prohibiting vehicular traffic on McCall Drive with the exception of emergency vehicles but was not comfortable blocking access to pedestrians. He was offended by previous testimony that had used McCall Drive was the shortest route to the intersection and shopping on Tolman Creek Road and Ashland Street. Commissioner Norton noted it appeared to be a finance problem. If the project was appealed, the applicant would be unable to move forward. That was not a land use issue. Ashland emphasized multi-modal. To shut down that connectivity put people back in their cars. Alternately, having a development there instead of a vacant lot might eliminate some of the activities occurring now. He could not support blocking access on McCall Drive. If the appeal ended the project, there would be another funding source and the project would come back. Approving the application did not support connectivity. Chair Pearce explained the application met the code and site design. The applicants would have to go to the Public Works Department regarding McCall Drive. Mr. Severson added that prior to adopting the Ashland Planning Commission July 9, 2019 Page 3 of 7 Findings, the applicants could initiate the encroachment permit process through the Public Works Department. Commissioners Dawkins/Brown m/s to approve PA-T2-2019-00008 and in the Findings, 4(h), last DISCUSSION: Commissioner Harper tried to find something in code that would resolve the access issue. It looked like prohibited creating an obstructed street. The Commission could not do what was being suggested. Chair Pearce noted bollards were placed on a dangerous road in his neighborhood and removed a couple years later as an exit in the event of a wildfire. Commissioner McCall Drive when the subdivision was developed. Chair Pearce responded it was in the Transportation System Plan. Commissioner Dawkins added there had been many discussions about connectivity between Clay Street and Tolman Creek Road. It was a Planning Commission and City Council decision. McCall Drive dead ended at the time because that was what was required for the development to happen. It was there for further connectivity in the event it was needed. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Pearce, Brown, Harper, Mindlin and Dawkins, YES; Commissioner Norton, NO. Motion passed 5-1. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS A. PLANNING ACTION: PA-T2-2019-00010 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 185-197 Lithia Way OWNER/APPLICANT: Randy Jones/First Place Partners, LLC DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Design Review approval to construct a new mixed-use building on Lots #2 and #3 of the First Place subdivision at 185-197 Lithia Way, on the corner of Lithia Way and First Street. The proposal includes consolidation of the two lots and construction of a 32,191 square foot, three-story mixed- use building consisting of basement parking, ground floor commercial, and 34 residential units distributed between the ground, second and third floors to serve as Oregon Shakespeare Festival artist housing. The application includes requests to modify the common area landscaping and parking configuration to better Design Standards to allow for balconies on the front of the building and windows that are more horizontal than vertical. (A nearly identical proposal - but with only 15 residential units - was approved in 2015 but has subsequently expired. Phase One, a three-story 18,577 square foot mixed-use building (Plaza West) consisting of basement parking, commercial and residential space on the first floor and residential space on the second and third floors was completed on the adjacent property at 175 Lithia Way in 2015 and currently houses Pony Espresso and the Washington Federal bank.) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial; ZONING: C-10102 & 10103 Chair Pearce read the public hearing rules. Ex Parte Contact Commissioner Norton declared no ex parte but drove past the site frequently. Commissioner Dawkins had no exparte but disclosed he knew the site well and that his family had a deep connection with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF) for forty years. His history with OSF would not impair his ability to make a non-biased decision on the matter. Commissioner Harper declared no exparte and disclosed he represented one of the ownership groups on the original subdivision master plan. He knew the history of the project but nothing about the application before the Commission at this meeting. Commissioners Brown, Mindlin, and Pearce declared no ex parte but were familiar with the site. Staff Report Senior Planner Derek Severson provided a presentation (see attachment) that described the project that would provide 34 units to house OSF actors with commercial space on the ground floor. He explained the changes from an earlier proposal in 2015 and Exceptions. The Historic Commission supported the exceptions in 2015 but was unable Ashland Planning Commission July 9, 2019 Page 4 of 7 to meet prior to this meeting due to the July 4 th recommendations from 2015. Staff thought the Planning Commission could make similar Findings to those adopted in 2015. They would include a Condition that any recommendations from the Historic Commission that were consistent with standards and criteria be Conditions of approval here. Staff supported the application and recommended approval with Conditions. Questions of Staff The Commission discussed changing the language in the plan pertaining to office space to commercial space. when they met on July 10, 2019. The Commission decided to change the Condition and use the Historic Mr. Severson addressed the proposed parking and explained OSF had rentals in town with available parking for tenants with cars. They would place tenants that did not need a vehicle at the subject property. He spoke to the performance standards. The owner was responsible and it had to be recorded against the property. Chair Pearce explained a revision to Condition 7 he had submitted regarding parking. Mr. Severson clarified the code required one parking space for studio units or one-bedroom units less than 500 square feet (sq. ft.). One-bedroom units 500 sq. ft. or larger would need 1.5 parking spaces per unit. There was no code ratio for studios greater than 500 sq. ft. The applicants wanted all studio units to have one parking space regardless of the size. If the Commission agreed to this suggestion, there would be a 31% reduction for 24 spaces. The code allowed up to 50% in parking reductions. Jerome White, architect, Kistler Small & White/Ted DeLong, general manager, OSF/Tara Kayton, housing, OSF/Sydnee Dryer, attorney/Mr. White clarified the offices were commercial use and the working drawings showed tenant space instead of office space. Since the pre-approval there had not been any significant changes. Mr. DeLong explained the project would provide 34 units of workforce housing. It would also provide OSF with needed cost stability. Currently, there were 34 leases or more in the area. Creating new housing would return up to 36 rental units to the housing market. Ms. Kayton managed the housing and transportation of the OSF artists and some employees. They reviewed parking needs over the past five years and 25% to 35% brought vehicles to Ashland. She managed 112 units. OSF owned 58 that provided parking in addition to the rentals. They assigned housing based on need and parking. Ms. Dryer spoke to the Transportation Demand Management Plan (TDMP). The applicants disagreed with the interpretation of the word or in the parking tables that any studio was permitted one space. They were amenable to a deed restriction but Ms. Dryer did not think one was required. It could be a code condition of approval instead. It was a code enforcement issue. If a deed restriction was required, they would propose changes to the language. The language in the deed restriction was too specific. Currently OSF provided shuttle service and car loans. OSF