HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-04-30 Budget Committee MinutesBUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 30, 2009-PAGE 1 of 5 Budget Committee Meeting Minutes April 30, 2009 6:00pm Civic Center Council Chambers,1175 East Main Street CALL TO ORDER The budget meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM on Thursday, April 30, 2009 in Council Chambers at 1175 East Main Street, Ashland Oregon. ROLL CALL Mayor Stromberg was present. Committee members Boenheim, Chapman, Douma, Everson, Gregorio, Heimann, Jackson, Lemhouse, Navickas, Thompson and Voisin were present. Silbiger and Slattery were absent. STAFF PRESENT: MARTHA BENNETT, CITY ADMINISTRATOR LEE TUNEBERG, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/FINANCE DIRECTOR BRYN MORRISON, ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE MELISSA HUHTALA, ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY BARBARA CHRISTENSEN, CITY RECORDER TINA GRAY, HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR RICHARD APPICELLO, CITY ATTOURNEY PAMELA TURNER, MUNICIPAL JUDGE VICKI CHRISTENSEN, MUNICIPAL COURT SUPERVISOR DIANA SHIPLET, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Minutes from previous meeting dated: 4/l/09 and 4/2/09 Economic and Cultural Grant Presentations Everson/Jackson ms approval of the minutes. All Ayes. 2010 GRANT ALLOCATION DISCUSSION The Committee discussed Social Services and Economic & Cultural Grant Allocations (see handouts). No discussion needed for the Social Services Grants. The Committee questioned the Economic Cultural grant for KSKQ. KSKQ did not receive grant money. The Committee discussed the requirements and criteria for receiving money for the Economic Cultural Grants. Some felt that the criteria changed mid -stream. The Committee for the Economic Cultural Grants questioned what economic impact would each organization have for the City. Some felt that by asking that organizations weren't fully prepared. The Committee recommended that KSKQ not receive Grant money because in the presentation given by the organization they spoke to the services provided, which is a service that is provided by many other radio stations in the area. It was felt that KSKQ would not bring in much Cultural value. Other members of the Committee stated that it was a frustrating process. The Committee stated that $20,000 is too much money granted to the Artisan Gallery and felt it was a best to spread smaller amounts of money to more BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 30, 2009-PAGE 2 of 5 organizations while others felt it was best to grant the money to those who would benefit the economic status of the City. The Committee suggested shifting $2500.00 from the Artisan Gallery to KSKQ. The Committee stated that they gave Artisan Gallery $10,000 with a contingency on the second $10,000 that the organization is able to execute their entire plan before they receive the money. The Committee felt that it is not an easy process, but there was good discussion before coming to a decision. The Committee continued to discuss whether or not KSKQ should receive grant money. Navickas/Boenhiem m/s to shift $2,500 of the Economic and Cultural Development grant money from the Ashland Artisan Gallery and Art Center to KSKQ. The money shifted from the initial $10,000 of Ashland Artisan Gallery and Art Center money. DISCUSSION: The Committee stated that the grant money is a limited amount of money that will hopefully see returns on quickly, to put contingencies on it is not the wisest choice. The Committee stated that without reviewing the Subcommittee's work to redistribute a decision is not right. The Subcommittee stated that the City should not get into political organizations. PUBLIC INPUT Denise Baxter spoke regarding the Ashland Artisan Gallery and Art Center. She stated that progress is going well with the organization. Their goal was to earn $125,000 to sign their lease and currently they have earned just under $90,000. The lease is expected to be signed on June 2, 2009. Contributions are continuing to come in. Two grants that have been looked into will be decided on the first week of May. Thanked the Committee for their support. The Art Center will be a huge attraction for Ashland Oregon. The Committee questioned the money going into the property and improvements for the interior of the Artisan Gallery. Ms. Baxter answered the renovations are $40,000 total, and hope to refurnish the building in a