HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-05-24 Budget Committee Minutes BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 24, 2006- PAGE 1 OF 8 Budget Committee Meeting Draft Minutes May 24, 2006, 7:00pm Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street CALL TO ORDER The Citizen’s Budget Committee meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm on May 24, 2006 in Council Chambers at 1175 East Main Street, Ashland Oregon. ROLL CALL Mayor Morrison was present. Councilor Amarotico, Jackson, Silbiger, Hartzell, and Chapman were present. Budget Committee members Bond, Everson, Mackris, Stebbins, Thompson, Levine, and Gregorio were present. STAFF PRESENT: MARTHA BENNETT, CITY ADMINISTRATOR LEE TUNEBERG, AMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR KEITH WOODLEY, FIRE CHIEF MIKE MORRISON, PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT JIM OLSON, ENGINEERING SERVICES MANAGER BILL MOLNAR, INTERIM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ADAM HANKS, CODE COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST CINDY HANKS, PROJECT MANAGER BRYN MORRISON, ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Budget Committee minutes dated: 5/04/06 5/10/06 5/18/06 Everson/Bond ms to accept the minutes as presented. All Ayes. The Committee offered condolences to the family of Jack Hardesty who passed away on May 22. PUBLIC INPUT None BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 24, 2006- PAGE 2 OF 8 Lee Tuneberg, Administrative Services/Finance Director pointed to the packet that was distributed. See attached. He spoke to the changes that had happened throughout the year, and provided a summary of what had happened throughout the budget meetings. He spoke to items that the Committee had tentatively approved to that point. Items include: city wide reduction in health care, redundant amount in dispatch moved to CERT program, $250,000 cut for software, the $4,000 included for the Electric Recycle Commission, and IT department reduction of CATV services with the addition of moving the debt service to the debt service fund from the telecommunications fund. He spoke to eight items that were new. They are a regional problem solving group for land use funding $3,300, rental needs analysis of $25,000, central service fund reduction of $262,506, RVTD bus service change, Municipal building assessment, additional programs and positions that require a property tax rate increase, the aerial fire apparatus truck, and to identify a revenue source for the AFN debt service payment. Mr. Tuneberg added that the fire apparatus has a 10-12 month delay between when the equipment is ordered and when it is received. He suggested that it should be budgeted in 2008 as a result, if it passes the vote in November. Mr. Tuneberg notified the Committee that the Council meeting to discuss the AFN debt service would be June 6, but the Committee could discuss it as part of setting the property tax rate. The Committee asked to clarify item 6 and which utility worker was added already to the budget. Mr. Tuneberg responded that a line worker in Electric and water worker in Public Works are included in budget; two other utility workers for Public Works are in the outstanding items. He confirmed that the forest interface position and the CERT positions are included in the budget. The Committee asked if when the Budget Committee approves the budget, if they approve the salary schedule. Mr. Tuneberg responded that this Committee doesn’t set the wages specifically, this Committee approves the appropriation levels and then Council adopts a resolution that sets the appropriation. The Committee asked where the nearest aerial fire apparatus was. Keith Woodley, Fire Chief responded it is at Medford station 6 on Barnett Road but it does not have it’s own crew that only works on it. If they are out fighting a fire, then there is no crew available to bring the engine to Ashland. The Committee asked if it is the City’s intention, if the station and the truck go to the vote, if they would be separate issues. Mr. Tuneberg responded that he would suggest separate issues but doesn’t know who would make that decision. He would ask the legal department to write it up and then get approval from Council. Mr. Tuneberg spoke to the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Summary of Changes spreadsheet. He explained to the Committee that the outstanding items show what they could change if they chose to approve them. He pointed to the third page which shows the appropriation level and total budget. He explained that they do not set the ending fund balance in the appropriation so this shows only what is appropriated which is $78,065,338. The Committee asked what tax rate that figure represented. Mr. Tuneberg responded that is the same rate as last year with no increase, $3.7147. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 24, 2006- PAGE 3 OF 8 Mr. Tuneberg clarified that the outstanding items column only includes the outstanding items from the cover memo, excluding the parking lot items. He explained that the item letter and/or number represented in the memo is shown in the right column of the spreadsheet. He spoke to the central service reductions for the departments affected and that the exact figure for each department can be negotiated. The Committee asked to clarify the bus service and what service RVTD would provide for the $290,000. Mr. Tuneberg responded that Council had not made the decision yet on what direction to go in that issue and that Council will need to decide what level of service they want to continue. Mayor Morrison added that the City has spoken to RVTD and there are options for service, and feels the City should leave the $290,000 in the budget as it is now until Council looks at the options. Mr. Tuneberg spoke to item 5. He is proposing to cut the archive building, the city council remodel, electric building enclosure moved to electric fund rather than administration and to be funded through rates, and a space needs analysis be implemented to determine the needs of the City. The Committee asked what the consequences would be of moving the electric building to the electric fund. Mr. Tuneberg responded that it would need to be paid through rates rather than facilities fees or a property tax rate increase. The Committee questioned what other than rates could pay for it. Mr. Tuneberg explained that the Electric department had talked about some things they may need to cut and they may not change rates depending on the fund balance in August. The Committee questioned what percent of the building is used by the Electric department. Mike Morrison responded that it is 100% Electric. Councilor Chapman asked where the $75,000 was that was already allocated for the Council Chamber remodel. Mr. Tuneberg responded that some had been spent on consultants. The Committee questioned why the City didn’t go back to the original lighting and sound upgrade only. Mr. Tuneberg responded that the original $75,000 was budgeted for lighting and sound but the scope had changed and the project would need to be rebudgeted for the next year. The Committee asked to clarify if all of the funds were spent and what would be rebudgeted. Mr. Tuneberg explained that the project will not be completed this year so the remaining funds will need to be rebudgeted in the next year. Mr. Chapman asked who decided to increase the amount needed for the project and how it was to be spent. Mr. Tuneberg responded that he did and told the consultants to reevaluate the project. He explained that the City may need to have an analysis done and may either decide to go to bond or fund internally or not do at all. The Committee asked if the $50,000 that was proposed to be budgeted for the entire City needs assessment for the buildings was reasonable. Mr. Tuneberg responded that he looked at previous studies and what they cost. Mr. Tuneberg spoke to item 6 and that they could not fit originally in the budget to balance so they were put on the parking lot list. The City needs to establish a revenue source if they want to fund those items. Mr. Tuneberg proposed that the Committee include the outstanding items in the approved budget, excluding the parking lot list. The BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 24, 2006- PAGE 4 OF 8 Committee asked if the decision on property tax needed to be made that night. Mr. Tuneberg responded that they could hold another hearing to propose a property tax rate but that would push the calendar out and make it difficult to comply with the state requirements for completing the budget. He added that they need to talk about if they want to use the levy to pay for debt service. He clarified the revenue stream is not identified yet; only the expense is shown so far. He explained that there is $.57 left of the limit that could be levied, and that would generate $1 million. The debt service for AFN is $865,000. He added that the Committee would need to levy $.51 to generate enough to pay the debt service. He clarified that if the Committee did not raise the property tax, the City would have to raise fees to make the payment. The Committee questioned if the payment would come from the ending fund balance if they did not raise property taxes. Mr. Tuneberg responded that Council could use ending fund balance or set rates and fees to make the debt service. The Committee questioned if the $300,000 for the Council Chambers and the $100,000 for the archive building could be cut to add to the ending fund balance and use that for the debt service. Mr. Tuneberg responded that would be an alternative to do subsidies by transferring money from other funds. The