HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-05-17 Budget Committee Minutes BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING May 17, 2007 PAGE 1 of 8 City of Ashland Budget Committee Meeting Draft Minutes May 17, 2007 6:00pm Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street CALL TO ORDER Committee member Levine called the Citizen’s Budget Committee Meeting to order at 6:02 pm on May 17, 2007 in Council Chambers at 1175 East Main Street, Ashland, Oregon. ROLL CALL Mayor Morrison was present. Councilors Chapman, Hardesty, Hartzell, Jackson, Navickas and Silbiger were present.Budget Committee members Bond, Heimann, Stebbins, Everson, Levine, and Gregorio were present. STAFF PRESENT: MARTHA BENNETT, CITY ADMINISTRATOR LEE TUNEBERG, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/FINANCE DIRECTOR PAULA BROWN, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ANN SELTZER, MANAGEMENT ANALYST RICHARD APPICELLO, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY KEITH WOODLEY, FIRE CHIEF GREG CASE, DIVISION CHIEF-EMS MARGUERITTE HICKMAN, DIVISION CHIEF-FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DON ROBERTSON, PARKS DIRECTOR DAVID STALHEIM, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BRYN MORRISON, ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE MIRANDA IWAMOTO, ACCOUNT CLERK II APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Budget Committee minutes dated: 04/30/07 Everson/Bond ms to approve the minutes as presented. All Ayes. PUBLIC INPUT Don Laws, 968 Hillview Drive, Ashland, OR: Mr. Laws talked about the importance of supporting the Ashland Parks & Recreation Department and in particular, the Senior Center Program. He said that Parks has grown because the City of Ashland asked for the Open Space Plan. He also spoke about the need to make the parks a higher priority. Mr. Laws fully disclosed that his wife is the Senior Center Manager but said th that she is retiring June 30 and therefore, her job won’t be affected by the committee’s decision. Mr. Laws spoke about the Senior Center and how it provides a support system for many elderly people in Ashland. He said he helped start the Senior Center Program in the 1970’s because there were so many Ashland seniors who were not able BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING May 17, 2007 PAGE 2 of 8 to get the assistance they needed. Mr. Laws also talked about the multiple programs that the Senior Center Program provides such as visiting the elderly and providing low- income assistance. He asked the committee to consider the needs of the seniors before cutting the program. Mr. Laws said he could be emailed at donlaws@mind.net. Jack Altman, 424 Laurie Lane, Ashland, OR: Mr. Altman asked whether or not the library would be discussed. It was answered yes, after the Staff Report was given. Josh Gordon, 945 Cedar Way, Ashland, OR: Mr. Gordon was a volunteer coordinator for the Ashland Public Library. He expressed his concern for the people of the community. Mr. Gordon reminded the committee of the 70% majority vote in favor of the library system and said that the additional $40,000 should be included to get access to the full collection. Ann Billeter, 4999 Griffin Creek Rd., Medford, OR: Ms. Billeter was a Regional Manager for the Jackson County library system and was also the manager for Children’s Services and Young Adults Services. Ms. Billeter said that being open 40 hours per week was not enough and that the Ashland community wanted even more hours. She talked about reducing the cost of staff by reducing a day and recommended being open Tuesday – Saturday. She also expressed her appreciation for the volunteers at the Ashland library. Charu Colorado, 1026 Henry St. #6, Ashland, OR: Ms. Colorado said that the library is vital to the community. She wanted the County to consider making the library into a private, non-profit membership organization. She said that the biggest need is to keep the library open and that it should be run for the benefit of everyone who is interested in participating. Mr. Levine thought that was a very interesting idea but reminded everyone that the Citizen’s Budget Committee doesn’t have the authority to decide. Jim Olney, 361 Wiley St., Ashland, OR: Mr. Olney is the Executive Director of the Jackson County Library Foundation. Mr. Olney said that the Library Foundation (a non- profit) is willing to help fund and raise money for programs. Mr. Olney said that some of the programs he’s referring to are Summer Reading, Babies in the Library, and Storyteller. It was reported that books can be purchased with the donated money. Esther Mortensen, 936 Cedar Way, Ashland, OR: Ms. Mortensen worked in the children’s section of the Medford library. She encouraged City Council to consider opening in July because the Summer Reading Program. Ms. Mortensen also said she recently won the national scholarship for Children’s Librarian and that the American Library Association is aware and concerned about the situation in Jackson County. Claudia Law, 762 B St., Ashland, OR: Ms. Law stated that if we give up our libraries then we give up our civilization. Ms. Law spoke about the need to keep the library open for children who are home schooled. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING May 17, 2007 PAGE 3 of 8 Amy Blossom, 140 Susan Lane, Ashland, OR: Ms. Blossom was a librarian for the Ashland Public Library and in charge of the reference section. Ms. Blossom reported that citizens can use the SOU library and the SOU computers for $35, but cautioned that the collection of books is very different from those at the Ashland Public Library. Ms. Blossom reported that during the summer, half of the internet use was by tourists. She also addressed the idea of an out-of-city fee and explained that those from outside the City of Ashland will only be allowed to have short-term internet access because library cards are required for long-term internet use. She also spoke about the social programs provided by the library and explained that they are well attended programs. Ms. Blossom reported that the meeting rooms are used on a daily basis by various groups. She spoke about losing staff and explained that (if reopened) Jackson County will take senior public library staff, not necessarily the current Ashland staff. STAFF REPORT City Administrator, Martha Bennett, and Administrative Services/Finance Director, Lee Tuneberg, gave the staff report highlighting outstanding issues. Mr. Tuneberg called attention to the Summary of Outstanding Issues Memorandum located in the handout. The memo summarizes the department budgets that have been approved and the ones with pending questions. It also outlined the property taxes for the City of Ashland. Mr. Tuneberg talked about how some projections may need adjustment but that they will not th have a net effect on the budget. Mr. Tuneberg explained that although the May 15 Jackson County library measure failed, the majority of Ashland residents voted in favor of it. Therefore, a presentation about library funding options will be given to the committee. Ms. Bennett gave the Interim Library Funding presentation. She explained that City Council wanted the issue of library funding to come before the budget committee. Ms. Bennett said that the presentation is based on a list of assumptions. The assumptions are that a countywide system would provide better service, that the Ashland branch would be open for up to 2 fiscal years and that the City can negotiate a contract with Jackson County so that the county provides operation services. Ms. Bennett also explained that the City is considering interim library funding because the majority of votes in Ashland were in favor of the measure(s). Ms. Bennett said that in both the November 2006 and May 2007 elections, approximately 70% of Ashland votes were in favor of a library levy. However, Ms. Bennett did state that the May 2007 results are preliminary and won’t be certified for months. Ms. Bennett also stated that the caveat with the interim library funding is that the service will need support and approval from the Board of Commissioners to proceed. Ms. Bennett said the City of Ashland will have a formal contract with Jackson County that states that Jackson County will operate the library. This, in turn, means that staff is already trained and knows how to run a library. Mr. Levine asked if Jackson County is BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING May 17, 2007 PAGE 4 of 8 willing to work with the City of Ashland.Mayor Morrison reported that he spoke with county officials and they are willing to work with the City. Ms. Bennett spoke about the services provided by the interim funding. She said that the services will include 40 hours per week with the same level of staffing (with the exception of an on-site supervisor), existing internet access, same newspaper and magazine subscriptions, 400 replacement books, and access only to material in the Ashland Public Library.The funding will not provide central support services for children nor access to the on-line databases. Ms. Bennett said the cost will be approximately $1,005,000. These figures are based on numbers provided by Jackson County as a courtesy to the City. It will cost approximately $730,000 for Personal Services, $30,000 for Materials & Services, $127,000 for Facilities, $53,000 for Jackson County overhead, $35,000 for SOLIS subscription (card catalog system) and $30,000 for City Central Services (contract negotiations). Ms. Bennett also spoke about additions to the base service and the costs associated with these additions (see attached handout). Ms. Bennett highlighted two questions that need to be resolved with Jackson County. The first was whether or not the City can charge out-of-city fees. The other was how many people from other communities will use the library. Mr. Levine pointed out that parking would be a problem. Committee member Bond inquired about inter-library loans without accreditation. Ms. Bennett said she would research the loans. Committee member Heimann asked if the City owns the building (library). It was answered yes, the City owns the building. Ms. Bennett explained that the City has an intergovernmental agreement with Jackson County that stipulates that the City can repossess the building only if the County fails to operate it. Ms. Bennett explained the two funding options for the library. The first option she spoke about was a $.32000/ $1000 property tax with a 2% surcharge on utility bills. Ms. Bennett reported that the impact on an average Ashland household would be approximately $80 in property taxes and $58 in