HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-03-31 Planning PACKET Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Planning Commission meeting is encouraged to do so. If you wish to speak, please rise and, after you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and complete address for the record. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note that the public testimony may be limited by the Chair and normally is not allowed after the Public Hearing is closed. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY SESSION MARCH 31, 2015 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM, Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street II. ANNOUNCEMENTS III. AD-HOC COMMITTEE UPDATES IV. PUBLIC FORUM V. DISCUSSION ITMES A. Normal Neighborhood Plan Update VI. ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). Memo Planning Commission 03/31/2015 TO: Ashland Planning Commission FROM:Brandon Goldman, Senior Planner Brandon.Goldman@ashland.or.us RE: Normal Neighborhood Final Plan Study Session Summary At this study session staff will present the final materials for the Normal Neighborhood Plan. These materials include the key elements for adoption of the neighborhood plan and regulating future development within the 94 acre north Normal Avenue area. The neighborhood planning project has been undertaken as a tool and process in part to address the City’s desire to address future infill and growth through innovative land use strategies. Upon final adoption the neighborhood plan and implementing ordinances are intended to provide a detailed vision and regulatory framework for the area which efficiently accommodates future growth, provides for a system of greenways, protects and integrates existing stream corridors and natural wetlands, provides for a variety of housing types, and enhances overall mobility by planning for safe walking, bicycle, and automobile routes while providing convenient access to future bus service. Neighborhood planning represents an opportunity to collectively think ahead, determine a vision, and instill a degree of confidence about being prepared for changes, rather than merely being put in a position to react to change. The materials presented at this study session will again be presented back to the Planning Commission and public for consideration at a formal hearing. These final plan materials incorporate revisions to the draft plan presented to the Commission on April 28, 2015 and include the following major components: Normal Neighborhood Plan document (dated January 2015) Normal Neighborhood Plan Maps Draft Land Use Code Amendments Normal Neighborhood District (ch.18-3.4) o The attached Normal Neighborhood Plan document, plan maps, and code amendments incorporate revisions to the materials previously presented to the Planning Commission at a public hearing on April 22, 2014. Page 1 of 8 Background The Ashland Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 11, 2014 related to the Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan Map, Transportation System Plan, and Ashland Land Use Ordinance amendments proposed to implement the Normal Neighborhood Plan (Planning Action th and following discussion and 2013-01858). The Commission concluded their review on April 8 deliberation unanimously recommended the City Council approve of the Normal Neighborhood Plan with a number of specific recommendations as outlined the Planning Commission Report dated 4/22/2014. The City Council subsequently held a public hearing on the draft Normal Neighborhood Plan on May th 6, 2014,May 20, 2014, and continued public testimony and deliberations to a special meeting on May 29, 2014. At the final meeting the Council directed the establishment of an ad-hoc working group to examine the fundamental assumptions that were used in developing the plan, as well as conduct a more in depth review of a number of plan elements. The appointed working group included two Planning Commissioners (Richard Kaplan, Michael Dawkins); two City Councilors (Pam Marsh, Mike Morris), and Mayor Stromberg. Over the course of nine public meetings, held between June 2014 and November 20, 2014, the working group explored each of the specific items identified by Council. A series of meetings specifically focused on housing and land use, open space and natural resources, transportation and infrastructure, and included an exercise where working group members aimed to conceptualize an alternative neighborhood plan independent of the original draft proposal. Additionally a special round table meeting was held (September 18, 2014) where a panel was brought together to provide feedback on what they liked and disliked about the draft plan, identified barriers to agreement, and explored how the plan could be amended to work from their perspective. Panelists included a selected neighborhood representative from within the Normal Neighborhood Plan area (Susan DeMarinis), a representative from the adjacent development’s Home Owners Associations (Bryce Anderson), a developer who represented a number of property owners (Randy Jones), and two outside experts familiar with Land Use and housing development (Alan Harper and Tom Giordano) who each had an opportunity to present their concerns and suggestions and have an open discussion about the draft plan. In consideration of public input provided, and a review of the draft plan’s elements, the working group discussed a general vision for the neighborhood and formulated a summary list of recommended plan amendments. The working group articulated their recommendations in a memo (attached) presented to the City Council for consideration on December 2, 2014. The Normal working group reviewed each of the Planning Commission’s recommendations in developing their final recommendations. The working group’s recommended amendments alter the land use classifications, allowable housing densities, and internal transportation network thus differing from the plan the Planning Commission originally reviewed and had based the Commission report upon. The working group did concur with the Planning Commission’s recommendation that the Page 2 of 8 conservation/open space boundaries are a neighborhood defining characteristic and should remain as presented in the original draft plan. The working group recommended that the existing maximum building height of 35ft or two and one-half stories should be retained and to not allow an increase to 40ft or three-stories through a conditional use permit process as was recommended by the Planning Commission. nd , 2014 City Council meeting at which the working groups recommendations were At the December 2 reviewed, the Council directed Staff to revise the Normal Neighborhood Plan to incorporate their recommendations and to present the updated plan to the Transportation Commission, Planning Commission and Parks Department for comment. Land Use Framework In the final plan and proposed land use ordinance these recommendations of the working group have been incorporated which include the following: Changing the originally proposed land zoning designations to be more consistent with the zoning of adjacent land within the City Limits Using zoning labels and housing densities that are comparable to those used in the rest of the city while recognizing the Normal Neighborhood (NN) district Maintain the option for neighborhood serving businesses and services close to East Main St near the northeast corner of the plan area (NN-1-3.5-C). Locating higher density development near the railroad tracks and within a relatively short distance to transit lines, parks and community facilities. Locating lower density development along East Main Street to protect the existing viewshed and maintain a gradual transition between rural and urban areas. Previous Land Use Designations (4/2014) Revised Land Use Designations (3/2015) Zone Density Zone Density NN-01 5 units per acre NN-1-5 4.5 units per acre NN-02 10 units per acre NN-1-3.5 7.2 units per acre NN-03 15 units per acre NN-1-3.5-C 13.5 units per acre + mixed-use NN-03C 15 units per acre + mixed-use NN-2 13.5 units per acre Page 3 of 8 Previously Proposed Land Use Designations (4/2014) Revised Land Use Designations (3/2015) Transportation Framework The Normal Neighborhood Plan Working Group had a number of specific recommendations relating to the future transportation system which have been incorporated into the neighborhood plan as follows: The internal transportation system’s local street network should incorporate multiple o connections with East Main Street as shown, and maintain the Normal Collector as designated in the draft plan. Additional connections to East Main Street or Clay Street, which are not shown in the proposed Street Framework, should require a major amendment to the Plan. Internal local streets should be aligned to provide a more standardized grid pattern, including o clear east-west connections. Pedestrian and bicycle pathways are critical, especially as a means to connect residents with the o middle school and the existing bike path. External transportation improvements, including the railroad crossing and improvements to o East Main Street are integral and should proceed in concert with development. Additionally the Council directed staff to conduct an analysis of external infrastructure improvements associated with the plan area’s development specifically regarding the future public rail crossing and East Main Street improvements. This analysis is intended to identify and quantify the need and possible means for public investment. Presently the Public Works Department has contracted Hardy Engineering to complete a general cost analysis and evaluate the role of private and public financing to provide the City Council with this analysis. Page 4 of 8 