HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-05-13 Budget Committee MinutesBUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 13, 2009-PAGE 1 of 5 Budget Committee Meeting Minutes May 13, 2009 6:00pm Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street CALL TO ORDER The budget meeting was called to order at 6:04 pm on Wednesday, May 13, 2009 in Council Chambers at 1175 East Main Street, Ashland Oregon. ROLL CALL Mayor Stromberg was present. Committee members Boenheim, Chapman, Douma, Everson, Gregorio, Heimann, Jackson, Lemhouse, Navickas, Silbiger, Slattery, Thompson and Voisin were present. STAFF PRESENT: MARTHA BENNETT, CITY ADMINISTRATOR LEE TUNEBERG, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/FINANCE DIRECTOR BRYN MORRISON, ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE MELISSA HUHTALA, ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of minutes from previous meeting dated: 4/27/2009 Budget Committee Meeting Everson/Heimann ms to approve the minutes. All Ayes. PUBLIC INPUT Perry Prince spoke regarding CERT. Stated he is a volunteer with Red Cross and has been on many disasters. He stated that it is important with large disasters for the community to be prepared. The CERT team is probably one of the most active and well trained CERT teams. He stated that the possibility of losing Lucy would be disastrous for the City of Ashland and the Rogue Valley. Eileen Polk, an Ashland resident spoke regarding CERT. Spoke to cuts within the Fire Department. The Fire Department has already cut voluntarily budget and 3 positions over the last 2 years. Positions have not been filled. She stated to consider safety in the town. As a CERT member she feels Lucy, knows she would not like to see any further cuts in the Fire Department or in CERT. More then 400 hundred people have gone through basic training classes. Training is designed to assist in 911 situations. 200 members are currently active. She stated that Lucy's position is funded by the city the program itself is funded by grant money. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 13, 2009-PAGE 2 of 5 The grant money is unattainable without a fulltime position. CERT has also organized more then 31 neighborhood programs. PRESENTATION OF DRAFT 2009 CITY COUNCIL GOALS City Administrator Martha Bennett and Finance Director/Administrative Services, Lee Tuneberg spoke to the City Council Goals. Ms. Bennett stated that the council put their goals in 6 separate categories and there are 15 total goals (see attached). New Goals are not in the budget, on going goals are in the budget. Mr. Tuneberg discussed the proposed utility bill for June 2010 through 2012 on a sample household (see attached). He discussed what it would be with the Food and Beverage Tax renewal and without. Ms. Bennett gave an overview of responses from the Fire Chief (see attached). The Committee questioned whether or not the CERT coordinator can still get a grant if only positioned at half time. Margueritte Hickman answered that in order to maintain the grant funding someone needs to be designated to supervise the program. Having a half time CERT coordinator would not reduce the ability to get the grant. Mr. Tuneberg gave an overview of the Schedule of Resources and the FY 2009-2010 Summary of Changes (see handout). The Committee questioned which unions the City still in negotiations with. Ms. Bennett answered the City is open with Police and Fire and IBEW Clerical Technical. There are two contracts in the budget where employees will be receiving cost of living adjustments which are the IBEW electrical workers and the laborers union. COMMITTEE DISCUSSION Ms. Bennett and Mr. Tuneberg discussed General Fund issues. Ms. Bennett discussed issues and options for budget committee discussions (see attached). Ms. Bennett discussed the how much is available in revenue for the General Fund. The maximum amount for property taxes which is $375,000, which is levying taxes 20.68 cents. Ms. Bennett stated that there is still a portion of franchise fees that are imposed on the water and wastewater fees that go to the General Fund. These funds could be used as a one time use, and suggested to not use the funds to restore ongoing spending. If the firefighter positions are restored then the overtime budget would be lowered by $70,000. Jackson distributed an analysis of tax rates for different cities (see attached). Ms. Bennett discussed the expenditures. There are 3 things for restoration, the Police Clerk, 2 firefighters and the CERT coordinator. The total of restoration cost would be $284,000 which leaves a balance of $376,000 to transfer to a special reserve fund. The reason to do this is to stabilize the service level. