HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-03-07 Budget Committee Minutes Economic and Cultural Development Grant Presentation Minutes March 7, 2001, 7:00pm City Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street ROLL CALL Present: John Morrison, Regina Stepahin, Cate Hartzell, David Williams, and David Fine. Absent: Alan DeBoer Others: Citizen’s Committee Representative Russ Silbiger Staff: Lee Tuneberg, Kirsten Bakke CALL TO ORDER Russ Silbiger called the meeting to order at 7:05pm. OPENING DISCUSSION Lee Tuneberg made introductions and explained that the grant money we were working with was provided by money set aside for the various grants that is generated by the transient occupancy tax; we calculate the revenue for the transient occupancy tax for next year to be about 1.2 million. One third is set aside for Economic and Social Development Grants and includes the money that goes to OSF and the Chamber. Of that one-third, 12 % goes to miscellaneous Economic and Cultural Grants. This year’s grant calculation is $46,000. Tuneberg said he would keep time for presentations. Regina Stepahin asked for clarification of the amount available this year. Tuneberg said last years calculation was quite generous and that we were following the resolution this year at the calculation provided. Cate Hartzell recommended a 5-minute presentation limit, which was mutually agreeable to all subcommittee members. The Committee asked to conclude tonight if possible. They requested application format changes reflecting how funds were previously used with more information about the self-reliance of the organizations. They were interested in how many Ashland citizens were affected by these grants. PRESENTATIONS Siskiyou Singers $5,000 Jennifer Schloming presented for the Siskiyou Singers. She began the presentation with information of allocations of previous Grants received. The Grant received 2 years ago for $5,000 was used for music and musicians. An active guild has formed with a few members, and has donated $2,500, which was matched by $2,500 for a total of $5,000 used for purchasing a time CD so that the organization will have money banked. Donations go into a savings account. Hartzell asked about the intended use for the savings. Schloming explained that savings would cover costs for stage and music accompaniment. Stepahin asked if $3000 could be effectively used. Williams confirmed performances for the year. Cut back from a 3- program year to a 2-program year. Williams asked about risers. Schloming said the risers were 34 inches deep and had room for a chair. Ashland Gallery Association $8,000 No one was present from the Ashland Gallery Association. Economic and Cultural Development 3-7-01 – Budget Subcommittee Page 1 of 6 Ashland Community Theatre $6,450 Joe Fenwick, Artistic Director and Joelle Gray presented for the Ashland Community Theatre. The theatre started in the old Armory and was approached by Dale Brookland to join in a venture of sharing space with the middle school. Last years monies were spent on building new risers and equipment to readapt to a new venue. Looking forward to more involvement of the community. Last year had a theatre workshop for children. List of items needed: audio system, more curtains, and children’s feature expanded in theatre. One week acting camp K-12 professionals from Shakespeare coming in to teach acting. Developing program at the middle school Introducing young people to theatre. Joe thanked the committee for funds granted last year. They are actively seeking other funds by grant writing, for enhancements to space at middle school. Hartzell asked about a cooperation with OSF, regarding donations of curtains. Joe responded explaining their resourcefulness in receiving props from Ashland high school. Williams asked about participation numbers. Joe said numbers were lacking last year because of the new venue. First show this year has surpassed their projections. Joe said the number of seats were 320 for the break-even point per production. He also said that renting the middle school commons this summer to the Britt Festival would raise revenues. Southern Oregon Film Society $10,000 Doreen Wood, Co-Founder and Creative Director presented for Southern Oregon Film Society. She began the presentation by thanking the committee for last years grant award. She displayed an award offered by the Film Society for a competition they were having. Wood explains they were very frugal with their allocation of funds and were a 100% volunteer organization. Entries were coming in and they were working with Portland on the competition. She said they were working cooperatively with SOU and that their class was considered the most popular class at SOU. The money from the Grant requested would go for Office space and they were receiving computer donations. Silbiger asked