HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-05-06 Budget Committee MinutesBUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 6, 2010-PAGE lof 5 Budget Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2010 6:00pm Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:03 ROLL CALL Mayor Stromberg was present. Committee members Baldwin, Chapman, Everson, Lemhouse, Runkel, Silbiger, Slattery, Thompson and Voisin were present. Committee members Douma, Jackson and Navickas were absent PUBLIC INPUT None. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, CDBG Director of Community Development Bill Molnar was joined with Senior Planner Brandon Goldman to present the Community Development budget presentation. Mr. Molnar explained the structure of the Community Development department which consists of two divisions; Building and Safety Division and the Planning Division. Building and safety is responsible for plan review, permit approval and inspection program. The Planning Division has four program areas which are current planning, long range or advanced planning, code compliance, and housing program. Mr. Molnar discussed the Budget Over Time for Community Development Department, Planning Division and the Building Safety Division (see slide). Mr. Molnar discussed the work coming in FY 2011 (see slide). There is continued work on the Croman Master Plan, Public Infrastructure Funding Strategy, Homeless Needs Study & Actions, Update Historic District Design Standards, Normal Avenue Neighborhood Plan, and Collaborate on Transportation System Plan. The Department will also be working on regional planning participation. Another Council goal is to continue to evaluate the development review process. Mr. Molnar went over performance drivers for all programs (see slides). Under current planning desired outcomes are based on council goals to improve clarity through the development process. In the Long Range Planning the Departments goal is to strive for 75% of long range plans to be completed in 12-18 months. Some have had extended timelines. The longer some of the projects go the diversity of input tends to be reduced. At the end of the process the Department will look at ways to improve for future. Mr. Goldman discussed the Housing Program performance drivers (see slide). The council values and personal well being are the main focuses for this program. The Committee questioned where the money comes from for these projects. Mr. Goldman answered that the projects were covered by land trade. Currently all the projects that are undertaken with the housing program are largely financed by community development block grants and then the recipients of the grants get either private financing or seek other funding in order to make the projects come together. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 6, 2010-PAGE 2of 5 Mr. Molnar spoke to code compliance performance drivers. With staff reduction and removing the code compliance officer code compliance was decentralized to some degree. Public safety and potential hazard issues are the primary importance in the code compliance program, as well as response time. Mr. Molnar discussed the Building Safety performance drivers (see slide). Recently there have been some concerns of things not picking up and there is no structural inspector on duty on Monday's. Without the structural inspector it is harder to deliver the training and outreach to individuals. The Building Safety Divisions overall goal is to look at the percentage of plan reviews that can be completed and fee totals within a three week period. It is important to provide inspection services in 24 hour period. Mr. Molnar went over the performance to budget (see slide). He stated that over all the budget presented is based on staffing levels needed to successfully execute all five program areas. The Primary mission is to complete Council Goals related to long range planning matters that affect the City's quality of life and to improve responsiveness in development review as well as permitting operations. The Significant budget changes for FY 2010 were discussed (see slide). The Department did not fill office clerk position vacated by retirement. The Department reduced cost of materials and services. There were significant reductions in professional services. Citizens could notice decreased responsiveness, especially if development activity increases. Mr. Molnar discussed how the department will be preparing for FY 2010 (see slide). The department will evaluate contracting additional building plan review and inspections services. Mr. Molnar stated that there will be a reduction of service or performance in key program areas such as long range planning, code compliance, housing and/or a reduction in business hours. There has been little growth in Commercial Development due to less activity in lending. If construction increases rather then hiring an additional inspector the department would evaluate intergovernmental agreements and use those. Additional budget concerns could cause a decrease in personnel. The Committee questioned the Contractual Services. Mr. Molnar stated that contractual services that were cut were primarily in the Planning Division. The Department has a small contractual service budget in the building division and using some of the building contractual service money a few hours a week for the Medford building official to supplement the department right now. Ms. Bennett stated that the Department is trying to maintain certifications in full service programs. The Committee questioned what the implications would be if the Community Development Department hands over some responsibilities to the County. Mr. Molnar answered that the inspections aren't quite as responsive as a local department would be. The Committee questioned if the Community Development Department has tried assessing what critical mass is and what tradeoffs will end up if some skills are cut and transferred responsibility to Jackson County. Mr. Molnar stated that this is a difficult situation to determine because in terms of the Building Division and Local Building Services the Department provides there will not be a way to function to go below where the Department is at now. CONSERVATION Mr. Molnar presented the Conservation Division budget. Ms. Bennett stated that the City is in the process in deciding what to do in the Electric Department and what to do with the Conservation Program partially because the Council has two goals related to Conservation. Mr. Molnar is the manager supervising the Conservation staff but the funds and positions are left organizationally in Electric and Water until everything gets organized. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 6, 2010-PAGE 3of 5 Mr. Molnar stated the history of energy and water and the work the Conservation Division sees for 201 l(see slides). There are a number of Council Goals one is develop and integrate the Water Master Plan, second is to implement a public information and technical assistance campaign that encourages summer time conservation and last is to develop a strategy to use conservation and local renewable sources to meet Tier 2 power demands. POLICE Chief Holderness presented the Police Departments budget. Chief Holderness spoke to the Budget over Time (see slide). Over the years there hasn't been a lot of change in the Police Departments budget. The Department is about $100,000 less than last year due to an internal transfer having to do with the cost of consolidating dispatch. Chief Holderness went over the work the Police Department sees coming for FY 2011(see slide). There will be an implementation of Global Positioning System (GPS) system in all marked units. This will help to improve response time. The Police Department will also look at an implementation of electronic citation system, it will reduce the amount of time it takes an officer to write a citation and it automatically downloads the information to the system. The last thing the Police Department will be working on is regionalizing investigation of high-tech and internet related crimes. None of the listed projects will come out of the General Fund; all of it will come out of forfeiture funds. Chief Holderness went over the Police Departments performance drivers (see slides). As far as emergency response the Department will be able to maintain or improve on response time. The Police Department is hoping to maintain 26 officers and increase patrol staffing to a minimum of 3 sworn officers at all times. With the GPS system response time will decrease. Chief Holderness went over the performance drivers for basic needs public health and welfare. When dealing with crime investigations the Police Departments goal is to complete 90% of property crime investigations in 60 days or less and persons crimes investigations in 30 days or less. Crimes against persons are prioritized in front of property crimes. Chief Holderness discussed central area patrol (see slide). Central area patrol is a way to support economic health in addition to basic needs of the Community. There have been 150 or fewer incidents related to public disorder in the downtown area since a year and a half ago and 75 or fewer reported theft or vandalism crimes in the downtown area. The Police Departments goal is to keep the incidents where they are at or reduce it. Chief Holderness went over the Records Unit and the CSO (see slides). The priority for the CSO is 100% of subpoenas to be served in time to meet court requirements, to maintain 90% of graffiti abated within 72 hours and 90% of code complaints addressed within two weeks. Chief Holderness discussed the performance to budget (see slide). With the budget as proposed the Police Department should be able to meet or exceed all desired outcomes. Over the last two years the Department has seen substantial reductions in overtime costs because the Department is now running close to full staffing. There has also been a decrease in costs for the 3/12 schedule, and reduced overtime in Court. The significant budget changes from FY 2010 were discussed (see slide). The Police Department expected to see between $60,000 and $100,000 savings from the consolidation dispatch. The Police Department will see about a $200,000 reduction to the budget and the Fire Department will see an increase of about $100,000 to their budget. There was a little increase in personnel related costs covered by savings from dispatch consolidation and reduction in materials and services budget. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 6, 2010-PAGE 4of 5 Chief Holderness discussed how the Police Department plans to prepare for FY 2012 (see slide). The Department may revert back to minimum staffing of two officers on duty between 3:00 AM and 10:00 AM. The next thing would be to reduce civilian staffing and cut additional services such as abandoned vehicles, contact station coverage and graffiti abatement. The Department will continue to reduce materials and services consistent with loss of personnel and reduce investigation unit from four sworn officers to three. The Committee questioned if the Police Department plans on reapplying for Cops Grants this year. Chief Holderness answered yes they will be applying in early June. The opportunity is there but the probability of receiving a grant is pretty small. The Committee questioned the use of volunteers. Chief Holderness answered that the volunteers are exceptional and is ran essentially by a volunteer. The volunteers handle vacation checks; assist on all special events and record entry. FIRE Chief Karns was joined with Chris Chambers Forest Resource Specialist to present the Fire Department budget. Ashland Fire and Rescue (AFR) currently employ 32.4 FTE and deliver services based on two fire stations. The Fire Department responds to about 3200 calls a year and also operates within a number of mutual and automatic aid agreements with local and regional fire service partners. There are four basic areas: Operations, EMS Medical, Fire and Life Safety and Forest Resource. Chief Karns discussed the Ashland Fire and Rescue budget history (see slide). The Fire Department has stayed consistent in managing budget over the years. There were some personnel changes in 2008 which was due to a retirements and unfunded one firefighter position. In the 2011 proposed budget there will be an increase due to change in dispatch. Mr. Chambers spoke to the Forest Interface Division Budget History (see slide). The Forest Interface Division is funded out of the Water Fund. Throughout recent history of this division the funding has gone up and down quite a bit based on grant programs primarily. There has been a heavy component of external funding in addition to what has been taken from the Water Fund and that will grow exponentially in projected FY 2012 due to a large uptake in funding from the Forest Service through the Forest Resiliency Project. Chief Karns spoke to the work and challenges scene coming in 2011 (see slide). The Fire Department will continue to meet emergency performance measures. The Fire Department will also put forth efforts to replace Fire Station 92, complete mobile Emergency Medical Service (EMS) reporting systems, transition to the Emergency Communication of Southern Oregon (ECSO) Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), complete promotional and entry-level exams and complete implementation of fire inspection program. Chief Karns stated that a big priority for the Fire Department is to fully implement the Ashland Forest Resiliency (AFR) project's Record of Decision (ROD). The Firewise Communities program is something the Department will be implementing (see attachment) it is a nationwide multi -agency program that attempts to reach passed the fire service to ensure fire safe interfaces. Emergency communications will be looked at and an implementation of a CPR program. Chief Karns discussed the Performance Drivers (see slides) Fire Operations Division drivers are to respond to all emergencies within 5 minutes 80% of the time in the most cost effective manner. Emergency Medical Services Division drivers are to respond to all medical emergencies in Ashland within 5 minutes 80% of the time as well as meeting ASA standards. The Performance Measures for Fire and life safety Division are to complete inspections in half of the businesses and multi -family dwellings in Ashland annually. The Fire Department would also like to get a complete vegetation management for the interface that talks about all aspects of vegetation. BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 6, 2010-PAGE 5of 5 Mr. Chambers spoke to the Forest Resource Division performance drivers (see slide). The main goal is participation in the AFR project which is very important to the Community and securing the safety of the City's watershed. Chief Karns discussed performance to budget (see slide). Items that drive the Fire Departments budget is staffing at levels that can maintain response time and service levels. Training opportunities will be utilized. The EMS reporting system will improve efficiency, patient care and data extraction. Chief Karns went over slides that showed response time standards and EMS reporting. Up until this passed year there has been an increase in response request. When the Fire Department is at minimum staffing which is about 67% of the time only 2 people are out at station 2. In 2009 the number of requests dropped possibly due to charging for service calls the non -transport EMS calls. EMS Reporting is an electronic remote base system which helps ensure proper treatment protocol. The new EMS reporting system will save 33-5-% of time required for reporting. Chief Karns spoke to the significant budget changes from FY 2010 (see slide). Recently the Department implemented a single tier EMS billing. The Department has increased Firemed revenues by 32%, implemented fire inspection fees for service which ranges $32-$196 per inspection. The Fire Department will be implementing a cost recovery program. A firefighter vacancy will maintain until early 2011, outside training has been minimized, and the cost for firefighters training CERT members has been moved under grants as opposed to paying for it out of the firefighter overtime. Child safety seat program has been reinstituted and is 80% grant funded. Chief Karns discussed preparing for FY 2012 (see slide) Evaluate the intergovernmental agreements with Jackson Fire District 95. The Fire Department will be looking at a number of grant opportunities. The fire department plan review fees may be increased. The Committee questioned where the hose replacement is in the budget. Ms. Bennett answered that it will be in the form of an add package. If the Council decides to go ahead with the add package it is suggested that Council be very specific in where the money goes. It is suggested that the money will go in a sinking fund and should only be used for equipment replacements. If the Fire Department gets grants for turnouts the money can be used for other replacement for other fire equipment replacements. The Committee questioned the use of volunteers in the Fire Department currently and for future. Chief Karns stated that there are two primary areas to utilize volunteers. Volunteers could be used for the fire prevention program. There is a long range plan for staffing and it includes using volunteers. Volunteers have to be careful as to where they are plugged in. Paramedic volunteers are hard to come by. The long range plan includes have 6 volunteers by having 2 on each shift. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm Respectfully Submitted, Melissa Huhtala Administrative Secretary Police D;eipartmen�t City Oif As,hland FmWilmmilm May 6 2010 R"4:jgc,t Cnirrin Desired Oulmme Council Value -Median mponse Ifinc fO MwWn Staffing ley'ds 026 prwrdy ane cal,ls of 6x full! Marne Ali mm Aniow" or fCgs Inm"'mc PmTW4 Staffing to a -Adequgge staffing ou s4cne uo Rdudmwlr of 3 'SA cATI dfim,% safefy handk incident 99'Mq. adf at an 6AIM:S. Ow, time (fps symcrm in marked umis, Opfignize de;dOyment 1!0 cla �g bad Haiiu needs pubfic hufflb & +W1 One Crime nae (A knss nusin at kasl 'to hours, of, pkN wetrare than In cF W m es per � housand slaffing W the conuct sutfiou P', residems Maintain staffing levels M 26 -C`i4y wide ref"m of i full finve officers vdaled W disurdu m 55 Ko Ckm6nuc and expand Problern 4 1 thousand reskloos 50110,mg eflort a. s, -Adcquarc Slaffing on scetx,, to Targeted Immu,,five, fngTn,ip eMOVOy handle invAdclok effim ts 9 5% of �hc time du M1a: -Parl t c6me deatance r,*4of' 098%, of Victims co"WAM hapl)y )YWI Pchce SvviQt, qwIlWon Tate, of 111?1triffiv, 11�1.., 7 a*6&wjts pm fll,ousand pupdabo" .... . ..... .. -, Budget Criteria -- ............. . .. D"im,rdl Outcoule Cou"CH Value Basic needs pubbe hcalfh & ... ..... ........ . ... . .... .... *90"in of agmcy assisfs Maintain staffing kvcIs of wcffue complefed in 72 hours 4 full tinic inmfigaturs Unit clumince I ate, of, Effixtive caise manag yq 21K 0, Irk sfs � OuAky cifizen service: *Compleft 90% of prolvay crime invo-tigan 6 llons fay flip ys', or less OCOmpicte 90% of, Persoms crime invesfigafions in 30 ilu 0 ...... . ... d, ir y s or l ms ................. . .. . .... .... .. P0400 N"I'Mfun"m - CSO LF"Al . ... ............ . fludgM Crilexia --- ...... . .. . ... .... I)csirelj Outcow ........ .. Arfionfilewforammnce COU116t vahte llkuk nevis pubfic hcahb .. ..... ......... . ....... V 00% ot'subpicnas Mainlain one full Orne & Wt. 11 five served in firm to, nfltx� CSO couit mquiremaits Cbnflnue widi exisfing a *90% of puffifi Owed prksfidy systan E ffg ivilfiin'72 hours, 1 r 690"'0 Of code conqrkfinfs addmssed wiNni �",o rey' as wocks 5 ....... .... . ...... ..... * With the budgeit as proposed we should be able to meet or exceed all of the listed I desired outcomes * Reductions in oiveirtime costs related to ful:l sta�ffing,schedule, redu�ced court time due to ICOP and new report writing policy will allow us to increase minimurn staffing to three officers, 24 hours a, day without increasing our budg�et. Community «<e }o p \ e c City o \ Aslan dLIA Budget O(v +?Ti Time Community Development Department General Fund 250,00011 . Yr2ma IFY »m ?YF #m FY»m FY Iq1 Actual! Actuail Budget Projected How and PE011 Proposed Biu�dgeit IWXLA com,mluini�ty Developmient Diepartmienit, mmrpfflm� Benefits, $1,126,271 - 60% Materials and Services, $1,iia,139 - 601% 2,011 P�roposied Budget Planning D:i�visiion Here,'s the work we see ILAI coming2011 oi Regiional Planning Participation oi Responsiveness of Development Piroicess (G) o, Green Code Alternatives & Incentives (�G) o Bung Official Orientation & Acclimation o Manage Conservation Division (Interim) Performance Drivers ILAI e% Current P'la,nning Opuncil Vgdue Hadgel CrUcria PrArr4i Outcome Actions[Perfennance Measarm Ckv# Avolli rospmwiw pm,xppi:icMkm « % of 1xid my Apokwoas mmPk4r, 0 F.&W Mangwrl pxa M4�4 Ctm wd mqrcht Wid wim Ava age irmmwmsuw finwa Wi poxem a Joid City Ckwrw UT Owk� Qvwdipmam hwi M, Rv"Voy AM Syr of of moxi-s wyrymm i Wied R aha &—Jopma Mamed xn,k� With expedaw, of'o"OdRs A im'd Npt�a Oy tl kJaram"k rruwaG jxMil ("Mawra v"Oy Mmift.A) pmaK" &)Uway of JiblAh"ki Mmi,vtRoy cd icif,9medn Sovim ... ...... . ....... . . 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'.mmwbiWed wda�wrlarpwrvawmmm ` ' ^ sendrw m drmwwwmrmm d mmxuoau"Ay mi i w;"wYw,nwlw14F a�N'Q>igrrmlu s q"Yarvrtlwoparrrmli & WWII CRY i d � .�rv'r��' p'krgawuwtrmamruwvj Preparing for F'Y 2012 IL*II # Evaluate contracting additionail building plan review aections services. * Additional budget concerns likely could only be addressed by a decrease in personn�el. Reduction of service or performance in key program areas — Long Range Planning, Code Compliance, Housing ,and/or a reduction in biusiness hours, B�uldiget Over T'ime Conservation Divislo FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 20101 FY 20101 FY 2011 Actual,l Actual Budget Projected Pro,posed Tritork we see c,o�ming in F'Y 2011- Co�nservat�io�n * Develop an integrated Water Mas,teir Plan that addresseis, long-term water supply, iticlud'ing,..,,,cons,ervationI and reus,e,,...(G)i * Imp lement a, public information & techniicai I assistance campaign that encourages summer tirne conservation, (G)i Develop a strategy to use, conservation and local renewable sources to meet Tier 2 polweir demands. (G) A] Departmen't City o�f Ashland' Contact. Mill MoInar, Direclor of Cornrymnity DeMopment (5411) 552-2042 ASHLAND FIRE & RESWE' City of Asihilan,d ....... ...... . ... P�roipo�sedi Budget for 201 Oi-2011 I May 6, 20110 A III I r1loliq I I wit 2007 2008 20109, 2010 20110 2'011 Actual Actual Actual! Budgeit Projected Proposed; Forest Interface Division ILAI Funding Solurceis 20110 Projected 20111 Proposed 2012 Forecast �Here's the work we see coming in Ell, FY 210111 • Continue efforts to replace Fire Station #2 • Compil�ete moblile EMS replorti�ng system • Transon to the ECSO PSAP • Complete promotional and entry-level exams • Corniplete implementation of fire ins,pectioln program Perform�a,nce Dinvers MIMIM Council Value Budget Criteria ......... Desired Outcome Acti�on/Performance g . Emergency response Respond to aIII medicat EsNiblifsh adequale x-, erriergenaes in AsNand stiiffing ev0s, dispalch w0hin 5 mkiwes 80% of sranidand s, and resorrurce the himie as weH as place rnent to einsure, meeting ASA sWfidards desired response finvs 4) Operational effif6encylifisk .... ... ...... . . ..... Ernpk)y highty Irained, .. .......... . i hrDUOI frafning and C,01, management/fiscall heafth skilled, and proficrem marnimn cer,W"k:,,,fljon of rtl medicM frost re s pond errs membem and: rneet curremt standards olf care p ,- p CPR pfxagram 0. t corrv,nunity C'PiR p)roqiami tEEmergencym o Eahate grm, nsatfin g6 8 forkxat and regomd ect[hrmnent andi ,aice p Ovens and businesses reeds, WA Performance Drivers : LA 1g, urn it Vaillue Budget Cflterla Desirod Ouitcome Action/Perlarm ancie COMP111-te urISIVICKWIS and . ........ . . FInallize Nnspectoicmi efficleinc4ldsk 4pa4ze code comphaince m I prograrn and arm' "U) r1age ry N �"i i UfmcM heaft h and or afl businesses and staff W rwreet the desmied mullb-birmIry dvoel%igs hil OWOMTIe AsNand Cal Basic needs of puwdc Ensure comphance with Providle adequa,Te s4affing , i �,Wfhi airml w0faoe: fire corles and cram ances for ed'"C"Awn an'd andl inspVe S.11, practii:es cornphance kmpecran s c,4 fire codes ain(J ordOarx.es Ckperafionaf Comprete remew, of site EstatAshi adequate C efficnencyhisk and buMing 1pOns and resoumes rasa airy review 0 inanaqernentffixam miealdr pm app6caUans WIINn days .......... . .... . "I ency Cmate a, vegetaban W4�gk with Me corrunuirmy 1� rrJw A„ pir"paredness maimagement Oirdwmnc�e and ("orninundy for Ifte (,",Ay of Ashilanct E)evekipraenI fo atabhsfi N. vegeTabon maruagement Of A Currently �requires 22.5 hours per month per member New EMS reporting system will save 33�-50% of time required for reporting Faster conveyance of patient information to ER staff 111 pigill, 11111111 Pill III I p/g/ggg "Y RAI RIP fill", Ow" ... . ... E // . A FYN, Evaluate IGA s withi Jackson Fire District #51 Evaluate all applicable private and public I I grant opportunes — team approach • Increase fire department plan review fees • Evaluate CERT program costs • Identify approipiriate schedules and funding levels for all department expenditures w Recognition, hremse Communffiesl , A User Ckjide to ffie Firew,ise Connunbp%A)SA Rad ognntion Prc)gram I Ibis guide is prcwided, as a gencral rd' rence mid �� C , for those, interested or planning to become a recognized FireMsc community. If' you are a hornemvner', coinnirinity resident, conunrurity developer oi- planner, you Nvill learn that wildfires can occur without disastrous loss of hfc, pro[,�c�rly ind resources. 'Ibis guide "was designed to, give you a liandy, portable refcrence i0i, IW YOUT' Nvork in supporting (lie, b, c ,rowth and eff" chveness of the Fircwisc Coninumi ties/ USA' Recognition Program, While infimnation and resource matedal on the 1:irogram exist in many t011,11ats, this guide brbngs all of the irnportant inforinahon together for your use, In addition tro 1)roviding the rationale and research behind flic, program, we have included tips and tools for you tO Use and inforniation about the recognition and renewal processes We hope this guide will ahso rnotivate you to comirninicate your successes, challenges, and good ideas 1dack to national progranin staff'. We want t(.,) hicar froni you -about wh�at will make 1: the ,wrograni rnost effective 41 help6ig residents cif fire -,prone areas take action towardrcatc.r wildfire safety and compvibility widi wildfire envirom"nents. The guide �s divided into the flowing sections: Progratn Criteria, Beic-kgroutid and Basis Actimi Sb-ah,ics forAsscsstnent cruel ("funtriu. niq, EtkequwIcnt Application atid N',newal Process (","ontacts, Vi�jerences and Resource's '111C gLd(IC fil(ludes a new lernplate yOLI CM1 USC Fillrewise activities and projects that assessments, as wdl as, exan'll')ICS (')f help com n'i u n i Lies meet the recognition criteria mW their local firc risk nceds. T]mnk you for your corondirtierit and your wcmhu toward making our nation safer froncu wildfire threats. Michele sicinberg Ffi eNvisc ("'.ornmunitics Pcr%rani Managet Firewuse Con mminiifiesl - A User Gidde to the Fwrevvise Conimunifieq,,yI& Recogi,ijtm Progrv,� 3 With, t'),dequate plarmiqg and coqe°rah on among var�wpbtg interests, vvil4fires can occur without disastrous loss of li'f properl)r and resources, Ais is the vision qj` the Firesvise Coinontinities prograrn and can be applied' to its recognition proct%5s- The Firewise Cornmunifies g#oal is to promote community wide participation in the us,e of technolog)P, policy and practices that minirnize the loss of life and property to wildfil'e, independent of tirefighting efforts, "Ifie F"ji-ewise Cornryumities/11SA I.,irogvases is seanilessly conlaiiied in this goal, as cornmunikes learn when lhq begin tfic 11"!I(Ognifion Process, Mh hltk,,� oi, nc,,,� pre�,,),vahor� with little, or no, preparation beforc a wildfire event, comimunflies lose a MkIfile a:,Venl, mrv,nurflties much However, witli wad action plari and rcgulau, attention to coiritrautily rav, wildfire mi0gafiot'i:, wildfire can ewecurwill'i little to 110 lasting effect on honicowners, Ihis fact has been ilhlstrauxl repeatedly, around, the United States, You can find updated inforri-tadon ort Firemse "saves" on thc� Homeowners