HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-02-24 Planning PACKET Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Planning Commission meeting is encouraged to do so. If you wish to speak, please rise and, after you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and complete address for the record. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note that the public testimony may be limited by the Chair and normally is not allowed after the Public Hearing is closed. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY SESSION FEBRUARY 24, 2015 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM, Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street II. ANNOUNCEMENTS III. AD-HOC COMMITTEE UPDATES IV. PUBLIC FORUM V. DISCUSSION ITMES A. Development Standards for Wildfire Lands Ordinance Amendments B. Airport Code Modifications VI. ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). Page 1 of 2 Memo DATE: 2/24/2015 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Brandon Goldman, Senior Planner RE: Development Standards for Wildfire Lands Ordinance Amendments SUMMARY General discussion regarding modification of the adopted Wildfire Lands boundary map, and potential amendments to the Development Standards for Wildfire Lands (Chapter BACKGROUND th Ashland Fire and Rescue originally presented a proposal to the City Council on April 15, 2014 requesting staff prepare a modification of the Physical and Environmental Constraints Map to expand the boundary of Ashland’s designated Wildfire Lands to incorporate the entire City (attached map). Such a map amendment is a legislative Land Use action requiring the approval of an ordinance, with public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. The Planning Commission initially discussed the expansion of the Wildfire Lands boundary at a Study Session on June 24, 2014. At this meeting Ashland Fire and Rescue presented the commission with an evaluation of Wildfire Hazards Zones (WHZ) prepared in February 2014. This report (attached) assessed various factors to determine which lands meet the hazard zones criteria set forth in Chapter 629 of the Oregon Administrative Rules. After final compilation of the hazard values, all areas within the city were found to be at or above the threshold for a WHZ designation. It is the recommendation of Ashland Fire & Rescue that all areas within the city limits be declared a WHZ, amending the current Wildfire Lands boundary as set forth in 1992. The expansion of the Wildfire Lands boundary would have development implications for all properties within the City Limits that due to their inclusion they would become regulated under AMC Chapter \[Development Standards for Wildfire Lands\]. A Fire Prevention and Control Plan would be required with applications to partition or subdivide properties. A Fuel Break would be required of all properties obtaining building permits for new construction, either new dwellings or additions to existing dwellings. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Page 2 of 2 New or re-roofed structures could not use wooden shingles or other combustible roofing material. Currently such requirements apply only to properties within the existing Wildfire Lands area. In review of the existing development standards for Wildfire Lands, Ashland Fire and Rescue has additionally identified a number of potential changes to the existing code to be considered as part of the legislative amendment process underway. Proposed code revisions would serve to both clarify the submittal requirements for a Fuel Prevention and Control Plan, as well as establish new requirements for the implementation of required fuel breaks. The additional amendments to the development standards being considered include the following: Clarifying the applicability of Primary and Secondary Fuel Breaks within an urban environment. To illustrate the areas that would be regulated as primary or secondary fuel breaks under o the existing standards the attached fuel break map illustrates both 30ft and 130ft buffers around each structure in the City. Establishing size thresholds for when an expansion of an existing building triggers implementation of the general fuel break requirements. Establishing a Fuel Break Prohibited Plant list to exclude highly flammable plants from being planted within 30 feet of a structure. Attached is a list of plants identified as highly flammable (flammable plant list attached), o which could provide a basis for the development of such a prohibited plant list. Establishing a minimum clear distance between tree canopies and structures. Establishing a canopy spacing standard for the minimum separation between existing and future tree canopies at maturity. Limiting the storage of flammable materials, or the use of combustible landscaping materials such as bark mulch in immediate proximity to a structure. Establishing a standard requiring a minimum vertical separation between understory vegetation and the lowest tree limbs within a tree’s drip-line. Establishing requirements for the removal of dead or dying vegetation Modification of the Flag Drive and parking lot screening standards to stipulate site-obscuring hedges along driveways are fire-resistant. Establishing a ministerial process to allow modifications to an approved Fire Control and Prevention and Control Plan, and general fuel break requirements. ATTACHMENTS Physical and Environmental Constraints Wildfire Lands Map Wildfire Hazard Zone Evaluation dated 2/17/2014 Primary and Secondary Fuel Break buffer map Flammable Plant List COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Physical and Environmental Constraints Wildfire Lands City Limits Urban Growth Boundary Wildfire Lands (Adopted) Wildfire Lands additions (Proposed) NOT TO SCALE \[ Mapping is schematic only and bears no warranty of accuracy. All features, structures, facilities, easement or roadway locations should be independently field verified for existence and/or location. 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Wildfire Hazard Zone Evaluation 2/17/2014 Evaluating the current boundary of Ashland’s Wildfire Hazard Zone as it relates to the standards set forth by the Oregon Department of Forestry 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Introduction Ashland Fire & Rescue has entered into a project to evaluate the boundary of its existing Wildfire Hazard Zone (WHZ) relative to the standards established by the Oregon Department of Forestry in Chapter 629 of the Oregon Administrative Rules. The purpose of Chapter 629 is to set forthcriteria that jurisdictions use to establish aWHZ so that the Oregon One and Two Family DwellingSpecialty Code and portions of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code can become effective. Ashland’sexisting WHZ, established in 1992, hasn’t appearedconsistent in delineating fire fuel profiles, land features, and other fire behavior factors in Ashland. Indeed, recent fire events have shown that high intensity, rapid spreading, and structure threatening fires have occurred well outside of the existing WHZ. . As an example, during the 2009 Siskiyou Fire 109 homes were evacuated under the threat of fire and none of these homes were in the officially designated WHZ. A careful analysis as well as new technology has allowed for a more critical look at what areas in the community meet the criteria for a WHZ. This project willexamine the City of Ashland and determine what areas of the city meet the criteria to be considered a WHZas set forth by OAR Chapter 629, Division 044.According to OAR 629-044, there are four categories or “Hazard Factors” that are involved in determining the presence of a WHZ.Each of these four hazard factors are “scored” and there is the possibility of zero to three (0-3) points.After examining all four hazard factors for a geographic area, a numerical value can be assigned to each geographical area that will range from zero to twelve (0- 12). If a particular geographical area receives an assigned “Hazard Value” of seven or greater, thatgeographic area will be designated as part of the jurisdiction’s WHZ. Ashland Municipal Code 18.62.090, the Development Standards for Wildfire Lands, designates requirements and standards for properties and structures that exist within the WHZ. A copy of the code section is included with this report. In this report you will find the following: 1.Explanation of purpose and method for developingthe geographicalareas. 2.Thefour hazard factors and how they were determined for each geographical area. 3.A report for each geographical areashowing an aerial photo, ground pictures of fuel models and a data sheet summarizing the total hazard values. 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Contents DevelopingGeographical Areas1 Hazard Factor 1: Fire Weather2 Hazard Factor 2: Topography2 Hazard Factor 3: Natural Vegetative Fuel2 Hazard Factor 4: Fuel Distribution4 Map of Geographical Areas7 Current Wildfire Hazard Zone Maps8 Hospital Area10 Strawberry Area13 Reservoir Area16 Terrace Area19 University Hillside Area22 Beswick to Roca Canyon Area25 South Clay Area28 Oak Knoll Area31 Airport Area34 Mistletoe Area37 Quiet Village Area40 North Mountain Area43 Railroad Area46 SOU Track Area49 Fire Station 2 Area52 YMCA Area55 Conclusion58 Appendix61 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Developing the GeographicalAreas The first step in the project was to divide the entire city into geographic sections based on the presence of differing hazard values. The final outcome was a total of 16 areas utilizingnatural geographic features such as ridges and hills as well as land features such as roadsand easements. It is important to notethat it is not the intent of OAR 629-044 that WHZbe determined on the basis of a tax lot or an ownership specific basis, but rather that a landscape approach be used. Thegeographic sections were chosen utilizing practical roads such as Siskiyou Boulevard and Wimer Street, but more importantly, they were chosen by also using the natural geographic landscape such as the hillside from Strawberry-HaldPark that leadsdown into the downtown area.If you examine the Strawberry area, you will find that it is sectioned off in such a way that the area contains similar fuels.Afire startinganywhere in the area could potentiallyhave an effect on the entire area. This is not to say that the geographic areas are completely different from neighboring areas, but rather that each area was chosen in such a way that you will find similar conditionsthroughoutthat specific area. It is fair to say that there are two dominating models of geographic areas. The first of these is found mostly in the areas above (or south of) Siskiyou Boulevard. Characteristics found in these areas are mainly residential neighborhoodsthat are either on a steep slope or are directly at the base of a steep slope that leads up into densely forested areas. A fire in these areas would potentially be quick moving and spread into our valuable forested lands to the south. The second model isfound throughout the rest of the city below (or north) of Siskiyou Boulevard. These areas have significantly less slope and are not directly affected by forested areas, but rather by large areas of dry grass and shrubs. Ashlandhasseen two large scale fires within the last 4 years and both area types were involved. The Siskiyou Fire of 2009 was started just above SiskiyouBoulevardand travelled through steep forested terrain threatening many homes within the city. TheOak Knoll Fire of 2010 was started in an open, flatgrass area and travelled quickly through a residential area destroying eleven homes in 45 minutes.In the Oak Knoll Fire, both the existence of natural fuels predominating the area and ornamental plantings within 30 feet of homes contributed to the fire’s spread and loss of structures. Flammable ornamental plantings are ubiquitous throughout Ashland, and though ornamentals may be a small percentage of any one geographic area, they create a disproportionate hazard that cannot be regulated outside of a WHZ The areasthat these fires occurred are by no means unique. In every geographic area highlighted in this project, there is potential for similar fires to occur. The following pages will further explain the hazard factors and how they were applied to each geographicarea. 