had 112 properties and a small number of employees that brought cars. Alternately, markets, businesses, transportation service changed over time. The applicant agreed with the report obligations. The lease was currently 25 years with two options to renew. If the OSF lease terminated, the landlord could bring in another tenant and limit the parking. If there were changes, the future lessee would need to go to the City to make them. The application complied with all the City requirements. There was a lot of parking even with a reduction. Ashland Planning Commission July 9, 2019 Page 5 of 7 She agreed with recommendation regarding the Historic Commission. Questions of the Applicant Mr. White explained there was bike parking at the main entrance on the street. Downstairs bicycle parking would be accessed through the driveway or a door in the upper left corner. He went on to address density and parking. There was not enough area at the site to meet maximum density. Ms. Kayton confirmed OSF had a bike share program. Chair Pearce explained the deed restriction was administrative and would serve as a notice to future owners the property had a TDMP. Ms. Dryer asked that if there was a deed restriction that it noticed the fact there was a TDMP that limited residential parking to 24 spaces and how it was enforced could vary with the user. Public Testimony - None Rebuttal by Applicant - None Chair Pearce closed the hearing and the record. Deliberations & Decision Commissioner Mindlin did not recall doing a TDMP that gave this much of a reduction for residential parking. Transportation Demand Management Plans. Mr. Molnar explained this was the first TDMP involved in a planning action. The parking management strategy chapter identified it as tool as long as it demonstrated long term reduction and parking demand. The chapter provided flexibility for how the plan was memorialized through deed lease contracts. He did not see a lot of staff time involved with the annual reporting. The Findings were quite detailed. They were looking for consistency. The applicants were well suited for this location. Mr. Severson added for other reporting requirements in other TDMPs was mixed use credit or on-street credits. This was new ground. Commissioner Brown noted Exhibit A of the applicants Findings spoked directly to their TDMP. He thought something similar could be used in other planning actions. Chair Pearce explained he had done many transportation demand management plans. They worked fine but needed to be recorded. He was comfortable not recording the entire plan. Recording a notice that stated the TDMP could include a variety of items that could change over time would suffice. Commissioners Dawkins/Brown m/s to approve PA-T2-2019-00010 with the modification to Condition #7 as amended with the following: Modification to Condition #7 third sentence will City will be recorded in the real property parking calculations regarding studio and one-bedroom units under 500 sq. ft. Accept #2 i demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements, but granting the exception will result in a design that equally or better achieves the stated purpose of the Site Development Ashland Planning Commission July 9, 2019 Page 6 of 7 DISCUSSION: Commissioner Dawkins thought it was a great project and liked smaller units in the downtown. Commissioner Brown agreed. Commissioner Harper confirmed the modification to Condition #7 would include the language Chair Pearce recommended or similar. He amended the motion that Condition following changes to Condition #7: Modification to Condition #7 third sentence will read Modification to Condition #7 f and add a sentence that notice of the TDMP in a form acceptable to the City will be Commissioner Norton confirmed the applicant understood what the Commission was approving. Commissioner Harper amended the motion with the following: Accept the parking calculations regarding studio and one-bedroom units under 500 sq. ft. . Commissioner Dawkins agreed to the amendments. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Dawkins, Harper, Mindlin, Brown, Pearce, and Norton, YES. Motion passed. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Submitted by, Dana Smith, Executive Assistant Ashland Planning Commission July 9, 2019 Page 7 of 7 7//2019 PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza East Plaza East –Notice Map Planning Commission Public Hearing July 9, 2019 PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza East -Proposal toconstructanewmixed-usebuildingonLots SiteDesignReviewapproval #2and#3oftheFirstPlacesubdivisionat185-197LithiaWay,onthecornerof LithiaWayandFirstStreet.Includes: •ofthetwolots. Consolidation • Constructionofa32,191squarefoot,three-storymixed-use consistingofbasementparking,groundfloorcommercial,and building 34residentialunitsdistributedbetweentheground,secondandthird floorstoserveasOregonShakespeareFestivalartisthousing. • Requeststomodifythecommonarealandscapingandparking tobetteraccommodatetheproposal configuration •ExceptionstotheSiteDevelopmentandDesignStandards’Downtown DesignStandardstoallowforbalconiesonthefrontofthebuildingand windowsthataremorehorizontalthanvertical. PA-T2-2019-00010 Lithia Way & First Street –Modifications butwith15residentialunits Anearlyidenticalproposal--wasapprovedin2015and subsequentlyextended,butthatapprovalhassinceexpired.PhaseOneofthe Plaza subdivision,athree-story18,577squarefootmixed-usebuildingdesignated‘ West’ andconsistingofbasementparking,commercialandresidentialspaceonthefirst floorandresidentialspaceonthesecondandthirdfloorswascompletedontheadjacent Previous propertyat175LithiaWayin2015andcurrentlyhousesPonyEspressoandthe WashingtonFederalbank. ChangesVersusPreviousApproval General: •Thepreviousapprovalhad15residentialunitsoverfivecommercialspaces intwobuildings.Thecurrentproposalisfor34dwellingunitsoverthreegroundfloor commercialspacesinasingle,consolidatedbuilding. SitePlanning: •Previousapprovalhadtwogarageentries;currentproposalhasone andmodifiesparkingandlandscapingaccordingly. ExteriorElevations(N): •Upperfloorwindowschangedtoreflectnewunit configuration. Parking: •Currentproposalhas56spaces(54inthecommonparkinglot,2on-street Current and14inthePlazaEastbasement.42bicycleparkingspaceswillbeprovidedin wallracksandstorageareasinthebasement. 1 7//2019 PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza East –First Place Subdivision Approved Site PlanPlaza East –2014-’15 Approved Plan PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza East –Current Proposed PlanPlaza East –Proposed Utility Plan PA #2014-01956PA-T2-2019-00010 175 Lithia Way –First Place 2007-2008 Site WorkPlaza West –Front Elevation (Lithia Way) 2 7//2019 PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza West –Lithia Way street frontagePlaza West –Rear Elevation (to parking lot) PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza West –East Side Elevation (to Plaza East)Plaza West –West Side Elevation (to adjacent city lot) PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza West –Plaza Space (west side)Plaza West –Plaza Space (west side) 3 7//2019 PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza West –Plaza Space (west side)Plaza East –Subject Properties PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza East –Streetscape Context (180 Lithia Way)Plaza East –Streetscape Context (Lithia Way) PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza West –Post Office (across First Street)Plaza East –Google StreetView Perspective 4 7//2019 PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza East –Perspective DrawingPlaza East –Elks Parking Lot to Plaza West Perspective PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza East –Perspective DrawingPlaza East –Front (Lithia Way) Elevation PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza East –First Street/East Elevation Plaza East –Rear/Parking Lot (North) Elevation 5 7//2019 PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza East –(Basement)Plaza