Previously proposed Transportation Network (4/2014) Revised Transportation Network (3/2015) Openspace The Planning Commission’s report dated 4/22/2014 expressed that the provision of open space within the plan area has environmental, recreational, and aesthetic value to the neighborhood. The Normal Neighborhood working group concurred with this sentiment and as such the Planning Commission’s originally proposed recommendation to amend the Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework’s Greenway and Open Space chapter to further emphasize the community value of open space retention has been included in the framework document with the following introductory statement (page 12). The Normal Neighborhood’s distinctive character is shaped by the presence of prominent open spaces and natural areas. The preservation of these neighborhood defining features is central to the success of the neighborhood plan as they ensure the protection of fragile ecosystems, provide passive recreational opportunities where people can connect with nature, protect scenic views considered important to the community, protect future development from flood hazards, and preserve community character and quality of life by buffering areas of development from one another. The permanent establishment of interconnected open spaces and contiguous conservation areas as proposed in the Open Space Framework is essential to promote and maintain high quality residential development which is appropriate to the distinct character of the neighborhood. Page 5 of 8 The neighborhood areas designated as future open space remain correlated with the designated floodplains, riparian corridors, wetlands, and wetland buffer areas within the plan area. Further as the plan envisions the use of these open spaces for habitat preservation, passive recreation, and preservation of scenic views the boundaries of these spaces address the proposed street pattern to retain accessibility by the neighborhood residents. Previously proposed Open Space Network (4/2014) Revised Open Space Network(3/2015) Neighborhood Vision In working through the interrelated components of the neighborhood plan the working group determined that it was important to encourage the development of clustered housing that integrates with open space and respects the viewshed, provide for a smooth transition between adjacent developments to promote neighborhood cohesiveness, provide open space in a coordinated manner, and secure an efficient circulation system. To articulate these broad objectives the working group drafted a neighborhood vision for the area which has been inserted at very beginning of the Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework document to help guide future development in the area. Land Use Ordinance The proposed Land Use ordinance amendments will work in consort with the Normal Neighborhood Plan, multi-modal transportation circulation plans, and newly proposed zoning designations to provide the underlying framework for future area development. The newly proposed chapter (18.3.4) has been modified from the one presented to the Planning Commission in April of last year as follows: Page 6 of 8 Code section Change proposed C.1 Added “A change in the Plan layout that provides an additional vehicular access point onto East Main Street or Clay Street.” as a major amendment requiring a Type II public hearing. A.1-4 Modified Land Use designations to NN-1-5, NN-1-3.5, NN-1-3.5-C, and NN-2. Additionally changed the definition of NN-1-3.5-C to state “multiple compact attached and/or detached dwellings” instead of “multiple dwelling units”. 18.3.040 Table Modified Land Use designations to NN-1-5, NN-1-3.5, NN-1-3.5-C, and NN-2. Noted the Cottage Housing residential use line is provided as a placeholder to be consistent with Unified Land Use Ordinance when amended. 18.3.050 Table Included newly adopted dimensional standards (ULUO) for: Minimum Front Yard to an unenclosed front porch - 8ft. or width of a public easement whichever is greater Maintained 35ft or 2.5 story maximum height. (An increase to 40ft or three- stories through a conditional use permit process was recommended by the Planning Commission but not recommended by the working group. Amended Maximum Lot Coverage percentages downward to match comparable city zones (NN-1-5 = 50%, NN-1-3.5= 55%, NN-2 = 65%) Amended Minimum Required Landscaping percentages upward to match comparable city zones (NN-1-5 = 50%, NN-1-3.5= 45%, NN-2 = 35%) Amended Minimum Outdoor Recreation Space requirement for NN-1-3.5 to match comparable city zones (NN-1-3.5 = not applicable) B. 2 Cottage Housing standards were amended to note the requirements and applicable density bonuses are pending ULUO amendments. Added a placeholder section to accommodate any future provisions relating to the establishment and applicability of an advance financing district within the area. Complete Corrected numerous references to the final adopted ULUO section and subsection ordinance numbering. NEXT STEPS The Transportation Commission is scheduled to review the amendments relating to the transportation system at their regular meeting on March 24, 2015. The Normal Neighborhood Working Group is scheduled to review the comments provided by the parks department, Transportation Commission and Planning Commission at a special meeting on April 15, 2015 (4:00-5:30). The working group’s recommendations on the final plan and implementing ordinance will be provided to the Planning Commission and City Council as part of the formal adoption process. The Normal Neighborhood Plan, plan maps, and TSP amendments, and Normal Neighborhood District Land Use Ordinance are to come before the Planning Commission and public at a formal public hearing scheduled for April 28, 2015. The Commission’s recommendations on the final plan Page 7 of 8 and implementing ordinance will be provided to the City Council for their consideration during the final adoption public hearings in May and June of this year. ATTACHMENTS: Normal Neighborhood Working Group Memo dated 12/02/2014 Documents previously distributed to the Planning Commission on 2/24/2015 Normal Neighborhood District Draft Code Amendments (Chapter 18-3.13) o Normal Neighborhood Plan Document (dated February 2014) o Page 8 of 8 Memo ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TO: Ashland City Council FROM: Normal Neighborhood Plan Working Group DATE: December 2, 2014 RE: Normal Neighborhood Plan Recommendations ____________________________________________________________________________________ Vision Statement Neighborhood planning is the process by which the City works with Ashland’s residents to envision the future of the neighborhood. The eventual incorporation of the Normal Neighborhood Plan area into the City depends on careful consideration of the neighborhood’s unique identity and character and a holistic planning approach. The Normal Neighborhood Working Group envisions a neighborhood that is notable for the natural beauty of the area’s wetlands and creeks, mountain views, diversity of households, and as an area which accommodates bicycling and walking as a reliable and convenient way to move throughout the area. Local streams, wetlands, and scenic vistas contribute significantly to define the character of the Normal Neighborhood. The quality of the place is enhanced by these features and the wildlife that they attract. Connected and contiguous open spaces should remain as central features of the area’s future development as they help reflect the community of Ashland’s commitment to promote environmental quality, provide recreational opportunities, and function to incorporate nature into the daily lives of the area’s residents. The neighborhood should provide for a range of housing choices available a diversity of Ashland’s population. The neighborhood can accommodate a blend of housing types including individual residences, townhomes, apartments, moderately sized cottages, pedestrian oriented cluster housing, and mixed-use neighborhood serving businesses. Future developments should be designed to relate to, and complement, adjacent properties. Incorporating unifying elements between adjacent developments will serve to promote neighborhood cohesiveness, provide open space in a coordinated manner, and secure an efficient circulation system. Given the immediate proximity to existing schools, parks, and local business areas the neighborhood is recognized as place where children can readily walk and bike to schools through a safe, desirable family-based neighborhood. The Normal Neighborhood Plan Working Group believes a neighborhood plan is necessary to address long-term community goals, unify expectations, and integrate the project area into the fabric of the City. The implementation standards for the neighborhood plan should be strong enough to maintain the vision for the area, yet flexible enough to respond to changing conditions and adapt over time. Normal Neighborhood Working Group Memo ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations Land Use and Housing Density : 1.Housing Density gradation should move from south to north. This would place higher density development near the railroad tracks and within a relatively short distance to transit lines, parks and community facilities. This approach will also protect the existing viewshed. 2.Zoning designations applied within the Normal neighborhood area should be consistent with the zoning of adjacent land within the City Limits, and use zoning labels that are comparable to those used in the rest of the city while recognizing the Normal Neighborhood (NN) district. 