HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-02-18 Budget Committee MinutesBUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 2010-PAGE 1-4 Budget Committee Meeting Minutes February 18, 2010 6:00 PM Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street CALL TO ORDER The budget meeting was called to order at 6:08 PM on Thursday February 18, 2010 in Council Chambers at 1175 East Main Street, Ashland Oregon. ROLL CALL & INTRODUCTIONS Mayor Stromberg was present. Committee members Baldwin, Douma, Everson, Jackson, Runkel, Silbiger, Slattery, Voison and Navickas were present. Committee members Boenheim, Chapman, Lemhouse, and Thompson were absent. The Budget Committee went around the room to do introductions. David Runkle and Keith Baldwin are new members to the Committee. The Committee spoke to being able to have open discussions with each other and feel comfortable even if situations arise where not everyone will agree. Douma stated that Lynn Thompson had a preference that another Budget Committee member be selected as chair this year. Silbiger/Jackson ms Slattery as chair. All ayes. Voisin/Douma ms Everson as vice chair. All Ayes. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of minutes from previous Budget Committee meetings dated: 4/30/09 Budget Committee Meeting 5/06/09 Budget Committee Meeting 5/11/09 Budget Committee Meeting 5/13/09 Budget Committee Meeting 5/14/09 Budget Committee Meeting Everson/Silbiger ms approval of the minutes. All Ayes PRESENTATION BY STAFF Lee Tuneberg, Administrative Services and Finance Director spoke to the packet and the schedule. The tentative budget calendar was discussed and approved by the Committee. This year there will be seven Budget Committee meetings with an extra meeting scheduled to be used if need be. There will also be a Budget Law training meeting which will be focusing on the budget law, budget process, and fund accounting. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 2010-PAGE 2-4 The Committee questioned the length of the meetings. Ms. Bennett answered that each meeting will be approximately three hours, depending on departments. Mr. Tuneberg stated that the Budget Training meeting should be less then two hours depending on how many questions arise. The Budget Training meeting time will remain at 7pm February 25, 2010. The Committee questioned if there is any documentation regarding the rules and regulations for the Budget Committee. Mr. Tuneberg answered that there is documentation provided by the Department of Revenue (DOR). On the DOR website you can find the Budget Law Book as well as many links with extended information. Mr. Tuneberg discussed the Economic and Cultural grants process. The Committee questioned if the criteria for the Economic and Cultural grants will be revised. Ms. Bennett stated that the Council did not make many changes to the criteria. The Committee questioned if there would be conflict for those who are affiliated with organizations involved in the Economic and Cultural grant process. Ms. Bennett suggested leaving it up to the Committee to decide whether or not to allow individuals that are affiliated with a certain grantees to be a part of the grant process. Mr. Tuneberg spoke to the Quarterly Financial Report and Council Goals (See attached). Ms. Bennett discussed the FY 2010 projections to budget (see slide). The City would like to use 2011 to prioritize the upcoming years. Mr. Tuneberg went over the major funds and expenditure projections (see slide). The first two sets of columns are what the City budgeted for revenue the second column is what the City budgeted for expenditures. Many funds are up and many are down. There are also some disconnects. The general fund is about $500,000 short. Enterprises are where the City does capital borrowing. He stated that the City is not anticipating much borrowing. Mr. Tuneberg spoke to the chart on Ending Fund Balance Condition. He stated that the City is not in a great condition but not as bad as we budgeted. Mr. Tuneberg stated that this chart shows where issues may be in certain funds. The reserve fund was added last year and is at about an $185,000 range. Each year in the budget process the City looks at if and how money is used (See chart). Ms. Bennett discussed recommended overarching assumptions from FY 2010 (see slide). Ms. Bennett explained that cuts, freezes, and reduce spending is not leading to the results that the City wants. The City will review all vacant positions to see if any could be eliminated. Ms. Bennett spoke to the screening criteria (see slides). There are three criteria's: high, medium and low. Each department has two kinds of mandates. One is services mandated by Federal or State law and the other is services mandated by City Charter or Code. Ms. Bennett stated that if something is placed in lowest criteria it does not mean it isn't important it is just less important then something else. Each department should sort and prioritize. For this year Ms. Bennett stated how we can improve policy making through the budget. (See slide). One way to do this is to describe outcomes and performance measures, and to describe what is given for money that is spent. Ms. Bennett described an example with the fire department. If the Fire Department was to go to four minutes response time how much will it cost, or if the Fire Department was to go to six or seven minute response times what would be saved. Ms. Bennett stated she wants Departments to be willing to say if something is cut how much will be saved. The Committee suggested discussing what the different outcomes for different situations are in the Budget Meetings. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 2010-PAGE 3-4 Ms. Bennett discussed the sample idea (see slide). First each department needs a Council Value. Next each department needs budget criteria, desired outcome and action/performance. Ms. Bennett explained that the Administration Department is more difficult because it has many pieces whereas other departments have fewer pieces. The Committee stated their interest in the chart and thinks it's a great idea. Ms. Bennett discussed that in the first year it may just be about getting the outcomes right. The prioritizing process may take a few years before it will work but it will get there. The Committee stated the importance of the chart and the outcomes. Currently Council is in the process working on the values. The Committee felt that the Council has prepared the ground work much better then ever before. The Committee commented on delivery and project work. This year the City is starting a two year comprehensive study for the water system. Planning is important in order to implement and reflection is also one of the most important parts of the budget. Ms. Bennett spoke to the specific FY 2011 assumptions (see slide). She discussed Councils direction on Classification and Compensation. The Committee questioned the COLA index. Ms. Bennett stated the City uses the Consumer Price Index for Urban Consumers (CPI-U) out of Portland. The Committee stated that last year the City asked all unions to forgo COLA's and questioned if we will do that this year. Ms. Bennett answered no and prediction fiscal year 2012 will be harder then fiscal year 2011. Some felt this is a trade-off and worth doing. Ms. Bennett explained that the two unions both rejected forgoing COLA's. The Committee questioned if someone was faced with having a 3% COLA in 2011 that results in 0 in 2012 could the City split it in half and have 1.5% each year. Ms. Bennett stated that she is not that familiar with a union but could ask them. The entire contract will be open in the next year. Everything will be looked at even benefits. The Committee questioned communication among Budget Committee members. Ms. Bennett stated that there are to be no virtual quorums. Staff can send material and the Budget Committee can write to staff. The Committee suggested staff provide the Budget Committee with a list of do's and don'ts. Departments must live with a base operating expenditure for the FY 2010. Meaning each department will remain with what they have now. For urgent situations recommendations in the budget message will be "add packages" The Committee questioned if the City has gotten to the point where we are in a situation where we may have cut too much. Ms. Bennett stated that we are very lean in most all functional areas. The Committee questioned solutions in case of emergency. Ms. Bennett answered that there is no easy answer. Mutual aid is available to borrow and shift to address the emergency. The Committee continued to discuss assumptions (see slide) The Committee questioned the CIP. Ms. Bennett stated that Council approved the CIP to the extent that we do some capital projects in the debt service. The Committee questioned how much longer the AFN allocation has to go on. Mr. Tuneberg answered until 2024 at the highest level of payment. The Committee questioned if interest rates are sufficiently low can the City refund that debt. Mr. Tuneberg answered that if everything lines up the City can refinance virtually all debt service and there will be an amount that can be saved. The City is always looking for options. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 2010-PAGE 4-4 The Committee asked Staff to explain residential property. Ms. Bennett stated that when the market dropped 30% market value was still above the assessed value for residential properties. Not nearly the gap between commercial value verses assessed value. For some commercial properties assess values decline, which will affect tax. The Committee questioned when the County gives the City property tax if the County says whether or not it is residential or commercial. Ms. Bennett answered no they put all in a pool and do a calculation and split up the pool based on a percentage. The City is affected by the entire pool. It is Jackson county practice. Everson/Baldwin ms to approve assumptions as presented. All ayes. PUBLIC INPUT —None DISCUSSION BY COMMITTEE - Mr. Tuneberg discussed the rules and regulations for the Budget Committee once the proposed budget is distributed. Mr. Tuneberg stated that the proposed budget is released before the Budget Committee meeting not intended the Committee get together by person telephone or via email to deliberate on the proposed budget. The Budget Committee meetings are properly advertised and are an open public process where people can participate. Any other meetings violate the basic rule. The document can be given out early but if so it has to be made available to the public. The Budget Committee cannot discuss the budget document one on one until the budget message is delivered. The Committee discussed ways to have the budget process run smoothly. Ms. Bennett stated that if any of the Budget Committee members would like to learn about a service to call Lee or Martha and set up a meeting. The Committee suggested focusing on the assumptions that have been agreed upon and to continue to look at them while going forward. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 7:56 pm. Respectfully submitted, Melissa Huhtala Administrative Secretary 0*0066 0000 0000000 Ni 9 0000000 Rr 0 r"q e 10 pl, s • • 0 E k9 r 0 (J)i Joi (I ai 2 Ci r R rig 1!� 11 0 9! 410 A I"!, 0 go • 00900 000Icd "_ �"k P;rP rfY G Cd CA 0 J 2 add dH " nn w &.a � , N Vt 1 y M ..., 47r d b VA tvi I p 71 cd P diµ F. 0 U.� ', Vy " o Win. V tv) xl e, 0 u �""" 4" p R„a .u... ....., ..:...�.�..,,r_ NV 11CLI, � v n j1U1Clu..711Ao 11a" 11JNOU UUa Ji40a Ul U:b' 1N,30'1a11110 Mi :a,1 a10.aU1 aAhD➢ 11,321110 1a1 0n"wlIJO dpluoppol amp 1 ` 1C .a 64I R,1Q"$ "�� L14 1� a�aa J1T ��aa..1 L r _. CL 0 CL U) No U. CD, a (1), ol CI)i 0 • M MW Current'Vear Finan,cial Report ---October through Deceinber 2,009 ......... . . - Mc,eling Date, February 2, 20101 11rimary Staff Contact: Lee Tuneberg Departnient: Administrative Services Y'" ­ M a i 1'. ttineberi(�i,)as,hland,o��-,tjs Secondary I)epl, Nonc, Secondary Contact.: None Approval: Matth,a Bermelt Estimated Tirne: Consent Question: Does Councill haveany questions al.,)out the quarterly finanektl report as, preserited? Staff Recoinmendation: Staff'reconiniends Council accept thitt rCj.)