HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-07-15 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Thursday, July 15, 1999 Meeting Minutes Members Present: Tim Garry, Landon Hilliard, Jesse Ferraro, Tom Powell, and Council Liaison Wheeldon. Staff present: Maria Harris and Derek Severson. Russ Rickert, Jennifer Hadden, David Young, Theresa Johnson, and Ashland Police Department Liaison Kip Thomas were absent. I. CALL TO ORDER: Tim Garry called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. Garry and Wheeldon noted the need to end the meeting at 7:15 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 10, 1999 Wheeldon/Hilliard m/s to approve the minutes for June 10, 1999 as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. III. PUBLIC FORUM No speakers came forward. IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION A. Goal Setting Wheeldon suggested that at the next meeting, or in a subcommittee, the goals be mapped out, prioritized, and ordered for the next year. Recognized that creating a timeline of projects for the next year would be best handled when more members are present. Commission discussed the Goal Setting draft goals in order, noting changes that they would like to see made in the list. Engineering and Planning Goals: Under long-term, item #1, Wheeldon suggested the goal be revised to read as follows: The Commission will work closely with the City Council in developing a comprehensive design of Siskiyou Boulevard and participate as advocates in a thoughtful campaign to promote this design to citizens. Hilliard, Garry, Powell and Wheeldon expressed their willingness to work on this item. For long-term, item #2, no changes were suggested and no one expressed interest in working on the item. For long-term, item #3, no changes were suggested. Wheeldon and Powell stated that they would be interested in working on this item. For long-term, item #4, Wheeldon suggested that the item be revised to read: The Commission will review traffic calming designs proposed by the Planning and Public Works Departments, and recommend as to their use in neighborhoods, documenting these recommendations in a handout or handbook. Hilliard and Wheeldon stated that they were willing to work on this item. For long-term, item #5, it was noted that there needed to be an indication that the Commission will make recommendations to Public Works annually for dollar allocations. Wheeldon clarified for Ferraro that this item was not tied to bikepaths, but was intended to address pedestrian concerns. Also discussed the radius distance given, noting that ¼-mile was used as the city is fairly small. Also noted that a similar item was needed to address bicycle concerns separate from pedestrian issues/sidewalks. Hilliard stated that he wanted to address bicycling safety and convenience for a 2-mile radius for neighborhoods and areas around schools. Discussion of whether the item dealing with a cycling route map would address bicycling issues. Wheeldon suggested that this was included in the mapping item, but that wording was needed to tie in with Public Works as was being done here. Hilliard emphasized the need to include SOU with other area schools. Wheeldon noted that David Young had expressed interest in working on the pedestrian item. Hilliard stated that he would work on the bicycling item. Hilliard said the new long – term goal should read: The Commission will evaluate areas within 2 miles of schools for bicycling convenience and safety. For short-term, item #1, Wheeldon suggested that the item be changed to read: The Commission will work with Siskiyou Velo to obtain a sweeper and set up a volunteer program for regular maintenance of bike lanes. Noted that Rickert was working on this item. Enforcement: Garry noted that there seemed to be some overlap in the three short-term items here. Suggested changing #2 to read: The Commission will work with the Police Department and interested businesses to promote awareness of cyclists and pedestrians in Ashland, and to this end to develop handouts on safety tips and rules of the road to distribute to pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers for use by the Police Department, for campaigns like Share the Road and Ashland Free Ride Day, and for other applicable activities. Suggested that item #3 be removed from the list. Discussed the need to communicate rules to citizens, and to support the work of the police, possibly with a handout to be distributed by the police as a warning. Hilliard stated that a “Slow Down Ashland” campaign is needed. Ferraro noted that he liked the idea of involving interested businesses. Discussed the possibility of creating “Bike Friendly Business” stickers to recognize local businesses. Garry noted that he had been thinking in terms of placing a brochure in tourist information racks in local businesses. Hilliard suggested that there be only one brochure to include a map of cycling routes, plus rules and information. Harris suggested looking at what has been done in other cities, and suggested that two brochures might be better: one brochure, and one handout for the police. Wheeldon suggested working out the details of the brochure(s) in committee. Hilliard stated that he would work on short term item #1. Both Garry and Hilliard noted that they would be willing to work on short term item #2. Hilliard questioned whether this item was sufficiently supportive of the Ashland Police Department. Emphasized that the commission was not trying to tell the police how to handle enforcement, but merely trying to be supportive and possibly helping to prepare some information that they could distribute. Wheeldon suggested that the commission develop an