HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-05-11 Budget Committee MinutesBUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 11, 2009 PAGE 1 of 5 Budget Committee Meeting Agenda May 11, 2009 6:00pm Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street CALL TO ORDER The Budget Committee Meeting was called to order at 6:01 PM on Monday, May 11, 2009 in Council Chambers at 1175 East Main Street, Ashland Oregon. ROLL CALL Mayor Stromberg was present. Committee members Chapman, Douma, Everson, Gregorio, Heimann, Jackson, Lemhouse, Navickas, Silbiger, Slattery, Thompson, Voisin and Boenheim were present. STAFF PRESENT: MARTHA BENNETT, CITY ADMINISTRATOR LEE TUNEBERG, FINANCE DIRECTOR/ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES MIKE FAUGHT, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR BETSY HARSHMAN, PW MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT MIKE MORRISON, MAINTENANCE SAFETY SUPERVISOR BRYN MORRISON, ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE MELISSA HUHTALA, ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN OVERVIEW Public Works Director, Mike Faught was joined with Betsy Harshman, PW Management Assistant to present the Capital Improvement Program. Mr. Faught discussed the CIP document (see attached). The CIP was adopted by Council on March 17, 2009. Mr. Faught also discussed the 2010 availability of funds and the federal stimulus funded projects. The Committee questioned if the Stormwater, Ashland Creek Riparian Project has dealt with the fact that the City of Ashland runs the main sewer line along the edge of Ashland Creek. Mr. Faught answered it is two separate projects. The Committee questioned the second fire house process. Mr. Faught answered that they are currently proceeding to fill out applications for fire station two, once the application for stimulus is approved then the application goes to Council for approval. The Committee questioned if the Federal stimulus funded projects are in the budget. Mr. Faught answered that the $458,000 for overlays and the $500,000 for the wastewater treatment plant is in the budget. The water project, stormwater Ashland Creek, and public facilities and diesel retrofits are not in the budget. The Committee questioned if the city is assured of getting the first two projects because the projects are in the budget. Mr. Faught stated that the first project is assured and CIP will be getting an additional $200,000 for Hersey Street. The water project given the number of applications is still questionable. There wastewater project is BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 11, 2009 PAGE 2 of 5 questionable as to whether there will be enough money. If the revenue does not come through the money would not be expended. Mr. Faught discussed the master plans for CIP (see attached). Mr. Faught discussed what was in the FY09 budget and what is anticipated to be spent (see attached). Last year the Budget Committee and Council approved $11 million change worth of capital projects. Revenue was not coming in to meet the schedules so staff did not construct those projects. Anticipated spending for this year is $3.5 million. Mr. Faught gave an overview of the 2010 budget (see attached). The Committee questioned where the $7.5 million dollars that wasn't spent in the FY09 budget goes. Mr. Faught answered that the funds weren't there to construct projects so without the money there is not a large cash carryover. The Committee questioned whether or not CIP will be using full faith and credit bonds for capital projects in this FY09 or FY10. Mr. Faught answered no, most projects are deferred. Mr. Faught went over the project details (see attached). The TSP project will be starting within the next 2 years. Grant applications have been submitted but will not know if the grant is received until June. This project is a 100% eligible SDC project and the need is strong. The Jefferson Street Extension project has still not moved forward. If the permits are received in time the project will go this year. If not the project will be delayed another year. The Committee questioned if it is possible to direct these funds to local businesses so the money gets spent and kept in the community. Mr. Faught answered that the biding process is handled through the state and has to follow