HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-05 Budget Committee Minutes Economic and Cultural Development Grant Presentations Minutes March 5, 2003, 7:00pm Civic Center, Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street CALL TO ORDER Lee Tuneberg Finance Director called the meeting to order at 7:09pm. He then turned the meeting over to the Committee for the election of the Chairperson. ROLL CALL Present: Committee members Chris Hearn, Kate Jackson, Jim Moore, Russ Silbiger, Regina Stepahin and Alex Amarotico Absent: Cate Hartzell, John Morrison and Dave Williams Staff: Finance Director Lee Tuneberg and Administrative Assistant Kirsten Bakke ELECTION OF A CHAIR Committee members Stepahin/Hearn m/s to nominate Silbiger for Chairperson. Voice Vote: ALL AYES. STAFF REPORT Tuneberg began by saying that there were $52,428 in funds available for distribution. He explained that the original estimate was about $50,000 from the Transient Occupancy Tax (Hotel/Motel Tax). He pointed out that there were 19 applicants requesting $139,370. He noted a correction in the materials that were sent to the Committee, saying that the Klamath Bird Observatory did have a current 501c status and their advance-ruling letter was good through 2004. Silbiger asked about the amounts for the other recipients. Tuneberg reported that the Chamber of Commerce would receive $262,140 and Oregon Shakespeare Festival would receive $122,332, saying the three totaled $436,900. He informed that the City was projecting 1.3 million in Transient Occupancy Tax revenue. PUBLIC INPUT Silbiger changed the order of the agenda and opened the meeting for public comment. There being none, the public portion was closed. PRESENTATIONS:In order of receipt of application. GRANT APPLICANT REQUESTED FUNDING Siskiyou Singers $ 6,000 Alison Elliot, Board President began the presentation saying that they have been providing choral music to Ashland for 21 years. She talked about their history, growth and new goals. Stepahin asked about website referrals. Elliott replied that there were links from Ashland businesses. Stepahin asked if they were charging fees for educational outreach. Elliott explained that the program was still in development. Moore asked about revenue projections. Saint Germain, Treasurer said that they were conservative in their estimates. Moore noted that expenditures were up by $6,000. Saint Germain clarified that the Spring concert this year was an opera and would cost more. Planned Parenthood - Teen Theater Program $ 5,000 Maggie Sullivan, Education Program Coordinator, Cil Stengel, Artistic Director and Alex Groveman, Teen Theatre Actor presented. Sullivan explained that the goal is to promote healthy sexuality using teen theater, reaching 5,000 people a year. Stengel talked about the history of the theater. Groveman talked about benefits of the program. Jackson confirmed the benefits of the program. Hearn asked about the subsidization cost. Ms. Sullivan said it was for the salary of the person who works directly with the teens. Silbiger was concerned whether or not this program truly met the Economic and Cultural Development grant criteria or if it was more suited for the Social X:\\Shared City Files\\Council Packets\\Commissions\\Budget Committee\\2003 Minutes\\3-5-03 Economic & Cultural Development Grant Presentations .doc Page 1 of 5 Services grant. Sullivan responded that they were applying for both grants with different programs. Stepahin asked about outcomes. Sullivan said yes, they rely on research regarding age and peer influence. Artattack $ 6,175 Nicole Isaacson-Hill, Vice President began the presentation talking about the opening of their new theatre in the old Cantwell's building. She gave an overview of their organization. She said they were asking for funding for rent this year. Stepahin asked about outreach and long-term broad-based support and if they were charging fees. Hill said no that they weren't charging fees for their outreach program. Siskiyou Institute $ 8,000 Carolyn Federico, Secretary/Treasurer and Ed Dunsavage, Director discussed the history of the organization. She said they were working to develop community evolvement by offering concerts and master classes with world class musicians and events in the off season. Hearn asked about expenses per event and the rental facility. Federico replied that expenses were for paid staff, and that the rental facility was the Siskiyou Barn, which is owned by the President and Vice-President. Jackson asked about other fees. Federico responded that frequently their concert attendees' overlap with the master class students. Jackson asked about student demographics. Federico said majority of students were from Ashland and they are networking with others in the Rogue Valley. Southern Oregon Film Society $ 5,000 Ron Hulteen, Board President began by thanking the Committee for the past year’s support. He talked about the cultural benefits of the film festival and the support from local restaurants and businesses. Jackson asked if the funds requested were for promotional materials. Hulteen said yes, and that they were also requesting funding for guest filmmakers. Silbiger asked about the changes in the Board. Hulteen explained that there were some personal problems between the Founder and the Board. He discussed the changes in scheduling from October to April. Stepahin questioned how last year's $3,000 grant was spent. Hulteen responded that the grant received last year would be spent on the Film Festival set this year in April. Stepahin clarified that this year's request for funding was for the next film festival in 2004. Jackson asked about goals, demographics and the draw from outside of Ashland. Hulteen responded that as they grow they expect to draw from greater areas. Arts Council of Southern Oregon $ 4,000 Lyn Godsey, Executive Director began