HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-02-21 Budget Committee MinutesASHLAND CITIZEN BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING February 21, 2013 Minutes for the Citizen Budget Committee Meeting Minutes February 21, 2013 Civic Center Council Chambers 1175 East Main Street CALL TO ORDER The Citizens Budget Committee meeting was called to order at 6:06 pm. ROLL CALL Council members Carol Voisin, Michael Morris, Greg Lemhouse, Rich Rosenthal, Dennis Slattery, Pam Marsh and Mayor John Stromberg were present. Citizen members William Heimann, David Runkel and Roberta Stebbins were present. Denise Daehler arrived at 6:09 pm and Chuck Keil arrived at 6:49 pm. Dee Anne Everson and Lynn Thompson were absent. ELECTION OF CHAIR & VICE -CHAIR Heim ann/Lemhouse m/s to appoint Stebbins as chair. VOICE VOTE: ALL AYES. Slattery/Lemhouse m/s to appoint Heimann as vice chair. VOICE VOTE: ALL AYES. APPROVAL OF MINUTES None PUBLIC INPUT JoAnne Eggars 221 Granite Street Ashland spoke to the committee about how important the Parks Department and the funding of it is to the City of Ashland. PRESENTATION BY STAFF (see attached PowerPoint slides) • Budget Assumptions • Revenue projections • PERS update • Self-insurance update • Insurance charges to departments • Personnel costing assumptions • Central Service Fund charges • Budgeting for the Parks Department • Other City Administrator Dave Kanner spoke to the above topics as referenced in the attached memo. The budget is being built as a "current service level" budget. Departments are instructed to prepare a budget that assumes we will continue to offer the same services at the same levels through the 2013-15 biennium that we are offering in the current fiscal year. Kanner spoke to the increase in PERS rates for the upcoming biennium. Mr. Runkel asked if it is possible to lower the amount picked up by the employer for the employee to help offset the PERS increase. Discussion followed regarding the fact that the bargaining unit contracts stipulate the PERS contributions. Kanner stated that PERS projected these rates and we have to budget for the increase. As PERS rates continue to go up, there will be political pressure for the State to do something. Kanner spoke to the City converting to a self -funded health insurance plan. He stated that claims are very unpredictable and we would have a health benefits reserve. As required under state law. The City would also purchase aggregate re -insurance which would allow for a cushion in the case of a bad claims year. ASHLAND CITIZEN BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING February 21, 2013 Insurance premiums will be charged to each department based on a flat per FTE charge for each employee in the City. A third party administrator will be hired to handle all claims and streamline the process so employees won't notice anything different. Kanner discussed a 2% increase in each year of the biennium for the Central Service fund. He also discussed the proposal on the table to change the recording of Parks revenue as a transfer from General Fund (rather than directly from property taxes) which frees up for ongoing appropriation funds that currently sit in an unappropriated fund balance. Mr. Rosenthal raised questions on this topic and spoke to the fact that Parks funding is very important for the City. Mr. Stromberg said that a meeting will be held between the Parks Commission and the City Council to discuss the goals for each and how they interrelate. During the next study session the Council will discuss the goals and how those can be accomplished and funded. State budget law states that only the budget officer (City Administrator or other designee) can propose the budget. Kanner said the Mayor has been very good about meeting with each Parks Commissioner to discuss the process. The Parks & Rec Funding for FY 2013-15 working draft document (see attached) was handed out to the committee. CALENDAR The budget committee calendar was presented (see attached) and the alternate dates were offered. If anyone should have a conflict on any of the dates they are asked to let the Finance Department know so changes can be made if necessary. SOCIAL SERVICE GRANT DISCUSSION • Volunteers for the sub -committee • Meetings on March 20 & 21, 2013 at 6:00 pm ECONOMIC & CULTURAL GRANT DISCUSSION • Changes to process and procedure • Meetings on April 17 & 18, 2013 at 6:00 pm Volunteers were encouraged to sign up for either or both grant subcommittees. Anyone interested was asked to let Lee or Tami know. DISCUSSION BY COMMITTEE Voison recommended that a letter be sent to Doug Gentry thanking him for his time served on the Budget Committee. Everyone agreed that a letter should be sent to him. Finance will be in charge of the letter. Kell was recommended as Liaison to the Audit committee. Tuneberg explained what it entails. Kell accepted. Stromberg/Heimann m/s to approve the budget assumptions and budget process as presented by Dave Kanner. Roll Call Vote: Stromberg, Lemhouse, Marsh, Runkel, Stebbins, Daehler, YES; Rosenthal, Slattery, Morris, Heimann, Voison and Keil, NO. Motion failed 6-6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:41 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tami De Mille -Campos ASHLAND CITIZEN BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING February 21, 2013 Administrative Assistant