(,)rt,,,is presented. Mac kgro unA: The Administrative Services I)cpartment subrnits, reports to Council on a qmarterly NIsis to provide assurance of'budget corn. plrauruc., wind f6r infortnational and comparative purposes througjiout the year, Int'brination can be provided in dillering forrnats and timetables at Corinefl's request, Iliis report includes the first six nrondis ofthe fiscal yezu° arid will be the basis, fo�r projecting revenLICS, expenses and endingftrrid ba[ances fi)r the yeair and beginning budget discussions with the Bridget Corrunittee, The reports are intendedto present information in f6rinats consiAent with the depz"­,nent, Fund and bushiess activity presentations included in the adopted FY 2009-20101 budget doctunent and the rnanner in which they will be shown in the end of year report. Unaudited, detailed balance sheets, revenues and expenditu,re reports are: available for your review in the Adrninistrative Service I)epwin"ient, office. Ovenriew A,s iderifified in November, the cash balances ofthe City rernain higher than the prior year at $22.22 1,11i'llion (8.2% or $1.68 million above one year ago'), 0 nly 5 61"Yo or $1156 mil lion is un-restricted, but this is a rnarked improvement over the prior years unrestricted balaticc of $913 million (47% oftbe total). Many Ala ctors contribute to this increase including deferred operatiorial and capital costs and Jume's Water and Wastewater cornlAned bond issue reinibursingt"or $ I irlillion froin C,ish reserves. The downside, is the aging irifrastriwture, and potential iticre-ased future coists of repairs and improvements. Total Ending Fund Balance at the half -year mark is 1 ,5 million, about $2,5 million n�iorre than ffie prior year and $7 million more than budgeted, This is directly attributable to re duccd operational and capital expenditures and increases, intifility rates, However, this is also the high j)oint of property cash revenues received but unspent and these proceeds will diminish through tbe remainder of the year, PC e, I of 2 CI TY OF -ASHLAND DUe to ffrisjund mu.] ca sh balances in the General, Debt Service zind Parks funds will dec,rc-as,e lour the next six months. Related City Policies: City of Asbiand Finmicial Manageirient Policies, Budget Docunient Appendix Council Options: Courtcil rnay accept this report as, presentecl, recommend modifications, as discussed or der acceptance (uikes no action) awaiting further information or clarificatiori. Poteutial Motions: This report is on the Consent Agenda and can be approved with other iterris. 11'removed from the ('brisent Agenda for separate discussion one of the fiollowing motions May be employed: A. Council moves to accept the financial report as presented. 13. moves to accept the report as modified by discussion. (.1 Council takes no action pending ftirther inf(,,irriatmri or clarification. Attache eats; is the City of Ashhuadfinancial report for the fiscal year ended Decernber 31, 2009� 'This report illChjdes� 1. Financial Narrative (pages 3-8) 2. S romrnary of Cash and Investments as oUDeceml)er 31 for the last two years (page I) 3. Combined Staternerit of F"inaricial Position City Wide (page 2) 4chedule of Revenues by Fund (page! 3) 5. Schedule of'Budgetary Corropliance per Resolution U2009-1 5 as, amended by Council action (pages 4 7) 6chedule ofFApenditures by Frond (page 8) "I"he numbers presented are unauditedarid unadjusted. ... ..... - - ----- -- ...... ... 2-olf'.211-11.11-1-. . I ASHLAND Financial Narrative Summary of Cash and Investments provides ain unclenstand�rrg of changes in the City',,,; cash position across funds and investi-nerit types 1-he city-wide cash balance has �ncreased $1,68 rifllhon betwelen FY 20and FY 20110 at tile end of Deceirribeir, he key reasons for this im,-rease are�� 1, Increased property tax and Transslent Occupancy tax rates tO fund prograrris whfle Si I'll Litt an eOUSly cutting other expenrMures, to meet targrat balances to irnprove fiscal stability, 2 Reduced operatiorlal and caital spending across -the -boards where possVe, '3 Reimbursed Water & Wastewater capital Project costs, by borrawing $1 rniffion in jiji]G�, 2009. 4, Iricreased criterprises raites to, rneet operational, needs and restore ur.�seirves. Each furid's cash vahes for its own ieasoris, hi general, total c�:ish balances increased in the second qUarter of the fiscal year as a rnajority of property,tax revenue is Ireceived in Novernber, Even thOUgh, tatal cash balances are $5 miffion rnore than the first quarter of this year there are significant r(,:nJ!uced amounts in, Debt ervice and interrIal service funds that will nt significarifly rebound by Oinid of the year, F)lease note, that the rn-ainy of the fiinds with increased balarices (Strelet, Caitaq lrriprovernents,, Water and Wastewater fUnds), also, inaintain significant cash and enidingfUrld balances with restricted arTrOUTits for systems development charges, open space reserves and debt service covenants, As, indicated above, cash balances for funds that rely on property taxes are s�gnif icon Uly tiigl-ieir than last quarter, A glood example is the Parks and Recreation Fund, At the eirid of September this fund's cashwas about, $475,0100 arid' little or no tax receipts would be posted in October. November and December tear receipts have raised the bak.irlce to, approxin,iately $2,95 rn illio n as of this repo it, Cash balances, for this, and otherfunds that primarily rely on property taxes wi�ll reduce until next Novernbeir, 1"he distribution of cash and investiTlent balanGes shows as shiift of Cash frOM gpneral� bank accounts and the Local Government Investment Pool to other short term inw,,mIrnent instruments to iywngniriiize risk through as diversified portfolio. As of this reporl $11,51 mHlion (54% rnore than the prir "fiea,r amount) is invested in other city 4westments, The Conibined Staternent of Financial Posir fion iis simflarto presentations in the aninual financial report. It is intended to provide the reader an, overall sense of the City's Financial p„osition at the present time, Unappropidated Ending FUnd Balance (EFBis $22.5 rniMon, whlich represents the same $7 million above bUdget discussed above. The, City 'held getedfor an all -funds reduction in EFB of $1,8 million for the a:r, At the halfway Point it iiS LIP $2.6 million, beMlse of the recent tax receipts "The difference or shortfall between, total resources and tort requirements will worser) as properly tax receipts are consumed as pail of normal, operationis. Mantra ernent has, and iis, taking steps to balance changes in revenues with changes, in expenditures where possible, A clontiributingi factor is the $584,000 more than projected IEFE3 being carried fomard from