HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-05-14 Budget Committee MinutesBUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 14, 2009-PAGE 1 of 3 Budget Committee Meeting Minutes May 14, 2009 6:00 PM Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street CALL TO ORDER The Citizen's Budget Committee meeting was called to order at 6:03 pm May 14, 2009 in Council Chambers at 1175 East Main Street, Ashland Oregon. ROLL CALL Mayor Stromberg was present. Committee members Chapman, Douma, Everson, Heimann, Jackson, Lemhouse, Navickas, Silbiger, Thompson, and Voisin were present. Boenheim, Gregorio and Slattery were absent. PUBLIC INPUT None. Lemhouse stated it was rewarding experience to be on the Budget Committee and appreciated the hard work of the staff this year. He suggested that next year Subcommittees for grant meetings should be the entire Committee in order to save getting into situations like this year. (lemhouse left at 6: 05) BUDGET WRAP UP Mr. Tuneberg discussed the Schedule of Resources, the revisions made from May 13, 2009, and the FY 2009-10 Summary of Changes (see attached). The Committee discussed how to format the meeting. The Committee discussed whether or not the study sessions were useful. Some felt that the study sessions were very useful. By having the study sessions it left plenty of time for discussion in the regular budget meetings. The meetings were helpful in the budget process. The Committee stated that some presentations were more effective then others. The Committee agreed that Parks and Public Safety study sessions were very useful. Ms. Bennett discussed ways to improve the study sessions. She stated that during the study sessions there was not a lot of discussion and was hoping that more dialogue would have taken place. The Committee suggested that it would be great to have more information to be able to make decisions and what questions to ask. For example what issues each department is dealing with. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 14, 2009-PAGE 2 of 3 The Committee stated that the assumptions and budget instructions are something that should be focused on so the Committee and figure out options. Ms. Bennett stated that Council would like to be the ones that define the instructions. She stated the budget will be based on assumptions. Ms. Bennett stated her concern about the front process; instructions to staff need to be clear at the beginning and not late in the process otherwise conflicts may arise. The Committee discussed the Council and Budget Committee responsibilities. Ms. Bennett stated that the Budget process is an 8 month process and would like to know if the Committee would like to keep doing the study session meetings. The Committee stated that the meetings were difficult to attend due to weather and holiday season. The Committee stated that the meetings were useful but feels it is the Councils responsibility to deal with the Parks issue. The Committee would like to look at resources and find a way to shorten the 8 month long budget process. The Committee stated the study sessions