HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-04-21 Budget Committee Minutes BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 21, 2008-PAGE 1 OF 5 Budget Committee Meeting Draft Minutes April 21, 2008 7pm Civic Center, Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street CALL TO ORDER The Citizen’s Budget Committee meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm on April 21, 2008 in Council Chambers at 1175 East Main Street, Ashland Oregon. ROLL CALL Committee members Douma, Everson, Gregorio, Hardesty, Hartzell, Heimann, Jackson, Morrison, Navickas, Slattery, Stebbins, and Thompson were present. Chapman and Silbiger were absent. STAFF PRESENT: MARTHA BENNETT, CITY ADMINISTRATOR LEE TUNEBERG, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ FINANCE DIRECTOR BRYN MORRISON, ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE DIANA SHIPLET, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY TERRY HOLDERNESS, POLICE CHIEF GAIL ROSENBERG, POLICE DEPARTMENT COREY FALLS, POLICE DEPARTMENT RICH WALSH, POLICE DEPARTMENT KEITH WOODLEY, FIRE CHIEF GREG CASE, FIRE DEPARTMENT MARGURITTE HICKMAN, FIRE DEPARMENT SHAWN BRANAUGH, FIRE DEPARTMENT BILL MOLNAR, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ADAM HANKS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BRANDON GOLDMAN, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Martha Bennett, City Administrator, stated that they are gathering a list of all the issues the committee has asked for more information. They will bring these items to the group as soon as possible. They are also keeping a running list of all the issues the group would like to talk about at the end of the process. POLICE DEPARTMENT PRESENTATION Chief Terry Holderness of the Police Department gave overview of their general responsibilities. There are three areas their budget is broken down into including; Administration Division which has the chief, administrative assistant, and Medford dispatch contract, the Operation Department which had deputy chief, patrol and detectives and the Support Department which has records keeping, evidence, volunteers and park patrol. The administration division is slightly larger than typical because it holds all the contracts, including the Medford dispatch contract. Major accomplishments in Fiscal Year 2008 include; implementation of area commander program, opening of the downtown contact station, completion of new training program, station upgrade and BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 21, 2008-PAGE 2 OF 5 parking lot improvements, completed department reorganization, and completed connection to Crimereports.com for current reporting of police activities. The department gave overview of the budget over the last couple of years. Holderness stated that the reason for the increase in budget between this fiscal year and the proposed budget has to do with staffing recruitment costs and the length of time for the hiring process. Out of the last three recruitment cycles they have only gained one new employee. They must budget with the hope that they will be at full staffing levels. Significant budget changes include; one unfilled police officer position has not been funded, dispatch contract increased by $103,000 – Medford has been subsidizing our dispatch but are no longer willing to do so. When they put the budget together they were hoping to find some offsetting funding for the purchase of an Identix fingerprinting machine. That offsetting source was not found and so they decided to not purchase the Identix machine this budget cycle. They will be purchasing no new equipment, other than those things they are required to replace or upgrade or those things which they can use to purchase with forfeiture funds. Service impacts of cuts include; increase in average response times for priority one calls (those emergencies where response time is important), reduction of proactive responses, and likely will increase the need for overtime to maintain minimum staffing levels. Challenges for Fiscal Year 2009 include; continued institutionalization of Community Policing, implementation of PERF report, reduction in response time to priority one calls, improve data gathering and analysis, enhance ability to work with youth in community, provide all employees with training related to mental illness, complete installation on video systems in all patrol units, and complete update of policies and procedures. PUBLIC INPUT No public input. DISCUSSION Committee asked for clarification on the amount of money received in Fiscal Year 2008 from asset forfeiture and if that amount was high. Police stated that the amount was $190,000 and that was high because it was several years worth of funding that they had to spend prior to year end in order to not lose the funding. Committee asked for clarification on the location in the budget of several line item charges. Tuneberg walked them through those issues. Committee discussed concerns relating to the lost of Police personnel and the increased costs relating to salaries and benefits. Chief Holderness stated that personnel is the last place they want to reduce but too many of their costs are set by outside forces so they are unable to reduce material and services any further. Committee asked about forfeiture funds and how much they expect to receive this year. Holderness stated that it appears they will have between $80,000 and $100,000 to spend and they are looking towards moving as much as possible away from central services funds to forfeiture. Those funds are not reflected in this budget – they will be brought forth as a supplemental budget so as not to confuse those funds with regular budget monies. Committee asked if the lower crime levels should equate to fewer staff. Holderness stated that there are fewer numbers of certain types of crime but there are higher numbers of crimes like identity theft which take a longer time to handle. They are dealing with this by elimination of one patrol officer and the addition of one detective. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 21, 2008-PAGE 3 OF 5 Committee asked for clarifications on position reductions, park patrol reduction, response times, and partnering with other agencies on the mental health training to try and reduce costs. Committee asked for clarifications regarding gas projections. Holderness reminded the group those projections are determined by the Public Works Department. Committee asked for clarification regarding the Tiburon system which is the system used for records and dispatch in conjunction with Medford dispatch. Committee asked for clarification regarding staffing levels and how they were adjusted between divisions, and information related to use of a detective or patrol officer or possibility of contracting out to deal with identity theft. Holderness made clarifications relating to the reorganization and the challenges and cooperation with other agencies associated with identity theft and fraud. He also stated that according to industry standards identity theft and fraud crimes will greatly increase over the next few years. They would like to increase the number of detectives but currently had to choose not to in order to keep the correct number of patrol officers on duty. Committee raised concerns about the validity of this proposed budget due to the length of time it takes to hire personnel and whether or not they can count on the large ending fund balance for assistance with other currently unfunded positions. Tuneberg stated that they would re-look at the projections. Committee asked for clarification regarding fleet equipment replacement. Tuneberg stated this is all handled through the public works fleet division and gave overview of the process for determining replacement projections, cost allocations, and maintenance figures. Hartzell/Everson m/s to tentatively approve the budget from the Police Department.DISCUSSION: Committee had discussion on the difference between tentative approval of the budget verses approval of the presentation. Committee decided that if it means moving on and not having the same debate every meeting that tentative approval was acceptable. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion Passes. Douma/Heimann m/s that tentative approval means the committee is not asking the department to go back and rework their budget presentation. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion Passes. Heimann/Everson m/s to tentatively approve the Parks budget. DISCUSSION: None. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion Passes. FIRE DEPARTMENT PRESENTATION Chief Keith Woodley of the Fire Department gave overview of their proposed budget. There are three divisions of the Fire Department; Fire Operations, Emergency Services, and Fire and Life Safety. They gave an overview of the goals for each division and the current status for each goal. Also, gave an overview of the major accomplishments for each division for Fiscal Year 2008. See presentation for details. Woodley gave an overview of the accomplishments planned for Fiscal Year 2009 including; continued participation in the Facilities Master Planning Process, continued assistance in the wildfire fuels reduction efforts, maintaining community emergency preparedness activities, etc. See presentation for details. Woodley stated that in developing this budget the goal was to assist overall budget issues and still maintain current staffing levels. Due to this they have several significant budget changes including; limiting personal services costs, elimination of child safety seat inspections, reduce CERT training for the public, implement EMS response fee which has never yet been charged. Some of the challenges for Fiscal Year 2009 include; EMS revenues continuing to decline, personnel costs will continue to increase, our ability to offer competitive wages will continue to decrease – we will likely lose people to other BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 21, 2008-PAGE 4 OF 5 agencies. See presentation for further details. Woodley reminded the group that this budget is dependant upon the property increase including the CERT program and an inspector position. PUBLIC INPUT Clark Custodio urged the committee to continue to fund the CERT program. The program has grown greatly beyond what FEMA originally intended when it was established. CERT volunteers have been trained to handle most emergency situations and have become highly valuable to City staff as well as the community. DISCUSSION Committee affirmed the value of the CERT program. Committee asked about dispatch and response levels for incidents. Greg Case gave an overview of the dispatch procedures and how Medford dispatch organizes who responds. This is based on both national standards, manpower requirements, and response time issues. Committee asked about regulations regarding how expansive our response territory is. Case stated it is determined by the state legislature so that communities can not pick and choose their response areas for financial gain. Committee asked for clarification on how ambulance service costs were calculated. Woodley gave an overview of how they do the calculation. Committee had questions and discussion about the CERT program growth, personnel costs, and budget requirements and the slow down in the growth of the program. Committee asked if there were other fees that could be charged that they currently do not charge. Woodley and Case gave overview of some of the possible fees they could implement and the discussions they have had with other groups regarding additional fees. Committee asked for and received clarification on the costs, total calls, and trending for the ambulance services. Committee requested that the Council continue to look into options for improving cost recovery for the ambulance services. Committee asked for clarification regarding the potential cut of the fire inspector position. Woodley stated the background regarding the decision and reminded the committee that this is a viable position and they would rather not lose it. Committee discussed the challenges around losing this position and where alternate funding sources could come from. Committee had discussion about the importance of CERT and the potential for alternate funding sources. Also had discussions about how many hours of training per month the CERT program handles. Committee asked and received clarification regarding the bond and debt service relating to Fire station number one. Committee asked and received clarification regarding the fire inspection services and the level of violations they typically discover. Committee asked and received clarification regarding what the impact would be to reduce the CERT Program total employees from 1.4 to 1.0. Also asked and received clarification regarding the grant funding the CERT program receives. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 21, 2008-PAGE 5 OF 5 Everson/Hartzell moves tentative approval of the Fire Department budget. DISCUSSION: Douma stated council needs to do long-term work with regards to the ambulance issue. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion Passes. Committee members Morrison and Jackson left the meeting 9:55 p.m. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Committee asked department if they would rather present now and have questions asked at a later date or if they would rather move entirely to another meeting. It was determined by staff and committee to move the Community Development Department presentation to the May 1, 2008 meeting. ADJOURNMENT This meeting adjourned at 10:03 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Diana Shiplet Executive Secretary Major Responsibilities of Police Department Department City Of Ashland Deal with general crime and disorder Work with the community to identify and solve community problems Proposed Budget for 2008-2009 Traffic Safety April 21, 2008 Assist in major events occurring in the City Help maintain quality of life in the City Assist the community when requested with a variety of issues Administration Division Structure of Departmentpage 3-48 Chief Administrative Assistant 64% Background investigator Contracts (communications, training facilities, Adminstration 18% Operations sobering unit) Support 18% 2.5 FTE Percentage of Budget by Division Operations Division Support Division page 3-52page 3-50 Lieutenant Deputy Chief Records Patrol CAP Traffic SRO Detectives Property/Evidence 25 FTE CSO Volunteers Park Patrol 10.05 FTE 1 Major AccomplishmentsPerformance Measures Implemented Area Commander program 1000 900 Opened Contact Station 800 Completed PTO, POP and leadership training 700 Updated and implemented several new policies to 600 500 address both community and internal department Total Part 1 Crimes 400 issues 300 Parking lot improvements and station upgrade 200 100 Completed department reorganization 0 Crimereports.com 200220032004200520062007 Budget Over Time 2008 Proposed Budget 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 33% Salaries and Benefits 3,000,000 Materials and 2,000,000 Servicies 1,000,000 67% 0 2007 Budget200820082009 ActualAmendedProjectedProposed $4,671,440Budget$5,375,857$5,803,230 $5,648,208 Significant Budget Changes From 2007-2008Service Impacts of Cuts Priority one average response time is One police officer position not funded presently 6:04. Our ability to reduce that Increase in dispatch contract of $103,000 decreases with the loss of a patrol officer Recommend reducing Materials and Services position. by an additional $19,000 to eliminate Our ability to respond proactively to crime, purchase of Identixmachine traffic safety or other community issues is No new equipment purchases except those also reduced by the loss of a patrol officer. required for replacement in this year’s budget Likely to increase the need to pay overtime to maintain minimum staffing levels. 2 Police Department Challenges for FY 2009 City Of Ashland Institutionalize Community Policing philosophy Finalize the implementation of the PERF Report Reduce response times to priority one calls Improve data analysis Proposed Budget for 2008-2009 Enhance our ability to work with youth in the community Provide all employees with comprehensive training April 21,2008 program for dealing with issues relating to Mental illness Complete installation of video systems in all patrol vehicles Complete updating of all departmental policies and procedures 3 Structure of Department ASHLAND FIRE & RESCUE Fire Operations Division City Of Ashland Emergency Services Division Proposed Budget for 2008-2009 April 21, 2008 Fire & Life Safety Division Major Responsibilities of Major Accomplishments in FY Ashland Fire & Rescue2007-2008 DEPARTMENT GOALSSTATUS Provide emergency fire response services within the City of Ashland in an efficient and effective manner. •Assist private property Wildfire thinning efforts owners with wildfire fuel completed on 82 acres or 26 Provide highest quality of patient care within our reduction effortshomes treated ambulance service area within fiscal constraints. •Meet or exceed department Currently meeting two of the Provide innovative leadership and program performance measurement five performance measures development for Ashland CERT. standards Provide effective fire prevention services including •Support City initiatives The City collaborated with the included in the Ashland USFS in clarifying CWPP fire safety education, fire plans review, certified fire Forest Resiliency Projectrecommendations. Now code compliance services and consultation services awaiting release of the FEIS to the community. for City review and comment. Major Accomplishments in FY Major Accomplishments in FY 2007-20082007-2008 page 3-58 FIRE OPERATIONS STATUS DEPARTMENT GOALSSTATUS DIVISION GOALS Increase community-wide Conducted the September Continue to seek grant funding Obtained a $30,000 DHS attention to emergency 2007 Community Wildfire for needed equipmentGrant for firefighter protective preparedness activities.training exercise and public clothing educational forum. Improve the application of Completed Firehouse & Planning for Fire Station No. Facilities Master Plan technology for emergency Telestaffsoftware updates. 