HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-08 Budget Committee Minutes Budget Committee Meeting Minutes May 8, 2003, 7:00pm Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Marty Levine called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. ROLL CALL Present: Kate Jackson, Don Laws, Russ Silbiger, Jacquie Christensen, Marty Levine, Jim Moore, Alan DeBoer, Cate Hartzell, Alex Amarotico, Dave Williams, Regina Stepahin. Absent: Chris Hearn, John Morrison, and Ray Olsen. Staff: Gino Grimaldi, Lee Tuneberg, and Cindy Hanks. PUBLIC INPUT None REVIEW CHANGES Tuneberg discussed the agenda and handout. Spoke to the seven items on handout. 1. Move the $151,100 Boulevard Maintenance program from the General Fund back to the Street Fund. 2. Appropriate a $133,000 Transfer for the school grounds maintenance program from the General Fund. 3. Appropriate $133,000 for the school grounds maintenance program in the Parks Division of the Parks & Recreation Fund. 4. Appropriate a $400,000 Interfund Loan to Telecommunications Fund in the Electric Fund. 5. Reduce appropriations in the Central Services Fund, Administration Department by $30,000 due to input error. 6. Reduce appropriations in the Central Services Fund, Administration Department by $23,275 for City Source. 7. Reduce appropriations in the Central Services Fund, Administration Department by $20,000 for Assistant Attorney. Unresolved: Increased amount to Social Services grants - $18,000 to $25,000 Levine questioned motion left on table at last meeting. Lee answered that it is the unresolved amount for the social service grant. Tuneberg explained that we started with a proposed budget of $87,299,000 with these changes, the budget goes up to $87,432,000, increase is $133,000 operating transfer from general fund to parks. Williams questions the ending fund balance of electric that it is below the fund balance policy requirement. Tuneberg responds that it is a target that is set. DeBoer asks to withdrawl the motion. Decision is made to vote on motion. DeBoer m/s: Allocate $18,000 addition to social services grants, $9000 to Community Works $9000 to ICCA. All vote No Hartzell discussed social service and the impact. Discussed the City helping more with funding grantees. DeBoer asked of Tuneberg and Grimaldi what the fiscal impact is. Tuneberg explained that given the transfer of the Boulevard Maintenance to the Street fund means we have room, $18,100 as differential to fund. Grimaldi added to be aware that this is a program where we can control the costs. Silbiger discussed the need and how the state funding is falling short. Jackson expressed that she would like to do more for the social service but would like to talk to other members of the sub-committee regarding the need and if they felt it should be done. Laws/Silbiger m/s for one year, the $25,000 is to increase social service, $18,000 comes from general fund and the $7000 comes from fund balance. All Ayes. Hartzell brought up a question as to why the central service is higher besides PERS being higher. Tuneberg explains the fund balance is under $100,000, and that is what is accepted in the central service fund. Items 5,6,7 put $73,275 back in fund balance. Any excess carry over was pushed back into other funds. DeBoer questioned if we can not take the $25,000 out of the General Fund and use the items 5,6,7. Can we take it out of the central service monies instead? Tuneberg explained that he would not recommend that since each department pays into Central Service. Moore brought up looking again at the disbursement of the TOT monies to Chamber and OSF. Concern about the Chamber not willing to give us a full budget on how that money is spent. DeBoer replied the Chamber will be willing to give us a full budget. Laws agrees with Moore. Added that he and Hartzell will propose changes to council. Additional discussion from Laws regarding history of TOT. Jackson commented she would like more accountability from OSF and Chamber. Moore feels that the increase is going up every year. Levine explains that methodology has not changed through the years. Silbiger explains however there are smaller groups to disburse between so the monies aren’t greater. Amarotico explains the little groups use the monies to promote themselves. OSF and Chamber puts the monies back into the community. Hartzell explains that is not necessarily true. Amarotico added he would like to close by saying what a good job the OSF and Chambers does. Hartzell replied we are appreciative for the partnership we have with them. DeBoer would like to move forward that the Budget Community propose to the Council to look at TOT allocations. Jackson would like to hear whether the budget committee thinks the council should hear those discussions. Silbiger would encourage more to go to other groups. Hartzell discussed the history of TOT. Moore/Jackson m/s to ask that the council look at the current allocation. All yes except Amarotico. Levine discussed when TOT was established it was to be used for economic development, that it shouldn’t be used for transportation. Stepahin asked to state outcome or goal in motion. Laws would like to see totals of use for Economic and Culture and allocation. Williams mentioned that we owe them some monies since OSF is the one that brings the monies for TOT. Feels that it is council’s goal. Hartzell Proposed that $16,000 motion to increase Fire to allow division fire chief. No SECOND. Hartzell discuss that there is a revenue stream untapped for position. Laws would like to discuss more with Fire Department prior to increasing the position. DeBoer/Jackson m/s That the City of Ashland budget committee approve and convey the amended budget to council for adoption and approve taxes for the 2003-2004 fiscal year at the rate of $3.56440 per $1000 of assessed value for operating purposes and in the amount of $598,000 for payment of bond principal and interest and at the rate of $1.38000 per $1000 of assessed value as the Youth Activities local option levy contingent upon voter approval of the YAL on May 20. All yes except Williams and Moore. Silbiger questions $860,000 ending balance.p.4-46. Lee questioned with that motion would that include the changes in the agenda. DeBoer and Jackson answered yes. Williams voices concern over the fund balance for the whole budget. As we keep using the fund balance what will happen to it in the future. Moore thanks the City for looking at AFN in August. As well as concern about reducing the expenses. Hartzell has heard from staff that there have been reductions this year. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Committee thanked Tuneberg for running great staff and department and presenting the budget. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm. Respectfully submitted, Bryn Morrison Administrative Secretary Finance Department