HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-03-05 Budget Committee Minutes SOCIAL SERVICE GRANT PRESENATIONS MARCH 5 AND 7, 2007- PAGE 1 OF 7 Social Services Grant Presentations Draft Minutes March 5 and 7, 2007 7pm Civic Center, Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street CALL TO ORDER The Citizen’s Budget Committee meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm on March 5, 2007 in Council Chambers, 1175 East Main St., Ashland Oregon. ROLL CALL Committee members Everson, Hardesty, Hartzell, and Heimann were present on March 5. Everson, Hardesty, Hartzell, Heimann and Morrison were present on March 7. STAFF PRESENT: LEE TUNEBERG, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ FINANCE DIRECTOR BRYN MORRISON, ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE ELECTION OF A CHAIR Everson/Hardesty ms Heimann as chair. All ayes. PUBLIC INPUT None STAFF REPORT AND PRESENTATIONS: Lee Tuneberg, Administrative Services/Finance Director spoke to the history of the grant and process. It is a two year cycle; the second year the amount that is granted is based upon the inflationary rate, the CPI-U. This year $119,000 is available with requests at almost $200,000. The Committee determined to allow each program 3 minutes to present and would limit their own questions afterward to 5 minutes. The Committee thanked the organizations that applied and assured them that all of the applications would be reviewed. th Community Health Center- Peg Crawley. This is the 35 year of the operation and they are asking for funding for primary and preventive health service for low income citizens of Ashland. They have been able to provide medication assistance in the past and are in partnership with the county health department to increase immunization rates in Ashland. Ms. Everson asked what their growth had been over the last year. Ms. Crawley responded that staff had not grown. The uninsured has increased 20% and they are seeing increasing numbers of small businesses not able to provide insurance. SODA- Shawn Martinez. She spoke to their mission of prevention, treatment and maintenance for a healthy environment and the underage use and adult use of drugs. She spoke to connecting to community members and that 99% of youth that attended training felt more SOCIAL SERVICE GRANT PRESENATIONS MARCH 5 AND 7, 2007- PAGE 2 OF 7 empowered to make good decisions than before. Ms. Everson asked what the impact was for Ashland. Ms. Martinez responded 20 youth at the middle school, 75 community members that attended forums and trainings, and one business with a large number of employees. Ms. Hartzell asked if the trainings and forums were in Ashland. Ms. Martinez responded that they were at the Windmill Inn. Ms. Hardesty asked if they target methamphetamine users or is it part of all. Ms. Martinez responded that is part of it, they target underage drinking, marijuana, tobacco as well based on what the schools say they need help with. Mr. Heimann asked if they are at the high school. Ms. Martinez responded not now. Their program is for January. Children’s Dental Clinic- Deb Silva. They meet the unmet dental needs of school age children living in poverty. Their goal is to see children receive essential dental services. 57% of children seen had visible decay. 40% did not have dental insurance. Each child received $932 average in dental care. They currently have 30 dentists and 8 hygienists. Each child receives home care kit. Ms. Everson pointed out that their budget did not reflect in kind care that they provide. Ms. Hartzell asked if they were granted more funds, if they would be able to help more than the 15 currently in Ashland. Ms. Silva responded that the treat every child and may not see an increase in Ashland since the poverty level is not as profound. Mr. Heimann asked how the program was publicized. Ms. Silva responded through ESD, through schools, television, radio, but mostly referral. Planned Parenthood- Maggie Sullivan. Ms. Sullivan provided a DVD presentation on their program. Ms. Hartzell asked how they are measuring effectiveness. Ms. Sullivan responded that they ask adults on the attitudinal change, they conduct surveys. Ms. Everson asked if the program’s priorities are fitting in Ashland. Ms. Sullivan responded that Ashland has taken the lead in the county as a progressive voice and they may be able to do more in Ashland schools than other. They try out things in Ashland before other schools. The Committee discussed their program and if it was a safety net service. They offer health education , prevention, family planning, provide youth development opportunities. Ontrack- Pam Marsh. They are a non profit founded in 1969 and feature comprehensive drug and alcohol services. Family is at the core of all services offer, they treat the whole family. They are devoted to treating indigent people, no one is turned away. They are able to use the funding from the City to maintain a counselor at the high school for one day a week. They can offer services on site, access to treatment. They are asking for more to expand to two days per week. Ms. Everson asked if they are seeing a growth over last year in Ashland. Ms. Marsh responded they