HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-01-10_Planning PACKET Note: Anyone wishing to speak at any Planning Commission meeting is encouraged to do so. If you wish to speak, please rise and, after you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and complete address for the record. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note that the public testimony may be limited by the Chair and normally is not allowed after the Public Hearing is closed. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 10, 2017 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM, Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street II. ANNOUNCEMENTS III. AD-HOC COMMITTEE UPDATES IV. CONSENT AGENDA A.Approval of Minutes 1. December 13, 2016 Regular Meeting. V. PUBLIC FORUM VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A.Adoption of Findings for PA-2016-02060, 639 Tolman Creek Road. VII. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS A.PLANNING ACTION: PA-2016-01894 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 1651 Ashland Street OWNER/APPLICANT: Rogue Credit Union/Kistler, Small & White Architects, LLC DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Design Review approval to construct a 4,508 square foot, single-story credit union building with drive-up window as part of the phased development of the properties located at 1651 Ashland Street. Also included are requests for a Property Line Adjustment and a Tree Removal Permit to remove eight of the site’s 24 trees. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial; ZONING: C-1; ASSESSOR’S MAP: 39 1E 10DC; TAX LOT #: 8700 & 9201. VIII. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Cottage Housing Standards IX. ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1). B ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 13, 2016 CALL TO ORDER Chair Melanie Mindlin called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street. Commissioners Present: Staff Present: Troy J. Brown, Jr. Bill Molnar, Community Development Director Michael Dawkins Derek Severson, Associate Planner Debbie Miller April Lucas, Administrative Supervisor Melanie Mindlin Haywood Norton Roger Pearce Lynn Thompson Absent Members: Council Liaison: None Greg Lemhouse, absent ANNOUNCEMENTS/AD HOC COMMITTEE UPDATES Community Development Director Bill Molnar stated Commission Chair Mindlin presented the annual commission update to the City Council and did a great job; and noted Councilor Marsh commended the commission for all their hard work. Mr. Molnar announced the December study session has been cancelled, and noted the January regular meeting will have at least one public hearing. CONSENT AGENDA A.Approval of Minutes. 1.October 25, 2016 Study Session. 2.November 8, 2016 Regular Meeting. 3.November 22, 2016 Study Session. Commissioner Thompson requested “on B Street” be added to the motion listed on page 3 of the November 8 minutes. Commissioners Miller/Pearce m/s to approve the Consent Agenda with the noted correction to the November 8, 2016 minutes. Voice Vote: all AYES. Commissioner Brown abstained from voting on the November 22, 2016 minutes. PUBLIC FORUM No one came forward to speak. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A.Adoption of Findings for PA-2016-01504, 1098 B Street. No ex parte contact was reported. Commissioners Brown/Dawkins m/s to approve the Findings for PA-2016-01504. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed 7-0. Ashland Planning Commission December 13, 2016 Page 1 of 3 B.Adoption of Findings for PA-2016-01896, 601-691 Fair Oaks Avenue. No ex parte contact was reported. Commissioners Thompson/Miller m/s to approve the Findings for PA-2016-01896. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed 7-0. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS A.PLANNING ACTION: PA-2016-02060 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 639 Tolman Creek Road OWNER/APPLICANT: Southern Oregon Goodwill DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Design Review approval for a renovation and addition to the existing Southern Oregon Goodwill store located at 639 Tolman Creek Road. The application includes a proposed 7,461 square foot addition consisting of retail and warehouse space and the relocation and expansion of the covered drop-off area. Also included is a request for a Tree Removal Permit to remove six trees that are greater than six-inches in diameter from the property. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial; ZONING: C-1; ASSESSOR’S MAP: 39 1E 14BA; TAX LOT #: 1400. Commissioner Mindlin read aloud the public hearing procedures for land use hearings. Ex Parte Contact Commissioners Norton, Pearce, Dawkins, and Mindlin declared site visits. No ex parte contact was reported. Staff Report Associate Planner Derek Severson explained the applicants are requesting approval to add a 7,461 sq.ft. addition to the Southern Oregon Goodwill store located at 639 Tolman Creek Road. The addition consists of both retail and warehouse space as well as the relocation and expansion of the covered drop off area. Also included in the request is a tree removal permit to remove six trees that are greater than six inches in diameter. Mr. Severson presented several photos of the existing building, parking areas, and drop off area, as well as images of the new building and proposed circulation. Mr. Severson reviewed the applicants shadow plan for the site. He explained for properties greater than ½ acre the Site Design and Development Standards provide that the floor area ratio standard can be addressed with a shadow plan illustrating how development could be intensified over time to meet the minimum floor area ratio (FAR). In this case, the applicants have provided a shadow plan showing how an addition consisting of 11,124 sq.ft. of second and third story office and classroom space could be added to meet the minimum FAR at a later date. Mr. Severson clarified the shadow plan itself is not being approved and the applicants will have to come back for site review and approval. He commented on the parking component and clarified it is clear the applicants can meet the future parking space requirements. Lastly, he spoke regarding future fire apparatus access and clarified the applicants are working with the Fire Department on this issue. Mr. Severson clarified it would be possible to widen the driveway and remove some of the landscaped area on the side of the property to meet any future aerial truck requirement. Mr. Severson concluded his presentation and stated staff is highly supportive of the proposal and recommend approval with the conditions as presented. Questions of Staff Mr. Severson commented further on future requirements from the fire department when the site gets built out and clarified he raised this issue to show that while some modifications may be needed, there is adequate space on the site to accomplish the requirements of the Fire Department. Comment was raised expressing concern with the potential future removal of the bio-swale. Mr. Severson clarified the applicant is under no obligation to build the site out further as shown in the shadow plan. He also clarified the applicant could choose to modify their approved shadow plan. Ashland Planning Commission December 13, 2016 Page 2 of 3 Fire Marshall Margueritte Hickman was asked if the applicants need to meet the fire apparatus requirement at this point. Ms. Hickman clarified the requirements for the commission and stated only phase two of the project would require an expanded access requirement. She acknowledged that the proposed height for the entry of the building is taller but stated there is already 26 ft. clearance on Tolman Creek Rd. on the front side of the building where the tallest point is. The applicants would not need 26 ft. all the way around the building until the additional stories shown on the shadow plan are built. Applicant’s Presentation Jeff Bender/2950 E. Barnett Rd, Medford/Stated they understand the access issues and are confident they can work with the Fire Department to address any fire access issues. Mr. Bender commented on the future parking requirements and stated they are currently working through a number of options available in the code to provide adequate parking when and if phase two ever moves forward. He stated he is happy to answer any questions the commission may have about the project and remarked that they are supportive of the conditions of approval presented in the staff report. Questions of the Applicant Commissioner Pearce requested the applicant clarify the trip generation figure listed in the letter from Sandow Engineering. Mr. Bender clarified 7.67 trips per 1,000 sq.ft. of building area is the correct number. Commissioner Mindlin asked about the soil on the north side of the building and questioned if this could be removed and still meet storm water requirements. Mr. Bender clarified they do not see the necessity to move it from the current location and stated adjustments could be made without diminishing its capacity to meet requirements in the future. Mindlin commented on making sure the fire access and soil requirements be addressed in the shadow plan, but Mr. Severson clarified the shadow plan is not being approved tonight and if the applicants have to make changes those would be evaluated during the site review for phase two. Public Testimony No one came forward to speak. Applicant’s Rebuttal Jeff Bender/Stated he looks forward to moving forward with the project and is happy to answer any other questions the commission may have. Commissioner Mindlin closed the record and the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. Deliberations and Decision Commissioners Pearce/Brown m/s to approve PA-2016-02060. DISCUSSION: Pearce commented that the current proposal is a good design and works well; and stated the applicants will need to meet the future site design requirements if they decide to pursue phase two. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Dawkins, Pearce, Brown, Miller, Norton, Thompson, and Mindlin, YES. Motion passed 7-0. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Submitted by, April Lucas, Administrative Supervisor Ashland Planning Commission December 13, 2016 Page 3 of 3 FINDINGS _________________________________ PA-2016-02060 639 Tolman Creek Road BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION January 10, 2017 IN THE MATTER OF PLANNING ACTION #2016-02060, A REQUEST FOR ) SITE DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL FOR A RENOVATION AND ADDITION TO ) THE EXISTING SOUTHERN OREGON GOODWILL STORE LOCATED AT 639 ) TOLMAN CREEK ROAD. THE APPLICATION INCLUDES A PROPOSED 7,461 ) FINDINGS, SQUARE FOOT ADDITION CONSISTING OF RETAIL AND WAREHOUSE ) CONCLUSIONS & WAREHOUSE SPACE AND THE RELOCATION AND EXPANSION OF THE ) ORDERS COVERED DROP-OFF AREA. ALSO INCLUDED IS A REQUEST FOR A TREE ) REMOVAL PERMIT TO REMOVE SIX TREES THAT ARE GREATER THAN SIX ) INCHES IN DIAMETER FROM THE PROPERTY. ) ) ) APPLICANT/OWNER: Southern Oregon Goodwill ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECITALS: 1)Tax lots #1400 of Map 39 1E 14BA is located at 639 Tolman Creek Road and is zoned C-1 (Commercial). 2) The applicants are requesting Site Design Review approval for a renovation and addition to the existing Southern Oregon Goodwill store located at 639 Tolman Creek Road. The application includes a proposed 7,461 square foot addition consisting of retail and warehouse space and the relocation and expansion of the covered drop-off area. Also included is a request for a Tree Removal Permit to remove six trees that are greater than six-inches in diameter from the property. Site improvements are outlined on the plans on file at the Department of Community Development. 3) The criteria for Site Design Review approval are described in AMC as follows: A. Underlying Zone: The proposal complies with all of the applicable provisions of the underlying zone (part 18.2), including but not limited to: building and yard setbacks, lot area and dimensions, density and floor area, lot coverage, building height, building orientation, architecture, and other applicable standards. B. Overlay Zones: The proposal complies with applicable overlay zone requirements (part 18.3). C. Site Development and Design Standards: The proposal complies with the applicable Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4, except as provided by subsection E, below. D. City Facilities: The proposal complies with the applicable standards in section 18.4.6 Public Facilities and that adequate capacity of City facilities for water, sewer, electricity, urban storm drainage, paved access to and throughout the property and adequate transportation can and will be provided to the subject property. E. Exception to the Site Development and Design Standards. The approval authority may approve exceptions to the Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4 if the circumstances in either subsection 1 or 2, below, are found to exist. PA #2016-02060 January 10, 2017 Page 1 1. There is a demonstrable difficulty meeting the specific requirements of the Site Development and Design Standards due to a unique or unusual aspect of an existing structure or the proposed use of a site; and approval of the exception will not substantially negatively impact adjacent properties; and approval of the exception is consistent with the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design; and the exception requested is the minimum which would alleviate the difficulty.; or 2. There is no demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements, but granting the exception will result in a design that equally or better achieves the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design Standards. 4) T he approval criteria for a Tree Removal Permit to Remove a Tree That is Not a Hazard are detailed in AMC as follows: a. The tree is proposed for removal in order to permit the application to be consistent with other applicable Land Use Ordinance requirements and standards, including but not limited to applicable Site Development and Design Standards in part 18.4 and Physical and Environmental Constraints in part 18.3.10. b. Removal of the tree will not have a significant negative impact on erosion, soil stability, flow of surface waters, protection of adjacent trees, or existing windbreaks. c. Removal of the tree will not have a significant negative impact on the tree densities, sizes, canopies, and species diversity within 200 feet of the subject property. The City shall grant an exception to this criterion when alternatives to the tree removal have been considered and no reasonable alternative exists to allow the property to be used as permitted in the zone. d. Nothing in this section shall require that the residential density to be reduced below the permitted density allowed by the zone. In making this determination, the City may consider alternative site plans or placement of structures of alternate landscaping designs that would lessen the impact on trees, so long as the alternatives continue to comply with the other provisions of this ordinance. e. The City shall require the applicant to mitigate for the removal of each tree granted approval pursuant to section Such mitigation requirements shall be a condition of approval of the permit. 5) The Planning Commission, following proper public notice, held a public hearing on December 13, 2016 at which time testimony was received and exhibits were presented. Subsequent to the closing of the hearing, the Planning Commission approved the application subject to conditions pertaining to the appropriate development of the site. Now, therefore, the Planning Commission of the City of Ashland finds, concludes and recommends as follows: PA #2016-02060 January 10, 2017 Page 2 SECTION 1. EXHIBITS For the purposes of reference to these Findings, the attached index of exhibits, data, and testimony will be used. Staff Exhibits lettered with an "S" Proponent's Exhibits, lettered with a "P" Opponent's Exhibits, lettered with an "O" Hearing Minutes, Notices, Miscellaneous Exhibits lettered with an "M" SECTION 2. CONCLUSORY FINDINGS 2.1 The Planning Commission finds that it has received all information necessary to make a decision based on the Staff Report, public hearing testimony and the exhibits received. 2.2 The Planning Commission finds that the proposal for Site Design Review and Tree Removal Permit approval meets all applicable criteria for Site Design Review approval described in Chapter, and for Tree Removal described in AMC with the attached conditions of approval. The site plan and elevation drawings provided delineate the proposed building location, design and associated site improvements. 