HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-6-13 CEPAC Minutes Climate and Environment Policy Advisory Committee (CEPAC) Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2024, 5:30-7:30PM 51 Winburn Wy. Ashland, OR 97520 1. Call to Order 1.1. COMMITTEE MEMBERS- PRESENT: Kip Barrett, Cat Gould, Bryan Sohl, Eric Ahnmark, Sharon Dohrmann, Gary Shaff, Mark Morrison Sidney Brown, Kiera Reitz, Piper Banks, OPEN POSITIONS: 1 ABSENT: Richard Barth, Becs Walker, 1.1. CITY COUNCIL: Bob Kaplan 1.2. STAFF: Chad Woodward 2. Consent Agenda 2.1. Minutes- Approved. Motion to approve made by Dohrman. Seconded by Schaff. Approved unanimously. 3. Updates/Announcements 3.1. Council Update 3.1.1. Bob Kaplan- Council advised Staff to return with a natural gas ban ordinance on new residential construction with an emission standard on furnaces & hot water heaters, and a carbon emission charge. Outside attorney hired for review. Contract approved to begin construction on Pioneer Hall and the Community Center. A package was proposed to replace the existing gas furnace with an electric upgrade. 6:32 3.2. Staff Update 3.2.1. Chad Woodward- New city website live and created new climate webpages. An attorney has been hired to investigate the ordinance subject matter. Meeting scheduled to connect with attorney. EECBG application submitted. Planning department presentation completed. RESP loan is still in progress; the in-house legal team has reviewed, and the application has been delivered. RARE intern application has been waitlisted. New website demonstrated. 3.3. Chair Update 3.3.1. Bryan Sohl- Informed on next formal meeting and scheduled study sessions. Global average temperature graph presented. 3.4. Other Committee Members Update- 3.4.1. Recology- Eric Ahnmark- Recology accepted offer for new General Manager. Artist program in partnership with SOU presented in the sculpture garden through the end of August. Waste stream analysis to be considered in the future. Motion for Eric Ahnmark to research and create a proposal for a Recology waste-stream analysis, proposed by Dohrman. Seconded by Gould. Approved unanimously. 3.4.2. RCAT- Piper Banks- Summer fellowship program in process. Ordinance involvement begins June 20, which will establish an area of focus moving forward. Summer plan to recruit younger members. 3.4.3. ASD- Mark Morrison- New administration beginning within the month. The BOND project is in progress now that campuses are empty for the summer. Renovations of Helman and AMS have matched models of reduced water and energy usage. Solar projects district-wide are in progress. Backup batteries were not in the scope of the bond when it was established. 3.4.4. Gary Schaff- Transportation funding changes possible for Oregon roads. Oregon Department of Transportation exploring ways of making a more sustainable road maintenance system. 4. Unfinished Business- 4.1. Ordinance Update th 4.1.1. City hired attorney & ordinance is in their possession for review. August 5 study session scheduled for legal consideration and specifics of what ordinance will cover-dates of implementation, carbon-charge consideration. Avista franchise fee agreement changes need to be prioritized to meet the deadline to adjust City’s agreement. Discussion followed. 4.2. Study Session Update- 4.2.1. Home Energy Score- Letter to be sent to home inspectors in rogue valley. One inspector has been recertified. 4.2.2. Small Engine- Letter to SOU and ASD to sign on to City’s net zero operations by 2030, as it relates to gas-powered lawn and garden equipment. 4.3. RESP Loan Feedback & Priorities- 4.3.1. Woodward- RESP Feedback Power Point presented. Concerns were discussed and options were shared to target most in need customers. Pros & cons of each interest rate were discussed. Targeted rebates for low-income customers who would benefit most from more efficient appliances. 5. Adjourn-7:30pm Climate and Environment Policy Advisory Committee (CEPAC) Work Session Minutes June 12, 2024, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm 51 Winburn Wy, Ashland, OR 97520 1. Call to Order 3:00 2. Attendance 2.1. COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Bryan Sohl, Mark Morrison, 2.2. CITY COUNCIL: 2.3. STAFF: Chad Woodward 2.4. OTHER COMMITTEE MEMBERS: N/A 2.5. Other Guests: Ray Mallette from Ashland Climate Collaborative 3. Open Discussion – Electrification of Existing Buildings and Commercial Buildings 3.1. There was a short update on ordinance options 3.2. Discussion of loans for RESP program for existing structures and some further troubleshooting questions/discussion: 3.2.1. Total amount = per loan or per account? Chad believes it is a total limit for the account and it could be in more than one loan. 3.2.2. Can the city get loans from RESP? This was floated a possibility but needs to be verified. 3.2.3. Renter loans – only if agreed upon by both landlord and tenant, and there is a mechanism for taking over the loan if tenant vacates. However, if the electric account is in the landlord’s name, they could choose to do improvements for the rental. 3.3. Will contractors like this program? 3.3.1. “Deposit” … 50% down scenario – as understood currently, the RESP loan program only pays after project completion. Will this be a problem if left this way or can it be modified in how the city pays out on projects. 3.4. Outreach discussion 3.4.1. Education before launch was discussed. Climate and Environment Policy Advisory Committee (CEPAC) Work Session Minutes June 26, 2024, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm 52 Winburn Wy, Ashland, OR 97520 4. Call to Order 3:00 5. Attendance 5.1. COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Gary Shaff, Mark Morrison, Sidney Brown 5.2. CITY COUNCIL: N/A 5.3. STAFF: Chad Woodward 5.4. OTHER COMMITTEE MEMBERS: N/A 5.5. Invited Guest: Edem Gomez – RVTD (Rogue Valley Transportation District) 6. Open Discussion -Transportation a.k.a. ULU&T (Urban Land Use and Transportation) 6.1. The meeting started with a quick review of the city’s transit planning responsibilities, specifically OAR 660-12-0720. 6.2. That was followed by an engaging discussion about transit and more particularly bus rapid transit (BRT). Edem Gomez, Planner at RVTD, was on-hand to share information from the 2040 Transit Master Plan, adopted in 2019. 6.2.1. The 2040 plan anticipates implementation of BRT on the Medford/Ashland Route 10 by 2030. He characterized the planned BRT as: having very high frequencies (15 minutes or less) with traffic signal priority. With those characteristics it would attract “choice” riders, those who own a car but choose to ride transit. He noted that BRT captures 80 percent of the riders of light rail but at 20 percent of the cost. It would also be a no fare inspection with electronic payment (UMO) 6.3. Edem also provided comparisons between existing ridership on Route 17 with those of the Ashland Connector (both - 500 riders per month with roughly identical demographics). He noted there is a desire to increase service of Route 17 beyond the current 9-4, M-F schedule. 6.4. Edem reported that RVTD has a goal to have at least 50% of its fleet zero emission vehicles by 2040. He’s personally excited by the prospect of hydrogen fueled buses. 6.5. The subgroup members present agreed to recommend in the draft CEAP Implementation Plan for Urban, Land Use and Transportation the following strategy. 6.5.1. For the city to plan for bus rapid transit with complimentary autonomous vehicles serving the balance of the community (akin to the Ashland Connector except without a driver). It was acknowledged that RVTD would, likely, be unable to offer the autonomous vehicle service due to labor union constraints. 6.6. The members discussed focusing on the housing portion the housing portion of the implementation plan Gary shared. 6.7. Discussion of who to invite from the city included: 6.7.1. Planning and Housing Staff: Brandon Goldman, Linda Ried, Derek Severson, Planning Commission members, Housing Commission members 7. 8/28/2024 tentative Plan for next meeting