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 13, 2009-PAGE 3 of 5 The Committee stated that in order to restore the positions there will be a separate issue between the property tax and reserve fund. The Committee discussed the 3 negotiations in progress, each group gets 3.5%. Ms. Bennett stated a recommendation that if a bargaining group gets an increase of some kind Personal Services has to accommodate the increase within their budget for personnel. The Committee questioned property tax collections. Mr. Tuneberg responded that the property tax collections are unique in that larger amounts of proceeds from property tax come in earlier in November and December. When the City talked with other groups it is suspected that people are getting beat up in their investments and would rather pre pay their taxes to get the 3% discount. The Committee questioned what the special reserve fund would be used for in the upcoming budget year. Ms. Bennett answered that it wouldn't be used in the coming budget year. It would give the Budget Committee and Council the opportunity to use it in FY 2011. It would be good for any unexpected events in the economy. The Committee decided to discuss the two main issues: 1. Should the Committee adopt the position eliminations in Fire and Police that were incorporated it the Proposed Budget or are we going to restore them. If the decision is to restore them how to pay for it. 2. Should the Committee create the Reserve Fund, and if so in what amount and what limitations should be opposed on using it. Slattery/Everson m/s to put the Police Clerk, 2 Firefighters, and CERT coordinator back in the budget. DISCUSSION: Slattery stated that the City's first priority is safety and CERT is an important community activity. Lemhouse explained that there is risk in raising taxes in recession but public safety is very important. Voisin agrees with motion because basic safety is at stake. Chapman stated that he would vote for the motion if he knew where the money was coming from but he will vote no if that means raising the property tax. Silbiger spoke in favor of the motion; he stated that we won't really know the value of CERT until the City is faced with an emergency and does not feel it can be ran with a half time coordinator. Thompson feels that the Fire Department has not been willing to discuss the possibility of reductions in the Fire Department in the past and appreciates the opportunity to look at different options this year to make a decision. Heimann/Chapman m/s to amend motion to separate the CERT position out of the motion and vote on it as a separate issue. Discussion: Voison stated that a fulltime CERT coordinator is needed, since our National Guard is in Iraq. Heimann stated that the purpose of the amendment is just to separate it not eliminate it. Roll Call Vote: Stromberg, Boenheim, Chapman, Gregorio, Heimann, Lemhouse, Navickas, Silbiger, Thompson: YES, Douma, Everson, Jackson, Slattery, Voisin, NO. Amendment to Motion Passes 9-5 Roll Call Vote on Amended Motion to put Police Clerk and 2 Firefighters back into the budget: Voisin, Thompson, Slattery, Silbiger, Navickas, Lemhouse, Jackson, Heimann, BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 13, 2009-PAGE 4 of 5 Gregorio, Everson, Douma, Boenheim, Stromberg: YES, Chapman, NO. Motion Passes 13-1 Heimann/Lemhouse m/s to fund CERT position fulltime. Discussion: The Committee discussed the importance of continuing the CERT program. If the CERT position was to go to half time the City would be receiving half the benefits of the program. Roll Call Vote: Stromberg, Boenheim, Douma, Everson, Gregorio, Heimann, Jackson, Lemhouse, Navickas, Silbiger, Slattery, Thompson, Voisin; YES, Chapman, NO. Motion Passes 13-1 The Committee discussed the importance of continuing the CERT program. If the CERT position was to go to half time the City would be receiving half the benefits of the program. Stromberg/Douma m/s to add $12,000 to the General Fund, for the purposes of increasing the RVTV capabilities of City government. Discussion: The Committee questioned staff what the RVTV budget is currently. Ms. Bennett answered that it is proposed at $51,000. Gregorio felt reservations about proposing this on the final night of budget process. Lemhouse spoke to respecting the idea of having meetings televised, however will not support the motion because it was not part of the goal setting sessions or priorities. Stromberg stated that the RVTV budget was cut without Council or Budget Committee action during last year because a source of income became no longer available, so would like to restore a quarter of the cut. Voisin is in favor of this motion because there have been several editorials of citizens speaking up about the fact that they want more