Committee asked if the Debt Service on the Summary of Changes spreadsheet $1,656,169 represented AFN and General Obligation (GO) debt. Mr. Tuneberg responded that it includes all GO debt and includes that previously shown debt that was in the Telecommunications Fund and shown as option 1. Mr. Tuneberg spoke to the process staff had gone through to determine alternatives for the debt service payment. He stated that he asked Council to provide their opinion on how the debt should be paid, and did not receive input from some. He stated that from those that submitted recommendations, there was an interest in that half of the debt is paid through property taxes, which would be a $.25 increase and also an interest in, most if not all, paid through a percentage charge through the utility bill. It was clarified that they were only talking about a solution for the debt service for the next year, not an ongoing solution. Councilor Jackson would like to use a property tax increase to fund the debt service for one year, but look into other options for the long term to possibly go to a GO bond. She stated that she would like the ability the GO bond would allow some to deduct on their tax return. Marty Levine pointed out that not all would benefit from the property tax deduction. The Committee questioned if the debt could be paid through the existing property taxes that are collected. Mr. Tuneberg spoke to the policies that have been established for ending fund balance. He explained that he would not suggest using fund balances to make payments or use as a one time fix, that the City would not have the revenue to restore it. He added that they could divert projects in the Capital Improvements Fund to pay for debt service for a year, it would be a subsidy. The Council would need to determine what revenue stream would be used to pay the debt service for the long term. Mayor Morrison explained that when Council had the discussion about how to pay the debt service, they did not talk about using the ending fund balance. He added that it is the responsibility of the Committee and Council to approve the healthiest option. He BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 24, 2006- PAGE 5 OF 8 questioned if using the carryover was healthy for the City. Lynn Thompson stated that her suggestion was not that it was a one year approach, that it would need to be a policy decision, and asked if the City would be able to accommodate the AFN debt in the current operating budget, adjusting City services to accommodate it. Mr. Tuneberg responded that may require reductions in operating budgets for departments or not do projects that are proposed, and do a transfer, that could pay for the debt service. He stated that eventually a rate or fee increase would be necessary to pay the out years. The Committee questioned if they did raise the property tax for one year to cover the debt service, then the next year they would reduce it by the $.51. Mr. Tuneberg responded that would be his expectation and it also would be the Committee’s and Council’s decision and they would need to decide how to pay the debt the following year. Councilor Amarotico stated that he appreciated Ms. Thompson’s idea, but thought that if the City could use the existing budgets, they would. The citizens are using the services the tax supports and would not like to see those cut. He supports the option of a surcharge or increasing the property tax and eventually turning it into a GO bond. The Committee clarified that Mr. Tuneberg was not suggesting that they add any of the additional parking lot positions to the budget. Mr. Tuneberg confirmed. Dee Anne Everson supported using the excess fund balance to cover the debt service and supports adding the community visioning. It would help to know what level of service the people in the community expect or want. The Committee discussed postponing the decision of the debt service until after the June 6 Council meeting. Mr. Tuneberg explained that they could adjust the schedule if the Committee did not want to approve the budget that night and wanted to wait until after the June 6 Council meeting. He added that would require an additional Council meeting to adopt the budget at the end of June putting pressure on staff to complete the budget by July 1. Councilor Hartzell expressed her concern over moving the electric storage building to another area of the budget, and not addressing the affect of reducing the ending fund balance of electric. The Committee asked what the state of Oregon requires as the ending fund balance. Mr. Tuneberg pointed to page A-9 where each requirement for ending fund balance is shown. He spoke to some funds meeting the target and some that struggle, depending on what happens throughout the year. He pointed to page 3-143 to show the ending fund balance and the comparison of reserved or restricted to operating. Mr. Tuneberg added that he would not like to use the ending fund balance for the long term. He explained that the proposed utility increases will be looked at in August to see how each fund looks at the end of the year and then the needed increases will be implemented. He explained that the budget is balanced now even with the unidentified revenue stream for the debt service. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 24, 2006- PAGE 6 OF 8 The Committee asked what the tax rate would be including the amount needed to repay the debt. Mr. Tuneberg responded $4.23. The Committee asked if they used the ending fund balance of $570,000, what the rate would need to be increased to. The Committee discussed it would be approximately $3.89. Ms. Hartzell asked what moving the $220,000 from the facility fee back into the Electric Fund impacts and what the rate increase would be to meet the required 12% fund balance policy. Mr. Tuneberg responded that he talked to the Electric department and would not change the electric rate increase to accommodate. He stated that they would cut the position they have asked for and possibly programs since it is much more important to enclose the building than have the position. Ms. Hartzell asked what programs would be cut. Mr. Tuneberg responded operational costs would be cut, not entire programs. Councilor Silbiger clarified that the net electric rate increase proposed is 2%. The Committee questioned if the current tax rate of $3.71 included a subsidy for AFN. Mr. Tuneberg responded that tax rate didn’t go to AFN or to the Electric Fund. He explained that the $3.71 is split for General Fund and Parks and added that interest payments have not been paid through property taxes. The interest payments that had been made to date, have come from a transfer from the Electric Fund or another fund as a subsidy but not from property taxes. The Committee asked if the money that did not pay for debt last year is available. Mr. Tuneberg responded that this year we were supposed to raise rates and did not to generate the funding needed for debt service. The Committee discussed that if they set a property tax rate, the Council could use up to that amount, and may choose to also lower it, but cannot raise it beyond the point the Budget Committee set. Mr. Levine didn’t recall the Council levying less than the Committee authorized in his time on the Committee. Mr. Chapman stated that he believes a 10% increase in the budget is too high and that departments need to live within their means. Everson/Bond moved that the City of Ashland budget committee approve and convey the amended budget including the $100,000 for community visioning, the public art master plan, the ad hoc economic development, and the AFN debt reducing the total of that by the $570,000 increased in the fund balance leaving a balance of $406,000 approximately and levying that in the tax rate. Ms. Thompson stated the $100,000 for the community visioning, and because of the constraints they are operating under, is not warranted. She sees it as more of a luxury item and that it would require them to raise the property tax to fund it. Ms. Jackson added that she would like to include the Planning position in the Community Development department. She stated that by having the constant pressure to not raise taxes, they wind up raising fees. Ms. Jackson stated that she supports the department heads and that the City has squeezed every department’s budget. She sees BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 24, 2006- PAGE 7 OF 8 how it is important to add staff and that the further we put off staffing, more expensive capital improvements get pushed off. The Committee questioned if the proposed increase in the Planning position could come from the community development fee. Ms. Jackson responded it could be funded through 75% of the community development fees and would result in only .001 increase in the community development fee. Arlen Gregorio supports that position being funded through the activities that person performs. Ms. Thompson added that the 75% target is not being met through fees and is not always within their control. The Committee questioned the need for the position. Bill Molnar responded that it was his suggestion to wait to add the position until the director and some of the other positions are filled. He thought the department would possibly be ready in January to bring on that position. Mayor Morrison added that now that the City has hired a new City Administrator, they can put the search for Community Development Director on the fast track, and could have a director in place by January. Ms. Jackson stated that the three items previously included in the motion along with the Planner position would result in a $.89 increase to the property tax rate. Ms. Everson amended