2 reconstructionCommittee organized in response information Development of MDT program December 2007 and work is managementand replacement of laptops progressing. not completed due to budget reduction Focus on improvements in Continuing to develop firefighter training program instructors for in-house delivery systemtraining program 1 Major Accomplishments in FY Major Accomplishments in FY 2007-20082007-2008 page 3-62 FIRE OPERATIONSFIRE & LIFE SAFETY STATUSSTATUS DIVISION GOALS DIVISION GOALS Provide fire protection plans Fire plans review Continue to develop Not completed due to review services within five processing currently at six specialized rescue budget reduction. working daysdays. capabilities Adopt Domestic Vegetation Process delayed to Develop pre-incident Currently on track –will Management OrdinanceFY08/09 to accommodate planning for key facilities continue through FY Comm. Dev. timelines. within the City of Ashland2008/09 Major Accomplishments in FY Major Accomplishments in FY 2007-20082007-2008 page 3-60 FIRE & LIFE SAFETY EMS DIVISION GOALS STATUSSTATUS DIVISION GOALS Provide technical training All department EMT’s Conduct business fire All healthcare and childcare on best practices for all completed required training safety inspectionsfacilities and some EMS personnel and meet and were recertified in July assemblies have been State of Oregon recert2007. completed. This goal will requirements continue through next year and will include other Provide EMS within ASA Currently meet or exceed occupancies response time standards.ASA and state response time standards. Adopt 2007 Oregon Fire Completed Code with amendments Major Accomplishments in FY Major Accomplishments in FY 2007-20082007-2008 EMS DIVISION GOALSEMS DIVISION GOALS STATUSSTATUS Comply with ambulance Completed.Improve CERT capabilities All initiatives in five-year service licensing through implementation of plan are on target and requirements.2007 CERT Visioning Planongoing. Improve the application of Completed Firehouse & technology for emergency Telestaffsoftware updates. Increase CERT program Developed and initiated a response information Development of MDT development and series of continuing classes management program and replacement supervision through to meet visioning plan of laptops not completed leadership development.goals. due to budget reduction. 2 Major Accomplishments in FY Major Accomplishments in FY 2007-2008 page 3-892007-2008 FOREST INTERFACEFOREST INTERFACE STATUSSTATUS DIVISION GOALS –DIVISION GOALS – WATER FUNDWATER FUND Assist private property Completed 82 acres of fuels Develop a GIS-based Completed owners with wildfire fuels reduction work on 26 wildfire management reductionproperties within the mapping system Ashland Urban-Wildland Provide watershed ecology Classroom and field studies Interface educationprogram developed in Initiate a comprehensive Inventory and mapping of conjunction with Ashland noxious vegetation noxious vegetation Schools management programpopulations complete Major Accomplishments Major Accomplishments Planned For FY 2008-2009Planned For FY 2008-2009 GOALS GOALS Continue to participate in City Facilities Master Support the development of the Ashland Forest Planning Process (Fire Sta. No. 2 reconstruction) Resiliency Project with City resources, as available. Continue efforts to assist private property owners Modify in-house firefighter training program to function with wildfire fuel reduction efforts and consultation on within budget constraints. fire protection mitigations. Continue to develop pre-incident planning for key Meet or exceed department performance facilities within the City of Ashland. measurement standards. Continue to pursue CERT & Assistance To Firefighters Maintain community-wide attention to emergency DHS/FEMA Grants preparedness activities. Major Accomplishments Major Accomplishments Planned For FY 2008-2009Planned For FY 2008-2009 GOALSGOALS Implement new medical protocols to respond to changes Provide fire protection plans review services within five in Jackson County standing orders.working days of receipt of plans. Provide emergency medical response services to all Develop Domestic Vegetation Management Ordinance. patients to meet Ambulance Service Area (ASA) Continue to conduct business fire safety inspections in response time standards. higher-risk occupancies including night clubs, residence Comply with ambulance service licensing requirements.halls, and schools. Maintain CERT volunteer base and conduct two basic training classes annually. 3 Significant Budget Changes Significant Budget Changes From 2008-2009From 2008-2009 Proposed FY 2008/09 has been reduced by Child safety seat inspection program has department staff and increases limited as been discontinued ($7,000) follows: CERT training for the public –classes Personal Services-5.0%reduced from 3 per year to 2 per year ($2,100) Materials & Services-3.3% EMS response fee will be charged for ALS Capital Outlay-$6000 care given when patient not transported Total Budget-4.7% ($30,000 -$50,000) Challenges for FY 2009Challenges for FY 2009 EMS revenues will continue to decline as calls Fire Department infrastructure (buildings & for service increase. equipment) are deteriorating at a faster rate than Personnel costs will likely continue to increase. funds are available to replace. Current labor contract expires June 2009. Community requests for emergency services will OR-OSHA Health & Safety regulations continue to increase at a rate of 5% –7% governing fire department operations will annually. continue to increase. Economy-related Fire & Life Safety trends in the Department’s ability to attract and retain a community qualified workforce will become more challenging. 4