transparency from their City government. Douma stated that watching the television programs are critical. Thompson stated that television is not the only way for transparency. Chapman suggested web casting the meetings. Roll Call Vote: Stromberg, Douma, Everson, Navickas, Slattery, Voisin; YES, Boenheim, Chapman, Gregorio, Heimann, Jackson, Lemhouse, Silbiger, Thompson, NO. Motion Fails 8-6 The Committee discussed how to pay for the restored positions. The Committee discussed whether or not to raise property taxes or create a Reserve Fund. Silbiger/Jackson m/s to use property tax revenue in the amount of $214,000 to offset the restorations made which would be 11.76 cents. Discussion: Silbiger spoke to the motion stating that this is General Fund money which is where the money to pay for the positions should come from and is the tax payer's responsibility. The Committee discussed if raising taxes was the best way to restore the positions. Voisin stated that it would be overload to raise property taxes. Boenheim stated that raising the property taxes is a compromise and is a tough decision. Roll Call Vote: Voisin, Douma, Chapman, Boenheim, Stromberg; NO, Everson, Gregorio, Heimann, Jackson, Lemhouse, Navickas, Silbiger, Slattery, Thompson, YES. Motion Passes 9-5 Everson/Silbiger m/s to restrict a one time use of the $215,000 from Street Fund franchise fees to place in a restricted special Reserve Fund. Discussion: The Committee discussed the importance of a Reserve Fund. Everson stated she made the motion to be supportive of the long term position of the City and to be supportive of the City Administrator. The Committee questioned if the $215,000 would have any effect on the Bond rate. Mr. Tuneberg answered it BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 13, 2009-PAGE 5 of 5 would be one element because in Bond ratings they look at your reserves and fiscal capacity. The Budget Committee will have to decide how to spend this money next year. Chapman stated that he would have considered taking this money to keep the firefighters but saving it for next year so it might be used doesn't make sense. Navickas cannot support the $215,000 shift and feels it is a regressive policy. Roll Call Vote: Stromberg, Boenheim, Everson, Gregorio, Jackson, Lemhouse, Silbiger, Thompson; YES, Chapman, Douma, Heimann, Navickas, Slattery, Voisin, NO. Motion Passes 8-6 Everson/Slattery m/s to approve the Budget and convey to Council for adoption. Navickas/Gregorio m/s to amendment to the motion by levying the additional taxes to set aside for the special reserve fund. Discussion: The Committee discussed whether or not to raise taxes. Roll Call Vote: Stromberg, Boenheim, Chapman, Douma, Everson, Heimann, Lemhouse, Silbiger, Slattery, Thompson, Voisin; NO, Gregorio, Jackson, Navickas, YES. Amendment to Motion Fails 11-3 Roll Call Vote on motion to approve the Budget and convey to Council for adoption: Stromberg, Boenheim, Douma, Everson, Gregorio, Heimann, Jackson, Lemhouse, Navickas, Silbiger, Slattery, Thompson, Voisin; YES, Chapman, NO. Motion Passes 14-1. Slattery/Everson ms to approve the Property Tax Permanent levy rate at $4.1973/$1,000. Discussion: None. Roll Call Vote: Stromberg, Boenheim, Douma, Everson, Gregorio, Jackson, Lemhouse, Navickas, Silbiger, Slattery, Thompson; YES, Chapman, Heimann, Voisin, NO. Motion Passes 11-3. Everson/Slattery ms to approve Bond Levies of $399,885. Discussion: None. Roll Call Vote: Stromberg, Boenheim, Everson, Gregorio, Jackson, Lemhouse, Navicas, Silbiger, Slattery, Thompson, Voisin; Yes, Chapman, NO, Douma, Heimann, Abstain. Motion passes 11-1. Jackson/Slattery m/s to approve Local Option Library Levy at $.19/$1,000. Discussion: None. Roll Call Vote: Stromberg, Boenheim, Douma, Everson, Gregorio, Heimann, Jackson, Lemhouse, Navickas, Silbiger, Slattery, Thompson, Voisin; YES, Chapman, NO. Motion Passes 13-1 The Committee discussed the wrap up meeting for 5/14/09. ADJOURNMENT This meeting adjourned at 10:42 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Melissa Huhtala Administrative Secretary BUDG&T COMMITTEE MEETING SPEAKER REQUEST FORM " *leis form is pu l'iic record. All informationprovided will, be made available to the public. I . Complete this ron'n and return, it to the ox loca,ted ne,ar the rninute taker, 1 Wlien your naine is called, speak to the Budget Commit tee 'ftorn the table podium, microphone. 1 S tate your naine and address for the reclord 4. Limit your comments to the an,iount ofthile given, to, you by time Chair, usually 3-5 mintites. 5. If you present written materials, plea�se give a colp'y to the ininute t,a,ker for the record. 6. You may give written comments to, the minute tin kerfor the revord iryou do not wish to spleak. 