HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-12-16 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Thursday, December 16, 1999 Meeting Minutes Members Present: Landon Hilliard, Tim Garry, Russ Rickert, Tom Powell, Bruce Taylor, David Young, Beverly Morris, Jennifer Hadden and Carole Wheeldon were present. Staff present: Maria Harris and Derek Severson were present. I. CALL TO ORDER: Garry called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 18, 1999 Taylor/Hilliard m/s to approve the minutes for November 18, 1999 as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. New member Beverly Morris was introduced to the Commission. Morris explained her background and interest in cycling and alternative transportation. th Harris noted that a copies of a US Forest Service trail project list from December 10 had been provided to members, along with a cycling-related article from the current issue of Outside magazine. Powell noted that he had also distributed copies of the comments collected from Ashland Free Ride Day, and explained that one of his students had compiled this information. III. PUBLIC FORUM Jim Hartman of the Ashland Community Bike Program spoke about Jim Burkman’s contribution to the program, and gave some suggestions as to a fitting way the city might pay tribute to Burkman. Noted that it might be most fitting if some bikes were donated to the program. Young noted that this had been discussed in a previous meeting, and noted that it had been decided that a section of the Central Ashland Bikepath (CAB) would be dedicated as a memorial, with the possibility of some kind of bike-theme artwork. Hiliard clarified that the Commission was still open to discussing its options. Hartman noted that anything the city could contribute to the community bike program in Burkman’s honor would be appreciated, and suggested that the Commission could make a recommendation to the Mayor as to what would be the most fitting tribute. Hartman stated that the city could opt to support the program by making space and funds available, if the program is of value to the city. Discussed whether funding is possible through the budget process, noting the competitive process used to award economic development and social services funds. Also noted the appropriateness of locating the bike shop in “the Grove” teen center near the council chambers. Harris noted that the Bike Commission has $2000 available in its budget. Hartman requested city-sponsored production of some Burkman-designed bikes as loaners for the program. IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION A. Subcommittee Discussion of Projects Adjourned to subcommittees for ten minutes at 5:35. It was noted that the Enforcement subcommittee was not meeting at this time. Adjourned to full meeting at 5:50 p.m. B. Commission Discussion of Subcommittees. Garry noted that his group is working on a newspaper media campaign, to include interviews of a wide range of people in Ashland. Explained that they have a group of persons, and a list of questions, and they have made assignments to members of the subcommittee. Stated that they will bring the completed interviews to the next meeting, and then take the final, polished work to the Tidings. Harris suggested that photos be included with the interviews, and noted that the Community Development department’s digital camera might be available for this purpose. Garry noted that the Commission may also try to put recommended bike rides in the Tidings. Wheeldon noted that in her subcommittee, she will be beginning to work on the traffic calming documentation. Explained that the group will try to be involved in providing some input on upcoming projects. Noted that Young will prepare an information sheet to use in analyzing school corridors. Harris noted that she could provide Young with information and resources to assist in this project. Stated that the sweeper project was delayed for now, but Hadden noted that the city had acquired a sweeper that was suitable for use on the bikepath and that it was stored at the city’s B Street Yard. Harris stated that she would contact the appropriate staff to find out about this sweeper. Powell noted that the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) will be involved again in conducting classes this year, before turning over the program to Ashland Middle School. Explained that BTA will get sixteen bikes for the classes, and these will be left at the school to use in future years. Also stated that the “Share the Road” campaign target date would be set to tie-in with Ashland Free Ride Day, and suggested that a pamphlet be prepared for distribution on Free Ride Day, along with bumper stickers. C. Ideas for Tribute to Jim Burkman Taylor suggested that there is a need for a more permanent memorial than donated bikes, which seemed to have a limited lifespan in the past. Garry and Young suggested a memorial section on the CAB along with a donation to support the Community Bike program, which was what Burkman would’ve wanted. Young emphasized that this could include a bench, plaque, and possibly some artwork along the bikepath, along with helping the bike lending program get off of the ground. Hilliard noted that Burkman’s bicycle inventions were art, and stated that a bicycle-related work of art might be appropriate. It was suggested that perhaps one of Burkman’s own bike designs might be the most appropriate form of artwork for a tribute. Hilliard noted that Kelsey Bauer or Renee Burkman might be able to provide one of Burkman’s bikes. Wheeldon concurred with the idea of supporting the Community Bike program by donating Burkman bikes, and suggested that she could contact Kelsey Bauer. Wheeldon also stated that she would bring back information on available general fund monies to the next meeting. Young suggested contributing some Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission funds, up to $500, as well. D. A St. & Bikepath Intersection Traffic Safety Commission Presentation Garry noted that it was not possible to be placed on the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) agenda this month. Questioned whether the commissioners wanted to keep working on this th item for the next TSC meeting to be held January 27. Rickert noted that his primary th concern was to prevent the blockage of CAB access at 8 and A Streets. Discussed the fact that there may have simply been a misunderstanding on the part of the TSC members as to the Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission recommendation. Harris stated that if it was agreeable to the members, she could draft a memo clarifying the commissioners’ desire to retain access at this point. th Noted that striping is occurring at 8 and A Streets. Clarified some background on this situation for Morris. After discussion, Harris was asked to draft a memo clarifying the commission’s recommendation to the TSC. Harris stated that she would check the TSC meeting minutes to monitor their follow-through on this item, and that she would pursue the matter further if it were not addressed to the commission’s satisfaction. Wheeldon noted that she has been working with Councilor Laws, TSC liaison, on the citizen participation plan to recommend training that would hopefully address concerns over closeness of operation and overlap between the two commissions. Explained that this plan and the training will come forth in coming months, and expressed her hope that it would open avenues for further cooperation between the two commissions. Harris noted that the Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission should be able to review concrete projects just as the TSC does. Commission discussed whether members should show up at the next TSC meeting. Young suggested that there is a definite need to formally interface with the TSC. Wheeldon suggested rotating member attendance at TSC meetings, with a different Bicycle & Pedestrian Commissioner to attend each month, to address this issue and ensure that TSC has their eye on pedestrian and cycling issues. Discussed the possibility of full commission attending a meeting and proposing better cooperation to the TSC, or possibly doing this through the council. Harris stated that she felt that if this were done, it could be done in a diplomatic way, to address the overlap in the roles of the two commissions. E. Election of Vice-Chair Noted that former member Jesse Ferraro had been vice-chair, and explained that a replacement was needed to fill this role. Powell nominated Landon Hilliard to serve as vice-chair. Young seconded this nomination. Hilliard declined the nomination. Hadden nominated, and Powell seconded, David Young. Young expressed his willingness to fill this role, and the commission agreed that he would be an appropriate choice. F. Establish Meeting Rules – cancellation of meeting, attendace, etc. Harris provided background about the cancellation of the October meeting, and noted that the informal policy is that members will call her if they will be unable to attend a meeting. Harris read from the Ashland Municipal Code (AMC 2.22) the section dealing with the responsibility of the commission. Young suggested formalizing it as a requirement that members will call Harris if they are not going to attend a meeting. Garry agreed with formalizing this, and questioned the attendance requirement set forth in the code. Harris explained the requirement, and noted that it has never been actively enforced. Commissioners expressed consensus that it should be a formal rule of the commission that commissioners will call Harris if they are going to be absent. Wheeldon noted that there is also a need to make room on the agenda to allow for commissioner input on items they would like to see on future agendas, and to include subcommittee time on each agenda. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. th Next Meeting: Thursday, January 20 at 5:00 p.m.