0 ¦¤ 1 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Hazard Factor 1: FireWeather This weather hazard factor for all jurisdictionsis provided by the Oregon Department of Forestry. ODF compilesa complete list of all counties within the state and provides scores based on weather history of the area. Jackson County was given a scoreof 3 points based upon the average weather the area experiencesduring afire season. Hazard Factor 2: Topography Developing the topography hazard factor involves establishingthe percentage of slope for each individual geographic area. Maps were provided by Ashland Public Works Engineering Division GIS giving the slope percentage for all areas in Ashland. Two color coded maps are provided with this report showing the slope of the city. This map was sectioned off into the geographic areas chosen for the analysis and an appropriate average slope for the area was chosen. A hazard value is then assigned to the area based on the average percentage of slope within that area according to the following schedule: 0-3% slope0points 3-12% slope1 point 12-20% slope2 points 20%+slope3 points Hazard Factor 3: Natural Vegetative Fuel The natural vegetative fuel hazard factor involves determining the main fuel type found within a geographic area. These fuel types are based on the “Aids to Determining Fuel Models for Estimating Fire behavior” produced by the Forest Service.There are 10 fuel models given and each of these isdescribed in detail in OAR 629-044-0250. They can be generallydescribed as three main types: grass, shrubs and timber. Each of these fuel models has a hazard value assigned from 0to 3points.The schedule of fuel models are as follows: Little or no natural vegetative fuels are present. –0points Fuel Model 1 –Grass–3 points. Very little shrub or timber is present, generally less than one-third of the area. Main fuel is generally less than two feet in height. Fires are surface fires that move rapidly through cured grass and associated material. Fuel Model 2 –Grass–3 points. Open shrub lands and pine stands or scrub oak stands that cover one-third to two-thirds of the area. Main fuel is generally less thantwo feet in 0 ¦¤ 2 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 height. Fires are surface fires that spread primarily through the fine herbaceous fuels, either curing or dead. Fuel Model 3 –Grass–3 points. Beach grasses, prairie grasses, marshland grasses and wild or cultivated grains that have not been harvested. Main fuel is generally less than four feet in height, but considerable variation may occur. Fires are the most intense of the grass group and display high rates of spread under the influence of wind. Fuel Model 4 –Shrubs–3 points. Stands of mature shrubs have foliage known for its flammability, such as gorse, manzanita and snowberry. Main fuel is generally six feet or more tall. Fires burn with high intensity and spread very rapidly. Fuel Model 5 –Shrubs–1 point. Young shrubs with little dead material and having foliage not known for its flammability, such as laurel, vine maple and alders. Main fuel is generally three feet tall or less. Fires are generally carried in the surface fuels and are generally not very intense. Fuel Model 6 –Shrubs–2 points. Older shrubs with foliage havingflammability less than fuel model 4, but more than fuel model 5. Widely spaced juniper and sagebrush are represented by this group. Main fuel is generally less than six feet in height. Fires will drop to the ground at low wind speeds and in stand openings. Fuel Model 8 –Timber–1 point. Areas of timber with little undergrowth and small amounts of litter buildup. Healthy stands of lodge polepine, spruce, fir and larch are represented by this group. Fires will burn only under severe weather conditions involving high temperatures, low humidityand high winds. Fuel Model 9 –Timber–2 points. Areas of timber with more surface litter than fuel model 8. Closed stands of healthy ponderosa pine and white oak are in this fuel model. Spread of fires will be aided by rolling or blowing leaves. Fuel Model 10 –Timber–3 points. Areas of timber with heavy buildups of ground litter caused by overmaturity or natural events of wind throw or insect infestations. Fires are difficult to control due to large extent of ground fuel. (Fuel model 10) --3 Since each geographic area has more than just one fuel model,hazard value was averaged based on which fuel model was most prominent. For example, if an area has a large stretch of grass field near residential area, it maynot be accurateto give a blanket value of 3for the entire areaif there was a more prevalent fuel model. Residential areas commonly have a large amount of fuel model 5and 6(shrubbery)that need to be weighed against other fuel models such as grass. In some casesthe grass area (hazard value 3) and the shrubarea (hazard value 1) were averaged and afinal hazard value of 2 was given to the area. 0 ¦¤ 3 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Included with the final data for each geographic area is a series of four photographs showing various fuel models found within that area.These photos are not intended to imply that the entire area is a solid fuel type, but rather to give an example from the ground of the fuel models found. Examples of ground photosfor fuel models Fuel Model 1Fuel Model 4 Hazard Factor 4: Fuel Distribution The natural vegetative fuel distribution hazard factor is basically a close look at percentages of an area occupied by vegetation. In short, how much of the area has fuel present. This hazard value was determined by using a series of aerial photos that are available in Pictomety. The program allowed for areas to be outlined and acreage calculated. From these images and outlines, it was possible to calculate the approximatepercentage of an area that has vegetation present. For example: This picture shows a very simple area to measure for vegetation percentage. The red line shows the perimeter of the area being measured and gives the 0 ¦¤ 4 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 acreage. The yellow line shows the perimeter of the area that is only vegetation and gives the acreage. To calculate the percentage of the area that is vegetation, simply divide the vegetation area by the total area. In this case: 1.102.31=0.476, or, approximately 47%. This gives us a rough percentage based only on the field area that has no buildings or improvements on it. If we examine the property around the three buildings on the left side of the picture, it is obvious that there is additional vegetation that we need to calculate the areaof. The areas around structures are calculated bylookingat the area as a whole and estimatingthe percentage of the area that has vegetation. In this example, the area around the structures is roughly ten percent of the total property (not including the open field area that we have already accounted for). The numbers we have for this area: Total acreage: 2.31 Solid vegetation:1.10 Improved area: (area that is not solid vegetation, total acreage minus solid vegetation)1.21 % of solid vegetation:47% Vegetation in improved area: (our estimated percentage for the area around structures)10% From these numbers we cancalculate the total percentage of vegetation for the entire area. With the acreage from the field, we canfind theacreage for the improved area. Weare estimating the vegetation density of the improved area to be 10%;we will multiply the improved area (1.21 acres) by the percentageof vegetation (10%). This calculates to0.121 acres. We can now say that the acreage of vegetation equivalent for the improved area is approximately 0.12 acres. To get the total acreage of vegetation we can add it to our previous acreage of solid vegetation (1.10). This will give us a total vegetation area of 1.22 acres. Now it is simply a matter of again dividing the total vegetation for the area by the total area. Now that we have accounted for the ten percent in the improved area our equation is: 1.22/2.31= 0.528, or 52%. In this examplethe approximate percentage of vegetation for the area is 52%. This number allows us toassign a hazard value for the geographic area. Hazard values are assigned based on the following numbers. 0-10% of the area=0 points 10-25% of the area=1 point 25-40% of the area=2 points 40-100% of the area=3 points 0 ¦¤ 5 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 These four hazard factors have been analyzed for each geographical area and the findings are presented in the following pages. There are three pages for each geographic area in the city. The first page gives a brief description of the area and asummary of the hazard values. The second pageshows a few fuel model examples from the ground level.The third page shows an aerial view the entire area with a border and vegetation outlined. 0 ¦¤ 6 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Geographical Areas for Wildfire Hazard Zone Evaluations 0 ¦¤ 7 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Current Wildfire Hazard ZoneMap #1 0 ¦¤ 8 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Current Wildfire Hazard Zone Map #2 0 ¦¤ 9 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Hospital Area Steep hillside residential with heavy grass/brush slopes to the west and northwest. (Type 1 and 6 fuel models) Residential yardsare mostly well kept with a large amount of vegetation evenly spread throughout the area. Fuel models 5 and 6 are most accurate. Also several patches of grass (vacant lots etc) throughout the area giving additional patches of fuel model 1. Hazard FactorHazard Value Vegetation density (Fuel Distribution) Total acreage: 188.173 Solid vegetation:24.17acres Improved area:164 acres % of solid vegetation: 13% Vegetation in improved area:35% Total approximate vegetation: 43% Vegetation type (fuel model) Most prominent fuel models are type 1 (3 points) and type 5 (1 point). Since these models are evenly dispersed and mixed together, a total point value of 2 is the most accurate.2 Weather: Jackson County3 Slope (Topography):12-20%2 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Hazard Rating10 Meets wildfire hazard zone requirements?Yes 0 ¦¤ 10 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Hospital Area Photo APhoto B Photo CPhoto D 0 ¦¤ 11 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Hospital Area 0 ¦¤ 12 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Strawberry Area Area is represented by steep hillside residential with heavy grass/brush area. (Type 1 and 6 fuel models) Residential plots have an overall moderate to heavy fuel load and many areas are in close proximity to dry hillsides. Hazard FactorHazard Value Vegetation density (Fuel Distribution): Total acreage: 334.223 Solid vegetation:92.84 acres Improved area:241.38 acres % of solid vegetation: 27.78% Vegetation in improved area:35% Total approximate vegetation: 53.06% Vegetation type (fuel model) Most prominent fuel models are type 1 (3 points) and type 6 (3 points). 