are seeing an increase in families contacting them for help. Minor in possession (MIP) has increased. Juvenile offenses show a 40% increases in Ashland in MIP over prior year. Ms. Everson asked if it could be an enforcement issue. Ms. Marsh responded it could be a combination of factors. The cost of having one person at the high school one day per week is $6,000 per year. th Community Works-Dunn House- Arnie Green, Anna Demato. This is the 30 year in the community and the only shelter for battered women and children. They serve 350 per year and the maximum stay is 30 days. They provide crisis counseling, advocating, food, transportation, children’s programs, safety planning. Ms. Hardesty asked if they provide a safety net for after the 30 days. They work with them to provide rental assistance for 2 months and are working on longer term housing. They work with other shelters as well. Ms. Hartzell asked what the demand was in Ashland. 8% of the clients are from Ashland and it is lower than in previous years. They turned away 200 women and children last year and rate the need on the level of danger the women and children are. If they have to turn them away, they work with other shelters and local hotels to help. SOCIAL SERVICE GRANT PRESENATIONS MARCH 5 AND 7, 2007- PAGE 3 OF 7 th Sexual Assault Victims Services- This is the 35 year of the program. They are with the victim at the exam after assault. They provide clothes to leave hospital, take calls from victims that have been assaulted in the past. They follow up with victims by accompanying them to court or appointments, and work with family and friends. The funding request is for volunteer coordination. There are15-20 volunteers. The Committee discussed how they work with the Jackson county sexual assault team to respond to all hospital calls. There is a difference between programs. SAVS are the advocates. Parent Education- They provide classes to parents throughout valley and provide weekly classes at the Dunn House. There is no transportation to the classes in Medford and the cost of the program is $30,000. Youth and Family Counseling- This program is for young people who are not eligible for insurance. It helps to fund a part time case manager at the high school and a part time counselor 2 days per week. They provide basic mental health services. People are referred by teachers and counselors. They provide mental health work. The drop out rates in Ashland are very low and there are more alternative programs than the rest of valley. It was funded last year by billing the families if they were able to pay and by Ashland High School. th Helpline- This is the 30-35 year of the program. Totally run by 40-50 volunteers. They receive 14,000-17,000 calls per year. United Way proposed a phone number in congress as 211 and it passed after Katrina due to 911 being flooded with calls. 211 would be alternative as an information referral line. It has not been implemented yet. Funding would help create 211 as a non crisis line. The volume from Ashland is not able to be determined and they increase their request each year based on the cost of living. Street Outreach- It is a $180-200,000 program now. They are trying to determine what do with the transients and are trying to remove the kids from the adults. The funding would buy .25 time outreach person to walk the streets, provide counseling and to buy subsidized housing for kids. There is not any funding source secured for Ashland and the funds requested would only be for Ashland. The Committee suggested partnering with the Chamber of Commerce. The transitional housing could be anywhere that they could find housing. The program pays 80% upfront for the housing for the individual and eventually goes down to 50%, and the individual can be in the program 18 months. Help Now-Larry Kahn. They provide non legal advocacy to clients. Help to find doctors, surgeons, other agencies if they are not equipped to. They are asking for help to measure and deliver growth program to raise awareness in the community. They work with Legal Services using cross referrals and have not had to turn anyone away. They have a list of partners that they work with. The are working on establishing a database of providers. Winterspring- Christine Hunter, They provide grief services for adults, teens and children and a children’s program for grief facilitation. They provide teen services at Ashland middle school and high school. They are asked to go into schools to provide grief support by nurses and counselors. They are trying to put a grief support program in at the high school. Current programs reached 134 children, and they are aiming to reach the same number. They were funded by the City of Medford, United Way, and community donations previously. They are now targeting more in Ashland. Mr. Heimann asked if they had any plans for large scale grief in schools. Ms. Hunter responded that they currently work with teachers and counselors on crisis situations and would work with staff to provide materials and resources. SOCIAL SERVICE GRANT PRESENATIONS MARCH 5 AND 7, 2007- PAGE 4 OF 7 SMART- Julie Brimble. This program is part of a statewide organization. It is in Helman and Walker