helped because the departments told the Committee what they do and it left more time to deliberate. Some felt having study sessions got redundant. It was effective in helping the budget committee members to see the realities the Council face but hope there is a way to consolidate it. The Committee discussed the PowerPoint presentations. Some felt that PowerPoint's were a waste of time. Departments should be able to tell the story of what it is they are doing and what the key issues are without having to use a PowerPoint. Ms. Bennett stated that the PowerPoint's are a way to share the numbers with people who are watching at home. Suggestions were made to shorten the presentations. The Committee stated that the PowerPoint presentations and various items did not need to be printed out. It seems like a waste of paper, others like to refer back to the packets. Ms. Bennett stated that if the Committee would like electronic forms of various items that it can be done by contacting Melissa Huhtala prior to the meeting. Mr. Tuneberg stated that it is consumptive, however, it is difficult trying to accommodate for all learning styles for departments, committee members, and citizens. Ms. Bennett questioned the few who thought the presentations were better this year. The Committee responded that the presentations seemed much more focused on information that was important, more informative, and shorter. The Committee discussed the matrix analysis. The Committee stated the matrix analysis started out in the right direction. The matrix became unclear of how to prioritize. The matrix should only have one primary. For example the primary reason we need drinking water is to live. The Committee stated that it was a good tool and is still an evolving process. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 14, 2009-PAGE 3 of 3 The Committee questioned whether or not the Budget Committee or Council should be debating priorities. It was decided that Council should debate the priorities. The Committee stated outcome base performance data would be great to have. Ms. Bennett stated that outcome base performance data is very expensive. For example the City has 10-14 actual structure fires a year; the problem is you cannot tell you how bad the fires will actually be. There are too many variables that come into play and do not have that kind of data. The Committee questioned if there was a previous stage in the analysis with more possible alternative reductions. Ms. Bennett answered that the Budget instructions were to take the same cut in every department in the general fund that was taken in December. The issue with Fire is they have trimmed in the last 2 years to the point where they only have essential training and they need to buy equipment to comply with federal standards. The Fire Department was not able to cut the 3% without making additional reductions in FTE. The Committee continued to discuss the budget process. The Committee felt that in the presentations questions were asked too soon in future the presentation should be finished before questions are asked that way it won't derail