East –1Floor st PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza East –2FloorPlaza East –3Floor ndrd PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza East –Landscape PlanPlaza East –Wall Sections 6 7//2019 PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 First Place Subdivision Parking AllocationsParking Requirements 28 studios <500 = 28 spaces 4studios > 500* s.f. = 6 spaces 2 1BR > 500 s.f. = 3 spaces TOTAL RES. PKG = 37 spaces *Ifstudioparkingrequirementis1 spaceregardlessofsquarefootage, thenonly35spacesarerequired. TDM Plan * •Wouldreducerequiredresidentialparkingfrom37/35spacesto24spaces(31-35% reduction). •OSFhas112otherhousingunits,andwouldplacetenantsbyparkingneeds. •Only20-36%ofartistshousedhavecars.OSFprovidescarshare&nightlyshuttle. •LeasewillrestrictnumberofparkingspacesforOSF,andOSFwillimplement, manageandenforceTDMplan. PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza East –Exception #1 for BalconiesPlaza East –Balcony Exception ThefirstExceptiontotheDowntownDesignStandardsdealswiththestandardinAMC18.4.2.060.C.2.c whichstates,“Recessedorprojectingbalconies,verandasorotherusablespaceabovethegroundlevelon existingandnewbuildingsshallnotbeincorporatedinastreetfacingelevation.” TheapplicationnotesthatthetwobalconiesonthesecondandthirdfloorsattherightofPlazaEast’ssouth elevationaretheresultofthedesignteam’sattemptstooffsetthefaçadeofthebuildingbyrecessingthe entryapproximatelyeightfeet.Theapplicationexplainsthatthisoffsetcreatedtheopportunityforoutdoor livingspacesandinturnprovidesfor“eyesonthestreet”.Theapplicationassertsthatthesebalconiesareset betweenthezero-setbackfacadesofthebuildingfacestoeithersideanddonotdeviatefromthedowntown’s existingcontextandgoesontoexplainthatthetwobalconiesatthesecondandthirdfloorsonthecorner towerelementofPlazaEast,atthecornerofLithiaWayandFirstStreet,areflexible.Theapplication materialsarguethatbothbalconyExceptionsareconsistentwiththestandards,andnotethe“Example– PossibleExceptionDesign”illustratedinFigure18.4.2.060.C.11(below)showsanappropriateexception withasmall,recessedbalconythatdoesnotdramaticallydeviatefromthedowntown’sexistingcontext.As illustrated,themajorityofthefaçadeisatazerosetbackdirectlybehindthesidewalk,andthehorizontaland verticalrhythmsprovidesymmetry. PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza East –Balcony ExceptionCode Discussion of Exception –AMC 7 7//2019 PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza East –ExceptionPlaza East –Exception PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza East –Exception #2 for Horizontal WindowsPlaza East –Exception TheapplicationalsorequestsExceptionfromthestandardinAMC18.4.2.060.C.4.c,whichstates ƷŷğƷͻ Upperfloorwindoworientationshallprimarilybevertical(heightgreaterthanwidth).ͼŷĻ secondandthirdfloorwindowsofPlazaEastaremorehorizontalthanvertical,necessitatingthe Exceptionrequest. Theapplicantnotesthatthisexceptionisnecessaryastheyintendtoconstructasinglebuilding withtwodistinctfacadestoaccommodateamoreefficientparkingdesignlayoutwithinthe basement.TheapplicationexplainsthatthepurposeoftheExceptionistocreateafaçadethat addressescontextualcompatibility,butalsodistinguishesitselffromadjacentbuildings.The ğƦƦƌźĭğƷźƚƓŭƚĻƭƚƓƷƚƓƚƷĻƷŷğƷƷŷĻǞźƓķƚǞŅƩğƒĻƭğƩĻƒƚƩĻŷƚƩźǩƚƓƷğƌƷƚƩĻŅƌĻĭƷƷŷĻĬǒźƌķźƓŭ͸ƭ ͻaƚķĻƩƓĻ!ƩĭŷźƷĻĭƷǒƩğƌ{ƷǤƌĻͲͼĬǒƷƷŷğƷƷŷĻźƓƷĻƩƓğƌǞźƓķƚǞƒǒƓƷźƓƭΛ smallwindowmoldingsthat separatepanesofglass)areconfiguredverticallytomitigatethedesign.Theapplicantssuggest thatthevarietyofmaterialsproposedprovidesastrikingandcomplexpalateofmaterials,andthat ƷŷĻ9ǣĭĻƦƷźƚƓķƚƓƚƷķƩğƒğƷźĭğƌƌǤķĻƦğƩƷŅƩƚƒƷŷĻĭƚķĻ͸ƭźƓƷĻƓķĻķķźƩĻĭƷźƚƓĬǒƷźƓƭƷĻğķƩĻƌǤǒƦƚƓğ slightdeviationtodifferentiatethebuildingfacadesandimprovetheurbanlivingenvironment whileremainingconsistentwiththeoverallpurposeoftheDowntownDesignStandards.The ğƦƦƌźĭğƓƷƭ͸ŅźƓķźƓŭƭƭǒŭŭĻƭƷƷŷğƷƷŷĻǤğƩĻƭĻĻƉźƓŭƷƚğķķƩĻƭƭĭƚƓƷĻǣƷǒğƌĭƚƒƦğƷźĬźƌźƷǤǞŷźƌĻƩĻƷğźƓźƓŭ individualidentityforeachoftheproposedbuildingfacades(CentralandEast)through distinguishingelements,materials,colorsandstyles.Theysuggestthatsomeexceptionishelpfulin avoidingatoosimilarstreetscapeappearancethatcouldresultfromstrictadherencetothe standards. PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza East –ExceptionsPlaza East TheHistoricCommission,whichsupportedbothExceptionsinthenearlyidentical2015application,hasnot Planning Commission yetmettoconsidertheapplicationastheirmeetingwasrescheduledfortheFourthofJulyholiday. LƓЋЉЊЎͲĬğƭĻķƚƓƷŷĻIźƭƷƚƩźĭ/ƚƒƒźƭƭźƚƓ͸ƭƩĻĭƚƒƒĻƓķğƷźƚƓƭͲƷŷĻtƌğƓƓźƓŭ/ƚƒƒźƭƭźƚƓŅƚǒƓķƷŷğƷͻ ƷŷğƷ Public Hearing ƷŷĻƭĻĬğƌĭƚƓźĻƭŷĻƌƦĻķƷƚĬƩĻğƉǒƦƷŷĻƒğƭƭƚŅƷŷĻĬǒźƌķźƓŭğƓķĬĻƷƷĻƩƦƩƚǝźķĻŅƚƩƷŷĻƭƷğŭŭĻƩĻķ ƭƷƩĻĻƷƭĭğƦĻƭƚǒŭŷƷƷŷƩƚǒŭŷƷŷĻƭƷğƓķğƩķƭğƓķķĻƒƚƓƭƷƩğƷĻķƷƚĬĻĻŅŅĻĭƷźǝĻƚƓƷŷĻƓĻğƩĬǤWğƭƒźƓĻ July 9, 2019 .ǒźƌķźƓŭͶ͵ƷŷĻķĻƭźŭƓƭĻĻƉƭƷƚğķķƩĻƭƭǝĻƩƷźĭğƌğƓķŷƚƩźǩƚƓƷğƌƩŷǤƷŷƒƭƷğƓķğƩķƭǞŷźƌĻĭƌĻğƩƌǤ ķźƭƷźƓŭǒźƭŷźƓŭƷŷĻĬǒźƌķźƓŭźƓƷƚƷǞƚŅğĭğķĻƭǞŷźƌĻĭƚƒƦƌǤźƓŭǞźƷŷƭĻƷĬğĭƉƭƷğƓķğƩķƭğƓķĭƩĻğƷźƓŭğ ƦƚƭźƷźǝĻƭĻƓƭĻƚŅĻƓƷƩǤ͵ŷĻĬğƌĭƚƓźĻƭƦƩƚǝźķĻğƭƚƌǒƷźƚƓƷŷğƷğƌƭƚğķķƭğƩĻĭƩĻğƷźƚƓğƌğƒĻƓźƷǤƷƚǒƦƦĻƩ ŅƌƚƚƩƩĻƭźķĻƓƷƭͲğƓķƷŷĻ/ƚƒƒźƭƭźƚƓŅźƓķƭƷŷğƷƷŷĻƭĻĬğƌĭƚƓźĻƭğƩĻĭƚƓƭźƭƷĻƓƷĬƚƷŷǞźƷŷƷŷĻĭƩźƷĻƩźğŅƚƩğƓ 9ǣĭĻƦƷźƚƓğƓķǞźƷŷƷŷĻͷtƚƭƭźĬƌĻ9ǣĭĻƦƷźƚƓ5ĻƭźŭƓ͸źƌƌǒƭƷƩğƷĻķźƓƷŷĻƭƷğƓķğƩķƭ͵ͼ ‘źƷŷƩĻŭğƩķƷƚƷŷĻǞźƓķƚǞĻǣĭĻƦƷźƚƓͲƷŷĻ/ƚƒƒźƭƭźƚƓźƓЋЉЊЎŅƚǒƓķƷŷğƷźƷͻ ƭĻƩǝĻƭƷƚĭƩĻğƷĻğǒƓźƨǒĻ ĭŷğƩğĭƷĻƩŅƚƩƷŷĻtƌğǩğ/ĻƓƷƩğƌŅğIJğķĻǞŷźĭŷźƭĻƨǒğƌƷƚǞŷğƷĭƚǒƌķĬĻğĭŷźĻǝĻķƷŷƩƚǒŭŷƷŷĻƭƷğƓķğƩķƭ ğƓķǞŷźĭŷƭĻƩǝĻƭƷƚğķķǝğƩźĻƷǤƷƚƷŷĻ\[źƷŷźğ‘ğǤƭƷƩĻĻƷƭĭğƦĻ.ͼ StaffbelievesthatthePlanningCommissioncouldmakesimilarfindingstothoseadoptedin2015,andhave źƓĭƌǒķĻķğƩĻĭƚƒƒĻƓķĻķĭƚƓķźƷźƚƓƷƚƒğƉĻƷŷĻIźƭƷƚƩźĭ/ƚƒƒźƭƭźƚƓ͸ƭƩĻĭƚƒƒĻƓķğƷźƚƓƭΑ where consistentwithapplicablecriteriaandstandards,andwithfinalapprovalbytheStaffAdvisor ΑĭƚƓķźƷźƚƓƭ ofanyapprovalhere. 8 7//2019 PA-T2-2019-00010PA-T2-2019-00010 Plaza East –Revised Condition #7Plaza East -Street Capacity Inthe2007subdivisionapproval,therewasafindingthattherewasadequatecapacityinthe Inordertoqualifyfora ΝЌЎΉЌЊΞ percentreductionintheoffstreetparkingrequirementforthe34 streetsystemfor41residentialunitsand14,826squarefeetofretailwiththefulldevelopment residentialdwellingunits(areductionfrom\[ЌАΉЌЎ\]requiredspacesto24spaces),theapplicantwillexecute ofthesubjectproperty.Theapplicantinstalledtheinfrastructureandimprovementsforthe andrecordintherealpropertyrecordsofJacksonCounty,inaformacceptabletotheCity,aTransportation subdivisionatthattime. 5ĻƒğƓķağƓğŭĻƒĻƓƷtƌğƓΛͻ5atͼΜĭƚƓƷğźƓźƓŭƷŷĻĻƌĻƒĻƓƷƭķĻƭĭƩźĬĻķźƓ9ǣŷźĬźƷͻ!ͼƷƚ!ƦƦƌźĭğƓƷ͸ƭ Findings.TheTDMPwillrunwiththelandandbebindinguponthepropertyowner,itssuccessorsand Thecurrentproposalremainswithinthoseoriginalparametersofdevelopment(i.e.41 assigns.TheTDMPwillinclude,withoutlimitation,placingtenantsbasedonparkingneeds,limitingthetotal residentialunitsand13,213squarefeetofcommercial),andneitherPublicWorksorPlanning numberoftenantvehicles,andprovidingcarshareandshuttleservice.Applicantoritssuccessorininterest shallreportannuallytotheCityontheeffectivenessoftheTDMP.Ifnoteffectivetosatisfytheresidential staffidentifiedanytrafficorcapacityconcernsandassuchdidnotrequirefurthertrafficimpact tenantparkingdemandfromthe34residentialdwellingunitswiththe24providedspaces,theCitymay analysishere.(Similarly,noadditionaltrafficimpactanalysiswasrequiredforthesamebuilding requireadditionalmeasurestobeimplementedintheTDMP.BecausetheeffectivenessoftheTDMPis designwhenitwasapprovedin2012.) ƦƩĻƒźƭĻķǒƦƚƓƷŷĻƷĻƓğƓĭǤƚŅƷŷĻЌЍƩĻƭźķĻƓƷźğƌķǞĻƌƌźƓŭǒƓźƷƭĬǤhƩĻŭƚƓ{ŷğƉĻƭƦĻğƩĻCĻƭƷźǝğƌΛͻh{CͼΜͲ shouldanOSFentityevernotbelesseeofthe34residentialdwellingunits,sothattheTDMPprovisions becomeimpossibleorimpracticabletoperform,thenthepropertyownerwillberequired,atitsdiscretion, toeither(a)providethe\[ЊЌΉЊЊ\]additionaloffstreetparkingspacesonthesite,or(b)conformtothen currentCityLandUseCodeoffstreetparkingrequirementsforthe34residentialdwellingunits,or(c) provideparkingcreditsunderthethencurrentCityLandUseCodeprovisionssufficienttoqualifyfora \[ЌАΉЌЊ\]percentreductioninoffstreetparkingrequirements.Theaboverequirementswouldnotpreclude thepropertyownerfromchoosingtoamendthelanduseapprovaltoaddressthencurrentCityLandUse Codestandardsandprocedures. 