learrt al:pout t,iome F'jreMsc website al wwwfirewise.org, igniLability so the,y cant cireate 11 he fact is dum Wfldfires will continue in the wild I ari id/urbari interface (the thom, ovin, uniques,01LAIJOmass WLJI) its an ecological phenomenon. And C()JIITVILMitiCS will conlinLIC tear to theiv wildfine, Rnifigation be al"I"ected by them, WhOe wildfire management agen,cies Nvoul(l like to ctiallenges. help hornec)wners avoid home loss, all are alvare that most houses are located on private property,. What happens around them occurs at the discretion of thic horneowners affected. Landowners, understandably prekr to rnaktw choiccs related to their surroundings. Often, they are Under the irnpression that there is nothing they can ales., or that wildfire rnitigadon is too difficult for thern o,r prohibitively expensive, 1 nr"e^ww>iw, Connuunities/USA provides up-to-date, take action infortnation to horneowners and conimunities that helps thern change this situation. Residents who parlicipate in the FIrewise prociess create an action plan that cornmits them, to a sustained program of wildfire rnitigation that isgenerafl)tboth ph)rsically(te`mal)Ie,,iii�d,ce�)st,-eff'ectiiv(,-,, Ilic lie' rneowners learn about honte ignitability, so they can create their own, uniclue solutions to their wildfire mitigation challenges. When people understand there is somedifill; thqr can Llo:,, they are rriore apt to act, Ihey, se�arch out more information to validate what they have alread)rlearned, Oncofilve most USA participants learn is that neighbors can hc4l') neighbors —and that they Marc often ituxiricably linked together in their miligatiori solutioms. hmmwCmvudnd"-A(J.�uPr'C;i,ilde,tea tNiPF'irewie,ap,Coiiiiuiuuii�t��bF,A)SAflieCOgTifiDrdprrr)graoy) 5 1 he Firewise Coitimunifies/USA applicalion is downloaded frorn ww,%v,firewase,()rg/us,a, conipleted and subrnitted to the stale., IrOW or fideral Fire"ise representativ, along With Myportirig &xunwMMRm, llremlse Cornmunitivs/USA status is rencivable annually upon coniplajon of tha,t park adWn Ran/Firewise Day, Renewal forms .are available at Nvww.fireivise.org/usa. HIolw Lairge Should a Recognition Site Be? T1,)e fawn that(,!af a Su(cossR,4 coaanunqes am cmes Me WOMB dW OYPPA k1 teduckig Onne QnOuon potertW 7he size a)f tA° Fireivise COnmunMIUSA We h pwt gmwmed by an arbitrary, jived rule but rather t)), Itte Unrit qf its qUictivenem "fhe recornmended sizt,afcnu!-apai°ticipatii,ik7 Firewise CornnwnHRs1USA site aq,)roxirn.,flcs the. of' anhorneowners association, Successful Firewis(,w (�ommunities/USA Imoici�pafior� requires commifinent froin, horneowners and residents. No two cornnwnMes kvc,, the swmv sochl dynanges and, thus, no MR) cCarr ununities We to bey dw same size Rw as successhd prograin, However, connnunities beyond the tn'tditional neighhorhood We gerumal" haw diMcuhy rneeUng the ell ectiveness and individual Ana vagernent criteda requied Or a longlenn coinnfilinent to wikffirtmaigation. and comMes lose thek neighborhm)d ideriMp and Aus Owk- licsincowner actispism acams that size (")f camas nunfty. Successful, long - ter ni, partkipathyg counnwriAls are those where horneowners and residents are can gagedin rMucing awk home jnhWn potential. KeqAng in nind that them is no Wicial" size for a Firewise Communities/ LISA, shv, the WHowNg tips cmi be used as guicldWes in deterninkig Whether a community is of an appropriatt ske U) nmWtMn rtsdf as a lorig4ernj adke Firewkse CM`ffl-11LYnity/LJSA: • Me comnunaypuicUmn qMxUwj as a unit • AlIghbors are able taw work togethtr on a 114hyire Wfation pnVect • AM resR"Us are %vilhraq to take part in a Ffewise CommunRhi action jdan • Neighbors can organize ivithout depending on vnidnicipal or qxr, guidance, State, tribal and 11deral agencies can facilitatc, horneowner engagement before a wildfire. If an, wildfire occum they can then efkoivdy rue the opportunities that neighbors' participation in Firewise Coninlunifies/ USA creates, Fi�,emse CoamnmitieslA User Guule W Me Firewise CwrmHjmhes,AJSA Recopit*ru Program 7 The Home Ignition Zone Affects, the Neighborhood Wildfiri-e- is a nalur-al part of'our world'% ecosystern. Wildfires MH happen ---- exclusion is not a choice. 'I ' I he variables in a 1vildfire scitniario are w1lien the fire will occur, and where, The Firewise (Wormnurfldes/USA Recognition Prc)grain addresses the wildfirc, relatcd cltariic(.ri,sticsof'coi,iiir)kurii ties, Part icipating sites tea rn about, their collectivc (.,,xl:)osure to wildfire as it relates to COnItTILM ity- —alld ftldiVidUal 4101TIC igliffion I'mtential. Firewise Conununities/ LISA doenot focus on specific honles, but engages the COITImunity aura a whole in finding, workable, agreed —upon solutions to their specific wiklfirksues' lome kjrkiorr Zorie imlwles the hcmr;r, a rid its imTx,r I sijiwmmdr�g,, with iri '100 to AR) feeL hrewse Clommunifies' - A lUser Guide to the hre4sf? CommunifiesAJEA ReccgNfim PrognIgn 9 Importance of the HIfle Ignition on WhM Ibis research shows, us is that 1.)y rnodifying Iheir holne ign i tion ;ones, lion i eow n ers h ave the oppot-1 Lin ity of keepi ng c rowu re aIwVjjy firoIll their strnaures by bringing it to the ground vdien it enters the area, Within the hornignition zone, an interior "fire frec" zone shonlid tv established that encircles the struatire and all, its aftachments, (including attached fences and decks), going out at least three feet,Ths reduces the opportunity Farr firebrands to collect invulnerable phces. How the Home Ignition Zone is Integral to Community Survival du�ri�ng W'ildfilre * 'Wildfire beh�,ivior is dominated tpy the residential characteristics of, 91 COITIMLIMAY, '11w good news is that by addmssing community vulnerabdifies, residents can subsLantially redt.1ce, th,eir expOsUre to loss, llclahvely mnall inviesnuents of' tunic and 016ri will reap great rewards in xviloffire safety, * By changing the character of the hoine igniiJon zone, a homeowner, c ,c; vr salter the padi qj a tvikifire for hislhew, property. By chariging 1he c[mracter of" the corrunumny's gignition Yone, residents have, the opqn1rholity to aller a vvihtfire.'w pathfir an vWbe conlnlm,Oy� Ihis is what labs wisc Conni'mrifties/USA is all about. Flanvn,',�ble," ametMion �eading (o cleck AfteinlMgafion W04,,, Cie ck is Kefy, to dgrflte Mee�th imeresroJ horneowneirs a,ml km, "d f'me rAA� u,;s � �,h, as,vssm(,�l'a proce-,,+ 11"iremse Commimifies�ll - A Usef Gude to the FireMse C01[TMnuriftms,1JSA Recogtiibon Progrw i I I and local fire departinent know he/she is coming, arid imite them to ride along, at their convenience. lire assessorshould be knowledgeable regarding hisiork..,, Nvildfire activity in the area, either by reviewing agency dma and/or by C0111111LInicaling Nvitf'x other jurisdictional fire staff, To Con(luct the assessrnent:l as velik1e, as road map, pad and pencil, and as digit.,d carnera, will be necessary. Data gathering is divided nito three segmelits--e.4ch corresponding to as drive -through oftl'ie community, Use the following structure as as gui& Morning,, Day Oinie. The purpose of the first segrnent is to get a genend ICTY Im the COMITILU'lity Mect with interested homeowners and local fire stiff", eai1y niorning at a, spot a,N,ithin the site, in order to discuss the assessment Pr(,u'-ess and listen to residents, concerris, if possible, get one of the residents or as fire department staff rnernber to take the assessor to as higb, pciint within the conimunity to get an overview of the area fc)r it 1,)hotographic record, ],I' ni,,,) ovierview exists, IAiotograph several [TDresentative groupings of hornes, When taking phoographs, avoid including housc J'Wnibers or street nairies in tht.,- pictures, Drive SLOWLY atong as many roads as possible, slojmpjlifig k) 1Aiotograph, as convenient, Afternoon, Day One. 1he purpose ofthe second data-gall-tering 'Slognient is to Identify C01ruluoil vUlnerahilifies rel"Ite'd to the Conirrmnity's ignition potentJal and to photograph repi-csenlative exarnphs of thein to use in the written assessment document, For 1his, the assessor nuist return to the sile, Again, drive as rnany roads, as, possible. . ..dowly If the comrTurnity has as greeri beh or corm -non are-a(s), include it in this phase offlie daw gathering. Look carefUlly at t1w hornes within the conimunity and their relationshil,') to each other relafive to %vildfire, For example, acre they suffidently close to share lioaare ignition zones? Iderifity things irersidents are Morninig,, Day, Two. J lie purpose of the third data gathering Segment doiirig IRIGH"ir w�m,, respect team is, to identify things residents are doing RIGHT witl'i respect to Vvildfire wil6ftire rnifigation,, This pr,Wdes rnifigation, This phase is fiiiportant becattse it provides homeowners homeowners vivith local IFir�wse with local niodels as the Fireivise Board develops its action, plan, Spend rnodels several, hours driving 11'rrough the cotnmunity, again, %vith the intent of idcntif"ying and photographing good wfldfirc n-fitigation examples for use in the written assessnierit, Preparing the cornmunity assessiment Carl be acconiplished by making use, of the assessment ten'iplate provided on page 18 of this guide. The sections below corresI,)ond to each of the sections of the templaw 1) Intrees dtictioii.Lpsetlieteiiilatep�!