federal funds and guidelines. CIP does not have control for local companies to get the work. The Committee questioned what the criterion is to get federal stimulus money. Mr. Faught stated that the projects that are ready to go are eligible. Without stimulus money many projects would not be able to be funded. The Committee questioned the priorities for street work for example repaving Granite Street. Mr. Faught answered that because these projects would not occur without stimulus money CIP would not be successful in funding the Granite Street work. Mr. Faught stated that the best and most cost effective use for the money is to put all of the emphasis on overlays. When you overlay a street it is good for a 20 year lifecycle, if you reconstruct a street it is only good for a 20 year lifecycle so Mr. Faught recommends that the limited funds are focused that way. The reconstructs are much smaller then the roads that need to be overlaid. The Committee questioned the average time period in doing overlays compared to reconstruct. Mr. Faught answered if a road has a 20 year life it should be overlaid every 15 years. Mr. Faught discussed the Local Improvement District (LID) (see attached). 18% of LID's total projects are SDC eligible. Mr. Faught went over the proposed Water Fund project list (see attached). Staff was successful in getting $111,000 worth of grant money. The water study is good for the right water for the right use. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 11, 2009 PAGE 3 of 5 The Committee questioned the growth assumptions are built into the 2016 analysis. Mr. Faught answered 1.4% per year growth rate. Mr. Faught discussed the proposed Wastewater Fund project list (see attached). The Committee questioned the cost to fees and rates. Are they existing fees and rates. Mr. Faught answered that they are fees and rates that are specifically charged for a service. PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Director, Mike Faught was joined with Betsy Harshman, PW Management Assistant to present the Public Works budget presentation. Mr. Faught discussed the summary of funds (see attached). The Water Fund, Wastewater Fund, Street Fund, Capital Improvement Fund, Administration and Engineering, Equipment Fund, Airport Fund and Cemetery Fund equal $21,075,646. Mr. Faught gave an overview of the work coming for FY 2010. He stated that master planning is the primary focus of the engineering staff. There are some concerns long-term for the Public Works department 35% of staff is eligible for retirement in 5 years or less. A concern is there are not enough people trained to work in treatment plants. Mr. Faught discussed significant budget changes that were made in December FY 2009 (see attached). The General Fund was reduced by 5%. Mr. Faught gave an overview of the Water Fund (see attached). The significant budget changes for the water fund were elimination of one water distribution position. Due to a shortage of staff an employee will be moved to a water distribution position to the water treatment plant on Jan. 1, 2010. There was a 7% reduction in personal services and materials. Mr. Faught discussed the matrix for water supply, water treatment and water distribution (see attached). Mr. Faught gave an overview of the Wastewater Fund budget (see attached). The distribution of the Wastewater Fund is 24% salaries 76% materials and supplies. The FY 2010 significant budget changes for the Wastewater Fund were discussed (see attached). One collection system position will be cut. New projects have been reduced almost completely. Mr. Faught went over the matrix for the treatment plant and collection system Wastewater Fund (see attached). Mr. Faught gave an overview of the Street Fund budget (see attached). The Street Fund is in better shape then both the Water and Sewer Fund. The Street Fund is constant through time with spikes in capital projects. The distribution between funds is 33% salaries and services and 67% materials and supplies. New revenues for the Street fund were discussed. House Bill 2001 is going to move forward and Ashland will compete for these funds. Mr. Faught discussed significant budget changes for the Street Fund for FY 2010 (see attached). BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 11, 2009 PAGE 4 of 5 Committee questioned what the