surcharges. Ms. Bennett told the committee that if this option is chosen then any other restorations for General Fund services are eliminated. The second option given was a property tax through a local option levy of $.58000/$1000. The impact on the average Ashland household was reported to be $150 per year. It was reported that this levy would go to the voters in September 2007. Ms. Bennett also said that a levy should be for the library only, taxes would not be levied if other funds are found and that City Council has to decide on the th levy by June 27. The committee asked why this issue was before the budget committee and not just the City Council. It was reported that if the voters approve to levy property taxes to fund the library, it has to be included in the approved tax rate set by the budget committee. The committee continued to discuss the appropriate process for a local option levy and the time involved. It was reported that the budget committee has to approve a budget, it BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING May 17, 2007 PAGE 5 of 8 th needs to be advertised and then it has to be adopted by City Council by June 30. It was also reported that the tax rate will be certified after the election in September 2007. Councilor Hartzell inquired about possible library proposals that may be less costly (less hours, less staff). It was answered that less than 40 hours wasn’t proposed because City officials are predicting a large influx of people from surrounding communities. Councilor Hartzell also inquired about the use of the schools for various programs. It was reported that the both the school district and Southern Oregon University have been and will be contacted in an attempt to identify opportunities regarding library services. The committee continued to discuss ways to economize. Mayor Morrison said he wants the highest level of service for the least amount of money and that in talking with County officials, each point of cost seems negotiable. Mr. Levine said volunteers will have to be trained. Councilor Navickas asked about different taxes other than those that affect property owners. It was answered that other options are available but that they are very complex. The committee asked about charging a fee. Ms. Bennett reported that according to the state librarian (where many of the grants come from), the City cannot charge a fee to enter and still call it a public library. Councilor Navickas asked about the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT). It was answered that it wouldn’t generate enough money to offset the cost and that the majority of TOT funds are restricted. Ms. Stebbins spoke metaphorically about how Jackson County didn’t do what they needed to do 7 years ago when they found out there would be a problem with funding and that the entire Jackson County library system needs to be fixed. The committee discussed the economic impact of a closed library on the community. Committee member Everson asked what happens if the O&C funds are extended for 1- year. Ms. Bennett stated that no formal action has been taken by Jackson County. However, Ms. Bennett said that she has been told that if the O&C funds are extended for 1-year only, then Jackson County will not reopen the libraries and instead, use that money to pay debt. The committee discussed the practicality of charging a fee to check out library materials or impose an out-of-city fee. It was reported that the cost of the election is included in the $1,005,000. Councilor Navickas said his preference is to approve the 32 cents so that library will open sooner. He spoke about his concern for Ashland citizens and library employees. The committee discussed the importance of and various ways to write a local option library levy so that monies are spent for what they are intended. They also discussed what to do if there is excess money. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING May 17, 2007 PAGE 6 of 8 Councilor Jackson said that she wants the library to open as soon as possible and that the countywide system is still the best system. However, considering the election results, Councilor Jackson said that she supports a local option levy that is restricted for the library. Mr. Heimann stated that he agrees with the local option levy but is concerned about all the unanswered questions. Bond/Silbiger ms to approve the staff recommendation for the Budget Committee to include a levy of 0.58000/$1000 on the September 2007 ballot and FY 2007-2008 budget. Councilor Hartzell said that her commitment as a councilor is to work and try to reduce the amount from .58000 /$1000.Councilor Silbiger said he supports a local option levy. Gregorio/Hartzell ms that the previous motion be tabled until Monday, May 21, 2007. Gregorio, Hardesty, Hartzell, Heimann, Levine, Navickas, and Stebbins yes. Bond, Chapman, Everson, Jackson, Morrison, Silbiger no. Motion passed 7 to 6. PARKS Along with the support of the Ashland Parks & Recreation Commission, Parks Director, Don Robertson, and Ashland Parks & Recreation Commission Chair, JoAnne Eggers, presented the Ashland Parks & Recreation budget reductions. Ms. Eggers said that the commission focused on its highest priority which is carrying out the mission of Ashland Parks & Recreation. Ms. Eggers talked about the difficulty involved with