-ovicied,ad(lingase(,,o�u'r,dpii,aigt,apii that nanies, other individuals and agencies that parficipated during the data �galherirrg pfiase. hrevase Comiru,iurfihes", - A Uwr Guide t(r floe l'°'irewise Corm-rmrflie%,AJSA Recogmhw Prograim 13 i-mWt')rvJs�,"�ap�ng Contact your state Firewiie Raison to inifiate an asscssrilent of yourr commirmity, See the list at mvw, fire wisrarer g/usa, F'or more background oil condkicting communily assessments, visit tfic Firewise, Learning Center for a free online course at www.fireivise,org. LeaUncedle build-up on roofis/gutters, Attached wooden fences/decks (Remember that ifil is ziitadled it) tbr, lumse, it is part OftflC 1101LISC.. -to a wildfire.) Flamn-ulfle furniture/cushions oil decks or pc�rchcs, Vinyl S)fjjtS 8) Successful Firmise Modifications. Use template paragraphs. Itenlizett'ie good exaniples within the courrinurnity, using photographs and cxj.)Ianalory text. Examples include (but are not limited (o): FireNvise landscaping Use of fire -resistant native vegetation Firewise consn'tiction niateHals, Fire -free SIMCe SUTR)Unding the structure Us,e of slone an other non-flanimable building components fcn walkways and driveways hisilled vesetation 91) Next Steps, Use the, tern plate provided, Jbis section provirles the coin nlun i t,y wl th the Proced 1,,a re it I I cc cl s to folkm in order I o c onti n ue Nvith the Firewisc Ccimmunities/USA recognition process, It is important to Stress the benelits ofremoving dead vegetation from the honle igilition zone and reducing the volume of live vegetation4ound, there, Also irnportarit is, relating the concentrations of fuel (like firewood) at least 3�O fVC1 frOT11 L11C StRICAL)m One of the goals of successfully prepared assessment is to provide the comnlunity with inforniation that nmkes it clear Ifial their n6ghl-)<arhood can become the firebreak, E,Nery effint should be made trim prepare the %vHtml assessnient within a rnonth of cornpletnig thic data gatherjrIg phase. 1he conimunity"S interest will be high then, "Ibe assessiOl should present the assessirient to ttic, Firewise Board, providing thern with three or four hard copies and an electronic fit(, (such as PDF), ffymssi'ble- '11fis rill give tile""' theabifity to copy it and, distribute at %vklely Within Ole C011111nulifty, flu tirtg the assessnient presentation, the Board niembers should understand the concept of home ignition zone modification and that the community has the power to niodify its 'cominlunity igmitiori, zone' 1he assessor explains the assessirient air([ it% findings. It is the uisk of the Board to create soltitions that will work for the C0111 11,1 Lill ity hreMse ComniimOies?, - A User GOde to the Ihrevanse Con rTividtiesMSA Reoognitimi PrograrT�15 ,jjr'j jk/(I (ijY Lvefyoiw (,m paa& t inn hrc,vvis,:, aflrmCh�,S The events, facilitate the social change requh,ed, in order toa I'llake neighborhoods &,afer with respect to WIJI fire, Firewise events are intended to be fun. Projects are commrmfty-Oriente d, and of a scale thm they can be accorriplished by neighbors working toge.1her. Fating, laughing and geffin� '! to know each, other is a subsidiary benefit olf becoming I-Irewise. These events have proven themselves to budd conimurrity spirit and pride, While participlation in Firewise events, is nou rnaridatory, it's generally true that the Percentage of homeowners becorning, involved vviffthe niitigaflorr projects increases each year. Wh,at kind of everits, work? Who, can help with thern? What sort of resources and/or funding Marc; needed? Can residents apply for grants or 01her funding? Ille Firewise Board dettni-nines the most suitable events for its comirnunity, Flach everit is based (1) on the Board's understanding of the community and (2) its relationship w,%rith local fire snail. E"V(MtS 1-0,-IpOrld to the needs (,,)f ffie community and its locaL E,xarnple eveats inclu& Chipping, Days. 1,,'Ojr these events, horneowners provide the VCgetation to be chipped, either by delivering it to a C011111tion site or by Placing it along the roadside, The Firewise Board contracts for an chipl'.)er and crew or works Midi a local agency to provide days require as budget ol'approximately $30�O if a chipper and operator is to be secured for a day 0 it Days., 'To stage air effective edUcation day, (Ile F'jrewise Board will need to acquire such things as printed handout Irlaterials, demonstration equiprrierfl, Firise landscaping examples and other visual or tangible x-naterials that can help convey Firewise concepts to participants. Sorne Boards work with local merchants and/or ti,iie fire diepartrnent to provide 'extras', 011C gOOd SOUrce of handout niater mils is the FireNvise electronk catalog (wwwfirewisc, orgIcalalog), which respires only a small shipping and handling fee. a Cmiim�onA,rea Clle�ain-upi. l;w eiitsft)cLisii,igoi,icoiiiiiioi!,it)l,i(,,,Yisl:icc in thew coinniunify or edges ofroadways inay, require chain saws, or heavy il" a fuel hreak is being created, VOILInteer labor is of�en sufficient, depentling on the scople (if' the event, ('Yrganizers should think about how to rernove veg(lation that is cleared, I Firewise (A) mrn u n i ties/ USA events need not be costly, Local Volunteers organize Ibem, Food is either brought by counramily residents or donated by local merchants. Any contribution of time, hmMwCmmuMaqua O-AUwrGW&toMeFirewigCourirntiroitie,AJSAR(,�cognitiowolPrograii,n 17 Evems can be coordinated and con ducted NOth, ininfinal fun ds,depench rig on the type of' eVrent and the invAvernent of volkinteers. "here will be cases where communides are seeking, grants, not only for Firise events but to accornplish larger pulects in their adkin Idan. Since a recogrdzed coannunHy MH have comoeWd a cmimmunity asmssinerlL a conununHy plan. and swne Wid of event that supports their connnitment to %vildfire imitigatAx they are in a gocKI polition to secure funding if needed, Ihe 131reMse Wnunturnfics/USA honw pzige provides ruore fifl6rrrraticai oil how to go about obtaming grants and other rrsources. State anti trRial ON= can be WNW in rnalcing the i3mmumAq as my of AM, SOLII-CCS in their slate or region. Unexpected Community Benefits 11rewise (WrnmuniNsIUSApadidpants genenilly And themsOves Cuing urwxpeacd We% When they have complMed the conununhy assessmerfl, orgzmized their Firewise Board, developed as COMmunity adWn phn, and held their Brst 11rewise event,, they are readyto download the Fhewhe ConunwiMeOUSA AWplication forni at www.tirewisic.org/ usa wd apoy hm =g0don Matars. When tile lroirleown ci's contewriplate, what they have acconqAished, dwy find that Ouir FireMse hunies and.landscapes are attractive and welconing; they have gained a smne of hmmawd swky; they havc become acquWnWd with Owir nelbbors; and they have licarned to enjoy and respect their local fire staff, hilc,MskuO childwn nxt Srnokey Bea� zit P HvMse expc� Chakng up o.,19es of rapo,cctvrao a arnciy ocpApment 'Ind Vot-Info-'o 6aatrrx, FiremseCamimurkies*l A User GAde, to the hrewise ComrmrnRiea,/1.JSA Recogimfion Program 19 3), Descripbon of [Size and NatUre of] the Sre CCis e Wildand Fire Characteristics that Could 'rhreaten the Area Fire interisity arid spread rate depend on the fuel type arid condition Mve/dead), the weath- er conditions Prior arid during ignition, and the topographyGenerafly the fiAlowing rela tionshiPs hold between the fire behavior arid the fucl, weather mid wpognq,)Jiy. Fine fuels ignite tnore easdy and spread faster witli higher intensities, 1hart coarser fuels, For as giverl fuel, the inore there is, and the it ore conUIRIOUS it is, the faster tire, fire, spreads and the higher d-re intensities, Fine fuels take is shorter thrle to burn out than carser fuels� • 1he weallier conditions aflixt the rnoisture coni,ent of the dead arid live vegetative trick. Dead firie fuel, moisture conMit is highly dependent on the relative Inurddity and the degree of sari exposurc. 1lie lower the relative hurnidfty and the greater the, SUrr exposure, the lower will be tire fuel rimisture Content Lower friel niorstures produce higher, spread rates and fire intensities, * Wind speed significanily infhmces, the rme of fire spread and fire intensity. 11re higher the wind speed, the greater ffa,, spread, rate and riatensily, * 1"opography fiffluences fire behavior principally by tlie steepliess, of the Slope. Flowever, the configuration of the ter r-ain such as narrow draws, saddles and so f6rilr can fiffluence iire spread and firterisity. In gerieral, the steeper the slope, the higher the uphill fire spread arid int(,,,,nsi1y. Add description of amjcrPaled local wildfire event, 4) Site! Description No boilerplate. Include community size and, age, bcard ering public lands 01'any), vq",,letation t)rpes and conditimr, topography and any other. Pertinent infOrrn.,ition. 5) Assessment P,roices,s No boilerplate, Describe what occurred in Ore data -gathering phase in one short paragraph. 6) Important Con�side,rations 1he Firewise CODAIT11.1.1fities/USA prograrn seeks to create as sustainable balance that wifl allow conimurfifies to live sa,fely while maintaining environmental harrivorry ii�i as WIJI st-1- iing, lJoincowners already balance their decisions about fire protection rneasirres against their desire for certain flarrunable components on their properties, It is important for them to understand lbe imp licaticins ofthe choices Orcy are inaking. These clioices directly relate to the ignilability of their horne ignition zones during a wild fire. Add information on at, least Ifiree issues observed in the cornmunity, Srrpj)mrt wRh, photographs. Firewise Commurdies"I , A User Guide to the t1rewise Corrff11UrfiUe5AJSA Recogrftmi Prt)gram 21 * Irivest a mfiflnrum of$2,00 armiallyL per capita fil its local Firewise activifies. (Work clotie by namilcipal employees orvolutilt',ers, mirlg, MUnicipal or other equipment, can be inclucled, as can state/federal grarits, dedicated to that purpose) * Observe a Fnewise Communriies,/USA Day each year that is dedicated to a local Firewise project, Subinit air atirmal report to Firewise ( 'oryiniunifics/USA. This report docurrients coritimfing part ic,irm t 4rm in the progurill, Optional text, Use as applicable. � 0fr, nanre Site] i esidents are retidrided to be conscious oNeepirig high- intewisity tire irwre than 100 feet from their horrics. It is kqlortant fOr there to avoid the contacl with their structures. This imhules firebrands. 