reduction in personnel services is. Mr. Faught answered that there was a slight cut of 1.5-2 % cut in materials and supplies. Mr. Faught discussed the matrix for the street fund (see attached). In the Street Fund state federal mandates don't apply as much as the other funds so it is all secondary. Mr. Faught gave an overview of the Capital Improvement/Facilities Maintenance Fund Budget (see attached). The operational side over time it has held pretty flat. The only fluctuation in this budget is capital projects. The distribution of funds is 33% for salaries and benefits and 67% for materials and services. The FY 2010 budget changes for the Capital Improvement Fund is 4.5% reduction in personal services which is a cut in janitorial services. Mr. Faught gave an overview of the Administration & Engineering, Equipment, Airport, and Cemetery Funds (see attached). Mr. Faught explained that in the Airport Fund operation side there is no staff associated to the airport in terms of the budget. There was a spike in FY 09 because of a $300,000 refinanced loan. Significant budget changes in the Cemetery Fund are an 11 % reduction in water. The Cemetery Fund is the only fund that uses General Fund. Mr. Faught gave an overview of the Matrix for Cemetery, Facilities, Fleet, and Airport. Ms. Bennett and Mr. Tuneberg gave an overview of the pages handed out with answers to questions proposed by the Committee either during the department presentations or via e-mail (see attached). The Committee asked and received an overview of the outcome of proposed increases on the median household per month. The increase depends on an individual's water and power consumption and size of household. The Committee questioned how the rate increase was calculated for a median household. Mr. Tuneberg answered that a test house hold and test water consumption was used and averaged for a year of consumption. It was then compared to other samples and ages and sizes of households to create an average. Mr. Tuneberg gave an overview of how reconciliations for the budget document are implemented. The Committee questioned if a reserve fund is created how is it encumbered, who is in charge of using them and under what circumstances. Ms. Bennett answered that alternatives will be brought to the next meeting. One option is to create separate funds. The Committee discussed clarity regarding Budget Committee responsibility. There is a document on the City's website stating what the Budget Committees responsibilities. The Committee stated that it was understood that the Fire Chief feels that the 2 fire fighter positions are critical and that the insurance rate for the City could potentially be at risk. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 11, 2009 PAGE 5 of 5 The Committee questioned where Ms. Bennett stands based on the Budget message and the budget process. Ms. Bennett answered that it is recommended that the Committee creates a Reserve Fund that is at least $130,000. It was also recommended to restore half time police clerk, two fire fighters and the CERT coordinator. The Committee questioned if the two fire fighter positions are critical to restore or can we function without them. Ms. Bennett answered that if the General Fund is going to be balanced with existing revenues then the staffing in the Fire Department will be adjusted. The minimum staffing doesn't happen all of the time in the Fire Department, however, the difficulty with having the minimum staffing is on infrequent severe incidences the City will be at greater risk. On average there are 10 to 14 structure fires a year. When all 3 trucks are out the City will be stuck with no one to respond to the next 911 call. The Committee wanted data to show what the City would be missing if there were 6 fire fighters as opposed to 7 on a structure fire. Ms. Bennett answered that if there were only 6 fire fighters on duty during a structure fire they would be missing the person to stand back from the fire to observe and direct as to what's going on and to instruct what the fire fighters need to do. There would be no incident commander. The Committee discussed the budget process and alternatives The Committee questioned fire and safety being cut and if there are opportunities to look at other places to cut. Ms. Bennett stated that the other places have