by thanking the Committee. She talked about their goals with the residency programs. She explained that last year's goals were to provide residencies at three schools, but unfortunately they were only able to provide one. So they have approximately $1,981 in restricted funds to return to the City from last year's grant. She commented that the Proposed State Budget totally eliminates funding for the Oregon Arts Commission until 2005, which significantly impacts the Arts Council. Jackson asked about the length of programs in schools. Godsey explained that most residencies are two weeks. She said that the artist works in the school for no more than 20 hours a week and they offer free family art nights. Stepahin asked if there was a contingency attached to matching funds from the Ashland School's Foundation. Godsey said that there was no contingency. Stepahin clarified that if they didn't receive the full grant requested from the City, the funds from the Ashland School's Foundation were still available. Jackson asked about fundraising. Godsey confirmed that it is contingent on the school. SO Economic Development Coalition $ 5,850 Wendi Siporen and Shareen Fiol, Board Member began by talking about their Livable Jobs Toolkit Workshop series. She gave a background of the organization and said that they are no longer a coalition of separate non- profit organizations. She talked about the benefits the Toolkit would have for small businesses. Silbiger asked about the cost per toolkit. Siporen said budget was broken down into three parts and the Toolkit was originally written by Vermont Business for Social Responsibility Education Research and specifically written for Vermont businesses, so it will take some time to make it Oregon specific. Stepahin asked if they considered partnering with other organizations as co-sponsors. Siporen responded saying that their intention was to utilize those resources, but due to the uniqueness of the program it is not something other local organizations have done in the past. Moore asked about the Vermont choice. Siporen said that Vermont was unique in their approach to this program, so it was a good model to follow. X:\\Shared City Files\\Council Packets\\Commissions\\Budget Committee\\2003 Minutes\\3-5-03 Economic & Cultural Development Grant Presentations .doc Page 2 of 5 Nuwandart$ 2,500 No show at 8:17pm. Ashland Community Theatre $ 8,495 Larry Ziegelmeyer, President and Barbara Jackson, Board Member presented and thanked the Committee for their support. He stated that this year they were requesting funding for chairs, set maintenance, tools to build the sets and a removable panel to separate concession area. Kate Jackson asked about ticket costs. Barbara Jackson answered that the highest priced ticket was $14. Rogue Opera $ 7,000 Lorrie Hall, Co-President and Dr. David McKenzie, Artistic Director presented and talked about their history and the Opera in the Schools program. Hall talked about providing comp tickets to students. Jackson asked for clarification on the number of performances in Ashland. Hall said that last year they did 12 performances in Ashland. SOWAC $ 7,500 Kimberly Ward, Program Manager and Helen Wallace, Executive Director presented and spoke about the organization’s history and their current programs for small businesses. She said the course was 13 weeks and counseling in financial literacy and management followed the life of the business. She stated that $87,919 have been loaned to eight small businesses in Ashland. Moore asked about staff. Ward said that there were eight staff and one contractual person. Jackson asked about support from the banks. Wallace explained they only give loans to people who are not bankable. She said they give small loans between $500 and $25,000. Hearn asked how many people had been served this year through their seminars and one on one. Ward stated that 42 businesses were served in Ashland this year. Rogue Valley Symphony $ 9,600 Francis Van Ausdal, Executive Director and Julia Lester, Board President began by thanking the City of Ashland for supporting the Symphony over the years. He talked about their concert series and programs. Lester emphasized the ways the Symphony was meeting the goals of the resolution pertaining to the grant. She stated that six of the featured soloists are Ashland residents. Jackson asked about other government funding sources. Van Ausdal said that they were hoping for a National Endowment for the Arts grant. He said that they had strong foundational support. Hearn asked for clarification on demographics. Youth Symphony of SO OR $ 4,000 John Richards, Board Member and Musicians' Dylan Lineberger and Sarah Cochren presented. Richards talked about performances saying they were the only venue offering full symphonic opportunities for youngsters. Lineberger and Cochren spoke about their experiences in the Symphony. Richards stated that they train and support 187 young musicians in the valley and produce eight concerts a year, and three of those are in Ashland during the off season. Science Works Hands-On Museum $ 20,000 Sharon Javna, Executive Director presented saying that they have exceeded their projections and membership goals. She talked about the strong relationships with the community and broad-base support. She talked about the museum and their programs and said they were asking for under 4% of their full budget for 2003. She thanked the Committee for past support. Hearn asked about the percentage of patrons who are Ashland residents. Javna said about 50% are from Ashland. Hearn asked how many school children would attend the museum. Javna said they estimate about 5,000 students in 2003. Jackson asked about the target of their marketing program. Javna said that their primary focus is regional. Walk In Peace $ 5,000 Steve Traisman, Founder and Executive Director presented, saying