2.3 The Planning Commission finds that the first approval criterion for Site Design Review is that, The proposal complies with all of the applicable provisions of the underlying zone (part 18.2), including but not limited to: building and yard setbacks, lot area and dimensions, density and floor area, lot The subject property is located in the C-1 base zone and the Detail Site Review and Pedestrian Places overlay zones. Commercial retail sales and services and their associated accessory uses are permitted outright in the C-1 zone. Within this zone, there is no minimum lot area, width or depth, or maximum lot coverage; or minimum front, side or rear yard. Along arterial streets like Tolman Creek Road, there is a required not less than 20 feet, or the width required to install sidewalk and park row improvements, consistent with the street standards in chapter 18.4.6, whichever is less. the applicants propose to install city standard sidewalk and park row improvements and will thus comply with the arterial setback requirements. The C-1 zone allows building heights of up to 40 feet, and where buildings are located more than 100 feet from a residential zone, buildings may be greater than 40 feet but less than 55 feet in height with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. As proposed, the height of the building is only approximately 21.58 feet, and with the later phase illustrated in the shadow plan, the height would be 38.17 feet. Lot coverage is limited to 85 percent and 15 percent of the site must be landscaped within the C-1 zone, and the proposal notes that 78 percent of the site would be covered and 22 percent landscaping provided. The second approval criterion is that,The proposal complies with applicable overlay zone requirements (part 18.3). The Planning Commission finds that the property is located within the Detail Site Review PA #2016-02060 January 10, 2017 Page 3 overlay zone, and is subject to specific standards which apply as part of the Site Development and Design Standards in AMC and which are addressed below. The subject property is also located within the Pedestrian Places overlay zone. The Pedestrian Place overlay requirements apply to proposed development that requires a planning application approval, and involves development of new structures or additions other than single-family dwellings. Pedestrian Place overlay provisions supplement those of the applicable base zoning district and other applicable ordinance requirements. The Commission finds that because the proposal does not involve mixed-use development in a residential zone, the Pedestrian Places overlay only impacts the subject property in two ways: 1) Building Setbacks - The solar access setback in chapter 18.4.8 Solar Access applies only to those lots abutting a residential zone to the north, and in this instance, because the lot to the north is zoned C-1 the solar access setbacks do not apply; and 2) Plazas and Landscaping Ratio - Outdoor seating areas, plazas, and other useable paved surfaces may be applied toward meeting the landscaping area requirements in chapter 18.4.4 Landscaping, Lighting, and Screening, as long as they do not constitute more than 50 percent of the required area. The proposal complies with the applicable Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4, except as provided by subsection E, below. The Site Development and Design Standards note: (development) differs from that seen in many other cities is the relationship between the street, buildings, parking areas, and landscaping. The most common form of modern commercial development is the placement of a small buffer of landscaping between the street and the parking area, with the building behind the parking area at the rear of the parcel with loading areas behind the building. This may be desirable for the commercial use because it gives the appearance of ample parking for customers. However, the effect on the streetscape is less than desirable because the result is a vast hot, open, parking area which is not only unsightly but results in a development form which the City discourages. The alternative desired in Ashland is to design the site so that it makes a positive contribution to the streetscape and enhances pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The Planning Commission finds that in this instance, the existing building and site planning were completed before the current standards were adopted and reflect the less than desirable arrangement describeda small buffer of landscaping between the street and the parking area, with the building behind the parking area at the rear of the parcel with loading areas behind the building. alternative desired in Ashland by widening the sidewalk and adding street trees, removing parking and circulation between the building and the street, and bringing the building to the sidewalk to better engage the streetscape. Parking is to be shifted to the side and rear of the building, site landscaping and plaza space added, and the donation drop- off and processing area which is currently near the front corner of the building is to be moved behind the building where it will have the least visual impact from the street. The Planning Commission finds that with the proposed renovation and additions the building and site design become consistent with the City's Site Design and Use Standards for commercial development, addressing the standards for orientation and scale, streetscape, and landscaping. PA #2016-02060 January 10, 2017 Page 4 Within the Detail Site Review Zone, properties are required to have a minimum 0.50 floor area ratio the standard. The Commission finds that the existing building, with a .12 FAR (5,882/47,077 = 0.1249) does not conform to this standard; with the addition proposed, a .28 FAR more than a 120 percent increase - is achieved. For properties greater than one-half acre, the Site Design and Development Standards provide that when appropriate the floor area ratio standard may to allow both for phased development of large vacant sites, and to allow for incremental phased redevelopment of currently underdeveloped non-conforming properties. In this case, the property is slightly over one acre and the applicants have provided a shadow plan showing how an addition consisting of 11,124 square feet of second and third story office and classroom space could be added to meet the minimum FAR at a later date. As illustrated, there would be 24,467 square feet of building area plus 2,160 square feet of plaza space which equates to an FAR of approximately .57. In considering the proposed shadow plan, the Commission finds that that parking for the additional square footage illustrated is not addressed in the application materials and the building design illustrated does not fully respond to the Detail Site Review design offsets, jogs, or have other distinctive changes in the building façadechanges in mass, surface or finishchanges in relief such as cornices, bases, fenestration, and fluted masonry. The application provides a simple parking calculation for the first phase based on the entire building being used for retail and requiring one parking space per 350 square feet of floor area, and assuming that the canopied donation drop-off area will not contribute to parking demand: tƩƚƦƚƭĻķ ƭĻ {ƨǒğƩĻ tğƩƉźƓŭ CƚƚƷğŭĻ tğƩƉźƓŭ wğƷźƚ wĻƨǒźƩĻķ tğƩƉźƓŭ tƩƚǝźķĻķ wĻƷğźƌ ЊЋͲЊЏЉ Њ ƦĻƩ ЌЎЉ ЌЍ͵АЍ ЌЏ Based on this calculation, 34.74 parking spaces are required and the 36 paved parking spaces proposed are within the maximum allowed number of spaces. However, if the proposed shadow plan is looked at more closely, with consideration of the uses of the component spaces of the building, the parking calculation would be: PA #2016-02060 January 10, 2017 Page 5 {ƨǒğƩĻ tğƩƉźƓŭ tƩƚƦƚƭĻķ ƭĻ CƚƚƷğŭĻ tğƩƉźƓŭ wğƷźƚ wĻƨǒźƩĻķ tğƩƉźƓŭ tƩƚǝźķĻķ Ph. 1 Retail 9,590 1 per 350 27.4 Ph. 1 Warehouse 2,570 1 per 1,000 2.57 Ph. 1 Drop-Off Area 1,183 0 0 Ph. 2 Office 5,562 1 per 500 11.124 Ph. 2 Classroom 5,562 with 15 1 per 4 seats 3.75 seats TOTAL 24,467 (plus 44.844 38 off-street 2,160 plaza spaces plus 7 on- space equals street credits an FAR of equals 45 spaces .5656) The Commission finds that the combination of available off-street parking; potential parking demand management strategies including on-street credits, mixed or joint use credits; and the possibility of reconfiguring the drop-off canopy and nearby landscape areas to accommodate additional off-street parking appear to provide sufficient options to address the parking requirement when a future development according to the proposed shadow plan is considered. The Planning Commission finds that the shadow plan is an illustration demonstrating how the development could be intensified over time to meet the minimum F.A.R., and is not being considered for Site Design Review approval here. The Commission further finds that the shadow plan provided clearly demonstrates that the second and third story additions could be provided along the street frontage portion of the building to meet the F.A.R. and it appears that parking could support the additional square footage through allowed parking demand management strategies. However, the building design provided does not fully address the offsets, jogs, or have other distinctive changes in the building façadechanges in mass, surface or finishchanges in relief such as cornices, bases, fenestration, and fluted masonry. or the Additional Standards for Large Scale Developments which seek large building masses into heights and sizes that relate to human scale by incorporating changes in building masses or direction, sheltering roofs, a distinct pattern of divisions on surfaces, windows, trees, and small scale lighting. The Commission has accordingly attached a condition to make clear that the potential redevelopment strategy illustrated in the shadow plan is not being granted Site Design Review approval here, and would require a subsequent Site Design Review to address all requirements including clarifying the proposed uses and parking and addressing the Basic, Detail and Large Scale development standards to break up the building mass to better relate to the human scale. The Commission finds that with the proposed additions, the building will infill the space adjacent to the proposed widened sidewalk and the walls adjacent to the street and plaza space provide windows to create and engaging streetscape, and the entry is emphasized with a roof gable, covered entry and hardscape plaza. The Commission further finds that the Additional Standards for Large Scale Developments call for one square foot of plaza or public space to be provided for every ten square feet of gross floor area, and that this plaza space must incorporate four of six required elements: sitting space, a mixture of areas that provide both PA #2016-02060 January 10, 2017 Page 6 sunlight and shade, protection from wind by screens and buildings, trees, water features or public art, and outdoor eating areas or food vendors. The application notes that 13,343 square feet of building area are initially proposed and 2,160 square feet of plaza space or one foot of plaza space per 6 ¼ square feet of building area - is identified. The application notes that this space is on the south side of the building and provides a mix of trees, areas providing sun and shade, a seating wall, and outdoor eating areas for employees. The proposal complies with the applicable standards in section 18.4.6 Public Facilities and that adequate capacity of City facilities for water, sewer, electricity, urban storm drainage, paved access to and throughout the property and adequate transportation can and will be provided to the subject property. Public Works, Engineering and Electric Department staff have noted the following with regard to utilities: Sanitary Sewer - The property is currently served by a ten-inch sanitary sewer main in the Tolman Creek Road right-of-way. Water - The property is currently served by an eight-inch water main in the Tolman Creek Road right-of-way. Storm Drainage - The property is currently served by a 12-inch storm sewer main in the Tolman Creek Road right-of-way. Electric: The Electric Department indicates that the existing building is served by a 400-amp, 3- phase overhead service sourced from a transformer on the BiMart property to the north. To accommodate the addition, at a minimum a new 400-amp, 3-phase underground service in a new location will be necessary, and the Electric Department has indicated that there is likely capacity from the existing source to accommodate this service. The applicants are discussing the logistics of providing a new 600-amp, 3-phase underground service which would service development of the property to include the second and third story additions illustrated in the shadow plan, and which would likely require a new transformer be installed as well. A condition has been added to require that the applicants provide a final electric service plan for the review of the Electric, Building and Planning Departments prior to building permit issuance, and that electric service be ected and approved prior to final building inspection or occupancy permit issuance for the additions. With regard to considerations of paved access and adequate transportation, the Commission finds that Tolman Creek Road is Boulevard and city-standard frontage improvements for a Boulevard include irrigated street trees planted in five-foot square planters with tree grates spaced every 30 feet and an eight- to ten-foot wide sidewalk along the full property frontage. The applicants have proposed to install the required frontage improvements with the proposal, and conditions requiring their installation have been included below along with a condition to require that any additional right-of-way necessary to accommodate the required frontage improvements be dedicated, or public pedestrian access easements provided. For proposals accessing a boulevard, directly or indirectly, a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) is required where the proposed land use meets one or more of the following thresholds: PA #2016-02060 January 10, 2017 Page 7 DĻƓĻƩğƷźƓŭ ЎЉ ƓĻǞ ǝĻŷźĭƌĻ ƷƩźƦƭ LƓƭƷğƌƌźƓŭ ğƓǤ ƷƩğŅŅźĭ ĭƚƓƷƩƚƌ ķĻǝźĭĻ ƚƩ ĭƚƓƭƷƩǒĭƷźƚƓ ƚŅ ğƓǤ ŭĻƚƒĻƷƩźĭ źƒƦƩƚǝĻƒĻƓƷƭ ğŅŅĻĭƷźƓŭ ƷŷĻ ƦƩƚŭƩĻƭƭźƚƓ ƚƩ ƚƦĻƩğƷźƚƓ ƚŅ ƷƩğŅŅźĭͳ ƚƩ DĻƓĻƩğƷźƓŭ ЋЉ ƓĻǞ ŷĻğǝǤ ǝĻŷźĭƌĻ ƷƩźƦƭ ΛźƓĬƚǒƓķ ğƓķ ƚǒƷĬƚǒƓķΜ ķǒƩźƓŭ ƷŷĻ ķğǤ͵ A T.I.A. is not required for projects that do not exceed one of these thresholds, and the application materials provided include an assessment by Kelly Sandow, P.E. of Sandow Engineering which concludes that the proposal will not trigger any of the thresholds to require a full T.I.A. The Commission finds that as proposed, the 22- to 24-foot two-way driveway aisle on the south side exceeds the requirement for a 20-foot driveway to serve seven or more parking spaces, and the northern one-way aisle primarily serves as egress from the drop-off area. The Commission further finds that the applicants have been in discussion with the Fire Marshal to address fire apparatus access, and based on the testimony by the applicants, Planning and Fire Department staff, fire apparatus access to serve the building can be provided with the potential for some minor modifications to the site planning to accommodate areas where aerial truck access may be necessary. A condition requiring that Fire Department requirements, including fire apparatus access, be met in the final permit submittals has been included below. 2.4 The Planning Commission finds that the final approval criterion for Site Design Review has to do with Exceptions to the Site Development and Design Standards. The Site Development and Design Standards call for a building to occupy a large majority of the street frontage. In this instance, the lot has 270 feet of frontage along Tolman Creek Road, and the building with the proposed additions is to occupy only 100 feet, or approximately 37 percent, of that frontage. An additional approximately 40 feet of the frontage is to be provided in paved pedestrian plaza space near the building entrance. The application notes that the existing frontage does not comply with this standard, and the proposed addition improves ilding location preclude the development from fully meeting this requirement and the applicants have used landscaping and hard durable surfaces to highlight additional pedestrian areas along the frontage. The Commission finds that the location of the existing building well back from the street on a triangular parcel which narrows at the rear and a use which accommodates not only circulation related to parking but also the need for drop-off of donations pose demonstrable difficulties, and the approval of an Exception will not negatively impact adjacent properties given that the adjacent property to the south is railroad right-of-way and to the north is a driveway circulating behind the rear of a large shopping center. The Commission finds that Exception here is in keeping with the purpose and intent of the standards and is the minimum necessary to alleviate the difficulty while bringing the building and site circulation into line with standards, and the widening of the sidewalk, removal of parking and circulation between the building and the street, and addition of plaza space along the street at the building entry more than mitigate the necessary Exception. 