already been cut. For example by decreasing the quality and reliability of the electric service we do a great damage to the customers. Ms. Bennett gave an option for the Committee to think about. Last year there was an increase in franchise fees in Water and wastewater by 3% which all went to the General Fund. Water and Wastewater still pay 2% of the 10% franchise they pay into the Street Fund. For one year it is suggested that Committee could take that money from the Street Fund which is $215,000 and put it in the General Fund. The Committee questioned putting Reserve Fund money aside over saving personnel positions. Ms. Bennett answered that the reason to make severe reductions is because the City has steadily spent down both department budgets and the General Fund as a whole. The Reserve Fund would draw on to protect services and to stabilize the budget. The Committee stated that we need to have a plan that goes beyond one year. The Committee discussed the status of the General Fund balance The Committee thanked the staff for the hard work that has gone into the budget process. The Committee discussed how to proceed with May 131h and May 141h agendas. ADJOURNMENT This meeting adjourned at 9.24 PM Respectfully Submitted, Melissa Huhtala Administrative Secretary City of Ashland FY2010 Adopted Capital Improvement Program Presented to Budget Committee May 11, 2009 Cam\ �'�"�`� The CIP Document . Ashland's CIP is a rolling 6-year funding outlook for planned projects based on: Hai The availability of funds, and Hai Projects identified in Master Plans. Growth Related Life Cycle . CIP Adopted by Council on March 17, 2009 K Cam\ �'�"iD Availability of Funds . 2010 CIP reflects the City"s current economic situation . 2010-2015 CIP represents only projects likely to be constructed . New "Unfunded" category that exceed $50.5 Million 3 AIN C. 0, Sw LAND Federal Stimulus Funded Projects . Transportation $458,000 (Overlays) . Wastewater $500,000 (WWTP Membrane upgrades (50% loan & 50% grant) . Water —Project applications submitted for 50% loan & 50% Grant. Stormwater — Ashland Creek Riparian Project — application submitted Other potential diesel retrofits grants (public facilities & FLAIN "XSHLAND �EL�? . Master Plans — Critical Enterprise Fund Planning Document that Hai Analyze Growth Related System Impacts Hai Life Cycle replacement strategies Hai Incorporate Regulatory Changes Hai Influences Rates & Fees Hai Set SDC Rates 5 FY09 Current Year Highlights TRANSPORTATION / LID STORM DRAIN AIRPORT WATER WASTEWATER ELECTRIC AFN / TELECOMM INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADMINISTRATION - FACILITIES PARKS & RECREATION FY09 budget FY09 est difference % of plan $3,139,000 $778,516 ($2,360,484) 24.8% $625,000 $119,680 ($505,320) 19.10/0 $25,000 $0 ($25,000) 0.00/0 $2,665,000 $620,000 ($1,063,000) 23.3% $2,025,000 $285,200 ($1,739,800) 14.1% $765,000 $765,000 - 1000/0 $375,000 $57,000 ($318,000) 15.2% $113,000 $178,000 $65,000 157% $585,000 $330,100 ($254,900) 56.4% 750 000 $400,000 ($350,000) 53.3% $11,067,000 , , ($7,533,504) 32% C C�N FY1O CIPC-0, - "`Aj Proposed Program by Division ADMINISTRATION - FACILITIES, $200,000 , 4% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY/ GIS, $95,000 , 2% AFN / TELECOMM , $325,000 , 6% ELECTRIC, $505,000 , WASTEWATER, $850,000 ,15 TRANSPORTATION / LID STORM DRAIN AIRPORT WATER WASTEWATER ELECTRIC AFN / TELECOMM INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADMINISTRATION - FACILITIES PARKS & RECREATION, PARKS & RECREATION $200,000 , 4% AIRPORT, $150,000 , 3 % $2,500,100 $187,000 $150,000 $575,000 $850,000 $505,000 $325,000 $95,000 $200,000 200 000 $5,587,100 TRANSPORTATION / LID, $2,500,100 , 44% DRAIN, $187,000,3% WATER, $575,000 ,10% 7 Cam\ FY10 CIP C.x, 0, "X51-ILAND Proposed Transportation Project List . .. .. .. .. .. . ...................................................................................................................... .