if they were on track with their sponsors. Wood said they were and that the Sundance channel approached them, and that they had a lot of people on board. So far they this year they have raised over $4000. Hartzell asked about the typical trajectory. Wood said that the Film festival was not taking out loans, as they had the benefit of learning from the Taos Talking Pictures experience. Wood said they would definitely be solvent by year 6. Rogue Valley Symphony $7,500 Frances Van Ausdal, and Tom O’Rourk, presented for Rogue Valley Symphony. He began by thanking the committee for last year’s support. He explained this year’s goal of outreach, concerts with full symphony, and the spring time Mozart Series. Van Ausdal said that they were the 3rd largest Symphony in the state, and they generate income for the community. They have 80 Paid musicians, half of which are Ashland residents. Past goals of the committee have been to perform Oct through May, providing diversity of cultural opportunities for the community. Guest conductor from SOU. Reach out to citizens to perform. Van Ausdal’s feeling was that Ashland’s culture was supporting the rest of the Rogue Valley. Stepahin said she was impressed by the personal financial commitment of the board members. Arts Council of Southern Oregon $5,000 Lois Langlois and Lesley Toomly presented for the Arts Council of Southern Oregon. Langlois thanked the committee for the funding over the last couple of years. She explained that half of their regional support base was from Ashland residents. Some of their goals this year included a series of forums for art business issues covering legal and ethical issues. Their focus this year was the brave new world of the arts technology. Students would be prime attendees of these forums, which would provide authoritative knowledge on the business of the arts. Langlois estimated that marketing and advertising costs promoting programs and forums for students from Ashland schools, including the mentoring program, would be the greatest expense this year. Langlois anticipated 100 people at each forum. She said they were actively writing grants for a variety of innovative programs. Hartzell asked about the length and fees for the forums. Economic and Cultural Development 3-7-01 – Budget Subcommittee Page 2 of 6 Langlois said the daylong forums were free. Hartzell asked about charging a small fee to supplement the program. Directory with other funds? Don’t plan to do the directory this year. Hartzell asked about coupling with SOU and the continuing education program. Langlois said they will maximize that collaboration as much as possible. Ongoing service to the city and replicated to other municipalities. St. Clair Productions $14,000 Ariella St. Clair presented for St. Clair Productions. She said that she had been producing events for the last 6 years. She said she had applied for 501c(3) status under the group exemption of the North American Folk Music and Dance Alliance. St. Clair said that this year she wanted to produce a Series of Eclectic Music and more concerts than the 14 concerts produced last year. She said she takes a chance on unknowns and name acts; such as Kitka, Suki, etc. In January of this year she produced the first Rogue Valley Blues Festival. She would like to expand this year to include 30 musicians and 3 concerts. St. Clair felt that because of the Rogue Valley Blues Festival that Ashland had great media coverage in January during the off season. She said that the grant would help cover the guarantees for musicians. Hartzell questioned the drawing of salaries as a 501c3. Hartzell also questioned if there were caps for the next years musician guarantees, to assure coverage. Fine noticed in St. Clair Productions budget that the producers fee was 25% of income from concerts. Fine concerned with drawing salaries of 25% if 501c3. Hartzell asked how it would affect them if they didn’t receive all funds requested. St. Clair stated that they would be more aggressive in offering Memberships like the ones gathered last year. Hartzell asked about a business plan that showed trajectory. St. Clair said they did not have one at this time. Rogue Opera $5,000 Marsh Cavoni presented for Rogue Opera. He said they were grateful for help given in the past. He said the organization was founded by Ray Tumbleson and had been around for 25 years. In November they won #1 non-profit in Southern Oregon. Cavoni said Opera includes all the arts, acting, singing, etc. Their Outreach programs bringing small versions of operas to different schools have been serving youth for 21 years. Directed by Gwen Overland, conducted by strong ties with Ashland. 