HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-07-20 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Thursday, July 20, 2000 Meeting Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Powell, Joan Spear, Beverly Morris, David Young, Kip Thomas and Carole Wheeldon were present. STAFF PRESENT Brandon Goldman and Derek Severson were present. CITIZENS PRESENT Charlotte Mckernan and Bob Taber of CATS; Matthew Barnes from RVTD; Susanne Sawyer; and Alexis Rewcastle were present. CALL TO ORDER: Young called the meeting to order at 5:09 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 15, 2000 Spear/Wheeldon m/s to approve the minutes of June 15 and June 29, 2000 as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. PUBLIC FORUM No speakers came forward for the public forum. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION Report on Transportation, Transit and Parking Committee Meeting Wheeldon noted that one meeting had occurred while she was out of town. She explained that the committee would be preparing a report for presentation to the council, and that prior to that presentation there will be one more meeting on July 28 to consider the draft document. Wheeldon clarified the mission of the Transportation, Transit and Parking Committee as making a recommendation to the council, and noted that this recommendation should be presented at the second meeting in August. Wheeldon suggested that at this point, the document appears to be more descriptive than prescriptive, and will serve to inform the council while leaving options open. Taber noted that at the last meeting, Michael Donovan had moved to include some recommendations in the document to be presented to council. Wheeldon expressed her belief that the scope of the issues involved was too broad to effectively get a handle on. Taber explained that there did seem to be general agreement on the need for some kind of plan, and that there also had been general agreement that any solution was going to include some form of paid parking, park-and-ride lots, and a shuttle system with 7-10 minute service. He also suggested that there was consensus for a non-resident parking ban in residential areas. Taber continued by noting that he estimating potential parking revenues of $2 million, versus an estimate by others on the committee of only $800,000 in revenue. Taber explained that no study has ever been done to address off-peak periods, and he noted that there is a demand for nearly 2300 parking spaces, while the supply is only about 1000 spaces. Taber stated that these figures alone would mean a $1.4 million revenue with 100% space occupancy rate during the peak season. He stated that the lower estimate underestimates the ability to have a self-funding system to address the parking situation. Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes July 20, 2000 Page 1 of 5 Discussion/Planning of Car Free Day Young gave background on the planning of this event to date. He explained that the event is to th occur September 15 in conjunction with the RVTD/Bear Creek Greenway activities in Medford. th Young briefly recounted the June 29 event planning meeting, where there was discussion of lane closures on Siskiyou Boulevard, with trolley shuttle service, and an information fair at Triangle Park to demonstrate the potential for living car free. Young also noted that a raffle had been suggested, along with some guided walking and/or biking tours. Young explained that the Siskiyou Boulevard lane closures has been determined to be unlikely for this year, given the permit requirements, necessary preparation, costs for staff time, and the short timeframe involved. Young noted that Triangle Park was available, and has been reserved for this event. Young stated that despite the inability to close a lane of Siskiyou Boulevard, the focus of the event would be the same. He emphasized that the event is not intended to focus on a venue or providing free food, but rather showing people the possibility of living car free. Morris noted that she had placed an informational notice in the insert that goes out with residents’ utility bills. She explained that this item included the date and purpose of the event, and called for volunteers. Morris also stated that she had spoken with the Ashland Daily Tidings, and they will cooperate by printing 1 or 2 commentaries prior to the event. Morris also noted that members could write letters to the editor to get more publicity. Morris also noted that the Tidings would consider printing 1 or 2 interviews with people who are living car free prior to the event. Morris suggested CATS founder Bob Taber. Taber noted his willingness to take part in an interview. Wheeldon suggested that the Mail Tribune could also be contacted. Young suggested that RVTD’s Matthew Barnes might also be helpful in getting signs on buses to publicize this event. Barnes explained that RVTD could make the signs happen if the commission provides the content. Susanne Sawyer noted that her husband Benjamin has been to local bike shops, and they are willing to support the event and donate items for the raffle. Young noted that he had spoken to two vendors from Grants Pass who make electric bikes and scooters, and they are eager to be involved in the fair in Triangle Park. Young also noted that quick-check bike inspections might be possible as a community service. Wheeldon suggested that it might be possible to involve the Ashland Community Bike Program in the fair as well, and stated that they might be a good resource to conduct the quick-checks. Young noted that he has spoken to the Community Bike Program, and to Carol Lee Rogers, and both are interested in being part of this event. Taber noted that his group CATS is working to further their membership, and explained that they are a grass roots group, with members who have committed to not using automobiles for a certain number of days