—", . ......................... TSP Update Jefferson Street Extension Project (Brammo - OECDD) Pavement Plus; Plaza Ave (CMAQ-Congest Mitigation Air Mis cellaneous i Concrete Safety Repairs sce a„ Misc New Sidewalk Improvements (prioritized list in TSP) Overlay — N. Laurel Street — N. Main St to Railroad Tracks Overlay — Iowa Street — Wightman St to S. Mountain Ave Overlay — W. Nevada Street — Vansant St to Michelle Ave Overlay - Allison Street - Gresham St to Sherman St TOTAL TRANSPORTATION FY09 est II FY10 $193,146 $2,270,100 Co Annual Annual TSP U Federal Stimulus Funds Thru ODOT Federal Stimulus Funds Thru ODOT Federal Stimulus Funds Thru ODOT STP Fundina Street - Project Totals SDC Grants LIDS other fees & rates $272707100 $3707000 $171967100 $0 $4407000 $2647000 i C�N FY10 CIP - "`Aj Proposed LID and Storm Drain Project List LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS F Y 0 9 e s t -] FY10 Pavement plus; Liberty Street LID $30,000 $230,000 TOTAL LID'S $30,000 $230,000 Street LID - Project Totals SDC Grants LIDs other fees & rates $230,000 $41,400 $0 $115,500 $0 $73,100 Storm Drain - Project Totals SDC Grants LIDs other fees & rates $187,000 $124,000 $0 $0 $0 $63,000 9 FLAIN FY10 CIP - i - 0, "X51-ILAND Proposed Water Fund Project List . .. .. .. .. .. . ...................................................................................................................... '—" . ......................... WATER SUPPLY FY09 est FY10 Water Supply Study (Right Water for the Right Use Program) $0 $440,000 $50,000 $60,0 Additional Water Rights (TIDE BOR system etc) 00 temp water rights BOR Subtotal Su I $50,000 $500,000 00 0 WATER PLANT Plant Process Improvements (Chem Feed, soda ash, instrumentation flocculator 100 000 75 000 Subtotal Plant 100 000 75 000 WATER DISTRIBUTION Subtotal Distribution I $o $0.. WATER TOTALS... $150,Q00 $575,o00 Water - Project Totals SDC Grants LIDs other fees & rates $575,000 $460,250 $96,000 $0 $0 $18,750 10 C�N FY10 CIP - "`A� Proposed Wastewater Fund Project List Wastewater - Project Totals SDC Grants UDs other fees & rates $850,000 $400,000 $250,000 $0 $200,000 $0 11 Public Works Department City Of Ashland Proposed Budget for 2009-2010 May 11, 2009 Summary of PW FY 2010 Proposed Water Fund Wastewater Fund Street Fund Capital Improvement Fund Administration & Engineering Equipment Fund Airport Fund Cemetery Total $ 5, 346, 931 6,269,490 5, 758, 634 602, 500 1,383,370 1,137,129 267, 287 310,305 $21,075,646 Al Here's the work we see ,11 coming in FY 2010 • Master Planning • Develop along -term departmental succession plan (35% of Staff retires in 5 or less years). • Manage/Inspect Federal Stimulus projects • Public Works related Council goals. • Continue to pursue grants. Significant Budget Changes from •11 FY 2009/Made in December • PW Admin/Engineering — 1 FTE reduction • General Fund accounts reduced 5% • PW Enterprise and Special Funds reduced by cutting capital projects. Water Fund Budget Over Time $810001000 $710001000 $610001000 $510001000 $410001000 $310001000 $210001000 $110001000 FY 2007 FY 2008 2009 Budget 2009 Projected ❑ Operations ® Capital FY 2010 Proposed Al Water Fund 2010 Proposed ,11 Budget $1,287,145 , 36% $2,319,328 , 64% Salaries and Benefits ® Materials and Services Al Water Fund Revenue • 10% Water Rate increase effective April 2009. • Long Range Revenue forecast assumes 10% rate increase in 2010 and 2011 and 5% every year thereafter. • New Rate Study needed after master plan complete. • Long-term fund balances need to be addressed with Master Plan. FY 10 Significant Budget ,11 Changes — Water Fund Eliminate 1 Water Distribution position Move 1 Water Distribution position to the Water Treatment Plant on Jan 1, 2010. 7% Reduction in Personal Services and Materials & Services • Franchise Fee Increase is budgeted. • New projects constructed by staff have been reduced. • Increased treatment chemical costs. Matrix Analysis Water Fund Al Highest Priority Water Water Water Criteria Supply Treatment Distribution Federal and State primary primary primary Mandates City Charter and Code primary primary primary Contractual obligations and primary primary primary bond covenants Emergency response secondary secondary secondary Basic needs public primary primary primary health & welfare Matrix Analysis Water Fund Al Medium Priority Water Water Water Criteria Supply Treatment Distribution Oper. efficiency/ risk mgmt/ fiscal health Support for local secondary secondary secondary economic health Enviro. protection above secondary secondary secondary mandates Emergency secondary secondary secondary preparedness Service only available assumed assumed assumed from government Matrix Analysis Water Fund Al