FY 20108-2009, This OCCUrred because the City departrnents held expenditures to a lower level than originally projected, improving Ef" B. R enues and Bud ad, at December 31, 210,09, total $32,465,189 as comparc to total year-to-date requirements of $29,886,1881 which reSUIAS in a $21,579,0011 increase to (Jr-rappropriated Ending Fund Balance This increase is a $6.4 million positive vairrance a's coirnpared to the $3miMon decrease budgeted arid will be short fived siinc�e it r0ates to the tirnln or by ,q of receipts (especi!ally property taxes�) and expenses (especially operations picikl f property taxes), 'The end reSUlt is dependant r,,ipori many factors such as vari,aifions in uhlity sales from, weather and customer derriand, t0LJri'SrTI arid tax coHections, Aclual,rot al Revenues on a arty wide basis are flat at $161,265 more than the Iprior year despite rate arid fee increases, Genereal tax receipts and Charges for Siervices (sales) -are up but Licenses & Permits, Miscellaneous Service Fees, Systems Development Charges and interest earnings are down,,, alraost offsetting other category increases. RedUce'd sates in power and water between now and June COLAId seriousty impact the respective enteiprise funds, and the Gienerial and thriough decreased franchises, and user taxes, No external financing has been done and o0y 48% ofinterriM transfers were corripleted in the first half of the year, The $248,265 Trainsfer In represents the arriount paid between frond s for gerieral debt service, The lmerfund Loan amount of $801,01010 is the Airpoirt Fund repaying the Water Fund the principal borrowed when, building the hangars and, other capilEfl irnprover`rients. Related interest between, frinds is paiid through Materials & ServiCErS. Irwemerrts, are -at 44.4% of the annual budget for this "second qu�arter" of the year , with Personal Services at 49,61% arid Materials and Services at 4.6% of budget. In general this is, acceptable but it indicates there will probably be greater reflance on Contingency funds since @CtUIl costs are so very close to, budget. Total Operating Expenditures rare, over 50% with sorne annUr3l costs and debt service being paid in the first half of the year. Excludingi pre,-payrnents, being at the 50% niark would indicate that Inost activities and related expenses heave occurred evenly, leaving, liffle, room loir error going into the last half of the year. Capital Outlay is only 73% of the annual budget and is being held to anti the City determinesthe projects that can be funded and snovforward in the construofion season, activity includes the $248,265 't-ransfer Out mentioned above and $80,0100 inter -fund loan plirin,cipal repaid, City-wide Contingency unused! is $1,6,88,0100 or 2% Wess than originally budlgeted as only $22,000, to date has been transferred with, Council C ITY 0 F AS 1­1 L AN D approvaL Staff is reviewing the need for transfers in rnany depaOTT'lemts andfun(J-, in the thrro ard fourth quarters to ensure bUdgiet cornpliance for the year, I he Schedule of Revenues by and provides an overview of totall resuziurces by lund for the year. It is too eady in the year to rriake definitive pa,,6ctions since many funds incWde financing or seasonaen l revue smn tres that have nirit occuas rred of the date of tNs report, More telling Horrnafiorn is found later in this report in the individual fund narratives to heip the reader get a "sense" of how the year is progressing, 'The Schodule of Budgetary Coma pliance is intended to preserit expenditures on a, t)udgt.,4 basis by fund consistent with the resolution adopling appropriation levels in the budget clornpliance section of the dOC'Urnerit, At the half -year rT);,.ir-k a 501% target shouki be considered for budgetary categories that operate all year long. Seasonal activities, strCh as capital irnprovements, debt seMce and o, rarifing may be! considerably Ngher or lower than the tarD(, et, TOW1 rage, FOPriatrOnS WWe 41creased by SLIP pler'nental bwJgets recognizrout additional reSOLIME'S SkXhi as grants and, mrsicel Ila neo us ieverhies. At the firne of this report two fesolutions have bleen approved to change the bt,udget arid several au),re will be presented rn February or, March, An overview by fund is as follows: g n - 'TotW eveMar rr-es e 6�0% avid expenditures are 48'%, with, non( -'a of the F yi d budgeted $400,000 in Confingency Lised, Charges for Services are 551)V6 arid taxes are 63% of budget, respectively raxes, exceed the 1150% rnark for rnultiple reasons, but pi-irriarOy due to, the majority (89% of budget') of property taxes received to date, The General Flund budget has been airnended to fund Police expend'Jtures twice recognizingi forfeited reveflUe and gimill's, Social grants, Economic & CURLINEll grants, and the C it Band, are above the 50% rnark for the reasons mentioned above and will corne in under their respective bludg,ets. Ali other departn"rents and d1visions, are under the hialf-way r-niark but rnany rare very closle, indicafing UnGart eirity abOUt budget compliance Without Contingency transfers kitie-',ir in the year. The annually bUdgeted $500 transfer to the Cerneter y"runt FUJUJI Ihas been done. CDBG Fund - No revenue fras been, received with $66,845 in expenditUires recorded, calling tear -- "r"e"_ i 'm­b" _iu, r s e n') e n t r e, q L J e S t Reserve Fund --The fund has received '$86,,484 in: transfers representing n frachises pard to t ind b'Water and Wastewater and $25in interest earniing�s. Thiis is raralt% of what was budted for the year. The $2151,0100 budgeted may riot be realized due to ClUrtailment last fall unless significant sales are posted in the spring, Street FUnd - Cash flow is positive by $226,200 due to consistient totalli revenues betweein, years but slgrifficar-it reductions in capital arid operational costs to date, All division expenditirries are less than the prior year except for the Transfer to the Reserve Fund (new them year). No project borrowilng has been one andi total expenditures are at 22% of budgr-A CITY OF ASIALAND AIJ!f?LqL!-,venal - ()4nerati0n,,.fl revenue falls short of expen(fitures b$8,,440, No capital wmk I has been dori(,,r thin,, ye,,ir but hangar debt service has been paid with interest, C il j.,Lj1j(j --"J,otal Revenues are, at only 26.1% in that rione of thse , el .