way that maintains its historical integrity. The Committee questioned if the $90,000 included the $20,000 grant from the City. Ms. Baxter answered yes but it does not include any other grants. Connie Saldano spoke in regards to KSKQ. The radio at KSKQ does not have a political perspective KSKQ is neutral. Everybody in the community can share their own view, which contributes to our culture. KSKQ applied 100% cultural for the grant and feels that they do all the things asked for in the application. She encouraged the Committee to support the radio station. The committee questioned the grant criteria. Sounds like there is confusion on what the grant committee is. An organization can apply 100% to one category. The Committee stated that it looked as though criteria changed mid -stream and is not clear on the best way to clarify this, and questioned whether the economic impact should be applied to every organization. The Committee stated that the Subcommittee should possibly regroup. Roll Call Vote:Boenheim, Chapman, Douma, Everson, Gregorio, Heimann, Jackson, Lemhouse, Navickas, Thompson; NO, Stromberg, Voisin; YES. Motion Fails 10-2. Douma/Gregorio m/s the Subcommittee to reconvene and address the issues discussed regarding KSKQ and Artisan Gallery. And to address the entire grant process for the Economic and Cultural Development grant. DISCUSSION: The Committee stated frustration in being second guessed in the decisions that were made within the Subcommittee. The Subcommittee was a group of people that studied the information, took testimony, agreed and disagreed before coming to conclusions. Stated feeling very BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 30, 2009-PAGE 3 of 5 comfortable with the decisions made. The decisions made were the best for the City it wasn't personal or political. The Committee stated a concern that in future years if people are not pleased with the decisions made by the Subcommittee are going to take advantage of the opportunity and come back in front of the Budget Committee. Some members of Committee are not in favor of reopening the process. Unfortunately there will always be people who are dissatisfied. Roll Call Vote: Boenheim, Chapman, Everson, Heimann, Jackson, Lemhouse, Thompson; NO, Stromberg, Douma, Gregorio, Navickas, Voisin; YES. Motion fails 7-5. The Committee encouraged more people to get involved with the small grant applications in the future. Boenheim/Chapman m/s to approve the Social Service Grant allocations. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passes. Chapman/Boenheim m/s to approve the Economic and Cultural Development Grant allocations. Voice Vote: 10 ayes, 2 no. Motion passes. PUBLIC INPUT Edeltraud Von Rymonlipinski spoke regarding the CERT program and has been with CERT since the program began. She stated the importance of the program and would not like to see it go. CITY RECORDER Barbara Christensen, City Recorder/Treasurer, gave an overview of the Recorder's office budget and the major responsibilities of the department See slide budget of her office over the years. Ms. Christensen discussed the City Recorder's budget over time (see attached). The increase the current FY is due replacing of the scanner which was $7000.00. Ms. Christensen stated that a scanner is critical for document imaging. The Budget will go down in 2010 due to some travel and training elimination and a change in staff. Ms. Christensen gave an overview of the breakdown of the proposed budget, and the upcoming work for FY 2010(see attached). Ms. Christensen discussed challenges that will be faced FY 2010. The Committee questioned if the bank that the City Recorder uses has to be a local bank. Ms. Christensen answered that it is mandatory that a branch in the community is used. The Committee questioned the magnitude of the credit card fee increase. Ms. Christensen answered that fees are based on usage and does not have a set number at this time. Ms. Christensen gave an overview of the City Recorder/Treasurer matrix (see attached). The Committee questioned why there is no longer a passport service. Ms. Christensen answered that during the change of staff she was the only one running the office and was in the process of training. The work load was too great at the time. By the time staff was trained and was able to provide the service the City Hall had a change in security measures which make it too difficult to provide the service. The Committee questioned the impact in the City Recorders office with the elimination of training. Ms. Christensen answered that training is really important especially because the City Recorder's Department must be aware of certain laws, but given the cut alternatives will be made. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 30, 2009-PAGE 4 of 5 ADMINISTRATION City Administrator, Martha Bennett gave an overview of the Administration Department (see attached). She discussed the components of the Administration Department. Ms. Bennett stated that money spent to televise meetings was been cut in the last year due to a change in how funds are received for government television. As a result 3 televised City meetings have been cut per month. Ms. Bennett stated that $1.3 million of the $2.2 in Administration is in the Central Services Fund and roughly $976,000 in Administration is in the General Fund. The Committee questioned the addition of the Project Manager. Ms. Bennett answered that the staff person was not added, this was approved in last year's budget. The Project Manger was transferred from Community Development. Ms. Bennett gave an overview of the distribution of the proposed FY 2010 budget (see attached). She stated that the Mayor and Council proposed budget is about $14,000 less then last year due to the election year. Ms. Bennett gave an overview of Administration Division. Since last year there has been a $22,000 reduction. In this budget are Mayor and Council support and outreach and communication programs. Special projects have been cut as well as travel spending. Ms. Bennett gave an overview of Human Resources division budget. This budget is $68,000 reduced since last year due to the elimination of a half time position and because of bargaining on 3 laboring contracts. She stated Human Resources are understaffed given the workload. Ms. Bennett gave an overview of Municipal Court and Legal division budgets. This budget is $22,000 less then last year's budget. There was an elimination of a half time court clerk position, which has caused the division to be flexible. The Legal division's budget is $36,000 less then last year. The Committee stated concern of the elimination of 3 televised meetings per month. Ms. Bennett gave an overview of the work for FY 2010 (see attached). Ms. Bennett discussed the Central Service and General Fund functions matrix analysis (see attached). The matrix analysis was based on primary budget drivers for each function. Ms. Bennett gave an overview of the significant budget changes from FY 2009 (see attached). The Committee questioned the compensation study. It was a $55,000 contract. The budget last year was increased for the contract. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Mr. Tuneberg gave an overview of the Administrative Services Department (see attached). Administrative Services is made up of 2 groups of activities; operating and non -operating. Mr. Tuneberg discussed the differences between operating and non -operating activities. Mr. Tuneberg gave an overview of the proposed Administrative Services operating and non -operating FY 2010 budget (see attached). BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 30, 2009-PAGE 5 of 5 Mr. Tuneberg discussed the work for FY 2010. He stated that there is a council goal to work on fiscal stability. There will be more time spent on the budget process it is almost a 12 month process. Mr. Tuneberg gave an overview of the matrix analysis (see attached). This matrix analysis showed the activities that fall under each category. The categories are Administration & Finance, Accounting, and Customer Service Utility Billing. Mr. Tuneberg gave an overview of priorities and decisions for the Administration Department (see attached). Administrative Services Department provides the majority of the City's business managing bills and collecting over $50,000 million in revenue. Utilities alone collect $25,000 million. Mr. Tuneberg discussed the significant budget changes from FY 2009. Reductions were made in spending for supplies, contract services and training. Contract services for consulting, software review and for additional parking enforcement after hours. He stated that currently there is no capital outlay. Mr. Tuneberg gave an overview of proposed revenue increases which he stated is more like cost containment. Administrative Services has avoided cuts that will compromise core services. The Committee questioned how the Band is broke down. Mr. Tuneberg answered that the band was