Lowest Priority Water Water Water Criteria Supply Treatment Distribution Enhance quality of life/ secondary secondary secondary desirability of Ashland Support for residents' health beyond basics Quality citizen service secondary secondary secondary High priority for local primary primary primary control Wastewater Fund Budget Over Time $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 FY 2007 FY 2008 2009 Budget 2009 Projected ❑ Operations ® Capital FY 2010 Proposed Al Wastewater Fund 2010 Proposed Budget 57 , 24% $2,726,886 Al Salaries and Benefits ® Materials and Services FY 10 Significant Budget ,ram Changes — Wastewater Fund • Long Range Revenue forecast assumes additional 40% rate increases in 2011 (if the F & B is not renewed), 15% 2012 and 3% every year thereafter. • F & B tax ends December 2010 • As with water, wastewater rates will be addressed with Master Plan. FY 10 Significant Budget ,11 Changes — Wastewater Fund . Eliminated 1 Collection System position . $350,000 Master Plan Franchise Fee Increase is budgeted . New projects constructed by staff have been reduced. Increased treatment chemical costs Matrix Analysis Wastewater Fund Al Highest Priority Treatment Collection Criteria Federal and State primary primary Mandates City Charter and Code primary primary Contractual obligations and bond primary primary covenants Emergency response Basic needs public primary primary health & welfare Matrix Analysis Wastewater Fund Al Medium Priority Criteria Treatment Collection Oper. efficiency/ risk mgmt/ fiscal health Support for local secondary secondary economic health Enviro. protection above secondary secondary mandates Emergency preparedness Service only available assumed assumed from government Matrix Analysis Wastewater Fund Al Lowest Priority Criteria Treatment Collection Enhance quality of life/ secondary secondary desirability of Ashland Support for residents' health beyond basics Quality citizen service secondary secondary High priority for local primary primary control Street Fund Budget Over Time $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 FY 2007 FY 2008 2009 Budget 2009 FY 2010 Projected Proposed El Operations ® Capital Al Street Fund 2010 Proposed C�>� Budget $830,798 , 33% $1,705,236 , 67% 0 Salaries and Benefits ® Materials and Services Al Street Fund Revenues • Potential New Revenues MEWOMMIT11 $100 million Connect Oregon III — Ashland will compete for these funds. $54 million. If approved the bill will generate $453,000 annually for Ashland. • Street User Fees projected @ 3% increase annually. • Transportation SDC's Reduced to $18,615 down from $200,000 FY 09 projections FY 10 Significant Budget Changes - V" Street Fund (Expenditures) • Street Operations • Reduction in Personal Services and Materials & Services • Federal Stimulus Projects • Jefferson Street Extension • Transportation System Plan update $350,000 • Phase II Stormwater Master Plan Matrix Analysis Street Fund Al Highest Priority Street Operations Criteria Signals, signs, Stormwater Grounds avement markings Federal and State secondary secondary Mandates City Charter and Code secondary secondary Contractual obligations and bond covenants Emergency response Basic needs public primary primary health & welfare Matrix Analysis Street Fund Al Medium Priority Street Operations Criteria Street repair, Stormwater Grounds sidewalk maint. Oper. efficiency/ risk mgmt/ fiscal health Support for local secondary secondary secondary economic health Enviro. protection above mandates Emergency preparedness Service only available assumed assumed from government Matrix Analysis Street Fund Al Lowest Priority Street Operations Criteria Street repair, Stormwater Grounds sidewalk maint. Enhance quality of life/ secondary secondary primary desirability of Ashland Support for residents' health beyond basics Quality citizen service primary secondary primary High priority for local control Capital Improvement/Facilities Maint Fund Budget Over Time $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 FY 2007 FY 2008 2009 Budget 2009 Projected ❑ Operations ® Capital FY 2010 Proposed Al Capital Improvement Fund ,11 2010 Proposed Budget $361,905 67% $181,905 , 33% Salaries and Benefits ® Materials and Services FY 10 Significant Budget Changes •11 — Capital Improvement Fund • 4.5% reduction in Personal