7, Speakers are solely rcsponsible or the content of their public statement, " Toniglit's Meeting Date: Agenda item you wisb to speak an: 7 7- Name: .. ........ . ..... 1, Add�ress, (nio P. Box): 3. V1 1, ?, Phione N'urnber. '/F;?— - w Z, Email' ("17 cc'wl . . .. ... . ...... - 11--1 —.— The Public Afeeling Lawrequires that allcity tneelhigs are open to) the public, Orq ,!on law does not alvvays require tha,t 11be public be pernfitleidtar spear k, The Aybland (7ity Councitand Bu(4,,et Cornmistee generally, invih%sthe public tospeak on agenda items andiduring public jbruni on non -agenda items unless flirter co)zoraints linfit public testhnot. No person has an absolute right to avpeark or participate in everji phasre of"a, proceeding, Please respect the order qj'proce,et'ftWfiPr public hearings, and str,ictly Jbilowthe directions q the pre.0ding of Beha,vioir or aclions which are unreasonably loud or disrq?tive are disre,�peqj'W, andmqy consfitute disorderly conduct Qnders will be requestedtar lerave, the room, Commients, tmd statements byspeakers do not rqpresent the opinions of tbe City Council, City Oftiieairs or employees of tbe City of Ashland. BIJDGET COMMITTEE MEETING SPEAKER REQUEST FORM' ' rhis, form, is, publ�ic record. All infortnation provided will be made available to the public., L Complete this forniand return it to the box located near the minute taker., 2. When ' your narne is called, speak, to the Budget Cointnittee from the table poidiumic rri rophone, I State your narne and address rar the record. 4. Limit your conunents to the arnortnt oftirne given to you b�y the Chair, usually 3-5 rninutes, S. Ifyou present written materials, ptease give as copy to the minute taker for the record. t . You may give! 'writ en comrneriLs, to, the, ininute taker fur the record if YOU, do not wish to speak. 7. Speakiers are solely responsible for the content aftbeir public statement. Please Print "ro.nigires Meeting Agenda item, you wisl) to speak o;n: Name. Address (no 11.0. Box): 01 . .. ... ------------- ....... Phone Number: Ernai 1. The Public Xleeling Law requirev that all cily meetings are qwn to the public. Oregon la%,, does nol alwqys require that the public be permitted to speak. The Ashland City Council and Budget Comniittee gj,nerally hrvileir the public to speak on agenda iteons and during publiefirunt on izon-agenda itenis unless tune corLytiraints findt public tau sflmotq� No person has an absolute righl to speak or parlia�pate in ever.y phave, of a proceeding. Please respea the order qfproceedingsour pubtichearings and strictly ,16110141the directions qj'thie prefiding qfflcer, Behavior or actio,n.v which are unre,asonab4), loitulor disruptive are disrespeq/Jd,, and mqy constitute disarderly conduct. Qf e .fenders will be P-quested to leave the room. Comments and statetnents ley speakers do not, represent the opinions of the City Council, City Officers or employees of the City ofAshland. RESPONSESFROM FIRE CHIEF L Flow does dropping the minimu in staffing affect the IS rating? Ashland's last ISO nating (4), assumed an daily staffing Bevel ofnine; we currently have as nihiiniu.111 stall"ing ofsee en, 1)roppirig to a staffing level of six may increase the insurance costs ol'businesses by 5-20 Residential insur,�,mce ratcs would iiot be affiected. 2. What propoi-tion ofroom and contents fires Flush Over? The nornid burn C Y hrle Will illclude F'lash Over ifthe fire has fuel sh Over it' and is in t room will�) ventilation. Sonic fires, do not reach F!a insidc a small a;'Pace Nvith inadequale oxygen (inside i. wall space or a small cboset or buthroorn vvith (lie door closed). The hine it takes to reach flash over wfli vary by Fuel type, oriemation offuel and avaihable oxygen. Rapid fire growth flash over is reached in four mintites, moderate in six rriinutes, and slow irr eight ininutes. Most house, fire areas in the moiclerate to slow range. thilil Jackson County 5 gets, here on a structure fire'? C) District five lakes, nine to sixteen ininutes, travel tinie to get On scene. "I"his depends ori availability, I infil un U7. wdl arrive� on scene ifinin staffing i,,,; 6 on structure fire? o A dedicated L( ' ". will arrive i,:in scene in, alvift six to twelve Ininutes depending on tiftie ol'day and the avadability ol'the (,',hiefarid Operations C'hief, Lo\vering stalling will required the (11'Wfto be available 24/7 or call lair as ("Jil lei' f rorn, another departnient. The oPerations Chief plosition WOUld not be filled, 4. Cost of CERT Coordinator if '/, vrE inst�ead of I FTI - a 'Fhe cost ofa lialffirnic (" F ' T Rcoordinator would be approxiniaylel $40,001 0which includes single coverage healthcare. With Food and n aumrsport<atrla°n t,U ityd Fee Straumuw F7 ain MlMy Fee WastewWnalen Fees EfincrHc Rate Electric Users "'kax 7"aa�� d Btil'u4'y Anmu;mmAumt g 1�1m��rldnr h rease between years sir rav i ita"ap change City of Ashland Tax r n 1 ' N Arne 20,0,91 Jluane 2,0101 June 201111 June 012 771 $ 794 $ 1118 yw 842 4,05 4.17 4,30 4..43 45 30 411,83 54,81 57 55 17 01 17 E16 18 75 19,69 110,24 B 111.6 1121,54 127,62 2 d 1.t1'7 224,49 237,97 2 249,62 1262 $ 12.47 S 11,65 5.961!;af,7 6..00% 490'% Tr'aarisFrwamtnttrrrm B hllty Fee, 10% 11 � A IFO'"ABa ..._._ ;Aoirn Drain t1bky Fee 111°rrl ::0NM4'SyD "% 2.FB�',m� Airport Fees, .t.C� D '1 C. 1 1i.'