3.Maintain option for neighborhood serving businesses and services close to East Main St near the northeast corner of the plan area. Open Space: 1.Maintain the approach toward designation of open space and conservation areas proposed in the draft plan. Amend the plan to allow non-conservation open space to be relocated requiring a minor amendment application. 2.Obtain a review of the final plan by the Parks Department prior to adoption. Design issues : 1.Maintain a maximum building height of 35 feet. 2.Encourage the development of clustered housing that integrates with open space and respects the viewshed. 3.Provide for a smooth transition between adjacent developments to promote neighborhood cohesiveness, provide open space in a coordinated manner, and secure an efficient circulation system. Transportation : 1.The internal transportation system’s local street network should incorporate multiple connections with East Main St as shown, and maintain the Normal Collector as designated in the draft plan. Additional connections to East Main Street or Clay Street, which are not shown in the proposed Street Framework, should require a major amendment to the Plan. 2.Internal local streets should be aligned to provide a grid pattern, including clear east-west connections. 3.Pedestrian and bicycle pathways are critical, especially as a means to connect residents with the middle school and the existing bike path. 4.External transportation improvements, including the railroad crossing and improvements to East Main St., are integral and should proceed in concert with development. However, we believe the city may need to play a role in the financing/implementation of these projects. Accordingly, as a next step we recommend that the council direct city staff and/or an outside consultant to identify and quantify: a. the need and possible means for public investment in the project, and b. the overall costs and benefits that these facilities present to the entire city. Normal Neighborhood Working Group Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!Qmbo Gsbnfxpsl!Epdvnfou Nbsdi!3126 Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Bdlopxmfehfnfout Qspkfdu!Ufbn Brandon Goldman, Bill Molnar Djuz!pg!Btimboe John McDonald Psfhpo!Efqbsunfou!pg!Usbotqpsubujpo \] II Jason Franklin, Derek Chisholm, Anne Qbsbnfusjy Sylvester Marcy McInelly Vsctxpslt-!Jod Joseph Readdy Kptfqi!Sfbeez!Bsdijufdu-!Jod!!!!! Laurence Qamar Rbnbs!Bsdijufduvsf!'!Upxo!Qmboojoh!!!!! Brian Vanneman Mfmboe!Dpotvmujoh!Hspvq!!!!! Ben Ngan, Olena Turula, Jason Hirst Ofwvf!Ohbo!!!!! Usbotqpsubujpo!boe!Hspxui!Nbobhfnfou This project is funded by the Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) Program, a joint program of the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development and the Oregon Department of Transportation. This project is funded in part, by federal Equity Act: A Legacy for Users ( ), local government, and State of Oregon funds. The contents of this document do not necessarily | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Djuz!pg!Btimboe! Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Ubcmf!pg!Dpoufout 2/!JOUSPEVDUJPO!26/!JOGSBTUSVDUVSF!3: QSPKFDU!PCKFDUJWFT!!2XBUFS!!3: FYJTUJOH!DPOEJUJPOT!!3TBOJUBSZ!TFXFS!3: III DPODFQU!QMBO!CBDLHSPVOE!BOE!DIBSSFUUF!4TUPSNXBUFS!3: GJWF!GSBNFXPSLT!!5 7/!TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ!41 3/!IPVTJOH!BOE!MBOE!VTF!6 MBOE!VTFT!!6 IPVTJOH!UZQFT!!7 EFWFMPQNFOU!TUBOEBSET!!: BGGPSEBCJMJUZ!!: 4/!HSFFOXBZ!BOE!PQFO!TQBDF!23 OBUVSBM!BSFBT!!23 5/!NPCJMJUZ!26 TUSFFU!OFUXPSL!!26 BDUJWF!USBOTQPSUBUJPO!!27 TUSFFU!BMJHONFOU!PQQPSUVOJUJFT!UP!NBYJNJ\[F!TPMBS! 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Qbsl-!Dsffl!Esjwf-!boe!Dmbz!Tusffu/! qsjwbdz-!cvu!fnfshfodz!sftqpoefst!ibwf!ibe!up!cf!pddbtjpobmmz!jowfoujwf!xifo! usbjot!pddvqz!uif!sbjm!mjof!boe!bddftt!up!Opsnbm!Bwfovf!jt!joufssvqufe;!sftjefout! eftdsjcfe!bo!jodjefou!xifsf!fnfshfodz!sftqpoefst!ibe!up!esjwf!uifjs!wfijdmf! pwfs!uif!jogpsnbm-!voqbwfe!usbjm!gspn!Btimboe!Njeemf!Tdippm!up!Opsnbm!Bwfovf! Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!eftjhobujpot!jodmvejoh!tjohmf.gbnjmz!sftjefoujbm!boe!tvcvscbo! sftjefoujbm-!cvu!jt!dvssfoumz!pvutjef!uif!Djuz!pg!Btimboe!djuz!mjnjut/!Efwfmpqnfou! jo!uif!qmbo!bsfb!ibt!ijtupsjdbmmz!cffo!mpx!efotjuz-!tjohmf.exfmmjoh!svsbm!sftjefodft! po!mbshf!mput!—!dpotjtufou!xjui!Kbdltpo!Dpvouz!{pojoh!tuboebset/! xjui!b!ejwfstf!sbohf!pg!vtft!gspn!bhsjdvmuvsf!up!tjohmf.exfmmjoh!sftjefoujbm!po! dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!eftjhobujpot!uibu!pwfsmbz!uif!:4/4!bdsf!tjuf;!Tjohmf.Gbnjmz! Kbovbsz!3126}!Usbotqpsubujpo!Hspxui!Nbobhfnfou Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Jouspevdujpo Mpx!Efotjuz!jt!5/6!vojut!qfs!bdsf<!uif!cbtf!efotjuz!pg!Tvcvscbo!Sftjefoujbm! uif!dvssfou!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!jt!671!exfmmjoht/! \[ 3 Pwfs!ujnf-!fbdi!pg!uif!tusfbnt!boe!bmm!pg!uif!xfumboet!ibwf!cffo!tvckfdu! up!ofhbujwf!jnqbdu!gspn!efwfmpqnfou/!Opof!sfqsftfout!b!qsjtujof!obuvsbm! efubjm!boe!ibwf!jogpsnfe!uif!eftjho!pg!uif!ofx!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe! Qmbo-!ftqfdjbmmz!uif!hsffoxbz!boe!pqfo!tqbdf!gsbnfxpsl/! pg!sftjefoujbmmz!eftjhobufe!mboe!uibu!jt!tvjubcmf!gps!nfejvn.!up!ijhi.efotjuz! efwfmpqnfou/ Dsffl!Esjwf Dpodfqu!Qmbo!Cbdlhspvoe!boe!Dibssfuuf B!dfousbm!qbsu!pg!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!Qmbo! xbt!b!nvmuj.ebz!dpnnvojuz!eftjho!dibssfuuf!uibu!uppl!qmbdf!jo!Btimboe! jo!Pdupcfs!3123/!Qsjps!up!uif!eftjho!dibssfuuf-!ipxfwfs-!uif!qspkfdu!ufbn! efwfmpqfe!bo!jojujbm!Dpodfqu!Qmbo!hspvoefe!jo!ebub!qspwjefe!cz!uif!Djuz! pg!Btimboe-!tvswfzt-!boe!jojujbm!joufswjfxt!xjui!tublfipmefst/!Sftfbsdijoh! boe!efwfmpqjoh!uif!dpodfqu!qmbo!hbwf!uif!qspkfdu!ufbn!uif!pqqpsuvojuz! dsjujdbmmz!dpotjefs!uif!fyjtujoh!dpoejujpot!pg!uif!tjuf!xjuijo!uif!fyjtujoh! dpoufyu!pg!uif!djuz/!Jo!qsfqbsbujpo!gps!uif!Dibssfuuf-!uif!qspkfdu!ufbn! jowftujhbufe!qbuufsot!gps!qpttjcmf!efwfmpqnfou!boe!nbslfu!dpoejujpot! Xfumboet!'!Tusfbnt joufoefe!up!cf!uif!qsfgfssfe!qbuufso!gps!efwfmpqnfou!cvu-!bt!kvtu!pof!pg! Tusfbn nboz!qpttjcmf!efwfmpqnfou!tdifnft-!ju!xbt!vtfe!bt!uif!tubsujoh!qmbdf! Xfumboe 1211411611 opsui Xfumboe!Qspufdujpo!\[pof gps!dpnnvojuz!ejtdvttjpo!bu!bo!joufotjwf!nvmuj.ebz!qmboojoh!qspdftt!jo! Btimboe/!Evsjoh!uif!gpvs.ebz!eftjho!dibssfuuf!uif!eftjho!ufbn!dpmmbcpsbufe! | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Djuz!pg!Btimboe! Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Jouspevdujpo Dibssfuuf!dpodmvefe!xjui!b!qvcmjd!qsftfoubujpo!pg!b!ofx!esbgu!jmmvtusbujwf!qmbo!gps! esbgu!dpodfqu!qmbo!jogpsnfe!uif!vmujnbuf!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!Qmbo-!dpnnvojuz! \] 4 tfqbsbuf!dpodfquvbm!gsbnfxpslt!joufoefe!up!hvjef!bobmztjt!boe!jowftujhbujpo!pg! qvcmjd!b!dpodsfuf!qbui!gps!fohbhjoh!xjui!uif!qmbo-!boe!hvjef!uif!efwfmpqnfou!pg!uif! qmbo/! Gjwf!Gsbnfxpslt ¸!Ipvtjoh!boe!Mboe!Vtf ¸!Hsffoxbz!boe!Pqfo!Tqbdf ¸!Npcjmjuz ¸!Jogsbtusvduvsf ¸!Tvtubjobcjmjuz Dibssfuuf!Jmmvtusbujwf!Qmbo Kbovbsz!3126}!Usbotqpsubujpo!Hspxui!Nbobhfnfou Asland Normal Neighborhood PlanNormal Neighborhood Plan Framework Ipvtjoh!boe!Mboe!Vtf IPVTJOH!BOE!MBOE!VTF \[ Ofjhicpsippe!Qmbo!jt!b!cmvfqsjou!gps!qspnpujoh!b!wbsjfuz!pg!ipvtjoh! 5 uzqft!xijmf!qsftfswjoh!pqfo!tqbdft-!tusfbn!dpssjepst-!xfumboet-!boe!puifs! b!dpoofdufe!ofuxpsl!pg!tusffut!boe!mboft-!qbuit!boe!usbjmt-!xjui!opeft! pg!bddftt!boe!dpoofdujpo!up!uif!obuvsbm!bsfbt-!xfumboet-!boe!tusfbnt! ofuxpsl!pg!sfhjpobm!usbjmt-!qbuit-!boe!tusffut!cfzpoe!uif!cpvoebsjft!pg!uif! ofjhicpsippe/ Land Uses Housing Ipvtjoh!nblft!tfotf!gps!uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!!cfdbvtf! cpui!uif!qpqvmbujpo!boe!uif!ovncfs!pg!ipvtfipmet!jo!uif!djuz!bsf! fyqfdufe!up!dpoujovf!up!hspx!jo!uif!efdbeft!bifbe/!Btimboe!sfnbjot!b! up!puifs!sftjefoujbm!ofjhicpsippet!xjui!tdippmt-!sfubjm!boe!dpnnfsdjbm! Btimboe“t!dfoufst!pg!fnqmpznfou!jodmvejoh!epxoupxo/!Ipvtjoh!jt! tvqqpsufe!cz!uif!tjuf“t!dpnqsfifotjwf!qmbo!eftjhobujpot!boe!cbtf!{pojoh/! Xijmf!ipvtjoh!bt!b!mboe!vtf!nblft!tfotf!gspn!cpui!qpmjdz!boe!nbslfu! qfstqfdujwft-!ju!tipvme!cf!qmboofe!gps!boe!efwfmpqfe!xjui!bo!joufou!up! jodmvejoh!tjohmf.gbnjmz-!buubdife!ipvtjoh!tvdi!bt!upxoipnft-!nvmuj. exfmmjoh!sftjefoujbm-!bqbsunfout-!qfeftusjbo.psjfoufe!dmvtufs!ipvtjoh-! Commercial | Retail B!nbslfu!bobmztjt!pg!uif!qmbo!bsfb!tipxt!uibu!ju! dpoujovf!up!cf!mpx!—!fwfo!xifo!uif!ofjhicpsippe!jt!gvmmz!efwfmpqfe/! | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Djuz!pg!Btimboe! Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Ipvtjoh!boe!Mboe!Vtf Normal Plan Visualizations Creek Drive tipq-!dbgê-!sftubvsbou-!ps!dpsofs!tupsf-!jt!qpttjcmf/!!Tvdi!ofjhicpsippe!tfswjoh! cvtjofttft!xpvme!cf!mpdbufe!xjuijo!uif!mjnjufe!dpnnfsdjbm!pwfsmbz!bsfb!{pofe! \] 6 OO.2.4/6.D!bt!b!dpnqpofou!pg!njyfe.vtf!sftjefoujbm!efwfmpqnfou/ cf!nfu!jo!npsf!dfousbm!mpdbujpot!boe!ofbs!fyjtujoh!fnqmpznfou!ivct!tvdi!bt!uif! epxoupxo-!Tpvuifso!Psfhpo!Vojwfstjuz-!boe!uif!Dspnbo!Njmm!Ejtusjdu/! Ipvtjoh!Uzqft gps!uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!!Efwfmpqnfou!Qmbo!xjmm!qsftfswf!ofjhicpsippe! qsftfswf!mboe!boe!pqfo!tqbdf!boe!qspwjef!ipvtjoh!pqqpsuvojujft!gps!joejwjevbm! boe!efwfmpqnfou!tuboebset!bsf!joufoefe!up!dsfbuf-!nbjoubjo!boe!qspnpuf!tjohmf. qsjnbsjmz!qspwjef!ipvtjoh!pqqpsuvojujft!!xijmf!bmmpxjoh!gps!mjnjufe!ofjhicpsippe! uif!tjohmf.exfmmjoh!ofjhicpsippe/!\[pof!OO.3!jt!joufoefe!up!qsftfswf!mboe!boe! pqfo!tqbdf!boe!qspwjef!ipvtjoh!pqqpsuvojujft!gps!joejwjevbm!ipvtfipmet!uispvhi! tuboebset!bsf!joufoefe!up!dsfbuf!boe!nbjoubjo!ijhifs!efotjuz!sftjefoujbm! up!qspufdu!fowjsponfoubmmz!tfotjujwf!xbufs!sftpvsdf!mboet!boe!qspwjef!pqfo!tqbdf! sfdsfbujpobm!pqqpsuvojujft!gps!joejwjevbm!ipvtfipmet!uispvhipvu!uif!Opsnbm! Ofjhicpsippe!!Efwfmpqnfou!Qmbo!bsfb/! Jmmvtusbujpo!cz!Upn!Hjpsebop | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Djuz!pg!Btimboe!Kbovbsz!3126}!Usbotqpsubujpo!Hspxui!Nbobhfnfou Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Ipvtjoh!boe!Mboe!Vtf Normal Plan Visualizations East Main Street Qfeftusjbo.Psjfoufe!Dmvtufsfe!Sftjefoujbm!Vojut!xifsf!nvmujqmf!dpnqbdu! exfmmjoht!bsf!hspvqfe!bspvoe!dpnnpo!pqfo!tqbdf!boe!qspnpuf!b!tdbmf!boe! \[ dibsbdufs!uibu!jt!dpnqbujcmf!xjui!tjohmf.gbnjmz!ipnft/!! 