50% from Ashland. Reach 10-12,000 students each year from Klamath Falls to Grants Pass. Debunk the myths. Hartzell asked how used that video. Used for student’s question and answer. Nationwide studies of influence of Mozart. Stepahin commented on lyrical style of grant writing. Ballet Rogue – (formerly Oregon State Ballet) $12,000 Angela Ewing, President, presented for Ballet Rogue. She started by saying that they have received grants for 12 years, and that free ballet in the park, fills a void in the community. She considered it a tradition in Ashland. Ewing said that monies received from the Nutcracker performance go to Ballet in the Park. Williams asked about what would happen if they didn’t receive the full amount requested. Ewing said they were trying to raise money with a social Tea event, and a solicitation letter. They were also thinking of ways to cut costs by cutting the amount of productions, and performing at other venues possibly Grants Pass. Fine asked what has been done since 1989 to raise funds. Ewing said a grant writer was coming on board. She said they were limited to collecting donations and could no longer collect donations in the park. Williams asked if they received a limited grant from the City of Ashland would they be limiting their performances to Grants Pass. Williams asked if there would still be performances in Ashland. Fine asked for clarification about point 6 in the grant application. He said he read it to say that if they failed to get the necessary money from the City of Ashland that they would put the money in a bank account to be used in 2002. Ewing said it would be sad to not have the ballet. Hartzell asked about sustaining ballet in the park, and the self-sufficiency of Ballet Rogue. Stepahin was concerned about putting grant money in the bank and the policy of stockpiling money to save for the future. Economic and Cultural Development 3-7-01 – Budget Subcommittee Page 3 of 6 Youth Symphony of Oregon $4,000 Penny Austin, Member of the Board of Directors, presented for Youth Symphony of Oregon. She said they were one of 4 Symphonies in the state. They started in 1988 and were the only youth symphony to have a full orchestral program incorporating the full wind, brass and string. Austin said that out of 3 orchestras with 163 students, 70 students were from Ashland. Students go through an audition based on ability and commit to 2 1/2-hour Sunday afternoon rehearsals, performing at 3 concerts per year, including a Holiday concert in Ashland. Austin said the Youth Symphony was a Winner of the Arts council award and attendance was 100%. Austin described efforts to become self-sufficient, including a 5-year plan. She said they were looking at endowment funds, and instituting a tuition policy set at $150, $50 per concerts series. Also soliciting for underwritten scholarships. No salaries except for 2 nominal salaries for conductors. Morrison asked how long is the average ten-year of students. Austin said it was 5 to 8 years. Hartzell applauded willingness to look at tuition. SOWAC $7,500 Helen Wallace, Executive Director, and Kimberly Ward presented for SOWAC. They began by thanking the committee for support in the past. Previous grants have gone for staffing, training, and providing loans, round table, mentoring and coaching. Wallace said that most of their funding was federal in order to qualify they must receive matching funds from local grants. Wallace said they have an annual fundraising event, and are streamlining staff and activities in order reduce costs. Also they are developing a volunteer core to augment staff and become more self-sufficient. Wallace talked about the upcoming entrepreneurs program and other expansions with Ashland High School. She said that 29 students were involved in the program, and 15 to 20 students were involved in advanced programs. They were developing business plans, including a marketing round table, and mentoring programs with current business owners. Hartzell asked about the $3,500 for Distributive Education Clubs of America, (DECA) program. Informal follows through, to increase technical assistance. Silbiger concerned that the DECA grant doesn’t fit into an economic grant and maybe it’s more of an educational program. Finding a lot of business owners in Ashland hoping by enhancing program at DECA level there will be more involvement by these youth. Continuing technical assistance and follow-up. Southern Oregon Economic Coalition - Emigrant Lake Powwow $5,000 Jody Falsky and Rich Rohde presented for the Southern Oregon Economic Coalition. Falsky said the Powwow was the best opportunity for the Native American culture to share its culture. She discussed their needs for the grant to cover the expense of Emigrant Lake as a venue. Site fee would cost half of requested grant amount. She said they were actively seeking corporate support, and private donors. Falsky explained Powwows do provide revenue from onsite expenses. Promotional first large event. Average turnout 800- 900 people. Great support in the community, multicultural