. D Water Fees 111.4.1% 10.0% w 0% a eww MCu,r Fees, .10% ta tr. II 1,'. ectk I'1Kmie Bmve apse ,ldp"a/�� yll11% Without Food and Beveiragie Tax renewal June 20,09 ,lushes 2010 Junie 011 June 20,1 ' '1 rwainstpo tntuuwrr Utility Fee 7.-1 $ 7,94 $ 818 2.42 Storm Drain Utility F'naM' 4,05 4,17 4.110 4,43 Wratrwr F ecb s 45,30 49.83 5481 57 55 W aamdew atu r Fees 17.171 2181 2739 28,21 Bedflc Me 110 24 t't53'5 121,54 127,62 Dec,tulr Users Tax 7m 56 28,94 303'H 31,20 "6rsfln (AiMy Armwrwp,am°at' 11.117 230,45 246,60 g$ 258 113 Doflaar increase I1,wtwcTc,,n yem'ra $ 18,58 $ 16,15 w 11.53 Wlumr'r aralage ch aitlnlaa 8 771% 7 01% 4 t'rti1% Storm Drain tit11B1y Fem e 11.d:M 1.07r1 1.21'% ABrlanul Fees TBO T'BD 'V' M Wmatr"a'Fe ;s 1d'1.t'7%.. 1FB.41^71 17.tB'''yO wlsl aww an er t rwa'� 40,01% 15,0% u1.t % Elecific Me hrnV'B'rM'.se 5rrG°✓a., 5,O% 5.0% .1tuu'mmarea idminis, a tiaatll wwrd lea\211 1•2'010',, Mrar'nrbwstlee C)ocumamenE;�'w atrBx on amounts of ncru to es 20 Bt1 per B'a us'e aOwtAs 511312Fy1' City of Ashland Scheftle of Resources RESOURCE SUMMARY 20,10 20110 commmee r p�seA, Aslons Revised Revils�ons Revenues, T,,,ixes $ � 7,943,555 Ucem;i,,as and Flermb 612,500 6 I 2,500 Inteigovernmerital Reverwe!s 4,112,458 1,285,000 5,397,458 Charges fbServices 316,;363,575 SysIri-risr Devellopi-nent Diarges 78,450 78450 Firresand Fodequires 142,000 142,000 Assessment Paymews 218,110 218" 11 () flMerle,sl on IInvestments 375,300 375,300 Ifte(Maneous Revenues 364,815 3164,8 5 TOM Revenues ,495,763 Budgetary Resourcm Workmtl Capbl Canyover 9,35 05,1 Other Fin,,,mcinq Sources 965,(: () 965,600 IiMe0und Ilwoan 80,0100 MAN) Oper a ling "T rm sfers In 2,98,546 298,546 T WA Budgetary Resources ---- - ---------- 201,695,1991 Total Resources 1,285,000 $ 82,190,96T—" — ----- . . ....... . R,evlsions CERT Grarl 24,000 BETC in SlreeR for Iransl 81,000 Mi-poo grant in Caj.,Jlai hmpr, 1, tl 25,000 CDBG Giant koerqrwernrnentA 55 000 Mporl grwt,froim Airporl Fund to CapAal Ilrnnlnrarvr FUnd '150,000 GkT"nnrianc�e\Adniii,iistraitioin\BLidget\,2009-2,0'IiO\bLu(Jget comrnMee cl,mr,qesIO,xIs 5/13/2009 City of AsMand Fiscal Y'ear 2-20,10 Surnmary of Changes 2010 StAff cornmMep 7,010 PropOsed ......... . .. ... Revisions RevWons Approved GENERAL FUND AdmmArabon Depadinwini "?0 1 Y'M'l 2(,11,590 Admims1saficm DepdMlffll. [A)r3ry, 315088 355,088 Adingristi'abon DepartrTment, Mumr,kImd 4119 9'24 419,924 AclrninItslmfive, "k>oW X1,A) 1 ?01,W, A(jrrkni(stiatwv Sorvices Ecl(rul(W11111c & Cmqufa[ G�allN b70 0100,�[ 510,000 AdmhlNS[ratror� SOWI(x% - MRSCOIIMUOUS 45,01)() 45,01) AdminislTz,bve Servm',,es Hand W,C09 57,619 ilobco, Doparlincxil 021,435 11000 5,459,43,13 Fim and Roasctw D(qhulyiumnl: 4 9103, 105 182,00(1 5,0W105 FlutAc Works - Comeltelly DwIsion 310,105 31 V3013 Comimumtv Deve4op'nenl P[WrMh Divisiull J 2 14, ?A3 3 Camp'nunty Dcvebprr�n.mt , BW,rfing Dmsilorl 656,331 IIIallsh,,�s tV)(l 500 Gcrntjngenlc,y 400,0001 400,000 Ending I'mo Balancir" MC,508 24,000 ........... 1,332NIM ........... - TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1 SYK�, 1 W 24,0M 214,000 16, 228,7 10 COMMU NIITY DEVELOPMENT I GRAN r FUND M-rsonal nurwlcx 38,000 w"w 01,10 MawfiaIs and 4,310,958 b5l 000 455 958 E"(fing Flund Baldmp, TWAL CDBG FUND 438,9% a,6,(D00 493,91181 RESERVE FUND i'lansfers ErWing Fund Bahnou 215,000 21"J'000 TOTAL RESERVE 1 215,000 71"n,000 STREET FUND PublIrf", Mwk,4 sheet Opplafions 4, 10:15,758 12,000 4,118,258 Pobk work s slorm Moro Ofyo'f arxXis 620,8?B 620,818 Flublic Woft I-rmv,,,poqaWn SM"I's 561400 56 r,4 00 Flubiric Wr)lrks - $0= Water SM"'s 214,000 214,000 Pubhc, WoNu - Local hqmwwneqrI DiMn' 196,098 1 New INA)� P rmsfws 715 000 215,0(0 Conti rcy 88,000 88,0100 Errrjklllq Fwxl RaImwe 69r�X)O p I 5,oJlx) 1,44 7,X3 TOTAIL STREET FUND -INK3,363 TT7 F mjrr Tr " PUP AIRPORT FUND MatwWIS "od 18,150 8,7 50 Caplal 0"flay 50,0W (ISO,N)0) Debt Fn a wake 38,537 30,637 Ink0und umn 60,0010 ow*(,! ConbmI Psicy , 5, 000 5,000 Nmd Balarwe 9,0M 9,0211 TWAL.AlIRPORTFUND . . .. . .................. MIX 1 1 w 0(vT , 21 t,31 CAPITAL 1IMPROVEMEN TL S FUND I'lemonal sefvwx",, 181 90b W 905 WflufNBK a salvmm A) 00ay 258 il"90 f, I "ilo,(Klcl 1,408,690 Tran!"'rJers 