the process. The Committee stated it would be beneficial for the Committee to prepare for questioning before meetings. The Committee discussed the importance of having Council Goals. The Committee stated that having a visioning process would be helpful. The Committee and Staff thanked each other for all the hard work put into the process this year. ADJOURNMENT This meeting adjourned at 8:11 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Melissa Huhtala PROPERTYTAX SUMMARY Esflnnated Amount Unused, Approved Esfirnated "rax Authorized Authority Levy Esthmated Current Year Rat'e 20,09.10 (unallocated)'" 2009-10 Uncollectible Taxes 2009-10 Permainiont Genef a[ F und, Opo ahonci $ 3,946,000 $ 3,861,761 $ 263,061 $ 3,598,700 9Z,45 (",oneraFund, Teas incdogy Fee, 350,,000 350,Cx,)O 13,400 336,600 01750 Rarks Fund 4,283,000 4, 1 B8,7 39 280,439 3,908,300 200,28 8,579,000 178,9,10 8,400,500 556,900 . .. 7,EA3,600 ........ ­­­ 4,1973 Local Opfloin Lee es.- AsMand Ubirary 376,393 376,393 21,305 355,088 0, 1 tl"),)O Bonded Debt 2000 F: bod & Hre StMion Buds 167,506 167'5(k 9,481 158,025 0,0837 2005 (30 Bonds 232,379 232,379 13, 154 219,225 O'l M 356,885 . .... ......... 399,PA5 22,635 ....... 377,250 0 1998 To ta -1--l-78,500, 4 -58 7 'Unused wMonly befom uni(xA[ectNe and discounts �' ��i,iance1Adi�niils,tration,\Budget\,2009-20 IMProperty Tax Summary approved 5_13 FY 10As 5/14/2009 Clity of AsMand &p4i, AAkdaylo"WO RESOURCE SUMMARY 2010 Staff Committee 20110 Revisions, Revisions ovtl Revenuec raxes $ �7,9435055 2d4,000 �8,157,5505 Uceinisesand Permis l 612,,50 612,50 VMerqoveuunentM Rem"wes 4,112,459 1,285,000 5,397,458 Charges for Ser*es 36,363,575 36,363,,575 Sysims Devebprrtlent Charges 78,450 76,450 Anes and Forh",fliures 142,000 142,000 Assssinent PaymenN 218,110 218,110 intereson hwestmems 375,3(")0 375,300 Miscellaneous Revenues 364,,815 364,815 Total Re�venuies 60,210,763 1,285,OW—" Tl-4-,O-0--O"—'-""-'-61,7-09",-76-3- MZM= WwWq CapitA Cara"over 19,351,053 ail 1,053 Offm Fhaindinq Scmimes 965,600 965,600 Inleifund Loan 800,00 80,000 Operating I rarnsfer IIn 298,546 2 1 5,N)()n. 513,546 Total Budgetairy Resouirces 20,695,199 2115,,000 20,9110,199 TMA Resources 80,905,9b .... $ 1�285�0100 $ 429,000 $ 82,,61191,,962 . . . .. ..... Staff Revislonit: CERT Gant 24,000 BETC ki Sveem fnor (vanM 81,000 kV,)rt gmt uua CapitN irnpr. 1,125,000 CDBG Grant IlWerngOvernmc,,rnM 55 000 1 285,000 Mport grant firoim AirVA Fund to CapitM hrnprov Fund 150,000 CommiHae Revisions: Transier in to Reserve from Stred 215,000 Increase Pmperty rw 2 Hre,,fightefs 175,000 CE R r Coordinator 77,000 ,5 Mice Ck',A '32,000 Less OT br Firip IL , 429,000 Gfi,naaice\Ad�nilinish�,,atfo�niitB�,�dget\20091-201Ct\udget corwimittee changesIO.As 5/1412. 