Services and Materials & Services • Janitorial Services are reduced from 3 times per week to 2 times per week. Administration & Engineering Fund Budget Over Time $1,500,000 $1,450,000 $1,400,000 $1,350,000 $1,300,000 $1,250,000 $1,200,000 $1,150,000 FY 2007 FY 2008 2009 Budget 2009 FY 2010 Projected Proposed Al Administration & Engineering ,%11, 2010 Proposed Budget $281,50 370 , 80% Salaries and Benefits ® Materials and Services FY 10 Significant Budget Changes •11 —Administration & Engineering • 5.75% Reduction in Personal Services and Materials & Services. Matrix Analysis Administration & Engineering Al Highest Priority Regulatory CIP Project Permitting, RFP's Criteria DEQ, FAA, Clean Planning & Engineering Water, Dam Safety Inspection review, commissions Federal and State primary primary primary Mandates City Charter and Code primary primary primary Contractual obligations primary primary primary and bond covenants Emergency response Basic needs public primary primary primary health & welfare Matrix Analysis Administration & Engineering Al Medium Priority Regulatory CIP Project Permitting, RFP's Criteria DEQ, FAA, Clean Planning & Engineering review, Water, Dam Inspection commissions Safety Oper. efficiency/ risk mgmt/ fiscal health Support for local secondary secondary secondary economic health Enviro. protection above mandates Emergency secondary preparedness Service only available assumed assumed assumed from government Matrix Analysis Administration & Engineering Al Lowest Priority Regulatory CIP Project Permitting, RFP's Criteria DEQ, FAA, Clean Planning & Engineering review, Water, Dam Safety Inspection commissions Enhance quality of life/ desirability of Ashland Support for residents' health beyond basics Quality citizen service secondary secondary primary High priority for local primary primary primary control Equipment Fund Budget Over 'AM Time $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 FY 2007 FY 2008 2009 Budget 2009 FY 2010 Projected Proposed Equipment Fund 2010 Proposed Budget $515,009 , 64% Al $288,120 , 36% Salaries and Benefits ® Materials and Services Al FY10 Capital Equipment Purchase Plan Equip. Purchase Replacement Replacement # Year Original Model Cost Vehicle Dept. 541 2006 Ford Crown Vic4Dr. $ 24,000 Patrol Car Police *Police Equipment 10,000 347 1999 Ford Ranger 4X4 24,000 Compact 4X4 PW 431 2000 Ford F250 26,000 Full Size Truck PW 301 1997 Freightliner FL80 230,000 Bucket Truck Electric 106A 1993 Ingersoll Rand 20,000 Air Compressor PW $ 334,000 *Police equipment includes new lights, prisoner seat, partition, console, etc. •7% Reduction in Personal Services and Materials & Services Al Airport Budget Over Time $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 Includes $300,000 Refinanced T Hangar Loan FY 2007 FY 2008 2009 Budget 2009 FY 2010 Projected Proposed ❑ operations ® capital ❑ Debt Service Airport 2010 Proposed Budget $150,000 , 66% $78,750 , 34% El Materials and Services ® Capital Outlay Al FY 10 Significant Budget ,11 Changes — Airport • Runway Overlay Project —100% Federal Stimulus Grant funding. Project must be out for bid by August 2009. • Change to budget required Cemetery Budget Over Time $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 FY 2007 FY 2008 2009 Budget 2009 Projected ❑ Operations ® Capital FY 2010 Proposed Al Cemetery 2010 Proposed ,11 Budget $142,848 , 48% $155,457 , 52% o Salaries and Benefits ® Materials and Services FY 10 Significant Budget ,11 Changes — Cemetery • 11 % reduction in the water purchase. The plan is to use less water. • Defer new equipment purchases Matrix Analysis Al Highest Priority Cemetery Facilities Fleet Airport Criteria Maintenance Maintenance Federal and State secondary secondary secondary secondary Mandates City Charter and primary Code Contractual primary primary obligations and bond covenants Emergency response Basic needs public primary health & welfare Matrix Analysis Central Service Functions Al Medium Priority Cemetery Facilities Fleet Airport Criteria Maintenance Maintenance Oper. efficiency/ risk primary primary mgmt/ fiscal health Support for local secondary secondary economic health Enviro. protection above mandates Emergency secondary support support primary preparedness Service only available assumed from government Matrix Analysis Central Service Functions