each week to improve the quality of life in Ashland and the world. Taber stated that the group hopes to eventually popularize a car free philosophy and make people aware of the benefits of a car free lifestyle. Taber suggested seeking a commitment to live car free for a certain number of days each week as part of Car Free Day event. He also suggested that CATS members could walk through town with a banner or placard during the event, and that they could staff a booth during the fair. Discussed appointing an event coordinator. Young noted that he is not interested in coordinating this event, even though he has been serving as the facilitator up to this point. Young emphasized that he wants this to be a community-wide event, and that he does not want to have sole ownership. He suggested that there needs to be shared responsibility and that some additional meetings will be necessary. He reiterated that he would prefer that someone else take on the responsibility for coordinating this event. Young also emphasized that he will be working on, and committed to, the event even though he does not want to coordinate. Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes July 20, 2000 Page 2 of 5 Wheeldon noted that in the past, there have been co-coordinators who worked together to keep events moving forward. Young noted that if the event is to have de-centralized coordination, it still needs to be elevated beyond the level of a gesture, as it is the sole event of the commission this year. He urged everyone to take this very seriously. Mckernan questioned whether Siskiyou Velo could assist in organizing this event. Young explained that historically, Siskiyou Velo has not been that active in organizing community events. He also emphasized that this will be city-sponsored. Mckernan suggested that Siskiyou Velo could still serve as a resource for volunteers. Wheeldon noted that Siskiyou Velo seems more dedicated to organizing their rides than to events of this nature. Wheeldon noted that she was not interested in the role of coordinator, but suggested that in the past there has been the possibility of more than one coordinator. Young concurred that it might work to decentralize responsibilities. Morris agreed and expressed her willingness to have shared responsibility. Rewcastle stated that she would be willing to coordinate activities focusing on children and schools. Wheeldon noted that previous work with the schools resulted in posters on the buses, and there were school surveys conducted and special events in the schools. Wheeldon also suggested that efforts should be made to involve Jim Hartman again. Young noted that the event is very near the start of school. Morris noted that “Walk Your Child To School” week is occurring in October, and suggested that in the future, a fall pedestrian event could be tied in with commission activities. Mckernan questioned the possibility of moving the date of the event. Young and Wheeldon explained that the unpredictable nature of spring weather has made spring events difficult, and noted that this date was selected to coordinate with RVTD’s free bus service. Young asked the other commissioners whether they still wanted to provide trolley service for the day. Sawyer stated her feeling that a trolley is needed, and noted that a trolley was one of the items specifically identified as needed by the Transit, Transportation and Parking Committee. Young also suggested that vendors and exhibitors might be better served by a shorter event. Young noted that he had talked to electric bike vendors and to the Ashland Community Bike Program. Sawyer noted that her husband has spoken to the local bike shops. Young suggested that booths could provide information and adjustments, while hourly guided tours leave from Triangle Park. He also recommended preparing maps for distribution, and conducting a raffle. Rewcastle suggested that Dave Nori might be a good personality to be at an event in the afternoon to provide “kid-appeal.” Young noted that efforts could focus on an afternoon event to catch kids after school and adults after work. He noted that scheduling a bike ride along Siskiyou after working hours might get exposure similar to a lane closure. Young also stated that it would be preferable to have some visibility during the morning commute. Wheeldon suggested a morning commute element to the event, working with the coffee shops around breakfast time as in years past, and then a fair at Triangle Park in the afternoon, with a community ride after 5:00 p.m. Spear questioned whether signage would be allowed. Wheeldon stated that if it were, it might be possible to use signs in the median strip or the flag pole holders. Spear listed a number of suggestions she had come up with for signs to be placed in the vicinity of Triangle Park and along the Boulevard. Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes July 20, 2000 Page 3 of 5 Goldman noted that he could prepare maps, if given enough notice. At the request of the commission, Goldman stated that he would check into whether there was an existing map of all bike trails within the city. He suggested that some difficulty might be encountered in reducing a map of the whole city to 8.5 x 11 and including every bike route, but he noted that individual maps of specific tours would be possible. Young summarized the event as it looked so far: an event similar to last year’s in the morning; with a fair in the afternoon at Triangle Park from 2-6; and a community ride at 5:30. Rewcastle agreed to work with schools and kids, and Wheeldon agreed to check with restaurants and coffee shops for their help with the morning portion. Morris suggested coordinating with businesses. Wheeldon concurred, and suggested that perhaps some form of competition could be coordinated through the Chamber to incorporate businesses, the city staff, and local schools. Mckernan suggested that the group