HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-08-22 Housing & Human Services PACKET Housing And Human ServicesCommittee Agenda Community Development Building 51 Winburn Way Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Housing and Human Services Advisory Committeemeeting is encouraged to do so. If you wish to speak, please rise and, after you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and complete address for the record. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note the public testimony may be limited by the Chair. August 22, 2024 AGENDA I.CALL TO ORDER: 4:00 p.m. II.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA III.CONSENT AGENDA A.Approval of July 18, 2024,Minutes IV.PUBLIC FORUM (4:05-4:10p.m.) A.Public Forum. V.NEW BUSINESS A.New Member Welcome and Introductions (4:10-4:25p.m.). B.Education and Community Engagement Planning Discussion Continued (4:25-5:10p.m.). C.Homeless Services Masterplan Report Presentation Debrief and Next Steps (5:10-5:25p.m.). D.Night Lawn Update (5:25-5:45) VI.UNFINISHED BUSINESS A.None VII.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A.Liaison Reports B.General Announcements VIII.AGENDA BUILDING –Future Meetings IX.ADJOURNMENT:6:00p.m. Next Meeting Date: September 26, 2024 Page 1of 2 Housing And Human ServicesCommittee Agenda In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please email linda.reid@ashland.or.us. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). Page 2of 2 Housing And Human ServicesCommittee Draft Minutes Community Development Building 51 Winburn Way July 18, 2024 Draft Minutes CommissionersPresent:CouncilLiaison: Bob Kaplan Echo Fields Brittney BassDylan Bloom Tiana GillilandStaffPresent: Deb PriceBrandon Goldman; Comm. Dev. Director Rich RohdeLinda Reid; Housing Program Specialist Jonah Liden Commissioner’sAbsent:Absent: Montana HauserKendall Escuin; Admin. Jason Mendoz Crystal Munoz I.CALL TO ORDER: 4:00 p.m. II.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA III.CONSENT AGENDA A.Approval of June 27, 2024, Minutes Rich Rohde/Deb Price, m/s, approval of minutes as presented. Voice Vote: All AYES The minutes from June 27, 2024, have been approved. IV.PUBLIC FORUM (4:05-4:10 p.m.) A.Public Forum. Six guests were in attendance, two of whom have applied to be considered for appointment to the commission. No one spoke to any item on the agenda orany topics not on the agenda. V.NEW BUSINESS A.Homeless Services Masterplan Report Presentation: Jan Calvin, and Echo Fields, presented an overview of the process, take aways, and action items identified in the Homeless Services Masterplan report. B.Homeless Services Masterplan Report Review and Recommendation: Committee Page 1 of 3 Housing And Human ServicesCommittee Draft Minutes members asked several clarifying questions regarding various aspects of the report, including questions about how data was obtained, which populations the City did not hear from, rapid rehousing follow up, and issues of access to resources. Lastly, a discussion of how the report relates to the recent Supreme court rulingwas briefly discussed. Tiana Gilliand/Brittney Bass, m/s, to forward a recommendation to the City Council to accept and approvethe report. Motion passed unanimously. Committee member Rohde expressed a desire to forward a recommendation to identify the HHSAC as a clearing house and designated intermediary to validate and finalize recommendations to the City Council for programs that address the 2024 Homeless Services Masterplan Report. Motion failed for lack of support. C.Education and Community Engagement Planning Discussion Continued: Due to time constraints, the Committee had an abbreviated discussion of the planning for the education and community engagement event. It was generally expressed that a walkable, central location was preferable, and that a more socially oriented venue,or an event that allowed for social interactions,was preferable to a more formal presentation styleeducational event. It was decided to continue the discussion at the next regular meeting in August. D.Housing Production Strategy Project Timeline Check-in: Community Development Director Brandon Goldman, provided a brief overview of the various Housing production strategies that are currently moving forward. VI.UNFINISHED BUSINESS A.None VII.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A.Liaison Reports N/A B.General Announcements VIII.AGENDA BUILDING – Future Meetings Education and Community Engagement Planning(cont.). IX.ADJOURNMENT: Meetingadjourned at6:15 p.m. Page 2 of 3 Housing And Human ServicesCommittee Draft Minutes Next Meeting Date: August 22, 2024 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please . Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable email linda.reid@ashland.or.us arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). Page 3 of 3 Memo DATE: August 22, 2024 TO: Housing and Human Services Advisory Committee FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Manager DEPT: Planning RE: Education and Community Engagement Planning Each year the HHSAC is in charge of developing an educational and community engagement event. The event can take place at any time during the year and should include a component that addresses the issue of rent burden to meet the City’s obligation to the State regarding providingrent burden education to the community. The HHSAC will also have the additional responsibility of incorporating community engagement to help inform the development of the Consolidated Plan for the use of Community Development Block Grant funds, at this or another event. However, both the rent burden and the CDBG events have a lot of flexibility in how the engagement and education can be accomplished. In previous years the HHSAC hasorganized education and engagement events that werecommunity forums with panels of experts. Events that includedround table/world café types of discussions and prioritization processes. One time the HHSAC organized an affordable housing bus tour with the affordable housing developers providing on site presentations about the projects. The HHSAC began the process of brainstorming about what the Committee members might like to do/see/accomplishfor this year’s eventin July, and has identified some aspects that they would like to include thus far, including making sure that whatever venue is chosen is good for walkability, that the event had a social/interactive format rather than a more formal educational forum format. Planning Department 20 East Main StreetTel:541.488.5300 Ashland, Oregon 97520Fax:541.552.2059 ashland.or.usTTY: 800.735.2900 Memo DATE: August 22, 2024 TO: Housing and Human Services Advisory Committee FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Manager DEPT: Planning RE: Homeless Services Assessment Report Presentation Debrief and Next Steps Committee members will share the feedback regarding the homeless Services Assessment Report presentation provided by the City Council, and City staff will share the next steps for the document and identified actions. CITY OF ASHLAND 20 East Main StreetTel:541.488.6002 Ashland, Oregon 97520Fax: 541.488.5311 ashland.or.us TTY: 800.735.2900 Memo DATE: August 22, 2024 TO: Housing and Human Services Advisory Committee FROM: Linda Reid, Housing Program Manager DEPT: Planning RE: Night lawn update A group of citizens have been meeting with the Mayor and the City Manager to discuss issues on the night lawn and to propose possible solutions. CITY OF ASHLAND 20 East Main StreetTel:541.488.6002 Ashland, Oregon 97520Fax: 541.488.5311 ashland.or.us TTY: 800.735.2900