2.5 The Planning Commission finds that the plans provided identify seven trees on the property, six of which are six- for removal with the current proposal as they are noted as being in areas that will be disturbed with the building additions and associated site work for parking, circulation, plaza space and frontage PA #2016-02060 January 10, 2017 Page 8 improvements. The application materials provided explain that the trees to be removed are not hazardous, but are proposed to be removed to allow for parking and site access along the southern boundary of the property to be consistent with other applicable Land Use Ordinance requirements and standards, including but not limited to applicable Site Development and Design Standards in part 18.4. The application indicates that removals will not have a significant negative impact on erosion or soil stability, and that the trees are not part of a windbreak or larger tree canopy and that the site stands apart from its neighbors, but with the proposed redevelopment will provide new landscaping and trees which provide significant shade and coverage of the site as the trees mature as well as new street trees to soften the proposed development from the street. The application emphasizes that the new plantings will mitigate the removals requested. The Planning Commission finds that the Tree Commission reviewed the application at its regular meeting on December 8, 2016 meeting and recommended approval with the addition of three conditions: 1) that tree guards be temporarily installed on all trees to protect against deer rub; 2) that evergreen species be included on the planting list in conformance with the landscaping standards detailed in AMC; and 3) that the caliper size of proposed trees be increased to a minimum of two-inches. The Planning Commission finds that the request meets the standards for a Tree Removal Permit as the application is responding to Site Development and Design Standards while seeking to expand the existing use and improve site circulation, and has included a condition below which incorporates the recommendations of the Tree Commission as conditions of the approval. 2.6 The Planning Commission finds that the existing building pre-dates current standards and is in many ways typical of an earlier development pattern still evident in many cities that is now discouraged sign standards. With the current proposal, the sidewalk is to be widened, parking and circulation between the building and the street removed and the building brought to the back of the sidewalk, with a stronger sense of entry created and reinforced by new plaza space and landscaping added along the streetscape while parking and circulation are shifted to the side and rear of the building to meet current standards and the drop-off area relocated out of sight behind the building. The applicants have worked with staff for some time to craft a proposal which brings the building and site in line with the current standards, and the Commission finds that it merits approval. SECTION 3. DECISION 3.1 Based on the record of the Public Hearing on this matter, the Planning Commission concludes that the proposal for Site Design Review approval, including a 7,461 square foot addition with retail and warehouse space and the relocation and expansion of the covered drop-off area, and six Tree Removal Permits is supported by evidence contained within the whole record. Therefore, based on our overall conclusions, and upon the proposal being subject to each of the following conditions, we approve Planning Action #2016-02060. Further, if any one or more of the conditions below are found to be invalid, for any reason whatsoever, then Planning Action #2016-02060 is denied. The following are the conditions and they are attached to the approval: PA #2016-02060 January 10, 2017 Page 9 1)That all proposals and stipulations contained within the application shall be conditions of approval unless otherwise modified herein. 2)That the plans submitted for the building permit shall be in substantial conformance with those approved as part of this application. If the plans submitted for the building permit are not in conformance with those approved as part of this application, an application to modify this Site Review approval shall be submitted and approved prior to issuance of a building permit. 3)That the potential redevelopment strategy illustrated in the shadow plan is not being granted Site Design Review approval here. Site Design Review approval will require a separate Site Design Review application to address all applicable criteria and standards including clarifying the proposed uses and parking, and addressing the Basic, Detail and Large Scale development standards to break up the building mass to better relate to the human scale. 4)That the applicants shall obtain necessary Public Works permits prior to any construction within the public rights-of-way, including but not limited to sidewalk or driveway installation. 5)That the recommendations of the Tree Commission from their December 8, 2016 meeting shall be conditions of approval where consistent with applicable standards and with final approval by the Staff Advisor. 6)That a sign permit shall be obtained prior to installation of any new signage. Signage shall meet the requirements of Chapter 18.4.7. 7)That the windows on the ground floor shall not be tinted so as to prevent views from outside of the building into the interior of the building. 8)That the front entrance adjacent to Tolman Creek Road shall remain functional and open to the public during all business hours. 9)That prior to the issuance of a building permit: a)The building permit submittals shall include identification of all easements, including any public or private utility easements, access easements, public pedestrian access easements, and fire apparatus access easements. b)That the applicants shall provide a revised landscape and irrigation plan which addresses the recommendations of the Tree Commission from their December 8, 2016 meeting where consistent with the applicable standards and with final approval by the Staff Advisor. The landscape and irrigation plan shall include: 1) identification of size, species and placement of six mitigation trees to be planted to mitigate the removals approved here; 2) final details of the plaza space treatment including four requisite elements (trees, seating areas, areas of sun and shade, and outdoor eating areas); 3) irrigation details satisfying the requirements of the Site Design and Use Standards Water Conserving Landscaping Guidelines and Policies. c)That the applicant shall provide revised civil drawings detailing: 1) a revised final utility plan for the parcels to include the location of connections to all public facilities including the locations of water lines and meter sizes, sanitary sewer lines, storm drain lines, electric services to serve the proposed buildings; 2) revised details of the PA #2016-02060 January 10, 2017 Page 10 frontage improvements along Tolman Creek Road which include irrigated street trees planted in five-foot square planters with tree grates spaced every 30 feet, and an eight- to ten-foot wide sidewalk along the full property frontage with appropriate transitions to the existing sidewalks to the north and south, with any additional right-of-way necessary to accommodate the required frontage improvements either dedicated to the city, or public pedestrian access easements provided; 3) a storm drainage plan which demonstrates that post-development peak flow are less than or equal to the pre-development peak flow for the site as a whole, and which includes necessary storm water quality mitigation. d)That the applicants shall submit a final electric distribution plan including load calculations and locations of all primary and secondary services including transformers, cabinets and all other necessary equipment to serve the proposed development for the review and approval of the Electric, Building and Planning Departments. This plan shall clearly identify any additional services, conduit, etc. necessary. All services shall be undergrounded and any additional transformers or cabinets (if necessary) shall be located in those areas least visible to the public, while considering the access needs of the Electric Department. Electric services shall be approved prior to final building inspection or occupancy permit issuance. e)Lot coverage calculations including all building footprints, driveways, parking, and circulation areas shall be included with the building permit submittals. Lot coverage shall be limited to no more than 85 percent as allowed in the C-1 zoning district. f)That storm water from all new impervious surfaces and runoff associated with peak rainfalls must be collected on site and channeled to the City storm water collection system (i.e., curb gutter at public street, public storm pipe or public drainage way) or through an approved alternative in accordance with Ashland Building Division policy BD-PP-0029. On-site collection systems shall be detailed on the building permit submittals. g)That the requirements of Ashland Fire & Rescue shall be adequately addressed, including that adequate fire apparatus access and firefighter access pathways, approved addressing, fire flow, fire hydrant clearance, fire department connection (FDC), and key box(es) shall be provided, and that any gates, fences or other obstructions to fire access shall be clearly shown on the plans for review and approval by Ashland Fire and Rescue. h)That exterior building materials and paint colors shall be detailed in the building permit submittals, and shall be compatible with the surrounding area and consistent with the exterior building colors reviewed as part of this application. i)That bicycle parking shall be shown in the building permit submittals. Inverted u- racks shall be used for the bicycle parking, and all bicycle parking shall be installed in accordance with the rack design, spacing and coverage standards in AMC prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. PA #2016-02060 January 10, 2017 Page 11 10)That prior to the approval of the final building inspection or issuance of a certificate of occupancy: a)That all required landscaping, hardscaping and irrigation shall be installed according to the approved plans, inspected and approved by the Staff Advisor. b)That all required frontage improvements including sidewalks and irrigated street trees shall be completed according to the approved plans, inspected and approved by the Staff Advisor. Street trees shall be selected from and planted according to the standards in the Recommended Street Trees guide. c)That all exterior lighting shall be directed on the property and shall not directly illuminate adjacent proprieties. Lighting specifications and shrouding details shall be included in the building permits submittals and their installation site- verified prior to occupancy. d)That the screening for the trash and recycling enclosure shall be installed in accordance with the Site Design and Use Standards. January 10, 2017 Planning Commission Approval Date PA #2016-02060 January 10, 2017 Page 12 TYPE II PUBLIC HEARING _________________________________ PA-2016-01894 1651 Ashland Street Planning Department, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 541-488-5305 Fax: 541-552-2050 www.ashland.or.us TTY: 1-800-735-2900 PLANNING ACTION: 2016-01894 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 1651 Ashland Street OWNER/APPLICANT: Rogue Credit Union/Kistler, Small & White Architects, LLC DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Design Review approval to construct a 4,508 square foot, single-story credit union building with drive-up window as part of the phased development of the properties located at 1651 Ashland Street. Also included are requests for a Property Line Adjustment and a Tree Removal Permit to remove COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONING: Commercial; C-1; TAX LOT #: 39 1E 10DC; 8700 & 9201. NOTE: The Ashland Tree Commission will also review this Planning Action on Thursday, January 5, 2017 at 6:00 PM in the Community Development and Engineering Services building (Siskiyou Room), located at 51 Winburn Way. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: Tuesday January 10, 2017 at 7:00 PM, Ashland Civic Center, 1175 East Main Street Notice is hereby given that a PUBLIC HEARING on the following request with respect to the ASHLAND LAND USE ORDINANCE will be held before the ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION on meeting date shown above. The meeting will be at the ASHLAND CIVIC CENTER, 1175 East Main Street, Ashland, Oregon. The ordinance criteria applicable to this application are attached to this notice. Oregon law states that failure to raise an objection concerning this application, either in person or by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, precludes your right of appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) on that issue. Failure to specify which ordinance criterion the objection is based on also precludes your right of appeal to LUBA on that criterion. Failure of the applicant to raise constitutional or other issues relating to proposed conditions of approval with sufficient specificity to allow this Commission to respond to the issue precludes an action for damages in circuit court. A copy of the application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and applicable criteria are available for inspection at no cost and will be provided at reasonable cost, if requested. A copy of the Staff Report will be available for inspection seven days prior to the hearing and will be provided at reasonable cost, if requested. All materials are available at the Ashland Planning Department, Community Development and Engineering Services, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520. During the Public Hearing, the Chair shall allow testimony from the applicant and those in attendance concerning this request. The Chair shall have the right to limit the length of testimony and require that comments be restricted to the applicable criteria. Unless there is a continuance, if a participant so requests before the conclusion of the hearing, the record shall remain open for at least seven days after the hearing. In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, if y at 541-488-6002 (TTY phone number 1-800-735-2900). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting. (28 CFR 35.102.-35.104 ADA Title I). If you have questions or comments concerning this request, please feel free to contact the Ashland Planning Division, 541-488-5305. G:\\comm-dev\\planning\\Planning Actions\\Noticing Folder\\Mailed Notices & Signs\\2016\\PA-2016-01894.docx SITE DESIGN AND USE STANDARDS The following criteria shall be used to approve or deny an application: A. Underlying Zone: The proposal complies with all of the applicable provisions of the underlying zone (part 18.2), including but not limited to: building and yard setbacks, lot area and dimensions, density and floor area, lot coverage, building height, building orientation, architecture, and other applicable standards. B. Overlay Zones: The proposal complies with applicable overlay zone requirements (part 18.3). C. Site Development and Design Standards: The proposal complies with the applicable Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4, except as provided by subsection E, below. D. City Facilities: The proposal complies with the applicable standards in section 18.4.6 Public Facilities and that adequate capacity of City facilities for water, sewer, electricity, urban storm drainage, paved access to and throughout the property and adequate transportation can and will be provided to the subject property. E. Exception to the Site Development and Design Standards. The approval authority may approve exceptions to the Site Development and Design Standards of part 18.4 if the circumstances in either subsection 1 or 2, below, are found to exist. 1. There is a demonstrable difficulty meeting the specific requirements of the Site Development and Design Standards due to a unique or unusual aspect of an existing structure or the proposed use of a site; and approval of the exception will not substantially negatively impact adjacent properties; and approval of the exception is consistent with the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design; and the exception requested is the minimum which would alleviate the difficulty.; or 2. There is no demonstrable difficulty in meeting the specific requirements, but granting the exception will result in a design that equally or better achieves the stated purpose of the Site Development and Design Standards. PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENTS The Staff Advisor shall approve or deny a request for a property line adjustment in writing based on all of the following criteria. 1. Parcel Creation. No additional parcel or lot is created by the lot line adjustment. 