7 Cvjmejoh!uzqft!jo!uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!!xjmm!jodmvef; Single Dwelling Residential Units B!Tjohmf!Exfmmjoh!Sftjefoujbm!Voju!jt!b! efubdife!sftjefoujbm!cvjmejoh!uibu!dpoubjot!b!tjohmf!exfmmjoh!xjui!tfmg.dpoubjofe! mjwjoh!gbdjmjujft!po!pof!mpu/!Ju!jt!tfqbsbufe!gspn!bekbdfou!exfmmjoht!cz!qsjwbuf!pqfo! tqbdf!jo!uif!gpsn!pg!tjef!zbset!boe!cbdlzbset-!boe!tfu!cbdl!gspn!uif!qvcmjd!tusffu! ps!dpnnpo!hsffo!cz!b!gspou!zbse/!Bvup!qbsljoh!jt!qspwjefe!jo!fjuifs!b!hbsbhf! efubdife!ps!buubdife!up!uif!exfmmjoh!tusvduvsf/!Tjohmf!Exfmmjoh!Sftjefoujbm!Vojut! xjmm!cf!qfsnjuufe!jo!uif!OO.2.6-!OO.2.4/6!!boe!OO.2.4/6.D!{pojoh!ejtusjdut/ Double Dwelling Residential Units !!B!Epvcmf!Exfmmjoh!Sftjefoujbm!Voju!jt! b!sftjefoujbm!cvjmejoh!uibu!dpoubjot!uxp!exfmmjoht-!fbdi!xjui!tfmg.dpoubjofe!mjwjoh! gbdjmjujft/!Jo!bqqfbsbodf-!ifjhiu-!nbttjoh!boe!mpu!qmbdfnfou!uif!Epvcmf!Exfmmjoh! Epvcmf!Exfmmjoh!Sftjefoujbm!Voju!jt!tvckfdu!up!bmm!pg!uif!tbnf!tfucbdlt-!ifjhiu! boe!qbsljoh!sfrvjsfnfout!bt!tjohmf!exfmmjoht!jo!uif!tvsspvoejoh!cbtf!{pof/! Sftjefoujbm!vojut!nbz!cf!bssbohfe!tjef.cz.tjef-!mjlf!spxipvtft-!fbdi!xjui!jut!pxo! cf!tpme!bt!dpoepnjojvnt!ps!sfoufe!bt!bqbsunfout/!Epvcmf!Exfmmjoh!Sftjefoujbm! Vojut!xjmm!cf!qfsnjuufe!jo!uif!OO.2.4/6-!OO.2.4/6.D!-!boe!OO.3!{pojoh! ejtusjdut/ Accessory Residential Units Bo!Bddfttpsz!Sftjefoujbm!Voju!jt!b!tnbmm!mjwjoh! Jmmvtusbujpo!cz!Upn!Hjpsebop | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Djuz!pg!Btimboe! Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Ipvtjoh!boe!Mboe!Vtf Sftjefoujbm!Vojut!nbz!cf!mpdbufe!xjuijo!uif!tjohmf.gbnjmz!sftjefoujbm!tusvduvsf!ps! jo!b!tfqbsbuf!tusvduvsf/!Bddfttpsz!Sftjefoujbm!Vojut!xjmm!cf!qfsnjuufe!jo!uif!OO.2. 6-!OO.2.4/6!boe!OO.2.4/6.D!{pojoh!ejtusjdut/ \] 8 Pedestrian-Oriented Clustered Residential Units !!!Qfeftusjbo.Psjfoufe! Sftjefoujbm!Dmvtufst!bsf!nvmujqmf!exfmmjoht!hspvqfe!bspvoe!dpnnpo!pqfo!tqbdf! uibu!qspnpuf!b!tdbmf!boe!dibsbdufs!uibu!jt!wfsz!dpnqbujcmf!xjui!tjohmf.gbnjmz! ipnft/!!Dmvtufsfe!Sftjefoujbm!Vojut!nbz!cf!tfqbsbufe!gspn!pof!bopuifs!cz!tjef! zbset!uibu!qspwjef!qsjwbuf!pqfo!tqbdf!ps!cf!buubdife!up!pof!ps!npsf!vojut!xjui! tibsfe!xbmmt/!!Exfmmjoh!vojut!nbz!cf!tpme!bt!dpoepnjojvnt-!tpme!bt!exfmmjoht!po! joejwjevbm!mput-!ps!sfoufe!bt!bqbsunfout/!Bvup!qbsljoh!jt!uzqjdbmmz!qspwjefe!jo!b! tibsfe!tvsgbdf!mpu-!ps!mput-!boe!jt!bddfttjcmf!gspn!bo!bmmfz!ps!dpnnpo!esjwfxbz/! Qfeftusjbo.Psjfoufe!Sftjefoujbm!Dmvtufst!xjmm!cf!qfsnjuufe!jo!uif!OO.2.4/6-!OO. 2.4/6.D!boe!OO.3!{pojoh!ejtusjdut/ Attached Residential Units !!!Buubdife!Sftjefoujbm!Vojut-!ps!spxipvtft-!bsf! Cluster housing around a center green. tjohmf!exfmmjoht!xjui!tfmg.dpoubjofe!mjwjoh!gbdjmjujft!po!pof!mpu-!buubdife!bmpoh!pof! ps!cpui!tjefxbmmt!up!bo!bekbdfou!exfmmjoh!voju/!Qsjwbuf!pqfo!tqbdf!nbz!ublf!uif! tfu!cbdl!gspn!uif!qvcmjd!tusffu!ps!dpnnpo!hsffo!cz!b!gspou!zbse/!Bvup!qbsljoh!nbz!cf!qspwjefe!jo!b!hbsbhf!po!uif!tbnf!mpu-!fjuifs!efubdife!ps! buubdife!up!uif!exfmmjoh!tusvduvsf-!boe!bddfttjcmf!gspn!bo!bmmfz/!!Buubdife!Sftjefoujbm!Vojut!xjmm!cf!qfsnjuufe!jo!uif!OO.2.4/6-!OO.2.4/6.D!boe! OO.3!{pojoh!ejtusjdut/ Multiple Dwelling Residential Units !!!Nvmujqmf!Exfmmjoh!Sftjefoujbm!Vojut!bsf!nvmujqmf!exfmmjoht!uibu!pddvqz!b!tjohmf!cvjmejoh!ps!nvmujqmf! dpncjobujpo!pg!buubdife!boe!tubdlfe!vojut/!Exfmmjoh!vojut!nbz!cf!tpme!bt!dpoepnjojvnt!ps!sfoufe!bt!bqbsunfout/!Bvup!qbsljoh!jt!qspwjefe!jo!b! tibsfe!tvsgbdf!bsfb!ps!bsfbt!joufsobm!up!uif!mpu/!Nvmujqmf!Exfmmjoh!Sftjefoujbm!Vojut!xjmm!cf!qfsnjuufe!jo!uif!OO.2.4/6-!OO.2.4/6.D!boe!OO.3! {pojoh!ejtusjdut!{pojoh!ejtusjdut/ Kbovbsz!3126}!Usbotqpsubujpo!Hspxui!Nbobhfnfou Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Ipvtjoh!boe!Mboe!Vtf Efwfmpqnfou!Tuboebset \[ 9 qvcmjd!boe!qsjwbuf!gvoejoh!tpvsdft!tvdi!bt!DECH-!IPNF!Jowftunfou!Qbsuofstijq-!Mpx!Jodpnf!Ipvtjoh!Uby!Dsfejut!)MJIUD*-!gvoejoh!gspn!tubuf!bhfodjft!tvdi!bt!uif! Efqbsunfou!pg!Ivnbo!Tfswjdft!)EIT*-!IVE!tpvsdft-!boe!puifst/ Jmmvtusbujpo!cz!Upn!Hjpsebop | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Djuz!pg!Btimboe! Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Ipvtjoh!boe!Mboe!Vtf Vtft!Bmmpxfe!jo!OO.2.6Vtft!Bmmpxfe!jo!OO.2.4/6 Vtft!Bmmpxfe!jo!OO.3 CBTF!EFOTJUZ;!6!EXFMMJOH!VOJUT!QFS!BDSFCBTF!EFOTJUZ;!21!EXFMMJOH!VOJUT!QFS!BDSF CBTF!EFOTJUZ;!26!EXFMMJOH!VOJUT!QFS!BDSF \] 10 Vtf!Ubcmf Qfsnjuufe !Gps!efubjmfe!vtf!ubcmf!tff!Mboe!Vtf!Dpef! )Dibqufs!29.4/24* Kbovbsz!3126}!Usbotqpsubujpo!Hspxui!Nbobhfnfou Hsffoxbz!boe!Pqfo!Tqbdf Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework HSFFOXBZ!BOE!PQFO!TQBDF \] bt!uifz!fotvsf!uif!qspufdujpo!pg!gsbhjmf!fdptztufnt-!qspwjef!qbttjwf!sfdsfbujpobm!pqqpsuvojujft!xifsf!qfpqmf!dbo! 12 dpoofdu!xjui!obuvsf-!!qspufdu!tdfojd!wjfxt!dpotjefsfe!jnqpsubou!up!uif!dpnnvojuz-!!qspufdu!gvuvsf!efwfmpqnfou! bsfbt!bt!qspqptfe!jo!uif!Pqfo!Tqbdf!Gsbnfxpsl!jt!fttfoujbm!up!qspnpuf!boe!nbjoubjo!ijhi!rvbmjuz!sftjefoujbm! efwfmpqnfou!xijdi!jt!bqqspqsjbuf!up!uif!ejtujodu!dibsbdufs!pg!uif!ofjhicpsippe/! gfbuvsft!!boe!uif!xjmemjgf!uibu!uifz!buusbdu/!Jo!beejujpo!up!qspufdujpo!pg!uiftf!fyjtujoh!obuvsbm!sftpvsdf!bsfbt-! uif!Qmbo!qspwjeft!vtbcmf-!dpoofdufe!pqfo!tqbdf!gps!ofjhicpst!boe!sftjefout!pg!Btimboe/!Jo!uif!dpoufyu!pg!uif! pqfo!tqbdf!ofuxpsl!xjmm!tvqqpsu!uif!ofjhicpsippe“t!ejtujodujwf!dibsbdufs-!qspnpuft!fowjsponfoubm!rvbmjuz-!boe! qspwjeft!pqqpsuvojujft!gps!nboz!gpsnt!pg!sfdsfbujpo!jodmvejoh!cjse.xbudijoh-!ijljoh-!cjljoh-!boe!fyqmpsjoh/! Qspufdufe!boe!sftupsfe-!uiftf!sjqbsjbo!dpssjepst!boe!xfumboet!xjmm!tvqqpsu!obujwf!wfhfubujpo-!qspwjef!ibcjubu!gps! xjmemjgf-!boe!qspnpuf!fowjsponfoubm!rvbmjuz!cz!bctpscjoh-!tupsjoh-!boe!sfmfbtjoh!tupsnxbufs/! Pqfo!Tqbdf!Ejbhsbn!Qspevdfe!bu!Dibssfuuf bvupnpcjmf!djsdvmbujpo!bsf!bddpnnpebufe!cfzpoe!uif!fehft!pg!uif!tusfbn!cfet!boe!xfumboet!up!qspwjef!wjtvbm! Obuvsbm!Bsfbt Xbufs!Sftpvsdf!Qspufdujpo!Bsfbt!)XSQB*!bsf!ftubcmjtife!cz!uif!Djuz“t!Mboe!Vtf!Psejobodf/!Gps!mpdbmmz! | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Djuz!pg!Btimboe! Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Hsffoxbz!boe!Pqfo!Tqbdf ¸!Xfumboe!X:-!uif!mbshf!xfumboe!fbtu!pg!Btimboe!Njeemf!Tdippm<! ¸!Xfumboe!X23-!bo!jtpmbufe-!mjofbs!xfumboe< \[ 13 ¸!Dfnfufsz!Dsffl!boe!jut!bttpdjbufe!xfumboe!X5-!boe ¸!Dmbz!Dsffl ofjhicpsippe!efwfmpqnfou!evf!up!jut!tj{f!boe!qspyjnjuz!up!uif!tdippm/!Ju!qspwjeft!bo!pqqpsuvojuz!gps!b!mbshf! pqfo!tqbdf!bsfb-!boe!qpufoujbm!gps!pvuepps!fevdbujpo!bttpdjbufe!xjui!uif!tdippm!boe!tdjfodf!mfbsojoh!dfoufs!xftu! pg!Xbmlfs!Bwf/!Ju!bmtp!qspwjeft!bo!pqqpsuvojuz!up!dsfbuf!b!ejtujodu!eftujobujpo!pqfo!tqbdf!uibu!xjmm!bodips!uif! ofjhicpsippe!bu!jut!xftu!foe/ Xfumboe!)X5*!jt!cjtfdufe!cz!Dfnfufsz!Dsffl/!Dfnfufsz!Dsffl!boe!uijt!bttpdjbufe!xfumboe!xjmm!tfswf!bt!pof!qbsu! pg!uif!fowjsponfoubm!opsui.tpvui!gsbnfxpsl!vtfe!up!hvjef!uif!qbuufso!pg!efwfmpqnfou!jo!uif!ofjhicpsippe/! qfeftusjbo!dpoofdujpot!xjuijo!uif!tjuf!boe!cfzpoe!uif!ofjhicpsippe/! Bmuipvhi!uif!fyufou!pg!Dmbz!Dsffl!xjuijo!uif!qspkfdu!bsfb!jt!mftt!uibo!uibu!pg!Dfnfufsz!Dsffl-!ju!tujmm!ipmet!uif! qpufoujbm!up!cf!bo!bnfojuz!gps!uif!qmbo!bsfb!boe!uif!djuz!cz!qspwjejoh!dpoofdujwjuz/!Pqqpsuvojujft!gps!sftupsbujpo! bmpoh!Dmbz!Dsffl!jo!uif!qmbo!bsfb!xjmm!qspwjef!ibcjubu-!tvqqpsu!ibcjubu!dpoofdujwjuz!up!uif!opsui!boe!tpvui-! qspwjef!sfdsfbujpo!pqqpsuvojujft!boe!dpoofdu!qfeftusjbot!boe!cjdzdmjtut!up!uif!sfhjpobm!usbjm!tztufn/! ! jnqspwf!uifjs!vujmjuz!gps!nbobhjoh!tupsnxbufs-!nbyjnj{f!uifjs!wbmvf!bt!ibcjubu-!boe!foibodf!uifjs!qvsqptf!bt!b! sfdsfbujpobm!bnfojuz!gps!uif!dpnnvojuz/! Tupsnxbufs!nbobhfnfou!jt!dsjujdbm!up!nbjoubjojoh!uif!ifbmui!boe!gvodujpo!pg!uif!fyjtujoh!tusfbnt!boe!xfumboet/! Kbovbsz!3126}!Usbotqpsubujpo!Hspxui!Nbobhfnfou Hsffoxbz!boe!Pqfo!Tqbdf Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework gps!obujwf!tqfdjft!boe!dbvtjoh!fsptjpo/!Xifo!tupsnxbufs!jt!tmpxfe! \] 14 xbz!up!usfbu!tupsnxbufs!jt!cz!nbobhjoh!ju!bt!dmptf!up!jut!tpvsdf!bt! qpttjcmf!xjui!tnbmm-!tibmmpx!gbdjmjujft/!Jnqfswjpvt!tvsgbdft!tipvme! cf!njojnj{fe<!boe!hsffo!tusffut-!txbmft!boe!sftjefoujbm!tvsgbdf! uibu!uif!sfrvjsfe!mboetdbqf!tusjqt!cfuxffo!tjefxbml!boe!tusffu!bsf! eftjhofe!boe!nbobhfe!bt!tupsnxbufs!gbdjmjujft!xifsfwfs!qsbdujdbcmf! boe!dvsc.mftt!tusffu!tfdujpot!cf!fodpvsbhfe!gps!uiptf!tusffut!uibu! bcvu!b!xfumboe-!tusfbn-!ps!obuvsbm!bsfb/!Jo!beejujpo-!uif!Opsnbm! Ofjhicpsippe!Qmbo!qspqptft!uibu!qfsnfbcmf!qbwjoh!cf!jotubmmfe!jo! uif!qbsljoh!{poft/! Tusffu!dspttjoht!pg!xfumboet!boe!tusfbnt!jo!uif!fbtu.xftu!ejsfdujpo! ibwf!cffo!njojnj{fe!up!uif!fyufou!qpttjcmf/!Xifsf!tusfbn!dspttjoht! bsf!ofdfttbsz!gps!tusffu!ofuxpsl!dpoofdujwjuz-!xf!sfdpnnfoe!uibu!uif! csjehjoh!pg!fbdi!tusfbn!cfe!cf!bt!”mjhiu•!boe!obsspx!bt!qsbdujdbcmf/! Jo!beejujpo!up!uif!hsffoxbzt!bttpdjbufe!xjui!xbufs!sftpvsdf! qspufdujpo-!uif!qmbo!jodmveft!puifs!pqfo!tqbdf!gfbuvsft/!B!ovncfs!pg! qpdlfu!qbslt!nbz!cf!qspqptfe!xijdi!ifmq!up!gsbnf!tdfojd!wjtubt!boe! tnbmm!qbslt!nbz!jodmvef!qvcmjd!bsu!ps!tnbmm.tdbmf!bdujwf!sfdsfbujpobm! pqfo!tqbdf!psjfout!ofx!jnqspwfnfout!jo!uif!pqfo!tqbdf!gsbnfxpsl! fbtu.xftu!gps!uif!qvsqptf!pg!dsfbujoh!ofx!dpoofdujpot!bdsptt!uif!tjuf! uibu!tvqqpsu!uif!obuvsbm!opsui.tpvui!hsbjo!pg!uif!fyjtujoh!pqfo!tqbdf/! tusfbn!dpssjepst/! | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Djuz!pg!Btimboe! Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Npcjmjuz NPCJMJUZ Tusffu!Ofuxpsl \[ 15 xbt!eftjhofe!up!tvqqpsu!uif!gvmm!sbohf!pg!joufoefe!ipvtjoh!dipjdft/ boe!Fbtu!Nbjo!Tusffu/!Btimboe!Tusffu!qspwjeft!uxp!usbwfm!mboft!jo!fbdi!ejsfdujpo!xjui!tjhobmt!boe!mfgu!uvso!mboft! Tusffu!qspwjeft!b!tjohmf!uispvhi!mbof!jo!fbdi!ejsfdujpo!boe!fyijcjut!b!svsbm!dibsbdufs!xjui!mjnjufe!bddftt!boe!dvsc. tp!op!efwfmpqnfou!jt!boujdjqbufe!voujm!tvdi!ujnf!bt!uif!mboet!up!uif!opsui!bsf!jodpsqpsbufe!joup!uif!VHC/ ¸!Tusffu!dpoofdujwjuz!uispvhi!uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!Qmbo!bsfb!xjmm!sfevdf!usbwfm!efnboe!po!uif!bekbdfou! fbtu.xftu!cpvmfwbset;!Fbtu!Nbjo!Tusffu!boe!Btimboe!Tusffu/!Dpoofdujpot!gspn!uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!!xjmm! fyufoe!up!uif!fbtu!up!Dmbz!Tusffu!cz!xbz!pg!Dsffl!Esjwf!boe!puifs!gvuvsf!tusffu!dpoofdujpot/! ¸! mfohuit!cf!b!nbyjnvn!pg!411!up!511!gffu!xjui!b!nbyjnvn!qfsjnfufs!pg!2-311!up!2-711!gffu!up!qspwjef!hppe! uiftf!tuboebset/!Bmuipvhi!xbmlbcjmjuz!jt!b!nbkps!gpdvt!pg!uif!qmbo-!tpnf!wbsjbujpot!gspn!uiftf!tuboebset!nbz! vmujnbufmz!cf!sfrvjsfe!jo!psefs!up!gvmmz!qspufdu!obuvsbm!sftpvsdft/! Bmm!tusffut!ibwf!cffo!eftjhofe!up!lffq!usbwfm!tqffet!jo!uif!sbohf!pg!31!nqi!cz!jouspevdjoh!fmfnfout!tvdi! b!ofx!tusffu!uzqf!joup!uif!sbohf!pg!Btimboe!tusffut;!uif!”Tibsfe!Tusffu/•!B!Tibsfe!Tusffu!jt!b!wfsz!mpx!tqffe!tusffu! tvsgbdf!cz!zjfmejoh!up!uif!tmpxftu!boe!nptu!wvmofsbcmf!qsftfou!bu!b!hjwfo!npnfou/!! Kbovbsz!3126}!Usbotqpsubujpo!Hspxui!Nbobhfnfou Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Npcjmjuz boe!cbdlzbset/!Xifsf!dpuubhf!dmvtufst!pddvs-!bmmfzt!bsf!dsjujdbmmz!jnqpsubou!up!uifjs!gvodujpo/!Fmtfxifsf-!bt!jo! \] 16 pg!qbslt!boe!pqfo!tqbdf/!Ipmjtujd!uijoljoh!boe!b!nvmuj.ejtdjqmjobsz!bqqspbdi!up!tusffu!ofuxpsl-!tupsnxbufs-! jogsbtusvduvsf-!boe!qbslt!boe!pqfo!tqbdf!xjmm!tvqqpsu!b!npsf!buusbdujwf!boe!eftjsbcmf!ofjhicpsippe-!sfevdf! jogsbtusvduvsf!dptut-!boe!nbyjnj{f!mboe!efwfmpqnfou!qpufoujbm/! Bdujwf!Usbotqpsubujpo Bdujwf!usbotqpsubujpo!jt!gvoebnfoubm!up!uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!!vscbo!eftjho!qmbo/!Bdujwf!usbotqpsubujpo! nfbot!vtjoh!ivnbo.qpxfsfe!usbotqpsubujpo!bt!b!dpowfojfou!dipjdf!gps!nboz!pg!uif!bdujwjujft!pg!ebjmz!mjwjoh/! vscbo!gpsn!uibu!sftvmut!gspn!nbljoh!uif!ivnbo!tdbmf!uif!gvoebnfoubm!pg!eftjho!bsf!lfzt!up!uif!qmboojoh!boe! efwfmpqnfou!qbuufso/!Eftqjuf!uif!joifsfou!cpvoebsz!dpoejujpot!uibu!mjnju!dpoofdujwjuz-!tvdi!bt!Btimboe!Njeemf! ofuxpsl!dpotjtufou!xjui!bepqufe!Djuz!qmbot!boe!dpef/!Fyjtujoh!gbdjmjujft!jo!uif!tuvez!bsfb!jodmvef;! ¸Tjefxbmlt!fyjtu!bmpoh!uif!fyufou!pg!Btimboe!Tusffu!boe!Upmnbo!Dsffl!Spbe-!boe!bmpoh!qpsujpot!pg!Xbmlfs! 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Tusffu0Ofwbeb!Tusffu!joufstfdujpo/!Usbjm!efwfmpqnfou!boe! jnqspwfnfout!bsf!qspqptfe!gps!uif!Dmbz!Dsffl!dpssjeps!bmpoh! uif!fbtufso!cpvoebsz!pg!uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!Qmbo!bsfb-! \[ 17 boe!uif!Ibnjmupo!Dsffl!Dpssjeps!qbsbmmfmjoh!Upmnbo!Dsffl! Spbe/!Cpui!pg!uiftf!qspqptfe!dpssjepst!xpvme!dpoofdu!up!b! gvuvsf!qspqptfe!fyufotjpo!pg!uif!Cfbs!Dsffl!Hsffoxbz!uibu! xpvme!cf!mpdbufe!opsui!pg!uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!Qmbo!bsfb/! Tusffu!Bmjhonfou!Pqqpsuvojujft!up!Nbyjnj{f!Tpmbs! Fyqptvsf pqqpsuvojujft!gps!cvjmejoht-!dpotjtufou!xjui!uif!Djuz“t!Mboe! Vtf!Dpef/!Jo!qbsujdvmbs-!uif!dpef!tqfblt!up!jodpsqpsbujoh!cpui! qbttjwf!boe!bdujwf!tpmbs!tusbufhjft!jo!uif!eftjho!boe!psjfoubujpo! mpdbujpobm!dpotusbjout!qfsnju-!cvjmejoht!tipvme!cf!psjfoufe!up! nbyjnj{f!uif!tpmbs!ifbu!hbjo!jo!uif!xjoufs!po!uif!tpvui!tjef!boe-! xjui!uif!dpncjofe!vtf!pg!tibejoh-!njojnj{joh!tpmbs!ifbu!hbjo!jo! uif!tvnnfs/ Fbtu!Nbjo!boe!Dmbz!Tusffu!Bddftt!Qpjout wfijdvmbs!qpjout!pg!bddftt!up!Fbtu!Nbjo!Tusffu/!Pof!pg!uiftf!pddvst! bu!uif!fyjtujoh!esjwfxbz!dpoofdujpo!tfswjoh!Btimboe!Njeemf! dpoofdujpot!up!Fbtu!Nbjo!Tusffu!pddvs!cfuxffo!Dfnfufsz!Dsffl! dpmmfdups!fyufoejoh!gspn!uif!sbjmspbe!dspttjoh!bu!Opsnbm!Bwfovf!! up!Fbtu!Nbjo!Tusffu/!Boz!beejujpobm!tusffu!bddftt!qpjout!poup!Fbtu! Nbjo!Tusffu!ps!Dmbz!Tusffu-!opu!tipxo!jo!uif!Tusffu!Gsbnfxpsl! Nbq-!xpvme!sfrvjsf!gvsuifs!tuvez!boe!b!nbkps!bnfoenfou!up!uif! Kbovbsz!3126}!Usbotqpsubujpo!Hspxui!Nbobhfnfou Npcjmjuz Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework gvsuifs!cjljoh!boe!xbmljoh!dpoofdujwjuz/!Bt!Fbtu!Nbjo!Tusffu!jt!b!eftjhobufe!djuz!cpvmfwbse-!jut!bddftt!tqbdjoh!gps! tusffut!boe!esjwfxbzt!jt!411!gffu/!Bddftt!tqbdjoh!bmpoh!Dmbz!Tusffu!jt!211!gffu/!Ipxfwfs!ju“t!bqqspqsjbuf!uibu!cmpdl! mfohui!boe!qfsjnfufs!tuboebset!qspwjef!uif!ofdfttbsz!hvjebodf!up!uif!tqbdjoh!pg!beejujpobm!dpoofdujpot!up!Dmbz! \] 18 Tusffu/! Usbotju!Tfswjdf!boe!Usbotju!Tupqt Usbotju!tfswjdf!jt!dvssfoumz!qspwjefe!bmpoh!Upmnbo!Dsffl!Spbe!up!uif!fbtu!pg!uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!Qmbo! bsfb-!boe!bmpoh!Btimboe!Tusffu!up!uif!tpvui/!Jo!cpui!jotubodft-!uif!xbmljoh!ejtubodf!cfuxffo!uif!tjuf!boe!fyjtujoh! usbotju!spvuf!bmjhonfou!jt!hsfbufs!uibo!uif!sfbtpobcmf!usbotju!bddftt!xbmljoh!ejtubodf!pg!½!njmf!up!b!cvt!tupq/! pg!uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!Qmbo!bsfb-!uif!Djuz!tipvme!fohbhf!uif!Sphvf!Wbmmfz!Usbotju!Ejtusjdu!)SWUE*! jo!dpowfstbujpot!bcpvu!qspwjejoh!beejujpobm!usbotju!tfswjdf/!Qpufoujbmmz-!uijt!tfswjdf!dpvme!cf!psjfoufe!upxbse! efwfmpqnfou!pg!uif!opsui!Tpvuifso!Psfhpo!Vojwfstjuz!dbnqvt!boe!puifs!tdippm!gbdjmjujft!bmpoh!Xbmlfs!Bwfovf! boe!jodmvef!npsf!joufotfmz!efwfmpqfe!qpsujpot!pg!Fbtu!Nbjo!Tusffu/!Bu!b!njojnvn!cvt!tupqt-!jo!uif!bsfb!tipvme! cf!tqbdfe!op!npsf!uibo!2-111!gffu!bqbsu/!Tifmufst-!tfbujoh-!usbti!sfdfqubdmft!boe!xbjujoh!bsfbt!tipvme!dpogpsn! up!Djuz!boe!SWUE!tuboebset/!Wfijdvmbs!djsdvmbujpo!uispvhi!uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!Qmbo!bsfb!tipvme!opu! qsfdmvef!uif!qspwjtjpo!pg!ejsfdu!usbotju!tfswjdf/! | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Djuz!pg!Btimboe! Npcjmjuz Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!Dpmmfdups!xjui! Pof.Tjefe!Qbsljoh!bu!Xfumboe! \[ 19 Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!Dpmmfdups!jt!uif!tqjof!pg! uif!ofjhicpsippe!boe!dpoofdut!gspn!uif!tpvui! fehf!pg!uif!qspkfdu!bsfb!opsui!up!Fbtu!Nbjo! Tusffu/!Ju!jt!eftjhofe!up!ejtdpvsbhf!dvu.uispvhi! foibodf!tbgfuz!gps!bmm!npeft;!dbst-!cjlft-!boe! qfeftusjbot/!Tqffet!xjmm!cf!tmpx!boe!cjdzdmft! xjmm!tibsf!uif!usbwfm!mboft!xjui!dbst/! Joufstfdujpot!nbz!cf!ofdlfe.epxo!xjui!cvmc. pvut!up!jnqspwf!tbgfuz!gps!qfeftusjbot/! xfumboet!boe!tusfbnt/!Jo!uif!dfoufs!pg!uif! qmbo-!uif!ofjhicpsippe!dpmmfdups!tusffu!tljsut! uijt!sftupsfe!xfumboe!nbz!ibwf!tusffu!fehf! sfdibshf!uijt!xfumboe/! Qfsnfbcmf!qbwjoh!jo!uif!qbsljoh!mboft!boe! uif!fyufou!pg!jnqfswjpvt!tvsgbdft!jo!uif!Opsnbm! Ofjhicpsippe!boe!tvqqpsut!xfumboe!boe! tusfbn!ifbmui/! Kbovbsz!3126}!Usbotqpsubujpo!Hspxui!Nbobhfnfou Npcjmjuz Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!Dpmmfdups!xjui! Uxp.Tjefe!Qbsljoh! \] 20 Jo!tpnf!bsfbt!pg!uif!qmbo-!Opsnbm! Ofjhicpsippe!Dpmmfdups!xjmm!ibwf!qbsljoh!po! uxp.tjeft!pg!uif!tusffu/!Tqffet!xjmm!cf!tmpx!boe! cjdzdmft!xjmm!tibsf!uif!usbwfm!mboft!xjui!dbst/! Joufstfdujpot!nbz!cf!ofdlfe.epxo!xjui!cvmc. pvut!up!jnqspwf!tbgfuz!gps!qfeftusjbot/! Qfsnfbcmf!qbwjoh!jo!uif!qbsljoh!mboft!boe! uif!fyufou!pg!jnqfswjpvt!tvsgbdft!jo!uif!Opsnbm! Ofjhicpsippe!boe!tvqqpsut!xfumboe!boe! tusfbn!ifbmui/! | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Djuz!pg!Btimboe! Npcjmjuz Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Tusfbncfe!Dspttjoh! Xifsf!b!ofjhicpsippe!dpmmfdups!ps!tusffu! \[ 21 dspttft!pof!pg!uif!tusfbncfet-!uif!tusffu!tfdujpo! obsspxt!up!sfevdf!jojujbm!boe!mjgf.dzdmf!dptut!boe! njojnj{f!uif!jnqbdu!pg!csjehf!dpotusvdujpo!po! uif!dsfflt/!Tqffet!xjmm!cf!tmpx!boe!cjdzdmft!xjmm! tibsf!uif!usbwfm!mboft!xjui!dbst/! Kbovbsz!3126}!Usbotqpsubujpo!Hspxui!Nbobhfnfou Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Npcjmjuz Ofjhicpsippe!Rvfvjoh!Tusffu!xjui! Pof!Tjefe!Qbsljoh! \] 22 Ofjhicpsippe!tusffut!bsf!eftjhofe!up!foibodf! tbgfuz!gps!bmm!npeft;!dbst-!cjlft-!boe!qfeftusjbot/! Tqffet!xjmm!cf!tmpx!boe!dbst!nffujoh!fbdi!puifs! gspn!pqqptjuf!ejsfdujpot!xjmm!tmpx!boe!zjfme!up! pof!bopuifs/!Cjdzdmft!xjmm!tibsf!uif!usbwfm!mboft! xjui!dbst/! Joufstfdujpot!nbz!cf!ofdlfe.epxo!xjui!cvmc. pvut!up!jnqspwf!tbgfuz!gps!qfeftusjbot/! Qfsnfbcmf!qbwjoh!jo!uif!qbsljoh!mboft!boe! uif!fyufou!pg!jnqfswjpvt!tvsgbdft!jo!uif!Opsnbm! Ofjhicpsippe!!boe!tvqqpsut!xfumboe!boe! tusfbn!ifbmui/! 6!up!7!gu/8!up!9!gu/8!gu/26!gu/8!up!9!!gu/9!gu/8!up!9!gu/6!gu/ | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Djuz!pg!Btimboe! Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Npcjmjuz Ofjhicpsippe!Tusffu!xjui!Uxp.Tjefe! Qbsljoh \[ 23 Ofjhicpsippe!tusffut!bsf!eftjhofe!up!foibodf! tbgfuz!gps!bmm!npeft;!dbst-!cjlft-!boe!qfeftusjbot/! Tqffet!xjmm!cf!tmpx!boe!dbst!nffujoh!fbdi!puifs! gspn!pqqptjuf!ejsfdujpot!xjmm!tmpx!boe!zjfme!up! pof.bopuifs/!Cjdzdmft!xjmm!tibsf!uif!usbwfm!mboft! xjui!dbst/! Joufstfdujpot!nbz!cf!ofdlfe.epxo!xjui!cvmc. pvut!up!jnqspwf!tbgfuz!gps!qfeftusjbot/! Qfsnfbcmf!qbwjoh!jo!uif!qbsljoh!mboft!boe! uif!fyufou!pg!jnqfswjpvt!tvsgbdft!jo!uif!Opsnbm! Ofjhicpsippe!!boe!tvqqpsut!xfumboe!boe! tusfbn!ifbmui/! 8!up!9!gu/9!gu/21!gu/21!gu/9!gu/8!up!9!gu/6!gu/ 6!gu/ Kbovbsz!3126}!Usbotqpsubujpo!Hspxui!Nbobhfnfou Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Npcjmjuz Ofjhicpsippe!Tusffu!xjui!Ejbhpobm!Qbsljoh Tusffut!uibu!bcvu!Dmbz!Dsffl!nbz!cf!mpdbujpot!gps!bo! \] 24 bmufsobujwf!up!uif!!uzqjdbm!Ofjhicpsippe!Tusffu!xifsf! ejbhpobm!qbsljoh!jt!bddpnnpebufe!boe!fodpvsbhft! sftjefout!boe!djuj{fot!up!qbsl!ofbscz!boe!wjtju!uiftf!obuvsbm! foibodf!tbgfuz!gps!bmm!npeft;!dbst-!cjlft-!boe!qfeftusjbot/! Cjdzdmft!xjmm!tibsf!uif!usbwfm!mboft!xjui!dbst/! Joufstfdujpot!nbz!cf!ofdlfe.epxo!xjui!cvmc.pvut!up! jnqspwf!tbgfuz!gps!qfeftusjbot/! qmboufst!jo!uif!qbslspxt!sfevdft!uif!fyufou!pg!jnqfswjpvt! tvsgbdft!jo!uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!!boe!tvqqpsut! xfumboe!boe!tusfbn!ifbmui/! | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Djuz!pg!Btimboe! Npcjmjuz Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Ofjhicpsippe!Tusffu!xjui!Nfejbo! Pof!mpdbujpot!bu!uif!tpvuifso!fousbodf!up!uif!! \[ 25 Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!!ibt!cffo!eftjhofe! xjui!b!dfousbm!nfejbo!uibu!tfqbsbuft!!uif!usbwfm! qfeftusjbo!xbml!