cutting 5%. Both Mr. Robertson and Ms. Eggers spoke to the Proposed Budget Reduction list (see attached handout). It was reported that the handout is in order of community needs. Councilor Jackson asked how much the department was aiming for in cuts. It was answered that the motion was stated as “up to 5%” and that the overall decrease was approximately $280,000. It was clarified that was $280,000 from the proposed budget. Ms. Bennett talked about the guidelines of the budget and about the restrictions of enterprise funds. It was reported that this is not an enterprise fund. Ms. Bennett also reported that the Ashland Parks & Recreation proposed budget balanced and, therefore, the department was not asked to cut an additional 5%. Councilor Hartzell started a conversation as to why the committee asked the Ashland Parks & Recreation Department to cut an additional 5%. She also said that the first two items on the list (transfers) made a lot of sense. Mr. Robertson spoke about the YAL and how that money is used. He also spoke about trying to hold the line on property taxes. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING May 17, 2007 PAGE 7 of 8 Hartzell/Chapman ms to tentatively approve the Ashland Parks & Recreation budget with the modification of Number(s) 1 and 2 from the Proposed Budget Reductions Memorandum. All Ayes. FIRE Keith Woodley, Fire Chief, gave a presentation on alternative cuts to the Fire budget. Instead of the cuts previously proposed, Mr. Woodley proposed that the funds from the vacant Division Chief position ($116,000) be used to restore scheduled overtime, the CERT Program and firefighter training (see attached handout). Mr. Woodley also spoke about the ending fund balance. It was reported that the ending fund balance was overestimated by about $300,000. Mr. Woodley listed the reasons for the overestimation as a grant, design costs for Fire Station #2, and an increase in salaries & benefits (see attached handout). Division Chief, Greg Case, presented the committee with a list of governing bodies that regulate ambulance fees (see attached handout). Mr. Case spoke about demographics and transport revenue. Mr. Case said that 56% have Medicare, 8% Medicaid, 6% private pay and 2% don’t have insurance. He explained that both Medicare and private insurance (if available) will be billed for all applicable services. Mr. Case spoke about the difference between medical practices and emergency services; he explained that the Fire Department responds to all emergency calls regardless if the injured can pay or not. The committee asked about the impact of not funding the Division Chief position. Mr. Woodley said that he, Mr. Case and Ms. Hickman will have to take the burden and that some things will have to be shelved. Councilor Hardesty asked about community events overtime and whether or not it includes walking the students to school. It was answered yes. Councilor Hardesty also inquired about the amount of overtime for technical rescue training and the need for a certificate. Mr. Woodley explained that the overtime for technical rescue training is for all types of rescues, not just confined space rescue. It was reported that the hours are the minimum required for trainings per month. Councilor Hartzell asked about CERT and the $64,000. It was answered that it moves the coordinator to full-time and provides a minimum of Materials & Services to maintain the program. Councilor Hartzell asked about turnover and the impact of reduced training on the employees. Mr. Woodley said it’s about every 18 months and that exit interviews have not revealed that training is a factor. Everson/Bond ms approval of the changes to the Fire budget as presented. All Ayes. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING May 17, 2007 PAGE 8 of 8 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Development Director, David Stalheim, talked about the Building Division add package. Mr. Stalheim reported that the intergovernmental agreement with the State of Oregon Building Codes Division might not generate as much revenue as previously thought. Mr. Stalheim said that the anticipated revenue has been changed from $58,000 to $22,780, leaving approximately $19,220 to be reduced from the Community Development budget. Mr. Stalheim proposed that the FTE reduction be implemented (which will reportedly save about $24,000) but maintain benefit coverage for the two employees. Bond/Stebbins ms approval of the changes to the Community Development budget as presented. All Ayes. Ms. Bennett called attention to the Restorations & Additions spreadsheet (see attached handout). It was reported that the spreadsheet may be helpful in determining a tax rate. Ms. Everson asked about how the spreadsheet is affected by the changes from tonight. It was answered that the Alternative column has tonight’s actions, so look at Remaining column. It was clarified that the 0.3968 at the bottom of the page was the remaining amount authorized that could be used to fund other programs. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:29 pm. Respectively Submitted, Miranda Iwamoto Account Clerk II Interim Library Funding City Of Ashland Proposed Budget for 2007-2008 May 17, 2007 Interim Library Funding Assumptions A countywide (regional) system is a higher quality service for Ashland and Jackson County. A broader discussion is needed. City intent is to keep the Ashland branch open for the two fiscal years needed to develop a regional funding solution City and County can negotiate a contract for the County to operate during the interim (including all relevant details) 1 Ashland Results Countywide Levies In November 2006 –Approximately 70% of votes in the Ashland precincts were in support of the 66 cent levy In May 2007 –Ashland turnout was more than 60% in every precinct except for SOU, and approximately 70% of votes were in favor of the library levy (these are preliminary, uncertified numbers) Interim Library Funding Caveat This service will need support and approval of the Board of Commissioners to proceed Information was provided by Jackson County as a courtesy and does not indicate a commitment by the Board of Commissioners. 2 Interim Library Funding Service “base”level Includes 40 hours per week with former staffing, plus minor increase for on-site supervisor Includes existing public access terminals for internet Includes previous newspaper and magazine subscriptions Includes 400 replacement books, which means very little new materials Includes access to only material in Ashland public library, Does not include central program support for childrensservices or reference services Does not include on-line databases (e.g., Chiltons) Interim Library Funding General cost categories Materials and Services, $30,000, 3% Personal Facilities, Services, $127,000, 13% $730,000, 73% County Central Services, $53,000, 5% SOLIS, $35,000, 3% City Central Services, $30,000, 3% Total : $1,005,000 3 Interim Library Funding Potential Additions County staff recommend adding $150,000 for new materials. Includes additional staff to process materials. County recommends one additional clerk for additional workload at cost of $40,000 County recommends additional Internet workstations (PC, desk, connectivity) City could add access to Central Library collection for $40,000 Interim Library Funding Significant Questions Can Ashland charge out-of-City fees (for library cards) if City pays operational costs but County owns materials? How many people will use the Ashland library if it’s the only public library in Jackson County 4 Interim Library Funding FundingOptions Property Tax Through Local Option Property Tax with Utility Surcharge Levy Rate = 58 cents per thousandProperty Tax = 32 cents per thousand (generates approx. $570,000) Utility Surcharge of 2%, which includes increase in low income utility assistance (generates approx $400,000) Impact on Ashland household with Impact on Ashland household with Assessed Value of $250,000 is approx.Assessed Value of $250,000 is approx. $150 per year$80 per year in property taxes and approximately $50 per year in surcharge This option requires voter approval in Does not require voter approval, so could September 2007. Library could be be approved by Budget Committee. reopened in mid-October 2007Reopen in July 2007. Preserves ability to use existing tax Eliminates ability to restore any reduced authority to restore cut servicesGF services. Interim Library Funding Staff recommendation The Budget Committee include a levy of 58 cents per thousand on the September 2007 ballot in FY 2007-2008 budget (details on next slide) That the City work with Jackson County to develop contracts that would open the library in mid October 2007 if the levy passes. 5 Interim Library Funding Local Option Levy thoughts Levy would be proposed for two years to allow interim financing. Staff assumes City funding will be needed until July 1, 2009 Levy would be for library only and could not be converted to other City services Taxes would not be levied if other funding is found for the library Council has to decide on the levy during the last week in June (special meeting scheduled for June 27) 6 DJUZ PG Memo Budget Committee TO: FROM:LeeTuneberg, Budget Officer Summary of FY2007-2008 Outstanding Issues RE: DATE:May17,2007 Alldepartmentpresentations are complete andmosthavebeen tentatively acceptedwithafew unresolved issues remaining. Inan attempt to facilitate tonight's discussion Ihave summarized the outstanding issues below. Summary: A.Administration,Administrative Services, City Recorder, Police, Public Works and Electric budgets are tentatively approvedwith no outstanding issues. B.Information Technology, Fire,CommunityDevelopment and Parks &Recreation budgets have a few issues to resolve and they are listed below. D/Debt Service, OperatingTransfers, Contingencies and UnappropriatedEndingFund Balancesareaspresentedand unchanged unless revised by Committee action onthe outstandingissues. D.Propertytaxesfor the City ofincludingtheGeneral Fund, Parks Recreation, YouthActivityLevyandDebtServicesare"asproposed"buthavenotbeenapproved. $1.79690(includesinternal technology debt) GeneralFund Parks&Recreation $2.09280 YouthActivity Levy $0.20030(tomeetvoterapproved,tax-supported debt DebtService Totalofvaluation E.Library operations remain unresolved. F.Otherchangesfromstaff-Aswe get closertoJune 30 projections and estimates may warrantadjustmentsforFY2007-2008.Anexampleis the Electric Fund solar panel constructionprojecthasbeen delayed andshould be re-budgetedattherevisedamount of$800,000.TheCommitteeshouldreservetimeon May toaddress these. SERVICESDEPARTMENT Tel:541488-6002 D.L.Tuneberg,Director Gby;541488-5311 20EastStreet Psfhpo 97520800-7352900 Memo OutstandingItems: 2/Library-With the May County election onthisinitiativebeing defeatedyet the majority ofvotesbeinginfavor, the question remainsasto what level ofservice,ifany,istobeincluded in the FY2007-2008citybudget.Council askedthat this issue be brought forward aspart of the budget process. Revenue streams and appropriation levels will need to beidentifiedandapproved by this committeeforthis service to go forward. Attached isa presentation from Administration. 