'the assessirmit leam recomniends the establishnierit of' Street silpis and fire hydirartts, a "fire free zone', ,fllowhig tro fire to burn withirr ten fM of a house D leY jewicivirig firels located there. It is a bad idea for fire taw touch a do iiot ke!ep a house from, house during a wildfire. Renieniber that, while wildfire caritiot bt,!, �grdbng, 11orneowneirs shculd efiminated frorn a pri,,)perly, it can be redm:ed hr, hitemity. iify ttx� things that vvM igiriite ffmh, hoirnes and address those uiornemmers, are tenflrided, that street sigris, addresses, road widths rorn ig, it I I mid fire hy&rants do raptkc�cp a house f 11 hq,�. Prc)per Mlention, to their home ignition zones does. "T'hey should iderffify 1he things that will ignite their homes, and address those, Weather is, of course, of greit concern during wfldfire season. Wheo fire weather is severe, homeowners should, rernerraber ]lot. to leave flaiumable iten-rs, owside. This fircludes rattao doormats, (lairmiable patio furniture, firewood stacked next to t1w house, or olker flamaiat)les. Fuvwise Cori mmdfiesll' - A User GO& to the hreMs'e ComnlWkies/USA RecogrMxm Pu,,,ngram 23 111c, application fbrrn includes one page for all of 1he connnunity itilbri-nalion and one page fi.)r the state forestry agency's official signature. (Sec, the forn"i on page 27) Once the txnrl ill Uni ty Pr.o%rj"jeS Ille first page ofthe al)fdlcation l"Orrn and ack:*'011ipanymg matetials to the haison, the liaison can theu fOrward the application and, the sign att,IrC page to the Firewise program Office, Recognition will apply fcr the year in NvNch Nvork was conipleted in tire comint,mity, Applications MUSI be provided to the Firewise program c4fice by Dccember 31 of the year in which work was cornpleted in order fin, comniunity ",ork tci� be recognized, I Calculating Investment ..... --------- . . . . ....... DiOde the 'total dollars himeshm] in local IFirevmlmsv projects by the numbeir cif residents iirii the communflly W tatthle W11011MIt' invested per r;apfta, Simple calculation in determining Volunteer hours and costs incurred, tear the $,2 per capita Firewise inwstrnent dollars. (Based, on a C0111111Uffity size O!f 1,000 people this example corrununity Nvould, need to invest $2,,000 dollars ($2.00 x 10010 people) in volunteer hours or, equipment, to reach their, goal, This example exceeded its go,'il, 1, he total, amount of $4,475 should be reported.) 1he formula for delernaining whether file conirnunity has rnet their $2 per caPita investment criteria is sirrlpledivide the sotal dollars invested by the number oftesidents in the connnunity. In vest rn en t can include c"ash, equipirient costs, in. -kind services, rental costs, and volunteer hotirs, if as state or fc�deral agency or municipal deparlintnit contributes cash, personnel firne orequipmertl to� alocal project,ensure 1hatthe invnaslmjent is, caliculated for the al',)plicant conirnurfity only, For instance, a $50,000 grant for an entire county should not be applied towards the per capita investinerit if [lie applicant conn-nunity only received $5,000 worth of services or support. Several forms are avail'able at %vww,firewise,or' g/aszr to'help comn"un-tities track their volunicer efforts and in kind investinents. Saniple forrns may be found on the following pages ofthis book. Volunteer Sign 111) Sheet (page 33), V()jtjntcer Tinie Sheet (page 35) VOlUnteer/In-Kind "I"raching Sheet (page 37) Matching Funds Form file, lJorneowners (page 39), •Use the calculator at the Independent Sector website Iltnil to determine the value of volunteer hours, the hsnarly rate is updated each year. # ofVolunteers ll.wX # of'hoursq 1,each volunteer 290 b9go 2ffl_hgmr,X hourly rate It gal n (2008)) C"ost = $,4,050 Qtba-Comus Wsut:r& Iterm (",hil'iper for day Cost = O Heim C ' ",hain saw for day Cost = $ 75 "I'mal Mordes Expended on Project: S4.473 (tt) be reported on Ffi'ewise aPplication and renewal) Nemse CmiumMies," - A User Guide to the t'�irewrse namromrumrurrflt6ss,AJS IfnraoopitOn Program 2" 5 * A welcorne letter is sent to, the cornminifty, Nvith a ccq)y to the State forester or designated representative. Decals to be posted on the signs indicating the year of recogniflon is sent along, with a Media Tool Kit with templates l,(ir Press releascs:, fact sheets:, and tips for VV01"king %%lih, the tnecha in print Forinm a,nd on (11)-,ROM * A plaque is ordered for the community with its narne and the rnonll-� and Year of' recogifloon, 11,11-111,around time from request ton delivery is, about three, weeks, * A kit containing nicial signs, lapel pins, magnets and Other iterlis is shil)ped out. Ljsuafly,, this ]<it and the plaque are sent to the state forester or other designee for later Presentation to the con'u-nunity, * A sett 1"woviding an user name and password for the recognized comnmnOy websilc,. area is sent to tire conirrimnily's Board presideM, This allows diem access to special materials and to the area of the online catalog where they can order adchtional Firewise C0MT11LH'1fli"/USA materials, including extra signs arict pins, Community Stories ir, V Cm'40, & 94PAMOTMA tAga In ARNAOIA Colrya y, F V0006to ANAumA P'N440groat Shortly after, the con�irnunity receives all of' this inmerial, they will be asked to Provide sorne text and photos so that Firmise stair can post their conunurrily story on, ihe websile, Siaff will 10HOW L11) Willi community leaders to obtain this information. Ccininitini vies can also choose to have a "mailbox" on the wel'isitc for readers to use in asking therm questions at)out the con-ji-minitys Firewise activities, States and oorritimnities can also provide photos fc)j- tise on the FireMse website 1,1111040 G'allcry or for print publica0cins, See page 41 for guidancc on Irow to subnfll photos, A formal m,-ognfliori cerColorly is a Nvoriderfid way to acknowledge auid celebrate dw community's Fire wise ac Hvil ies, Different conuriurfil ies, like to do different kinds of ceren-ionies. Scar have been held in town halts or the Governor's oflice. C)thers have taken place at as seasonal f,,Iff OT cominenrorative event. 1he ceremorry can be as large or as small as the C0111111LOlity WiSlICs. Typically, the State Liaison and (he conirm,,inity board arrange for the firne, pktce and, format ofthe cereniony so the Plaque and inaterials can be presented, 'I'he Media Tool Kit has sonic suggestions cni whorn to invite to (I'ds kind of event, includirig the press, It can also t,,)e used to FIreMn %notnu'r A User Gifide to the Fire wise Cornrnunitue.%AMA Recognition Program 27 FIREWISE COMMUNITIES/USA, APPLICATION (Implew IN s Anm and submit h to your FirvwisvSjaCgJ,rjfiSorj nr() late n ffian Decen&t-31, 1 fie Hrewisc Star(,, [Akon e Inust recelve copWs of Che anesunent, the connnunky [Aan wd nua &xwmnMkrn W oWu hr Fkmhe pwamivq�, sr to, i')ccur' 1-"irewisc ni mu nit test L;SA participants are given credft for work cornpleted during (lie calendaryear, If your We has no 11reidse Shme Urdson, contact fire grg fcPr nw%g %UudWn& 'I lie Community .......... in the slate of , hervty apphes to be offichly mcoVided and designatedas a qimlificd partufam in It 11rMse CmmwmWesRNA walrdOn piograrn for thc. year Nkmben (W die connnunhy We adooed the hAh"Org Firewise Cornamnifies/1)SA recognffiori imigrarn stan&rds: 0 FORMED A FIREWISE BOARD lot Bond nwnthen and hre agenq nTwwWM NQ1 dmv WmM wm rilecting (hoes, and dre ad(hess, Flcme munber and eiva or Board Pled dem. Date StaJAWK Addum: COMPLETED A, CO,M�MIUN17Y ASSESSMENT We clasmsunem Wne and agencycompany conducting assesmuen . . .. . ....... assessinent to slaw firewrse representifive LJ Its 0 No CREATED, A PLAN Dwe p1n comoew& PunidnIa hard copy ofAe Nan k"Une Rmwke upmsmiSve LI V6 0 No HELD A FRENTE DAY I We of YIWMW Dq� Ivmdw Me Woy iricluding date, time, nun'dnr ofpcople imending and locatiory Pwvided hard copks and mW p6hd, pinopmm, news cowmage andAir Wher S"Ixmmg WornimW lu we mme Fkndsc replesentalive Submitted OWL pease pnyWde the following conhwt inhannaHom MOW Thwestry Chintrim ].'cical Fre ("hk"f (l'onWCL Namw (St, swe, vp� Agevicy: Phonc Add= Address. ("i&y' tMe' zip� ....... ....... CAP swin ZO Tedephone—, . ...... 1'elephone� rxx� Fax: . . ...... Frnaflc Emafl: I Yes L) No Hrewise CommuNfies't'. A User Gude l:o the Filremse CommurdamNSA Recopiifion Prograrn 29, TIII 11�11 1 11111111 M i Oil I I All ��MHKIIWMMAIKMXVAN r n Rationale foReewal - — I — - — --------- - - 1hereneWaal each yea rol as cornmunityscomm it in ent LoFirewist� actwily is a key element in the national Firewilse (.0111 [TILM i ties/ U S A Recognition Program. By recjuiring COMMUnities to doctuirent continued activity, the prograin, serves to reinf(rn-ce behavior change ivith respect to wildfire safely. Firewise concepts N,,°cojme ingrained and "norrual" because conirnunity members are using them on a reguilar, basis, Ongoing, suslairied cornmunity action is critical to inaintain an accej!)table level of fire safety bec.ause ol' the nature,, of the hazard - vegetation grows back, leaves and needles acclumulate, arid housing ages. A sftle season ofFirevvise activity has IiWe to no, long-ttrrn i1ripad on as Corl'unuillAy's ignition resistance. 