her motion to include funding ½ year of the Planning position for a 1.0 FTE, approximately $.25 increase to the property tax rate. The Committee questioned why the property tax was being increased if this position should be funded through the community development fee. Ms. Everson responded she wanted to leave room for the Council to levy the full amount approved if needed. Mr. Tuneberg clarified that amended motion would require the tax rate to increase $.26 to $3.9747. Without increasing the community development fee. Mr. Chapman left at 9:06 pm. Mr. Silbiger stated he would rather vote on some items and not others, Ms. Hartzell agreed. She would like to have the dispatch for Fire budgeted under Fire and the Police portion budgeted under Police. Mr. Tuneberg suggested they support the motion and then the Council could change it at the time of adoption up to 10%, or once the funds are appropriated, they could do a supplemental or transfer. MOTION TO APPROVE THE FY 2006-07 BUDGET The Motion was voted on. Amarotico, Bond, Everson, Gregorio, Jackson, Mackris, Morrison voted yes. Hartzell, Levine, Silbiger, Stebbins, Thompson voted no. Motion passed 7 to 5. Everson/Amarotico ms to approve Property Tax Permanent Levy of $3.97470/$1,000. 9 yes, Thompson, Stebbins, Levine opposed. Jackson/Bond ms to approve Bond Levies of $367,262. All Ayes Jackson/Thompson ms to approve Local Option Tax Levy of $1.38000/$1,000. All Ayes Silbiger/Mackris ms to accept recommendations of the economic and cultural development grant subcommittee as presented. 11 yes, Hartzell opposed. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 24, 2006- PAGE 8 OF 8 COMMITTEE COMMENTS Ms. Everson stated that she would like to see Council address the requirements of the grants and define more specifically requirements for grant applicants, applications, and those that review the applications. She would also like Council to look at the Mayor and Council’s access to health insurance and compare what they receive to other cities. The Committee thanked the Committee and staff for the work they did on the budget. Mr. Tuneberg thanked the Committee on the work they did through the process. He asked the Committee to give feedback and to complete the survey’s that will be sent out. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:31 pm. Respectively Submitted, Bryn Morrison Account Representative Memo TO: Budget Committee FROM: Lee Tuneberg, Budget Officer RE: Summary of changes and issues DATE: May 24, 2006 In an attempt to facilitate tonight’s discussion I have summarized below the changes made to date and the outstanding issues: Tentatively Approved Changes: A. City-wide reduction in health care of $202,759 based upon new premium estimates. B. Reduction in the Fire Department of $43,000, eliminating the redundant amount for dispatch services. C. Increase in the Fire Department of $20,000 for the remaining portion of CERT position. D. Utility Billing software cut from the Equipment Fund budget of $250,000. E. Add $4,000 to the Electric Fund for the omitted Recycle Commission budget. F. IT Department reduction in AFN – Reduced by $1,993,621 (including $864,454 moving to the Debt Service Fund) for the transition away from cable television services. Outstanding Items: 1. New – The Regional Problem Solving process requires $3,300 to complete the Regional Land Use Plan. It could be added or absorbed in the Community Development dept. 2. New – A rental needs analysis of $25,000 has been requested by the Housing Commission for a survey to provide baseline information for programs. This can be added to the Community Development budget or absorbed, displacing other programs. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT D. L. Tuneberg, Director Tel: 541-488-6002 20 East Main Street Fax: 541-488-5311 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Memo 3. Central Service Fund $262,506 reduction - Reductions in Telecommunication Fund’s internal payments requires reductions in Central Service Fund appropriations in Administration (including Mayor & Council and Legal) of $58,893, Information Technology of $48,549, Admin Services of $144,360, City Recorder of $8,672, and Public Works of $2,032 to balance the fund. 4. RVTD Bus Service change. Currently, $290,000 is budgeted. New figures for service exceed $820,000. Staff proposes that the budgeted amount remain and Council address the service level and funding issue at the 6/6/06 meeting. 5. Municipal Building: Staff proposes eliminating the $300,000 Council Chamber remodel and $100,000 Archive Building preliminary work and moving the $220,000 Equipment Structure improvement to the Electric Fund, Capital Outlay. Also, use Facility Use Fees to pay CIP Fund back for repairs over the last five years and add $50,000 in Contracted Services to fund a review of municipal building needs and funding. City Council will need to review and adopt the process for the next budget process. Fire Station #2 remains and goes to voters in November. 