9 ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES - Draft July 23, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Chair Pearce called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street. Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Troy Brown, Jr. Maris Harris, Planning Manager Michael Dawkins Derek Severson, Senior Planner Alan Harper Dana Smith, Executive Assistant Melanie Mindlin Haywood Norton Roger Pearce Lynn Thompson Absent Members: Council Liaison: Stefani Seffinger, absent ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Pearce addressed the memo in the packet on the LUBA settlement agreement regarding 188 Garfield Street. The applicant would build 70 units instead of 72 and possibly no major recreational facilities. PUBLIC FORUM Kristina Lefever/Ashland/Explained she was the chair of the Bee City USA Subcommittee. She wanted to know if the master plans included practices and policies that supported pollinators. She asked the Commission to consider incentivizing developers to have a percentage of bee friendly gardens in their landscape plans. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Approval of Findings for PA-T2-2019-00008, Snowberry Brook, Map 39 1E 11C Tax Lot #2504 on Engle St/Map 39 1E 11C Tax Lot #2505 on Villard St. The Commission had no ex parte on the matter. Chair Pearce noted a conversation he had with a reporter from the Ashland Tidings regarding the re-noticing and reopening of the hearing at the Commission meeting July 9, 2019. Senior Planner Derek Severson explained the applicants had requested a two-week delay and submitted changes to the Findings (see attached) late that afternoon. The Commission reviewed the proposed changes. The Commission accepted the following changes: Page 1, Recitals 2) first sentence striking the word to read of a 60- Page 8 first full paragraph fourth sentence. The Commission discussed language. They modified it to read approve any encroachments Page 9 last paragraph and sentence add to read Ashland Planning Commission July 23, 2019 Page 1 of 3 The Commission did not accept the following changes: Page 5 first full paragraph, third sentence regarding the definition of ORS 197.763 Page 5, the wording highlighted in the second full paragraph regarding ORS 197.763(7) Page 6 first full paragraph second sentence adding sal complies with all and striking Page 9 Page 13 number 7 first sentence regarding McCall Drive alley improvements. The Commission discussed the McCall Drive alley improvement in the draft Findings that removed language changes. Commissioners Dawkins/Brown m/s to approve the Findings for PA-T2-2019-00008 as amended. DISCUSSION: Commissioner Mindlin was not comfortable requiring the applicant to do something they had no control over in order to get approval. The Commission discussed the Condition that required the road to be built prior to occupation. Per code, they had to build the road. How the applicant modified the road fell to the Public Works Department and the Transportation Commission. The applicant would get a Certificate of Occupancy only if the road was completed. Chair Pearce made the following changes: Places that stated Alley improvements shall be constructed to city standard which requires a minimum 12-foot-width paved driving surface with 2-foot buffers on each side and shall at a minimum provide bicycle pedestrian and emergency vehicle access, strike provide bicycle pedestrian and emergency vehicle access. The sentence would read -foot- wide road according to alley standards and meet the Public Works Department requirements. Page 7, last paragraph fourth sentence. Add a Condition that read, Commission does not approve any encroachments such as bollards or a gate within the McCall Drive right-of-way as proposed by Page 8, first sentence continued from page 7. Strike standards to enable at a minimum bicycle, pedestrian and emergency vehicle access, to read Page 8, second full paragraph first sentence. Change the language to read agrees with the conclusion of the Traffic Impact Analysis that the proposed 60-unit development can be approved Page 8 second full paragraph. Strike the last sentence regarding - Commissioner Dawkins accepted the amended language. Commissioner Brown made the following changes: Page 7, last paragraph third sentence. Clarify connectivity and strike -of-way that is already owned by the city, that works in conjunction with a network of easements provided through adjacent developments to enable pedestrian and bicycle connectivity in the absence of a more traditional gridded street network, and that is to be completed to address standards requiring that paved access and adequate transportation be provided according to city s Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Dawkins, Brown, Norton, Pearce and Harper, YES; Commissioner Mindlin, NO. Commissioner Thompson abstained from the vote. Motion passed 5-1. Ashland Planning Commission July 23, 2019 Page 2 of 3 B. Approval of Findings for PA-T2-2019-00010,185-197 Lithia Way. The Commission had no ex parte on the matter. They discussed the parking requirements. Parking would be revisited if the Oregon Shakespeare Festival was no longer renting the building. New tenants might have to build parking. Commissioners Harper/Dawkins m/s to approve the Findings for PA-T2-2019-00010 as amended. DISCUSSION: Chair Pearce offered an amendment. On page 11, the first sentence seems consistent with the sible Exception Design, change to Commissioner Harper accepted the amendment. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Mindlin, Pearce, Harper, Norton, Brown and Dawkins, YES. Commissioner Thompson abstained. Motion passed. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Submitted by, Dana Smith, Executive Assistant Ashland Planning Commission July 23, 2019 Page 3 of 3 B ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY SESSION MINUTES - Draft August 27, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Chair Roger Pearce called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street. Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Troy Brown, Jr. Maria Harris, Planning Manager Michael Dawkins Dana Smith, Executive Assistant Alan Harper Melanie Mindlin Haywood Norton Roger Pearce Lynn Thompson Absent Members: Council Liaison: Stefani Seffinger, absent ANNOUNCEMENTS Planning Manager Maria Harris announced the appeal for the Snowberry Brook Phase II planning action would go before the City Council September 3, 2019. PUBLIC FORUM Sharon Bryson/Ashland/Spoke to a house being built next to hers where the deck met her fence line. The tenants would be able to look into her private space. It was very intrusive. She wanted to know options for increasing her fence height. Ms. Harris explained Ms. Bryson could ask for a variance. Commission suggestions included asking the neighbors to build a fence, planting bamboo, and hiring a lawyer for private land use counsel. Huelz Gutcheon/Ashland/Spoke to requiring all new construction be EV ready. DISCUSSION ITEMS A.Plaza and Public Space Standards Planning Manager Maria Harris gave the staff report and provided a presentation (see attached). She explained this was an introduction to the topic. Staff would return with a formal request at a future meeting. Alan Harper arrived at 7:16 p.m. Barry Thalden/Ashland/Submitted three documents into the record (see attached) regarding his concerns and suggestions. Commission comments thought plaza space should apply to first floor square footage in the downtown area. Suggestions included more benches and undulating sidewalks downtown instead of plaza space. Ashland Planning Commission August 27, 2019 Page 1 of 2 B.Draft Amendments to Open Space Standards Planning Manager Maria Harris gave the staff report and provided a presentation (see attached) on suggested changes to the Open Space Standards. The Commission made the following changes to the draft: Page 1 Open Space (c). Remove the word from the first sentence. Open Space (b). Add a heading. Section 3 Open Space. Add a definition and refer to it on page 1 as Open Space 1(a). Change the percent of lot area. Open Space 1(a). Second sentence change to Open Space 1(c). Strike from the second sentence. Page 2 2 Common Open Space (a) Required Area. Match the language with the Performance Standards chapter or 2 Common Open Space (a) Required Area. Strike second sentence 2 Common Open Space (c) Location (ii). Strike (ii). 