event forum for people to come together and to share. Falsky said they would like to plan as an annual event, and it was an asset to the community. Fine asked how many people participate, as apposed to spectators. Falsky said they had 30-40 volunteers, 7 different dance categories, 100 dancers, and one quarter of those were from Ashland. Hartzell asked about expenses. Falsky said programming costs were $2,000 with additional costs for Aztec dancers, Native American drummers and singers. Budget for total event would be $12,000. Williams asked about the history of the organization. Rohde said they had been around for awhile, and had further reaching plans that centered on wellness. Morrison asked where additional funding would come from. Rohde talked about Grant opportunities, private donors, onsite sales and vendor rents. Hartzell asked what the income stream would look like. What do you usually get with a Powwow. $5,000? Falsky said they could count on $1,200 for the ad booklet, $1,500 for vendor booth rents. They would also receive income from raffles for an estimated total of $5,700. Economic and Cultural Development 3-7-01 – Budget Subcommittee Page 4 of 6 Nuwandart Gallery $5,000 Jochen Ziems and Jonathan Mattoon presented for Nuwandart Gallery. They talked about their goal to provide an outlet for undiscovered artists. Currently they are helping high school students, cancer patients, mentally ill patients, and troubled teens, show their art. Their organization provides a life changing experience for them by offering them a sense of success and achievement. Ziems said they were located on A street, and had success on first Fridays. So far all monies had come from members pockets. Their goal was to help other kids provide money to frame their show. They provided Internships for students who get credit for participating. Ziems said that so far they had received great support from the community and they were providing a service to undiscovered artists. Fine asked for financial statements. Ziems said they were included in grant application. Hartzell asked about paying visiting artists to come if they were just trying to get by. She also asked if you get less what will be your highest priory. Ziems said that the landlord required them to provide an awning, which would cost $1500. Their main goal was to recruit and educate. Hartzell asked how far along they were in the 501c3 process. Ziems said they had applied and there was a copy of the 501c3 application in the back of the Grant application. Ziems said their shows were installations and that was pure art. Ziems said they had a website up and newsletter. It was important to them not to have the feeling of a gift shop. Morrison asked about attendance. So far they have lots of support, and a great press response. 50 – 60 Ashland citizens support in the form of volunteers. Ashland Writer’s Conference $6,000 Jonah Bornstein Director presented for Ashland Writer’s Conference. Bornstein said he brings writers of national reputations to Ashland. Giving resident’s public speeches and readings 4 nights of the 5-day conference. Attendance was 1500 people, 350 people per conference. 180 attendees per workshop. Faculty costs were $10,000 including lodging and travel. Costs for advertising would be $2,500 in regional and national advertising. Bornstein said it was an opportunity for Ashland to have access to great writers. Some of the presenters had been national book award winners, and Pulitzer Prize winners. $2,500 paying for stipend for authors. Bornstein said they provided 4 scholarships for local writers. They were planning a 3- day workshop this spring. Hartzell asked if Jonah hosted events as an individual. Bornstein said that the organization began with Craig and he is no longer involved. Currently they were charging tuition fees of $425. National status was their ultimate goal. Minimal support received from SOU which included printing by SOU and scholarships of $1,000. Morrison asked about specific support from local businesses. Bloomsbury Books sells tickets and provides partial scholarships. Stepahin asked about 501c3 status. Bornstein said he did not have non-profit status and was not currently in the process of filing. Horizon Institute $10,000 Richard Moeschal, Executive Director, presented for Horizon Institute. Moeschal said his organization was involved in cultural activity in a different way. That Horizon Institute was a participatory venue. He thanked the subcommittee for grant funds, last year, which were used to beef up their website. This year they are planning on holding a symposium to address what it means to be a human being. In doing so they plan to involve as many aspects of our community as possible, such as the Schneider Museum, local alternative healers and physicians. Moeschal said this years grant if received