2. Lot Standards. Except as allowed for nonconforming lots, pursuant to chapter 18.1.4, or as required by an overlay zone in part 18.3, all lots and parcels conform to the lot standards of the applicable zoning district, including lot area, dimensions, setbacks, and coverage, per part 18.2. If a lot does not conform to the lots standards of the applicable zoning district, it shall not be made less conforming by the property line adjustment. As applicable, all lots and parcels shall identify a buildable area free of building restrictions for physical constraints (i.e., flood plain, greater than 35 percent slope, water resource protection zones). 3. Access Standards. All lots and parcels conform to the standards in section Vehicle Area Design. Lots and parcels that do not conform to the access standards shall not be made less conforming by the property line adjustment. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT 1. Hazard Tree. A Hazard Tree Removal Permit shall be granted if the approval authority finds that the application meets all of the following criteria, or can be made to conform through the imposition of conditions. a. The applicant must demonstrate that the condition or location of the tree presents a clear public safety hazard (i.e., likely to fall and injure persons or property) or a foreseeable danger of property damage to an existing structure or facility, and such hazard or danger cannot reasonably be alleviated by treatment, relocation, or pruning. See definition of hazard tree in part 18.6. b. The City may require the applicant to mitigate for the removal of each hazard tree pursuant to section Such mitigation requirements shall be a condition of approval of the permit. 2. Tree That is Not a Hazard. A Tree Removal Permit for a tree that is not a hazard shall be granted if the approval authority finds that the application meets all of the following criteria, or can be made to conform through the imposition of conditions. a. The tree is proposed for removal in order to permit the application to be consistent with other applicable Land Use Ordinance requirements and standards, including but not limited to applicable Site Development and Design Standards in part 18.4 and Physical and Environmental Constraints in part 18.10. b. Removal of the tree will not have a significant negative impact on erosion, soil stability, flow of surface waters, protection of adjacent trees, or existing windbreaks. c. Removal of the tree will not have a significant negative impact on the tree densities, sizes, canopies, and species diversity within 200 feet of the subject property. The City shall grant an exception to this criterion when alternatives to the tree removal have been considered and no reasonable alternative exists to allow the property to be used as permitted in the zone. d. Nothing in this section shall require that the residential density to be reduced below the permitted density allowed by the zone. In making this determination, the City may consider alternative site plans or placement of structures of alternate landscaping designs that would lessen the impact on trees, so long as the alternatives continue to comply with the other provisions of this ordinance. e. The City shall require the applicant to mitigate for the removal of each tree granted approval pursuant to section Such mitigation requirements shall be a condition of approval of the permit. G:\\comm-dev\\planning\\Planning Actions\\Noticing Folder\\Mailed Notices & Signs\\2016\\PA-2016-01894.docx BTIMBOE!QMBOOJOH!EFQBSUNFOU! TUBGG!SFQPSU! Kbovbsz!21-!3128! 3127.129:5! 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Dsptt!Fbtfnfout!'!Dpoofdujwjuz! 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Qmboojoh!Bdujpo!$3127.129:5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Btimboe!Qmboojoh!Efqbsunfou!Ä!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!0!eet! ! ;!Sphvf!Dsfeju!Vojpo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Qbhf!28!pg!28 ! ALLOWED: Property is in C-1 zone and within the designated location on Ashland Street. WILL COMPLY: The PTM (Personal Teller Machine) at the Drive-Up ‘window’ is connected via the screen and voice to multiple tellers based remotely in RCU’s Medford offices. These tellers are dedicated to serving customers at remote sites, are not distracted by other duties, and are therefore always available during regular business hours. The efficiency of this system significantly reduces wait times as compared to Drive-Up windows of the past and will not exceed an average of five minutes. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Twenty parking spaces are available beyond the service PTM (Personal Teller Machine). Two spaces will be designated in front of two additional walk up PTM’s to allow customers to receive service. DEEMED TO COMPLY: An additional 10 ft. travel lane is adjacent to the Drive-Up lane to allow customers to leave the lane. The line shown between the two lanes is striping and not a curb. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Grade will be flat or slightly downhill towards the PTM at the vehicle stacking area. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Cantilevered covered area will be supported by two columns and will be open all around with no solid walls to cause exhaust gases to buildup. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Stacking area provides for 4 or 5 cars to stack behind the PTM. Additionally, if the line is full, vehicles can pull into the bi-pass lane and circulate around to the two designated parking spaces in front of the walk-up PTM’s. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Average decibel level for the PTM is to be held to less than 55 decibels at the property line. DEEMED TO COMPLY: One (1) Drive-Up ‘window’ will be installed at this transferred location. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Drive -Up Transfer Permit was obtained by previous ministerial action. NOT APPLICABLE: RCU has a Drive-Up Transfer Permit. (See attached permit) NOT APPLICABLE: Project is a transfer / relocation of an existing Drive-Up use, and not an abandonment requiring removal of components. NOT APPLICABLE: Not in E-1 zone. DEEMED TO COMPLY: The proposed Rogue Credit Union on LOT 2 and the future three buildings on LOT 1 are proposed to have in Residential Use the following (See Planning Summary): 51.3% of the total building area > 50% 5.5% of the ground floor area < 50% 42% of the parking spaces < 50% 32.4% of the occupants < 50% Based on these percentages, without attempting to designate on residential use areas the site plan, we conclude that less than 50% of the Site will be used by the occupants of the residential use. This is due to the fact that the percentage of occupants (and therefor site pedestrian areas) and the percentage of parking spaces ascribed to the Residential uses are both less than 50%. DEEMED TO COMPLY: See Residential Density response in this document. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Compliance with C-1 zoning regulations indicated within these findings that follow. Not Applicable WILL COMPLY: Proposed ‘shadow plan’ for Lot 1 indicates two future buildings with sixteen (16) potential dwelling units requiring one (1) affordable unit. Application for Lot 1 Site Review will comply with this Ordinance section at time of submittal based on actual number of units proposed at that time. No dwellings are proposed for Lot 2. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Proposed street frontage for Lot 1 is 82.00’ and Lot 2 is 137.03’ and meets this requirement. (See Site Plan A1) DEEMED TO COMPLY: Proposed canopy over Drive-Up PTM complies with all requirements. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Mechanical equipment will be located on the roof and will be screened by the parapet. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Ashland Street currently meets a majority of the proposed arterial street standards proposed in the Street Standards with four travel lanes, a center turn lane, and bike lanes on both sides of the street. The street is only lacking in the park row and sidewalk improvements. This application proposes adding a seven (7) ft. park row and eight (8) ft. sidewalk to bring the street frontage of this property into conformance with the street standard. The proposed setback from the curb on Ashland Street is 15 feet (7 ft. park row + 8 ft. sidewalk) and will be 5 feet 3 inches from the property line. (See Enlarged Site Plan sheet A2) It should also be noted that approximately 26.5’ was abandoned by this property and adjacent properties at an earlier date to accommodate expected/realized expansion of the street R.O.W. to its current full width of ninety (90) feet. Lot 1 – WILL COMPLY: The two proposed future buildings to the north on Lot 1 have been set back from the residential property to the north with the Parking area between. The buildings are shown as a “shadow plan” for proposed future development and are not being proposed as part of this project. Future applications for these two buildings will need to show conformance with the Solar Access standards. LOT 2 – NOT APPLICABLE: Lot 1 to the north of Lot 2 is zoned C-1. Solar Access is not applicable to lots abutting C-1 lots to the north per B.3. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Lot 1 buildings are not being proposed as part of this project and any future applications for the two buildings on Lot 1 will need to demonstrate conformance with this ordinance section as they abut residential zones and therefor have required setbacks. LOT 2 - NOT APPLICABLE: No yards are required in C-1 Zone for Lot 2 and proposed building eaves and awnings fall within the property lines. NOT APPLICABLE: No structures are proposed that are lower than 30 inches. C-1 LOT 1 - WILL COMPLY: Proposed ‘shadow plan’ for Lot 1 indicates two future buildings with 16 potential dwelling units. Lot 1 is 1.11 acres / 30 = 33 DU’s allowed. LOT 2 - NOT APPLICABLE:No dwellings are proposed for Lot 2. LOT 1 - WILL COMPLY: Lot 1 buildings are not being proposed as part of this project and any future applications for the two buildings on Lot 1 will need to demonstrate conformance with this ordinance section as they abut residential zones and therefor have required setbacks. The 3-story future buildings proposed will have a thirty (30) feet minimum setback adjacent to the Residential properties. (See Site Plan A1) LOT 2 - NOT APPLICABLE: No yards are required in C-1 Zone for Lot 2. LOT 1 - WILL COMPLY: The two proposed future buildings to the north on Lot 1 have been set back from the residential property to the north. The buildings are shown as a “shadow plan” for proposed future development are not being proposed as part of this project. Future applications for these two buildings will need to show conformance with the Solar Access standards. LOT 2 – NOT APPLICABLE: Lot 1 to the north of Lot 2 is zoned C-1. Solar Access is not applicable to lots abutting C-1 lots to the north. LOT 1 - WILL COMPLY: The proposed future buildings will meet this standard. LOT 2 – WILL Comply: Proposed building on Lot 2 to be approximately 25’-6” tall at the highest point. DEEMED TO COMPLY: The proposed Landscape Coverage for Lots 1 & 2 will be approximately 24% of the two lot area. APPLIES: Project is within Detail Site Review Overlay. APPLIES: See findings that follow. APPLIES: Proposed building area for Lot 2 is less than 100 feet and less than 10,000 sq. ft. Combined with conceptual future buildings on Lot 1, the building area would exceed 10,000 sq. ft. APPLIES: Project is within the Ashland Street Pedestrian Place Overlay. APPLIES: Project is within the Ashland Street Pedestrian Place Overlay. Lot 1 – WILL COMPLY: The two proposed future buildings to the north on Lot 1 have been set back from the residential property to the north with the Parking area between. The buildings are shown as a “shadow plan” for proposed future development and are not being proposed as part of this project. Future applications for these two buildings will need to show conformance with the Solar Access standards. LOT 2 – NOT APPLICABLE: Lot 1 to the north of Lot 2 is zoned C-1. Solar Access is not applicable to lots abutting C-1 lots to the north per B.3. COMPLIES: No Plaza area has been used to meet landscape area requirement. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Parking is located behind the buildings. DEEMED TO COMPLY: The proposed future building on Lot 1 occupies 51.2% of Lot 1 frontage and the proposed building on Lot 2 occupies 70.1% of Lot 2 frontage. Combined these building frontages occupy 63% of the Ashland Street frontage. Note that the Lot 1 frontage, while not a ‘majority’ of the frontage, includes the driveway required to access the rear of the lot. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Building entrances for Lot 1 and Lot 2 face Ashland Street. The additional entrance on Lot 2 faces the parking area to the north. This additional entrance is required to accommodate the ‘Accessible Route’ from the ADA parking space(s) via the ramp. We do not want to require disabled persons to walk all the way around the Plaza to the entrance on Ashland Street. Building and site accessibility starts with the shortest possible route to the entrance according to Federal guidelines. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Building entrance for Lot 2 is 10’-10” from property line at R.O.W. DEEMED TO COMPLY: An eight (8) foot sidewalk is proposed along the entire Ashland Street frontage of Lots 1 & 2. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Six street trees, spaced 30 feet apart, are proposed for the 219 feet lot frontage; one short of requirement. This is due in part to the driveway clearance and the width of the driveway with park rows and sidewalks on each side. If we count the two trees at the south end of the driveway park rows closest to Ashland Street, we believe we then have one additional street tree and are therefore in compliance with this Ordinance section. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Recycle/refuse disposal areas are proposed in accordance with Chapter 18.4.4. WILL COMPLY: Artificial lighting standards shall meet these requirements for noise and glare. PHASED DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED: Project shows a phased development with Lot 1 future improvements having an FAR of 62.4% and Lot 2 an FAR of 24.7% for a combined FAR of 50.6% NOT APPLICABLE: Proposed building on Lot 2 has a ninety-six (96) foot frontage. However, the street facing façade has multiple offsets and jogs both in plan and elevation. (See Sheet A9). DEEMED TO COMPLY: The south Ashland Street facing façade has 21.6% of the wall area in glazing. The east elevation facing the Plaza / Public Space has 29.4% of the wall abutting the plaza in glazing and the west elevation within 30 feet of the R.O.W has 30.3% glazing. (See sheets A9 & A10) DEEMED TO COMPLY: The recessed entrance is transparent and covered by a projecting awing that strongly emphasizes the entrance from Ashland Street. (See Sheet A1). DEEMED TO COMPLY: The future building on Lot 1 and the proposed building on Lot 2 front on Ashland Street have wall frontages that combined equal to 63% of the lot frontages and are proposed to have parking to the rear of the buildings. DEEMED TO COMPLY: The entrance on Ashland Street is recessed and has an awning that projects over the sidewalk for a total depth of 9.5’ and is 8 feet wide. Two additional awnings four (4) feet deep by 12’-8” wide project over the sidewalk at the center two ‘bays; and another awning covers a bench in a recessed alcove on the left side of the façade facing Ashland Street. Additional awnings will cover the walk up Personal Teller Machines and the entrance facing the parking lot. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Concrete paving will be utilized for the sidewalks on site and concrete pavers will be utilized to designate the Plaza / Public Spaces. DEEMED TO COMPLY: The entire Ashland Street façade is at or within five (5) feet of the sidewalk with the exception of the entrance that is setback from the edge of the sidewalk six (6) feet. The entrance only constitutes 8.3% of the entire façade for Lot 2. NOT APPLICABLE: Adjacent uses to Lot 2 are compatible and have the same C1 zone designation. Lot 1 screening will be addressed in future application at time of submittal for development. DEEMED TO COMPLY: The parking lots are screened by the buildings from the main street and there are no cross streets adjacent. The distance from parking area on Lot 2 is approximately 142 feet from the adjacent residentially zoned properties and we believe this distance negates the requirement for screening this lot. Screening for the future parking on Lot 1 will be a six (6) foot high fence and will be proposed at the time of submittal for development. DEEMED TO COMPLY: The building has a 32” high base around the perimeter in brick at the brick façade, and in ACM panel with a slightly darker silver color on the ACM façade. A continuous 16” tall cornice caps the brick and projects 4” from the face. A 30” continuous cornice that project 18” sits atop the ACM paneled wall. Additionally, the windows and the entrance facing Ashland Street are setback significantly from the façade. DEEMED TO COMPLY: There will be no bright or neon colors used as shown in the perspective drawing on Sheet A1. Only 21.6% of the street facing façade and 29.4% of the west, the walls with the most amount of glazing incorporates glass; not a majority of the building skin. DEEMED TO COMPLY: The proposed building on Lot 2 is divided into two main masses, one brick and one taller of ACM panels, and is separated by a lower roofed entry connector that is predominantly transparent. The design uses recesses, sheltering roofs and light at all four facades. The brick façade is divided into three ‘bays’ through the use of vertical control joints and recesses in the building face. Smaller ‘night sky’ compliant wall lights help to further define this division of the brick mass. The taller ACM panel massing has the windows set back from the east and south facades two (2) feet with light shades the break the windows horizontally. NOT APPLICABLE: The proposed building on Lot 2 and future buildings on Lot 3 are stand-alone structures. COMPLIES: No building footprint will exceed 45,000 sq. ft. COMPLIES: No building area will exceed 45,000 sq. ft. COMPLIES: No building length will exceed 300 feet. COMPLIES: 2852 square feet of Plaza is required. 2,224 square feet of Plaza and 1,224 square feet of Outdoor / Public Space are proposed for both lots for a total of 3,448 square feet. COMPLIES: Six seating spaces on three 60 inches wide benches are provided for the Plaza on the east side of the building on Lot 2. COMPLIES: The street tree to the south and the trees in the driveway park row in addition to the building (on west side) and the two trees in the Plaza provide partial shade. Sunny pockets will happen at various times of the day in the center and on the north side of the plaza. COMPLIES: Plaza is protected for the wind by the building on the east side of the plaza. COMPLIES: Two trees will be provided for the 828 sq. ft. Plaza on Lot 2. NOT USED: No water feature is proposed. NOT USED: No eating areas are proposed. WILL COMPLY: RVTD currently does not provide service on the north side of Ashland Street at this project’s location. The Ashland Transportation plan provides for a future route along Ashland Street, but it is not clear whether it will service both sides of the street. In the event that it does serve the north side, the proposed bench beneath the awning on the street facing façade of the building will serve as a transit stop and rider waiting area. COMPLIES: Commercial ratio of 1/500 sq. feet for Buildings 1-3 on Lot 1 yields a requirement of 22.8 spaces. A Retail ratio of 1/350 sq. ft. for Lot 2 yields a requirement of 12.9 spaces. Eight one bedroom and eight two bedroom apartments requires 27 spaces. Total spaces required – 63. Total spaces proposed – 64. COMPLIES: One surplus parking space is proposed for the combined Lots 1 and 2. Lot 2 parking provides for 7 more spaces than required by the proposed use for the building on Lot 2. These spaces will be shared with the future residential uses in Lot 1 Buildings 1 and 2 in a night-day use scenario and also with the future Building 3 commercial uses during the day. The reason for this arrangement is due to the need for an on-site detention pond (approximately 30’ x 60’) for Lot 1 that will be located in the lowest area of the Lot at the northwest corner. This pond restricts the amount of parking area available to the north of future buildings 1 & 2 on Lot 1. The area behind the future Building 3 on Lot 1 is restricted by its’ width which limits the number of spaces available to Building 3. WILL COMPLY: Future buildings 1 & 2 on Lot 1 will provide eight sheltered for 8 one bedroom units and twelve sheltered for the 8 two bedroom units. COMPLIES: Two spaces are required for Lot 1 future Building 3 and three spaces for the proposed Lot 2 building. Ten spaces are proposed on Lot 2; 6 covered and 4 uncovered. An additional rack for two bicycles will be part of the future building 3 on Lot 1. WILL COMPLY: Bicycle spaces will not be rented. COMPLIES: Four spaces are visible from the sidewalk on A Street and six spaces are visible from the driveway sidewalk. COMPLIES: Bike racks are located outside the building; six beneath an awning and four in the Plaza. COMPLIES: Bicycle parking will be located at time of submission for future buildings on Lot 1. Four bicycle spaces are located within 50 feet of the front door on Ashland Street and six covered spaces are located within 50 feet of the north entrance for Lot 2 – only three spaces are required for Lot 2. WILL COMPLY: The north bicycle parking area for Lot 2 is visible from the parking lot where we expect fairly constant traffic and the four spaces in the Plaza are visible from the street and the interior of the building. COMPLIES: Bicycle parking will be 4” thick concrete paving or pavers. NOT APPLICABLE: There are only two single rows of bicycle parking. COMPLIES: All bicycle parking spaces are designed in accordance with City Standards. WILL COMPLY: Signage will be installed stating bicycle parking only. WILL COMPLY: Bicycle parking cover for six spaces will be designed and presented to Staff for verification that designs meet standards and for approval. COMPLIES: Bicycle parking is located adjacent to pedestrian circulation. COMPLIES: Bicycle parking spaces are set back from sidewalk and adjacent to building or landscape walls out of the way of pedestrian circulation. WILL COMPLY: Bicycle parking racks will conform to these standards. Design will be submitted to Planning Staff for approval at time of Building Permit submittal. COMPLIES: Additional parking provided on Lot 2 for use by Lot 1 is within 200 feet of future buildings 1 & 2 on Lot 1. COMPLIES: Parking is not located in front or side yards for the proposed building on Lot 2 and the future building on Lot 1 abutting Ashland Street. COMPLIES: Sixteen (16) of twenty (20) spaces on Lot 2 meet this standard. Future parking for Lot 1 buildings will meet this standard. NOTE: This application proposes widened the sidewalk behind the buildings by two feet and widening the planter areas where the parking abuts a planter by two feet so the curb will act as a wheel stop. The Site plan drawings show dashed lines where the parking overlaps these features. This method was recently approved by Planning for the Safeway site and serves to provide for less impervious area where the parking abuts the planters. The spaces still effectively meet the 9 ft. x 18 ft. requirement. COMPLIES: Four compact spaces are proposed for Lot 2 which is 31% of the thirteen (13) required spaces. COMPLIES: Proposed back-up maneuvering space is 24 feet at all proposed and future parking areas. NOT APPLICABLE: No parking lot has more than 50 spaces and pedestrians will not have to traverse more than 150 feet. WILL COMPLY: Applicants propose to use a combination of strategies i, ii, & iii to attain a minimum of 50% shading % for the parking area. We request that a condition be applied to present the strategy for review and approval by Planning Staff. COMPLIES: Storm water runoff will be directed to the Treatment swale along the north end of the property for Lot 2. Lot 1 will be designed at time of submittal for planning action and will meet this requirement. COMPLIES: Site circulation is shown on sheet A4 Propose Site Plan – Lots 1 & 2. The main driveway leading in to the site has been designed with park rows and sidewalks on both sides. Sidewalks connect the sidewalk on Ashland Street to the site, plazas, and all buildings. An existing easement to Tax Lot 9202 (First Church Christ Scientist) for access to their vacant lot will cross the future driveway behind future building 3 on Lot 1. The eight feet sidewalk on Ashland Street will return on both ends to reconnect to the existing 5 ft. sidewalk currently at the curb. COMPLIES: Proposed distances between the proposed driveways and the existing adjacent driveways on Ashland Street, a boulevard, is greater than 100 feet as shown on sheet A4. We contacted ODOT for their requirements and were told that Ashland Street falls under Ashland’s requirements. COMPLIES: The existing lots provide a 25 ft. wide flag drive for access to Lots 1 & 2 and the adjacent vacant Church property. This access is proposed to be widened so as to align the driveway with the driveway into the Ashland Shopping Center across Ashland Street. All three lots will maintain their access to the newly aligned driveway. COMPLIES: Proposed distances between the proposed driveways and the existing adjacent driveways on Ashland Street, a boulevard, is greater than 100 feet as shown on sheet A4. We contacted ODOT for their requirements and were told that Ashland Street falls under Ashland’s requirements. COMPLIES: Proposed distances between the proposed driveways and Lit Way to the east is greater than 100 feet. COMPLIES: Proposed driveway provides access to three lots. COMPLIES: Two existing curb cuts for driveway approaches will be abandoned. (See sheets A4 and C1). COMPLIES: Three lots are served by the shared access from Ashland Street. COMPLIES: Proposed parking areas have 20 ft. driveways leading in to the 24 ft. driveway / backup space between aisles. Parking spaces will be striped and adequate aisles are provided so vehicles can enter the street in a forward manner. COMPLIES: Proposed driveways and curb cuts are at the twenty (20) ft. minimum required and no larger. COMPLIES: Vertical clearance of 13.5 feet will be provided. Tree canopies overhanging the driveways will be pruned at regular intervals to maintain this clearance. NOT APPLICABLE: Proposed does not include a street to street / alley intersection. COMPLIES: Proposed driveways will not exceed 20 percent and are much shallower (5.5% maximum on Lot 2) as the site is relatively flat. (See sheet C1 Grading Plan). WILL COMPLY: Proposed driveways will be installed per City standards. WILL COMPLY: See findings in Chapter 18.5.3 later in these findings. WILL COMPLY: Proposed paving is either asphaltic or concrete and will conform to City standards. COMPLIES: All storm water on site is designed to flow off of sidewalks onto landscape planters or vehicle paving and then directed to the treatment swale along the north property line for Lot 2. No water will be directed on to adjacent properties. WILL COMPLY: Driveway approaches are proposed as concrete and will be constructed to City standards. WILL COMPLY: All parking spaces will be permanently and clearly marked by painted stripes. COMPLIES: Applicant is proposing replacing the wheel stops with 6 in. high concrete curbs at widened sidewalks and widened planters (two feet wider). Wheel stops are trip hazards and collect wind-blown trash. Widened planters provide for greater pervious areas on site. NOT APPLICABLE: Parking facilities are not adjacent to any streets. COMPLIES: Landscape plantings are provided along the entire north edge of the parking area and within five landscape peninsulas on Lot 2. This landscape area surrounding the parking area on Lot 2 is 1242.7 sq. ft. and is 22.8% of the 5440.8 sq. ft. parking area. COMPLIES: Site plan provides for a continuous walkway system throughout the development to connect the proposed building on Lot 2 with the future buildings on Lot 1 and to the proposed eight ft. sidewalk on Ashland Street. COMPLIES: Primary entrance facing Ashland Street for proposed building on Lot 2 is direct to the sidewalk. COMPLIES: All pathways on site are to be ADA accessible and as such, the building code will not allow for any hazards. COMPLIES: The primary entrance to the building on Lot 2 is on Ashland Street. Staff believes the other entrance is the primary and it may in fact be the entrance most used by customers that drive to the site. This secondary entrance is necessary for ADA accessibility; we are providing an accessible ramp in front of the ADA parking space in order to provide a van accessible parking space that is the closest parking space to the entrance as is required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Ashland ordinance 2.a. cited above requires a “reasonably direct” route to the primary entrance. Not providing this secondary entrance with the accessible ramp would require individuals with disabilities to walk or wheel themselves up and around the plaza to the primary entrance facing Ashland Street for a distance of approximately 150 feet; twice the 75 feet by using the ramp. We believe this to be unreasonable and quite possibly not in compliance with the ADA. WILL COMPLY: The future mixed-use buildings 1 and 2 on Lot 1 will comply with this requirement. COMPLIES: All building entrances will be connected by way of sidewalks with the exception of the emergency exit only that exits the Break Room for the proposed building on Lot 2. COMPLIES: All common areas including the Outdoor spaces, Plazas and parking will be connected by way of sidewalks. NOT APPLICABLE: No path from parking area requires traversing more than 150 feet. , COMPLIES: The crosswalks across the driveway will be paved in concrete to distinguish them from the asphaltic paving of the driveway. Crosswalks will be 20 feet curb to curb. COMPLIES: Walkways will be paved in concrete or concrete pavers and will be 5 feet in width. No multi-use paths are proposed on site. WILL COMPLY: All routes on site will be accessible. WILL COMPLY: Lighting will comply with this section. See findings that follow in this narrative. WILL COMPLY: Phase I will include all of the work shown for Lot 2 plus the entire width of the shared driveway up to and including the sidewalks from Ashland Street to the northerly edge of the north PTM driveway on Lot 2. Lot 1 work will be installed after a separate planning action. WILL COMPLY: Site will be totally accessible for use by residents, customers and employees. No storage or display will occur on site. COMPLIES: All areas not planned to be hardscaped will be landscaped. COMPLIES: 16.2% of Lot 2 is proposed and 27.6% is shown for the future development of Lot 1. COMPLIES: Proposal is to retain 17 of the existing 24 trees on site (See sheet L2). All shrubs are to be removed. Storm Water Facilities. Crime Prevention and Defensible Space Street Trees. Screening Abutting Property Lines. Screening Adjacent to Residential Building. Screening at Required Yards. Roof-mounted Equipment. Other Mechanical Equipment. Landscaping Coverage Plant Selection Screening Mulch Turf and Water Areas Fountains Turf Location Berms and Raised Beds Soil Quality. Automatic Sprinkler Controls. COMPLIES: Enclosure for two dumpsters is provided for on Lot 1. COMPLIES: Truck access to the refuse and recycling area is available via the north PTM driveway and exits via the 12 feet wide exit lane on the west side of Lot 2. COMPLIES: Disposal area will be surrounded on three sides with a minimum six ft. high masonry brick wall and will be enclosed by two powder coated / screened metal gates. WILL COMPLY: All lighting will be directed downward or shielded to eliminate direct illumination onto adjacent residential properties to the east, west, and north. COMPLIES: Lighting for pedestrian areas will be with low bollards or lighting wall mounted onto the building. Wall lighting will be directed downward onto the walking surface. COMPLIES: Proposed City approved on site light standards to be used are 14 feet to underside of fixture. COMPLIES: Light fixtures are located on the building or in landscape planter areas and will not be located in any pedestrian pathway in compliance with ADA standards. WILL COMPLY: Owner agrees to maintain lighting in good operating condition. COMPLIES: See sheet L2 “TREE REMOVAL AND PROTECTION PLAN” and attached “Tree Removal Permit Request” prepared by Alan Pardee of Covey Pardee Landscape Architects dated September 27, 2016. COMPLIES: See sheet L2 “TREE REMOVAL AND PROTECTION PLAN” and Site Plans on sheets A4 and A5. Sheets A4 and A5 show the trees to be removed as heavy dashed lines relative to proposed paving and site work. WILL COMPLY: Chain link fencing will be used, installed, and maintained according to these seven requirements. WILL COMPLY: Applicant agrees to this requirement and will ensure that General Contractor hired for the work complies with this requirement also. WILL COMPLY: Applicant agrees to this requirement if the City requests posting of a bond. WILL COMPLY: Applicant agrees to this requirement and will flag the trees to be removed and stake the building footprint if requested. COMPLIES: Proposed seven ft. park row and eight ft. sidewalk along Ashland Street have been designed to meet the requirements detailed in a8.3.12 – Site Development Design Overlays, Pedestrian Places and the diagram on page 3-180 of the Ashland Municipal Code titled “Ashland Street Future Improvement NOT APPLICABLE: No median required. Island was recently installed by the City directly to the south of the proposed building on Lot 2. COMPLIES: Proposed seven ft. park row along Ashland Street has been designed to meet the requirements detailed in a8.3.12 – Site Development Design Overlays, Pedestrian Places and the diagram on page 3-180 of the Ashland Municipal Code titled “Ashland Street Future Improvement COMPLIES: Proposed street trees are to be Halka Zelkova species and will be installed according to City specifications. COMPLIES: Eight ft. wide sidewalk proposed across the entire 219 feet of frontage on Ashland Street. Applicant will discuss with City Planning options for texturing or scoring the concrete sidewalk and will specify and install agreed upon selection. COMPLIES: Street lights will be proposed and approved by City Planning. Current proposal is to install City recommended light standard by “Sternberg”. NOT APPLICABLE: No new streets are proposed. NOT APPLICABLE: Not a subdivision. . COMPLIES: Buildings will connect to existing 6” sanitary sewer lateral to runs to an existing sanitary sewer line in Parker Street to the north of Lots 1 & 2. City water will be connected to the 8” ductile iron pipe water main in Ashland Street. WILL COMPLY: Plans for sanitary sewer and water improvements will be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer (Dew Engineering) and submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. AGREE: Applicant agrees to over size improvements if over sizing is required by City. AGREE: Applicant agrees to abide by restrictions if imposed. . WILL COMPLY: Plans for storm drainage and surface water management will be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer (Dew Engineering) and submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. The current proposal for storm water management for Lot 2 is to detain all storm water on site for percolation into the soil. A treatment / detention trench is proposed along the entire length of the north property line of Lot 2. Overflow will be pumped up to the curb in Ashland Street. AGREE: Applicant agrees to abide by restrictions if imposed. AGREE: Applicant agrees to over size improvements if over sizing is required by City. COMPLIES: All utility extensions will be installed below grade. COMPLIES: The two signs proposed for Lot 2 will not be visible from the adjacent residentially zoned properties to the north. Both signs will face to the south; one on the canopy at the drive-thru and one on the building facing Ashland Street. NOT APPLICABLE: No sign is proposed within ten fee of any driveway. COMPLIES: No sign proposed for Lot 2 is prohibited by this section. DEEMED TO COMPLY: Two signs proposed for RCU on Lot 2 will face Ashland Street. One of the signs is proposed to be installed on the canopy over the drive-thru and while not technically placed on the frontage, it may be exempt as it will not be visible from Ashland Street. It will face the parking area and will be blocked from visibility on Ashland Street by the proposed building. COMPLIES: Two signs are proposed for RCU for Lot 2. COMPLIES: Lot 1 frontage is proposed to be 137 feet so the maximum not to exceed of 60 sq. ft. applies. The two proposed signs will total 59 sq. ft. (35 + 24). COMPLIES: Two wall signs are proposed for RCU for Lot 2. COMPLIES: Two signs are proposed for the single business of Rogue Credit Union on Lot 2 and will total 59 sq. ft. COMPLIES: An eight ft. wide recess in the street facing façade leads to a pair of double doors and serve as the pedestrian entrance to the building proposed on Lot 2. This entrance will remain open during all business hours. COMPLIES: The pedestrian entrance is accessed directly from the sidewalk on Ashland Street. NOT APPLICABLE: No projecting signs are proposed for RCU for Lot 2. NOT APPLICABLE: No signs will project above the cornices at the roof. NOT APPLICABLE:No awning, marquee, portable business, or three dimensional signs proposed. WILL COMPLY: All signs will be constructed of non-combustible steel, aluminum, and plastic. NOT APPLICABLE: No wooden signs are proposed. WILL COMPLY: Directly illuminated wall signs will be faced in plastics approved by the building department. NOT APPLICABLE: No glass signs are proposed. WILL COMPLY: All signs will be constructed of durable steel, aluminum, and/or plastic. WILL COMPLY: All signs will be constructed of non-combustible steel, aluminum, and plastic LOT 1 – WILL COMPLY: Lot 1 abuts residentially zoned property to the north and is subject to Standard B. Future designs for Lot 1 will be required to meet this solar standard. LOT 2 - NOT APPLICABLE: Lot 1 to the north of Lot 2 is zoned C-1 therefor is not required to meet solar requirement. APPLIES TO LOT 1: Lot 1 to the north of Lot 2 is zoned C-1 therefor is not required to meet solar requirement. APPLIES: Project non-residential in the C-1 zone. APPLIES: Project falls within the Detail Site Review Overlay. COMPLIES: See project drawings. COMPLIES: See sheet A2. COMPLIES: See sheets A4 and A5. COMPLIES: See sheets A1, A7, A8, A9, and A10. COMPLIES: See sheet C1. COMPLIES: See sheet C1 COMPLIES: See sheet L1. Irrigation plans are deferred until building plan submittal. COMPLIES: Proposal complies with all applicable provisions for both Lots combined and reviewed as one large parcel. Applicant is proposing a “shadow” plan for future building on Lot 1 with a building area transfer from Lot 2 to Lot 1 to demonstrate how the minimum FAR of 50% will be met over both lots. Lot 1 will have an FAR of 62.4% and Lot 2 an FAR of 24.7% for a combined FAR for both lots of 50.6%. The applicant is asking for this transfer in order to build a one-story building on Lot 2. Banking is going through major changes and one of those changes is the reduction is the size of branch buildings. Rogue Credit Union only has a need for a 4500 sq. ft. branch in Ashland and will maintain the existing branch downtown. Staff has suggested that RCU “have other multi-story buildings elsewhere in the valley”. These multi-story buildings are already owned or include the new RCU headquarters in south Medford. RCU is not building two story branch banks anywhere in the valley and would have no use for a second story at this location. COMPLIES: Proposal complies with the Detail Site Review Overlay and the Pedestrian Place Overlay as demonstrated in these findings and the project drawings. COMPLIES: Proposal complies with the Site Development and Design Standards as demonstrated in these findings and the project drawings. COMPLIES: Adequate capacity of City facilities exists adjacent to the site as shown on sheet A6. An 8” water line is in Ashland Street. An existing 6” sanitary sewer line runs through an adjacent property to the north into the sewer line in Parker Street. Electric service is provided by a transformer and vault at the midway point of the western property line. Storm water will be treated and detained on site with overflow to be pumped up to Ashland Street. APPLIES: Proposal requests property line adjustment that does not result in creation of new lots. Lot 1 is to be enlarged by 2,977 sq. ft. and Lot 2 is to be reduced by the same amount. (See attached Planning Summary and sheet A3. COMPLIES: See attached “As-Built Site Survey” prepared by Polaris Land Survey. NOT APPLICABLE: Property is not a subdivision or partition. APPLIES: Proposal includes adjusting two property lines. COMPLIES: Submittal includes an “AS BUILT SITE SURVEY”, sheet A2 “SITE ANALYSIS MAP”, and A3 “PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT” that provide information required. Application for Property Line Adjustment is attached at end of these findings. COMPLIES: No additional lot is being created by this adjustment. COMPLIES: There are no requirements for lot area, width, depth, or lot coverage in the C-1 zone, Detail Site Review Overlay, or Pedestrian Place Overlay. Setbacks to the adjacent residential zone can be met on Lot 1 and are indicated on sheet A4. The entirety of Lot 1 and Lot 2, before and after property line adjustment, can be built upon. The lots do not fall within any physical constraint zones. COMPLIES: Both lots meet the required Access Standards as demonstrated in the SITE PLAN on sheet A4 and as described in these findings. Property line adjustment does not make access less conforming and is in greater conformance by the relocation of the driveway aligning with the Ashland Shopping Center driveway across Ashland Street. WILL COMPLY: A Final Plat map will be prepared as a partition plat and will comply with section WILL COMPLY: Applicant will comply with this requirement if Planning Application is approved by the Planning Commission. DEEMED TO COMPLY: The proposed Rogue Credit Union on LOT 2 and the future three buildings on LOT 1 are proposed to have in Residential Use the following (See Planning Summary): 41%of the parking spaces < 50% DEEMED TO COMPLY: The proposed Landscape Coverage for Lots 1 & 2 will be approximately 21.4%of the two lot area. PHASED DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED: Project shows a phased development with Lot 1 future improvements having an FAR of 62.4% and Lot 2 an FAR of 24.7% for a combined FAR of 50.6% DEEMED TO COMPLY: The south Ashland Street facing façade has 32.8% (was 21.6%) of the wall area in glazing. The east elevation facing the Plaza / Public Space has 29.4% of the wall abutting the plaza in glazing and the west elevation within 30 feet of the R.O.W has 30.3% glazing. (See sheets A9 & A10) COMPLIES: Commercial ratio of 1/500 sq. feet for Buildings 1-3 on Lot 1 yields a requirement of 22.8 spaces. A Retail ratio of 1/350 sq. ft. for Lot 2 yields a requirement of 12.9 spaces. Twelve one bedroom and four two bedroom apartments requires 25 spaces (was 27). Total spaces required – 63. Total spaces proposed – 64. COMPLIES: One surplus parking space is proposed for the combined Lot 2. Lot 2 parking provides for 1more spaces than required by the proposed use for the building on Lot 2 and space for three future spaces for Lot 1 Building 3.These spaces will be shared with the future residential uses in Lot 1 Buildings 1 and 2 in a night-day use scenario and also with the future Building 3 commercial uses during the day. The reason for this arrangement is due to the need for an on-site detention pond (approximately 30’ x 60’) for Lot 1 that will be located in the lowest area of the Lot at the northwest corner. This pond restricts the amount of parking area available to the north of future buildings 1 & 2 on Lot 1. The area behind the future Building 3 on Lot 1 is restricted by its’ width which limits the number of spaces available to Building 3. COMPLIES: Proposed parking areas have 26 ft.driveways leading in to the 24 ft. driveway / backup space between aisles at Lot 2 and 26 ft. at Lot 1 Building 1 and 2. Parking spaces will be striped and adequate aisles are provided so vehicles can enter the street in a forward manner. COMPLIES: Proposed driveways and curb cuts are at the twenty-six (26) ft.minimum required and no larger. COMPLIES: Landscape plantings are provided along the entire north edge of the parking area and within five landscape peninsulas on Lot 2. This landscape area surrounding the parking area on Lot 2 is 1654.7 sq. ft.and is 33.0%of the 5016.98 sq. ft. parking area. COMPLIES: The crosswalks across the driveway will be paved in concrete to distinguish them from the asphaltic paving of the driveway. Crosswalks will be 26 feetcurb to curb. COMPLIES:18.1% of Lot 2 is proposed and 23.0% is shown for the future development of Lot 1. COMPLIES: Proposal is to retain 16of the existing 24 trees on site (See sheet L2). All shrubs are to be removed. COMPLIES: Buildings will connect to existing 6” sanitary sewer lateral to runs to an existing sanitary sewer line in Parker Street to the north of Lots 1 & 2.Buildings on both Lots 1 & 2 will connect to sanitary sewer line in Parker Street via a new 6” sanitary sewer line within the proposed easement on Tax Lot 9800 to the north of Lot. City water will be connected to the 8” ductile iron pipe water main in Ashland Street. COMPLIES: Proposal complies with the Site Development and Design Standards as demonstrated in these findings and the project drawings with an exception of meeting the minimum F.A.R. in See E.2. below for justification. DEEMED TO COMPLY: The following comments respond directly to the “stated purpose” (or Purpose and Intent) outlined at the beginning of the Site Design and review standards for Non- Residential Development The proposed building on Lot 2 uses brick and metal paneling and breaks the elevation up with multiple masses. No unadorned concrete block is proposed. Landscaping and site design for commercial and employment zones is somewhat different from that required for residential zones. The requirement for outdoor spaces is much less. The primary function is to improve the project’s appearance, enhance the City’s streetscape, lessen the visual and climatic impact of parking areas, and to screen adjacent residential uses from the adverse impacts which commercial uses may cause. One area in which Ashland’s commercial differs from that seen in many other cities is the relationship between the street, buildings, parking areas, and landscaping. The most common form of modern commercial development is the placement of a small buffer of landscaping between the street and the parking area, with the building behind the parking area at the rear of the parcel with loading areas behind the building. This may be desirable for the commercial use because it gives the appearance of ample parking for customers. However, the effect on the streetscape is less than desirable because the result is a vast hot, open, parking area which is not only unsightly but results in a development form which the City discourages. This project conforms to Ashland’s standards by setting the parking to the rear of the building, providing inviting pedestrian spaces adjacent to a new eight feet wide public sidewalk with a park row featuring new street trees and lighting. In addition, the proposed building for Lot 2 has 32.6% of the façade in glazing with the interior visible from the sidewalk at Ashland Street. The alternative desired in Ashland is to design the site so that it makes a positive contribution to the streetscape and enhances pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The following development standards apply to commercial, industrial, non-residential and mixed- use development. The application of the standards depends on what area of the City the property is located. Generally speaking, areas that are visible from highly traveled arterial streets and that are in the Historic District are held to a higher development standard than projects that are in manufacturing and industrial area. November 18, 2016 City of Ashland Tree Commission 20 East Main Street Ashland, OR 97520 Re: Tree Removal Permit Request Rogue Credit Union Dear Tree Commission Members, Efforts were made in the planning process of the Rogue Credit Union project to accommodate existing trees. sixteen of the twenty-four existing trees will be retained, with eight removed to accommodate project development. For many years the project site operated as a trailer park. With the central portion of the site primarily without tree cover, with most trees oriented along the perimeter of the site; this configuration allowed retention of the majority of the existing trees, and will benefit the project and the surrounding area. All trees 6” dbh and larger are indicated on the Tree Protection & Removal Plan. Replacement trees will be provided as part of the standard development process in accordance with City of Ashland’s Municipal Code. Removal of these trees will not have a significant negative impact on erosion, soil stability, flow of surface waters, protection of adjacent trees, or existing windbreaks. Additionally, the removal of these trees will not have a significant negative impact on the tree densities, sizes, canopies, and species diversity within 200 feet of the subject property. One or more trees will be planted in the new landscape as mitigation for each tree with a dbh 6” or larger that is removed. Tree #1 25” Black Locust (3 stems). This multi-stem tree is on the west property line and within roughly five feet of the proposed driveway. Black Locust is an exceptionally tough non-native trees species that is likely to survive construction. This tree is part of a row of the same species, and will be retained. Tree #2 25” Black Locust. At the north end of a row, this tree is also located very near the west property line and within roughly six feet of the proposed driveway. Located within a proposed landscape area, this tree will be retained. Tree #3 28” Black Oak (3 stems). Located near the west property line and within a proposed landscape area, this tree will be retained. Tree #4 9” Big Leaf Maple (2 stems). Located within a proposed landscape area, this tree will be retained. Tree #5 20” Siberian Elm. Located within