2 Common Open Space (d) Slope. Change fist sentence slopes less than five to and clarify non usable space. 2 Common Open Space (e) Surfacing. Remove from the first sentence. 2 Common Open Space (b) Dimensional Standards (i). Change the code reference. 3 Private Open Space (ii). Specify corridor width. Page 3 3 Private Open Space (b) Ground-Floor Dwelling Units. Remove from the first sentence. 3 Private Open Space (c) Ground-Floor Dwelling Units. Retain the four-foot minimum for balconies, change the first sentence to read Page 4 3 Common Open Space Required (a) Required Area (i) Multifamily and Attached Single-Family Housing. Clarify language regarding 8%. Page 5 3 Common Open Space Required (B)(2)(b)(i) and (ii). C. (B) Density Bonus Point Calculations (2)(b). Change language regarding the one percent bonus, Page 6 3 Purpose (a). Clarify points as density bonus points. 3 Standard (b). Add a condition of approval regarding amenities based on the estimated value shown by the developer prior to the certificate of occupancy. 3 Standard (b). First sentence, add to recreational facilities. Section 3 Definitions. Define Open Space. The Commission commented on a letter submitted by Mark Knox on open space (see attached). ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m. Submitted by, Dana Smith, Executive Assistant Ashland Planning Commission August 27, 2019 Page 2 of 2 42-Unit Subdivision Development Traffic Impact Analysis August 20, 2019 Transportation Engineering, LLC Southern Oregon Transportation Engineering, LLC 42-Unit Subdivision Development Traffic Impact Analysis August 20, 2019 Prepared By: Southern Oregon Transportation Engineering, LLC S.O. Transportation Engineering, LLC S.O. Transportation Engineering, LLC S.O. Transportation Engineering, LLC Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) HCM S.O. Transportation Engineering, LLC S.O. Transportation Engineering, LLC S.O. Transportation Engineering, LLC S.O. Transportation Engineering, LLC S.O. Transportation Engineering, LLC S.O. Transportation Engineering, LLC th Trip Generation, 10 Edition S.O. Transportation Engineering, LLC S.O. Transportation Engineering, LLC S.O. Transportation Engineering, LLC S.O. Transportation Engineering, LLC Southern Oregon Transportation Engineering, LLC Medford, Oregon 97504 Phone 541.608.9923 Fax 541.535.6873 Email: Kim.parducci@gmail.com SOUTHERNOREGON TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Medford, Oregon 97504 | Kim.parducci@gmail.com |(541) 941-4148 cell North-South: Laurel StreetFile Name: Nevada-Laurel_AM_AV East-West: W Nevada StreetSite Code: 00000008 Weather: Overcast, coolStart Date: 5/14/2019 Veh Type: All VehiclesPage No: 1 Groups Printed- Unshifted Laurel StreetW Nevada StLaurel StW Nevada St From NorthFrom EastFrom SouthFrom West LeftLeftLeftLeft Start Time ThruThruThruThru PedsPedsPedsPeds RightRightRightRight Int. Total App. TotalApp. TotalApp. TotalApp. Total 07:00 AM000001200310102012311621 07:15 AM0000039011310102011301429 07:30 AM00000310001310102017302035 07:45 AM0000028001020204013601933 Total00000929013950501005315169118 08:00 AM000007160023202040221103360 08:15 AM000002120014303060201013151 08:30 AM0000028001050106012401632 08:45 AM00000014001440307013712142 Total00000115000611409023067322101185 00000207901100190140330120473170303 Grand Total Apprch %0000207901 57.6042.40070.627.61.8 Total %000006.600.3336.304.6010.90156.1 26.139.615.5 SOUTHERNOREGON TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Medford, Oregon 97504 | Kim.parducci@gmail.com |(541) 941-4148 cell North-South: Laurel StreetFile Name: Nevada-Laurel_AM_AV East-West: W Nevada StreetSite Code: 00000008 Weather: Overcast, coolStart Date: 5/14/2019 Veh Type: All VehiclesPage No: 2 Laurel StreetW Nevada StLaurel StW Nevada St From NorthFrom EastFrom SouthFrom West Start ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.Int. LeftLeftLeftLeft Thru Peds Right App. Total uhtsTotaluhtsTotaluhtsTotalTotal Time Peak Hour Analysis From 07:30 AM to 08:15 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 07:30 AM07:30 AM07:30 AM07:30 AM +0 mins.000003100013101020173020 +15 mins.00000280010202040136019 +30 mins.00000002020400 71623221133 +45 mins.000002120014000201031 3361 0000014460060808016072301103 Total Volume 0000 0050050001 23.376.769.929.1 % App. Total PHF. Laurel Street In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM 0 0000 RightThruLeftPeds Peak Hour Data 0 Left In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM Right In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM W Nevada St 72 0 Thru North W Nevada St 103 Thru 46 Right 30 Unshifted 60 Left 14 1 Peds Peds 0 LeftThruRightPeds 8080 16 In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM Laurel St SOUTHERNOREGON TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Medford, Oregon 97504 | Kim.parducci@gmail.com |(541) 941-4148 cell North-South: Laurel StreetFile Name: W Nevada-Laurel_PM East-West: W Nevada StreetSite Code: 00000005 Weather: CloudyStart Date: 5/14/2019 Veh Type: All VehiclesPage No: 1 Groups Printed- All Veh W NevadaLarel StW Nevada From NorthFrom EastFrom SouthFrom West LeftLeftLeftLeft Start Time ThruThruThruThru PedsPedsPedsPeds RightRightRightRight Int. Total App. TotalApp. TotalApp. TotalApp. Total 02:45 PM0000012101236011017014311858 Total0000012101236011017014311858 03:00 PM00000812002050308014301745 03:15 PM0000041500195030808701542 03:30 PM00000014021640408015502044 03:45 PM00000925003490009114301861 Total00000216602892301003315118070192 04:00 PM000001150016903012012201442 04:15 PM0000031200156020808401235 04:30 PM00000118012050308010601644 04:45 PM00000313001660208021502650 Total0000085801672601003605117068171 05:00 PM0000051900247020908211144 05:15 PM000005120017703010010201239 05:30 PM00000610001650207012101336 0000046186042367403801121146432192540 Grand Total Apprch %0000 19.578.801.766.1033.900.57622.41 Total %000008.500.743.707020.70.22780.435.6 34.413.7 SOUTHERNOREGON TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Medford, Oregon 97504 | Kim.parducci@gmail.com |(541) 941-4148 cell North-South: Laurel StreetFile Name: W Nevada-Laurel_PM East-West: W Nevada StreetSite Code: 00000005 Weather: CloudyStart Date: 5/14/2019 Veh Type: All VehiclesPage No: 2 W NevadaLarel StW Nevada From NorthFrom EastFrom SouthFrom West Start ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.Int. LeftLeftLeftLeft Thru Peds Right App. Total uhtsTotaluhtsTotaluhtsTotalTotal Time Peak Hour Analysis From 02:45 PM to 03:30 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 02:45 PM02:45 PM02:45 PM02:45 PM +0 mins.0000010100014318 2123611171 +15 mins.00000120020503080143017 8 +30 mins.0000041500195030808015 7 +45 mins.0000001401640408050 21520 00000136203782002104105118170 Total Volume 0000 03.80001.4 16.779.548.851.272.925.7 % App. Total PHF. In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM 0 0000 RightThruLeftPeds Peak Hour Data 0 Left In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM Right In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM 51 0 W Nevada Thru North 70 Thru W Nevada 62 Right 18 All Veh 78 Left 13 1 Peds Peds 3 LeftThruRightPeds 200210 41 In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM Larel St SOUTHERNOREGON TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Medford, Oregon 97504 | Kim.parducci@gmail.com |(541) 941-4148 cell North-South: Laurel StreetFile Name: Otis-Laurel_AM East-West: Otis StreetSite Code: 00000006 Weather: Overcast, CoolStart Date: 5/14/2019 Veh Type: All vehiclesPage No: 1 Groups Printed- Unshifted Laurel StDrivewayLaurel