in Ashland. Volunteers read to children for one hour to two children per week. There are over 70 children served in Ashland. It is one of the top five literacy programs in the country. There are 61 volunteers in Ashland and children are referred by the teachers. They are not funded through the state, mostly by large organizations like US Bank. They are asking for funding to pay the coordinators at the schools for 30 hours per week. Break until 8:45. SOCSTC- Leslie Curren. They have been a program for 35 years. The main facility is in Ashland. They offer day treatment and an outpatient program for children and families that do not have insurance for mental health service. They have served 21 Ashland clients to date. They are referred through schools and Jackson county health and human services. They hope to get funding through the state. Ms. Hartzell asked if there was overlap between other programs. The day treatment is for kids with Oregon Health Plan only and there is an age limit up to 18. Age 2 to 18 have to come to the agency or they can do home visits. They mostly come to the office. There are 3 high school age and most are elementary and middle school. Habitat for Humanity- Denise James. They build houses for low income people and will build two houses in Ashland on Garfield Street that can house up to 11 people. The land on Garfield will remain with the land trust and the houses must remain affordable houses. The families will pay a small lease payment for the land and the houses will be sold for cost of construction to the family. They have a staff of three people, 200 volunteers. The new home owners commit 500 hours of work toward the house. They built one house in Ashland in 1997. Mr. Tuneberg pointed out they are only asked for $11,000 for one year. Ms. Hartzell asked if it would work to give half for first and half for next. Ms. James responded that they have no plans for the next year and would only need the funds for the first year. Center for Non Profit Legal Services- Paul Pavich. The program has been in existence for 35 years and is the only licensed legal representation to indigent clients. The do not provide criminal defense and have had a 20 year partnership with Ashland. They have more cases than they can handle. They have identified five or six practice areas that are the most important for the community. Domestic relations, divorce law, housing, land tenant law, public benefits, health care benefits, immigration law, and consumer representation. They have a relationship with non legal organizations through their Attorneys recognizing agencies that may help each client. They have 15-20 volunteers. Children’s Advocacy Center- Marlena Mich. Last year 790 children and families were seen through the center and received assistance. They represent children through forensic interviewing, grand jury, medical assessments, therapy, and follow up with support groups. All of the services are at no cost. There were 27 Ashland families served last year. Mr. Heimann asked if they had seen a rise in Ashland with the methamphetamine problem. Ms. Mich responded they have seen the increase everywhere. They receive a lot of funding from the community which allows them to not ask for more from Ashland. RV Manor- Foster Grand Parent -Becky Snyder. They have been in the Rogue Valley 32 years. Their program offers age 60 and above people to work with lower income seniors. A single family could earn $1,064 per month. Currently there are 7 foster grandparents in Ashland. She explained that they must receive a 10% local match to qualify for federal grants. These funds will provide 6 months for one foster grandparent. SOCIAL SERVICE GRANT PRESENATIONS MARCH 5 AND 7, 2007- PAGE 5 OF 7 RSVP-Has been in the valley 31 years. This program is for age 55 and above. There is no stipend given only mileage reimbursement. There are 73 now in Ashland at 9 sites. 6,954 hours of service. The funds would provide mileage reimbursement to raise mileage to 20 cents per mile. 30% federal match required. Most valuable benefit is that the participants feel a contribution to community. Their mission is to match volunteers to meet community need. They have a waiting list now for medical transportation. Dialysis patients are not put on the waiting list, they are helped first. They have volunteer insurance through SEMA that covers volunteers. Mediation Works- Mary Miller. This is a nationally recognized victim offender program. Judges and probation officers refer youth to the program. There is four classes, each class 1.5 hours long over two weeks. They focus on what was their thinking when they committed crime. What they would do differently when they are faced with situation. 