a proposed paved area, this tree needs to be removed to allow for construction. Tree #6 12” Siberian Elm. Located within a proposed landscape area, this tree will be retained. Tree #7 12” Black Oak. Located within a proposed landscape area, this tree will be retained. Tree #8 22” Maple. Located within a proposed landscape area, this tree will be retained. Tree Removal Permit Request Rogue credit Union September 27, 2016 Tree #9 12” Maple. Located within a proposed landscape area, this tree will be retained. Tree #10 14” Maple. Located within a proposed landscape area, this tree will be retained. Tree #11 9” Black Oak (2 stems). Located within a proposed landscape area, this tree will be retained. Tree #12 18” Black Oak. Located within a proposed landscape area, this tree will be retained. Tree #13 10” Almond. Located within a proposed landscape area, this tree will be retained. Tree #14 10” Black Oak. Located within a proposed landscape area, this tree will be retained. Tree #15 12” Black Oak (3 stems). Located within a proposed landscape area, this tree will be retained. Tree #16 9” Almond (2 stems). Located within a proposed landscape area, this tree will be retained. Tree #17 12” Black Oak (3 stems). Located within a proposed landscape area, this tree will be retained. Tree #18 12” Cedar. Located within the development area, this tree needs to be removed to allow for construction. Tree #19 14” Maple (2 stems). Although located within a proposed planter, paving, grading, and trenching activities will occur within dripline; the tree would not survive these impacts, and will be removed to allow for construction. Tree #20 30” Cottonwood. Located within a proposed paved area, this tree needs to be removed to allow for construction. Tree #21 24” Silver Maple. Located within the proposed building footprint, this tree needs to be removed to allow for construction. Tree #22 10” Silver Maple. Located within a proposed paved area, this tree needs to be removed to allow for construction. Tree #23 18” Siberian Elm. Located within a proposed paved area, this tree needs to be removed to allow for construction. Tree #24 24” Siberian Elm. Located within a proposed paved area, this tree needs to be removed to allow for construction. The Rogue Credit Union project will include many new trees selected for hardiness, beauty, and longevity, and coordinated with the City of Ashland’s landscape requirements. Respectfully, Alan Pardee Covey Pardee Landscape Architects Covey Pardee Landscape ArchitectsPage 2of 2 THESE DRAWINGS SHALL ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT NOT BE USED FOR:11-14-16 LANDSCAPE PRELIMINARY 15-036 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 1651 ASHLAND STREET ASHLAND, OREGON SITE REVIEW RECORDATION SUBMITTAL CONVEYANCE REVISIONS - 9-30-16 BIDDING PLAN ROGUE CREDIT UNION L1 ISSUE DATE: PROJECT: SHEET: A S H L A N D B R A N C H - R O G U E C R E D I T U N I O N LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 295 EAST MAIN, No. 8 ASHLAND, OR 97520 541 552 1015 OWNER WILL PROVIDE AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN FOR BEGINNING WORK. OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING ALL A I T O TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF EXISTING CONDITIONS PROVIDED BY ALL NEW LANDSCAPE AREAS AT THE TIME OF BUILDING PERMIT R VERIFY LOCATIONS OF ALL BELOW GRADE UTILITIES PRIOR TO R A P E S A V Y B U R - 4 GENERAL NOTES POLARIS LAND SURVEYING, LLC. R A E P G N UTILITY LOCATES. I R E SUBMITTAL. W O L F - 4 C. A.B. 2-RED OAK 2-JAPANESE SNOWBELL M U L P G N I I J R U E F W T O M -L 2F E L A W S T N E M T A 2-HALKA ZELKOVA E R T R E T A W M R O T S TREE PLANTING NOT TO SCALE 1 GAL @ 30" O.C.1 GAL @ 30" O.C.1 GAL @ 30" O.C. 2 GAL @ 6' O.C.2 GAL @ 4' O.C.2 GAL @ 5' O.C.2 GAL @ 5' O.C.2 GAL @ 4' O.C.2 GAL @ 4' O.C. 5 GAL @ 5' O.C.5 GAL @ 6' O.C.5 GAL @ 5' O.C.5 GAL @ 4' O.C.5 GAL @ 8' O.C.5 GAL @ 6' O.C.5 GAL @ 5' O.C.5 GAL @ 5' O.C. 1 GAL @ 3' O.C.1 GAL @ 4' O.C.1 GAL @ 5' O.C.1 GAL @ 3' O.C.1 GAL @ 3' O.C.1 GAL @ 3' O.C.1 GAL @ 3' O.C.1 GAL @ 3' O.C. 1-3/4" CAL B&B1-3/4" CAL B&B1-3/4" CAL B&B1-3/4" CAL B&B1-3/4" CAL B&B - 2 2" CAL B&B GOLDFINGER SHRUB POTENTILLA VARIEGATED JAPANESE SEDGE PURPLE GEM RHODODENDRON ANTHONY WATERER SPIRAEA KELSEY RED-TWIG DOGWOODKELSEY RED-TWIG DOGWOOD GRO-LOW FRAGRANT SUMAC CRIMSON PYGMY BARBERRY ISANTI RED-TWIG DOGWOOD ARNOLD DWARF FORSYTHIA COMPACT OREGON GRAPE DUKE GARDENS PLUM YEWHAMELN FOUNTAIN GRASS LITTLE PRINCESS SPIRAEA CHANTICLEER FLWG PEAR MT FUJI FLOWERING PLUMWILLIAM PENN BARBERRY COMPACT BURNING BUSH YELLOW CARPET ROSE FLOWERING CURRANT JAPANESE SNOWBELL RUBY VASE PARROTIA ALASKA BLUE WILLOW BLUE OAT GRASS WINTER DAPHNE HALKA ZELKOVAOREGON GRAPEAARON'S BEARD STORM WATER TREATMENT SWALE KINNIKINNICKGROUNDCOVERS & PERENNIALS SOFT RUSH RED OAK EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN CAREX MORROWI 'AUREA-VARIEGATA SHRUB PLANTING MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM 'COMPACTA' STORM WATER TREATMENT SWALE CEPHALOTAXUS 'DUKE GARDENS'RHODODENDRON x 'PURPLE GEM' HELICTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS EUONYMUS ALATA 'COMPACTUS' PARROTIA PERSICA 'RUBY VASE' GROUND COVERS & PERENNIALS BERBERIS T 'CRIMSON PYGMY' SPIRAEA 'ANTHONY WATERER' ARCTOSTAPHYLLOS UVA-URSI BERBERIS x G. 'WILLIAM PENN' POTENTILLA F. 'GOLDFINGER' SPIRAEA J. 'LITTLE PRINCESS' RHUS AROMATICA 'GRO-LOW' FORSYTHIA 'ARNOLD DWARF' SHRUBS ROSA YELLOW CARPET ROSE TREES PENNISETUM A. 'HAMELN' HYPERICUM CALYCINUM MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM PYRUS 'CHANTICLEER' CORNUS S. 'KELSEYI'CORNUS S. 'KELSEYI' PLANT LIST PRUNUS S. 'MT FUJI' ZELKOVA S. 'HALKA'NOT TO SCALE STYRAX JAPONICUS CORNUS S. 'ISANTI'RIBES SANGUINEUM JUNCUS EFFUSUS QUERCUS RUBRA SALIX PURPUREA DAPHNE ODORA LEGEND SHRUBS TREES - 1 C 2016 Kistler Small + White Architects, LLC This document, and the ideas and designs incorporated herein, as an instrument of professional service, is the property of Kistler Small + White Architects and is not to be used, in whole or in part, for any other project without the written authorization of Kistler Small + White Architects THESE DRAWINGS SHALL PROTECTION & ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT 11-14-16 NOT BE USED FOR: PRELIMINARY 15-036 REMOVAL CONSTRUCTION SITE REVIEWSUBMITTAL RECORDATION CONVEYANCE REVISIONS - 9-30-16 BIDDING TREE PLAN L2 ISSUE DATE: PROJECT: SHEET: - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 295 EAST MAIN, No. 8 ASHLAND, OR 97520 541 552 1015 BIG LEAF MAPLE: 14" DBH (2 stem) BLACK LOCUST: 25" DBH (3 stem)BIG LEAF MAPLE: 9" DBH (2 stem)BIG LEAF MAPLE: 9" DBH (2 stem) EXISTING TREES TREE PROTECTION FENCING BLACK OAK: 28" DBH (3 stem)BLACK OAK: 12" DBH (3 stem)BLACK OAK: 12" DBH (3 stem) BIG LEAF MAPLE: 22" DBHBIG LEAF MAPLE: 20" DBHBIG LEAF MAPLE: 14" DBH BLACK LOCUST: 25" DBH EXSTG. TREE NUMBER COTTONWOOD: 30" DBH SILVER MAPLE: 24" DBHSILVER MAPLE: 10" DBHSIBERIAN ELM: 18" DBHSIBERIAN ELM: 24" DBH SIBERIAN ELM: 20" DBHSIBERIAN ELM: 12" DBH BLACK OAK: 12" DBHBLACK OAK: 18" DBHBLACK OAK: 10" DBH (See Notes C & D) ALMOND: 10" DBH ALMOND: 9" DBH CEDAR: 12" DBH 1 101112131415161718192021222324 123456789 EXISTING TREES TO BE EXISTING TREES TO LEGEND REMOVED REMAIN 12 11 14 16 8 9 10 15 13 23 22 17 18 24 21 20 19 7 1 2 5 3 4 6 DISCUSSION ITEM _________________________________ Cottage Housing Standards Memo DATE: January 10, 2017 TO: Ashland Planning Commission FROM: Brandon Goldman, Senior Planner RE: Cottage Housing Standards SUMMARY At a study session on August 25, 2016 the Planning Commission reviewed the prior draft of an ordinance addressing the potential of allowing cottage housing developments within single family residential zones. Specifically the Commission discussed potential unit sizes, density allowances, a strategy of establishing a floor area ratio standard to regulate the size of cottage housing developments to be compatible with existing single family home neighborhoods, and the value of having developers review the draft ordinance to provide input before the drafting the final ordinance. BACKGROUND The attached draft includes amendments to the cottage housing ordinance presented to the Commission on August 25, 2016 as follows: In review of the available buildable lands it was discussed that limited opportunity for cottage housing developments existed in R-1-10 zones, and such zones included neighborhoods with an established pattern of larger lots and lower lot coverage. As such the proposed cottage housing development standards would only apply within the R-1-5, NN-1-5, and R-1-7.5 single family zones. The prior draft ordinance provided a cottage housing development density table that stipulated the minimum lot sizes needed for 4, 5 & 6 unit developments, and established a base density for projects that would be 7 units or larger. After discussions with the Planning Commission regarding the potential of using Floor Area Ratio (FAR) as part of the standard, staff analyzed the FAR of standard housing developments built out with average home sizes (2028sq.ft. home + 400sq.ft. garage). In conducting this analysis it was determined that a FAR of 0.35 would ensure cottage housing developments did not exceed the floor area of such typical single family home developments. The working draft ordinance presented therefore simplifies the cottage housing development density table ( to allow one cottage per 2500 sq.ft. of lot area in the R- 1-5 and NN-1-5 zones, and one cottage per 3,750 sq.ft. in the R-1-7.5 zone, provided the combined gross floor area of all cottages and structures in the cottage housing development do not exceed an FAR of 0.35. The table below shows how the 0.35 FAR would affect average cottage unit sizes on select parcel sizes: Page2 of 4 MaximumNumberFloorAreaaverage LotSizeFloorareaofCottageUnits(1perCottageUnit (sf)FARmaximumper2,500sf)(usingMaxFAR) 10000 Љ͵ЌЎЌЎЉЉЍБАЎ 15000 Љ͵ЌЎЎЋЎЉЏБАЎ 20000 Љ͵ЌЎАЉЉЉББАЎ 25000 Љ͵ЌЎБАЎЉЊЉБАЎ 32000 Љ͵ЌЎЊЊЋЉЉЊЋВЌЌ The prior draft stipulated that at least 75% of the cottage units be less than 800sq.ft., but would have allowed larger units provided the total average unit size of all units on the property not exceed 1000 square feet. This provision was modified to eliminate the “average unit size” standard and instead simply state that cottage housing units shall not exceed 1000sq.ft. In conducting the FAR analysis referenced above, it was demonstrated that cottage housing development where at least 75% of the units are less than 800 sq.ft., and no cottage units exceeded 1000 sq.ft. in floor area, would comply with the 0.35 FAR maximum as proposed. In consideration of commissioner questions relating to the optimum number of units within a cottage housing development further research indicates that although cottage housing developments up to 16 are considered an upper threshold for such small-scale pocket neighborhoods, a range of 4 to 12 may be preferable. According to Ross Chapin in the book Pocket Neighborhoods the right size for a pocket neighborhood is described as follows: “ A neighborhood might contain several hundred households, but when it comes to pocket neighborhoods, I believe the upper limit is in the range of 12-16 households. If a cluster has fewer than 4 households it loses the sense of being a cluster, or a group. It lacks the clear sense of identity, diversity, or activity of a larger group. On the other hand, when the number of households grows beyond a dozen or so, it becomes difficult for people to know their neighbors in any depth, or to live close enough to call on them in an emergency.” The current draft of the ordinance has been amended to reduce the upper range of units within a development from a maximum of 16 to 12. The four unit minimum presented in the initial draft has been retained in the current working draft. th It was noted at the August 25 meeting that the map provided showing properties suitable for cottage housing should be revised to include all R-1-5 and R-1-7.5 zoned properties that had an area sufficient to accommodate development of one or more additional units. The attached map provides the location of such properties. It is important to note that the suitability of any particular parcel for development is contingent upon a number of factors requiring careful analysis, including the existing building footprints, physical constraints (e.g. slope, riparian areas, large stature trees), and vehicular access. Therefore the map provided is primarily intended to illustrate a general overview of cottage housing potential based on lot size alone and is not a precise indicator of the specific lots which could readily accommodate a cottage housing development. DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Page3 of 4 The Planning Commission noted that having building and construction industry professionals review the draft ordinance would be of benefit to help ensure cottage housing developments, developed consistent with a final ordinance, are viable and could actually be built. Staff has provided the draft ordinance to three local development professions that are interested in cottage housing developments (Gil Livni, Carlos Delgado, and Charlie Hamilton), and each has agreed to review the draft ordinance. Feedback from these industry professionals will be provided to the Planning Commission for discussion in advance of preparing a final draft ordinance. Policy Objectives To provide alternative types of housing for small households; provide high quality infill development which maintains traditional cottage amenities and proportions and contribute to neighborhood character; efficiently use residential land supply; and meet regional plan commitment to accommodate future population growth within the City’s existing boundaries. The City Council adopted new goals since the adoption of the reformatted and amended land use ordinance in December 2014. The following items are goals and objectives from the Council’s most recent effort, “Ashland 2020,” that potentially relate to cottage housing. Support and promote, through policy, programs that make the City affordable to live in. Pursue affordable housing opportunities, especially workforce housing. Identify specific incentives for developers to build more affordable housing. (high priority for 2015-2017) Support land-use plans and policies that encourage family-friendly neighborhoods. Draft pocket neighborhood code that allows for the construction of small scale, cottage housing projects. The City adopted a new chapter in the Ashland Comprehensive Plan in 2012 to incorporate the applicable portions of the adopted the Greater Bear Creek Valley Regional Plan. As a part of the regional planning process, six of the seven communities identified areas outside their respective urban growth boundaries (UGB) for future growth. However, the City of Ashland did not identify UGB expansion areas and committed to evaluating innovative land use strategies to accommodate future residential and employment growth within the City’s existing boundaries. The Ashland Comprehensive Plan includes the following performance indicators in the Regional Plan Element. Reach density of 6.6 dwelling units per acre for land in the UGB that is annexed or offset by increasing the residential density in the city limits. Achieve targets for dwelling units and employment in mixed-use/pedestrian-friendly areas. Participate in a regional housing strategy that strongly encourages a range of housing types. Other related goals and policies in the Ashland Comprehensive Plan include the following. Ensure a variety of dwelling types and provide housing opportunities for the total cross-section of Ashland’s population, consistent with preserving the character and appearance of the city. (Housing Element) Encourage the development of private common open space area in new residential developments to offset the demand for additional public parks. (Parks, Open Space, and Aesthetics Element) DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Page4 of 4 Maintain and improve Ashland’s compact urban form to allow maximum pedestrian and bicycle travel. (Transportation Element) ATTACHMENTS Cottage housing ordinance, January 2017 draft BLI Map for R-1 properties with additional development potential (one or more additional units). DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 E. Main Street Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us COTTAGE HOUSING STANDARDS Working Draft Ordinance Amendments Nov. 2017 Cottage Housing in R-1 and NN-1 Zones A. Purpose and Intent. 1. Support the local and regional growth management goal of more efficient use of city residential land. Cottage housing may allow higher residential density than is normally allowed in the underlying zone. This increased density is possible with smaller than average home sizes, clustered parking, and site design standards that promote compatible infill development. 2. Support the Comprehensive Plan goal of affordability, innovation, and variety in housing design and site development; and a variety of housing choices to meet the needs of a population diverse in age, income, household composition, and individual needs. 