3 Weather: Jackson County3 Slope (Topography):12-20%2 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Hazard Rating11 Meets wildfire hazard zone requirements?Yes 0 ¦¤ 13 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 StrawberryArea Photo APhoto B Photo CPhoto D This area is dense residential that transitions up to very steep Total acreage: 334.22 terrain. Large area of open grass/brush at top of hill. (Type 1 Solid vegetation:92.84acres and 6 fuel models) Improved area:241.38 acres On the west side, there are large patches of grass (fuel model %of solid vegetation: 27.78% 1) around residential areas. Vegetation in improved area: 35% More towards downtown, residential yards are mostly well kept with a large amount of vegetation evenly spread Total approximate vegetation: 53% throughout the area. Fuel models 5 and 6 are most accurate. 0 ¦¤ 14 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 StrawberryArea 0 ¦¤ 15 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Reservoir Area This area is a steep and densely forested area with some residential off the upper part of Granite street. (Type 1, 4 and 9 fuel models) This area of Ashland is the most densely vegetated and the limited areas of improvement/construction are on steep lots with dense vegetation around the homes. Hazard FactorHazard Value Vegetation density (Fuel Distribution): Total acreage: 219.533 Solid vegetation:189.36 Improved area:30.17 acres % of solid vegetation: 86.26% Vegetation in improved area:35% Total approximate vegetation: 91% Vegetation type (fuel model) Most prominent fuel models are type 1 (3 points) and type 4 (3 points). Since most of the area is forested, a value of 3 is definitely given 3 Weather: Jackson County3 Slope (Topography):20-35%3 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Hazard Rating12 Meets wildfire hazard zone requirements?Yes 0 ¦¤ 16 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 ReservoirArea Photo APhoto B ReservoirArea Photo CPhoto D 0 ¦¤ 17 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 ReservoirArea 0 ¦¤ 18 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Terrace Area Steep hillside residential with heavy grass/brush slopes to the west above Lithia Park. (Type 1 and 4 fuel models) Residential yards are mostly well kept with a large amount of vegetation evenly spread throughout the area. Fuel models 5 and 6 are seen with various shrubs/bushes throughout the entire area. There are also some areas with timber representing fuel models 8 and 9. Hazard FactorHazard Value Vegetation density (Fuel Distribution): Total acreage: 351.53 Solid vegetation:93.23acres Improved area:258.27 acres % of solid vegetation: 26.52% Vegetation in improved area:25% Total approximate vegetation: 44% Vegetation type (fuel model) Most prominent fuel models are type 1 (3 points) and type 5 (1 point). Since these models are evenly dispersed and mixed 2 together, a total point value of 2 is the most accurate. Weather: Jackson County3 Slope (Topography):12-20%2 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Hazard Rating10 Meets wildfire hazard zone requirements?Yes 0 ¦¤ 19 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 TerraceArea Photo APhoto B Photo CPhoto D 0 ¦¤ 20 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 TerraceArea 0 ¦¤ 21 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 University Hillside Area This is a dense residential area above Siskiyou Blvd that transitions to steep hillside above the university. Upper area is densely vegetated with fuel models 1, 4, 8 and 9 present.Residential areas are densely vegetated with large amounts of trees and bushes. Fuel models 5 and 6 are most accurate for the residential area. Hazard FactorHazard Value Vegetation density (Fuel Distribution): Total acreage: 298.243 Solid vegetation:83.67acres Improved area:214.57 acres % of solid vegetation: 28.05% Vegetation in improved area:25% Total approximate vegetation: 46% Vegetation type (fuel model) Most prominent fuel models are type 4 (3 points), type 9 (2 points) and type 5 (1 point). Since these models are evenly dispersed and mixed together, a total point value of 2 is the most accurate.2 Weather: Jackson County3 Slope (Topography):12-20%2 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Hazard Rating10 Meets wildfire hazard zone requirements?Yes 0 ¦¤ 22 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 University HillsideArea Photo APhoto B Photo CPhoto D 0 ¦¤ 23 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 University HillsideArea 0 ¦¤ 24 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Beswick to Roca Canyon Area A dense residential area that transitions from mild slope to steep slope. Moderately dense vegetation around homes with fuel models 5 and 6 seen most frequently around homes. There are also patches of grass and timber models present, especially towards the Roca Canyon area. Hazard FactorHazard Value Vegetation density (Fuel Distribution): Total acreage: 308.152 Solid vegetation:47.33acres Improved area:260.82 acres % of solid vegetation: 15.36% Vegetation in improved area:25% Total approximate vegetation: 36.5% Vegetation type (fuel model) Most prominent fuel models are type 1 (3 points) and type 5 (1 point). Since these models are evenly dispersed and mixed together, a total point value of 2 is the most accurate. 2 Weather: Jackson County3 Slope (Topography):12-20%2 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Hazard Rating9 Meets wildfire hazard zone requirements?Yes 0 ¦¤ 25 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Beswick to Roca CanyonArea Photo APhoto B Photo CPhoto D 0 ¦¤ 26 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Beswick to Roca CanyonArea 0 ¦¤ 27 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 South Clay Area This area is a gradual sloped residential area that transitions into steep slope. The area towards the top of Park has some forested models although the area is dominated mostly by brush and grass areas with moderately vegetated areas around homes. Again, Fuel models 1, 4, 5and possibly 8 are seen here. There is also a creek running through the residential area giving a heavy fuel load splitting the area into two distinct but similar residential areas. Hazard FactorHazard Value Vegetation density (Fuel Distribution): Total acreage: 197.083 Solid vegetation:18.24acres Improved area:178.84 acres % of solid vegetation: 9.26% Vegetation in improved area:35% Total approximate vegetation: 41% Vegetation type (fuel model) Most prominent fuel models are type 1 (3 points), type 6 (2 points) and type 5 (1 point). Since these models are evenly dispersed and mixed together, a total point value of 2 is the most accurate.2 Weather: Jackson County3 Slope (Topography):3-12%1 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Hazard Rating9 Meets wildfire hazard zone requirements?Yes 0 ¦¤ 28 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 South ClayArea Photo APhoto B Photo CPhoto D 0 ¦¤ 29 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 South ClayArea 0 ¦¤ 30 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Oak Knoll Area A dense residential area with substantial vegetation and varying degrees of slope throughout. Despite recent improvements to the area after the fire of 2010, there is still a significant amount of flammable vegetation around many homes. Fuel models 5 and 6 are present with a number of bush/shrub types around homes including juniper, Manzanita and pine. There is also significant grass and brush bordering the area along the freeway as well as the densely overgrown hillside below the Windmill Inn. Hazard FactorHazard Value Vegetation density (Fuel Distribution): Total acreage: 217.832 Solid vegetation:25.55acres Improved area: (excluding golf course) 123.33 acres % of solid vegetation: 11.73% Vegetation in improved area:35% Total approximate vegetation: 31.5% Vegetation type (fuel model) Most prominent fuel models are type 1 (3 points), 4 (3 points), 5 (1 point) and 6 (2 points). Because there is fuel model 5 mixed in throughout the residential area it is fair to give 2 points instead of the full 3 that would be awarded to other fuel models. 2 Weather: Jackson County3 Slope (Topography):3-7%1 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Hazard Rating8 Meets wildfire hazard zone requirements?Yes 0 ¦¤ 31 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Oak KnollArea Photo APhoto B Photo CPhoto D 0 ¦¤ 32 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Oak KnollArea 0 ¦¤ 33 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Airport Area The airport is a large open area surrounded by fields of grass (fuel model 1). There is also significant brush along the southwest border where a creek runs. In addition to the airport, there is also a small sectionof industrial shops and storage yards that are also in close proximity to the brush/grass areas. Hazard FactorHazard Value Vegetation density (Fuel Distribution): Total acreage: 117.492 Solid vegetation:36.62 acres Improved area:80.87 acres % of solid vegetation: 31.17% Vegetation in improved area:5% Total approximate vegetation: 34.61% Vegetation type (fuel model) Most prominent fuel models are type 1 (3 points) and type 6 (2 point). However, the grass areas are by far the greater area and threat and the area should be awarded the full 3 points3 Weather: Jackson County3 Slope (Topography):0-3%0 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Hazard Rating8 Meets wildfire hazard zone requirements?Yes 0 ¦¤ 34 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 AirportArea Photo APhoto B Photo CPhoto D 0 ¦¤ 35 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 AirportArea 0 ¦¤ 36 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Mistletoe Area Relatively flat area with large fielded areas mixed in with industrial buildings and a bordering residential area to the west. Hazard FactorHazard Value Vegetation density (Fuel Distribution): Total acreage: 196.882 Solid vegetation:60.32 acres Improved area:136.56 acres % of solid vegetation: 30.64% Vegetation in improved area:10% Total approximate vegetation: 37.57% Vegetation type (fuel model) Most prominent fuel model is type1 (3 points) with some smaller areas of type 5 (1 point). Since the grass fields are the biggest threat it is reasonable to give the full three points for fuel model 13 Weather: Jackson County3 Slope(Topography):3-7%1 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Hazard Rating9 Meets wildfire hazard zone requirements?Yes 0 ¦¤ 37 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 MistletoeArea Photo APhoto B Photo CPhoto D 0 ¦¤ 38 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 MistletoeArea 0 ¦¤ 39 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Quiet Village Area This area is a relatively low slope area with steeper banks bordering the creek that runs through it on the east side. There are several large areas of grass and brush bordering quiet village as well as grass and brush running the entire creek area between Oak Street and Helman Street. Residential area has mostly fuel models 5 and 6 with the bordering areas of fuel model 1. Overall this area is very similar area to the Railroad area. Hazard FactorHazard Value Vegetation density (Fuel Distribution): Total acreage: 349.652 Solid vegetation:61.34 acres Improved area:288.31 acres % of solid vegetation: 17.54% Vegetation in improvedarea:20% Total approximate vegetation: 34% Vegetation type (fuel model) Most prominent fuel models are type 1 (3 points) and type 5 (1 point). Since these models are evenly dispersed and mixed together, a total point value of 2 is the most accurate.2 Weather: Jackson County3 Slope (Topography):3-7%1 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Hazard Rating8 Meets wildfire hazard zone