would be used for leveler microphones, clerical help, and speakers. Moeschal said that they had hosted 16 speakers in 3 years, and 18 brown bags. Their speakers were featured on Jefferson Exchange, Jeff Golden’s radio show. Hartzell asked about contributions. Moeschal said they received $17,000 last year. Hartzell applauds the progress they have made. Moeschal said they were advertising in Sentient Times. Williams asked how they attract visitors. Moeschal said a Symposium would pull others in, and they were asking local hospitality for a break in lodging. Williams said he was skeptical last year, but he was really impressed with the progress Horizon had made. He said he understood more about the organization this year. Economic and Cultural Development 3-7-01 – Budget Subcommittee Page 5 of 6 DISCUSSION Hartzell asked about allocating tonight. Fine said he would like to continue tomorrow night. Stepahin said she had numbers for tonight. Williams said to go over the numbers while its fresh. Tuneberg asked about applicant that didn’t show. Fine called Ashland Gallery Association and left a message regarding their presence at the meeting. Regina Stepahin presented her fund allocation figures: Arts Council of Southern Oregon $2,500 ~ Ashland Community Theatre $3,950 ~ Ashland Gallery Association $2,450 ~ Ashland Writer's Conference $0 ~ Ballet Rogue $8,000 ~ Horizon Institute $1,500 ~ Nuwandart Gallery $1,500 ~ Rogue Opera $3,000 ~ Rogue Valley Symphony $2,500 ~ Siskiyou Singers $2,400 ~ Southern Oregon Economic Coalition (Powwow) $1,500 ~ Southern Oregon Film Society $7,500 ~ SOWAC $7,500 ~ St. Clair Productions $0 ~ Youth Symphony of Oregon $3,500. Dave Williams presented his fund allocation figures: Arts Council of Southern Oregon $3,000 ~ Ashland Community Theatre $3,500 ~ Ashland Gallery Association $5,000 ~ Ashland Writer's Conference $0 ~ Ballet Rogue $7,000 ~ Horizon Institute $3,000 ~ Nuwandart Gallery $2,000 ~ Rogue Opera $2,500 ~ Rogue Valley Symphony $4,000 ~ Siskiyou Singers $2,000 ~ Southern Oregon Economic Coalition (Powwow) $2,000 ~ Southern Oregon Film Society $4,000 ~ SOWAC $5,000 ~ St. Clair Productions $0 ~ Youth Symphony of Oregon $3,000. Cate Hartzell presented her fund allocation figures: Arts Council of Southern Oregon $3,800 ~ Ashland Community Theatre $4,500 ~ Ashland Gallery Association $2,000 ~ Ashland Writer's Conference $1,500 ~ Ballet Rogue $4,000 ~ Horizon Institute $1,000 ~ Nuwandart Gallery $1,500 ~ Rogue Opera $4,000 ~ Rogue Valley Symphony $4,500 ~ Siskiyou Singers $1,700 ~ Southern Oregon Economic Coalition (Powwow) $4,000 ~ Southern Oregon Film Society $3,000 ~ SOWAC $7,500 ~ St. Clair Productions $0 ~ Youth Symphony of Oregon $3,000. Russ Silbiger presented his fund allocation figures: Arts Council of Southern Oregon $0 ~ Ashland Community Theatre $4,000 ~ Ashland Gallery Association $5,000 ~ Ashland Writer's Conference $1,000 ~ Ballet Rogue $5,000 ~ Horizon Institute $1,500 ~ Nuwandart Gallery $1,000 ~ Rogue Opera $3,000 ~ Rogue Valley Symphony $3,500 ~ Siskiyou Singers $2,000 ~ Southern Oregon Economic Coalition (Powwow) $2,000 ~ Southern Oregon Film Society $7,500 ~ SOWAC $7,500 ~ St. Clair Productions $0 ~ Youth Symphony of Oregon $3,000. John Morrison presented his fund allocation figures: Arts Council of Southern Oregon $2,000 ~ Ashland Community Theatre $3,200 ~ Ashland Gallery Association $3,000 ~ Ashland Writer's Conference $2,500 ~ Ballet Rogue $5,000 ~ Horizon Institute $2,000 ~ Nuwandart Gallery $2,500 ~ Rogue Opera $2,500 ~ Rogue Valley Symphony $4,300 ~ Siskiyou Singers $1,500 ~ Southern Oregon Economic Coalition (Powwow) $4,000 ~ Southern Oregon Film Society $5,000 ~ SOWAC $4,500 ~ St. Clair Productions $0 ~ Youth Symphony of Oregon $4,000. David Fine presented his fund allocation figures: Arts Council of Southern Oregon $2,000 ~ Ashland Community Theatre $4,700 ~ Ashland Gallery Association $2,500 ~ Ashland Writer's Conference $1,000 ~ Ballet Rogue $2,000 ~ Horizon Institute $3,100 ~ Nuwandart Gallery $1,500 ~ Rogue Opera $4,100 ~ Rogue Valley Symphony $4,700 ~ Siskiyou Singers $2,700 ~ Southern Oregon Economic Coalition (Powwow) $2,000 ~ Southern Oregon Film Society $5,200 ~ SOWAC $7,500 ~ St. Clair Productions $0 ~ Youth Symphony of Oregon $3,000. Williams said that the criteria for grants should be a 501c3 otherwise there was potential for abuse. Hartzell said she wanted to support the trend of people trying new things. Hartzell asked about a case for Fines numbers since he won’t be here tomorrow night. Silbiger asked about emailing numbers in the morning and starting fresh tomorrow. ADJOURNMENT Morrison motioned to continue the meeting tomorrow night, March 8, 2001. Hartzel seconded. ALL AYES. None opposed. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 10:20pm. Economic and Cultural Development 3-7-01 – Budget Subcommittee Page 6 of 6