-WLau Intergovernryiental Revenues of $1,275,0100 have ben recerved to date, SUbseque-ritly, a siniflar aMOU111 Of CaPitall Projects thait was to be (Unded by thiesie proceeds avnot been done, brut erriial C'harges for Facility Services are at 501% and MisceHarieo us, Service fees are at the tvvo--thirds s-nark for half the eair, Expenditures are, 24% of the budget re$Ullinq in, his, fund is doing well lory as as finaricing $2,01,830 posifiivf! impact on endling furid balance. T -3 soklfiOnS aiie iderifified in advance i Capital irnproverrients being rnade- dht le are giryrce Fund,._ Revenues to, (ha $9,006 less thain the prior ear and total $,1,270,8,78, (iinClLrding Telecommunjr.,,atioris Fund's $356,000), Debt service payrneiitS arle at $1,8015,292 (75,5%) of budget This has reSUIted in a negative cash flow lcnf $5134,414, reducing End ing F unrl Bailance to $538,370 ar to a point of $,610,74 3 (53%) below thie budgeted $1,149,113, This relates to the d,raw on the fund caused by a higher 'Vella cory,is-tijLjl'l�cationi,4,ebt service that is no longer covered by windfall monies from BPA. EFB is i;�xprite d to be staWe throuqtn to next year moat added revenue is needed to iiiiieet ail ,debt servicle rerlriirements in F Y 2010 . 2011 ygiq r FLiirid _.- Revenuwa e frorr": ter sales has retn,,,,iiiied Rat despite significant increases in yA-94 the prior year, CUrtaflniient negatively inipactee this fund by rest6cfirig revienue while water treatment costs increased. Unrestricted reserves come close to requifemeruts bUt leave no rCIOMfor caSh funded iniproven'rents or studies, Wate�r Operations is, at 51 r�% of maid get despite spending $83,0100, less than the prior yea,r. All other divisions are below Fj0% mark except for those relating to debt service No borrowing has been, budgeted this year and raost capital projects, are on, hold 1.111til castj avadability and financirig, hias been deterirnined, Most of the fund balance is restricted fiorri operational USe. Expenses exceled Revenues by $270,976 with hal f of the DEQ annual debt service niade, Last year the difference at Decertiber 311 was twiicle as for services are at 473% and Tax revenue (801% of Food & Beverage Tax proceeds) is Only 35,91% year-,to-datie, Significant F&B tax payments will be recorded in the seciond half of the year heart conSiLlmed by the debt service payment for the treatnient, plant, All divisions are bellow the 50% niark in capital projects hzive been delayed, awarting financing decisions, External borrowing is budgeted at $450,000 and will be rileeded if capitail projects are to proceed, The Food & B,everage Tax revenue has been renewed so rates will riot need to increase to replace thit revenue strearn, juist to meet operational t increases and new 4-nprovemenls that are needed, F&B revenues tr they year are similar to the same time last year. DEQ reduced the requirement for restricted cash from 1,76 rnHhoin to approximately $876,000 to satisfy loan, covenants thus unrestricted, cash reserves corne close to the '15% targiet but leave little roorn for cash -funded i rnproverne nits or studies. id ---Total Expenses are above Revenu87 wEn es by $323,6ith the ding FUnd E- lt'sl! 1�1 -ELIrl-1, Balance ait $1,3 $Trillion or twice the arylount budgete& This improved situation is due to a $250,000 bel�ter Carry Forward from the prior year than anticipated, Recent warm weather L WEXEMIM will negafively rranpact sales and the I)OttiOn") line into Spring when wholesale plower rates are 1mi-ark at this firne because of less attheii1owest Only the Supply Divrsion is below the, 501/ % wh6lesalle power purchased per lower derriands fron"I our custorners, Staff befieves the tity has the ability to rr,�leet or exceed the btOgeted EFB and target despite pressures to fund tht,� 1-5 cricissing underground this ylear. It will take as transfer frorni Contingency but fl-'a,,,re i-,; consliderable potential for positive cash flows in the last half of the year. Revenues are 49111% and expenses afire 46%l of budgel inark b t plosting a $1,05,703 negative inipact an EFBl. This is $90,000 better than the priloir year primadly due to the open management position. I'lelecommurrications pays $356,000 of fl'w AFN $1A million debt service a,nd that contribution has Wbead y been made in full, Despiiite 0,iat eairly payment the EFB is $to240 or 3% of budget at the finis of this report, Another posifivo carry forward above the target is projected this year but staff wall have to confinue rnoniticiring arid managing changes in technology and related revenue and expense strileairns in the corning years. The incireased EFB w0l be needed to help the City meet it's debt service reqUirements in the Debt Service FUnd, to r Aj,ql -ilear breakelven with $24,000 in vice fund - Rewmues arid Expendftures are i nega, five cash flowfor the first half of the year resulting f rorn revenues, at 491% and expendlitUres at 48% of budget, fUnd balance was budgeted to drop $157,648 for tht.r year sol the fund is doing better 1harr expected yet m:,,�arry forward frorri the prior year wa-s S212,044 less, than projected, Severa,l departrnents are at or above the 510% mzirk and MR require adjustr-nents by the end of the year due to unanticipated costs, The Wind balance is at a, minimurn comfort level of apfar oxiinat0y, $137,000,, ma muaf�rmervices Fund - Expenses total $4821,544 (53% of the, arniended budget), annual prierniums bleing paid ire there first two quarters, Revenue to date is $344,608 (51% of budget), EFB is stable and, close to the arriount budgeted but extrernely low when con,ilpared to the arnolunt and types, of activities the City operations involve, 'rhe City shoWd increase IN reserve whenever possible dUe to (,,h�jrigesl occurring in the lialb'flfty aerial workers compensation prograrns, F-,g.qjp.mqnt Fund - Revenues are, $732,267 gar 47% ofthe budget, Expenditures to date are $ 365,,300 . o . ir 31%, An interfund loan $,6251,,01010 remains outstanding and sihould be repaid in FY2010-2011- In spite of thie lioan the EFBl is close to targiet due to delayed equipment rephacernerat s and the fund balance, should improve through Jurre, gqrat p!eU T LLLst.L amings are at qnd - Chargles flor Service are 33% of budget. Interest le, 2M, Monthly Interest earnings ire transferred to the GeneraI Fund during the year and were intentionafly