requirements?Yes 0 ¦¤ 40 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Quiet VillageArea Photo APhoto B Photo CPhoto D 0 ¦¤ 41 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Quiet VillageArea 0 ¦¤ 42 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 North Mountain Area This area is slightly unique as it is a large central area of grassland on slope that leads to residential in nearly every direction. Dense residential neighborhoods with moderate vegetation are present along Oak and Hersey Street. The community on North Mountain Street has significantly less vegetation around homes but is still surrounded by drygrass fields. Hazard FactorHazard Value Vegetation density (Fuel Distribution): Total acreage: 247.973 Solid vegetation:84.26 acres Improved area:163.71 acres % of solid vegetation: 33.98% Vegetation in improved area:20% Total approximate vegetation: 47.18% Vegetation type (fuel model) Most prominent fuel model in this area is fuel model 1 (grass, 3 points). There are other models present along the creek and around homes, but the significant amount of grass in the area justifies a full 3 points3 Weather: Jackson County3 Slope (Topography):3-7%1 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Hazard Rating10 Meets wildfire hazard zone requirements?Yes 0 ¦¤ 43 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 North MountainArea Photo APhoto B Photo CPhoto D 0 ¦¤ 44 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 North MountainArea 0 ¦¤ 45 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Railroad Area This community is a fairly low slope residential with large areas of grassy field running through it and along the railroad tracks. The most significant fuel load is the large fields in the Clear Creek area that are in close proximity to residential areas. Fuel model 1 (grass, 3 points) plays a significant role in fuel type. This area is very similar to the Station 2 area and the SOU track area except for the fact that the grass areas are within city boundaries which will raise the hazard value. However, residential fuel density is low as part of the downtown area and also the high school will dilute the density average. Hazard FactorHazard Value Vegetation density (Fuel Distribution): Total acreage: 351.061* Solid vegetation:39.72 acres Improved area:311.34 acres % of solid vegetation: 11.31% Vegetation in improved area:15% Total approximate vegetation: 24.62% * Vegetation type (fuel model) Most prominent fuel models are type 1 (3 points) and type 5 (1 point). Since these models are evenly dispersed and mixed together, a totalpoint value of 2 is the most accurate.2 Weather: Jackson County3 Slope (Topography):3-7% 1 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Hazard Rating7 Meets wildfire hazard zone requirements?Yes 0 ¦¤ 46 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 RailroadArea Photo APhoto B Photo CPhoto D 0 ¦¤ 47 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 RailroadArea 0 ¦¤ 48 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 SOU Track Area The area is an average residential area with moderate vegetation mixed in with patches of grassy fields (fuel model 1). However, this area also has a high number of sports fields which are similar to the golf course and will heavily dilute the vegetation density hazard value. The area also has heavy grass fields to the east and north which lay just outside of city boundaries and are not accounted for in these figures. Hazard FactorHazard Value Vegetation density (Fuel Distribution): Total acreage: 272.311 Solid vegetation:12.3 acres Improved area:260.01 acres % of solid vegetation: 4.5% Vegetation in improved area:10% Total approximate vegetation: 14% Vegetation type (fuel model) Most prominent fuel models are type 1 (3 points) and type 5 (1 point). Since these models both would play important roles in the event of a fire, a total point value of 2 is the most accurate.2 Weather: Jackson County3 Slope (Topography):3-7% 1 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Hazard Rating7 Meets wildfire hazard zone requirements?Yes 0 ¦¤ 49 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 SOU TrackArea Photo APhoto B Photo CPhoto D 0 ¦¤ 50 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 SOU TrackArea 0 ¦¤ 51 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Fire Station 2 Area This area is mostly dense residential with commercial shopping centers on the east and west ends. Fuel density is reduced a little as these areas are taken into account. Fuel model 5 and 6 are again found in the residential areas and along the creek that parallels Clay Street. There is also a notable amount of dry grass (fuel model 1) bordering the railroad tracks and area near Bimart. Hazard FactorHazard Value Vegetation density (Fuel Distribution): Total acreage: 242.412 Solid vegetation:16.5 acres Improved area:225.91 acres % of solid vegetation: 6.81% Vegetation in improved area:20% Total approximate vegetation: 25.45% Vegetation type (fuel model) Most prominent fuel models are type 1 (3 points) and type 5 (1 point). Since these models are evenly dispersed and mixed together, a total point value of 2 is the most accurate.2 Weather: Jackson County3 Slope (Topography):3-7%1 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Hazard Rating8 Meets wildfire hazard zone requirements?Yes 0 ¦¤ 52 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Fire Station 2Area Photo APhoto B Photo CPhoto D 0 ¦¤ 53 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Fire Station 2Area 0 ¦¤ 54 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 YMCA Area This area is represented by an even blend of residential and open field. Several grass fields fall just outside of the city boundaries and are not represented in these numbers. The fuel density on improved areas is also heavily diluted due to the soccer fields and commercial areas around the YMCA. Hazard FactorHazard Value Vegetation density (Fuel Distribution): Total acreage: 114.772 Solid vegetation:16.56 acres Improved area:98.21 acres % of solid vegetation: 14.43% Vegetation in improved area:15% Total approximate vegetation: 27.26% Vegetation type (fuel model) Most prominent fuel models are type 1 (3 points) and type 5 (1 point). Since these models are evenly dispersed and mixed together, a total point value of 2 is the most accurate.2 Weather: Jackson County3 Slope (Topography):3-7%1 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Hazard Rating8 Meets wildfire hazard zone requirements?Yes 0 ¦¤ 55 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 YMCAArea Photo APhoto B Photo CPhoto D 0 ¦¤ 56 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 YMCAArea 0 ¦¤ 57 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Conclusion This evaluation of Ashland’s wildland urban interface fire vulnerability utilized thecriteria cited in the Oregon Administrative Rules for Wildfire Hazard Zone determination. We were able to take advantage of technology and produce accurate average slopecalculations for Hazard Factor 2, topography. GIS data was also helpful in calculating fuel distribution in the zones, a task that had been quite difficult before GIS technology. Ashland has a wide variety of topographies and fuel models though all zones scored seven or higher, qualifying as a wildfire hazard zoneunder Oregon Administrative Rules.A summary of the zone scores areas follows: Hospital Area10 StrawberryArea11 Reservoir Area12 Terrace Area10 University Hillside Area10 Beswick to Roca Canyon Area9 South Clay Area9 Oak Knoll Area8 Airport Area8 Mistletoe Area9 Quiet Village Area8 North Mountain Area10 Railroad Area7 SOU Track Area7 Fire Station 2 Area8 YMCA Area8 Average Score9 Two of the zones evaluated scored a seven and arguably present less of a fire and fire spread threatthan other zones, however there are pockets of higher hazard properties within each of these areas. It must be mentioned that the fire behavior in any zone is but one concern. The spread of fire by windborne fire brands is of an equal or greater concern. The largest structure loss fire in Ashland history, the Oak Knoll Fire, occurred in a zone with a score of eight.Thefire Fire Brand MigrationPost-fire Oak Knoll Neighborhood 0 ¦¤ 58 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 was started from a flying fire brand originating from the Mistletoe zone, havinga score of nine, over 1400 feet away. Initial Fire Spot Fire Oak Knoll Fire 2010 One of the main components of the fire suppression strategy for Ashland is keeping a city- sourcedfire out of the Ashland Creek Watershed as well as keeping a watershed fire from spreading into the community. Both scenarios have been studied extensively and significant effortsareunderway to reduce and manage the fuel loading in the watershed. Along with the Ashland Forest Resiliency Stewardship project,the City manages the fuels on city-owned lands in the watershedand partners with private owners on fuel reduction.Very detailed prescriptions have been developed that define the treatment of the fuels in the watershed to minimize the potential of an extreme fire behavior wildfire that could not only compromise the City’s water supply, but threaten city structures as well.Wildlands can be forests, brush, or grass.Homes can be a cabin in the woods or residential neighborhoods.The highest losses of lives and homes occur when wildland fires burn into dense neighborhoods like past fires in Oakland (1991), San Diego County (2003), and South Lake Tahoe (2007). Ashland is most similar to these communities in vegetation types, home density, and weather. It is recommended that the Wildfire Hazard Zone be increased to include all of the City of Ashland. Doing so will enhance several elements of the fire safety strategy of the city. The City will be able to regulate roof coverings to those appropriate for a community adjacent to and containing wildland fuels.Currently flammable wood product roof coverings are allowed outside of the wildfire hazard zone. The Citywill also be able to regulate landscape profilesfor new construction that lend themselves to a low intensity fire behavior with far less spread potential. Currently vegetation that produces severe fire behavior and spread such as juniper, cypress, blackberries, and arbor vitae are allowed unrestricted outside of the wildfire hazard 0 ¦¤ 59 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 zone. Both roof coverings and hazardous landscape fuels were a major factor in the destruction of 11 homes in the Oak Knoll fire. Propertiesin wildfire zones are often the only ones thatqualify for hazardous fuel mitigation grants that are developed. Expanding the zone would allow more properties to apply for grant funds to help with fuels reduction and creating defensible spaces. The suggested expansion of Ashland’s Wildfire Hazard Zone to include the entire city has been approved by the Oregon Department of Forestry and is recommended by the local Division Chief of the United States Forest Service. This expansion will be a major step in achieving an improved fire safety profile for the City of Ashland. 