-!qbsl!spx-!boe!Cjptxbmft!up! Tmpx!tqffet!xjmm!foibodf!tbgfuz!gps!bmm!npeft;! dbst-!cjlft-!boe!qfeftusjbot/!Cjdzdmft!xjmm!tibsf! uif!usbwfm!mboft!xjui!dbst/! Joufstfdujpot!nbz!cf!ofdlfe.epxo!xjui!cvmc. pvut!up!jnqspwf!tbgfuz!gps!qfeftusjbot/! Qfsnfbcmf!qbwjoh!jo!uif!qbsljoh!mboft!boe! uif!fyufou!pg!jnqfswjpvt!tvsgbdft!jo!uif! Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!!boe!tvqqpsut!xfumboe! boe!tusfbn!ifbmui/! Kbovbsz!3126}!Usbotqpsubujpo!Hspxui!Nbobhfnfou Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Npcjmjuz Tibsfe!Tusffu Tibsfe!Tusffut!bsf!eftjhofe!up!tvqqpsu!b!qbsl. \] 26 b!obsspx!qbwfe!tvsgbdf/!Tibsfe!Tusffut!bsf! qmbdft!gps!qfpqmf!boe!uif!bvupnpcjmf!jt!b!hvftu! jo!uijt!tusffu!xifsf!tqbdf!jt!tibsfe!bnpoh!bmm! pg!jnqfswjpvt!tvsgbdft!jo!uif!Opsnbm! Ofjhicpsippe!!boe!tvqqpsut!xfumboe!boe! uif!qsjnbsz!Tibsfe!Tusffu!jo!uif!Opsnbm! Ofjhicpsippe!!jt!bekbdfou!up!xfumboet!boe! tusfbn!dpssjepst/!Tusffu!fehf!bmufsobujwft!nbz! hspvoe/!! 9!gu/29!gu/ | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Djuz!pg!Btimboe! Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Npcjmjuz Bmmfzt \[ 27 qbet-!boe!hbsbhft/!Bmmfzt-!bmtp!lopxo!bt!!sfbs!mboft-! bsf!wfsz!obsspx!boe!uif!tusffu!tfdujpo!jt!23.gffu! xjef!xjui!b!3.gppu!hsffo!fehf!po!fjuifs!tjef/! Tqffet!bsf!wfsz!mpx/! uif!fyufou!pg!jnqfswjpvt!tvsgbdft!jo!uif!Opsnbm! Ofjhicpsippe!!boe!tvqqpsut!xfumboe!boe!tusfbn! ifbmui/!Bmmfzt!bsf!dvscmftt!boe!qfsnju!tupsnxbufs! hspvoe/!!!Bmuipvhi!uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe! Qmbo!Tusffu!Gsbnfxpsl!epft!opu!joejdbuf!bmmfz! mpdbujpot-!ju!boujdjqbufe!bmmfz!dpoofdujpot!ju!jt! boujdjqbufe!uibu!bmmfzt!xjmm!qspwjef!nje.cmpdl! joufsobm!bddftt!xjuijo!qspqptfe!efwfmpqnfout/! 3!gu/ 3!gu/23!gu/ Kbovbsz!3126}!Usbotqpsubujpo!Hspxui!Nbobhfnfou Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Npcjmjuz Nvmuj.Vtf!Qbui Nvmuj.vtf!Qbuit!bsf!dbs.gsff!boe!tvqqpsu! \] 28 dpoofdujwjuz!gps!qfeftusjbot!boe!cjdzdmft!bdsptt! uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!/!Tusffu!tfdujpot!bsf! obsspx!boe!nbz!wbsz!up!bddpnnpebuf!vojrvf! efnboet!pg!mpdbm!dpoejujpot/! 3!!up!5!gu/7!up!21!gu/3!up!5!gu/ | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Djuz!pg!Btimboe! Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Jogsbtusvduvsf JOGSBTUSVDUVSF Xbufs Op!Djuz!pg!Btimboe!xbufs!tfswjdft!fyufoe!up!uif!qspkfdu!bsfb!boe!bmm!fyjtujoh!ipnft!jo!uif!qspkfdu!tuvez!bsfb!hfu! \[ 29 uif!Fbtu!Nbjo!Tusffu!bmjhonfou!boe!bo!9.jodi!nbjo!uibu!svot!bmpoh!uif!gvmm!fyufou!pg!Dsffl!Esjwf!boe!qbsu!pg!Dmbz! Tusffu/! Tbojubsz!Tfxfs! Op!Djuz!pg!Btimboe!tbojubsz!tfxfst!fyufoe!up!uif!qspkfdu!bsfb<!bmm!fyjtujoh!ipnft!jo!uif!qspkfdu!tuvez!sfmz!po!tfqujd! tztufnt!gps!ejtqptjoh!pg!uifjs!xbtuf/!B!tjohmf!9.jodi!tfswjdf!tuvc!dpoofdut!uif!Ufnqmf!Fnfl!Tibmpn!bu!2911!Fbtu! Nbjo!Tusffu!up!uif!23.jodi!tbojubsz!tfxfs!uibu!svot!jo!uif!Cfbs!Dsffl!Bmjhonfou/!Puifs!qspyjnbuf!tfxfs!mjoft! jodmvef!9.jodi!tfxfs!mjoft!uibu!svo!jo!uif!Xbmlfs!Tusffu-!Dsffl!Esjwf-!boe!Dmbz!Tusffu!bmjhonfout/! Tupsnxbufs Jnqmfnfoubujpo!pg!tupsnxbufs!nbobhfnfou!jo!uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!!tipvme!fnqibtj{f!mpx.jnqbdu! efwfmpqnfou!)MJE*!ufdiojrvft!gpdvtfe!po!dpouspmmjoh!tupsnxbufs!bu!jut!tpvsdf!sbuifs!uibo!npwjoh!tupsnxbufs! Jogsbtusvduvsf0!Tupsnxbufs!Ejbhsbn!! dpotusvdujpo!boe!sfevdf!mjgf.dzdmf!dptut!xijmf!nbjoubjojoh!obuvsbm!fdptztufn!gvodujpot;!tupsnxbufs!sfufoujpo-! Qspevdfe!bu!Dibssfuuf dpotjefsfe!gps!jnqmfnfoubujpo!jo!uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!Qmbo!bsfb!jodmvef;! ¸! ¸!Cjp.sfufoujpo!dfmmt-!dpnnpomz!lopxo!bt!sbjo!hbsefot-!bsf!sfmbujwfmz!tnbmm.tdbmf-!mboetdbqfe!efqsfttjpot!xjui! qppsmz!esbjojoh!tpjmt/! ¸!Tupsnxbufs!qmboufst-!npsf!fohjoffsfe!uibo!sbjo!hbsefot-!tupsnxbufs!qmboufst!bsf!eftjhofe!up!bddfqu!tupsnxbufs! xifsf!qsbdujdbcmf-!up!obuvsbm!gfbuvsft!tvdi!bt!uif!xfumboet-!Dmbz!Dsffl!ps!Dfnfufsz!Dsffl/! ¸! Kbovbsz!3126}!Usbotqpsubujpo!Hspxui!Nbobhfnfou Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework Jogsbtusvduvsf sbjogbmm!up!tupsn!tfxfst!xijdi!dbo!cf!tnbmmfs!jo!tj{f!boe!mftt!dptumz!up!fohjoffs!boe!cvjme/! ¸ \] 30 ¸Hsffo!sppgt!bsf!qbsujbmmz!ps!dpnqmfufmz!dpwfsfe!xjui!qmbout/!Hsffo!sppgt!ifmq!njujhbuf!uif!ufoefodz!gps!vscbo!bsfbt!up!ibwf!ijhifs! mjgf!boe!sfevdjoh!fofshz!dptut/ eftjho!boe!fohjoffsjoh!pg!gvuvsf!tupsnxbufs!tztufnt!—dpowfoujpobm!boe!mpx.jnqbdu!bmjlf/!Qsfmjnjobsz!ebub!gspn!uif!VTEB! Obuvsbm!Sftpvsdft!Dpotfswbujpo!Tfswjdf!boe!b!Dvtupn!Tpjm!Sftpvsdf!Sfqpsu!gps!Kbdltpo!Dpvouz!tipx!uibu!uif!tpjmt!jo!uif!bsfb! hfofsbmmz!esbjo!wfsz!qppsmz/!B!efubjmfe!bttfttnfou!pg!tpjmt!nvtu!cf!b!qbsu!pg!qsf.efwfmpqnfou!hfpufdiojdbm!jowftujhbujpot/! TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ qfsnjuufe!mboe!vtft!jt!gvoebnfoubmmz!tvtubjobcmf!cfdbvtf!dpnqbdu!vscbo!gpsn!fodpvsbhft!bdujwf!usbotqpsubujpo!bt!b!dpowfojfou! xfumboet!boe!sftupsbujpo!pg!uif!dsffl!ibcjubu!csjoht!obuvsf!jo!xijmf!ju!bmtp!qspwjeft!mpxfs!jnqbdu!—boe!mftt!dptumz—!tpmvujpot!up! Ofjhicpsippe!Qmbo!jt!dpotjtufou!xjui!uif!gsbnfxpsl!pg!uif!VT!Hsffo!Cvjmejoh!Dpvodjm!MFFE!Ofjhicpsippe!Efwfmpqnfou! boe!uif!Tvtubjobcmf!Tjuft!Jojujbujwf!)TJUFT*/!Cpui!uif!MFFE!OE!sbujoh!tztufn!ftubcmjtife!VTHCD!boe!TJUFT!ftubcmjti!tfut! tvtubjobcmf!eftjho!boe!dpotusvdujpo!xjmm!cf!b!qsfsfrvjtjuf!gps!efwfmpqnfou-!ju!jt!bmm!uif!npsf!fttfoujbm!uibu!uif!fmfnfout!pg! tvtubjobcjmjuz!bsf!cvjmu!joup!fbdi!pg!uif!gsbnfxpslt!gps!uif!Opsnbm!Ofjhicpsippe!;!Ipvtjoh!boe!Mboe!Vtf<!Hsffoxbz!boe!Pqfo! Tqbdf<!Npcjmjuz<!boe!Jogsbtusvduvsf/! | Parametrix | Urbsworks | Qamar Architecture & Town Planning | Leland Consulting | Nevue Ngan Djuz!pg!Btimboe! Normal Neighborhood District Dated March, 2015 Chapter 18 Code Amendments Purpose Applicability General Requirements Use Regulations Regulations Site Development and Design Standards Conservation Areaoverlay Advanced Financing District\[Placeholder\] Review and Approval Procedure The neighborhood is designed to provide an environment for traditional neighborhood living. The Normal Neighborhood Plan is a blueprint for promoting a variety of housing types while preserving open spaces, stream corridors, wetlands, and other significantnatural features. The neighborhood commercial area is designated to promote neighborhood serving businesses with building designs that reflectthe character of the neighborhood and where parking is managed through efficient on-street and off-street parking resources. The neighborhood will be characterized by a connected network of streets and alleys, paths and trails, with connection to the natural areas, wetlands, and streams. This network will also connect to the larger network of regional trails, paths,and streets beyond the boundaries of the apply principles of low impact development to neighborhood.The development of the neighborhood will minimize the extent and initial cost of new infrastructure and to promote the benefits of stormwater management. This chapter applies to properties designated as Normal Neighborhood District on the Ashland Zoning Map, and pursuant to the Normal Neighborhood Plan adopted by Ordinance\[#number (date)\]. Development located within the Normal Neighborhood Districtis required to meet all applicable sections of this ordinance, except as otherwise provided in this chapter; where the provisions of this chapter conflict with comparable standards described in any other ordinance, resolution or regulation, the provisions of the Normal Neighborhood Districtshall govern. Regulations Page 1of 11 A. Conformance with the Normal Neighborhood Plan . Land uses and development, including construction of buildings, streets, multi-use paths, and conservation shall be located in accordance with those shown on the Normal Neighborhood Plan maps adopted by Ordinance \[#number (date)\]. . B. Performance Standards Overlay All applications involving the creation of three or more lots shall be processed under chapter 18.3.9Performance Standards Option. C. Amendments. Major and minor amendments to the Normal Neighborhood Plan shall comply with the following procedures: 1. Major and Minor Amendments a. Major amendments are those that result in any of the following: i.A change in the land use overlay designation. ii.A change in the maximum building height dimensional standards in section18.3.4.050 iii.A change in the allowable base density, dwelling units per acre, in section iv.A change in the Plan layout that eliminates a street, access way, multi-use path or other transportation facility. v.A change in the Plan layout that provides an additional vehicular access point onto East Main Street or Clay Street. vi.A change in the Plan layout that eliminates or reduces anarea designated as a conservation or open space area. vii.A change not specifically listed under the major and minor amendment definitions. b. Minor amendments are those that result in any of the following: i.A change in the Plan layout that requires a street, access way, multi-use path or other transportation facility to be shifted fifty (50) feet ormorein any direction as long asthe change maintains the connectivity established by Normal Avenue Neighborhood Plan. ii.A change in a dimensional standard requirement in section, but not including height and residential density. iii.A change in the Plan layout that changes the boundaries or location of a conservation areato correspond with a delineated wetland and water resource protection zone,or relocation of a designated open space area,provided there isno reduction in the contiguous areapreserved. 