estimated high to avoid! the need for a budget adjustment comply with the Ashland Municipal Code and Oregon Budget, Law. The EFB is $797,707, Staff is reviewing the fund,inig comm Arne nits and potential for changes, to the: re-quirements between this fund and the Gioneral FUnd Cerneterye operatiion,s. Revenues are ahead of Expenditures at this poliin,t by miillioin due to sizeable distributiolins, of property taxes in November. Divisional expenses average 48% of the budget with Charges for services at 801%. The $2.95 million ending furld P aArk �I CIT'Y or ASHI-AND balarux,a will continually drop thin ugh Jame arid into Octuber zis expenditUres fundied by property taxes reduce the amount, AP'RC shOUld set this fund's tiara iet EFB at an amOUnt sufficient to c.ariy it through to tax drstit butions in, the following Novernber. Ash j 0 I t j,\ Ljyjuigms LqMy Fund — The levy ended two years, ago. Any tax rr.,,cc,�ipls and j L uil -;'burserneints relate to prior years aind mumstill conform, to the levy's reqUireflients. Tax reCleipts to date are $22,0201, An expenditure of monies received to datee wiill be madle in ,jarivary per the original agFeenient with the school distirrct, P rks Cme ad ImPT qygff!2n-ULF`_ut�id -- RLWWW,es for charges for service and interem st P,--wigs are smal,li and total4,349, No Capital expenditures have been made this year, grout the EFB is still on1y $ 171 a 340 or 59:,7% of the amount budgeted, Urraudfted, detailed t)alance sheets, revenues and: expenditure reports and fundi staternents are availaNe for your review in thea Adn°iinrstrative Services Depairtment office should you ��iny r,iddifional 4,4ormatilon. Cif Ashland Summary " Cush and Investments December 31, 2009 Ralance B'Mance Change From Fund DKembler, 31, 2009 December 31, 2,006 FY 2009 FvxYA 3,565,433 S 344,410 c",ammumfly IBV,,ck Ck, in Fun(J 4 149 (18, tl 2) Resmorve Fund 86 7 "a9 U,3 , 7 3 9 Svf,',-d hxv,J 2,',A.37, I I'D 2 054,839 r,62,280 Pkpl Fund 8, 324 Sri, 8W6 po'sz') Entity owanoras Fund 1 02,4W 84 r, 1216 835,27R ltl Scrn mv F w'O "J"3115 u11153 1,264,1395 (,/25,M5� 'Nak,�r Fund 21MP 271 1652,037 444 5,2,,W Wasbf,.malef Funo. 3.W11 6,184 1 !A, 9 7 Del',vic Fund R 24, 80 CAMOX) 22 1, 117 re1K,conmurm',.rho m Furd 670913 1566,4 2'9 1 Co'lrm"I' S"mvims Fmd 843,U5 [as"oral"Ve "'�nnsrr,m Funumd 8 5 5,!, 1 97 0, 3 2 5 (114,913) Eqkpm,um Fund 1.2 r 3, 441 2 1, 12 iz)'3 92,239 Grmcury Two hur"d 20,6132 Pmks & I1'veal5on Agency Fund 3A4,261 . 3,010A 512 273'3Q9 . . ..... . . 3,2M-261 3,010,4 5�2 T m 4ak Ca sh M MnbOxxi Pelly Gash 3,210 $ >,viii m Bork ng Acf fxgiCs (q4, W) 1,54)5 k% 1,M),185) a"'A Glflwmlnxql3 k)v Po(A W, 79 1, 701 11 489,lq (flwwa) 5 6'RJ8 7,459,847 4,0505, N ToW Cash wvJ kweskrwNl, ZZ2 115, 630 S 20,5,313,4 ",1 1 Dollar Mst6buboni Cash Babrice Dstrbufion ckpsw'A hwrvofr*w Vv Dal fwov't %17 644,45) 43% WA �,MAW 614 Ono Rowwml AmoN :m *W 2 M N"Ill", 4W 21% 1 ., City of Asliland Cornbined Statement of Financial Position City Wide For the sixtb month: euded Drecruber 31, 0,9 Resource SuMmVY Revenuts T axef, low"'m and pomts Nverms Chaq)es for S )fxvu Rate & Intern,4 Ilwges �Dir Servicin - We S4sMice fePs ('43f9k"s F i mm, x Id F MO wes IMpfe" on IV, *cOMIrOXIS R41,1VLIMAS ToW Revenues F Inx urg Avrcft Wohod Loom t qmsk;rs tln TvA BAjdary RnwftxMs Requknwnts, by Clawfication Pe"s,",ml Services Lr",,A,, Slmic, iqtal OperaUng Expendilures C aqAW ClOmOx"bco Capi A, I, Miay �ntc,dwl Ums fi "If u0flm 011 Rm.;uvMvvnIs Totall RequOtments f,xrx Wm (DeMenry) d R,®r,,,WmrtM ovev Reqt*�,,Mc-nts, wlr"g* mg C apRM t.131y'rner UnappitoprIated EndIlng Fund Balance r'Ar,V,O,q FiscM Year 21010, Pexcent Hscall Year 21009 Year-To-Dalia RsirA Ye,ar 2010, cluH"ted i Yem-lodDate AMA Amendod Expendedl Bmance AMRA i i 8?1'� 610 1 18, 1 a, F,555 235 2 V3 61 511cK1 589,659 5WO, 1 16 18,215,64C) 35 r147,405 6%, 1 '1r10, 93,863 3 (5,MV 32,136,92A 611.9412,771 3w3� kJ 24,6,215 3,546 1 m,281,155 2a1 715,023 14,398,355 29,&,D,"i 17 3316,589 5, 01"s8 i u 555,824 5,80's"A MAX) WO) 2u, 265 513,546 1,698,000, "---2 2815,48 61,21,40,043 N 351J,0153 '22 5 14 252 S 15,562,927 55 4% S 281 S 251 138 38-4% 61 d4,1.00,4,57�i % Q11, nP, 1 '7 C�5 I,,, 1N1t'06 N, Ch)q '111'y 1� Il'l") ON"y (A"A 1,194% 6? NX 183,9A 66 1% 1 'J 1) 35 (910 13,814, ", 4) 11, 64 ll'I N'0% pcw,,:1 151 2 1 �5 4 lI I % (A4 ,847) 31 JO"J69-- 100,10% 483% qG53 a 21% 625,345 51,1% n N31,036,72!j 49,6% 1 b,44 7 "M 8 4 It 3, i 1 Al 4,86% 15 205 M *,149,610 66 41% 1, i7 2, 11 1 7P,610 5D15% 28,425,542 29,7",584 O"Y"; 7,441,455 I 1,K) TI, 3 1 (1, 000 ,14A, 2435,281 11606` W 14 44% 1 476 364 44A% 32,662i,423 V,M 6,M 7, 8 2 7 (641270) 1010% 5M,208 20, ()5 2, P9 3 144,7% $ 6,951,335 1P33,523 City stela di Schedule of Revenues By Fund For the sixth rnantfi P, nded Decemt)er 31, 20019 Hscaf Year2010; two scal'bear 2009 Year. ro-Date Fisca$ Yew Pleirmt to year 4 do -Dale, RvvenuiP5 by Fund Adualls 2 0 t 0 Amon d NJ Budget Balance Acluids oty Geqxyd Fuml 8,702,596 S 14,40 (57,8,38 602% (5,76V42) 5 8 3 1,43, d0('� Ccmummfty Blrck (,kaw 1,,wid - ' 493,51S8, 0 0% (4913 R Rpm,mvo Furd 86739 2 16,(M 403% (128,26 Street Raid 1, A 2, Mf;� 5,42 7,095 284% (3,8,84,,3' X)) Arpyt FvO 50,138 Ma'WO 16,14 % (5i',Bcv) 19 ?^A, ( 1 App,,V Fund 148 E05 2WO,Ofi'll 261% (2,121,3N) 1,011,2146 Debi Srmco Furkl 1,270,87U 2,0816 2%, aX) 91,14,11 (a �5,418) 1 , 1? 17 11, 884 Mal, w, F urol 2,8 11,255 4, 03,29b 58 6% (1,969,040) Nastrwaltv F-'amd 2,2',43,, 12,,' 1A80,125 40 SIX, 1989 219r3 E *Anc Fmcl E7,214,271 12,497,!rR)1 49'"IF1 (198 2133 6d11'.l) Ei, 141, 4 9 "1 T 6&mmrm ff knkx,m F und 912,776 1, p4l1 , 500 490% (tM8,724) 88 2, "l . IS 3;kNa4 smays F rwyJ ZB45,9-171 5,811850 4190% �2,965,8/91 3,X1 J,778 Vnsowajnce Smas hmd 344,006 ("KWOKl W 1% (335,392) 4;r"i Oi I Fund 732,767 t MA'AK 4 / ' 2% 8 17, mll) WwJ,Xrl cprTO'dwy Ifus! Furo 13,172 4015W 375% 2Z �328) 19,V33 I otW Otl Campononts 4(g 8% �29,1941,367) 29,293,1819 P,arks and Recreatlon, Component Pms and Revealkn r,und 3,;1,I13,574 4,92 l,305 900% (9FA, 7 3 1) 4,237,04;11; Uovy Fund 22,020 1 i110) 221"M (77,980) 56,4% Pant s knpirweqw, al Ford 5 1Ilfla �79,651) is 463 rotai Pairiks Components I I G IN6 (1,142,362) 4,299,964, Tolall City 32,465,189 63,501,91? ... . . ..... 51,1%, (31,036,728)1 32,593,153 WorlOng Capflall Carryover UMN= 19 935,261 *3.51,053 W 0"% 5N "XJIB 2(;l.