218,046 278 046 CoWlingency 911 NM 50,000 V uidlmq Fund B,,,i4m cp 2,012,0El 1 x1,rIP,;,0 2,131,061 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 3,14?,601 I,ZeS,0011 4A 11,607 is 1t4 Ia I meWlirmimistir atioMBudget'Q009 20 1 Mbudget con I rn Wee d m nges 10 xIls, exp 7/28/2009 4 : 13 PM 2010 Staff c3rr'r%arnRtee 20110 Pro pow J Revisions Revisinrm, Approved p)IEBT° SEIRW CE FUND DeNbp SofrvurPv 3W,Jib ,19053b 3r!IrvrdfnS p: a nd B alarwe f4 3 11 r 1,149,113 TOTAL DIEBT SERVICE FUND 648 WATER FUND plpu.'LUc:"4"WabVkM F r'iest L. ,vrrd,s Man ripmnit ifnl DivisK)n 24I KW0 24I,KrO.V f"q4t irc W ON'S 'W4Wm r supAy 3 1561G 315,6 6 NlfAlfc.Wvkp biPn`,at%r Tmadi`Y@rilf9'f 111161(48 '1,3170,101 Publ"; WrWmks- r"M"riteii IDirefr9Frulrp%"I ?b+Mf.5} 1'3p,';p 2,486,183 p"Ohic, WW`rork, I1t'rlu41Lrr4r.rnmerO 1 Lar r,'n 37a 150 328,150 Ilubfb44'„WWrurks Impnvwnr°Oti i,'DC', rirfy, 50 19050 Pu,ubGl%oWorks Iur-6fSC1U.,,;; ll'KiA 6 123,446 Oectrs;, 1,3Y9¢Vservrk ion Dwr,,,wr'Y 1 / $ ;f92 118,292 D hrSi,1if"rrres 3„35f8 ,;33,518 opuupSreuourky 139 µ;Kio 139,G010 f uratluuwp:,p Fund 0a °ri4lrnce 83' 11 1131,814 TTII., WATER FUND "13,F 6,622,031 y 2 031 WASTEWATER FUND, P uUs k: Works 'tirWuam wrafar (ralr x,,r Vri ra nra+1N3';'4 1,('.'3335,�3333 FuuUrUp4:'Works W1dk'ias(( r 1vr "tl'leaafruarurrt 155,4-A4 1,1 55544 p"ubfir,rtiW iks U'TaaVr bunik"Ilene lDG' I215f1d1 12/,894) fl''uvfu46c Worlk . 9d'rrpslldw VUlrtir'ufl Sf3R.A'r; 50'0100 560,NA) Debi SkYf"MNI'rs, 1 f3fG a'7',Pd 1 &Mdd k551 1"r5a11proya:l"rpc,^y f 50'0U,1G! 1 51,U,V,,bf1d'Y f_rur n,q Fund FYJ auaa n 3 r1 bo3,13a"r4 4 020 769 TOTAL. WASTEWATER FUND 5'i aMa1 r'J,,"s+di3,259 ELECTRIC FUND f Yde;.Ithc r4,rrrb.,ui4&vaf OYO DV641IKH 1 501,496 51,496 E k rlirdu;, • Suupp3 y ^t11br 20l 5,3+135,154 l e%,ffi, flu»s3rapm4u0cm Nub 2,581; 5,4:32„581 i ha=lrw: 103,f:W.Du.4 f,,hf)3' 100 flOI5r+aucerr; 15 OR 2s, '108 k,,rNV"%r;l%"4rpdra'1rry 312 tl(H) ?2, 0d.fl.1 Ending Find Bal+v r;" 619,4' f f3 �N TOTAL FILIECTNTUU FUND tl 1,Wuam3AK 13,792,485 TFL. UUMM MUNICArIONS FUND IT -, htaW^rru q 1'1r0" '1'3 1,11T 228 II V3ut'I a r'Iaraf'xJ 1,31?3'S 38024 f;rantlklrbq r4kp 1044 IG 100,61130 Fnrldr a Fund Uralarwu°u i,'1 35 325, 135 ToUAL.,TELECOMMUNICATIONS dLL9>fND 5i, itM 2,533, CENTRAL SERVICES FUND Adfrurruskabon D pawfru%ent 1 ,u1'1,1'fl4',3 1,311,716 IU,G(xrty Iel "3rcaa'wllrr (Nviswun 1,T45,133 1,145,133 a 54:diniik'ustfafiv: SefrfIIKe n f'epDVfbrf I ewil 1 5 r"I,N,390 1,511a 890 City &1,uw,kaodV m [livu~rUw V7.539 23 " 5'3'9 Puubhc Wiork„ 1,383,370 1 „33,3.;39LM C oropd ge,i %a,T 169,000 uU; 0 103,000 f uualpru5 Fund f3r11rrncr� 12,531 12,531, Ta"TTA,p CEN'rRAL SERVICES, FUND ��. _� ........�......._.. /9,179 � , � 5,91',N 179 G »6uu11 r)c;eWJrn ulld; tgTstu i,i EBpudget\2, 3�1'Ld,20'1 7Wbu(Iget corllwf'ug44Fr.11.;h au7geslO xIIW exp 1128/2009 4 3 PCB INSURANCE SERVICES FUND Fleirsonal Sefynces Won& widServk,,es Conkm ' pfcy Emimr hnd BWarico TOTAL. INSURANCE SERVIICES FUND EQUIPMENT FUND Ira morial ";VfO�cs Wdo ruls anild emvllrxn CapWll Oull4q Confingency Emhnq Fund Balame rOTAIL EQUflPMENT FUND CEMETERY TRUSTFUND Idn,Mels Emling Fund N1 aNtarn rca TOTAL CEMETERY TRUST FUND 2010 Slatf ComrTifttee 2010 proposed ReOslons ReAsions Approved 80, W 130 W),8103 680, R03 V,10,000 �50,000 3,XG '199 1% 288, 120 515,00") 51S,0109 334,(W 31"A,000 41,0(10 40,K) 1 '322, 16 1 tl,322, 1 6%uI 2 -1)('16 , 71K) 2(J,W) 210,000 Ri 948 8 6 2,94 8 948 832,948 PARKS AND RECRENTION FUND I Divisoon 3,319 1100 21 19, t D"I Rv;reoljbut D�vlskmi 1, 11 5Arb Gdf DIVmlion 3')8 A A3 C409ngency 110,0100 Fnduq Fund Balwvx,,, 1,450,910 1 450,910 TOTAL PARKS AND, RECREATION FUND 4,305 6,034,305 YOUTH ACTIVITIES LEVY FUND and Sclrvlw,� I. vdrtp IF ugul Rallaincc TOTAL YOUTH ACTIVITIES LEV'Y FUND PARKS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND ("alpliIJ OuNly E'ridng Furd Balarwe TOTAL PARKS CAPITAL IMP' FUND TOTAL BUDGET' Less End N Ing F u Ind Balance, ummzmzm= Staff RevIsions: CDB(,.; Grant M&S Strelet BETC gram fotirar*il: Adrport gmnt 1u!&k0XI 06,000 10,598 �10,59f I........ . .... 287,239 281,2�m� 287,239 ki T Ti IT - — - — ------------- -- — ---- 80,905,962 1,215,000 4291,00,0 82,619,9162 'I 5�344,9127 218,000 15,562,927 65,561,035 1,067,0100 429,01010 67,057,035 51�,000 12,0101) 1,0000,110 1,067,000 Mloved 150,000 cm.A W kpor1 CappW to CapiWI Imp Capfla11 Committee Revisionc 2 Firefighlers 175,04,Y) Reduce ciN OT (70,D00) N1EN'E"'T E. 7 7, 000 5 Pokce Dork 32,0M TPwsW our ol' 'SVeiet Fund fm Reserve 215,000 429,0W corn"nittee changes 10,x�s exp 7128/2009 4:1 13 P'M Revenue our Amount Property'Fax $375,000 One T'ime Use of Street IFundi Franc-Wse Fees $2,15,000 OverfirTie Savirigs if Firefighters Restored $70,000 Other S�aviin,gs, frond Other Rf eduction(TBD) TOM RevenuelSigy!M 1AH.0 00 Poke Derk restore to 1 FI'E 1;,000 Two Firefighters $175,000 CERT Coordinator $77,000 Othe�, Restoratiaiis (TBD C onin*tee) Total IRestour ation costs 9910-00 Balance to IM.10- 00 (Stabahze ex�stirrg activit�y lewel) �WGI'C 1, Ea, G� r��ro k 4ntrrl Pt k N)uf rmin k�rar� E�Pf� � omlu a RWe� . Medford 2008 .. n G „ Fire p � Fwll �" �u� ¢it Jai �,Mr1&1„ ......,�. ,..W.,_ �. .....a�..