3019 City of Ashland Hscal Year 2009.2010 Summairy of Changes 2010 Stall comirniftep 2'01 10 Proposed RevWonis RevWons Approved GENERAL FUND Adn,minWrM"i Depwigne"t 201,Mk) 101,590 UbTary 355,088 AdgniNr&Mk,xi Departnimni Mur6cipa[ (�rAjd 419924 4114,024 Adiminu ,slyaWe Servkxs "kwiJ Servicin ("r"wis d 0,342 120,342 AdmW(ivatNeSenkms 51n,Nx) S?0,000 45,000 45,000 AdnimustrMw, Servires BaM 51,619 5(,619 PO4re 0 epartmo,"t �t 5,427,435 3�,0010 5,4 59,435 Bre and Rmuc IDerairbimNit 4,903,705 182,WQ 5,0M,705 Publk Woft - (", onxftry C)Msbn 310,10") 310,305 4'4mrouiMy Dnedopme,11L ° Hanning Omsion 1,21 363 1,214,363 Comirriunly DevOqunuil - Builkhng DMskn 656,331 656,331 Tuvusfr,�s Soo 5W CoMmgenq 000CRI 400,W Ewfini,j Hint Balance 1,308,508 24,M) 1,332,508 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 8,r,9dw,110 24, OW 214,000 16,228, 7 0 CO,MIMUNrTY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND pemmm SmOms 3A,000 38,000 MilMals and Ser0imm 1100,950 unlUtY 455,958 Endiing Furd Bahnx, TOTAL CDIBG FUND 418,9W 55,0100 493,91 AI RESERVE FUND DamsIm Endiiing Fund Bakarm 2 t 5XXX) 215"DW TTAL RESERVE FUND 215,(X)0 215, 000 STREET FUND PuWc Wfoks - shmi ()Perafions 4, 1 C43, 2 58 12,NX) 4, 118,258 Pubfic� ffiwks, . S�mv WaWf Operafiluas 620,878 620,81B Putbo Wo ks, Traimp(xIatkn SDC's 561,400 561,400 Pubvic Mots . Moll WAem SI)C's 274,(00 274,000 Public Wrxks - 11, (w�al llapm n'11mnt ItDu „trucLs I uWi,098 196,098 New DeM Transhn 215,(4)() 215,000 Cmfiry gmry 88,00() w)jxm) E"Wifq Fund BaWnw, 1,593,363 69,00) (21V,00) n,44 7,363 TOTAL STREET FUND 1,439,991 81,000 - 7,520,90? AIRPORT FUND MaMi'As "mid 'Sol"Wic ps 78,750 C,'"IPOA OudDy ('1wy)c') DieW ScMcc 38,537 38,!W Interhoid Win 80,M)o 810,000 c(MAIrgency 5"(W 5"CH)o Ending Fund KiWoce 9,024 9,024 TOTAL AIRPORT FUND 361,311 .. .............. (150,000) 211,311 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT$ FUND 1"'"ewX4 ser*es 18 d "905 181,q)IJ MateiflaN wid 'Scivkv,". 361,W)5 M1,905 GapRw Out;ry 258,6,90 1 fkpoo 1,40B,690 iFmnslws 278,046 278,046 coofingency 50,00() 50,000 Endbig Fund lBahame 2,012,061 125,000 2,131,061 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 4,417,607 committee Oiangesl x1s ex1p 5/14/20,09 2:44 B�W 7010 Sua1U cominAttee 2010 NaraapaaaaaartU Approved DEBT 'F3' U E FUNDM.m µ � �.. _ 2,390,535 Ending Fund U3aaAarnr4 G 14 tl d U3 fl„'143 '1d3 TOTAL DEBTSERVICE FUNDy ..— m., .. _. k D,u,?�4Dt _... 309, ,U1 WATER FUND, PuaR fic WWc4s, . Forest Lands Manaagprwaamna Uric a ii e'n 241,820 24 U,'d 20 PuuVaUk; 'WWuank„ .- WWraUrnr Supply 315,6 6 315,616 flublicWOAS 1,0781,148 1,010,74E PitbU c WWrw ks ., W+P?;a1n a 2,406,783 2,4 U4Ud„'7d3 Puu� wd , WWorrts, . lC3cinbur rniml SCps 's 328, 0 378„M Fl uUukc Works • hnprn rirwM S D " b ap 16 23r3,V 266,250 Public WWr0• Dr,bt SV33.1°.s 123,446 123,446 [.Ircnu4a c 3 aarasrururraUarrur VDM':sibrwD 118,21911 178 '92 TUr^bt Seri ocs 633,5M 6'3 3,,5 d'S Contingency ncy 1333, 000 139,000 Ending Fund D daaa" ce 837,814 837,814 TO3TAU, W7WArE-R FUN d r u2 tl337 6,6211V3'7 WWA TF"WW'ATIC R FUND P uUDfic Woo*s Wk'aamew ate° 4dtur<apwx) n 1,658,499 1,758,499 MAC WW00 D� - Washmater I reab nom 155,544 2, " `; 5,3u44 Pijb1C WWru6,s 121 Ftl .4 12763'X PuU lkfl MWrDr'ks, - Uruaparuawa m wnt S DC's 560,00111 550,000 ¢3rd, Serwim 7 M, 57 1,877„557 k;onfirng3r ncy U "nr13100 150,000 End4vi Fund d aaU'a nice __.. 3 d2pa1Ail,) 3,020,769 Tf"TP"4U�W'N�4�"TdrIC�IT'UUI�II� �Y�4iID?