HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-04-17 Budget Committee MinutesEconomic and Cultural Grant Meeting April 17, 2013 - Page 1 of 4 • Economic, Cultural, Tourism & Sustainability Grants Citizens Budget Sub -Committee Minutes April 17, 2013, 6:00 PM Civic Center Council Chambers 1175 East Main Street CALL TO ORDER The Citizens Budget Committee meeting was called to order at 6:02 pm. ROLL CALL & INTRODUCTIONS Committee Members Rich Rosenthal, Chuck Kell, Dennis Slattery, Roberta Stebbins, Mike Morris, and Bill Heimann were present. Carol Voison arrived at 6:14 pm. ELECTION OF CHAIR Kell/Slattery m/s to elect Stebbins as chair. All Ayes. STAFF REPORT Tuneberg noted that the agenda did not include public input and that public input should be allowed. Tuneberg spoke to the history of the grant process. Resolution 2013-07 updated the criteria for the granting process. Resolution 2013-05 identifies the amount available for allocations; the total amount available is $207,110. The committee discussed how the process should go. Stebbins recommended a 3 minute time limit for the applicants to present and answer any questions that the committee has. The committee agreed to allow each applicant 3 minutes to give a brief overview of their application and answer any questions that the committee had for them. PRESENTATIONS (in order of receipt of application) Multicultural Association of Southern Oregon (KSKQ radio); Connie Saldana, on the board. It has been in operation for 6 years. It is all volunteer run. They broadcast 24/7; 45 hours per week of locally produced radio that reflects the culture of Ashland. The request is for remote broadcast equipment. They plan to broadcast at Earth day, 4' of July parade etc. Rosenthal asked why the City of Ashland should subsidize the broadcasting of activist groups, as mentioned in the application. Ms. Saldana explained that they strive to have everyone's beliefs and viewpoints on their station. It's about making it all available to the community. Ashland Art Center; Denise Baxter, Executive Director. It has been in existence for 4 years. Approaching a 500K budget next year. Will raise 118K in donations this year. They believe very strongly in Arts education. Rogue Valley Symphony Association; Cybele Abbett, Executive Director. 1/3 of the work is done in Ashland. Southern Oregon Land Conservancy; Diane Garcia, Executive Director and Michael Stringer, Development Consultant. They are a regional land trust. 8K acres of land conserved in Ashland. They Economic and Cultural Grant Meeting April 17, 2013 - Page 2 of 4 would like to do an intensive outreach in the community to build awareness. Goal is to get to 20K acres by 2020. 57% of their membership is from Ashland. Heimann asked if the grant is to be used for fundraising. Diane answered that it will be used to do outreach and increase their overall membership. Ashland Bed and Breakfast Network; Not present. SOPride, Inc.; Not present. Ashland New Plays Festival, Inc.; Greg Key, past president and current board member; Linda Young, Vice President. Thanks to the grants received over the years they have grown exponentially. National submittals have greatly increased over the prior year. Stebbins commented that the request is for an increase in stipends but there isn't any data on what the current stipends are. She suggested that they include that in the future. Dancing People Company; Robin Stiehm, Director. They have been based in Ashland for 10 years. Presently they have 30-40 performances in the Rogue Valley each year and a large number of those are held in Ashland. Stebbins asked what they would cut if the full request isn't awarded. The residency would be cut because it is the newest. Brava! Opera Theater and James M. Collier Young Artist Program (Sponsored by Fractured Atlas) Lorrie Hall, General Director. They are in their third year. They have been very successful over the 3 years. They are unique in that they focus on the young artist. They have 3 events planned; Opera workshop, Vocal competition and Chamber opera. 2 of those 3 events are in Ashland. Stebbins asked if they are the same as Rogue Opera. Lorrie answered that they are not the same as Rogue Opera. Rosenthal asked which event is held outside of Ashland. Lome answered that the Chamber Opera takes place in Talent. St. Clair Productions; Ariella St. Clair, Founder/Director. They are in their 17th year. Stebbins inquired about how the kick starter project works. Answer- The kick starter project has a financial goal and people donate money towards the goal and you offer rewards to the people (tickets, advertising). The financial goal must be met in order for the donations to happen. Lomakatsi Restoration Project; Marko Bey; Executive Director. AFR stewardship project. Engages students and youth. Employ 20 youth in a 4 week program, students will be paid $10/hr. Students will be hired from Ashland, Talent and Medford. Voison asked if the money is being used from stimulus dollars for AFR. Answer yes. Chamber Music Concerts; Not present Southern Oregon Repertory Singers; Stebbins recues herself due to sitting on board. 