HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-11-18 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Thursday, November 18, 1999 Meeting Minutes Members Present: Tim Garry, Landon Hilliard, Russ Rickert, Council Liaison Wheeldon, David Young, Tom Powell, and Bruce Taylor were present. Members Absent: Ashland Police Department Liaison Kip Thomas and Jennifer Hadden were absent. Staff present: Maria Harris and Derek Severson were present. I. CALL TO ORDER: Garry called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 16, 1999 Rickert noted a correction to the third paragraph on page 2 of the minutes, stating that it should indicate that there is no need for stop signs on A Street as the parked cars serve to calm traffic. Garry/Rickert m/s to approve the minutes for September 16, 1999 as amended. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. III. PUBLIC FORUM Maria Harris introduced Paris Edwards, an Ashland High School junior who is interested in the possibility of working as an intern on a commission project. Harris suggested that Edwards sit in on this evening’s subcommittee meetings to see if there was anything mentioned that interested her. IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION A. Update on Central Ashland Bikepath Extension/Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Young noted writing a letter to the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) regarding the possible extension of the Central Ashland Bikepath (CAB) behind the Railroad Park. Suggested that there is a need to work more with TSC in the future, as a lot of future transportation decisions will require input from both groups. Wheeldon stated she could speak with City Councilor Don Laws, who serves as council liaison to the TSC, to arrange some sort of joint work sessions. Harris noted that in many cases, the TSC is more reactive and deals with specific, concrete issues where the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission is more proactive. Harris suggested that more review from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission might be better to ensure that alternative modes of transportation receive adequate consideration. Garry suggested looking at ways to coordinate and communicate better between the two commissions, noting the success of the David Engwicht “Beyond Traffic Calming” presentation. Young noted that the TSC meets the fourth Thursday of every month, from 7-9 p.m., and suggested taking advantage of any opportunity to work together. Young noted that approval was granted for the CAB extension, and stated that the bikepath will be extended behind the Railroad Park to Sixth Street. Pointed out that the timeframe is still uncertain, and noted that there are right-of-way issues beyond Sixth Street that prevent further extension. Wheeldon noted that discussions had occurred in a city council study session, and pointed out that a number of issues arose around the railroad property. Explained that a state grant has been received to prepare a master plan for the area, which may move things along, and emphasized that this issue is on the minds of those in the Planning Department. Noted that discussion had included the suggestion of a Hersey Street connection to connect with Laurel and then back into the railroad right-of-way. Young noted that the TSC discussion had been counter to what Wheeldon was suggesting. Young noted that in the TSC discussions, he had even suggested that cyclists ride on sidewalks in the Railroad District, and had asked that the TSC look into possibly sanctioning this and widen the sidewalks. Young emphasized that this was not his recommendation or preference, and explained that it was merely a means to address the current situation. Wheeldon noted that these discussions center on the safety issue, and were intended merely to get the crossing away from the corner of Eighth and A Streets. It was noted that Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission members would prefer to leave an entry to the CAB at Eighth Street and A, though Young stated that the TSC would be installing a blockade to prevent entry here. Commission discussion of stop signs, noting that Assistant City Engineer Jim Olson opposes them in this instance. Garry suggested looking at the Oak Street traffic calming measures for possible solutions. Harris confirmed that in her view, traffic speed is a problem, and stated that a traffic calming measure prior to the corner would help. Discussion of bringing this suggestion before the TSC. Harris noted that there had recently been a serious accident involving a bicyclist and a car at the crossing being discussed. Garry noted that this intersection and bike routes in general, need consistent signage and other measures to protect cyclists. Emphasized that there needs to be a consistent standard for all crossings within the city. Young noted need to communicate member concerns to the TSC, and suggested that this be a priority of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission. Wheeldon suggested an agreement with TSC that there needs to be joint discussions on all bicycle-related facilities. Stated that similarly, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission needs to be on record about traffic calming measures for future projects. Young questioned the possibility of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission going to the council with a request to somehow formalize this. Garry suggested adding this to the Encouragement/Promotion/Publicity subcommittee goals, and questioned the possibility of a day-long forum with a “Take Back the Streets” theme. Taylor suggested that all crossings be painted. Garry noted the need for a plan for cyclist infrastructure, and suggested that all crossings be raised and painted. Noted that it might be appropriate to send a general message to council about what is not working, and then include some specific measures suggested as improvements. Harris suggested that as a first step, the whole Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission appear at a TSC meeting, as a gesture of committed interest in working together. Stated that she felt the group should only go to the council if other avenues are tried and do not work. Harris also suggested trying to look at specific cases when addressing the TSC, as this is how they work. Explained that when general items are brought up, their focus can be changed as specifics are worked out. Garry suggested trying to be put on the TSC agenda. Discussed the possibility of a joint forum. Harris stated that a joint site visit might be in order to make the two groups understand each other’s unique perspectives. Garry suggested that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission members prepare a video at the site to illustrate their concerns. Rickert agreed that there is a need to get together and prepare something to take to the TSC. Wheeldon noted she would speak with TSC council liaison Don Laws. Garry, Rickert, Young and Hilliard agreed to work together to prepare for an appearance before the TSC. B. Subcommittee Discussion of Projects/Time Line Adjourned to subcommittees at 5:48 p.m. Garry exited at 6:25 p.m. C. Other Business Wheeldon asked how to go about honoring Jim Berkman within the community. Young suggested dedicating a memorial section of the CAB. Rickert noted that the late Councilor Ken Hagen would be memorialized this way, with a section of the CAB dedicated in his name and a bench placed in that section. Wheeldon agreed that dedicated benches on sections of the path would appropriate memorials. Rickert noted that funds may be allocated by the Mayor to support placement of this memorial. Discussion of other suggestions that have been made, which include a scholarship, a monthly town ride, or a children’s race. Concurred that a memorial section of the bikepath might be more appropriate as a lasting memorial. Young exited at 6:30 p.m. Wheeldon suggested that some sort of bicycle-theme artwork on the dedicated section of the bikepath might be placed in honor of Berkman. Harris suggested that the art could be used as a message, such as for traffic calming and raising awareness of crossings or pedestrians. Wheeldon suggested placing this item on a future agenda, and stated that she will look into the budget available. Suggested a competition or commissioning an artist to design something. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:33 p.m. th Next Meeting: Thursday, December 16 at 5:00 p.m.