� ,. � ��... ...... .. . .._„ � �... Urban 'Re p�ewac � � Gym ..,` 1583 .. 0<,.538 µ ..... a 210181 � _�1...... .n.e �,.k.� , ... ..���� � �?ra � ... ..m ....� 1 9i 3 14959 0 Q &1ar „a 1 1 1 Other 1,2392 � J ° �1�1I m v� m . _ i r�Y1 1 1 7 i) � m �10 1rb ,' 91 1 .i � 6 5 a 5,12 r7 7 1386 7,3785 72 4 YHOUGHTS AND ISSUES: To iriake decisions aboiuk thus ye m's L)iijdget, what are We key Issues that the CBC must decid0 Are there corrunon understandings or prernises that we can agree UI)CM? Carr the CBC reach consensus, so that our messages U.) the public about the decisions we nrake can be rc9sonabhf Unified arid consistent'm Haw sholuId flie budget diiscrusslon and &ues be frmned? 2911111011m 1, ECONOMIC PRESSURES ON CITIZENS, Almost eveiIyione In town",., incornei,, are down 0u, Wofr".aP- re^rtueql&)t aCtOUIlts are depIeted, In considfNahon of ffiese widespread financiall drcurnstanccr,,s, we shouhJ avoid iiaiising iaxes, fees orserw.e clharij(,e�s or unriecessarily iiicreasing ("insts, e,g., Ihy pnovidirrig cost of living incr,eeaRs to fluty employees. We need to careftfliy evaaluuaataea the mipact of projecled actions on the clt0jis, and increase t,ax burder,6 orfly If ahsoluteIy necossary, Howevier: A, Proj.,,wrty taxes go up 3w1/o per yem wifficnit any actIon by the CBC to o ai5e tlhern� B, The library levy wIll increase by six cerits per lhotwnd thIs year, whIch is mthin Vie amount (21 cents) approved by the citizens. C, Practically speallang, the cornrnumty has to "ie up" the rmais tax th�s faH to service debt on our sewer Vdant OR find other sourries of rtwenue. D. Ibe Council has recenUy zipproved Increases m wat,Lm mid sewer rates; additional Increases in utifity fees Including eIectricity charges are, anticipateirl t(,) DCOur in the fafl 0A2009; C1-rY SERVICES ARE INTEGRAL TO THIE WEI IL -BEIN(i OF IFIE COMMUNITY X in considoIng budgef decisions that alffeO both the �A-,ope and ('.Jumlty of' City services, we are mindful of the irnpodaint role i-Ily services p1lay in rnaintaining the Ashland COMfIlUllity that we love arid thalt di,,r,,-,vv Ynany of us heie from oltI piaces, Despi Le disparity in personal finaric'Jal circtmrrstances, we Ml get to shate the benefits d rat aii e provided for all of us by the Cfty. This mcludes a high Ie,vel o0 public safeLy, a beautiful and user-firlenft ctowntown, parks and recreational achwhes, robust (:Mzen invoIveroent lin the conrununity, water, 5ew', eie(Inc arid fibler optic services, ar)d overaIll high quality City staff mid administration, "My personal secuirty is strengthened w hp -,,m thie COITMILMIty is stiI We have mherited this conirnunity and should The rnirofful of Ilrnumgf term inpacts so as to sal(.,guard and preserve it for the falhjie. B, In an ermioiI where resources are scarce, we need to IdenUty the City seem es that are rnoslt esseinrial to the well-boing of the cmimunrity as a starting p0rit for priorifinny which services we can afkm!l to Yq)port, 111, C-OTS OF PROVIDING CITY SERVICES ARE UP AFor several ypars exiaenditures Ihaave. exceeded revenries, parficuIady in the Generai FUnid wheie maray "core" government seirvpces are frinded. -pnis has lied tio the erosion of the trend mg Fund Balances which operates to provIde a cushion against unartik"lipated rue eds or, expenses ,,,wid aiso l',,mvOes, operating calpftal to the City. Br We have n1r.) "ramy day" fund, rather as (jef)(io'lcy m the sense that our Finding Fund Ballances ("FFB") have, and aiie pmo,cfted to rontinue to be, en,)iding. C. The budget is burclened by AFN and sewer debt serOce-- around $3.2 rniflion J)(',nr year, D. For ff9, the EFB In the general fund at FYI ens projectel to decline frorn 2008 FYE (whercwe ended at $2,296,666) by apprommately $400,000, to $1,879,800 alter, addirl(I UIWSed coftngency and SUbtra0rrrg restricted oir earmarked funds), See budget book 4-8, 'rhis 6 becarise actual revermes are falling biek)w budgeted revenues, and despkite the Implemented un December 2008, we cum)binue to have an opemting deficit (experiditures exceecl ievei'mes), which thus rediuces Lhe EFB. Despite the deficit, the City is still projected to end ttle ye,au,r r ,Ijgi,If[y better tharl required by the endIng fund balance poficy of 101',v of revenues ($I,„198,000) E We are SqUeezing costs so flhpre's very fittle left. to ctit, assunflaq we continue to offc!r essenfiaIlv Vie sairie pub4c s4,viries and do not rnake Iarge, pirograrnrratic crds l::::. this year's budget uses last year's expenses zvz; rer.hAced by the Dec. 