look into involving the Bear Creek Greenway Association. Barnes noted that the events are connected at this point only in terms of both working in support of bike paths, but he recognized that the Greenway group might be willing to get involved here, since they are already preparing their event in Medford on Saturday. It was also noted that vendors would not be selling. Young recapped that the Sawyers were working to coordinate with vendors, and Young noted that he could help on that end as needed. There was discussion, with the general consensus being toward holding the event from 3 to 6, as the shorter duration could focus both energy and attendance. Also discussed scheduling a community ride at 5:30 to allow for people to participate after work. There was discussion of the route, noting the success of the Town Cruises from the plaza, to Walker and back. Wheeldon suggested beginning at Triangle Park, heading out to Walker, and then to the Plaza and back. Young also suggested a walking tour, and Wheeldon suggested that this could be one half of the riding loop. The group discussed renting a trolley, noting the possibility of working it into commute times. It was emphasized that there will be free bus service all day to supplement the trolley. Young suggested that the trolley could be run from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. and from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. This would be for a total of five hours at a cost of roughly $400. Barnes emphasized that there is a need to publicize the presence of the trolley in advance, and make people aware of the destinations they can reach as part of the event. Young suggested that it could be on the same route as the regular bus, continuing from downtown, out Walker and back. Morris questioned, and Young confirmed, that the event could include skateboards and scooters. Sawyer stated that they would add local board shops to the list of those to be contacted. Wheeldon suggested putting an agenda of the day’s activities in the ads. She also suggested a single flyer of events for the schools, to include a route map. Morris noted that her son is an award-winning cartoonist, and showed some ideas he’d come up with for use in the publicity materials. Wheeldon suggested that another event planning meeting be held on a Thursday, in the same time frame as the regular meetings. After discussion, it was decided that this meeting would be th held on Thursday, July 27 at 5:00. Monthly Media Piece Morris noted that she has a commentary piece in the works now; and Wheeldon stated that she could also work to prepare something. Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes July 20, 2000 Page 4 of 5 Election of Officers It was noted that chairperson Tim Garry will be out of the country for a year. Commissioners Wheeldon/Powell m/s to nominate David Young as chairperson. Young accepted the nomination. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Commissioners Young/Wheeldon m/s to nominate Beverly Morris as vice chairperson. Morris initially declined, but after discussion she accepted the nomination. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Meeting Attendance It was suggested that this be discussed at the next meeting. Wheeldon stated that if there were no objections, she would call members who have been absent to discuss their ongoing commitment to being on the commission. Young noted that he would prefer to allow both Alexis Rewcastle and Carol Lee Rogers onto the commission, if that were allowable under the charter. Traffic Safety Commission Sign-Up th Young stated that he would try to attend the Traffic Safety Commission meeting on July 27. Agenda Items for Next Meeting Barnes explained for Young that the City would need to speak with RVTD to formally contract for the trolley service, but stated that this is already penciled in and should not be a problem. He suggested that Maria Harris contact Janet at RVTD to handle the details. He also said that the city would need to iron out the text to be used on the side of the buses to publicize the event. Goldman stated that he would relay this information to Harris. Young requested that the minutes for this meeting be forwarded to the commissioners as soon as th possible, preferably before the planning meeting to occur on July 27. He stated that it would be fine if they were simply e-mailed to members. Members were reminded that the planning meeting was July 27th. It was requested that Siskiyou Velo, the Ashland Community Bike Program, the Jackson County Bicycle Commission, and Sierra Club be made aware of the meeting and added to the mailing list. It was also suggested that Rewcastle and Rogers be added to the commission’s mailing list. Wheeldon questioned whether the members felt a new banner should be considered. Young stated that a banner was too costly. Morris suggested that it would better to think in terms of a long-term item, such as a banner to raise awareness of pedestrian safety. Wheeldon explained that the old banner is for “Ashland Free Ride Day,” and has been revised a great deal. Wheeldon suggested that she could make a new banner by cannibalizing the old one for less than someone else would charge, and stated that she would look into this. Young noted that there is also a need to look into signs to be used for the event. Wheeldon suggested using the old lawn signs that belonged to Ken Hagen. She stated that she has these signs, which are roughly 2 x 2, and the back could be used to publicize the event. The fronts have multi-modal transportation graphics. ADJOURNMENT: 6:30 p.m. Spear/Morris/ m/s to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. th Special Car Free Day Planning Meeting: Thursday, July 27 at 5:00 p.m. Th Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, August 17 at 5:00 p.m. Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes July 20, 2000 Page 5 of 5