0 ¦¤ 60 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 AppendixA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY DIVISION 44 CRITERIA FOR DETERMINATION OF WILDFIRE HAZARD ZONES 044-0200 629- Definitions As used in OAR chapter 629, division 044, unless otherwise required by context: (1) "Geographic Area" means the areas which result from the partitioning of all or portions of a jurisdiction into smaller segments, based on the presence of differing hazard values. (2) "Hazard" means the potential to burn. (3) "Hazard Factor" means the factors which most influence the potential of a geographic area to burn. Hazard factors are fire weather, topography, natural vegetative fuels, and natural vegetative fuel distribution. (4) "Hazard Rating" means a cumulative value resulting from the summation of hazard values for all four hazard factors. It reflects the overall potential for a given geographic area to burn. (5) "Hazard Value" means a value assigned to a hazard factor within a geographic area. (6) "Jurisdiction" means a unit of local government authorized by law to adopt a building code or a fire prevention code. (7) "Land Features" means roads, jurisdictional boundaries and other features created by human activity. (8) "Natural Geographic Features" means streams, ridge lines and other features naturally occurring. (9) "Wildfire Hazard Zone" means a geographic area having a combination of hazard factors that result in a significant hazard of catastrophic fire over relatively long periods of each year. Stat. Auth.:ORS 526.016 Stats. Implemented:ORS 93.270 Hist.: FB 2-1996, f. 3-13-96, cert. ef. 4-1-96 629-044-0210 Purpose The purpose of OAR chapter 629, division 044 is to set forth the criteria by which Wildfire Hazard Zones shall be determined by jurisdictions. Such a determination is necessary before the provisions ofORS 93.270(4), portions of Oregon One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty CodeOregon Structural Specialty the, and portions of the Code can become effective. The determination of Wildfire Hazard Zones by jurisdictions is voluntary. Stat. Auth.:ORS 526.016 Stats. Implemented:ORS 93.270 Hist.: FB 2-1996, f. 3-13-96, cert. ef. 4-1-96 629-044-0220 Wildfire Hazard Zones (1) For the convenience of administration, when practical, a jurisdiction may utilize nearby natural geographic features or land features to delineate the boundaries of Wildfire Hazard Zones. (2) It is not the intent of OAR chapter 629, division 044 that Wildfire Hazard Zones be determined on a tax lot or an ownership specific basis, but rather that a landscape approach be used. (3) To determine the existence of Wildfire Hazard Zones, a jurisdiction shall: (a) Determine, for each hazard factor, the appropriate geographic areas and associated hazard values; then (b) Overlay the geographic areas and associated hazard values determined in subsection (3) (a) above, then determine the resulting composite geographic areas and the associated hazard rating for each composite area. (c) For each composite geographic area determined in subsection (3) (b) above, determine whether a Wildfire Table 5 Hazard Zone is present from. 0 ¦¤ 61 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 TABLE 5 WILDFIRE HAZARD ZONE Hazard RatingWildfire Hazard Zone -- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 --NO 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 --YES Stat. Auth.:ORS 526.016 Stats. Implemented:ORS 93.270 Hist.: FB 2-1996, f. 3-13-96, cert. ef. 4-1-96 629-044-0230 Fire Weather Hazard Factor (1) The reference for establishing the fire weather hazard factor shall be data provided by the Oregon Department of Forestry, which was developed following an analysis of daily fire danger rating indices in each regulated use area of the state. Table 1Table 1 (2) For geographic areas described in, select the appropriate hazard value from. TABLE 1 FIRE WEATHER HAZARD FACTOR County --Hazard Value Jackson --3 Stat. Auth.:ORS 526.016 Stats. Implemented:ORS 93.270 Hist.: FB 2-1996, f. 3-13-96, cert. ef. 4-1-96 629-044-0240 Topography Hazard Factor (1) The reference for establishing the topography hazard factor shallbe: (a) The General Soil Map Report published by the Oregon Water Resources Board and the Soil Conservation Service, USDA in 1969; or (b) The appropriate 7.5 minute quadrangle map published by the U.S. Geological Survey, USDI. (2) For geographic areas determined by use of a reference set forth in subsection (1) above, select the appropriate Table 2 hazard value from. TABLE 2 TOPOGRAPHY HAZARD FACTOR Map Slope ClassHazard Value -- 1 (Slopes 00-03%) --0 2 (Slopes 03-07%) --1 3 (Slopes 07-12%) --1 4 (Slopes 12-20%) --2 5 (Slopes 20-35%) --3 6 (Slopes 35-60+ %)--3 Stat. Auth.:ORS 526.016 Stats. Implemented:ORS 93.270 Hist.: FB 2-1996, f. 3-13-96, cert. ef. 4-1-96 629-044-0250 Natural Vegetative Fuel Hazard Factor (1) The reference for establishing the natural vegetative fuel hazard factor shall be the "Aids to Determining Fuel Models For Estimating Fire Behavior" published by the Forest Service, USDA Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station in 1982 as General Technical Report INT-122. (2) Using the natural vegetative fuel models described in the reference set forth in subsection(1), and summarized in able 3 T, divide the jurisdiction into geographic areas which best describe the natural vegetation expected to occupy Table 3 sites for the next 10 to 15 years and then select the appropriate hazard value from. 0 ¦¤ 62 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 TABLE 3 NATURAL VEGETATIVE FUEL HAZARD FACTOR Natural Vegetative Fuel Description --Hazard Value Little or no natural vegetative fuels are present. --0 Grass. Very little shrub or timber is present, generally less than one-third of the area. Main fuel is generally less than two feet in height. Fires are surface fires that move rapidly through cured grass and associated material. (Fuel model 1) --3 Grass. Open shrub lands and pine stands or scrub oak stands that cover one-third to two-thirds of the area. Main fuel is generally less thantwo feet in height. Fires are surface fires that spread primarily through the fine herbaceous fuels, either curing or dead. (Fuel model 2) --3 Grass. Beach grasses, prairie grasses, marshland grasses and wild or cultivated grains that have not been harvested. Main fuel is generally less than fourfeet in height, but considerable variation may occur. Fires are the most intense of the grass group and display high rates of spread under the influence of wind. (Fuel model 3) --3 Shrubs. Stands of mature shrubs have foliage known for its flammability, such as gorse, manzanita and snowberry. Main fuel is generally six feet or more tall. Fires burn with high intensity and spread very rapidly. (Fuel model 4) -- 3 Shrubs. Young shrubs with little dead material and having foliage not known for its flammability, such as laurel, vine maple and alders. Main fuel is generally three feet tall or less. Fires are generally carried in the surface fuels and are generally not very intense. (Fuel model 5) --1 Shrubs. Older shrubs with foliage having a flammability lessthan fuel model 4, but more than fuel model 5. Widely spaced juniper and sagebrush are represented by this group. Main fuel is generally less than six feet in height. Fires will drop to the ground at low wind speeds and in stand openings. (Fuel model 6) --2 Timber. Areas of timber with little undergrowth and small amounts of litter buildup. Healthy stands of lodge pole pine, spruce, fir and larch are represented by this group. Fires will burn only under severe weather conditions involving high temperatures, low humidities and high winds. (Fuel model 8) --1 Timber. Areas of timber with more surface litter than fuel model 8. Closed stands of healthy ponderosa pine and white oak are in this fuel model. Spread of fires will be aided by rolling or blowing leaves. (Fuel model 9) --2 Timber. Areas of timber with heavy buildups of ground litter caused by overmaturity or natural events of wind throw or insect infestations. Fires are difficult to control due to large extent of ground fuel. (Fuel model 10) --3 Stat. Auth.:ORS 526.016 Stats. Implemented:ORS 93.270 Hist.: FB 2-1996, f. 3-13-96, cert. ef. 4-1-96 629-044-0260 Natural Vegetative Fuel Distribution Hazard Factor (1) Divide the jurisdiction into geographic areas which best describe the percentage of the area which is occupied by the foliage of natural vegetative fuels. Table 4 (2) For each geographic area determined in section (1) above, select the appropriate hazard value from. TABLE 4 NATURAL VEGETATIVE FUEL DISTRIBUTION HAZARD FACTOR Natural Vegetative Fuel Distribution --Hazard Value 0 to 10% of the area --0 10 to 25% of the area --1 25 to 40% of the area --2 40 to 100% of the area --3 Stat. Auth.:ORS 526.016 Stats. Implemented:ORS 93.270 Hist.: FB 2-1996, f. 3-13-96, cert. ef. 4-1-96 0 ¦¤ 63 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 AppendixB 2010 Oregon Fire Code304.1.2 Requires compliance with the vegetation requirements of the Wildland Urban Interface Code 304.1 Waste accumulation prohibited. Combustible waste material creating a fire hazard shall not be allowed to accumulate in buildings or structures or uponpremises. 304.1.1 Waste material. Accumulations of wastepaper, wood, hay, straw, weeds, litter or combustible or flammable waste or rubbish of any type shall not be permitted to remain on a roof or in any court, yard, vacant lot, alley, parking lot, open space, or beneath a grandstand, bleacher, pier, wharf or other similar structure. 304.1.2 Vegetation. Weeds, grass, vines or other growth that is capable of being ignited and endangering property, shall be cut down and removed by the owner or occupant of the premises. Vegetation clearance requirements in urban-wildland interface areas shall be in accordance with the International Wildland-Urban Interface Code. 2012 Wildland Urban Interface Code603 & 604 Defensible space required 30-100 feet depending on the hazard determination Tree spacing crown-to-crown and crown-to-structure is not less than 10 feet Domestic vegetation is required to meet the same requirements Maintenance of the above is required Ashland Municipal Code 18.16R-R Rural Residential District 18.16.030Conditional uses. Accessory Residential Units in Rural Residential Zoning are required to install residential fire sprinkler systems. 18.62.090Development Standards for Wildfire Lands Land partition or subdivision of lots requires: Fire Prevention & Control Planwhich includes: An analysis of the fire hazards on the site from wildfire, as influenced by existing vegetation and topography. 0 ¦¤ 64 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 A map showing the areas that are to be cleared of dead, dying, or severely diseased vegetation. A map ofthe areas that are to be thinned to reduce the interlocking canopy of trees. A tree management plan showing the location of all trees that are to be preserved and removed on each lot. In the case of heavily forested parcels, only trees scheduled for removal shall be shown. The areas of Primary and Secondary Fuel Breaks that are required to be installed around each structure, as required by 18.62.090 B (see below) Roads and driveways sufficient for emergency vehicle access and fire suppression activities, including the slope of all roads and driveways within the Wildfire Lands area. Required to be implemented then inspected by fire department prior to issuance of building permit. Maintenance shall be included in CCR’s New construction and increases in building size requiresthe following. This is also required for all partitions: “Fuel breaks” are required and are defined as: Area which is free of dead or dying vegetation Native, fast-burning species sufficiently thinned so that there is no interlocking canopy of this type of vegetation. Where necessary for erosion control or aesthetic purposes, the fuel break may be planted in slow-burning species. "Fuel Breaks" may include structures, and shall not limit distance between structures and residences beyondthat required by other sections of this title. Primary Fuel Break A minimum of 30 feet, or to the property line, whichever is less, in all directions around structures, excluding fences, on the property. The goal within this area is to remove ground cover that will produce flame lengths in excess of one foot. Such a fuel break shall be increased by ten feet for each 10% increase in slope over 10%. Adjacent property owners are encouraged to cooperate on the development of primary fuel breaks. Secondary Fuel Break A secondary fuel break will be installed, maintained and shall extend a minimum of 100 feet beyond the primary fuel break where surrounding landscape is owned and under the control of the property owner during construction. The goal of the secondary fuel break is to reduce fuels so that the overall intensity of any wildfire is reduced through fuels control. Class B or better roofing –wood materials not permitted 0 ¦¤ 65 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Implemented prior to combustible construction Accessory Residential Units in Rural Residential Zoning are required to install residential fire sprinkler systems. 