3. Provide opportunities for an alternative type of housing for small households. 4. Provide opportunities for high quality infill development which maintains traditional cottage amenities and proportions and contribute to the overall community character. 5. The cottage housing development design standards contained in this section are intended to create a small community of cottages oriented around open space that is pedestrian-oriented and minimizes the visibility of off-street parking. B. Applicability and General Requirements 1. R-1 Zones. In the R-1-5 and R-1-7.5 zones cottage housing developments are subject to review through chapter 18.3.9 Performance Standards, and shall meet the requirements of subsection, below. 2. R-1-3.5, R-2 and, R-3 Zones. In the R-1-3.5, R-2 and R-3 zones, cottage housing developments are subject to review through chapter 18.5.2 Site Design Review, and are exempt from the development standards in subsection, below. 3. NN -1 Zones. In the NN-1-5 zone cottage housing developments are subject to review through chapter 18.3.9 Performance Standards and chapter 18.3.4 Normal Neighborhood Plan, and shall meet the requirements of subsection, below. 4. NN -1-3.5 and NN-2 Zones. In the NN -1-3.5 and NN-2 zones cottage housing developments are subject to review through chapter 18.5.2 Site Design Review and chapter 18.3.4 Normal Neighborhood Plan, and are exempt from the development standards in subsection, below. C. Development Standards Cottage housing developments in the R-1 and NN-1 zones shall meet all of the following requirements. 1. Cottage Housing Density. In cottage housing developments, the permitted number of units and minimum lot areas shall be as follows. Cottage housing ordinance, November 2016 draft Page 1 Table18.2.3.090.C.1CottageHousingDevelopmentDensity MinimumMaximum number of number of Minimum lot size Maximum Maximum cottages per cottages per (accommodates Zones Floor Area Cottage Densitycottagecottageminimum number Ratio (FAR) housinghousingof cottages) developmentdevelopment 1 cottage R-1-5, dwelling unit per ЍЊЋЊЉͲЉЉЉƭƨ͵ŅƷ͵Љ͵ЌЎ NN-1-5 2,500 square feet of lot area 1 cottage dwelling unit per ЍЊЋЊЎͲЉЉЉƭƨ͵ŅƷ͵Љ͵ЌЎ R-1-7.5 3,750 square feet of lot area 2. Building and Site Design. Maximum Floor Area Ratio: The combined gross floor area of all dwellings and a. structures within a cottage housing development shall not exceed a maximum 0.35 floor area ratio (FAR). Maximum Floor Area.The maximum gross floor area for at least 75 percent of the b. cottages shall not exceed 800 square feet, and gross floor area for any individual cottage unit shall not exceed 1000 square feetFor the purpose of this section, gross . floor area excludes any space where the floor to ceiling height is less than seven feet. c.Height. Structures in cottage housing developments shall be designed to be single story, one and one-half story, or single story plus a loft. Building height of all structures shall not exceed 18 feet. The highest point of a pitched roof may extend up to 25 feet at the ridge of the roof. d.Setbacks. Setbacks along the perimeter of the development shall have the same setbacks as required in the zones. See Table e.Lot Coverage. Lot coverage shall meet the requirements of the underlying zone. See Table f.Building Separation. Up to two cottages may be attached. All buildings containing residential units within a cottage housing development shall maintain a minimum separation of ten feet measured from the nearest point of the exterior walls. Accessory buildings (e.g., carport, garage, shed, multipurpose room) shall comply with building code requirements for separation from non-residential structures. g.Street Facing Facades. i. The main entries of cottages visible from the adjacent streets shall provide a Cottage housing ordinance, November 2016 draft Page 2 visual pedestrian connection with the surrounding neighborhood. ii. All cottages adjacent to the street shall have their primary orientation to the street and street facing facades that avoid blank walls. Cottages adjacent to the street shall include the following: (A). Changes in exterior siding material and paint color. (B). Windows which may include bay windows. 3. Access, Circulation, and Off-Street Parking Requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 18.4.3 Parking, Access, and Circulation, cottage housing developments shall conform to the following requirements. a. Pedestrian access shall be provided to all cottages from the street and sidewalk, and shall meet the pedestrian access and circulation standards of b. Except for those street connections identified on the Street Dedication Map, the Commission may reduce or waive the requirement to dedicate and construct a public street in chapter 18.5.3 where a cottage housing development meets the connectivity and block length standards in section by providing public access for pedestrians and bicyclists with an alley, shared street, or multi-use path connecting the public street to adjoining properties. c. Driveways and parking areas shall meet the vehicle area design standards of section d. Parking shall be consolidated to minimize the number of parking areas, and shall be located on the cottage housing development property. e. Parking areas shall not be located between the buildings and the street, and shall be located and designed to be less visible from frontage streets than the cottages themselves. f. Parking areas shall be landscaped to screen parking from adjacent properties and street rights of way and shall meet applicable landscape standards of chapter 18.4.4. g. Parking Ratios: Cottage Floor Area of 500 square feet or less: 1 parking spaces per unit. Cottage Floor Area of greater than 500 square feet and less than 800 square feet: 1.25 parking spaces per unit. Cottage Floor Area greater than 800 square feet and less than 1000 square feet: 1.5 parking spaces per unit. h. Off-street parking may be located within an accessory structure such as a multi-auto carport or garage, but such structures shall not be attached to individual cottages. Uncovered parking is also permitted provided that off street parking is screened from direct street view. i. Cottage housing developments are exempt from the on-street parking requirements of section j.Exterior lighting. Exterior lighting shall meet the requirements of Outdoor Cottage housing ordinance, November 2016 draft Page 3 Lighting. k.Fences. Notwithstanding the provisions of section, fence height is limited to three feet adjacent to the common open space and to four feet in other interior areas within the development, except as allowed for deer fencing in subsection Fences in the front and side yards abutting a public street, and on the perimeter of the development shall meet the fence standards of section Chain link fences are prohibited. 4. Common Open Space. Open space that is commonly owned by all members of a cottage housing development shall meet all of the following standards. a. For the purpose of cottage housing, common open space shall be the central space that may be used by all occupants of the cottage complex surrounded by grouped cottages. b. Common open space shall be for recreational use by residents of the development, and provide a suitable surface for human use. Physically constrained areas such as wetlands or steep slopes cannot be counted towards the common open space requirement. c. A minimum of 20 percent of the total lot area is required as common open space. Common open space shall have no dimension that is less than 20 feet. d. At least 50 percent of the cottage units shall abut a common open space. e. The common open space shall not be across a street or parking area. f. Common open space shall be a contiguous area located in front or behind the cottages. g. The common open space shall have cottages abutting at least two sides grouped around the common open space. h. The common open space shall be distinguished from the private yard areas with a walkway, fencing, landscaping, berm, or similar method to provide a visual boundary around the perimeter of the common area. i. Parking areas, yard setbacks, spaces between buildings, areas under power lines, and private yards and driveways do not qualify as common open space. Cottage housing ordinance, November 2016 draft Page 4 Figure Cottage Housing Conceptual Site Plan 5. Private Yards. Each residential unit in a cottage housing development shall have a private yard area. The private yard shall be separate from the common open space to create a sense of privacy. The private open space shall be separated from the common open space with a small hedge, picket fence, or other similar visual separation to create a sense of separate ownership. a. Each cottage unit shall be provided with a minimum of 200 square feet of usable private yard area. b. No dimension of the private yard area shall be less than 10 feet. 6. Common Buildings, Existing Nonconforming Structures and Accessory Residential Units. a.Common Buildings. Up to 25 percent of the required common open space, but no greater than 1,500 square feet, may be utilized for a community building for the sole use of the cottage housing residents. Common buildings shall not be attached to individual cottages or other structures. Consolidated carports or garage structures are not subject to the area limitations of this section. b.Nonconforming Dwelling Units. On a lot to be used for a cottage housing development, an existing single-family residential structure, which may be nonconforming with respect to the standards of this chapter, shall be permitted to remain, but the extent of the nonconformity may not be increased. Such nonconforming dwelling units shall be included in the maximum permitted cottage density. c.Accessory Residential Units. New accessory residential units (ARUs) are not permitted in cottage housing developments, except that an existing attached or detached ARU that is accessory to an existing nonconforming single-family structure Cottage housing ordinance, November 2016 draft Page 5 may be counted as a cottage unit if the property is developed subject to the provisions of this chapter. 7. Storm Water and Low-Impact Development. a. Cottage housing developments shall be designed to take advantage of open space and landscaped features to utilize storm water low impact development techniques including natural filtration and on-site infiltration of storm water. b. Low impact development techniques for storm water management shall be used wherever possible. Such techniques may include the use of porous solid surfaces in parking areas and walkways, directing roof drains and parking lot runoff to landscape beds, green or living roofs, and rain barrels. c. Cottages shall be located to maximize natural storm water functions. In this zone, cottages shall be grouped and parking areas shall be located to preserve as much contiguous, permanently undeveloped open space and native vegetation as possible. 8. Restrictions. a. The size of a cottage dwelling may not be increased beyond the maximum floor area in subsection A deed restriction shall be placed on the property notifying future property owners of the size restriction. Cottage housing ordinance, November 2016 draft Page 6 Performance Standards for Residential Developments The density of the development shall not exceed the density established by A. Base Densities. this section. The density shall be computed by dividing the total number of dwelling units by the acreage of the project, including land dedicated to the public. Fractional portions of the final answer, after bonus point calculations, shall not apply towards the total density. 1. The base density, for purposes of determining density bonuses allowed under this section, is as provided in Table Table Densities for Determining Allowable Density Bonus with Performance Standards Option Zone Allowable Density (dwelling units per acre) WR-2 0.30 du/acre WR-2.5 0.24 du/acre WR-5 0.12 du/acre WR-10 0.06 du/acre WR-20 0.03 du/acre RR-1 0.60 du/acre RR-.5 1.2 du/acre R-1-10 2.40 du/acre R-1-7.5 3.60 du/acre R-1-5 4.50 du/acre R-1-3.5 7.2 du/acre R-2 13.5 du/acre R-3 20 du/acre The base density for cottage housing developments, for purposes of determining 2. density bonuses, allowed under this section is as provided in Table Table Base Densities for Determining Allowable Density Bonus with Performance Standards Option MinimumMaximum Minimum lot size number of number of Maximum Maximum Cottage (accommodates Zones cottages per cottages per Floor Area Densityminimum number cottage housing cottage housing Ratio (FAR) of cottages) developmentdevelopment 1 cottage dwelling R-1-5, unit per 2,500 ЍЊЋЊЉͲЉЉЉƭƨ͵ŅƷ͵Љ͵ЌЎ NN-1-5 square feet of lot area 1 cottage dwelling unit per 3,750 ЍЊЋЊЎͲЉЉЉƭƨ͵ŅƷ͵Љ͵ЌЎ R-1-7.5 square feet of lot area 3. Open Space Required. All developments with a base density of ten units or greater shall be required to provide a minimum of five percent of the total lot area in Open Space; that area is not subject to bonus point calculations, however, density bonuses shall be awarded to open space areas in excess of the five percent required by this subsection. The permitted base density shall be increased by the B. Density Bonus Point Calculations. Cottage housing ordinance, November 2016 draft Page 7 percentage gained through bonus points. In no case shall the density exceed that allowed under the Comprehensive Plan. The maximum density bonus permitted shall be 60 percent (base density x 1.6), pursuant to the following criteria. 1. Conservation Housing. A maximum 15 percent bonus is allowed. One-hundred percent of the homes or residential units approved for development, after bonus point calculations, shall meet the minimum requirements for certification as a Earth Advantage home, as approved by the Ashland Conservation Division under the City’ s Earth Advantage program as adopted by resolution 2006-06. 2. Provision of Common Open Space. A maximum ten percent bonus is allowed, pursuant to the following. a.Purpose. Common open spaces may be provided in the form of natural areas, wetlands, playgrounds, active or passive recreational areas, and similar areas in common ownership. All areas set aside for common open space may be counted for base density, unless otherwise excluded by subsection However, for the purposes of awarding density bonus points, the Planning Commission shall consider whether or not the common open space is a significant amenity to project residents, and whether project residents will realistically interact with the open space on a day-to-day basis. The purpose of the density bonus for common open space is to permit areas, which could otherwise be developed, or sold as individual lots, to be retained in their natural state or to be developed as a recreational amenity. It is not the purpose of this provision to permit density bonuses for incidental open spaces that have no realistic use by project residents on a day-to-day basis. b.Standard. Developments with fewer than ten units that provide more than two percent of the project area for common open space, or for developments of ten units or greater that provide more than five percent open space, a one percent bonus shall be awarded for each one percent of the total project area in common open space. 3. Provision of Major Recreational Facilities. A maximum ten percent bonus is allowed, pursuant to the following. a.Purpose. Points may be awarded for the provision of major recreational facilities such as tennis courts, swimming pools, playgrounds, or similar facilities. b.Standard. For each percent of total project cost devoted to recreational facilities, a six percent density bonus may be awarded up to a maximum of ten percent bonus. Total project cost shall be defined as the estimated sale price or value of each residential unit times the total number of units in the project. Estimated value shall include the total market value for the structure and land. A qualified architect or engineer shall prepare the cost of the recreational facility using current costs of recreational facilities. 4. Affordable Housing. A maximum bonus of 35 percent is allowed. Developments shall receive a density bonus of two units for each affordable housing unit provided. Affordable housing bonus shall be for residential units that are guaranteed affordable in accordance with the standards of section Affordable Housing Standards. 5. Cottage Housing. Cottage housing developments of 7 units or greater, meeting Cottage housing ordinance, November 2016 draft Page 8 the standards of section Cottage Housing, are eligible for conservation housing density bonuses per the requirements of, and the affordable housing density bonuses per the requirements of, but are not eligible for additional density for the provision of common open space or the provision of major recreational facilities. Cottage housing ordinance, November 2016 draft Page 9 TOLM AN CREEK RD N. MOUNTA IN AVE TS KAO