StOtis St From NorthFrom EastFrom SouthFrom West LeftLeftLeftLeft Start Time ThruThruThruThru PedsPedsPedsPeds RightRightRightRight Int. Total App. TotalApp. TotalApp. TotalApp. Total 07:00 AM0300300011040151010211 07:15 AM09011000000030140010115 07:30 AM0611800000050160021317 07:45 AM01111130007701203152011439 Total029233400088024063030521082 08:00 AM01810190004402604303013760 08:15 AM03300330004433505430021383 08:30 AM011211410023090090020228 08:45 AM0120012000001603101031527 Total0743178100101147601292408517198 010354112100181941000181227013727280 Grand Total Apprch %0924.53.65.300 94.73.382014.825.9048.125.9 Total %01.81.4400.4006.46.81.406.443.62.504.62.59.6 36.835.7 SOUTHERNOREGON TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Medford, Oregon 97504 | Kim.parducci@gmail.com |(541) 941-4148 cell North-South: Laurel StreetFile Name: Otis-Laurel_AM East-West: Otis StreetSite Code: 00000006 Weather: Overcast, CoolStart Date: 5/14/2019 Veh Type: All vehiclesPage No: 2 Laurel StDrivewayLaurel StOtis St From NorthFrom EastFrom SouthFrom West Start ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.Int. LeftLeftLeftLeft Thru Peds Right App. Total uhtsTotaluhtsTotaluhtsTotalTotal Time Peak Hour Analysis From 07:30 AM to 08:15 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 07:30 AM07:30 AM07:30 AM07:30 AM +0 mins.06800000050160013 112 +15 mins.0111113000012031520114 77 +30 mins.018101900044026043001 337 +45 mins.00000044000213 3333335543 0683273000151537801394506617 Total Volume 0 4.12.70001003.28300 93.213.829.435.335.3 % App. Total PHF.000.515.750.500.553. Laurel St In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM 73 36802 RightThruLeftPeds Peak Hour Data 5 Left In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM Right In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM 0 0 Thru North Otis St 17 Thru Driveway Right 6 0 Unshifted 15 Left 6 0 Peds Peds 15 LeftThruRightPeds 378013 94 In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM Laurel St SOUTHERNOREGON TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Medford, Oregon 97504 | Kim.parducci@gmail.com |(541) 941-4148 cell North-South: Laurel StreetFile Name: Otis-Laurel_PM East-West: Otis StreetSite Code: 00000004 Weather: Overcast, CoolStart Date: 5/14/2019 Veh Type: All VehiclesPage No: 1 Groups Printed- Unshifted Laurel StDrivewayLaurel StOtis St From NorthFrom EastFrom SouthFrom West LeftLeftLeftLeft Start Time ThruThruThruThru PedsPedsPedsPeds RightRightRightRight Int. Total App. TotalApp. TotalApp. TotalApp. Total 02:45 PM02000200004432209341010260 Total02000200004432209341010260 03:00 PM02510260000021007190030348 03:15 PM011201300022260190030327 03:30 PM01100110000011200131012428 03:45 PM01210130001121402180030335 Total059406300033742010591010213138 04:00 PM090090000041701220010132 04:15 PM080080001121202162133934 04:30 PM01100111000111502180000030 04:45 PM01330160002231200150000033 Total04130441003410560571214310129 05:00 PM0820100001121000120030326 05:15 PM01320150000011500162010334 05:30 PM093012000111901110011226 01501401641001213241540252036120633413 Grand Total Apprch %0 91.58.507.70092.311.875.9012.318.2360.618.2 Total %03.4039.70.2002.93.15.806. 36.337.3 SOUTHERNOREGON TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Medford, Oregon 97504 | Kim.parducci@gmail.com |(541) 941-4148 cell North-South: Laurel StreetFile Name: Otis-Laurel_PM East-West: Otis StreetSite Code: 00000004 Weather: Overcast, CoolStart Date: 5/14/2019 Veh Type: All VehiclesPage No: 2 Laurel StDrivewayLaurel StOtis St From NorthFrom EastFrom SouthFrom West Start ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.Int. LeftLeftLeftLeft Thru Peds Right App. Total uhtsTotaluhtsTotaluhtsTotalTotal Time Peak Hour Analysis From 02:45 PM to 03:30 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 02:45 PM02:45 PM02:45 PM02:45 PM +0 mins.020002000000102 443229341 +15 mins.0100000021007190003 25263 +30 mins.011013000222601900303 2 +45 mins.0110011000001120013101 24 06730700006685001775208212 Total Volume 0 4.3000010000 95.710.766.722.716.766.716.7 % App. Total PHF.000.670.375.000.673. Laurel St In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM 70 36700 RightThruLeftPeds Peak Hour Data 2 Left In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM Right In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM 0 0 Thru North Otis St 12 Thru Driveway Right 8 0 Unshifted Left 6 2 0 Peds Peds 6 LeftThruRightPeds 850017 75 In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM Laurel St SOUTHERNOREGON TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Medford, Oregon 97504 | Kim.parducci@gmail.com |(541) 941-4148 cell North-South: Laurel StreetFile Name: randy-laurel East-West: Randy StreetSite Code: 00000002 Weather: Overcast, 65 degStart Date: 5/14/2019 Veh Type: All VehiclesPage No: 1 Groups Printed- Unshifted Laurel StRandy StLaurel StRandy St From NorthFrom EastFrom SouthFrom West LeftLeftLeftLeft Start Time ThruThruThruThru PedsPedsPedsPeds RightRightRightRight Int. Total App. TotalApp. TotalApp. TotalApp. Total 07:00 AM030030000021115000008 07:15 AM1500610001012031030414 07:30 AM3400710001024060021317 07:45 AM1811115000504101150012334 Total520112770007281722910631073 08:00 AM51200173000314240290035857 08:15 AM490013200502522321370221580 08:30 AM1501730104252090062828 08:45 AM07007110131514111030425 Total103301442716135616595861214825190 *** BREAK *** 02:45 PM12003161902627133251024761 Total12003161902627133251024761 03:00 PM010101111110131711100043741 03:15 PM0120012001011604110120327 03:30 PM06006300035700121102425 03:45 PM0910102000221111150030330 Total037203916120199312648129517123 04:00 PM020023010451020171032629 04:15 PM05005010014721140132626 04:30 PM251082100331110150132632 04:45 PM15006300034812150060630 Total3171021821011163663611215624117 05:00 PM06006000002800100120319 05:15 PM150061000151040190150632 05:30 PM0330640004450090051625 2012372152795181103461211011928758582798640 Grand Total Apprch % Total % 19.212.318.915.8 SOUTHERNOREGON TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Medford, Oregon 97504 | Kim.parducci@gmail.com |(541) 941-4148 cell North-South: Laurel StreetFile Name: randy-laurel East-West: Randy StreetSite Code: 00000002 Weather: Overcast, 65 degStart Date: 5/14/2019 Veh Type: All VehiclesPage No: 2 Laurel StRandy StLaurel StRandy St From NorthFrom EastFrom SouthFrom West Start ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.Int. LeftLeftLeftLeft Thru Peds Right App. Total uhtsTotaluhtsTotaluhtsTotalTotal Time Peak Hour Analysis From 07:30 AM to 08:15 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 07:30 AM07:30 AM07:30 AM07:30 AM +0 mins.34007100010240600213 +15 mins.1811500050101500123 1141 +30 mins.0030003142402900 51217358 +45 mins.49001300210215 20525232372 13331148290503431270287028919 Total Volume 2.12.1003.42.30 27.168.885.314.713.880.510.542.147.4 % App. Total PHF.650.688.250.250.706.363. Laurel St In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM 48 133131 RightThruLeftPeds Peak Hour Data 0 Left In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM Right In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM 2 5 Thru Randy St North 19 Thru Randy St Right 8 0 Unshifted 34 Left 29 9 Peds Peds 0 LeftThruRightPeds 312702 87 In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM Laurel St SOUTHERNOREGON TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Medford, Oregon 97504 | Kim.parducci@gmail.com |(541) 941-4148 cell North-South: Laurel StreetFile Name: randy-laurel East-West: Randy StreetSite Code: 00000002 Weather: Overcast, 65 degStart Date: 5/14/2019 Veh Type: All VehiclesPage No: 3 Laurel StRandy StLaurel StRandy St From NorthFrom EastFrom SouthFrom West Start ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.Int. Left LeftLeftLeft Thru Peds Right App. Total uhtsTotaluhtsTotaluhtsTotalTotal Time Peak Hour Analysis From 02:45 PM to 03:30 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 02:45 PM02:45 PM02:45 PM02:45 PM +0 mins.200302302 