�3rvW a 7„�ia'4iP1 ?tU#�. EILECTRIC FUND, FUu0'1W• a81servaIt(m)r.)P1m.noi1 5131,498 504,474 U m'tiir., - Supply a 905 04 5,905,: A C te,d i r • I[ pC ,lrtlbKahon 5,432,68 5, 432,3881 f.aax4m- Tr art &InissDnra 1 631Q 903,60'tU DeN 1',. rVV n 25,108 25,108 Can0rF;,',gi„"tiny' ' 172,0(k�U 372,0U,k) U vnrC¢rar3 Fwd B ah nsra �._. 649,494 649,494 TO3TAU, ELECTRIC IFUND 13,192,481) p1792.485 TELEC 31MMU NII ATtl N FU IIUW'UT IT IPtl O'nn 1 1 7'rU1 ,228 1, 1202; 8 fit„, High ro praradd 387,834 387„834 t"wifr3,ganr,3r 100,0', 0 1GkB wo Tapia" Fund11b1dm'bw'e 325,135 325,1:35 TOTAL IFU.IF WMMUINI TION IFUIND �2533197 ....._�n. _.. _�.., 2,539, '.' CENTRAL SERVICES FUIIND Ad"rirds#MaonDl,T^;urdrrwfut 1 °311 i'1U3 1,3'H,7'16 t3', C' allydem Swvdces, U"GMmm 3 14,5,1313 1,14a 133 AcdrrlWskahwa Ser*m I ellaarUaaaaril 1,U nd„dd''Wli 1 U"u7a1,890 City k'4en' wda r Utiwisi a !"7 a;133 e T7,5 3W F"aaUaV'rora'W oks Adir'lduaastraaU3rn and F nggiutovirq 1,383,370 083,370 371D 3; o nfing enu,W 169,00) 1G9,000 Ending Fund Balamm 12,531 32„"01 TOTAL CENTRALr SER W ICES FUND T,D aww :kf3 rar➢a, e\Adrriirnus rEltiogiV:3 uarlr et\21)09.2 'I Mtudget co D matte 101h 4u` gesl 0. Iks exp 5/ 14/20,0'9 2' 44 F) fNSURANICIE SERVICES FUNr1 Pemvw Ser rie" MafcviNs and "Iapxvww 4', ¢',unn1'uampdd mb Ea'r hnq F udrud U ahr'm TOTAL INSURANCE SEFEN"UICIES r"UIND EOUONE4ENT FUND rlel'srsrral servur;x% Warr'ixrds mirl Servr,lc,s 0 a1lO0E'N d:Ouuay Q"PonfinnOmi' U: od¢dOr '0 Fund E akailr' ce, TOTAL EQUIPMENT FUND CEMETERY Trt'IUIST FUND 00,ar erpn E ImiliradN,g F ad W kM'ab nrnr; TOTAL CETAE: FERY TRUSTFUNICD 2016 S'E f'f Committee 20110 Plropos,ed Revisions RevWons Approved 610,1 14D 80,1;;"AO Cr80,803 N5$11D„W3 1 P N;0,I000E 150)o 266 1 454,199 1 Ati .d 288,120 7F6,120 515,tlX)9 511R„d.WfPi 9 334,(XV3 334,NA 4'7„0(N0 47,@Oti 40 1,32,N68 1,372,161 2,506,290 2,10521�04 2 0„rAAO 10'O,rn) 81 FUZ r''F1 PARKS AND RECREATION FUND O'afks rDlFvu;akm 4 "E1°9,,100 1,319,1 Iir,d:nd~'radurva IIOuW,s„hart 1 1 d5,8'75 1,115,E%5 Goff Dimon on 391'd,„420 39; 8,rFDNd'U I'1:'aetiftOn'rlpcm,y "rd ,OW 50,tl,:UN o Ending ICcinaddBalance 04*910 1pA"a@pAO1U TOTAL PARKS AND NECNE110N FUND h OS4 S16 o- 6,334 N05 "YOUTH ACTrVfT E6 U„E'VY FUND FAaadrari,, is ,'aa'W Srsrarar:r,,v End mg rand B abrarra TOTAL YOUTH ACTWITIES LEVY FUND PARKS CAT"TfA L IMPROVEMENTS FUND 9,Wsrud,aOl»$0 c;)u,pll�ay' E rror9or'rd7 Fund nd E1,diMdar9d'e TOTAL TANKS CAF11A IL W. FUND TOTAL, BU DO ET Elm Endbig Fund Balance Tralaal, AapraroFrO'aHoias Staff FOevrW l'ow CEDEBG Grrpn'a1 M S Sireil BETBETC grant bi, foam l A it dr1 grant 2I47,2:39 2,61,239 A6l„SOU 66d9015„96 1„285„666 4,600 62„6119,96 15„344,9177 218,000 15,562,927' 65,561,035 1,0167,0 06, 4291,01010, 67,657„935 55(01fi0D 12,000 E 000,M 1,067,000 0 Moved 150,0000 out of Airport E alrkRa# to C appdO U Imp Qlpqaj HZEMMETZ FirefirTlfodleu°rs f 7'"B4O0I1(0 Reduce of OT �TQD,45 0� faCwf" T Crr11rd1 7'7,INOO a B'a,ake E'>,rk 32,0100:0 Transfer mA of "SNe6d Fund for R m erve 205,000 42°10' 00 G;\flinairmr;r tiAr@inTsrtiisturafioniEi'ud9 Tr 1"a0"001D 2^0'Df 0\bi,iidgeT a on,i u"nittee chanmgeslO,A 50A170%OOZE 44 PM