held at a 5% decrease. The Band reduced the number of performances and the cost to certain musicians. The Band income is charter mandated. The Committee questioned if there is anything the Budget Committee or Council can do in changing the way funds are restricted to allow Administrative Services to be less costly. Mr. Tuneberg responded that nothing can be done in Accounting, even by giving Parks accounting back someone would still have to do it. He stated one way to reduce cost would be to reduce availability to the public by closing the office for a certain amount of time. The Committee questioned the surplus in restricted funds. Ms. Bennett stated that it is the Council's decision on how to allocate those funds and would probably go into the General Fund. ADJOURNMENT This meeting adjourned at 9:23 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Melissa Huhtala City Recorder/Treasurer City Of Ashland Proposed Budget for 2009-2010 April 30, 2009 Budget Over Time $3055000 $3005000 $2955 000 $2905 000 $2855 000 $2805 000 $2755 000 $2705 000 $2655 000 $2605 000 $2555 000 $2505 000 2007 Actual 2008 Actual Current FY Current FY FY 2010 Budget Projected Proposed Al 2010 Proposed Budget 120,579, 43% Al 156,960, 57% 0 Salaries and Benefits ® Materials and Services ® Capital Projects Here's the work we see coming in FY 2010 • Meeting required Federal, State and City Charter mandates • RFP - Contract for Banking Services Al Al Matrix Analysis Highest Priority Criteria City Recorder Duties Treasury Duties Federal and State Mandates x x City Charter and Code x x Contractual obligations and bond covenants Emergency response Basic needs public health & welfare Al Matrix Analysis Medium Priority Criteria City Recorder Duties Treasury Duties Operational efficiency/risk management/ fiscal health x x Support for local economic health Environmental protection above mandated levels Emergency preparedness Service only available from government x x Al Matrix Analysis Lowest Priority Criteria City Recorder Duties Treasury Duties Enhance quality of life/desirability of Ashland Support for residents' health beyond basics Quality citizen service x x High priority for local control Administration City Of Ashland Proposed Budget for 2009-2010 April 30, 2009 F-W%illi vii ��I` Administration Department $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Al 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Amended 2009 Projected FY 2010 Proposed ® CS Mayor/Council ❑ CS Administration ® CS Human Resources ■ CS Legal ® GF Economic Development m GF Municipal Court ❑ GF Library in GF RVTV 11 2010 Proposed Budget F"A&Amal, Mayor and Council $56,000, 45% 11 aAMAI, 2010 Proposed Budget ' Administration Division —Central Services $91,92 11 aAMAI, 2010 Proposed Budget ' Administration Division -General Fund $1021400, 51 % 2010 Proposed Budget F"aAMAIl Human Resources $118,510, 380/ 11 2010 Proposed Budget F"AaAftml, Municipal Court $104,994 11 2010 Proposed Budget F"aAmal, Legal $109,5151 Here's the work we see coming in FY 2010 • Economic Development Strategy • Fiscal/ Operational Stability Goals • Continued work with Parks & Recreation Commission on services/ financing • Food and Beverage Tax • Recruitments and succession planning • On -going litigation • Importance of outreach Al Matrix Analysis Central Service Functions Al Highest Priority Mayor and Admin Legal Human Criteria Council CS Resources Federal and State secondary secondary primary primary Mandates City Charter and Code primary primary primary Contractual obligations primary secondary and bond covenants Emergency response Basic needs public health & welfare Matrix Analysis Central Service Functions Al Medium Priority Mayor and Admin Legal Human Criteria Council CS Resources Oper. efficiency/ risk primary primary primary primary mgmt/ fiscal health Support for local secondary secondary economic health Enviro. protection above mandates Emergency preparedness Service only available assumed assumed assumed assumed from government Matrix Analysis Central Service Functions Al Lowest Priority Mayor and Admin Legal Human Criteria Council CS Resources Enhance quality of life/ desirability of Ashland Support for residents' health beyond basics Quality citizen service secondary High priority for local primary primary primary control Matrix Analysis General Fund Functions Al Highest Priority Municipal Admin Library RVTV Criteria Court Econ. Dev. Federal and State secondary secondary Mandates City Charter