2. Major Amendment –Type II Procedure . A major amendment to the Normal Neighborhood Plan is subject to a public hearing and decision undera Type II Procedure. A major amendment may be approved uponfinding thatthe proposed modification will not adversely affect the purpose of the Normal Neighborhood Plan.A major amendment requires a determination by the City that that: Page 2of 11 a.The proposed amendmentmaintains the transportation connectivity established by the Normal Neighborhood Plan; b.The proposed amendmentfurthersthe street design and access management concepts of the Normal Neighborhood Plan. c.The proposedamendmentfurthers the protection and enhancement of the natural systems and features of the Normal Neighborhood Plan, including wetlands,stream beds, and water resource protection zones by improvingthe quality and function of existing natural resources. d.The proposed amendmentwill not reduce the concentrationorvariety of housing types permitted in the Normal Neighborhood Plan. e.The proposed amendmentis necessaryto accommodate physical constraints evident on the property, or to protect significant natural features such as trees, rock outcroppings, streams,wetlands, water resource protection zones, or similar natural features, or to adjust to existing property lines between project boundaries. 3. Minor Amendment –Type 1 Procedure. A minor amendment to the Normal Neighborhood Development Plan which is subject to an administrative decision under the Type I Procedure. Minor amendments are subject to the Exception to the Site Design and Use Development Standards of chapter Use Regulations A. Plan overlayzones .There are fourLand Use Designation Overlays zones within the Normal Neighborhood Planare intended to accommodate a variety of housing opportunities, preserve natural areas and provide open space. 1. Plan NN-1-5zone The use regulations and development standards are intended to create, maintain and promote single-dwelling neighborhood character. A variety of housing types are allowed, in addition to the detached single dwelling. Development standards that are largely the same as those for single dwellings ensure that the overall image and character of the single-dwelling neighborhood ismaintained. 2. Plan NN-1-3.5zone . The use regulations and development standards are intended to create, maintain and promote single-dwellingneighborhood character. A variety of housing types are allowedincluding multiple compact attached and/or detached dwellings. Dwellings may be grouped around common open space promotinga scale and character compatible with single family homes. Development standards that are largely the same as those for single dwellings ensure that the overall image and character of the single-dwelling neighborhood is maintained. 3. Plan NN-1-3.5-C zone. The use regulations and development standards are intended to provide housing opportunities for individual households through development of multiple compact attached and/or detached dwellingswith the added allowance for neighborhood-serving commercial mixed- Page 3of 11 uses so that many of the activities of daily living can occur withinthe Normal Neighborhood. The public streets within the vicinity of the NN-1-3.5-Coverlay are to provide sufficient on-street parking to accommodate ground floor neighborhood business uses. 4.Plan NN-2zone . The use regulations and development standards are intended to create and maintain a range of housing choices, including multi-familyhousing within the context of the residential character of the NormalNeighborhood Plan. B. Normal Neighborhood Plan Residential Building Types. The development standards for the Normal Neighborhood Plan will preserve neighborhood character by incorporatingfour distinctland use overlay areas with different concentrations of varying housing types. 1. Single Dwelling Residential Unit. A Single Dwelling Residential Unit is a detached residential building that contains a single dwelling with self-contained living facilities on one lot. It is separated from adjacent dwellings by private open space in the form of side yards and backyards, and set back from the public street or common green by a front yard. Auto parking is generally on the same lotin agarage, carport, or uncovered area. The garage may be detached or attached to the dwelling structure. 2. Accessory Residential Unit. An Accessory Residential Unit is a secondary dwelling unit on a lot where the primary use is a single-family dwelling, either attached to the single-family dwelling or in a detached building located on the same lot with a single-family dwelling, and having an independent means of access. 3. Double Dwelling Residential Unit. (Duplex) ADouble Dwelling Residential Unit isa residential building that contains two dwellingslocated on a single lot, each with self-contained living facilities. Double Dwelling Residential Units must share a common wall or a common floor/ ceilingandare similar to a Single Dwelling Unitin appearance, height, massing and lot placement. 4. Attached Residential Unit .(Townhome, Rowhouse) An Attached Residential Unit issingle dwelling located on an individual lot which isattached along one or both sidewalls to an adjacent dwelling unit. Private open space may take the form of front yards, backyards, or upper level terraces. The dwelling unit may be set back from the public street or common green by a front yard. . 5.Clustered Residential Units -Pedestrian-Oriented Pedestrian-Oriented Clustered Residential Unitsare multiple dwellings grouped around common open space that promote a scale and character compatible with single family homes. Units are typically arranged around a central common green under communal ownership. Auto parking is generally groupedin a shared surface area or areas. Page 4of 11 6.Multiple Dwelling Residential Unit. Multiple Dwelling Residential Units are multiple dwellings that occupy a single building or multiple buildings on a single lot. Dwellings may take the form of condominiums or apartments.Auto parking is generally provided in a sharedparking area orstructured parking facility. 7. Cottage Housing. \[Placeholder: Description to be added consistent with Unified Land Use Ordinancewhen amended\] C. GeneralUse Regulations . Uses and their accessory uses are permitted, special permitted or conditional uses in the Normal Neighborhood Plan area as listed in the Land Use Table. Table Land UseNN-1-5NN-1-3.5NN-1-3.5-CNN-2 Descriptions Single family SuburbanSuburbanMulti-family ResidentialResidentialResidentialLow Density with Residential commercial Residential Uses Single Dwelling Residential Unit PPNN (Single-Family Dwelling) Accessory Residential UnitPPPN Double Dwelling Residential Unit NPPP (Duplex Dwelling) Cottage Housing \[Placeholder\]PNNN Clustered Residential Units NPPP Attached Residential UnitNPPP Multiple Dwelling Residential Unit NPPP (Multi family Dwelling) Manufactured Home on Individual LotPPPP Manufactured Housing DevelopmentNPPP Neighborhood Business and Service Uses Home OccupationPPPP Retail Sales and Services, with each building limited to NNPN 3,500 square feet of gross floor area Professional and Medical Offices, with each building NNPN limited to 3,500 square feet of gross floor area Light manufacturing or assembly of items occupying six hundred (600) square feet or less, and contiguous NNPN to the permitted retail use. RestaurantsNNPN Day Care CenterNNPN Assisted Living FacilitiesNCCC Public and Institutional Uses Page 5of 11 Religious Institutions and Houses of WorshipCCCC Public BuildingsPPPP Community GardensPPPP Openspace and Recreational FacilitiesPPPP P = Permitted Use;CU = Conditional Use Permit Required; N = Not Allowed 1. Permitted Uses. Uses listed as “Permitted (P)” are allowed. All uses are subject to the development standards of zone in which they are located, any applicable overlay zone(s), and the review procedures of Part 18.5. See section Determination of Review Procedure. Conditional Uses. 2.Uses listed as “Conditional Use Permit Required (C)” are allowed subject to requirements of chapter18.5.4Conditional Use Permits. the 3.Prohibited Uses. Uses not listed in the Land Use Table,and not found to be similar to an allowed use following the procedures of section18.1.5.040Similar Uses,are prohibited. Dimensional Regulations A. The lot and building dimensionsshall conform to the standards in Table Table Dimensional StandardsNN-1-5NN-1-3.5NN-2 NN-1-3.5C Base density, dwelling units per acre4.57.213.5 MinimumLot Area, square feet 1 5,00035003000 (applies to lots created by partitions only) Minimum Lot Depth, feet 1 808080 (applies to lots created by partitions only) Minimum Lot Width, feet 1 503525 (applies to lots created by partitions only) Setbacks and yards (feet) Minimum Front Yardabutting a street151515 Minimum Front Yard to a garagefacing a public street, 202020 feet Minimum Front Yard to unenclosed front porch, feet888 222 666 Minimum Side Yard 00 33 Minimum Side Yard abutting a public street101010 Minimum Rear Yard 10 ft per Bldg Story, 5 feet per Half Story Setback and yard requirements shall conform to the Solar Access Solar Access standards of chapter18.4.8 Maximum Building Height, feet / stories35 / 2.535 / 2.535 / 2.5 Maximum Lot Coverage, percentage of lot50%55%65% Page 6of 11 Minimum Required Landscaping, percentage of lot50%45%35% Seesection18.4.3.080Vehicle Area Design Parking Requirements Minimum Outdoor Recreation Space, percentage of lotnana8% 1Minimum Lot Area , Depth, and Width requirements do not apply in performance standards subdivisions. 2Minimum Front Yard to an unenclosed front porch (Feet),or the width of any existing public utility easement, whichever is greater; an unenclosed porch must be no less than 6 feet in depth and 8 feet in width, see section for definition of porch. 