10% of people are from Ashland. Since Jan Jansen left, left need for Ashland. Access- Phillip Yates. They offer five programs. Four of them feed people, one teaches. They are the food share for emergency food distribution. They are the only food bank that works together to work with people all over state. In Ashland, there are 110 families, 2,500 individuals. They use surplus commodities, partner with local farmers, and pick up daily from 10-12 stores. One food box would feed a family of three for five to seven days. They can provide 6 pounds of food per dollar, if allocated more they would be able to route more toward Ashland. Jackson County Sexual Assault Respond Team- Judith Rosen, Susan Molar. They explained the silent violent epidemic in the country. All responding agencies work together as a team. Survivors receive care for free at local hospitals and unlimited follow up care. 84 served in 2006, in Ashland 15. Ashland residents increased seven times in a year. They are asking for funds to maintain services to reach out to survivors who do not seek help. This includes training police officers, responding with nurses, case coordination with agencies, training interagency, and doing outreach. There is no emergency room bill at now. They pay the nurses. Bear Hugs- Kay Vander. This organization gives the gift of kindness and compassion. They give bears to each patient to comfort and nurture. They honor the sacredness of all life. This is a newly formed organization and the goal is to go to Ashland Community Hospital in emergency rooms and expand to RVMC. They promote the loved unconditionally message. The funds would be used for more bears to give. They worked with the Children’s Advocacy Center but have not partnered with the sheriffs department yet. th ICCA- Sharon Shreiber. This is the 28 year in Ashland. They help 60-80 people per day. 80% have an address in Ashland or say they are Ashland residents. Others are off I-5. They provide showers, bathrooms, laundry facilities, provide food pack, gasoline vouchers, and advocacy. They have 20 volunteers and are open 9-3 Monday through Friday. There is 2.5 staff and the donations they receive are only 50% of their budget. They missed one audit and are doing it now due to contracting with the VA and a hold up through that. CASA, no one to present. Trinity Respite- Elizabeth Hallett. She spoke to cutbacks in funding. They provide caregiver services, respite care. Sometimes elder abuse or senior suicide occurs. Can provide professional support for care needed for loved ones. The advisory board makes the policy decisions. There is no facilities for emergency relief, it is only a day program, but if there is an emergency, they will network and provide connections. Ms. Hartzell asked what the cost was of SOCIAL SERVICE GRANT PRESENATIONS MARCH 5 AND 7, 2007- PAGE 6 OF 7 the respite letter. Ms. Hallett responded $600 to put out and mail. Ashland residents makeup 20 out of 25. SOASTC- Bob Lieberman. This organization was established in 1977. They offer two units, community services, foster care, school based mental health project, family respite and support project, and crisis support. They treat families raising children with mental illness. Respite program allows family to choose who will provide care. The family support is based on individualized plan. Their management letter shows no internal control questions. 100% improvement for FY 2006 from the auditor. The reach usually 4-5 families from Ashland. The Committee discussed if CASA should be allowed to present if they were to ask. It was determined that only if there was an emergency that night that did not allow them to present, then they would be allowed to. This meeting will be continued on March 7, 2007. ALLOCATIONS Mr. Tuneberg explained the process of the work session. The Committee would come to a consensus of allocation and move forward their proposal to the full budget committee for approval in the budget. Ms. Hartzell emphasized that she places a high priority on urgent care, safety net services. The Committee discussed their proposed allocations and came to a consensus. See attached. The Committee discussed in greater depth some of the organization proposals as listed below. Bear Hugs- The Committee though they were not well enough established and not a safety net service. Access-The Committee discussed that food is a high priority on safety net service. Mayor Morrison stated he likes to grant more toward smaller organizations and children organizations. RV Manor- The Committee discussed that this benefits lower income retired people and the people that are volunteering, it is a double benefit, and it helps volunteering seniors live longer. Mayor Morrison does not see as strong of a safety net service. Center for Non Profit Legal Services- The Committee discussed it as an essential service. Habitat for Humanity- The Committee discussed that this program did not fit into the priorities of the grant. It was thought that the program would fit better in the Economic and Cultural Development process. Staff will send them an application and encourage them to talk to Brandon Goldman, the City’s Housing Program Specialist. Community Works- Ms. Everson offered a suggestion to allocate the same amount as in the last cycle to all of the programs, except not allocate to the Youth and Family Counseling but instead to the Street Outreach Program. The Committee felt it was more critical to have the Street Outreach Program. The Committee discussed all of the programs and came to a consensus on the funding. Ms. Everson encouraged the Chamber of Commerce to work with the Street Outreach Program. SOCIAL SERVICE GRANT PRESENATIONS MARCH 5 AND 