Al Lowest Priority Cemetery Facilities Fleet Airport Criteria Maintenance Maintenance Enhance quality of secondary secondary life/ desirability of Ashland Support for residents' health beyond basics Quality citizen service High priority for local control Al Proposed Budget Revisions • Street Fund Revenue BETC Revenue $81,000 Expense - Increase Transit Costs to $262,000 • Airport Revenue -, Increase Intergovernmental Revenue $1,125,000 Expense - Increase Capital Outlay $1,000,000 URIM What MUM be the impact of apphlyi�ng thie 15% COLA to the Unions that were budgeted at a 0%, Provide a mathx on the iricreased arnount the n-iediani horne would pay if the property tax was increased to the fUll rate, the rmpact of the increase of the $,06 Library Levy airnd'! the impact of 'the Utflity Rite increases in eachi of the next three years, as proposed in the Ibudgiet. What is, incUed in the Misceflanenun s NeServices Revenue in, the, projection for 2009? Flow rn uch does it cost to coflect $ 1 ? G\I"i,�'i,a.iice\Adriiiriistrati�)11\['ILI(Ngct\20,09-201 OVII I'ornrniltc'�e I)OCLI:kllllCtl,t,S\Ql,]eSti(')TIS fi`Nn ("onimitte'e Meefings.doc 5/1/2009 City of Ashland FY 2010 Pro,posed Personal Servlces Costs, wages My By Union BaseNie Managernent (non represented) $ 4,548,140 Laborers 1,813,949 SEW Cledc,M 1,764,100 Fire 1 1 671,2 00 Pofice 1,2611,530 IBEW ElecWc 1,120,848 Parks 1,791,260 Total $ 13,971,027 Proposf,,d Budget O'DLA —F(�O—TT ----------- SMn - —4,648,140 1035 1,879,740 1,000 1,764,100 1.000 1,671,200 1 rOOO 1,261,530 1,035 1,161,500 1,000 1,791,260 14,077,470 Rev�sions Difference COLA SMary Increase 4,707,325 $ 159,1 85 1,879,740 1,825,844 61,743, 1,729,692 58,492 1,305,684 44,154 1,161,500 - 1„ 5 ,954 62,694 14,463,738 $ 386,268 G�\financp.AdrTuiriastatio�i1Budge,tl2009-2lO�c)fnrniittee Costing suimmary by ur0n,xls 5/l/2009 City of AsNand Proposed hcreases on the median housel'idd per month, 2010 2011 2012 Pro perly'Tax of $.2,0 per $1,004) o�f axis sess,ed value ($225,000 vaiue) 175 N A Library, Levy Of $ r06 per $ 1,000 of assesmd value 1.13 NA NA Transportafic)n Utility Fee 0,23 0,24 0,25 Storm Drainj OiNty Fee O, 12 0,13 0 13 Water Fees Z61 2.87 1,518 Waslewater Fees 81 4,10 0,94 Bectric Rate 140 3,57 3,75 Electric Users Tax 0,85 089 . ......... . 0,94 To Nil 19r9t1 $ 1180 $ 7,59 Yeady $ 23&80 $ 141 $ 91,05 5��& RMeded Increases Transportafion Utifty Fee Storm Dran Mfity Fee Airport Fees Wastewater Fees Electric Rato increase 3,0% 3,0% 10% 10% 10% 10 0/6 TBD TBD 1-8 D 10,0% 10 0% 5,0% 400% 150% 3.0% G.\funaruce\A(Jr'Tiinis,Valuo,tilBudget\200,9-201 O'CoinniRtee DocunieintsWatrix on amounts of increases 2010 per househoW.As 5/1/20091 Dty of Ashiland' Electric Revenue Charges for Services - Niew Services as of March 31, 2009 Specific Larger Projects other ftmn viiscellanleous sety° ces Pending: —,--"2009 Rice Marto (forrnally Verde VMaqe)* $ 22,000 160 Hehi,ian (Pyramud Juice)* 35,45,5 57,455 Confirmd�� BellViEW SCtIDOI 26,005 Jubilee Sub 12,915 Phase I Aleph Sub 12,6 B4 Permit Adjustiment 8,807 111 First Street 5,199 SOU Sfteet Lighfing 4,391 70,1001 TotM $ 127,456 " Amording to Electric, may not happen filhis fiscal year u \fia,ian(x,AAdrninis0'abo,iiiBudglet\20,0,920110tCoriiirTiit,tee, DociurnentsElmtfk; New Service Reverkm 2009,xIs 51112,009 City of Astfland Dectric Reventre Charges for Ser*es - New Ser*es as of March 3 1, 2009 Sp ecific Lairger Projects, other than rnisceHaneous services InIffial Submission, to AR, may not ac,tually occur in FY 2009 2009 YTD T Verde Viflage122,479 160 Heknan (Parson's Pine) 35,455 BeIrview Schc�o� 26,005 Ablee Sub '12,915 Phase V Aleph Sub 12,684 Line Rebration Perry* Adjustment I I I First S,treet SOU Strr�el Lighting Total 11,596 8,807 5,199 4,391 239,531 G,\f�inn ,a,r'iclp\Adi,i"�inrstratl(�)nTtidget\20019-2010tCoi,i,rrriitte.,e DocLuflentsTlecIric New Service Revenue 2009,xts 5/1/2009 Equip. Purchase Replacement Replacement # Year Original Model Cost Vehicle Dept. 541 2006 Ford Crown Vic4Dr. $ 24,000 Patrol Car Police *Police Equipment 347 1999 Ford Ranger 4X4 431 2000 Ford F250 301 1997 Freightliner FL80 10,000 24,000 Compact 4X4 PW 26,000 Full Size Truck PW 230,000 Bucket Truck Electric 106A 1993 Ingersoll Rand 20,000 Air Compressor PW $ 334,000 *Police equipment includes new lights, prisoner seat, partition, console, etc.