2010 Oregon Residential Specialty Code Section 324 –Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Dwellings and accessory structures Roof shall be asphalt shingles, slate shingles, metal roofing,tile, clay or concrete shingles or other roofing equivalent to a Class C rated roof covering. Untreated wood shingle and shakes are not permitted. When 50% or more of the roof covering is repaired or replaced within one year, it must meet this requirements and attic ventilation is required to comply with this code with opening protected with wire mesh. 0 ¦¤ 66 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 REFERENCED CODES Oregon Fire Code SECTION 603 DEFENSIBLE SPACE 603.1 Objective. Provisions of this section are intended to modify the fuel load in areas adjacent to structures to create a defensible space. 603.2 Fuel modification. Buildings or structures, constructed in compliance with the conforming defensible space category of Table 503.1, shall comply with the fuel modification distances contained in Table 603.2. For all other purposes the fuel modification distance shall not be less than 30 feet (9144 mm) or to the lot line, whichever is less. Distances specified in Table 603.2 shall be measured on a horizontal plane from the perimeter or projection of the building or structure as shown in Figure 603.2. Distances specified in Table 603.2 are allowed to be increased by the code official because of a site-specific analysis based on local conditions and the fire protection plan. TABLE 603.2 REQUIRED DEFENSIBLE SPACE 603.2.1 Responsible party. Persons owning, leasing, controlling, operating or maintaining buildings or structures requiring defensible spaces are responsible for modifying or removing nonfire-resistive vegetation on the property owned, leased orcontrolled by said person. 603.2.2 Trees. Trees are allowed within the defensible space, provided the horizontal distance between crowns of adjacent trees and crowns of trees and structures, overhead electrical facilities or unmodified fuel is not less than 10 feet (3048 mm). WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE AREA FUEL MODIFICATION DISTANCE Moderate hazard 30 High hazard 50 Extreme hazard 100 0 ¦¤ 67 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 FIGURE 603.2 MEASUREMENTS OF 603.2.3 Groundcover. Deadwood and litter shall be regularly removed from trees. Where ornamental vegetative fuels or cultivated ground cover, such as green grass, ivy, succulents or similar plants are used as ground cover, they are allowed to be within the designated defensible space, provided they do not form a means of transmitting fire from the native growth to any structure. SECTION 604 MAINTENANCE OF DEFENSIBLE SPACE 604.1 General. Defensible spaces required by Section 603 shall be maintained in accordance with Section 604. 604.2 Modified area. Nonfire-resistive vegetation or growth shall be kept clear of buildings or structures, in accordance with Section 603, in such a manner as to provide a clear area for fire suppression operations. 604.3 Responsibility. Persons owning, leasing, controlling, operating or maintaining buildings or structures are responsible for maintenance of defensible spaces. Maintenance of the defensible space shall include modifying or removing nonfire- resistive vegetation and keeping leaves, needles and other dead vegetative material regularly removed from roofs of buildings and structures. 604.4 Trees. Tree crowns extending to within 10 feet (3048 mm) of any structure shall be pruned to maintain a minimum horizontal clearance of 10 feet (3048 mm). Tree crowns within the defensible space shall be pruned to remove limbs located less than 6 feet (1829 mm) above the ground surface adjacent to the trees. 604.4.1 Chimney clearance. Portions of tree crowns that extend to within 10 feet (3048 mm) of the outlet of a chimney shall be pruned to maintain a minimum horizontal clearance of 10 feet (3048 mm). 604.4.2 Deadwood removed. Deadwood and litter shall be regularly removed from trees. 0 ¦¤ 68 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 Ashland Municipal Code 18.62.090 Development Standards for Wildfire Lands A.Requirements for Subdivisions, Performance Standards Developments, or Partitions. 1.A Fire Prevention and Control Plan shall be required with the submission of any application for an outline plan approval of a Performance Standards Development, preliminary plat of a subdivision, or application to partition landwhich contained areas designated Wildfire Hazard areas. 2.The Staff Advisor shall forward the Fire Prevention and Control Plan to the Fire Chief within 3 days of the receipt of a completed application. The Fire Chief shall review the Fire Prevention andControl Plan, and submit a written report to the Staff Advisor no less than 7 days before the scheduled hearing. The Fire Chief's report shall be a part of the record of the Planning Action. 3.The Fire Prevention and Control Plan, prepared at the same scale as the development plans, shall include the following items: a.An analysis of the fire hazards on the site from wildfire, as influenced by existing vegetation and topography. b.A map showing the areas that are to be cleared of dead, dying, or severely diseased vegetation. c.A map of the areas that are to be thinned to reduce the interlocking canopy of trees. d.A tree management plan showing the location of all trees that are to be preserved and removed on each lot. In the case of heavily forested parcels, only trees scheduled for removal shall be shown. e.The areas of Primary and Secondary Fuel Breaks that are required to be installed around each structure, as required by 18.62.090 B. f.Roads and driveways sufficient for emergency vehicle access and fire suppression activities, including the slope of all roads and driveways within the Wildfire Lands area. 4.Criterion for Approval. The hearing authority shall approve the Fire Prevention and Control Plan when, in addition to the findings required by this chapter, the additional finding is made that the wildfire hazards present on the property have been reduced to a reasonable degree, balanced with the need to preserve and/or plant a sufficient number of trees and plants for erosion prevention, wildlife habitat, and aesthetics. 5.The hearing authority may require, through the imposition of conditions attached to the approval, the following requirements as deemed appropriate for the development of the property: a.Delineation of areas of heavy vegetation to be thinned and a formal plan for such thinning. b.Clearing of sufficient vegetation to reduce fuel load. c.Removal of all dead and dying trees. d.Relocation of structures and roads to reduce the risks of wildfire and improve the chances of successful fire suppression. 6.The Fire Prevention and Control Plan shall be implemented during the public improvements required of a subdivision or Performance Standards Development, and shall be considered part of the subdivider's obligations for land development. The Plan shall be implemented prior to the issuance of any building permit for structures to be located on lots created by partitions and for subdivisions or Performance Standards 0 ¦¤ 69 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 developments not requiring public improvements. The Fire Chief, or designee, shall inspect and approve the implementation of the Fire Prevention and Control Plan, and the Plan shall not be considered fully implemented until the Fire Chief has given written notice to the Staff Advisor that the Plan was completed as approved by the hearing authority. 7.In subdivisions or Performance Standards Developments, provisions for the maintenance of the Fire Prevention and Control Plan shall be included in the covenants, conditions and restrictions for the development, and the City of Ashland shall be named as a beneficiary of such covenants, restrictions, and conditions. 8.On lots created by partitions, the property owner shall be responsible for maintaining the property in accord with the requirements of the Fire Prevention and Control Plan approved by the hearing authority. B.Requirements for construction of all structures. 1.All new construction and any construction expanding the size of an existing structure, shall have a "fuel break" as defined below. 2.A "fuel break" is defined as an area which is free of dead or dying vegetation, and has native, fast-burning species sufficiently thinned so that there is no interlocking canopy of this type of vegetation. Where necessary for erosion control or aesthetic purposes, the fuel break may be planted in slow-burning species. Establishment of a fuel break does not involve stripping the ground of all native vegetation. "Fuel Breaks" may include structures, and shall not limit distance between structures and residences beyond that required by other sections of this title. 3.Primary Fuel Break -A primary fuel break will be installed, maintained and shall extend a minimum of 30 feet, or to the property line, whichever is less, in all directions around structures, excluding fences, on the property. The goal within this area is to remove ground cover that will produce flame lengths in excess of one foot. Such a fuel break shall be increased by ten feet for each 10% increase in slope over 10%. Adjacent property owners are encouraged to cooperate on the development of primary fuel breaks. 4.Secondary Fuel Break -A secondary fuel break will be installed, maintained and shall extend a minimum of 100 feet beyond the primary fuel break where surrounding landscape is owned and under the control of the property owner during construction. The goal of the secondary fuel break is to reduce fuels so that the overall intensity of any wildfire is reduced through fuels control. 5.All structures shall be constructed or re-roofed with Class B or better non-wood roof coverings, as determined by the Oregon Structural Specialty Code. All re-roofing of existing structures in the Wildfire Lands area for which at least 50% of the roofing area requires re-roofing shall be done under approval of a zoning permit. No structure shall be constructed or re-roofed with wooden shingles, shakes, wood-product material or other combustible roofing material, as defined in the City's building code. C.Fuel breaks in areas which are also Erosive or Slope Failure Lands shallbe included in the erosion control measures outlined in section 18.62.080. D.Implementation. 1.For land which have been subdivided and required to comply with A. (6) above, all requirements of the Plan shall be complied with prior to the commencement of construction with combustible materials. 