and Code primary Contractual obligations and primary bond covenants Emergency response support Basic needs public health & welfare Matrix Analysis General Fund Functions Al Medium Priority Municipal Admin Library RVTV Criteria Court Econ. Dev. Oper. efficiency/ risk secondary mgmt/ fiscal health Support for local primary secondary economic health Enviro. protection above mandates Emergency secondary preparedness Service only available primary primary primary from government Matrix Analysis General Fund Functions Al Lowest Priority Municipal Admin Library RVTV Criteria Court Econ. Dev. Enhance quality of life/ primary primary secondary desirability of Ashland Support for residents' health beyond basics Quality citizen service primary primary primary High priority for local primary primary assumed primary control Significant Budget Changes ,11 from FY 2009 • PERS savings significant • All December 2008 cuts continued in proposed budget • Additional .5 FTE reduction in Human Resources • Reduction in travel, training, contractual relations throughout • Reduction in funds for outside Counsel Administration City Of Ashland Proposed Budget for 2009-2010 April 30, 2009 F-W%illi vii ��I` Al Overview of Council Goals • Six Goal Categories; 13 total goals • Theme of improving Ashland's ability to be a healthy, thriving community into the future • Measured against whether they are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely • No review by Council since retreat • New goals are not in budget Al Economy • Economic development strategy • Diversify business and employment base • Support localization of economy • Support diverse population • Includes element of improving land use code and streamlining development processes • Includes completing specific projects, such as Croman Mill Master Plan DRAFT - HAS NOT BEEN ADOPTED Al Environment • Transportation Planning —Includes: • Strong integration with land use • Meaningful transit, bike, and ped system • Reducing VMT of single passenger cars • Financing plan • Long Term Water Planning that addresses: Climate Change • Water security/redundancy • Watershed/forest health issues • Effluent temperature and Bear Creek health DRAFT - HAS NOT BEEN ADOPTED Al Environment - 2 • Model City program, ensuring City operation makes most efficient use of water, energy, land, people, finances, and other key resources • Adoption of development and building codes that create strong incentives for new development that is energy, water, and land efficient and supports a multi -modal transportation system • Develop a strategy to use conservation and local renewable sources to meet tier 2 power demands by 2014 DRAFT - HAS NOT BEEN ADOPTED Al Social Equity • Complete the development of affordable housing on the Clay Street property • Conduct a comprehensive study of Ashland's homeless DRAFT - HAS NOT BEEN ADOPTED Al Partnerships • Actively participate in efforts to improve the health of the Ashland watershed by reducing fire hazards and restoring forest health • Restore rail service to and through Ashland DRAFT - HAS NOT BEEN ADOPTED Al City Organization • Fiscal stability. Includes • Long-range look at revenue streams • Long-range projections of operational needs • Agreements with Parks & Recreation • Organizational stability. Includes Complete employee continuity strategy Increase use and effectiveness of volunteers DRAFT - HAS NOT BEEN ADOPTED Al City Facilities • Develop a plan to replace Fire Station #2 • Develop a strategy to support the financial viability of the Ashland Fiber Network DRAFT - HAS NOT BEEN ADOPTED Administrative Services (& Finance) Department City Of Ashland Proposed Budget for 2009-2010 April 30, 2009 Admin. Services Dept. Budget Over •b, Time — Operating and Non -operating $3.0 $2.5 $2.0 $1.5 $1.0 $0.5 $0.0 FY 2006-07 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Actual Actual Budget Projected Proposed In Millions FEI Operating ® Non-operat�ng] � Admin. Services Department , Operating and Non -operating • Finance Administration, • Social Service Grants Budgeting, Parking & • Econ & Cultural Grants Purchasing • City Band • Claims Management & • Miscellaneous Insurances • Open Space/SDC • City &Parks Accountin •Muni Buildings CIP g • Utility Billing, , Customer • Bancroft Debt Service & City Hall • Notes/Contract Debt Receptionist Admin. Services Department 2010 •� Proposed Operating Budget $1.1 , 44% $1.4 , 66% In MilI'm VI10 o Salaries and Benefits ® Materials and Services ® Capital Outlay Admin. Services Department 2010 Proposed Non -operating Budget $581,907 , I $788,700 , 60% $200,000 , 13% $4,261 , 0% Al 11 Salaries and Benefits 12 Materials and Services ® Debt Service ❑ Capital Projects Here's the work we see coming V"MAMMIl11 (continuing) in FY 2010 • Fiscal Stability, rate models and cost plans • F&B Tax work & TOT compliance • Core & Parking studies — related changes • Continued Longer Budget Processes • Additional Standards for Financial Reporting • Internal controls & Purchasing rules/training • Greater effort in collections and helping those who cannot pay Matrix Analysis — Higher ,%11��, ADMIN & ACCOUNTING CUSTOMER SVC FINANCE UTILITY BILLING HIGHER Federal or State Mandate Budgeting Audit & Reporting "Red Flag Program" Purchasing Internal Controls WIC & Liability Payroll & Reporting SDC Studies SDC Accounting City Charter or Code Budget Officer Grant Accounting Utility Accounting TOT & F&B Mgt Licenses Soc. & Ec.Grants TOT Processing City Band F&B Tax Processing Contractual obligation - General Financing Debt Accounting Bond covenants, etc. Debt Management Notes & Borrowing Loans & Contracts Bancrofting Emergency Response Basic Needs - Senior & Disabled, Public Health & Welfare ALIEAP & HEAT Discount Programs Matrix Analysis — Medium ADMIN & ACCOUNTING CUSTOMER SVC uu�uu0�uuuu i FINANCE UTILITY BILLING MEDIUM Operational Efficiency Risk Mgt Team General Ledger LIB Billing/Collections Fiscal Health Rate Models Accounts Payable Rate Data Mgt Risk Management Cost Allocations Accounts Receivable Public Information Claims Mgt Project Accounting Reception Desk Asset Coverage Parks Accounting Mail Room Services General Ins. CIP & FA Accounting Electronic Processing Labor Negotiations EDEN Support Coop Purchasing Costing Services Parking Support for Local Economic Health Environmental Protection ABOVE Mandates Emergency Preparedness Participate in EEOC Service ONLY Available from Government Al Matrix Analysis - Lower ADMIN & ACCOUNTING CUSTOMER SVC III FINANCE UTILITY BILLING LOWER Enhances Quality of Life- Living Wage Conserv. Loan, Art & Conservation Loans Ashland Desirability Sweat Shop Affodable Housing & Rebates Accounting Support for Residents' RVTD Bus Passes Health BEYOND Basics Community Service Info Quality of Citizen Service Equal Pay Processing Key Issue of Local Control Al Priorities & Decisions • All departments rely on Admin Services to do PR & benefits, Purchasing, AP, GL, risk management, etc. • Department provides core services to majority of City's businesses - $50 million + in revenue • All enterprises rely heavily on our billing & collections, capital financing and debt management • General governmental rely on taxes & collections • Parks relies on City for Budgeting & Insurances and transferred accounting, reporting, PR etc. in 2004 Significant Budget Changes ,11 from FY 2009 • In December we removed all discretionary spending for supplies, contract services and training (focus on OJT &cross training for new employees and for flexibility) • Reduced contract services for consulting, software review and for additional parking enforcement after hours • No Capital Outlay — no replacement money for furniture, copiers, laptops, etc. 11 Proposed Revenue Increases - • more like cost containment • Avoid cuts that compromise core services to City & Parks services and business efforts • Charge for services where appropriate • Watch for and employ efficiencies where possible • Help other departments cost their services • Continue to require enterprises to pay for any financing/rate modeling costs beyond staff support Organization Help Now! Advocacy Center The Gleaning Network of Southern Oregon Community Works Street Outreach Community Works Dunn House Community Works Helpline Community Works Sexual Assault Victim Services Jackson County Child Abuse Task Force SOCSTC SOASTC Children's Dental Clinic RV Manor Foster Grandparent Program, RVSP RV Manor Community Services/RSVP Southern Oregon Drug Awareness WinterSpring Center Transforming Grief and Loss Jackson County SART Center for Non Profit Legal Services Mediation Works Community Health Center CASA of Jackson County Planned Parenthood Of Southwestern Oregon Pathway Enterprises, Inc.(cabinets) Pathway Enterprises, Inc.