(6,2,793 3 .. . .... .. . (301,452,520) $ -- .... . . ... City of Ashland , S,chedule of Budgetary Compliance Per Resolution 2; 1-1 As Aniended by Resoklfions # 2�O019-23,, 20091-301, 20019, -32 For the six1h month ended C)eceii'nber 31, 2009 Year-ta-Date Nscal Year 2010, Percent Artsails Amandeld Used Rallance General Fund Adirramsinabon 92,,6394 S 2'01'591 4 ("P' 1 % 108'5%') Adirn4uslrafiimi , Uxwy 172,31 355,088 48 501rIx 1 N1 694 AdmiNistration - Munkip,*, CAxIIII 207,561 Al 19, 924 dal' 4 5+,6 2 12,36 Admm-Ostrahve Services &Xm,111 Sxlr6cas GmIMS I 18 4,42 120, 'A 2 %1.4% 1 , 111)00 7a,dfrims1rative Siarlvtfas Romanic & Ctifturm Grant" 13,317 570,000 63, 1%, 2061,683 Aid Sinvictim, MsCeNawloUS 23,0'45 45,000 512'% 21 955 AdmiinwAiralm Sivfmcvs Band 38 )65 57 1619 67 6% 18,654 Folk"10 Department 2,614,679 5,578,363 4 1 r9"`6 2,1403,684 Fireand Res(m Ovipaitimerd 2,521,W) 5, 085, 10 V) 6r"",i4 2,503,805 Putik Works Cemetery NvWn 141971 310,3,05 47 7% 162,Y11 [),(wetopment Plin6ing (Invision 5 19, "'M' 1,214,363 425% BIB, 80 8 Cmmundy Devek'401404 Bufli&nq Mvfsk)n 326164 656,331 49 8 "'sin 329,61W Twa'rOers E00 500 1000% 400,000 0 0% Total GvnprM Fund 7,203, 48 7,811,161 Comrnurjaty Developirrmsit SloO Grant Fund PCINSOOM ',-WrVM-S 20,,963 38,0010 552% 17, 1,03 7 Kwenates and S-i 45,U2 455,,95,8 101% 4 1,100 76 Com Totat rnundy Development Graint Fund 845 493,958 t3,5% Street and RAMC WCAS, - SUOMI DjPWH'fiiDfVS 947,148 4,140,889 22,91% 1, J"Q,740 Putylic WcAs , Stmin W.Oer (Awahnns 2 7 2,94 5 620,878 PW'O% 1 3117,933 POP. Works - Trarvs;vrtafion SDC*s, 2,,460 274,0001 0,91% 77 1, 54 11) Put),lo Workp, tor m Waleir SM's �61,400 0 0% 561,400 Public Wohs Ux"A Irnprowiment Ntricts 8 196, D98 3 8% 188,550 Trarrstris 96,01 2 15, WO 40 2% t23,516 WON D'O% WOW Tolat Street Fund 6,076,2(A 211% 4,759,679 Airpowt Fund maten'Ns andi Serywn's D(." Seqvke Other Finwiding U!.;es (hiterlund Loan) ir"CAtirgency Total A4*rt Fund 40,910 78,750 51197~ 19, 268 38,537 50 0% 80,1000 801,000 100 ()% 5,0001 0 01% 140,15- 69 311% 6 0 .,alg Flh.P.4 tW HT " 4 VA 4 nV40,10 37,840 191,69 Schedule of Budgetary Cornplianrr Resolution: #2009-15 As Amended by Resolutions 4: 20109-23, 2�009-30!, 20019-32 For the sixth month ended December 31, 2009, Hical Year 20110 year-fte Fiscal Year '20 10 Percent AMMs A mended Used Bal ante Capital hmprovements, Fund! Flesu,x,,,,O 891,801 IV, 1 49 4% 92,154 MaC'vi� a, aiml SeMcvs, 17 7,17 3 36 1,5905 49a,01116 154,732 cmMaOuH.'q 172,793 1408'610 I1% 1,2195,897 T v'Oers 157,062 2 7 8, 04 6 1�3 5% 20,9R4 CovIN K4er�c v 50,000 0 0% 50,0100 TMA, Cap4a] Improvernersts, Fund 646,830 2,260,,546 24 11° 1 15.1 716 Delu Service Fund, Debt ����mm'rr�ml.e.b�;,TM 1,805 u ?92, 7" 390" 5 5 15,5% '585,243 7 ol M Debt SeMice Fund .390,535 15 511% 585,2C3 Water Fund Ehm,'hic , Conservatym 81,839 1 M292 49,3916 90,453 PuA,ATcft(�s 81,528 26)0,420 336% 1 R,892 Publo-c Wofks - Wavi Suppty I IN, S 19 315,6 6 M4% 207,097 PubhcMxks VY'alef 'healmient 507,627 1, 120,743 451% 6 3,121 Pubkc MA�% viakn DMSG0!1a 1,253,936 2,436,783 5151% 1 182,84 Pubfic Wor*,s Rmbursement SDC's, 6,044 328,75U 13% 322,71Y5 Piobfic Works Rmptmvome"t SDC's 15'.088 266,250 57% 251,162 Public Wwks - Dphl SD(,"s M,879 123,446 88 2% 14,567 0; 0'% 39m ( T o ta I Wat or, F ui ni d 2,674,626 5,802,823 461% 3,121,991 WasleWaleir Fund PuNx VIVQO' - Wastewater ("VkxOm 790,02? 1,658,499 47 (3% 868,4 72 Public W(As - 839,772 2,155,544 390% 1, 115,7172 Pub6c Wirxks Rernbumements SDC's 93, 127,590 0, 711% t 26,959 Pubfic Wvks , kripmements SOC's 67 550,10D11 0ON 54 9,51;53 DeN Stmor',la '1 v), 3061 1,877,557 45A'% 1, 017,251 Gr')ONvency m.. 150,000 0,01 ...1%, 1 50,(KX) ..... .4,028,--' '- TotM Wastewater Fund 2, 4 9 1, 1 6,519„490 18,21% Ekeldc Fund EAcirk, - cmServaom (Hvisk)n 4 13,,925 5134,498 5ro5' 61% 160,513 E)Klm - suppy 2,883,060 5'905.1204 48 81YD 3,022,144 Flodric - NsWbubcrn V45,342 5,432,581 505% 2,687,239 Elechc lmimmiss,*n 472',152 903,600 523% 431,448 Debt Servk:e 23,479 25,108, 93,5% 1,61,K) Contingercy 372,000 0 0*10 372,OrY) TaUfl Occtdc Fund 6,537,,W 13,232,991 1 49 4% 6,695,C63 aW N A-0 t'. Y *"I NMI vb I Q V11c, cli 5 Schedule of Budgetary Compliance Per Resolution #2-1115 As Amended I Resolutions # 2009-23, 20,019-3fit„ ,20-32 V,,'ar vw six1h erxJcd �)ecernt)e� 31, 2009 Tel"onwrunlcatkons Fund pnternet ", IT - H�O,� Speed ACCPSI.; Debt ToDebtSemweFund" T,ota� -'TvY oimmuOcaflons Fund "Ptole, In Inlornef appfuPdWK)n F &M Year 'ZO 10 year -TO -Date F kcal Year 2010 Percent Actuals Amended Used, Balance 5,34238 1,36A,228 39,0% 8 3 1, 9 �,,M) I W,241 387,834 33 61% 257,593 356,000 100 0% I �00,000 00% HY),000 '5'2108,062 461% 1,189,583 Central Sefykies Fund Admr iinP stnabon DepwUneril 650 470 1,326,566 49 0116 676,D96 AdminiOafive Serwes Depair(mvint 857,899 1,6791,89D 51 1% 82 1' 1991 [T - computem Servk-;Ss Omvon 54"A' 3 10 1,145,133 493% 5,80,823 C'fty Recorder 147,819 277,539 533%, 1219 7 29 Pubhc Wrxk�,-, Aftimstration wxJ ENNneefing! E49,428 1,383,370 46 911/0 733,D42 Contingeocy, 157,000 00% 157000 —'— Total Central Services Fund 2,869,926 ,498 48 1%5,Y 5 5777 iwsurance SvirOces Fund per"w"'RI SPIM"'c's 39,728 WO, 130 4 9,61", 40,402 Matehals aM Services 4,42,816 680,803 65,0% 23?,987 Contriqwxy . . .... 150,,(X)Ol 0�0% .......... 1 — Total Insurance SerAires Fund 482,544 910,933 53,0% 428,389 Equipiniont Fund PeTsfinal ServicrA 139,8211 288,120 48,51% 148,296) MaWi)fs arxl Swi v k1*5 224,037 5 15, ON 435% 290,9121 (", ap'A at OrAj al5twt'S334,A),O U,4% 332,561 Confingency 4 7, WO, 010 4 7 O(Y) IoW Equipment Fund 308% Cmetery Trusl Fund o T � an qsei s 4219 2 0, OW) CJ 21A% 15,781 M Totaemelery Trust Fund 4,219 20,000 21,1% 15,781 N, 5 .-,A WAIVM W Schedule of B,udgeta,rlance Per Resolution , 19-15 As Amended by Resolutions # 2009-23, 2009-3,01, 20,09-32 For the sixth month ended Decembeir 3 1 . 