6. Other Budget Considerations (“Parking lot”) – Additional positions and programs require increasing taxes and fees for inclusion. Committee may need to defer these items for one year giving the city time to resolve operational issues and priorities that are in flux. 7. Staff requests concurrence that the aerial fire apparatus can go to voters in November with Fire Station #2. If approved by the voters, purchase of the apparatus would actually be budgeted and occur in FY 2007-08 due to the long lead time for delivery. 8. AFN Full Faith & Credit debt service – This has been moved to the Debt Service Fund, but the revenue stream is still unidentified. Council is considering a “cafeteria” approach to funding the $864,454 debt service including a possible property tax portion, surcharges or selling assets. If paid completely by fees there is no property tax increase for this.If an operating levy property tax solution is needed it would require Budget Committee approval as part of setting the rate for the approved budget. Depending on other resource options, the added tax rate could be from zero $.21 to $.51 of the un-levied $.57 remaining. I hope the above is helpful to the Committee in working toward adopting the budget. Lee ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT D. L. Tuneberg, Director Tel: 541-488-6002 20 East Main Street Fax: 541-488-5311 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us City of Ashland Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Summary of Changes 2007Tentatively 2007 ApprovedOutstanding ProposedChangesRevisedItemsApproved GENERAL FUND Administration Department141,780 141,780 141,780 Administrative Services - Municipal Court395,450 (415) 395,035 395,035 A. Heath Care Savings Administrative Services - Social Services Grants115,360 115,360 115,360 Administrative Services - Economic & Cultural Grants504,650 504,650 504,650 Administrative Services - Miscellaneous7,000 7,000 7,000 Administrative Services - Band61,554 61,554 61,554 Police Department5,354,896 (29,122) 5,325,774 5,325,774 A.Heath Care Savings Fire and Rescue Department5,313,257 (43,000) 5,262,372 5,262,372 B.Remove Dispatch Services C.20,000 CERT Coordinator A.(27,885)Heath Care Savings Public Works - Cemetery Division358,243 (2,868) 355,375 355,375 A.Heath Care Savings Community Development - Planning Division2,263,304 (12,013) 2,251,291 2,279,591 A.Heath Care Savings 13,300 Regional Land Use Plan 225,000 Rental Needs analysis Community Development - Building Division801,756 801,756 801,756 Transfers 500 500 500 Contingency400,000 400,000 400,000 Ending Fund Balance980,020 95,303 1,075,323 1,075,323 TOTAL GENERAL FUND -16,697,770 16,697,770 28,300 16,726,070 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND- Personal Services35,900 (415) 35,485 35,485 A.Heath Care Savings Materials and Services385,350 415 385,765 385,765 A.Heath Care Savings Other Financing Uses (Interfund Loans)215,000 215,000 215,000 TOTAL CDBG FUND -636,250 636,250 - 636,250 STREET FUND Public Works - Street Operations4,068,492 (8,224) 4,060,268 4,060,268 A.Heath Care Savings Public Works - Storm Water Operations739,870 739,870 739,870 Public Works - Transportation SDC's274,850 274,850 274,850 Public Works - Storm Water SDC's47,500 47,50047,500 Public Works - Local Improvement Districts 343,498343,498343,498 Contingency 153,000153,000153,000 Ending Fund Balance6,300,542 8,2246,308,7666,308,766 TOTAL STREET FUND -11,927,75211,927,752-11,927,752 AIRPORT FUND Materials and Services111,532 111,532 111,532 Debt Service35,173 35,173 35,173 Other Financing Uses (Interfund Loans)- - - Contingency5,000 5,000 5,000 Ending Fund Balance12,382 12,382 12,382 TOTAL AIRPORT FUND -164,087 164,087 - 164,087 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND Personal Services154,065 (1,658) 152,407 152,407 A.Heath Care Savings Materials and Services394,750 394,750 394,750 Capital Outlay3,626,000 3,626,000 (100,000) 3,056,000 5 Cut Archive Building 5(300,000)Cut Council Chambers Remodel 5(220,000)Move Enclosing of Storage to Electric 550,000 Space Needs Transfers335,434 335,434 335,434 Other Financing Uses (Interfund Loans)530,000 530,000 530,000 Contingency50,000 50,000 50,000 Ending Fund Balance1,678,870 1,658 1,680,528 570,000 2,250,528 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS -6,769,119 6,769,119 - 6,769,119 DEBT SERVICE FUND Debt Service791,716 864,453 1,656,169 1,656,169 F.Option 1 Ending Fund Balance147,356 147,356 147,356 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND 864,453939,072 1,803,525 - 1,803,525 City of Ashland Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Summary of Changes 2007Tentatively 2007 ApprovedOutstanding