11herefore a. "one-off" recognition without sustained acti(m WOUld f3il 10 1)(Af) C(mrimunily residents truly ernbrace 1"ireivise changes iri their neigliorhood, The Renewal Plroce,ss Comlll'Wrllffiq::sS Call reirie%N theh, CX)mmunities can renew their Firewise Conrimunitics/11SA recognition stattim itatus whelwver they have completed arid doctimented their, Firewise , any brine during the year', % olace they Ihave coinipleted as eveirt and activity, However, they must subirfilt a reri gaarmrr no later docuitneriled their IFirew ise event than Decernber 31 to be recognized for, theyear, airid acUvity, 'ffic reriewal foriri, itself can be completed on line by iecognized conimunilres, "Ibis forni goes auttornatically to prognarn staff, xvho then notify the stalle liaison of the renewal and process the ni(,,cessary paperwork, What's in the RenewM Formi 11'ie renevval I'Orn'i helps to verify that the cornniurifty is c.onlimflng its work. It can show if there was any uIxiate or changes to the COMinunity plan, and, it provides an opportunity for communifies to tell program staff ab()Ut. increascd activity ,,it the local level. The forirdocriments the $2/capita investiment. for, $he renewal year, arld allows com Trin in i ties to submit any changes to point off -contact information. A copy of three renewal forryi appears on page 31, Firewlse CommurlOjes"I A User Guide tO the Flrewise Comrnr)mtJesrA.IIA Recognition Pirogran'l 31 C'mml4ete and lsulhnrit this forna to your Firmise Sime Lrais(m no latcthan Decem1wr 31. their Firewise State Liaison raust receive event documentafion and, plan revisions in (mlo, for Hrmist, proceming uo occun firewise 0,mruriurfifies/USA participants are givem credit fij, C0jq-jj(flt,i i dm ing the calendar year. if your state lens no �j Firewiw State Limison, contact fin maifing instm(fions, the cotnimunitye.ea ti f t in sr in the s�tate of licreby qq)hes to renew lts par6cipifion hi the Firewise Conirnunffivs/USA rcc�� %rfifion prograrn for Ov year, '[he coinnimfity has mainti5ined idle five Firmise ("onunmril ics/USA r ccogniiion program standArds List Brlalrduuan. a,rwarld fire agency daw lioard was eslabhslitA, Tmefing daws, and file address, plicine DUrnbcr and e, amil of'R(mid President, Date Lstablishe& Mming Datm Board Nlenibem Board Pmsidew: Add re CRY, State, zips Phone FffmiL INVESTED AT LEAST $2/CAPITA II N FIREWISE PROJECTS, Total Firevvise expenditures, hickiding eqUJpmera and vohinleer hours: Numtwr of'reskients in corurnurflir CREATED, A FIREWIS' PLAN Check one� I lie , phan rein""Oris unchangee and is sfill in effea U Ye No 'file luf,arr has bc,vn changed, A copy of'fllw remod plan has been subrnlued to the stme fipre,aIry gcprocntaiiveLJ Yes U No H'E,LD A FIREW'IE DAY' Date of Firemse, Day; Describe the activity inciudhi�,; date,, finre, nurn1wr of People attending and locafron: Provided Jrwd copies of any publicity, piogranis, ntnvs coverage alldlor criller supjx)rttng information to the state Firewise mpresentative SubinWeid by; Fmafl: Daw plh a Sc I, OVj& the 1411110,ring contact rylforrmat ion D, is trO ForeStry ("Or)p�aCta Local Fue Chief Nzuner - --1-11-1-me 1-11, (""ity, slate, zip': Agenq% ............ 11hone #. Addi'ess: Address:: ("ity, State, zip: — — ------- . .... (',Lrty, Stale, zljp, Tidephorw- -- - Fxv-- ......... ............ .. .... ... ..... . ...... .... Firnail: Frnafl: U Yes U No Renaember, rmewals, can now be processed oifflne aL and carpi be processed al ary tinie 41urin-XI theyear once you love completed your acii0ifies. Venewal packageswill be sent immediately t, rre°ritr wing corninunilles, Fwewse CornrnurRies"" - A User GO& to the rirewise Conunumhes/USA Recognition Program 33 FOR OFACE USE ONLY Daite, Locatiom Vdunteers: Flours, T4ne� Staff Prfnent� . . ......... hrew�w Corrin-w6fies" A Use!r Gukle to the hreMse CormniunifiesA)SA Rcxoginftn Nogram 35 ADUTIONAL INFORMAMN: Firevvise (,'MTlfT)WlibC5"" - A 6�seir (� jide to the hmmiw (,,ornmurkbe,%,A)S,A Reclognak.'m Prograim 37 —i5 6,j6ET'B—A—TE--""-- -­"­ . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . .................. . ........... . ............... . ..... . ...... . .. . .... . ..... . ......... ... TYPE OF PROJECT OR, "A/ CONTACT PERSON ADDRUS --------------- FIRE STAFF PRESENT ... ... ..... . . . . .. . .................... ....... . ........ �-ORGANIZATIONS �77/ — 77 77 M-7, 777/7 7, ql 7,7,7_7�, 7, , -,//� / / " / - , / , — /, , , " 777//" pq/ /m . ....... . . ................. VOLUNTEER& # X # X hourly rate posted at wa ,indepoinidenitsectsar. orgi . . . . ........ . ................ TECHNICAL SUPPORT: # Hiolurs---,,,,- X holurly rate . . ........ -.- .......... COSTS INCURRED (Attach supporting documentation Item, Cost Vuru clost Item Cost TOTAL MONIES EXPENDED ON PROJECT COMMENTS: uc4:r d ""u�'nu a�u�i�ua d I1 0aaaii'a' ��o id'adda�i^ 4 u'ndi amt�so-n��Ml.:i'a dc,C�uhnuE"t ram'rr39 FIREWISE ACTIVITIESFUNDS SHEETRECORDING Can be w srW to record arMivities forrn Mdwrrm funds and other FirevWse Co marmadndd sWA purr*ses 6 What quafifies for m at tnuung funds for Firewise grants? Any time or money you spend oin your home andloa r SUrrounding property for the PUrpose of'reducing hie Iprobabifity of �i wfldfire is s Examples of 's tM ofues that wits qualify r P t d to horries and outbuildings sr Removing trees„ brush, gras,s frrurm around youair structures Cleaning ng uxtter f pine needles and then debris, f aniru the roof anmid clearing te , srn ttnirnr fi'srrumabl fru rnn wittniirn three feet of the base of the truu tUr m t w . R�movin, , tree hmbs, less than sip -ten feet from the ground around and trnu tuurs Replacing shake -shingle rocif with a non-flarmnabte afternizdive' The foflowing wu iuunter s tt' utu s wrditll Wso quakfyfrrir FrreWse matclNing funds, ' ' iu it er time is recorded 't the rate posted iw"MaiwAndepeni r tsecto ". r", . �7t orr, rhhi rrva , a haangt , each yrpcv ) Rrewise Board rru tarn s aw Hrewise community, events To record Vrnunr time, 'fiill in the MEMEMEMMMMUMM u, To, record your costs, fill in the i affirm that the information i have provided on this form is urate - ,.. _, ., rirnt fwisu��n t� i¢qm 'taur Pho n JE-mail Return this form to, your FireWise Board cointacC t tnrrw E-Mail Address— .�� �.�� �„�� m�,o., �, �,,, ,,,�, Telephor-re Number b r I Firemse Corrwmu*ia�s0," - A Us',er G(Ade to the newise cw'mwHtjesAJSA RecogMwn Flrogwi 41 Guidelines for Submitting Photographs to Firewise (""omlilunifies T'ire-m,ise ( ;otnpn till it it"s 1here are trvo ways to, 1or the firewise,org photo gallery use, m.ibrnir ffiern to 'I"hoto resOlUti011 %1IOUld bC TOY _r& no less than 72 ppi­ Photos embedded into a word docurnent, atthough easy to S(..jjCj' "jjn(JypjC�rjjjy J()() small to use in prilitcd materials arrd not recorm"nerided. Ifyou would like your photos ten appear in 1`irevvise Cornnriurdfies newslellers, brocluires or otherpublications, please use the following guidelines. _s.a� ri_4! -- For l',srint, submit Lit icos wipressed TIFF's or JPE("'s either the highem quality jpeg but no less than inekhmn quality. Il'you have the capabifily to shoc�t carnera RAW, please feel free to dcsm To avoid Problems when transferring photos across platfortns, (Mac was 11C) i'ianie files with only letters and FluFflibers. Avoid rising PLIncluation and accent marks and special chxractiers, other than the hyphen and underscore, 2), ]t gtlrt. tt.ta.: - The rCSOILIGOn of your pliotograph should be at ]cast 6" x 4" at 300 ppi. Please do, not apply Sharpinring to thc file(s) you are submitting. Delvirding on your can'vera, set the Image Ortality to JP Fine or NEF (raw). Pixel Diniensiorm use the highest or next to the hil;hest pixel dinienisi n possible. (Note: RAW files are very largc a�r d should be subrnOwd on CD or LWD as they as ofien too large f6r email) 3) !.)cjiv�ty - Digital photographs may be delivered on either a CD-R or l")VD, 1k, It' you choose to deliver images on a l VD1 It, be, srire Firewise staffis able to read the fbrrnat°, there are inifltiple standards. For security of materials when sending CDs or DV Ds, rise USPS I'Apress Mail, Fed E,x, UPS, etc, Please send lr::r. Firewise, 'I BaReryin.arch Parl,,, Quincy, NIA 021691, You may email the photo ifboth the recipient and sender's internet s,ervice providers pernrit large attachments. You rrmy also compress tire jinages using RLE compression software such as WinZp or Stuflit. Email to- @%hm' Lmg - 4) till I's it?"