that they produce the Ashland Country Fair and World Peace and Prayer Day. He talked about the events saying they were successful even without marketing. He noted that the Ashland Country Fair brought 4,000 people to Ashland. Jackson asked about financing and the Wellsprings location. Traisman said that this year's event might be at Emigrant Lake. Jackson X:\\Shared City Files\\Council Packets\\Commissions\\Budget Committee\\2003 Minutes\\3-5-03 Economic & Cultural Development Grant Presentations .doc Page 3 of 5 asked about previous funding. Hearn asked about attendance at the Ashland Country Fair. Traisman said that 4,000 people attended last year's event. Hearn asked about their profit and loss statement. Moore asked about the Program Budget. Jackson asked about ticket prices. Traisman said that they charged $10 a day and $25 for the weekend. Ashland Gallery Association $ 6,750 Judy Howard, President began the presentation talking about the history of the organization and their events, including the First Friday Art Walk and the Taste of Ashland. She said that they were asking for funding for marketing and that last year's funds were used to develop the Gallery Guide. Jackson asked about partnership with the Chamber. Howard said that the Chamber was very supportive. Klamath Bird Observatory $ 10,000 Ben Wieland, Program Leader presented and talked about economic figures in relation to bird watching activities. He talked about the outreach and education programs. He said they were working with local bed & breakfasts to put together ecotourism packages for bird watching. Hearn asked about paid staff. Wieland said they had four fulltime staff. Hearn confirmed that they all were Ashland residents. Jackson asked if birding was seasonal. Wieland said it was essentially any season and especially spring and fall during migration. Also, during winter in the Klamath basin. Jackson asked about birding tour packages. Wieland responded that they would offer day birding tours and a full 2-3 day to a weeklong package. Stepahin said that she would have preferred to see more of a specific project or plan. Moore noticed two budgets, a budget and a forecast. Wieland explained the forecast was the current operating budget. Stepahin asked about local grantors. Wieland replied that they received funding from the US Forest Service, Medford BLM, PacificCorp and funding from memberships and private donors. St. Clair Productions $ 3,500 Ariella St. Clair, Founder, President and Concert Producer began the presentation talking about the history of the organization. She said that the grant request would fund the Rogue Valley Blues Festival, increase awareness of event and increase the number of venues for workshops. Stepahin asked about the numbers of booked hotel rooms doubling. Ballet Rogue $ 15,000 Glen Hill, Board President began by thanking the City for 18 years of support. He talked about the goal of six full performances of Ballet in the Park. He detailed an economic study that stated that 700-800 people attended each performance. He said that the budget was $30,000 for the full 6 performances and talked about becoming self- sufficient. Hearn asked about last year's missed deadline. Moore asked about $1,500 in bank charges. Hill explained that the $1,500 was the cost for processing credit cards. Jackson asked about fees for guest dancers. Hill said it was important to have a professional show with a mixture of talent. DISCUSSION The Committee discussed the allocation process in previous years. ALLOCATIONS The Committee agreed to decide on proposed allocations. Tuneberg suggested that each committee member write down their proposed allocations and pass them forward to be put into an Excel spreadsheet to get an average number and make a decision from that average. The Committee discussed recommendations and agreed on the following proposed allocations for the Economic and Cultural Development grants for fiscal year 2003-04. X:\\Shared City Files\\Council Packets\\Commissions\\Budget Committee\\2003 Minutes\\3-5-03 Economic & Cultural Development Grant Presentations .doc Page 4 of 5 FY 03-04 Economic and Cultural Development Grant Subcommittee Proposals Proposed Grant Applicant2003-04 Artattack$ 2,500 Arts Council of Southern Oregon 3,500 Ashland Community Theatre 4,000 Ashland Gallery Association 2,500 Ballet Rogue 4,500 Klamath Bird Observatory - Nuwandart Gallery - Planned Parenthood - Teen Theater Program 1,500 Rogue Opera 3,000 Rogue Valley Symphony 4,000 Science Works - Hands on Museum 7,500 Siskiyou Institute - Siskiyou Singers 2,000 So OR Econonomic Development Coalition 3,714 Southern Oregon Film Society 3,000 SOWAC 5,714 St. Clair Productions 2,000 Walk In Peace - Youth Symphony of Oregon 3,000 Total Proposed Allocations$ 52,428 The Committee discussed issues with the current allocations of the anticipated Hotel/Motel tax monies. (Per Resolution 2000-25, sixty percent (60%) of thirty-three and one third percent (33.3%) is allocated to the Ashland Chamber of Commerce; twenty-eight (28%) is allocated to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival; and twelve percent (12%) is granted to local organizations which promote Economic and Cultural Development). Silbiger/Moore m/s to recommend consideration of the reallocation of the thirty-three and one third percent (33.3%) of the Economic and Cultural Development grant. Voice vote: Motion passed 4 to 2. Amarotico and Hearn opposed. Tuneberg talked about changes with the application process. It was agreed that the meeting should not be televised. Tuneberg said as part of the application redesign, a form would be created for applicants to report on previous year's spending. The Committee suggested changes for next year's grant process. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 11:27pm. 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