HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-05-04 Budget Committee Minutes BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES —POLICE & MUNICIPAL COURT— MAY 4, 2000 CIVIC CENTER Committee members present: Mayor Cathy Shaw, Cameron Hanson, Cate Hartzell, David Find, Jim Moore, Steve Hauck, Marty Lavine, Don Laws, Regina Stepahin. Committee member(s) absent: Howard Braham. Staff present: Mike Freeman, Lisa Brooks, Scott Fleuter, Allen Dresher, Patrick Caldwell, Sheri Bruce. Regina Stepahin opened the meeting at 7:20 p.m. I. OPENING DISCUSSION Mike Freeman presented material to clear up issues from the previous budget meeting. The issue in question was the historical accounting by classification and the positions by department. Freeman noted that there were unanswered questions pertaining to the historical accounting of City operations. Freeman said, “the important point to focus on, in terms of the first set of numbers, is Capital Improvement and Debt Service. In a sense, these are the drivers of the funds.” Fine commented that the City has done an outstanding job in containing the employee count. Freeman suggests a possible misperception of what the figures are actually saying (referencing ambulance and AFN). Stepahin proposes to go forward with the police department presentation. Ashland Police Chief, Scott Flueter is recognized and proceeds with the presentation. II. PRESENTATION Essential Service Data Flueter opens the floor to questions. Hartzell asks for further information regarding the contractual services. Flueter answered that, “primarily this is in relationship to the schools, International Association of Chiefs of Police NET (website), the LEDS and the new CAD is also a contractual service. We found there were other charges that were moved from other line items.” Moore asks about the renegotiation of the police union and wonders what is the percentage of increase. Fleuter responds that there is a 3% increase. Moore wondered if anyone suggested a stipend for the volunteers, “as a way of income and appreciation to the volunteers.” This has been under consideration. Presentation concluded at 8:20pm III. MUNICIPLE COURT Dresher notes that their biggest expense was a copier. Lavine questions why the court would have such a large expenditure for a copier and notes that he purchased his at Costco for a substantially less sum. Dresher comments that the Court has a high volume of paper processing and part of that processing is duplication of documents. Dresher notes that everything is “pretty much the same as last year.” IV. DISCUSSION Freeman proposes to meet next Monday afternoon to discuss how to present the budget for the next fiscal year and any other ideas the committee may have. He suggested the committee consider having this discussion now opposed to months from now as it is easy to loose the focus. Kenefick suggests that maybe it is time to set aside some time to truly discuss this issues. Police & Court Page 1 May 4, 2000 Hartzell motions and Stepahin seconds that this meeting be continued on Monday, May 8 at 3:30 p.m. It is noted that the press needs to be notified if possible. Despite the debate, Laws contends that the quality of life in Ashland is superior. Nevertheless, we are beginning to reach a point where the citizens will question increasing the expense. V. CONCLUSION Laws moved that the proposed budget for police and court are submitted to the full budget committee for approval. It was further moved, that the meeting should continue on Monday, May 8, 2000. Moore seconds. All AYES. None opposed. Motion passed. VI. PUBLIC INPUT None. Meeting concluded at 8:50 p.m. and is continued to Monday, May 8,2000. Respectfully submitted, Sheri Bruce Police & Court Page 2 May 4, 2000