_ When sending images it is helpfid to name them and also to provide a caption for rise in priblisl"iinge sure to provide the nanie of the person who Look 1he ptiotcigrapti so appropriate credit can be given, hrew�se Comrnunities'l- A User Guide to tear F�irewise CcmmumOiesAJSA Recognition Prograim 43 In 20019, F)revvise began a new inifiatAve to corm"nend and iward pr(�ects risfing Firelvise principles, as %vell is for (.,WPP ((rminiurrity Wildfire Protec"tion Plans) where the plan' s language uses Firewise princilfles and/or the, F'irewise Couirrwllities/USA process to address the issue of StrUctural igriftability, Read below lor a descriPtion of each award and how you can subrnit an application to nomirrate a community or project YOU fed worlIq of'recognition. Norninafions for both, awards will be accepted year-round, Nvith the conit-viendabon letters, awards, or certificates issued monthly Firewise Project Award Ihere are, many Firewise projectsand activities that takeplace all over the UnRecl States, 'I hey inay il'IdUde denronstrmion projects at. public sites, a ["irewise liorneof the Month:,or' all effinq to conduct horne-by-horne risk assess tneat . Many of these projects are in places where the comniunity, has riot yet been recognized as a Firewise ConuvmnifieNAISA site, or are Firewise ProJect uridertaken by entiUes such as state parks or stand-alone facifibes that simply aren't cligible for the recognition because they don't meel Ille Achiewment Award Fire'%Nrise crilefia as a residential conimunity. F'irevvise wants to recognize *mire FWW" Cux"W"O' hum all ofthese gmat projeds:, tell people about thern, and encourage tlu,'ise doing the work to eirgage their colleagues and neighbors, And you can help identify the%c spe cial projectssu by bi n Itti 1") g the applicau tion fond no on, page 45 KFPx , WROMOW Mail thc completed apphcalion 1w Cheryl Blake, Firewise Project, I Batteryinarch Rark, Quincy, MA 02169 or fax to- 617-984-7056. Firewlse Ccirnmumhes"', - A User Guide to Uw hrewlise Corn mu ru i tienAYSA Recognition Program 5 O ""ct! NFPN Please tefl' us about your favorite HreMse Project. Fill out and submit ItWs form by eirnad to chl kt @t1fpo. Fax to, 61 7-984-7056�; or Maill to: -ptg, subject hne H -kL gg r� 5 je Firewise Project, clo Cheryl Blake, I Batteryrmrchr Park, Quincy, MA 02169, .-- . . . ......... * Quaf WeK Lm"mkolv, Group Name,(s)-' 11--, Incfividual Name(s)r ... - ------ Site Name� Community Naimie� *Courity Namie: "State Na LJ Brusli clearance Q Tree thin ninig Li Green waste collection or mutching prorrCJMI Ul Hlorne retrofits ichanging out roofs, screening, windows, or otlmr rnaintenance/repairO L) Public education activitiles Li is assessments of individual homes LJ Firewise demonstration projects 0 Youth Involvernenit or community service activities QMurn locl a/a,tmt K ityr 11do(OEL 'Our projiect started on,..........__. __._,andi ended on expected endi date), "Please be sure to h1lout thisfine lo be,elroible for a Firewise awardfor yourproject, WIN Iff iff 1111 11 1 (if project is still ongoing, indicate Name� Maiiing addres,s�� ..... ..... .. . ...... ............ ..... . .. . . . . . ................. ...... city� . .. ..... state: ........ . ............ Zip Phone� . ............ - - - --------- --, Ernail address . , . . . ... ......... hmw,Wseo h 'a pn"')qarn ofth,, NaIIJ["ap FrowctOri Asv)�I,JaWn. hirewiso C ormmwubpsI', - A Uss,:rrGuide to the If 4reMse C(,,wirnuntiin,/IJSA, Rec�opftiw Program 47 Firewisie Community IProte ction Achievement Certificate Along with the great 1',rorojecls vve hear about:, Frewise staff also know that manyjurisdictions are doing a drenieridous job of addressing home safely through their (;onummity Wildfire Proteakm Plans ((,WPI)s). these plans are, a requirement undt!r the fi.,,,deral Healthy Forests Restoration Act legislation for coninunri ties adjacent to public land, and h(Ap prioritize funding for wildfire fuel reduction projects. They include a requireinent lo�address structural igrotabflity and, ni.,vvly have choseni to use the F) rewise mode) tar help, residents make their homcs less vulnerable, 'I fie Firewise pro$prom wants tau recognize these undex taking with a nevv Firewise (.orrunwflty Prolection Achievenient Cerfflicale (o the CAVPP proponer0s who, include Flresvise prllicipes in their plans and who docurnero ricigloborhoods that achieve Firewise Communities/ USA recogrflfion, 11)(C)LI 41OW Cif r; CO)'"AlItIllily Jhrjt (JeSeIrVeS a,CCogjlffikyr'u, application f6und on page 49 arid mad to), C'heryl Make, Firevivise ProJect, I Bauerymarch Park, QUincy, MA 02169, The form niay also I fiaxed to 6 17-984-7056 c/o Firewise Project, hrewise Cornrnuinities`�,` A Ulse!r Gude lo the f ifewise Cornrnundhes�,JSA Recognftn Prograrn 49 71 m i n a i I n To r t7o M, al 7 TTR77 Achievement Certificate Please tee US abOUt your favorite Firewise Project FM out and subnflt this form by ernad, m &)_Eq, subject hne FIrqwY,sf2J�(pJgq! Fax! to: 6 1 7-984-7516; or Mad to: FlreMse Project, can Cheryl Blar , I Balterymarch Park, Qurincy, MA 02'1169 Ib : Q"rgjgq_w,q,sJ(, Group Nanie(s):. ____ Individuall Narrie(s)� Ow'PrO"�'(11 r)a forkmhn: Site Narne: COMrnunity Narne-, *Counly Name: 'State Name� .. "Our CWFIIP,is foil��,f�aJsttutpru�m2ly'l: 0 County * Munildpat (city,, town, village), * Other Region (across county hines) Qvunrotli!)�yclye.�t.-SQ(i!4ni(iq�kg,Lkir�M5 (do *Our project started ended on exp e,c i ed e n d d a te) , ff prcu ect is still ongaiinq, indicateo Time be sure to hit OW this lifie to be efigible fora Firewise certificate foryourproject. Thank you for telling us about your CWPP project! Where shoWd we send your Certificate of Community Protection Achievement? Name�. Mafling addires�s.,, . .... ... ............ ... . ........ .. City: .......... . .... ... . State.- . ZP: Phone� . .. .... . ......... Erriad address .......... hrevme` is as rm:��jr,,,vn the r�a�,,)rufli hror AssodarJon, Firewise Corrmvnitiiesll - A User (tide to the Firemse CommimitesArSA RecogNbon Prograiin 51 q Su rt for Firewise Representatives . ........... Training I= 0 The Firewise mfebsite has, rnan)r t4�)OIS for mates and corritnunifies NHINs Firewise Communities Prograin provides a variety of materials, F'irewise,eff6ris, We've categorized Ali em Ise r ce as "t ra ini rig, tools, ternplates and tchotchkes (ara()tfrer word for give-aways or trinkets). Ihere are numerous, venues for Fire"'ise Irairdirg education, beginning with online courses and materials a,t wwvvfirewise.org. Courses now include "Coriclucting CornrIlUrrity Assess ril e rUs in the Wd&iid/Urban hsterface:` designed specifically to assist liaisons, fire dej,mr[ITIC111s, and ollrer specialists witIr wildfire hazard assessrriew tasks. Other courses include firefighler safety arid Firewise landscaping, In 2007, the Program launched a serninar series on "Assessing Wildfire Hazards in the Horne Ignition one'" an in-depth instructor -led COUr,;e that delves into fire sdence re.searcti, hoine construction and design, and rnorc. Firewise Communities tile nialeriais to orinduct them, are available at www.firewise.orp,- 'the Firewise webshe has many tools fore Firewise haisons and comirmnities, including the Comnit,unty Stories at vvmv,firewise,org/ usa, which allow users to learn fi,orn actual community experience, Each coin irwriit y has the opportunity to poe st their, story and include art email hirk if they wish, Botla the haisons and conirriunities carrise their, respective password proteded areas of the site to, access more, information, including areas ofthcFirewise caualog to order recognition materials and other uterus. The site also fatures the applicmion fornis, online renewal forrri, and practical Firewj%e inforination, including Firtwise plant lists for a number ofstates and electronic versions of the "Firewise How-'Fo Newsletter" that is eirrailed quarterly to haisons ,aria recognized corritnunities and others, Past issues of the newsletter are available on the website for those who may have inissed a Ir issue, Ihc nrain Firewise catalog also includes dozens ofaudiovisual and print materials, useful for fli-eivise liaiscns and COMMUnity residents. A few of these includetheriewlyrevised version of [fie Wil(It"ire Hazard, Assessment am Newuse Cornmunifies',- A User GO& to the hTewise ComrywrMier�s/USA Recogn�tum Pmgmm 53 This "User, Guide to the Firewise Coninumifies/USA Recognifil"a's Program" provides some ternPlates for the recognition program, including as suggested process for condhdin�.' COTI'MILIllity assessmeWs and a "boilerplate" f6r writing Up tire assessinent findings, Another gtd& Sq)�r fi-orn the Shirt, A Guide to Firelvise-Friendly Devviopp'nerds inCILRIC,$ inodels for SUbdivision regulations (also known as coverlanis, conditions and restrictions, cw air(] suggested plan elements tIiat cornmurdties can include in their Firewise action, plan. Other niaterials that can be used as templates include the Wildfire Hazard Assessment Metliodology, Guide (shown on page 52), as well as 11-tc, Nmioiufl Fre 1' rotec I ion Assodadon's NITA 11,44, Standan"I for IZe(l�i�I.Lirla"Striociu,ur,4,, fS,)Wk,,m flazardsfrorn Wildfire, 2008 edition Ovaflable f'()r purchase, or read �orfly at wll—%v-�t-P,nftn:qu) 'lliese fterns - Irfilkets, give-aways, swag -- wliatever you Want to ("Al them have been created with ffic Flrewise "brand naine" fil mind. ( ;omniunity residents, who have worked hard to niake Firewise as reality in their, n6ghborhoods are usually very pleased to receive tbe inclal road signs, per'sonahzl.^d Illaques, mid lapel pills 11"arking their achilewt-n-writ, Ihe 1,tecognrdon materials bear tile, Firevvise Connnuniacs/USA logo and are used exciusively to promole c(:sjlln%ljjjity action in t1w prograni, WhRe, some states and agencies prefer to create flwir own localized flems, others enjoy the ofyortullity to use Rems created by the nadowd program to help boost Firewise awareness arnong their consfituents.'Hw nadorial program staft'are interested to learn rnore aboul what itervis are popular, and wl,iat addifional flemis might be ol'interest tc) hakons and comnvunfties„ Recognition inaterials can be ordered f'or tile cost of" slflpping and has on the password -protected catalog area s,IccessiWe via %vww. firewise.org/usa,