116192671325147 +15 mins.01001111110131711100037 14 +30 mins.00000101160110203 121241 +45 mins.06006300037001211024 5 13010323021104392714858228921 Total Volume 3.1 93.83.1069.84.725.6015.546.624. % App. Total PHF.667.413.580.750 .250.625.250.000.469.500.306.000.450.964.269.500.500.500.500.563 Laurel St In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM 32 13010 RightThruLeftPeds Peak Hour Data 2 Left In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM Right In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM 11 2 Thru Randy St North 21 Thru Randy St Right 8 2 Unshifted 43 Left 30 9 Peds Peds 0 LeftThruRightPeds 927148 58 In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM Laurel St SOUTHERNOREGON TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Medford, Oregon 97504 | Kim.parducci@gmail.com |(541) 941-4148 cell North-South: Van SantFile Name: vansant-nevada East-West: W Nevada StSite Code: 00000001 Weather: Overcast, CoolStart Date: 5/14/2019 Veh Type: All VehiclesPage No: 1 Groups Printed- Unshifted DWW NevadaVan SantW Nevada From NorthFrom EastFrom SouthFrom West LeftLeftLeftLeft Start Time ThruThruThruThru PedsPedsPedsPeds RightRightRightRight Int. Total App. TotalApp. TotalApp. TotalApp. Total 07:00 AM0000000000001120701810 07:15 AM000000300300101010015 07:30 AM0000014005001010500511 07:45 AM0000013004002020500511 Total00000210001200516018011937 08:00 AM0000026008002020601717 08:15 AM000000300300101050059 08:30 AM000001300400101000116 08:45 AM0000033006004040300313 Total00000615002100808014021645 *** BREAK *** 02:45 PM0000021003001120203510 Total0000021003001120203510 03:00 PM0000012003001010700711 03:15 PM000000100100101020024 03:30 PM0000017008003030500516 03:45 PM0000018009002020400415 Total00000318002100707018001846 04:00 PM000004100500101020028 04:15 PM001010200200101030148 04:30 PM0000034007004040100112 04:45 PM0000036009004040400417 Total00101101300230010010010011145 05:00 PM000000300300000010014 05:15 PM000001200300101000004 05:30 PM000000400400202010017 001012466009000342360640771198 Grand Total Apprch %001000 26.773.3000094.45.6090.109.9 Total %000.500.50045.500118.2003.535.9 12.133.317.232.3 SOUTHERNOREGON TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Medford, Oregon 97504 | Kim.parducci@gmail.com |(541) 941-4148 cell North-South: Van SantFile Name: vansant-nevada East-West: W Nevada StSite Code: 00000001 Weather: Overcast, CoolStart Date: 5/14/2019 Veh Type: All VehiclesPage No: 2 DWW NevadaVan SantW Nevada From NorthFrom EastFrom SouthFrom West Start ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.Int. LeftLeftLeftLeft Thru Peds Right App. Total uhtsTotaluhtsTotaluhtsTotalTotal Time Peak Hour Analysis From 07:30 AM to 08:15 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 07:30 AM07:30 AM07:30 AM07:30 AM +0 mins.00000140050010105005 +15 mins.000001300400005005 22 +30 mins.00000000020200 268617 +45 mins.00000030030010105005 000004160020006060210122 Total Volume 00002080000010000 04.5 95.5 % App. Total PHF. DW In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM 0 0000 RightThruLeftPeds Peak Hour Data 0 Left In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM Right In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM 21 0 W Nevada Thru North 22 Thru W Nevada 16 Right 0 Unshifted 20 Left 1 4 Peds Peds 0 LeftThruRightPeds 0060 6 In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM Van Sant SOUTHERNOREGON TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Medford, Oregon 97504 | Kim.parducci@gmail.com |(541) 941-4148 cell North-South: Van SantFile Name: vansant-nevada East-West: W Nevada StSite Code: 00000001 Weather: Overcast, CoolStart Date: 5/14/2019 Veh Type: All VehiclesPage No: 3 DWW NevadaVan SantW Nevada From NorthFrom EastFrom SouthFrom West Start ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.Int. Left LeftLeftLeft Thru Peds Right App. Total uhtsTotaluhtsTotaluhtsTotalTotal Time Peak Hour Analysis From 02:45 PM to 03:30 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 02:45 PM02:45 PM02:45 PM02:45 PM +0 mins.00000100300120205 213 +15 mins.000001200300101000 77 +30 mins.00000010010010102002 +45 mins.0000010000005005 7833 000004110015006170160319 Total Volume 0000 26.773.3000085.714.3084.2015.8 % App. Total PHF.000.469.583.679 . DW In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM 0 0000 RightThruLeftPeds Peak Hour Data 0 Left In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM Right In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM 16 0 W Nevada Thru North 19 Thru W Nevada 11 Right 0 Unshifted 15 Left 3 4 Peds Peds 0 LeftThruRightPeds 0061 7 In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM Van Sant SOUTHERNOREGON TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Medford, Oregon 97504 | Kim.parducci@gmail.com |(541) 941-4148 cell North-South: Willow StreetFile Name: willow-otis East-West: Otis StreetSite Code: 00000003 Weather: OvercastStart Date: 5/16/2019 Veh Type: All VehiclesPage No: 1 Groups Printed- Unshifted Otis StWillow StOtis St From NorthFrom EastFrom SouthFrom West LeftLeftLeftLeft Start Time ThruThruThruThru PedsPedsPedsPeds RightRightRightRight Int. Total App. TotalApp. TotalApp. TotalApp. Total 07:00 AM000000200200011000003 07:15 AM000000000000101000112 07:30 AM000001000100101000002 07:45 AM000001000100011011024 Total0000022004002240111311 08:00 AM0002220002202370100112 08:15 AM000111000100101000003 08:30 AM0000021003004260310413 08:45 AM000000000000101000001 Total00033510062085150410529 *** BREAK *** 02:45 PM000001100220215010018 Total000001100220215010018 03:00 PM000001300400101001016 03:15 PM000001100210102041059 03:30 PM000000000000202000002 03:45 PM000001100210001002025 Total0000035008204060440822 04:00 PM000000100110102010014 04:15 PM000000003310102001016 04:30 PM000001100200101023058 04:45 PM000002101420002002139 Total000003304104030703611027 05:00 PM000002000240004001017 05:15 PM000000200220002010015 05:30 PM000002100320103000006 00033181504371802084601413229115 Grand Total Apprch %000100 48.640.5010.839.1043.517.4048.344.86.9 Total %0002.62.61303.532.2074001.725.2 15.715.717.412.211.3 SOUTHERNOREGON TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Medford, Oregon 97504 | Kim.parducci@gmail.com |(541) 941-4148 cell North-South: Willow StreetFile Name: willow-otis East-West: Otis StreetSite Code: 00000003 Weather: OvercastStart Date: 5/16/2019 Veh Type: All VehiclesPage No: 2 Otis StWillow StOtis St From NorthFrom EastFrom SouthFrom West Start ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.Int. LeftLeftLeftLeft Thru Peds Right App. Total uhtsTotaluhtsTotaluhtsTotalTotal Time Peak Hour Analysis From 07:30 AM to 08:15 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 07:30 AM07:30 AM07:30 AM07:30 AM +0 mins.00000100010010100000 +15 mins.00000100010001100 112 +30 mins.000000001001 22222237 +45 mins.00011100010010100000 000335000520441002103 Total Volume 00010010000020040400 0 66.733.3 % App. Total PHF. In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM 3 0003 RightThruLeftPeds Peak Hour Data 0 Left In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM Right In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM 2 0 Thru North Otis St 3 Thru Otis St Right 1 0 Unshifted Left 5 0 5 Peds Peds 0 LeftThruRightPeds 2044 10 In - Peak Hour: 07:30 AM Willow St SOUTHERNOREGON TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Medford, Oregon 97504 | Kim.parducci@gmail.com |(541) 941-4148 cell North-South: Willow StreetFile Name: willow-otis East-West: Otis StreetSite Code: 00000003 Weather: OvercastStart Date: 5/16/2019 Veh Type: All VehiclesPage No: 4 Otis StWillow StOtis St From NorthFrom EastFrom SouthFrom West Start ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.ThrRigPedApp.Int. Left LeftLeftLeft Thru Peds Right App. Total uhtsTotaluhtsTotaluhtsTotalTotal Time Peak Hour Analysis From 02:45 PM to 03:30 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 02:45 PM02:45 PM02:45 PM02:45 PM +0 mins.000001002001001 12215 +15 