7, 2007- PAGE 7 OF 7 SODA- Ms. Hartzell did not feel it was a direct service and her interest is in treatment. Ms. Everson added they are only prevention, and they struggle with resources. Dental Clinic-The Committee discussed that it is critical what they do. Planned Parenthood- Ms. Hardesty though it was a marvelous program. Ontrack- The Committee discussed the treatment they provide is critical. Winterspring- Ms. Everson spoke that establishing long scale grief counseling is important. SMART- Ms. Everson thought it was a very important program but does not see it as safety net service. Ms. Hartzell agreed. Mayor Morrison spoke that teaching kids to reads changes lives. Trinity Respite Care- Mr. Heimann thought it provided a good service. Ms. Hardesty agreed. Everson/Morrison ms to approve the proposed allocations as presented. All ayes. Ms. Hartzell amended the motion to move money from SMART to Non Profit Legal Services. Ms. Hardesty suggested moving to the Street Outreach Program. Ms. Everson suggested moving it to ICCA. Ms. Hartzell accepted. Morrison opposed. All else yes. $1,000 moved to ICCA. All ayes to amended allocation. Staff will provide E & C application to SMART and Habitat for Humanity. Ms. Everson spoke that this process is clearer than the Economic & Cultural Development grants. Ms. Hartzell added that the Committee does the best they can to allocate the money they have and that staff may need to look at the process again. There is not a spot for the organizations to add their in kind donations. Ms. Hardesty added that they do have to make some cuts due to the limited amount of funds but they do take it very seriously. Staff will send the summary of goals of grant Resolution 1986 and the history to the applicants in the future. Ms. Everson pointed out that the in kind is required in the budget forms and the partners that create the application work very hard to make it as simple as possible. Ms. Hartzell added that in the future, staff could find out who wanted to be on the subcommittee and only request that many application packets from the organizations. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:48 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Bryn Morrison Account Representative City of Ashland Social Service Grant History GENERAL FUND FY 99-00FY 00-01FY 01-02FY 02-03FY 03-04FY 04-05FY 05-06FY 06-07FY 07-08 #110ActualActualActualActualActualActualAdoptedAdoptedAdopted Social Service Grants $ 94,59589,145$ 98,574$ 101,521$ 118,669$ 107,622$ 112,000$ 115,360$ 119,000$ Supported by Resolution No. 1986-35 Agency and Program NameAwardedAwardedAwardedAwardedAwardedAwardedAwardedAwardedAwarded ACCESS, Inc.2,670$ 2,860$ 3,760$ 3,870$ 5,000$ 5,100$ 5,000$ 5,150$ 5,500$ CASA of Jackson County, Inc.2,1302,2902,2902,3603,000 2,550 2,500 2,575 2,500 Center For NonProfit Legal Services, Inc.4,2254,5204,5204,6605,000 5,100 5,500 5,665 6,000 Childrens Dental Clinic of JC1,2501,3501,5001,5501,750 1,785 3,000 3,090 3,104 Community Health Center27,13028,91028,91029,78030,000 30,600 30,200 31,106 32,000 Community Works - Dunn House17,07518,19018,19018,74019,000 19,380 15,000 15,450 15,000 Community Works - Help Line8,2038,7408,7409,0008,000 8,160 7,000 7,210 7,210 Community Works - Parent Education1,9722,1002,1002,1602,000 2,040 1,400 1,442 1,442 Community Works - Sexual Assault Victim Services2,4302,5902,5902,6702,700 2,754 2,500 2,575 2,575 Community Works - Street Outreach- - - - - - - - 5,979 Community Works - The Grove- - 1,200 1,240 10,000*- - - - Community Works- Personal Safety1,9722,1002,1002,1601,300 1,326 - - - Help Now! Advocacy Center- - - - - - 1,000 1,030 1,100 ICCA/CERVS9,3309,9609,96010,26025,000 15,300 14,000 14,420 13,600 Jackson County Juvenile912990- - - - - - - JC Children's Advocacy Center2,4412,6202,6202,7003,500 3,060 2,700 2,781 2,700 Jackson County SART- - - - - - 2,500 2,575 2,350 Mediation Works4,2604,5604,5604,7002,900 2,448 2,000 2,060 2,200 Ontrack, Inc- - 1,200 1,2402,000 2,040 2,000 2,060 3,000 Options for Southern Oregon, Inc.- - - - - - 2,000 2,060 - Planned Parenthood of SW- - - - 2,750 1,785 2,000 2,060 2,060 RV Manor - Senior Volunteer2,0002,1552,1552,2202,000 1,530 1,300 1,339 1,500 RV Manor -Foster Grandparent1,0001,0651,0651,1001,000 1,020 1,000 1,030 1,200 Salvation Army, Medord Citadel- - - - - - 1,900 1,957 - SDS RVCOG Food & Friends- - - - 1,500 1,530 - - - SOASTC- - - - - - 1,000 1,030 1,350 So. Ore Child Study and Treatment Center- - - - - - 2,500 2,575 2,900 Southern Oregon Drug Awareness- - 865 890- - 1,000 1,030 1,030 Trinity Respite Center- - - - - - 1,000 1,030 1,700 WinterSpring Center for Living with Grief and Loss- - - - - - - - 1,000 Women's Tranistion Committee- - - - 2,000*- - - - Subtotal89,00095,00098,325101,300118,400107,508110,000113,300119,000 Travelers' Aid Fund - based on donations2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,060 - Total$ 97,00091,000$ 100,325$ 103,300$ 120,400$ 109,508$ 112,000$ 115,360$ 119,000$ Variance In Amount : Positive or (Negative)1,855$ 2,405$ 1,751$ 1,779$ 1,731$ 1,886$ -$ -$ -$ * No longer in business, not funded G:\\finance\\Administration\\Budget\\2007-08\\Adopted\\Social Services Grant History FY 00-08.xls12/12/2007