2009 Pairks and Recreaflan Fund Recreabon Divston Gdf DNqsOon , Crid.jIgOICY Total Parks and Recreabon F und Youth ActiAles Levy Fund NlLeoiMs mul SerMes Total Youth ActiAtIes Levy Fund Pairks GapftW $mpmvemant Fund Capold Ouflay ToUt Pardus Capita$ hproVeMOM Fanid 'I o W A ppropidat d,o n s a G -4f%ml V& M o I M I.MIN I raft Fical Year 2010 year-rTO,,t)fIgttI Hscal Year 2010 Paicent Actual's Amended Used Uaince 1 r 611,, 18(1) 33 19, 100 48 M '1, 101,920 535,004 1,115,875 479 580,871 209,949 398,47() 521% 188,471 51D, 000 010% 1110,000 �3 5 4,R83,3915, 48, 4% N2 IN), 000 100j)OO ,290,043 0 Mle IN1000 00% 100,0Q0 N/A ... .... .. .. . ... WA 44 � 4 % VX3,855 City of Ashland Schedule of Expenditures By Fund IDernber 31, 2009 hsca�'Year'2010 Fiscal, Y'eair 2009 Year -'To -Oat e Nsicall'Year Percent Year. To. Date, ReqtAifernerft by FuM Actuah 2010 Amended Expended Balance Artualls City Funds r,,Seneral Fund S 7,203969 $ 15 015, 1 aO 48 0% $ /A 11, 16 1 S 7,568,396 GarvvwnRy Bkx* GTant Fuirwl 66,845 41939,58 13 5IYT 427,113 10, 2 "A Re wrrvio. Fund N/A RmI Fund 1,316,585 6,076,264 21,7% 4'75%679 1646,268 Airport Fmid 140, 178 202,287 69 3 % 62,109 47,340 Capital hpiovemenis Fund 546,830 2,2 80,54 6 24 01% 1, 133716 1311,66,0 DeM Sowe Fkmd 11,805,292 2,390,535 75 5% 585,243 1, 6 7 2,5' 13 W,Mer IFuurnd 2,674,826 5 8102,823 461116 1127,197 2,735,961 WaMewalw Fund 2,491,103 6,5191,4 1K) 382% 4,028,387 2, 54 3,390 Ekm;wc Fwd 6,537,958 13,232,991 49 4% 6,695,033 6312,022 Wemmmunk;afions Fund 1'0 18,4719 2,208,062 46' 1 % 1,169,583 1,1177,979 CemraSqxvicas Fund 2,869,9216 5,969,498 48,1% 3,099,572 2,8'Z9, 1 75 Miurancp Fwd 482,544 9110,933 53 0% 428,389 8197,059 EqwpmefA Fund 365"300 1,184.129 IN 8% 818,829 90 9, (Al 13 CeriW,ery Inist F-kmd 4,219 20"01001 2 t, 15; 15,381 9,44 7 Total City complonents 44 2% 34,5i5 Parks and R�eatation Component Paiks and Remahon FlurO 2,362,133 4,883 395 48A% 2,521,262 2 �nt,nta 6(0 Youth AclMfies Levy FurvJ - '100 OW 00% TOOJXK� 168,237 flwks Capffzil Fund WA 151,1082 Total Parks Components j 47,41,,; 2,621,262 2,885,927 Total Requirements by Fund . . 29,886,188 67,2910,043 . . . ............... 44,4% 371,403,853 32,662,423 Ending Fund Mmvcm WMISM 6 0 IAKIXI 22,5�14,262 15,562,927' 521,400,450 $ 82,852,9170, 14,4 7Mv 6,551,335 1U83,523 632% S 44,55,,188 S 52,645,946 CITY O�F ASHLAND MEMO DA'l 1-': F`ebruary 1, 8, 201 () TO: R)Udt",Ct Menibers lot () NO LAVIAnWherg, Adn'firiism,"16ve Sel-Vices/1"hiance Director Dt""VE Adrninistra6ve Services RIV Budj!'et ('`()rnrniHee meetil'lg Racket Welconie to returning, and nnd�w rnernhcrs� Enclosed please find the powket fi.rr toruivjfl's Budge�°l ColurnittCle mcefing, The packet i,nckldes� I , An agenda I Mum to 5 rnmtkgs I WwHve BudgO (AdmAr 4(ouncil goah, 5DITIJI. bUdgel do uaunudµntl�:rru ('i, Quarterly Financial Rcpor� 7. Oregon Basic 1AW Budget Umv trabing inlkwwwdon Unklable online at le OV Webile are budget -related docLu'rients such as Omincil Aninrunickons hwluchnt-,, qUarlefly finaricial rejwrts, budget adjustnients and updates, changes I sMilng, capital prqjects and operatAns. Prhued copies of all documms wH1 be inade avaHable ypon requem, We will need volunteem Whey WmNmbic nand Cult(u'al gral'O subcornlvfiaeeFhe grant preseroadons am, tenlatively sche(fuled R)r April 7 and 8, P&We CWI Me if YOLu have any que,,sfions, TWA you, Lee Almnitu"m RemmeJOWelh WN 100c I tqm) WAY, him, %yorkslup :?,it) loge I of I Basic Local Budget Law Workshop 201101 T ei'�" vmrksforq� WW cove� Oreqcpr)"� ( oc'fl frtudgrI i 3�,v, Uhv fjud9e� vublivalion requirenienU, and how to Irnpose 1woppluy jjxm, N wM rmmr MP Wouwmw soy; 11U�_eSdiy tro ailopt to lawful budget, It WAI alml rOV01 Man= MAL MY bV node to the bwdyq aRpg a,, adnpuns ,Aur U, the hScal yeal �v-kvl-f�, d�,�"synvd Nx the bw A pi oMo, q rd Mko I�k^aRiu,pe�"we "he lmdqol' arl'O rPi bodqet, cmmrliiiti"tv and qnvou I rjflti(q Njd nlw,, v'rho in'j y ajq" t+'a Oie 'oa; W% H"j1Vt1,,r%d 2009 awe gistrafion aTid fees: Workohop r, frve rk, ogvAra"on moinm Hoiursrt a 'n to -330 p-rn,, vvith limch on y(,rw ry,,df, Workshop instruCtors; FinamV 6 WatiOn dMaWn mi0i 4hr,, uc'tiorurwnt of lrevc'nw' QLACStions� Ckrea on of Rommw 1 mm"C n lawRivi; IMA, 503 !M5-H293 or Locations and daties of 2010 workshops City DaN/Vme Address I Uesday, A&Wq WbwwV 2 3 (cimity amy m 30 Yin Ormgm! Tugs d6y, Ma add2 Cackamas Comrrmnity College MY 9,a q p. to, 3:30 P.M. Gmgory Want 19600—S MoKIW Avenue Me to bwd,4 reMnations, these a; u tim, W10 two mwkshnps ove aijo nhk? tu fuesent !hV; year. OW a"Wgws 5 um OeMs 0 Fagm and SmMimoi Oryon,"VC MCI we COW hVW WONAmIn in yom jmo� a% wp have m the pat, bK ewe do "at have khe UaYO budget US yoor, If yuu am alsk! to travd, you me W&UMV to Mend mRhd "',o OF Olil'�'o�0""YWTS "A/' hoi'e to "r(m ther�""' )Ioca� budget akorkshop shind t p c b t i d c,,f c, 1, 1,,,) �r (,,) r c s s Ten blive Budgiet l'oidar FY 2010-2011 2/18120110 IBUDG,ET K$CKOFF MEETING Cound Chambers &00prn: 212W2010 BUDGET TRAtN�IING (LEE) Counc,fl Chambers'7:001pn'a (6:001pni if altendees would prefe) 4107/20101 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL GRANT PIRESEN'rATIONS Cr,oundl Charnbers 6:00,prn 4108/20110, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL GRANT PRESENTATIONS Council' Chwnbers &00prn 419)2010 FUIL.L BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING -Budget Message Parks, Presentation Counc,iI Charribers 600pnii 4122/2010 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET PRESENTATIONS Pofice, Hre' and Corwrijunity Developm(NA, (,f')BG' CouncH Chambers 6,:00,pim 4/2612010 DEPARTMENTAL BUIDGET PRESENTATIONS City IReciorder, Adrn,Jnistration, HIR, Legal and Adniun, Seryces. (."ouncil Chambers &OOpm 4/29,120,10 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET PRESENTAT11ONS 11"."Nectric, lu"ifc)riniiatNoin'T"echni,)ll,, Conservation, Coun9 fl Chanibws 61=pmi SM3/201 0 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET PRESENTATIONS Capital 1mprovement Ptanj Char erview, Pubfic Works Xrporl, Street, Walter, VV,,.istewater, Administration, Engineering, Cernetery and Equipirnent. Courdt ("hambwS 6:00pfn 510,612,010 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET PRESENTATIONS Pubfic Iif needed COUnrill Charnbers 6:00prn 5/110201110 FULL BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETIINGIAPPROVALJWRAP UP, Set 'rax R'ate, appimM Wrap up CouncH Charnbers, &010prn 5117/2010 WRAP UP IIF NEEDED 61112010 PUBLIC HEARING Cound1l Charnbers 7010pmi First Reading of OrcUiance to Ilevy taxes Resolution to qluallify foir state revenues (subventions-) Resobfion to receive state reverum,'s, Resolubon setting appropHations 6/1512010 SIEGOND READING OF ORDINANCE Coundl, Chwnbers 7.00prrn NO-TE- On 4/26/2010 — Parks Con-try-flssion M1ee1ing will need to meet at their site,