HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-12-12 Budget Committee Minutes Budget Committee Meeting Minutes December 12, 2002, 7:00pm Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Marty Levine called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Committee Members Ray Olsen, John Morrison, Don Laws, Alan DeBoer, Jim Moore, Kate Jackson, Cate Hartzell, David Williams, Marty Levine and Regina Stepahin Absent: Russ Silbiger, Susan Reid, Cameron Hanson and Chris Hearn Staff: Brian Almquist, Lee Tuneberg, John McLaughlin, Ken Mickelson, Dave Hard and Kirsten Bakke Others: Councilor Elect Alex Amarotico, Commissioner Elect Diane Amarotico, and Commissioner Elect Mike Gardiner INTRODUCTIONS ELECTION OF A CHAIR, VICE-CHAIR/SECRETARY Committee Members Moore/Olsen m/s to nominate Levine for Chairperson. Voice Vote: All AYES. Stepahin/Williams m/s to nominate Moore for Vice-Chair Secretary. Voice Vote: All AYES. Williams/Stepahin m/s to close nominations. Voice Vote: All AYES. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moore/Jackson m/s to approve the May 16th Budget Committee meeting minutes as presented with typographical errors noted on page 1. Voice Vote: All AYES. BUDGET OFFICER PRESENTATION Tuneberg began the presentation discussing the budget process handout. He said that the Fund Balances were adequate. He spoke about an anticipated 20% increase in health care costs and a 40% increase in the PERS employer share, which is approximately $525,000 for one year. He spoke of last year's process and the Budget Committee Survey for 2002-2003 and the prior year. He referred to the proposed changes in the process and the Budget Calendar. Williams emphasized that staff contribution and responsiveness was outstanding for both years. Tuneberg continued saying that in some cases there was confusion in the process. He proposed that instead of 6 or 7 Thursday night meetings in a row, (in a 6 or 7 week period), that we do 2 or 3 meetings in a couple of weeks. He explained that last year in our 6 departmental meetings, we had a quorum for the Committee at every meeting, so it looked like there was no need for a subcommittee approach for the departmental presentations. Tuneberg noted that the Department's would only speak to the changes from the Baseline Budget in their presentations. He proposed that the Subcommittee approach is still appropriate for the both of the grant meetings. He reminded that both Economic and Cultural Development grants and Social Services grants were meeting during March this year. The Economic and Cultural Development grant is currently awarded annually, we plan to discuss moving it to a two-year schedule in 2004-05, similar to the Social Services grant. He continued going over the 2003-04 proposed budget calendar. He pointed out that the Saturday meetings simplify scheduling, staff work, information sharing and research. Also making it easier for the Committee to weigh all information from the Departments together, dealing with all of the issues at once. Furthermore, he indicated that it would make it easier for staff to do minutes, and allow for more time to prepare the book accurately. Tuneberg stated that it would give additional time to present the budget document in a changed mode, speaking to whatever changed from the baseline. He pointed out that the Committee would receive all information for review, including the proposed budget document, 10 days in advance of the April 24th meeting. He described the proposed process, saying that the "Parking Lot" will not be presented in this process, that 12-12-02 Budget Committee Minutes 08/28/24 1:22 PM Page 1 of 2 staff will present an all encompassing complete budget, rather than a sidebar for additions. He clarified that if the Committee comes up with anything during the process that a sidebar be used and that those items be dealt with before the final approval. The Committee discussed the proposed changes to the budget process. There was concern about stifling the departments needs, fatigue from all day meetings and sacrificing detail. Tuneberg clarified the times and dates of the proposed budget calendar. The Committee considered the options. Levine requested that the Department's provide a one-page summary in advance of the presentations. Hartzell/Jackson m/s that the two Saturday Budget Committee meetings on 4/26/03 and 5/3/03 run from 8:00am to noon on concurrent Saturday's and that staff determine the agendas and appropriate departments presented. There was a discussion. Hartzell Called the Question. Voice Vote: Motion failed 1 to 9. Jackson/Morrison m/s that the two Saturday Budget Committee meetings be scheduled from 8:00am to 2:00pm with lunch, on consecutive Saturday's. Laws/DeBoer m/s to amend the motion to say that staff will determine presentation times for departments. Jackson approved of amendment. Voice Vote: Motion passed 10 to 1. Hartzell opposed. Tuneberg continued the presentation referring to the Assumptions Comparison handout. He noted some corrections on the Property Tax Rate saying it should be the same all the way across the column. There was some discussion regarding the Property Tax Rate. Tuneberg continued explaining the Assumptions Comparison handout. Discussion ensued. Levine suggested a 15-minute break. Tuneberg continued to review handouts. He moved on to the Approved Budget Assumptions for FY 2003- 2004 handout. Hartzell questioned number 12. There was more discussion. Tuneberg responded that he would strike item number 12 (RVTD programs), from the Assumption list since it is more of a program budget item rather than an assumption. Tuneberg continued reviewing the handouts. The Committee talked about increases in PERS and healthcare. They discussed General Fund revenues. Discussion regarding budget training followed. The Committee signed up for budget subcommittees. Hartzell requested polling the grant applicants for meeting times. PUBLIC INPUT Levine opened the meeting for public input. There being none, the public portion was closed. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 9:28pm. 12-12-02 Budget Committee Minutes 08/28/24 1:22 PM Page 2 of 2