27 year old organization in Ashland. Rogue Farm Corps; Stuart O'Neill Education/training program for farmers. Pairs students with local commercial farmers. Goal 95 Kell Does the recent OSU cut effect this organization? Answer no. Stebbins how many students. Answer 12 students from all over the Country. They stay here for 9-10 months. Are any of the farms located in Ashland. Answer no. Economic and Cultural Grant Meeting April 17, 2013 - Page 3 of 4 Southern Oregon Film Society dba Ashland Independent Film Festival; Joanne Feinberg Just completed their 12th festival. Pleased to draw more and more people from out of the area. Recent article in the Oregonian comparing Ashland film festival to the others around Oregon, Ashland was 91. Voison you receive funding from the City every year. One of the questions asked is that you acknowledge the City as a funding source. Answer program lists City of Ashland and during the films the sponsors are also listed and on posters. Stebbins statement of financial position negative liquidity and no reserves. As of July I st how would you pay your bills? Answer They do not recall ever being in a negative. Ashland Historic Railroad Museum; Victoria Law, Executive director. Been in business for 5 '/z years. Expanded beyond Railroad and will be Ashland's museum. Work with Southern Oregon Historical Society. Getting ready to share with Ashland elementary school students. Looking to hire 2 students. Rosenthal. Will the name change. Answer As of 2 days ago they are Ashland History and Railroad Museum. Siskiyou Violins; Roy Sutton, President. approximately half of the members live in Ashland. Inspiration and Opportunity. Offer need based scholarships to students of Ashland. World class reputation. Performed at Carnegie Hall. Rogue Valley Symphony included people from Siskiyou Violins. Rogue World Ensemble; Not present Ashland Gallery Association; Kimberlee Olson, Administrator; Susan Springer, President. Been in Ashland for over 20 years. Asking to be able to continue their existing operations. Grown program. Increased the student artists program and improved the gallery guide. Stebbins what is the education program. Answer individual scholarships that will allow the students to do workshops. Voison large part of the grant is for the Materials and Services. Answer member services, advertising/support. 15, 000 Gallery guides are published each year. ScienceWorks Hands -On Museum; Chip Lindsey, Executive Director. largest attended Science center from San Francisco to Portland. Attendance was over 53K last year with 8,000 from outside the area. Striving to reach out to the community to gain attendance from outside the upper and middle class demographic. Ballet Diane Hyrst 921 Alexandra Zweig, board secretary. looking to revive ballet in the park. Stebbins asking for funding for I day in Lithia Park. Answer looking to revive the program and build the program back. Kapi'oanuenue; Andrea Luchese, President. participated in the 4th of July parade, Science Works, Green show and first Friday art walk are some of the venues that they have performed at. Stebbins asked why they would need the financial support of the City if they were able to do these performances previously without the grant previously. Thrive; Wendy Siporen, Executive Director. 187 business members, 37 events last year. Working with Access, Community Food bank to assess the ability to grow food and sustain the food system. Will be working with SOU and the green house program. Voison how involved is the board with raising funds? Answer a requirement of the board is to contribute them to the Organization. Voison what percentage of the giving comes from the board? Answer a small portion. Economic and Cultural Grant Meeting April 17, 2013 - Page 4 of 4 Youth Symphony of Southern Oregon; Sharon Wilson, Executive Director. Klamath Bird Observatory; Harry Fuller, Professional Birding Guide and Instructor and John Alexander, Executive Director. Hoping to launch anew endeavor. Science research into ornithology. Fundraising in the community. Next to golfing, bird watching is the next biggest hobby. 700 people came to Klamath Falls in February to attend. Stebbins- What if less funding is received? Answer they would do the best they can with what funding is awarded. Heimann -What would happen if less money is received? Sustainable Valley Technology Group; Heather Stafford, Executive Director. Accelerated program for entrepreneurs that want to stay local & grow local. Kell asked about the study. Rosenthal what community would host the? Answer working with the Chamber ... Ashland! ! Voison how will you measure success? Answer it will be easy to measure the outcomes. Stebbins In reviewing the 990 for 2011 there was a profit at the end of the year. Why is the grant funding needed if there is a profit at the end of the year. Answer looking to expand within Ashland. Rogue Valley Farm to School; Tracy Harding, Executive Director. Host garden coordinators in all 7 schools. Have an application in to .... create outdoor classrooms. Help fund outreach. Stebbins DISCUSSION The Committee would like to adjourn and come back the 2nd night. Slattery spoke to wanting to see changes with the process for the way the applicants present going forward. Tuneberg recommended that the subcommittee make a recommendation on record to the whole committee. Mr. Tuneberg also pointed out that the committee needed to make sure to allocate at least the minimum requirement for Tourism. ADJOURNMENT The Budget Sub Committee Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tami De Mille -Campos Administrative Assistant