awareness of police training relative to bicycles. Short-term item #1 is to be retained as is. Education and Awareness: Noted that there should be an “event committee” to deal with events such as “Share the Road” and “Ashland Free Ride Day.” Discussed the long-term item, the “Share the Road” campaign, as a way to build driver awareness of cyclists and pedestrians. Harris stated that “Share the Road” events are typically used as “eye openers”, and that safety issues are normally addressed separately. Harris confirmed that “Share the Road” is normally handled as an event, similar to “Free Ride Day.” Suggested that bumper stickers might be a possibility, to be distributed during “Share the Road” week, to serve as an annual reminder of the need to share the road. With regard to the ongoing item, the BTA Bike Education Class, Garry confirmed that next spring would begin the second of three years for BTA involvement. After discussion, suggested that this goal be changed to read: The commission will regularly assist Ashland Middle School to continue the implementation of the BTA Bike Education Class. The Commission will continue to work in a liaison role with SOU in implementing this program. Harris clarified that after BTA completes the third year of the program, the school would then handle the course, possibly by providing one support person and integrating this into the regular curriculum. Garry suggested that the commission take an active role in ensuring that this class remain ongoing. Harris noted the role of the University in providing credit to students who work on this class. Powell emphasized that this helps to provide much needed volunteers. Powell and Hilliard stated that they would be willing to work on this item. Short-term item #1 is to be retained as is. Wheeldon asked what happened to the Ashland Free Ride Day goal, and after some discussion, the Commission agreed that it should be included from the purple sheet (from the June meeting). Encouragement, Promotion and Publicity: Long-term item #1 was changed to read: All Commission members will be kept abreast of activities of the Ashland Community Bike Program through the liaison. Commission members will be kept informed of all meetings. Hilliard, who attends all Community Bike Program meetings, stated that he would work on this item. Discussed initiating a phone tree, or using e-mail to quickly communicate information to all members. Short-term item #1 was removed from the goal list. Short-term item #2 was discussed, noting that the map and brochure could combined as one item. Powell, Hilliard and Garry expressed their interest in working on this item. For on-going item #1, it was noted that the media to be used could include the Ashland Daily Tidings, the Mail Tribune, local television, radio, posters, billboards, public service announcements, or even purchased advertisements through the movie theaters to be shown in theaters before movies. Garry suggested that this campaign might profile community members who reduce car use. Wheeldon noted that Conservation Commissioners were writing a series of nd articles in the Tidings which began July 2, and stated that the Tidings seemed very open to items like this. Garry noted that he disliked the use of the term “media campaign” in this goal, and emphasized that anything done by the Commission should be positive and not prescriptive. Suggested presenting positive examples to provide encouragement. Wheeldon noted that Mail Tribune reporter Dani Dodge purchased a bike for Ashland Free Ride Day, and continues to ride and is training for Cycle Oregon. Also emphasized that Dodge completed the whole BTA safety ride with the children, and suggested that she would be an example of the sort of profile to be presented. Garry and Wheeldon stated that they would work on the media item. It was agreed that on-going item #2 should be eliminated. Discussion of how subcommittees would be formed. Wheeldon noted that Ashland Free Ride Day is not included here, and should be included under “Encouragement, Promotion and Publicity.” Harris noted that it was included in the previous list, and she would copy it from there. Wheeldon questioned whether the “Four E” topics should be subcommittees. Harris suggested that the committee’s form based on the items for which members had expressed interest, and that this be looked at next time. Wheeldon suggested that each member would be on approximately three subcommittees, and that work be mapped out over the next year. Discussed meeting times, with Garry noting that if the subcommittees require additional meeting times it may create difficulty for some members. Garry suggested that the subcommittees be coordinated around the regular meetings. Wheeldon noted that the year could be divided into quarters, as no items except for “Events” were time-specific. Hilliard provided members with an example of an “action item list” to see if they felt this would be valuable. Harris noted that the list arrived at is optimistic, and suggested that members look at the personal time commitment they can make and then prioritize items accordingly. Harris stated that she would bring a tentative list of subcommittees, by goal, to the next meeting, with a re-worded list. Suggested that at the next meeting, work be done to logically connect items and relate goals to solidify formation of the subcommittees. Ferraro noted that he has enjoyed his service on the Commission greatly, and explained that he would be moving to Michigan in mid-August and would need to resign. Emphasized that he has enjoyed being involved in the process. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m. th Next Meeting: Thursday, August 19 at 5:00 p.m.