mins.00000100001010001 341 +30 mins.000001100210102010 45 +45 mins.00000000000020200000 000003500830611005207 Total Volume 0000 37.562.5003006010071.428.60 % App. Total PHF.000.500.500.350 . In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM 0 0000 RightThruLeftPeds Peak Hour Data 0 Left In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM Right In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM 5 0 Thru North Otis St 7 Thru Otis St Right 2 5 Unshifted Left 8 0 3 Peds Peds 0 LeftThruRightPeds 3061 10 In - Peak Hour: 02:45 PM Willow St Qbhf;!2 . The Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit is committed to providing the highest quality crash data to customers. However, because submittal of crash report forms is , may result in fewer property DBVTF13-2: 11132:28112811 01/01/2004 FWFOU 112112 the responsibility of the individual driver, the Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit can not guarantee that all qualifying crashes are represented nor can assurances be made that all details pertaining to a single crash are accurate. Note: Legislative changes to DMV's vehicle crash reporting requirement, effective BDU111111145111111119 137-191 FSSPS 138111 J!YXML! QFEMPD MJDOTPS=36PS=36 PS.ZPS.Z SFT TFY GGG SBOEZ!TU!boe!Joufstfdujpobm!Dsbtift!bu!SBOEZ!TU-!Djuz!pg!Btimboe-!Kbdltpo!Dpvouz-!1201203124!up!2304203128 BHF891:28 TWSUZ OPOFJOKCOPOF JOK QSUDUZQFESWSCJLFESWS PSFHPO//!EFQBSUNFOU!PG!USBOTQPSUBUJPO!.!USBOTQPSUBUJPO!EFWFMPQNFOU!EJWJTJPO Q$121212 USBOTQPSUBUJPO!EBUB!TFDUJPO!.!DSBTI!BOBZMZTJT!BOE!SFQPSUJOH!VOJU X TUSHIUTUSHIUTUSHIUQSLE.Q T!.O!F!.X!F!.X! NPWFGSPN UP .F pg!!!3!Dsbti!sfdpset!tipxo/ QTOHS!DBS!QTOHS!DBS!QTOHS!DBS! 111 TQDM!VTFUSMS!RUZ VSCBO!OPO.TZTUFN!DSBTI!MJTUJOH PXOFSQSWUFQSWUFQSWUF UZQFOPOFOPOFOPOF 811.720 W$121213 Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is compiled from individual driver and police crash reports submitted to the Oregon Department of Transportation as required in ORS QSLE!NW DSBTITWSUZ DPMMCJLFBOHMTT.P JOKQEP MJHIU XUISTVSG DMSESZEBZDMSESZEBZ .!3 PGGSESOECUESWXZ 2 OOOZOO TUPQ!TJHO! JOU.SFMVOLOPXO USBG.DPOUM OO JOU.UZQF)NFEJBO*)$MBOFT* MFHT )OPOF* 4.MFH )13* 1 SE!DIBS EJSFDUTUSHIU MPDUOJOUFS 1719 TF TFDPOE!TUSFFU damage only crashes being eligible for inclusion in the Statewide Crash Data File. GJSTU!TUSFFU DJUZ!TUSFFU IFMNBO!TUXJMMPX!TU SBOEZ!TUSBOEZ!TU MST .233!53!.233!53! 282: DMBTT54/7:69/99 EJTUGSPNMPOH 86 1 53!23!45/8:53!23!42/74 17013031272202803125 DJUZ!PG!BTIMBOE-!KBDLTPO!DPVOUZ EBUFUJNF EBZMBU UI9BNP:B XPSLOO TDIMOO NKJOW ESVHTOO BMDOO 180390312: TQFFEOO DET491 JOWFTUSE!EQUVOMPD@ 1238613318 TFS$DJUZDJUZ OOZO City of Ashland TIA Requirement TIA (Transportation Impact Analysis) – All land use actions that either propose direct or indirect access to a State highway or a boulevard will need to provide the City of Ashland with the information outlined below. The governing jurisdiction will then inform ODOT of the intended land use action and provide pertinent review material. These guidelines are intended to ensure that developments do not negatively impact the operation and/or safety of the roadway. A.Applicants must submit a preliminary site plan for review to the City of Ashland, prior to the pre- application conference. At a minimum, the site plan shall illustrate: 1.The location of existing access point(s) on both sides of the road within 500 feet in each direction for Category 4 segments or 5 lane boulevards, and 300 feet for Category 5 segments and 3 lane arterials; 2.Distances to neighboring constructed public access points, median openings, traffic signals, intersections, and other transportation features on both sides of the property (this should include the section of roadway between the nearest upstream and downstream collector); 3.Number and direction of site access driveway lanes to be constructed, as well as an internal signing and striping plan; 4.All planned transportation features on the State highway/boulevard (such as auxiliary lanes, signals, etc.); 5.Trip generation data or appropriate traffic studies (See the following section for the state's traffic impact study requirement thresholds.); 6.Parking and internal circulation plan; 7.Plat map showing property lines, right of way, and ownership of abutting properties; 8.A detailed description and justification of any requested access variances; B.Proposed land use actions, new developments, and/or redevelopment accessing a State highway/boulevard, directly or indirectly (via collector or local streets), will need to provide traffic impact studies to the respective local reviewing jurisdiction(s) and ODOT, if the proposed land use meets one or more of the following traffic impact study thresholds. A traffic impact study will not be required of a development that does not exceed the stated thresholds. Trip Generation Threshold 1.: 50 newly generated vehicle trips (inbound and outbound) during the adjacent street peak hour; Mitigation Threshold 2.: Installation of any traffic control device and/or construction of any geometric improvements that will affect the progression or operation of traffic traveling on, entering, or exiting the highway; Heavy Vehicle Trip Generation Threshold 3.: 20 newly generated heavy vehicle trips (inbound and outbound) during the day; 4.All traffic impact studies will need to be prepared by a registered professional engineer in accordance with ODOT's development review guidelines. Traffic Impact Study Requirements C. 1.The following is a summary of the Oregon State Highway minimum requirements for a traffic report. ODOT views the following requirements as the minimum considerations to be dealt with by Professional Traffic Engineering Consultants in their analysis of traffic impacts resulting from new developments adjacent to State highways. 2.The analysis shall include alternates other than what the developer originally submits as a proposal for access to state highways, city streets, and county roads. 3.The analysis of alternate access proposals shall include: (a)Existing daily and appropriate design peak hour counts by traffic movements, at intersections which would be affected by traffic generated by the development (use traffic flow diagrams). (b)Projected daily and appropriate design peak hour volumes for these same intersections, and at the proposed access points after completion of the development. If the development is to be constructed in phases, projected traffic volumes at the completion of each phase should be determined. (c)Trip Generation shall be calculated using the Institute of Transportation Engineers' manual “TRIP GENERATION 5th Edition” or other, more current, and/or applicable information. (d)A determination of the need for a traffic signal based on warrants in the “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.” 4.The recommendations made in the report should be specific and shall be based on a minimum level of service “D” when the development is in full service. As an example, if a traffic signal is recommended, the recommendations should include the type of traffic signal control and what movements should be signalized. If a storage lane for right turns or left turns is needed, the recommendations should include the amount of storage needed. If several intersections are involved for signalization, and an interconnect system is considered, specific analysis should be made concerning progression of traffic between intersections. 5.The internal circulation of parking lots must be analyzed to the extent that it can be determined whether the points of access will operate properly. 6.The report shall include an analysis of the impacts to neighboring driveway access points and adjacent streets affected by the proposed new development driveways. 7.The report should include a discussion of bike and pedestrian usage and the availability of mass transit to serve the development. Southern Oregon Transportation Engineering, LLC Medford, Oregon 97504 Phone 541.608.9923 Fax 541.535.6873 Email: Kim.parducci@gmail.com