ProposedChangesRevisedItemsApproved WATER FUND Electric - Conservation Division172,005 172,005 172,005 Public Works - Forest Lands Management Division196,000 196,000 196,000 Public Works - Water Supply2,700,879 2,700,879 2,700,879 Public Works - Water Treatment1,400,354 1,400,354 1,400,354 Public Works - Water Distribution3,277,302 (13,190) 3,264,112 3,264,112 A.Heath Care Savings Public Works - Reimbursement SDC's467,670 467,670 467,670 Public Works - Improvement SDC's702,580 702,580 702,580 Public Works - Debt SDC's123,932 123,932 123,932 Debt Services544,457 544,457 544,457 Other Financing Uses (Interfund Loans)- - - Contingency152,000 152,000 152,000 Ending Fund Balance5,388,117 13,190 5,401,307 5,401,307 TOTAL WATER FUND -15,125,296 15,125,296 - 15,125,296 WASTEWATER FUND Public Works - Wastewater Collection2,249,996 (9,339) 2,240,657 2,240,657 A.Heath Care Savings Public Works - Wastewater Treatment2,022,260 2,022,260 2,022,260 Public Works - Reimbursement SDC's192,160 192,160 192,160 Public Works - Improvement SDC's108,090 108,090 108,090 Debt Services1,793,196 1,793,196 1,793,196 Contingency149,000 149,000 149,000 Ending Fund Balance3,026,100 9,339 3,035,439 3,035,439 TOTAL WASTEWATER FUND -9,540,802 9,540,802 - 9,540,802 ELECTRIC FUND Electric - Conservation Division976,645 976,645 976,645 Electric - Supply6,557,504 6,557,504 6,557,504 Electric - Distribution5,206,012 4,000 5,192,851 5,412,851 E.Recycle Commission A.(17,161)Heath Care Savings 5220,000 Move Enclosing of Storage to Electric Electric - Transmission1,048,600 1,048,600 1,048,600 Transfers- - - Contingency381,000 381,000 381,000 Ending Fund Balance1,169,731 13,161 1,182,892 1,182,892 TOTAL ELECTRIC FUND -15,339,492 15,339,492 220,000 15,559,492 TELECOMMUNICATIONS FUND IT - Customer Relations\\Promotions223,608 223,608 223,608 IT - Cable Television 1,822,360 (1,343,614) 478,746 478,746 F.Option 1 IT - Internet 683,180 93,130 776,310 776,310 F.Option 1 IT - High Speed 286,588 20,907 301,179 301,179 F.Option 1 A.(6,316)Heath Care Savings Debt Services864,454 (864,454) - - F.Option 1 Contingency100,000 100,000 100,000 Ending Fund Balance110,884 106,726 217,610 217,610 TOTAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS FUND (1,993,621)4,091,074 2,097,453 - 2,097,453 CENTRAL SERVICES FUND Administration Department1,033,615 (10,632) 1,022,983 1,022,983 A.Heath Care Savings Administrative Services Department 2,092,085 (14,175) 2,077,910 2,077,910 A.Heath Care Savings IT - Computer Services Division 1,018,237 (4,965) 1,013,272 1,013,272 A.Heath Care Savings City Recorder Division280,098 (1,658) 278,440 278,440 A.Heath Care Savings Public Works - Administration and Engineering1,538,706 (10,243) 1,528,463 1,528,463 A.Heath Care Savings (262,506)(262,506) 3 Central Service reductions Contingency179,000 179,000 179,000 Ending Fund Balance43,626 41,673 85,299 85,299 TOTAL CENTRAL SERVICES FUND (0)6,185,367 6,185,367 (262,506) 5,922,861 City of Ashland Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Summary of Changes 2007Tentatively 2007 ApprovedOutstanding ProposedChangesRevisedItemsApproved INSURANCE SERVICES FUND Personal Services400,000 400,000 400,000 Materials and Services661,291 661,291 661,291 Contingency32,000 32,000 32,000 Ending Fund Balance492,028 492,028 492,028 TOTAL INSURANCE SERVICES FUND -1,585,319 1,585,319 - 1,585,319 EQUIPMENT FUND Personal Services268,955 (2,479) 266,476 266,476 A.Heath Care Savings Materials and Services519,955 519,955 519,955 Capital Outlay1,665,000 (250,000) 1,415,000 1,415,000 D.Cut UB Software Contingency42,000 42,000 42,000 Ending Fund Balance366,320 252,479 618,799 618,799 TOTAL EQUIPMENT FUND -2,862,230 2,862,230 - 2,862,230 CEMETERY TRUST FUND Transfers19,000 19,000 19,000 Ending Fund Balance735,213 735,213 735,213 TOTAL CEMETERY TRUST FUND -754,213 754,213 - 754,213 PARKS AND RECREATION FUND Parks Division3,890,750 (22,500) 3,868,250 3,868,250 A.Heath Care Savings Recreation Division969,700 (7,500) 962,200 962,200 A.Heath Care Savings Golf Division416,000 - 416,000 416,000 Transfers110,000 110,000 110,000 Contingency35,000 35,000 35,000 Ending Fund Balance637,250 30,000 667,250 667,250 TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION FUND -6,058,700 6,058,700 - 6,058,700 YOUTH ACTIVITIES LEVY FUND Personal Services96,000 96,000 96,000 Materials and Services2,335,361 2,335,361 2,335,361 Ending Fund Balance- - TOTAL YOUTH ACTIVITIES LEVY FUND -2,431,361 2,431,361 - 2,431,361 PARKS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND Capital Outlay331,000 331,000 331,000 Ending Fund Balance44,866 44,866 44,866 TOTAL PARKS CAPITAL IMP. FUND -375,866 375,866 - 375,866 TOTAL BUDGET101,483,770 (1,129,168) 100,354,602 (14,206) 100,340,396 Less Ending Fund Balance21,133,305 571,753 21,705,058 570,000 22,275,058 Total Appropriations80,350,465 (1,700,921) 78,649,544 (584,206) 78,065,338