2.Parks&Recreation-TheCommitteeaskedParkstoconsider 6&inreductionswithan emphasistoward capital expenditures. The Parks Commission has evaluated alternativesandhas a proposal to share.Attached is a report from the Parks Commission. 3.FireDepartment-The Committee requested alternate cuts for the5%reductioninlieu of those offered and more information regarding theanticipated under expenditure in FY 2006-2007.Attached are twomemos from the Fire Department. 4.CommunityDevelopment-Thedepartment has identified a potential agreementwith theStateof Oregon todoadditional inspections inSouthern Oregon, generating sufficientrevenue to maintain building inspectors atreduced hours. Thiswouldadd revenueand appropriations backtotheGeneral Fund, maintaining the projectedending fundbalance and helpingtomake up forthe reduction inbuilding activity in Attachedisa memo from CommunityDevelopment. 5.Otherissues-Addpackagesorrevisionsfromthe Committee orstaff. Theabove represent the issuestoberesolved to approve the budget for next year. Some of these may overlap orcompete with other things tentatively approved and such conflictsshould beaddressedasthe Committee takes action. Staff has "heard"concerns from theCommitteeonlonger-term issues including (butnotlimited to)wageandcompensation, the cost ofservicesascomparedtorevenue streams, capital improvementsand financing, Council goalsandcity -wide priorities. Werecommendthatthe lonqer-termandpolicy issues beconsideredasanAqendaitematthe final meetinq ".Yourcommentsandrecommendationsonthese will beusefulto scheduledfor May 22 Council and staffasweprepareforthe following budget processes. DEPARTMENT Tel:541-488-6002 D.L.Director Fax:541-488-5311 31 East Tusffu Oregon97520800-735-2900 PARKSANDRECREATION COMMISSION OREGON 97520 340SOPIONEERSTREET COMMISSIONE DonRobertson Eggers Lewis TEL488-5340 Melody Noraas FAX(541) 488-5314 Rosenthal NFNPSBOEVN Djuj{fot(Cvehfu UP Fhhfst-Dibjs-QbsltboeSfdsfbujpoDpnnjttjpo GSPN Nbz27-3118 EBUF w CvehfuObssbujwf TVCKFDU Tjodfuif!Bqsjm!41ui!cvehfu!nffujoh-!uif!QbsltDpnnjttjpoibtnfuuxjdfupsfwjfxpvs qspqptfe!cvehfu/!Mff!boeNbsuib!Cfoofuu!buufoefepvsNbz21uituveztfttjpo/ Xfbqqsfdjbufeuifjsjoqvu/Buuiftuveztfttjpo-!xf!tqfouujnfsfwjfxjohuifnpujpo qbttfe!cz!uifCvehfuDpnnjuuff/XfbmtpsfwjfxfebovncfspgtvhhftujpotQbslttubgg qsftfoufegps!dpotjefsbujpo/!Jouif!foe-!xf!xfsf!bcmfup!dsfbuf!b!qsjpsjuj{femjtupgqpufoujbm dvut/ Joefwfmpqjohpvsmjtu-gpvs!gbdupst!sfrvjsfe!tqfdjbm!dpotjefsbujpo/Gjstuxbtqspufdujpopg pvs!njttjpo-!tfdpoexbtqspufdujpopgpvsnjmmbhf-uijsexbtqspufdujpopgpvsfoejoh cbmbodf-boegpvsui!xbt!qspufdujpo!pg!pvs!dbqjubm/!Vogpsuvobufmz-!xfgpvoe!uibu!fwfsz pqujposftvmufejouif!ibsn!pgbumfbtupofpguiptfgpvs!dbufhpsjft/!Xibu!xfibwf dpnqjmfejtb!uxfmwf.qpjou!mjtu/Puifsuibouifgjstu!uxp!jufnt-!xf!cfmjfwf!uif!cbmbodf!pg! uifjufntejsfdumz!jnqbdu!pvsbcjmjuzupdbsszpvupvsnjttjpo/ Xfbmtpsfwjfxfepvs!fyqfoejuvsf!qspkfdujpot!boeefufsnjofeuibu!bo!fsspsxbtnbefjo uxp!bsfbt/!Uifgjstufsspsxbtjopvs!Qbslt!Ejwjtjpo!Nbufsjbmt!Tfswjdftmjofjufn/Tubgg ibeqspkfdufeuijt!fyqfoejuvsf!up!cf!%:98-111gpsuif!dvssfou!zfbs/!Uijtovncfstipvme sfbe!%2-411-111/!UiftfdpoefsspsxbtjopvsQbsltEjwjtjpo.DbqjubmPvumbzmjofjufn/ Tubggibeqspkfdufeuijt!ovncfs!upcf%436-111/Uijtovncfs!tipvme!sfbe Xibugpmmpxtjtb!obssbujwf!pgpvsqsjpsjuj{femjtupgqspqptfe!cvehfu!sfevdujpot;2 boe3bsfqpsujpotpguifofxTdippmEjtusjdudpousbduuibu!xjmm!opxcfdibshfe bhbjotu!uif!ZBM/Uiftfsfqsftfouofx!fyqfoejuvsft!jouif!qspqptfe!cvehfupwfsuif dvssfou!cvehfu!cvubsfuifsftvmupg!b!dpousbdubqqspwfeczcpuiuifdpnnjttjpoboe dpvodjm/Uifupubmdpousbdu!jt!%256-341/Uibumfbwft%63-341fmjhjcmf!gps!ZBMtdippm nbjoufobodf!fyqfotft!tujmmjopvshfofsbmgvoe/ HomeofFamousPark mufn!uisff!jtb!sfevdujpo!pg!tubgg!gps!uifTfojps!Dfoufs/!Dvssfoumz!uifsf!bsfuisfffnqmpzfft budfoufs-!opof!pg!xipn!bsf!gvmm.ujnf/!Uijt!qspqptbmxpvmefmjnjobuf!pof!pg uifTfojpsQsphsbnTqfdjbmjtu/Jopsefsupdpoujovf!pqfsbujoh!uif ftqfdjbmmzevsjohtjdlpswbdbujpoebzt-xfbsfqspqptjohupsfqmbdf!uif!mptuqptjujpoxjui b!qbsu.ujnf!qptjujpo/!Uifsftvmuxpvme!tujmm!sfevdfpqfsbujpotpg!uif!dfoufsczpof ebz!boe!sfrvjsfb!sftusvduvsjoh!pg!uifbenjojtusbujpo!pg!uif!djuz!vujmjuzejtdpvou boe!uif!ifbujohbttjtubodf!qsphsbn/!Uijtsfevdujpo!xpvme!bmtpesbtujdbmmz!jnqbdu!dfoufs bcjmjuzup!dpoevdu!ipnf!wjtjut!boebttfttnfout/!Pqfsbujpot!pgTfojps xfsfusbotgfssfeup!Qbslt!boe!Sfdsfbujpo!uxpzfbstbhpxjuipvu!boz!sfwfovf!up! 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Uifdpnnjttjpoepftopusfdpnnfoejufnt:-23/Jujtpvsgffmjoh!uibu-!xijmf!qpttjcmf- uiftfsfevdujpotxpvme uifcbmbodfpguifdjuz-pvsnjttjpo-psibsnpvsbcjmjuz upnpwf!gpsxbse!xjuipvs!opo .ubysfwfovf!foibodfnfou!fggpsut/! Jufnt2 -9xjmmsfevdfpvs!psjhjobm!qspqptfe!cvehfucz%324-111-!csjohjoh!ju %6-565-432/jgzpvcbdlpvuuif%63-341pgopo.ZBMfmjhjcmffyqfotftbtb pguifofxtdippmnbjoufobodf!dpousbdu-!pvsqspqptfe!cvehfu!cfdpnft!