0 ¦¤ 70 7¨«£¥¨±¤ ( ¹ ±£ :®­¤ %µaluation 2014 2.For all other structures, the vegetation control requirements of section (B) above shall be complied with before the commencement of construction with combustible materials on the lot. (Ord. 2657, 1991) 3.Asof November 1, 1994, existing residences in subdivisions developed outside of the Wildfire Lands Zone, but later included due to amendments to the zone boundaries shall be exempt from the requirements of this zone, with the exception of section 18.62.090 B.5. above. All new residences shall comply with all standards for new construction in section 18.62.090 B. 4.Subdivisions developed outside of the wildfire lands zone prior to November 1, 1994, but later included as part of the zone boundary amendment,shall not be required to prepare or implement Fire Prevention and Control Plans outlined in section 18.62.090 A. (Ord 2747, 1994) 0 ¦¤ 71 Fuel Breaks Required City Limits 30ft from structure 130ft from structure Wildfire Zone (existing) Parks ± 02,0004,0008,000Feet Property lines are for reference only, not scaleable Flammable Plant List Landscaping can be Attractive & . HIGHLYFP LAMMABLE LANTS P LANTS THAT WILL IGNITE QUICKLY AND BURN READILY TreesShrubs Acacia Blackberry Arborvitae Bitterbrush Cedar Sagebrush Cypress Rosemary Douglas Fir Scotch broom Fir Scrub Oak Juniper Manzanita Spruce Laurel sumac Yew Juniper Grasses and Ground Cover Dry annual grasses Pampas grass Large bark mulch Memo DATE: February 24, 2015 TO: Ashland Planning Commission FROM: Derek Severson, Associate Planner RE: Airport Code Modifications Summary Planning staff is beginning work on a project to update land use regulations for the Airport Overlay. The Airport Commission requested provisions to allow individual “hobbyist hangars” to have a limited review through the building permit process and revisions to the height limitations and tree trimming and removal activities to reflect the current federal regulations. Background Current regulations require Site Review approval for construction of a new hangar at the airport subject to site design standards, a height limitation, and landscaping and parking requirements. Additionally, the land use ordinance doesn’t distinguish between personal and commercial hangars. Amendments to the land use ordinance require a planning action be taken to the Airport Commission and Planning Commission for their recommendations before going to the City Council for ordinance adoption. As part of that process, the Comprehensive Plan would be amended to recognize the most recent Ashland Municipal Airport Master Plan as a supporting document. The airport master plan was prepared in 2005, but did not go through the formal adoption process. Discussion Items: The following amendments are included in the attached ordinance. Chapter 18.3.7 – Airport Overlay Add a reference to the Ashland Municipal Airport Master Plan for consistency with other special district and overlay chapters (e.g., Chapter 18.3.6 Southern Oregon University District). Change the current height limitation from 20 feet for buildings and trees to simply require compliance with the underlying height limitations of the zoning district provided that it also complies with the FAR77 height restrictions (i.e. a conic section extending from the runway). Exempt tree trimming or removal for safety reasons, as mandated by the F.A.A., from Tree Removal Permit requirements. Page 1 of 2 - 2- Providing for the construction of “hobbyist hangars” within predetermined hangar locations and subject to design standards to be adopted in the master plan as a ministerial action (i.e. able to be approved in conjunction with a building permit, without a separate planning process.) Chapter 18.4.3 – Parking, Access, and Circulation Add parking ratio for hobbyist hangar. Chapter 18.5.1 – General Review Procedures Add hobbyist hangar as a ministerial review. Chapter 18.5.7 – Tree Removal Permits Exempt tree trimming and removal in the Airport overlay that meets the federal requirements. Chapter 18.6 - Definitions Add definitions for Ashland Municipal Airport Master Plan, FAR 77 Height Restrictions, and Hobbyist Hangar. Staff believes there are several items that will need to be addressed as part of the master plan adoption and ordinance amendment package. First, the most recent master plan would need slight modifications to detail the location and phasing for installation of parking and landscaping on the airport property. Parking and landscaping improvements are typically reviewed and installed in individual site design review applications. If the individual hangars are exempt from the site design review process, staff believes the airport would need to be addressed as a whole to comply with the parking and landscaping requirements of the E-1 zoning district. Second, the package would also need to include detail on acceptable location and design of the hobbyist hangars. Requested Action: This item is being presented for initial discussion purposes. Attachments: 1.Proposed Code Amendments DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Chapter 18.3.7 – Airport Overlay Sections: Purpose Applicability Airport Overlay Regulations Purpose The Airport Overlay is intended to be applied to properties that lie within close proximity to the Ashland Airport where aircraft are likely to be flying at relatively low elevations. Further, the zone is intended to prevent the establishment of airspace obstructions in such areas through height restrictions and other land use controls. Application of the overlay zone does not alter the requirements of the parent zone except as specifically provided herein. Applicability A. This chapter applies to properties located in the Airport Overlay (A) on the Zoning map. In addition to the provisions of this ordinance, the requirements of section Airport Overlay Regulations apply within the A Overlay. B.The Airport Overlay (A) implements the Ashland Municipal Airport Master Plan dated \[month, date, 2005\] as adopted and incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan by Ordinance No. \[number\]. AirportOverlayDraftAmendments 2/24/15PlanningCommissionStudySession Page 1 Figure Airport Overlay AirportOverlayDraftAmendments 2/24/15PlanningCommissionStudySession Page 2 Airport Overlay Regulations A. Residential uses are not permitted, unless approved pursuant to chapter 18.5.4 Conditional Use Permits. B.be 20 feetmeet Maximum height of structures, trees or other airspace obstructions shall the FAR 77 Height Restrictions described in the adopted Ashland Municipal Airport Master Plan’s “Airspace Plan” and shall not exceed the height allowed in the underlying zoning . C. All planning actions will require, as a condition of approval that the applicant sign an agreement with the City agreeing that airport noise is likely to increase in the future and that they waive all rights to complain about airport noise. D.subsection The City may top any tree that is in excess of those maximum heights listed in, or locate appropriate lights or markers on those trees as a warning to the Tree trimming or removal meeting the requirements of subsection operators of aircraft. are exempt from tree removal permit requirements in chapter 18.5.7. E. No use shall be made of land or water within any of this zone in such a manner as to create electrical interference with navigational signals or radio communication between airport and aircraft, make it difficult for pilots to distinguish between airport lights and others, result in glare in the eyes of pilots using the airport, impair visibility in the vicinity of the airport, or otherwise create a hazard which may in any way endanger the landing, takeoff, or maneuvering of aircraft using the airport. F. Permits, granted through Ministerial Review, are required prior to the construction of hobbyist hangars at the Ashland Municipal Airport. Hobbyist hangars are to be located and designed in compliance with the Ashland Municipal Airport Master Plan. AirportOverlayDraftAmendments 2/24/15PlanningCommissionStudySession Page 3 Chapter 18.4.3 – Parking, Access, and Circulation Parking Ratios Except as provided by section, the standard ratios required for automobile parking are as follows. See also, accessible parking space requirements in section Table – Automobile Parking Spaces by Use Minimum Parking per Land Use Use Categories (Based on Gross Floor Area; fractions are rounded to whole number.) Residential Categories 2 spaces for the primary dwelling unit and the following for accessory residential units. a. Studio units or 1-bedroom units less than 500 sq. ft. -- 1 space/unit. Single Family Dwelling b. 1-bedroom units 500 sq. ft. or larger -- 1.50 spaces/unit. c. 2-bedroom units --1.75 spaces/unit. d. 3-bedroom or greater units -- 2.00 spaces/unit. a. Studio units or 1-bedroom units less than 500 sq. ft. -- 1 space/unit. b. 1-bedroom units 500 sq. ft. or larger -- 1.50 spaces/unit. c. 2-bedroom units -- 1.75 spaces/unit. Multifamily d. 3-bedroom or greater units -- 2.00 spaces/unit. e. Retirement complexes for seniors 55-years or greater -- One space per unit. Parking for Manufactured Home on Single-Family Lot is same as Manufactured Housing Single Family Dwelling; for Manufactured Housing Developments, see sections and Performance Standards See chapter 18.3.9. Developments Commercial Categories 1 space per 1,000 square feet of the first 10,000 square feet of Auto, boat or trailer sales, retail gross land area; plus 1 space per 5,000 square feet for the excess nurseries and other open-space over 10,000 square feet of gross land area; and 1 space per 2 uses employees. 3 spaces per alley, plus 1 space for auxiliary activities set forth in Bowling Alleys this section. Chapels and Mortuaries 1 space per 4 fixed seats in the main chapel. 1 space per guest room, plus 1 space for the owner or manager; Hotels see also, requirements for associated uses, such as restaurants, entertainment uses, drinking establishments, assembly facilities. Offices General Office: 1 space per 500 sq. ft. floor area. AirportOverlayDraftAmendments 2/24/15PlanningCommissionStudySession Page 4 Table – Automobile Parking Spaces by Use Minimum Parking per Land Use Use Categories (Based on Gross Floor Area; fractions are rounded to whole number.) Medical/Dental Office: 1 space per 350 sq. ft. floor area. Restaurants, Bars, Ice Cream 1 space per 4 seats or 1 space per 100 sq. ft. of gross floor area, Parlors, Similar Uses whichever is less. General: 1 space per 350 sq. ft. floor area. Retail Sales and Services Furniture and Appliances: 1 space per 750 sq. ft. floor area. Skating Rinks 1 space per 350 sq. ft. of gross floor area. Theaters, Auditoriums, Stadiums, 1 space per 4 seats. Gymnasiums and Similar Uses Traveler’s Accommodations 1 space per guest room, plus 2 spaces for the owner or manager. 1 Industrial Categories Industrial, Manufacturing and 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area, or 1 space for each 2 Production, Warehousing and employees whichever is less, plus 1 space per company vehicle. Freight Institutional and Public Categories Clubs, Fraternity and Sorority 2 spaces for each 3 guest rooms; in dormitories, 100 sq. ft. shall be Houses; Rooming and Boarding equivalent to a guest room. Houses; Dormitories Daycare 1 space per two employees; a minimum of 2 spaces is required. Golf Courses Regular: 8 spaces per hole, plus additional spaces for auxiliary uses. Miniature: 4 spaces per hole. Hobbyist Hangar 1 space per hangar, or 1 space per 4 aircraft occupying a hangar, whichever is greater Hospital 2 space per patient bed. Nursing and Convalescent Homes 1 space per 3 patient beds. Public Assembly 1 space per 4 seats Religious Institutions and Houses 1 space per 4 seats. of Worship Rest Homes, Homes for the Aged, 1 space per 2 patient beds or 1 space per apartment unit. or Assisted Living Elementary and Junior High: 1.5 spaces per classroom, or 1 space Schools per 75 sq. ft. of public assembly area, whichever is greater High Schools: 1.5 spaces per classroom, plus 1 space per 10 students the school is designed to accommodate; or the requirements for public assembly area, whichever is greater Colleges, Universities and Trade Schools: 1.5 spaces per classroom, plus 1 space per five students the school is designed to accommodate, plus requirements for on-campus student housing. AirportOverlayDraftAmendments 2/24/15PlanningCommissionStudySession Page 5 Table – Automobile Parking Spaces by Use Minimum Parking per Land Use Use Categories (Based on Gross Floor Area; fractions are rounded to whole number.) 