3Minimum Side Yard for Attached Residential Units (Feet) B.Density Standards Development density in the Normal Neighborhood shall not exceed the densities established by Table18.3.4.050,except where grantedadensity bonus under chapter18.3.9. Performance Standards Optionsand consistent with the following: 1General Density Provisions. a. The density in NN-1-5,NN-1-3.5,NN-1-3.5-C and NN-2zones is tobe computed by dividing the total number of dwelling units by the acreage of the project, including land dedicated to the public. b.Conservation Areas including wetlands, floodplain corridor lands, and water resource protection zones may be excluded fromthe acreage of the project for the purposesof calculatingminimum densityfor residential annexations asdescribed in section18.5.8.050.F. c.Units less than 500 square feet of gross habitable area shall count as 0.75 units for the purposes of density calculations. d.Accessory residential units consistent with standards described in section18.2.3.040 are not required to meet density or minimum lot area requirements. e. Accessory residential units shall be included for the purposes of meeting minimum density calculation requirements for residential annexations as described in18.5.8.050.F. 2. Residential Density Bonuses . a. The maximum residential densitybonusespermitted shall beas described in section b.Cottage Housing. \[Placeholder: In the NN-1-5zone, developments meeting the standards of section 18.x.xx.xxxCottage Housing willreceive a density bonus consistent with 18.x.xx.xxx \[to reference the density bonus standards stipulated in the ULUO\] Development and Design Standards. The Normal Neighborhood District Design Standards provide specific requirements for the physical orientation, uses and arrangement of buildings; the management of parking;and access to development parcels. Development located in the Normal Neighborhood Districtmustbe designed and constructedconsistent with the Site Design and Use Standards chapter18.5.2and the following: A. Street Design and AccessStandards. Design and construct streets and public improvements in accordance with the Ashland Street Standards.A change in the design of a street in a manner Page 7of 11 inconsistent with the NormalNeighborhood Planrequires a minor amendment in accordance with section 1.Conformance with Street Network Plan: New developments mustprovide avenues, neighborhood collectors, streets, alleys, multi-use paths, and pedestrian and bicycle improvements consistent with the design concepts within the mobility chapter of the Normal Neighborhood Plan Framework and in conformance with the Normal Neighborhood Plan Street Network Map. a. Streets designated as Shared Streets on the Normal Neighborhood Plan Street Network Map may be alternatively developed as alleys, or multiuse paths provided the following: i. Impacts to the water protection zones are minimized tothe greatest extent feasible. ii. Pedestrian and bicyclist connectivity, as indicated on the Normal Avenue Neighborhood Plan Pedestrian and Bicycle Network Map, is maintained or enhanced. 2Storm water management. The Normal Neighborhood Plan uses street trees, green streets, and other green infrastructure to manage stormwater, protect water quality and improve watershed health. Dischargeofstorm water runoff must be directed into a designated green street and neighborhood storm water treatment facilities. a.. Design Green Streets. Streets designated as Green Streets withinthe Street Network, and as approved by the Public Works Department,shall conform to the following standards: i.New streets mustbe developedso asto capture and treat stormwater in conformance with the City of Ashland StormWater Master Plan. 3. Access Management Standards: To manage access to land uses and on-site circulation,and maintain transportation safety and operations, vehicularaccessmust conform to the standards set forth insection, and asfollows: a. Automobile access to development is intended to beprovided by alleys where possible consistent with the street connectivity approval standards. Curb cuts along a Neighborhood Collector or shared street are tobe limited to one per b. block, or one per 200feetwhere established block lengths exceed 400 feet. 4. Required On-Street Parking : On-street parking is a key strategy to traffic calming and is required along the Neighborhood Collectorand LocalStreets. B. Site and Building Design Standards. 1. Lot and BuildingOrientation: Page 8of 11 a. Lot Frontage Requirements:Lots in the NormalNeighborhood are required to have their Front Lot Line on a street or a Common Green. b.Common Green. The Common Green provides access for pedestrians and bicycles to abutting properties. Common greens are also intended to serve as a common open space amenity for residents. The following approval criteria and standards apply to common greens: i. Common Greens must include at least 400 square feet of grassy area, play area, or dedicated gardening space, which must be at least 15 feet wide at its narrowest dimension. 2. Cottage Housing :PLACEHOLDER\[PENDING ULUO amendments\] Cottage housing developmentsare allowed within the NormalNeighborhood subject to the applicablestandards of chapter \[\] Cottage Housing and as follows: a. Cottage housing developments are allowed within the NN-1-5zone subject to the applicable provisions of the underlying zone and review through Chapter18.3.9Performance Standards Option. i. In the NN-1-5zones, cottage house units developed consistent with the requirements of chapter \[ Reserved\] will be awarded a density bonusas approved under section \[PENDING\]. . 3. Conservation ofNatural Areas. Development plans mustpreserve water quality, natural hydrology and habitat, andpreserve biodiversity through protection of streams and wetlands. In addition to the requirements of 18.3.11Water ResourcesProtection Zones (Overlays), conserving natural water systems must beconsidered in the site design through the application of : the following guidelines a.Designated stream and wetland protection areas are tobe considered positive design elements and incorporated in the overall design of a given project. b.Native riparian plantmaterials mustbe planted in and adjacent to the creek to enhance habitat. c.Create a long-term management plan for on-site wetlands, streams, associated habitats and their buffers. 4.Storm WaterManagement. Natural water systems regulate water supply, provide biological habitat, and provide recreational opportunities.To minimize infrastructure costs and the adverse environmental effects of storm water run-off, from building roofs, driveways, parking areas, sidewalks and other hard surfaces must be managed through implementation of the following storm water management practices: a. When required by the City Engineer, the applicant mustsubmit hydrology and hydraulic calculations, and drainage area maps to the City, to determine the quantity of predevelopment, and estimated post-development,storm water runoff and evaluate the effectiveness of storm water management strategies.Computations mustbe site specific and Page 9of 11 must account for conditions such as soil type, vegetative cover, impervious areas, existing drainage patterns, flood plain areas and wetlands. b.Future Peak Storm waterflows and volumes shall not exceed the pre-development peak flow. The default value for pre-development peakflow is.25 CFS per acre. c. Detention volume must besized for the 25 year,24 hour peak flow and volume. d. Development must comply withone ormore of following guidelines. i.Implementstorm watermanagement techniques that endeavor to treat the water as close as possible to the spot where it hits the groundthrough infiltration, evapotranspiration or through capture and reuse techniques. ii.Use on-site landscape-based water treatment methods to treat rainwater runoff from all surfaces, including parking lots, roofs, and sidewalks. iii.Usepervious or semi-pervious surfaces that allow water to infiltrate soil. iv.Design grading and site plansthat create a system that slows the stormwater, maximizing time for cleansing and infiltration. v.Maximizing the length of overland flow of storm waterthrough bioswales and rain gardens, vi.Use structural soils in those environments that supportpavements and trees yet are free draining. vii.Plant deep rooted native plants. viii,Replace metabolically active minerals, trace elements and microorganism rich compost in all soils disturbed through construction activities. 5.Off-Street Parking. Automobile parking, loading and circulation areas mustcomply with the requirements of chapter 18.4.3 Parking, Access, and CirculationStandards, and as follows: a. Neighborhood serving commercial uses within the NN-1-3.5-Czonemusthave parking primarily accommodated by the provision of on-street parking spaces, and are not required to provide off-street parking or loading areas, except for residential uses where one space shall be provided per residential unit. Site Development and Design Standards to the An exception to the requirements Site Development and Design Standardsmustfollow the procedures and approval criteria adoptedunder section18.4.1.030,unless authorized under the procedures for amajor amendment to plan. SpaceAreaOverlay All projects containing land identified as Open SpaceAreasonthe Normal Neighborhood Plan Open Space NetworkMapmust dedicate those areas as: common areas, public open space, or private open space protected by restrictive covenant. It is recognized that the master planning of the properties as part of the Normal Neighborhood Plan imparted significant value to the land, and the reservationof lands for recreational open space and conservation purposes is proportional to the value bestowed upon the property through the change in zoning designationand future annexation. Page 10of 11 Advance Financing District \[Placeholder if applicable\] Review and Approval Procedure. All land use applications are to bereviewed and processed in accordance with the applicable procedures of Part 18.5. Page 11of 11 Zoning NN-1-5 NN-1-3.5 NN-1-3.5-C NN-2 Open Space Road Classifications neigborhood collector local street shared street path \[ Normal Neighborhood Plan Draft - February 2015 0200400800Feet