%6-513-1:2/!Uibu b!ejggfsfodf!pg2psbcvehfujodsfbtf!pg!gspnuijtzfbs(tcvehfu!up!ofyuzfbs(; cvehfu-jodmvejohdptu.pg.mjwjoh!bekvtunfout!boecfofgju!dptu!jodsfbtft/ . Xjuisfhbseupuif!dpodfso!bcpvupvs!tqfoejoh-!pobwfsbhf-:2pgpvsboovbmcvehfu- dptupgcfbsjoh N Tjogmbujpobmpohxjui!jodsfbtfe!fnqmpzff!dptut!xjmmjodsfbtfuib qfsdfoubhfdpotjefsbcmz/Vomjlf!uif!djuz-xfoffeupfotvsf!tjhojgjdbou!dbsszpwfs KvmzboePdupcfs/Xfsfmzpomzpopvstfmwftgpsuijt-opuuifdjuz/Ipxfwfs-jg!xf!ep op ibwf!befrvbuf!dbsszpwfs-xfxjmm!offe!up!cpsspx!gspn!uif!djuz!updpoujovfpvspqfsbujpo- nf QspqptfeCvehfuSfevdujpot Qsjpsjuj{fe .Usbotgfs!%56-111!gspnNTupZBM Qsftfswft!uif!fyqfoejuvsf!cvusfbmmpdbuftcbtfepoZBMgjobmzfbs Usbotgfs%59-111gspnQbsltqfstpoofmupZBM Qsftfswftuiffyqfoejuvsfcvusfbmmpdbuft!cbtfe!poZBMgjobm!zfbs! 4/FmjnjobufTfojpsQsphsbnTqfdjbmjtu0Bee%31-111!ufnqpsbsz!fnqmpzff Jnqbdut!jodmvef!mpttpgTfojps!Djuz!Vujmjuz!Ejtdpvou!jowpmwfnfou- Bttjtubodf!qsphsbn!jowpmwfnfou-!sfevdfe!ipvst!pg!pqfsbujpot!buTfojps Dfoufs/Xpvme!sfrvjsf!Djuzupsftusvduvsfuiftf!qsphsbnt/!Uijtxjmmbmtp uif!Pvusfbdi!Qsphsbn/! Tbwft%41-111 5/Fmjnjobuf%4-111gpsTvnnfsPvueppsQsphsbn)TjtljzpvGjfmeJotujuvuf* 6/Fmjnjobuf!%3-111!gpsdpousbdufe!tfojps!gjfmeusjqtxjui!ZNDB! 7/Sfnpwf%71-111!gspn!QbsltNbufsjbmt&Tfswjdft Sfevdfopoobujwfwfhfubujpo!sfnpwbm!)MjuijbQbslgpsftujoufsgbdf* Sfevdfsfevdujpo!qsphsbn!)MjuijbQbslgpsftujoufsgbdf* Sfevdfqbslnbjoufobodfnbufsjbmt)bmmqbslt* Tbwft%71-111 8/SfevdfQbslt!usbotgfs!upDbqjubmcvehfu!cz!%31-111 Sfubjot!sfdsfbujpo!wbo!uibu!xbtqmboofeupcfsfqmbdfeczizcsje!wfijdmf! Sfevdf!%6-111!gspnHpmgcvehfu Fmjnjobuft!%6-111!jodbqjubmjnqspwfnfout :/Fmjnjobuf%43-11111&!pg!Qbsltgvoejoh*gpsDTPgspn!Nbjoufobodf! Tfswjdft Sfevdfthsbggjuj!sfnpwbm!qsphsbn!boetlbufqbsl!svmf! fogpsdfnfou Fmjnjobuf!%61-111!)61&pgQbsltgvoejoh*gpsDBQPggjdfs!qsphsbn! Sfgmfdut!qpufoujbm!sfevdujpojoujnftqfouxjui!Qbsl!Qbuspm!svmf!fogpsdfn SfnpwfQspnpujpot!Dppsejobups!qptjujpobeecbdlBenjoBttjtu!qptjujpo<! beecbdl%41-111updpousbdufetfswjdft sfnpwfSfdfqujpoqptjujpo Sfevdft!dbqbcjmjujft!gpsefqbsunfou.xjefqptjujpo Fmjnjobuft b ufnqpsbsz!fnqmpzff! Sftusjdut!qsphsbn!dbqbcjmjujft!pg!Obuvsf!Dfoufs! Tbwft%31-311 23/!Sfevdf!Dbqjubmmnqspwfnfoutcz%211-111 CITY PG Memo Citizen'sBudgetCommittee TO: KeithE.Woodley,FireChief FROM: FireRescue DEPT: FireDepartmentBudgetEndingFundBalance RE: May17,2007 DATE: During the presentation of theFY2007108firedepartmentbudget,theBudgetCommittee requested staff todetermine the amount ofending fund balance expectedfor the currentfisca yearbudgetwithin the fire department. Thismemoisprovidedinresponse to this request. Early estimates madebystaffsuggested a carry over ofoverTheendingfund balanceforthefire department budget is nowprojectedtobe$100,000, which reflectsnormal expendituresthroughout the fiscalyear. The reasons fortheover-estimation error were asfollows: The presence ofa $400,000 FEMAgrantinCapital Outlay thatwillbefullyexpendedb 1. June30,2007,butwasshownasunexpendedatthetimeendingfundbudgetestimateswere completed. Preliminarydesign costs for fire station no.2weretobereimburseduponsuccessful 2. passage of the fire station bond levylast November. Thebond issue failed and so $43,000 waschargedback to the fire department budget. Salariesand benefits for firefighter union positions were calculated ata3%increaseat 4/ budgettime as contract negotiations were still in progress. The laborcontractwaseventually settledat5%afterbudget approval. Giventhese factors itisanticipated that expenditures will trend at 98%ofapproved budget by theendofthefiscal year. Tel:541482-2770 Ashbnd Fire Rescue 541488-5318 455 800-735-2900 Ashbnd,Oregon97520 Cityof DepartmentalExpense Report For the tenth month ended April 30,2007 Actualof Year-To-Date Percent YTDBudget ExpendituresBudgetExpended Balance Prior FY Prior FireDepartment Operations Personal Services MaterialsandServices CapitalOutlay EmergencyServices Personal Services 1,256,8541,460,40586.1%203,551 80.2% Materialsand Services 517,687 575,240 90.0%57,553 78.7% CapitalOutlay 2,520NIA NIA 1,777,060 2,035,645 87 3%258,585 89.6% Fire8LifeSafetyDivision Personal Services 46.7%99,747 NIA Materials and 77.0%4,959 NIA CapitalOutlayNIA NIA NIA Total Personal Services MaterialsandServices CapitalOutlay DJUZ PG Memo Citizen's Budget Committee TO: FROM:KeithE.Woodley, Fire Chief FireRescue DEPT: FY 2007108Fire Department BudgetReductions RE: May17,2007 DATE: During the presentation oftheproposed2007108Fire Department budget, departmentstaff was directed toreview the anticipated budget reductions todetermine if alternatives existed reduceservicelevel impacts withinthe fire department. This memois provided in response thatdirection. RedirectfundingforthevacantOperationsDivisionChiefposition($116,001.37)asfollows: ScheduledOvertime RestoreOvertime For Technical Rescue TeamTraining $12,000 RestoreOvertime For Firefighter Skills Maintenance Training 6,000 RestoreOvertime For CERT Volunteer Training by Staff $10,000 RestoreOvertime For Special Community Events -7,000 $35,000 2.CERTProgram Restore CERT program personnel services RestoreCERTprogram materials services 3.FirefighterTraining RestoreTechnicalTeamInstructor Training Restore Firefighter Skills Maintenance Training TOTAL These adjustments will restore these programs asindicated. Tel:541-482-2770 AshhndFireRescue Fax: 455 Ashhnd,Psfhpo 97520 DJUZ PG May17,2007 