'tp8 cuts eruct Ns balanced with mica pay incrfaac;es U staff or for iepiieseirrited ci nplayees wtm5e contracts are open, cut-tmg fire and police staff, (swrding CIERT to as sIlow death), severelly Imuting capital expenditures anid drawing down on reseii ves (Ithe EFB). It is important to not(,,e� (hat that This yeat's budget Irs transibortal rather than stable , in the sensx, thadt"We can't coribinue to rely oin the, kh'ids Of(:10,91. savings to lbaante the budget next year and lb(a„YIM 0 G. one; City Adrnimstrator and CR) say we have to max out the tayrate to start a rainy (Jay fund because they me worried by flie trend that lighter budgeting la causing det.mrtrnenLs, to spend cto. r to 100% of budgeN, thus leaving Ims rrioney left over to but1n,",,ss t1he EFB and I)rovlde cash auuntd operating cat)Ral, Pailm,ulady If an unfoiseen event lIke an enrergency us curs that significantly taps our firiancial resou�ces, we don1 have ITIoney in otheir enterprise funds that wioglht W borrowed to get us through Wo an", simply too CIOSA� to the rnargin to f(!eI cornfortatfle that qie Oty us finaincw,Aly stalble, In adcfifion, Ifproposed position reducNxis am restore',,d by the CBC (suc,1'r as the Nefighters andCEM), we neexJ some nnoney in reservf,-e to enswe that adequate funding for thes'c'! posibons extst,,; not only next year, but the UpowIng year ("wen If the ovr,'raH econoinic ciondRions I einafin poor, (and City revet'KW streanis wmam depressed) Or We Wfll [)e faced with the sarne posqion durrnnatik:m deOsIons agcun, IV, QUES11ONS/15SUES I HA-1 WE HAVE CONSIDERM k Does our crty gove'1111TWnt offer the corer services needed by tht,, cornn'runity (e,q., safety, water, electricIty)? Are we fundorig thrigs tfl'nat the community doesn't support or "really need",' niese ate policy deas*ins for the City MA the Budget ConInruttee, although the Budget CorTUTOtee unust grapple wItti the econarync consequencesof these, decisions, Exarnples of recent deciisions inchide the cornrniftments to 1-R)USing With thin CN]y Street protect and U'ie Crorrion Road developrnent, . K Aic,', we pIovIdmg UV services as cost effecrively as PossIl,')Ie, inciuding controffing the giowth m expenses? 1he Budget Cornmitlee inclOres into thr; subject, and priunanly retie s on (My staff to identrfy meas where clost contamment rnrghtor inight nat be At what point do fuIther cuts ") emsbing governnientat prograrns imacc(,1Aably weaken the City ... cw curnprorIJISe t10,e curnmunity as a whote? In rnak�rig decisoons t1nat Invi0tve reduclJorls In sc',rvices or pmbon elirnonations, the Budqet Committee must grappe with the Impacts on Oty servIces, D. And do we, particularly m the generall fund, have a "reverrue pIoNern In that oin experises'fur im,,�cessary services, delIvered as efficIently as reasonaNy possilAe, are canto r,mruj to (Pow fast(nr than our revenuc, 'P If so, wNit's the plan for addrpssng tfoP If we max OLit ti'w� tax rate, offier ojihorr, fcIr revenue enhanicement will have to tree Oenfified such as to"S to suppott specific City services E, III NtMe bUdgets" do we need to work thrcmgf) a new relab�)r6hp with Parks & Recreation on the share of jpuroperty taxes that it gets, n,e,, the $2.109 per that Parks recoves, which amounts to 17910 of the City"s share of projperby taxes levied? What are the atternanve :sources of fund4ig that, can marntaoin and enhance this Important resA)UrCe fur' OUr' COMMUMItV, *Earliee this year ffie Council and the Pairks & Recieabon C(.)rr)Iro;sioin tcIgetrlho' agreed to rnaintAin the mfflage for Parks & Recreation for FY 2010. 'MIs 6S1I-uS'w')n Is ongoIng between the Oty Counck and Panks & Recieation, F. Dic'we have to treat this budgeL m a specW way due to thf.', economk" conditions we facO Atternative fOMUN,'Ibow What do we project for the economy in 2010—MH tlhIni,)s get befter or worse? IS, Are we puffing decisions albout this budiget m the context of other fee anid rate iacreases Mi',it we irar) anbdpate? ISSUES FOR DECISM By HE CBC IHIS YEAR L Does the con"rimittee suppoi�t the ptopos,ed ieducrtions In peisonnet (potIrr(',, fire, C'Eup if smnO reductIons aire should atteirnatIve cost reductroris Iha, CIDIVSkierffl -, if SO, what? 2, is an hanr reaene in property tax(°S for the puiposc' of cfeating as reserve frind as requested 1f)y staff necessary and pz'hried? Such decisions nrus't Lw, rrIaik rmndful of the Impact Of FMSM,r) NIM?S irl CIM)rurcbon with the cattier anfldlmted rate imid fee', increases, Le,, how much rnore financial burden MI tarn trrij>osied on a typcal AsIdand hioua';iehold over the nextyem- to fund City services?