(disaster) Access, Inc On Track Inc. Total Requested Total Amount Available *Not submitted in advance of meeting City of Ashland Social Service Grant Allocations uested Lynn Bill Dee Anne Kate Dennis* Average 3,100 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,133 $ $ 1,033 30,000 1,000 5,000 5,000 2,750 10,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 17,078 15,000 15,078 15,000 16,000 15,270 16,550 10,000 7,500 7,500 12,000 9,250 3,000 2,000 3,000 2,600 3,000 2,650 4,093 3,000 3,000 2,900 4,093 3,248 2,940 2,940 2,940 2,940 2,441 2,815 1,523 1,500 1,300 1,200 1,523 1,381 3,285 3,285 3,285 3,285 3,285 3,285 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 - 1,750 1,500 1,500 1,339 1,100 - 985 2,000 1,000 1,200 1,200 2,000 1,350 3,000 2,000 2,500 2,421 3,000 2,480 7,255 7,255 6,200 6,200 4,500 6,039 5,000 3,000 - 2,400 3,000 2,100 37,000 37,000 34,000 34,000 35,000 35,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 5,000 3,862 5,000 4,500 2,000 3,841 11,000 - - - - - 5,000 1,000 3,000 2,663 5,000 2,916 6,000 6,000 6,000 5,800 5,000 5,700 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 8,OC 15,27 10,25 2,6C 4,OC 2,81 1,2C 3,28 1,5C 2,OC 1,5C 1,35 2,48 6,03 2,1C 35, OC 2,OC 4,OC 3,12 5,7C $184,324 $118,342 $118,342 $118,342 $118,342 $0 $118,342 $118,342 $118,342 $0 G:\finance\Administration\Budget\Social Services Grants\2009-10\Social Service Grant Applicants Proposed Allocation.xls 7/27/2009 Funds Available: Tourism Non Tourism Total Funding Available AIFF ScienceWorks Southern Oregon Repertory Singers Southern Oregon Concert Band Ashland Community Theater St. Clair Productions The Jefferson Center Ballet Rogue Ashland Gallery Association Multicultural Assoc. of So.Oregon/KSKQ Siskiyou Singers NAAPA/Le Cirque Center Youth Symphony of Southern Oregon Oregon Stage Works Lithia Arts Guild of Oregon Thrive Ashland's Bed and Breakfasts Association Rogue Valley Symphony Dancing People Company Rogue Opera Ashland Artisan Gallery & Art Center The Imagine Project Amount Requested City of Ashland Economic and Cultural Development Grant FY 2009-10 $ 45,000 112,079 $ 157,079 Amount Requested Eric Marion Bill Greg Kate Russ $ 55,000 25,000 20,466 25,000 40,000 22,000 25,000 39,500 25,000 30,500 25,000 25,000 18,000 25,000 5,500 3,000 2,500 - - - - 4,000 2,500 2,500 4,000 3,000 2,500 - - - - 10,000 5,000 3,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 7,000 5,000 2,500 3,000 - - - - 5,000 5,000 5,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 20,220 10,000 11,000 15,000 16,000 16,000 20,200 11,000 10,000 5,000 - - - - 6,000 2,500 2,000 2,500 10,000 2,500 2,000 - 5,000 5,000 3,500 2,500 5,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 3,000 - - 5,000 11,500 6,000 5,500 4,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 24,000 15,000 10,856 22,000 15,000 20,000 24,000 10,000 2,500 4,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 10,250 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,750 5,000 6,000 5,000 6,000 - 5,000 - 2,500 15,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 25,000 - 17,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 11,000 2,500 5,000 - 5,000 5,000 - Average 26,244 24,750 917 833 917 5,000 917 4,500 14,700 2,500 1,167 750 4,000 3,000 4,917 17,809 6,083 5,458 3,083 5,833 15,333 2,917 26,000 25,000 2,500 2,500 5,000 4,000 5,500 6,079 18,000 7,000 5,500 4,000 6,000 20,000 Tourism Economic Cultural 14,182 - 11,818 12,342 3,165 9,494 1,136 - 1,364 - 2,500 1,500 3,500 2,250 500 2,250 4,154 5,794 5,052 4,000 1,650 1,925 1,925 1,824 2,432 1,824 - 18,000 - 7,000 - - 550 4,950 1,000 2,000 1,000 - 1,800 4,200 6,600 13,400 $ 302,970 $ 157,000 $ 161,322 $ 134,500 $ 164,000 $ 131,750 $ 161,200 $ 151,629 $ 157,079 $ 47,038 $ 42,765 $ 67,276 Note: Ashland Artisan Gallery & Art Center will receive $10,000 at July 1, 2009, and will receive the remainder of the adopted amount after providing documentation, to the City, that they have secured 20% of their capital grant funding prior to June 30, 2010. BUDGErl, COMMITTEE, MEETING SPEAKER REQUEs,r FORM This forin is, public record. All information provided will be made a,vailable to the public. 1. Complete this forua and return itto the box located neasthe ininute taker, 2. When your name is called, speak to the Budget Committee ftorn the table poditun microphone, 3, State, your xuune arid address for the record. 411finit your comments to the amount of tirne given to you by the Chair, usuall-5 ruin utes. 5If you pres,ent written runt. erials, please give a cop,y to the minute taker for the record, 6. You may give written comments to the ininute taker for the record if you do not wish to Speak. T Speakers are solcly responsible for the coritent of their public Watement. Please Print Tonight's Meeting Date: ............ . . . . . ........ Agenda item you wish to, speak on: L Nanie:� A", 'x Phone Nurnber: . . . .......... j The Public Meeling Law requires that all cily meetings are ollen to the public. Oregon law does not always require that the 11711iblic, be 17ermitted to, s7mak. The Ashland Cilj� Counrit and Budrel (,76mmitlee gvnerally itivites the public to speak on agenda items and during, public fi)rum on no,n-ag,enda items zozle= time constraints Urnit public- lewlhnony� No person has an absolute ri,,ht to vj)eak or parficpale In everyphase q ,J'a proceeding,. Please resl7ect 1, lie order qfj,7roaeedjn,,gsfi)r Imbfic hearings andastir cty 'follow the direc-tions of'11te presddhT qfficer. Behavior or actions which are unreasonably laudor disrupive are ell srespecoul, anil mq)t consfitute, disorderly conduct., Q1 ,fierr ders will be requested to leave the room. I Cotnrnents and statements by speakers do not represent the opinJons of �aie City, Council, City Officers or erriployees of the City of Ashland. BUDGET COMMITFEE MEETING SP,EAKER REQUEST FORM This fturm is publi. All information provided will be made available to the public. 1. Corriplete this lbrni and return It to the box located near the rninutc taker. 1 ''ben your name is called, speak to the Budget Cornmittee frorn the table podiurn fill icrophone. 3. State YOUr Tuane and address Isar the reclord, 4, Ur rut your corrunerats to the amount of firrie given to you by the Chair, usually 3-5 rrunUtes. 5 If you present written materials, please give a copy to the minute taker for the record, 6, You may give written warn its to theminute ta'ker for the record if youa do not wish to speak, 7. Speakers are solely riesp,onsible for the content oftheir public staternent, Tonight's, Meeting Date:... 91 (1/ (I ) Agenda itern, you wish, to speak on: E RT' Nmile- Address Phone Number, The Public Meeting Law requires that all citY meetinAl"S arc, open to the public. Oregon law does not ale qvsrequire that 1hepublic be, permitted to speak, The Ashland City� Cauncilerr d Budgel (,ommittee, ,generally inviles the public tospeak on agenda items, ttndduring, public,lbrum annon-agenda items unless lime constraints limitpublic lestimony, Noperson has an absolute right lospeak orpartictpate in every, pltase of a proceeding. Please respecidart order qfproceedings,fir public hearinAm and strictly JbIlow the directions (?I'the presidin whi 7 q aer, Behavior or acfions ch arc, unreasoa twirl louord 9 f1 disruptive are disrespeciJul, and may constitute disorderly conduct. 0) .7�,nders willbe requested to leave the room. Comments and stat enients by spm&ers do not represent the opinions of the City Council, City Officars or ernployees of die City of Ashland, BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Tbis form is public record., All information provided will be made available to the pu bile. I , Complete this forin and return it to (he box located near the millute taker. 2, Wheir you�r rumie is called, speak, to the Budget Committee from the table podiarn microplione, 3. State your name mid address for the, record. 4. Ldnait your comments to the aniount of time given tua ou by the Chair,'Usnally 3-5 rninutes. 5, if you present wTitten materials, please gja copy to the minute taker for the record. 6, You inay give written comments to the minute W, ker far the record if you do not wish to speak. 7. Speakers are solely responsible 1"or the content oftheir public statement. "Yonight's MeetingDate: Agenda item YOU wish, t( RM Address (no P.0, Box) Phone Number: The Public Meeting Law requires thatall cityrneetings, are ey.;en to the public. Oregon kno, does not always,require, that the public be 1,7erinjued to s1mak 7he Ashland ('1"it)A Council and Budget Committee generally invites the public to speak an agenda items and durin publief 6rum oil non -agenda items 9 unless titne constraints litnit public lestimony. No person has an absolute right to speak or participate iti eve,ypha,se of'aproceeding Please res1wathe order hearings andstrictly fbillou, the directions qj'the presiding qfflcer, Behai4or or actions which are unreasonably loud or disruptive are disres, pectfiel, and may constitute efisorekrly conduct. Qj ,fenders'will be requested to leave the room. Conirnents; and statements by spe akers do, not represent the opirtions of thle City Council, it Offilcers or eff1ployees of the City o,f Aslilan&