TO:Martha Bennett, CityAdministrator LeeTuneberg, Finance Director RE:BuildingPackage Aspartofthebudgetpresentation,wehadproposedtorestorethecutsinthebuildingdivision ($42,000)by replacingthosefundswithadditional revenue fromoutside work withtheState BuildingCodesDivision(BCD). To ensurethat our revenue estimates were accurate,wehad additionalconversationswithBCDregardingtheirexpectationsregarding the needforourservices Asa result, webelievethatourrevenueestimateislikelyhigh and wouldproposean alternative packageasoutlinedbelow. RevenueAdd: Annual Monthly(4mo.) VolumeRateBillable Hours RevenueRevenue PlanReview.4perweek8$5,100$ Inspections410$ TOTALS Revenue Reduction: Tomeetthereduction target of $42,000,lesstheprojected revenue add identified above,the buildingdivisionwouldneedtoreducetheirexpenses by $19,220. Thiscan be accomplishedby continuingtoimplement the reduction,whilemaintaining the benefits.Thevaluetothis approachisifeitheror the Statebuildingpermit activity picksupsignificantly,with additionalrevenueobtained,the city will beinapositiontoincreasehours and provide coverage. CurrentNewCurrentNew FTEFTEPayNewPayImpact Hours Hours 0.80 0.67 50,538.4042,325.91 (8,212.49) 32.0026.80 1.OO0.8760,173.2952,374.18(7,799.11)40.00 34.80 1.OO0.8760,173.2952,374.18(7,799.11) 40.00 34.80 Inspectionsarebilledportaltoportalandwouldincludein the billable hours mileageexpenses. isestimated that the woulddrive 300 milesperweek,withacostof$720 perweek. These expenses are deducted fromthe projections. Fromthe Desk of: DavidStalheim, Director DepartmentofCommunityDevelopmentTel:541-552-2043 51WayFax:541-552-2050 Oregon97520800-735-2900 CITY PG Memo Citizen'sBudgetCommittee TO: KeithE.Woodley, Fire Chief FROM: FireRescue DEPT: RE:FY 2007108 FireDepartmentBudgetReductions May21,2007 DATE: Duringthepresentationof the proposed2007108Fire Department budget, department staff wasdirectedtoreviewtheanticipatedbudgetreductionstodetermineifalternativesexistedto reduceservicelevel impacts within the firedepartment. This memo isprovidedinresponseto thatdirection. Redirectfundingforthevacant Operations Division Chiefposition ($1 16,001.37)asfollows: 1.ScheduledOvertime RestoreOvertime For TechnicalRescue Team Training $12,000 RestoreOvertime For Firefighter Skills Maintenance Training $6,000 Restore Overtime For CERT Volunteer Training byStaff$10,000 RestoreOvertimeFor Special CommunityEvents -7,000 $35,000 2.Training RestoreTechnical Team Instructor Training RestoreFirefighterSkills Maintenance Training 3.CERT RestoreCERTprogram personnel services RestoreCERTprogram materials services TOTAL Theseadjustmentswillrestore these programs asindicated. Tel: FireRescue Fax: 455Siskiyou 800-735-2900 Oregon97520 Qspqptfe!Cvehfu!Sfevdujpot Qsjpsjuj{fe 0)Usbotgfs%56-111gspnTupZBM QsftfswftuiffyqfoejuvsfcvusfbmmpdbuftcbtfepoZBMgjobmzfbs Usbotgfs%59-111gspnQbsltQfstpoofmupZBM Qsftfswft!uif!fyqfoejuvsf!cvusfbmmpdbuft!cbtfe!po!ZBMgjobm!zfbs! SfnpwfTs/Qsphsbn31lufnqpsbszfnqmpzff Jnqbdu!mptt!pgTs/DjuzVujmjuz!Ejtdpvou!jowpmwfnfou-!Ifbujoh!Bttjtubodf! qsphsbnjowpmwfnfou-sfevdf!ipvst!pgpqfsbujpotbuTs/Dfoufs Tbwft!vt!%41-111! Fmjnjobuf!uif!%4111gps!pvuepps!qsphsbn Fmjnjobufuif%3111gpsdpousbdufetfojpsgjfmeusjqtxjui!ZNDB! Sfnpwf!%71-111!gspn!Qbslt!NbufsjbmtTfswjdft Sfevdfopoobujwfwfhfubujposfnpwbm Sfevdfsfevdujpoqsphsbn Hfofsbmcfmuujhiufojoh Tbwft%71-111 qbsltusbotgfsupcz%31-111 Sfubjotsfd/!wbo!uibu!xbt!hpjohup!cf!sfqmbdfe!cz!Izcsje 9/Sfevdf%6111!gspn!HpmgCvehfu Fmjnjobuft%6111.jo..dbqjupm. . .jnqspwfnfout.. :/Fmjnjobuf%43-111gpsDTPgspn!Nbjoufobodf!NbufsjbmtboeTfswjdft Sfevdft!Hsbggjuj!sfnpwbmboetlbufqbslsvmffogpsdfnfou 21/!Fmjnjobuf!%61-111gpsDBQpggjdfs!qsphsbn! Sfgmfdutqpufoujbm!sfevdujpo!joujnf!tqfou!xjui!qbsl!qbuspm!svmf 22/Sfnpwf!Qspnpujpot!Dppsejobups!cbdlBenjoBttjtuqptjujpo-Sfo Sfdfqujpoqptjujpo-boeBeecbdldpousbdutfswjdft/ Sfevdf!dbqbcjmjujft!gps!Efqbsunfou!xjef!qptjujpo! fmjnjobuft!b!ufnqpsbsz!fnqmpzff! Sftusjdut!qsphsbn!dbqbcjmjujft!pgObuvsfdfoufs Tbwftvt%31-311 23/Sfevdf!Dbqjupm!cz!%211-111 CITY PG BTIMBOD Memo EBUF;Nbz28-3118 UP;Cvehfu!Dpnnjuuff! Hsfh J/Dbtf-Ejwjtjpo!Dijfg! GSPN; Djuz!pg!Bncvmbodf!Sfwfovf!Sfdfjqut!Mjnjubujpot! SF; UijtjtjosftqpotfupuifCvehfuDpnnjuuff(t!sfrvftu!gps!uif!sfhvmbujpot!uibu!mjnju!uif!sfwfovf! dpmmfdujpopgbncvmbodfgfftgps!tfswjdf/! Bovncfspg!hpwfsojoh!cpejft!sfhvmbuf!uif!qspwjtjpotpgdptusfdpwfszuibu!bggfdut!uif!bnpvou!uif! bncvmbodftfswjdfdbodpmmfdu!gps!tfswjdft/Uifgpmmpxjohjtbcsjfgtvnnbszpgtpnfpguif!sfhvmbujoh! cpejftboesfhvmbujpot!mjnjujoh!uifgvmmdpmmfdujpopg!bncvmbodf!gfft!gps!tfswjdf/! Uif!Gfefsbm!sfhjtufs!qbsu!gpvs/EfqbsunfoupgIfbmuiboeIvnboTfswjdft-53DGSqbsut521525 pvumjofuif!sfrvjsfnfout-!gfftdifevmfboeqbznfoumjnjutpgbncvmbodf!tfswjdft/! UifDfoufstgpsNfejdbsfboeNfejdbjetfswjdftsfhvmbuf!uif!sfjncvstfnfou!cztfuujohuifmjnjut!jo!uif! #SfwjtfeObujpobmGfftdifevmf#jotfdujpouibu!tubuft!#Bncvmbodfqspwjefstboetvqqmjfst nv bddfqu!uif!Nfejdbsf!bmmpxfe!dibshft!btqbznfou!jo!gvmmboeopucjmmpsdpmmfduuifcfofgjdjbszboz bnpvoupuifs!uibo!boz! QbsuCefevdujcmfboeQBSU C dpjotvsbodfbnpvout/#Xfdvssfoumz!cjmm! bmmQBSUCcfofgjdjbsjft/ Uiftubufuispvhi!uif!Psfhpo!Sfwjtfe!Tubuvuft-!uif!PsfhpoEfqbsunfoupgIvnboTfswjdftboe!Psfhpo! Benjojtusbujwf!Svmft!tfdujpo!521.231.2391bmtppvumjofboeuif!cjmmjoh!pgqbsujdjqboutpguif PsfhpoIfbmui!Qmbo/! Tel:541-482-2770 Fire 9 Sftdvf 455 Fax: Oregon97520 911.846.3:11