2 Other Categories Parking standards for temporary uses are the same as for primary uses, except that the City decision-making body may reduce or Temporary Uses waive certain development and designs standards for temporary uses. Chapter 18.5.1 – General Review Procedures Purpose and Applicability A. Purpose. This chapter establishes procedures to initiate and make final decisions on planning actions under the Land Use Ordinance (“this ordinance”), pursuant to City policy and state law. B. Applicability of Review Procedures. All planning actions shall be subject to processing by one of the following procedures summarized in subsections 1 - 4, below, and as designated in Table Building permits and other approvals, including approvals from other agencies such as the state department of transportation or a natural resource regulatory agency, may be required. Failure to receive notice of any such requirement does not waive that requirement or invalidate any planning action under this ordinance. 1. Ministerial Action (Staff Advisor Decision). The Staff Advisor makes ministerial decisions by applying City standards and criteria that do not require the use of substantial discretion (e.g., fence, sign and home occupation permits). A public notice and public hearing are not required for Ministerial decisions. Procedures for Ministerial actions are contained in section 2. Type I Procedure (Administrative Decision With Notice).Type I decisions are made by the Staff Advisor with public notice and an opportunity for appeal to the Planning Commission. Alternatively the Staff Advisor may refer a Type I application to the Commission for its review and decision in a public meeting. Procedures for Type I actions are contained in section 3. Type II Procedure (Quasi-Judicial Review/Public Hearing Review). Type II decisions are made by the Planning Commission after a public hearing, with an opportunity for appeal to the City Council. Applications involving zoning map amendments consistent with the Comprehensive Plan map and minor map amendments or corrections are subject to AirportOverlayDraftAmendments 2/24/15PlanningCommissionStudySession Page 6 quasi-judicial review under the Type II procedure. Quasi-judicial decisions involve discretion but implement policy. Procedures for Type II actions are contained in section The Type III procedure applies to the creation, 4. Type III Procedure (Legislative Decision). revision, or large-scale implementation of public policy (e.g., adoption of regulations, zone changes, comprehensive plan amendments, annexations). Type III reviews are considered by the Planning Commission, who makes a recommendation to City Council. The Council makes the final decision on a legislative proposal through the enactment of an ordinance. Table – Summary of Approvals by Type of Review Procedure Planning Actions Review Applicable Regulations Procedures Access to a Street/Driveway Ministerial Chapter 18.4.3 Approach Chapter 18.5.8; See Oregon Revised Statute Annexation Type III 222. Ordinance Interpretation Type I or II Chapter 18.1.5 Ordinance Text Amendment Type III Chapter 18.5.9 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Type III Chapter 18.5.9 Conditional Use Permit Type I or II Chapter 18.5.4 Conversion of Multifamily Dwelling Ministerial Section Units into For-Purchase Housing Exception to Site Development and Type I Subsection Design Standards Exception to Street Standards Type I Subsection Extension of Time Limit for Ministerial Section Approved Planning Action Fence Ministerial Section AirportOverlayDraftAmendments 2/24/15PlanningCommissionStudySession Page 7 Table – Summary of Approvals by Type of Review Procedure Planning Actions Review Applicable Regulations Procedures Hillside Standards Exception Type I Subsection18.3.10.090.H Hobbyist Hangar Ministerial Subsection Home Occupation Permit Ministerial Section Land Use Control Maps Change Type II or III Chapter 18.5.9 Legal Lot Determination Ministerial Chapter 18.1.3 Modification to Approval Ministerial Minor Modification Chapter 18.5.6 Per original review Major Modification Non-Conforming Use or Structure, Ministerial or Chapter 18.1.4 Expansion of Type I Partition or Re-plat of 2-3 lots Preliminary Plat Type IChapter 18.5.3 Final Plat Ministerial Chapter 18.5.3 Minor Amendment Ministerial Subsection Performance Standards Option Outline Plan Type II Chapter 18.3.9 Final Plan Type I Chapter 18.3.9 Minor Amendment Ministerial Subsection Physical and Environmental Type I Chapter 18.3.10 Constraints Permit Property Line Adjustments, Ministerial Chapter 18.5.3 including Lot Consolidations Sign Permit Ministerial Chapter 18.4.7 Site Design Review Type I or II Chapter 18.5.2 AirportOverlayDraftAmendments 2/24/15PlanningCommissionStudySession Page 8 Table – Summary of Approvals by Type of Review Procedure Planning Actions Review Applicable Regulations Procedures Solar Setback Exception Type I Chapter 18.4.8 Subdivision or Replat of >3 lots Preliminary Plat Type II Chapter 18.5.3 Final Plat Ministerial Chapter 18.5.3 Minor Amendment MinisterialSubsection Tree Removal Permit Type I Chapter 18.5.7 Variance Type I or II Chapter 18.5.5 Water Resources Protection Zone – Type I Section Limited Activities and Uses Water Resources Protection Zone Type I or II Section Reduction Water Resources Protection Zone – Type II Section Hardship Exception Zoning District Map Change Type II or III Chapter 18.5.9 AirportOverlayDraftAmendments 2/24/15PlanningCommissionStudySession Page 9 Chapter 18.5.7 – Tree Removal Permits Applicability and Review Procedure All tree removal and topping activities shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and as applicable, the provisions of part 18.3 Special Districts and Overlay Zones, and chapter 18.4.4 Landscaping, Lighting, and Screening. If tree removal is part of another planning action involving development activities, the tree removal application, if timely filed, shall be processed concurrently with the other planning action. Applications for Tree Removal Permits are reviewed as follows. A. Ministerial Action. The following Tree Removal Permits are subject to the Ministerial procedure in section 1. Emergency Tree Removal Permit. B. Type I Reviews. The following Tree Removal Permits are subject to the Type I review in section This section applies to removal of trees that are a hazard or are not a hazard. 1. Removal of trees greater than six-inches DBH on private lands zoned C-l, E-l, M-l, CM, or HC. 2. Removal of trees greater than six-inches DBH on lots zoned R-2, R-3, and R-1-3.5 that are not occupied solely by a single family detached dwelling. 3. Removal of significant trees, as defined in part 18.6, on vacant property zoned for residential purposes including but not limited to R-l, RR, WR, and NM zones. 4. Removal of significant trees as defined in part 18.6, on lands zoned SOU, on lands under the control of the Ashland School District, or on lands under the control of the City. 5. Tree Topping Permit. C. Exempt From Tree Removal Permit. The following activities are exempt from the requirement for a tree removal permit in, subsections A. and B, above. 1. Those activities associated with the establishment or alteration of any public park under the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission. However, the Parks and Recreation Department shall provide an annual plan in January to the Tree Commission outlining proposed tree removal and topping activities, and reporting on tree removal and topping AirportOverlayDraftAmendments 2/24/15PlanningCommissionStudySession Page 10 activities that were carried out in the previous year. 2. Removal of trees in single family residential zones on lots occupied only by a single family detached dwelling and associated accessory structures, except as otherwise regulated by chapters 18.3.10 Physical and Environmental Constraints and 18.3.11 Water Resource Protection Zones. 3. Removal of trees in multi-family residential zones on lots occupied only by a single family detached dwelling and associated accessory structures, except as otherwise regulated by chapters 18.3.10 Physical and Environmental Constraints and 18.3.11 Water Resource Protection Zones. 4. Removal of trees less than six-inches DBH in any zone, excluding those trees located within the public right of way or required as conditions of approval with landscape improvements for planning actions. 5. Removal of trees less than 18-inches DBH on any public school lands, Southern Oregon University, and other public land, excluding Heritage trees. 6. Removal of trees within the Wildfire Lands area of the City, as defined on adopted maps, for the purposes of wildfire fuel management, and in accord with the requirements of chapters 18.3.10 Physical and Environmental Constraints and 18.3.11 Water Resource Protection Zones. 7. Removal of dead trees. 8. Those activities associated with tree trimming for safety reasons, as mandated by the Oregon Public Utilities Commission, by the City's Electric and Telecommunication Utility. However, the Utility shall provide an annual plan to the Tree Commission outlining tree trimming activities and reporting on tree trimming activities that were carried out in the previous year. Tree trimming shall be done, at a minimum, by a Journeyman Tree Trimmer, as defined by the Utility, and will be done in conformance and to comply with OPUC regulations. 9. Those activities associated with tree trimming or removal at the airport or within the Airport (A) overlay zone for safety reasons, as mandated by the Federal Aviation Administration. The Public Works Department shall provide an annual report to the Tree Commission outlining tree trimming activities and reporting on tree trimming activities that were carried out in the previous year. 109 . Removal of street trees within the public right-of-way subject to street tree removal permits in AMC 13.16. D. Other Requirements. Tree removal in the Physical and Environmental 1. Flood Plain, Hillsides, and Wildfire. Constraints Overlay (i.e., areas identified as Flood Plain Corridor Land, Hillside Lands, Wildfire Lands and Severe Constraint Lands) must also comply with the provisions of chapter 18.3.10 Physical and Environmental Constrains Overlay. Tree removal in regulated riparian areas and wetlands must also 2. Water Resources. comply with the provisions of chapter 18.3.11 Water Resources Protection Zones. AirportOverlayDraftAmendments 2/24/15PlanningCommissionStudySession Page 11 Chapter 18.6 – Definitions Ashland Municipal Airport Master Plan.The master plan for the Ashland Municipal Airport dated \[month, date, 2005\] as adopted and incorporated int the Comprehensive Plan by Ordinance No. \[number\] on \[date\]. FAR 77 Height Restrictions.Federal height restrictions for airports which limit height as a conic section in relation to the runway. See the Airspace Plan in the Ashland Municipal Airport Master Plan for height restrictions specifically for Ashland. Hobbyist Hangar.??? AirportOverlayDraftAmendments 2/24/15PlanningCommissionStudySession Page 12