HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-08-17 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Thursday, August 17, 2000 Meeting Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT Carole Lee Rogers, Bruce Taylor, Joan Spear, Beverly Morris, David Young, and Carole Wheeldon were present. STAFF PRESENT Maria Harris and Derek Severson were present. CITIZENS PRESENT Benjamin Sawyer was present. CALL TO ORDER: Young called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 20 and July 27, 2000 th Spear noted the following changes: 1) on page 5 of the July 20 minutes, the end of the first paragraph under Agenda Items for Next Meeting should indicate that “Spear agreed to make th the signs.” And 2) on page 2 of the July 27 minutes, in the fifth paragraph it should indicate that “Wheeldon suggested closing down Beach Iowa Street near Triangle Park for a short time.” The minutes of July 20 and July 27, 2000 were approved as amended. PUBLIC FORUM No speakers came forward for public forum. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION Report on Transportation, Transit and Parking Committee Meeting th Wheeldon noted that the next meeting would be on Friday, August 18 from 8-10 and would be a discussion of revenue. Wheeldon noted that the last meeting involved preparing a final recommendation for the council. She noted that the recommendation included looking at paid parking as a solution to the downtown; she emphasized that the members intended this only after there is a comprehensive transit alternative. Wheeldon explained that tomorrow’s meeting will look at costs, for bicycle and pedestrian solutions, transit and the initial investment needed to implement paid parking. She emphasized that the total initial cost for implementing the recommendations is $4 million, and stated that the committee is now looking at revenue sources. She suggested that after the meeting there would be a better idea about the direction things will take. Young noted his belief that the downtown core should not be separated from the stretch of th Siskiyou Boulevard from 4 Street to Walker Avenue that is to be redesigned. Wheeldon gave some background of the Siskiyou Boulevard redesign, and noted the significance of this issue. There was discussion of the potential role of Hersey Street as a bypass, and it was noted that this would require a turn lane on North Main near the hospital. Wheeldon noted that there has been discussion with Public Works Director Paula Brown about creating turn lanes for Laurel and Hersey Streets, which would also serve to reduce traffic flow by constricting lanes. Wheeldon noted for Young that the Downtown Plan will be revisited in the near future as well. Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes August 17, 2000 Page Young informed the other members that the first meeting for the Siskiyou re-design project will be held on Wednesday or Thursday of the week after Labor Day. Young recognized the value of the work done on this issue in the past, and expressed his hope that the same issues will not continue to be revisited at the expense of moving forward. Young stated that it was his understanding that the driving force behind this project is to make Siskiyou Boulevard bicycle friendly. Wheeldon concurred with this assessment, but Young noted that there is a faction within the community that opposes this idea. Young suggested that the city first identify whether people would be willing to ride on Siskiyou, and emphasized that this is the sort of knowledge that is needed up front. Wheeldon suggested that this project is an “if you build it, they will come” issue. Benjamin Sawyer concurred, and emphasized that this project in particular must have a vision of the future in mind. Wheeldon asked that staff provide the background information on the previous design work on this project to all commissioners. Harris stated that she would get this information to the commissioners and to Sawyer. Wheeldon explained that the recent discussion of the jurisdictional exchange was the catalyst for re-opening this issue. She emphasized that with the jurisdictional exchange, the project will no longer need to be done to ODOT standards for a state highway, and can instead be redesigned in order to meet the unique needs of Ashland. Young informed the commission that he has submitted an “op-ed” piece wherein he expressed the hope for a win-win situation for cars, bikes, pedestrians, and trees. He also questioned the historic attachment to the current median strip design, which he stated was certainly not aesthetic though it may be historic. Wheeldon suggested that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission, Traffic Safety Commission, Historic Commission, and Tree Commission all be noticed for each meeting on the Siskiyou Boulevard redesign. Discussion/Planning of Car Free Day Sawyer noted that he has been to all of the bike shops again, and noted that Siskiyou, Varsity, Full Circle, and Cycle Sport will all be doing raffle items and displays. He also noted that Bear Creek has donated items, but he has not gone back about their doing a display. He emphasized that all of the local bike shops have all been very supportive. Sawyer did note that he had not been sure about the quick repairs and adjustments that have been under discussion, and stated that for that reason he has not pursued this with the bike shops at this point. Sawyer emphasized that he was very gratified by the enthusiastic and supportive response. He also noted that he and his wife, Susanne, have also submitted a letter to the Tidings and she has gone to the local board shop, but has been unable to meet with the owner of Low Down Boards. He stated that she would continue efforts to make contact there. Sawyer noted that the shops have asked for an information sheet, and he noted that at this point all he has is the initial informational flyer prepared by staff. He emphasized that the shops are looking for a more detailed sheet to post in advance of the event. Young noted that this was discussed at the last meeting, and explained that it will be produced based on decisions finalized at tonight’s meeting. Sawyer clarified for Spear that he will collect and handle the items donated for the raffle, and Spear stated that she would organize the raffle itself. Sawyer confirmed that he will get the items together and prepare some type of display. Taylor noted that he has no assigned tasks at this point. Young welcomed new member Carol Lee Rogers. Rogers noted that her interests focus on Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes August 17, 2000 Page education, and she explained that she teaches bike safety and will be serving as “Gussy the bike rider” in the school presentations sponsored by RVTD. Commissioners welcomed Rogers to the commission. Rogers noted that she would not be present at the September meeting or for the Car Free Day event. Young noted that Alexis Rewcastle is on vacation. Wheeldon noted that Jennifer Hadden has bowed out from her position on the commission, and explained that new member Kerri Green will be joining the commission beginning with next month’s meeting. Spear noted that she has been working on signs, and has spoken to Representative Judy Uherbelau and has gotten her signs, which will be available for the commission use in early September. She noted that it will be possible to staple sheets to the signs. Harris said that she felt it would be possible to place signs down Siskiyou Boulevard in the park- row. She stated that with one sign placed every 400 feet, it would require thirty signs per side going all the way down to the Siskiyou Boulevard and Ashland Street intersection. Harris explained that 400 feet is the ideal block length, and suggested that this is about the maximum number of signs that could be prepared for this event. Wheeldon volunteered her barn for use in preparing the signs. Spear noted that raffle tickets will be needed as well, and Young suggested doing them by computer rather than buying them. Wheeldon suggested that the raffle include a condition requiring that you be present to win. The group concurred, and it was deciding that the drawing would occur immediately before the ride begins. Sawyer stated that he would contact Spear with a list of the items donated for the raffle. Morris noted that she had sent a letter announcing the event to the Mayor, and stated that she has also altered the letter slightly and sent it to the Chamber of Commerce, Traffic Safety Commission, City Hall, Shakespeare Festival, the University, and Jefferson Public Radio. She also noted that she has prepared a commentary piece in the Tidings, and stated that an event announcement will be included in the Tidings as well. Young suggested that Morris contact the Medford Mail Tribune as well. Young also stated that he did not believe that there is a great need for volunteers at this point, and suggested that those interested in contributing do so with their attendance and participation in the day’s events. Morris questioned whether radio public service announcements should be done. Rogers suggested calling before the event to have it announced as a public service on the day of the event. Morris agreed to send her short, one paragraph announcement to the radio and television stations at least a week in advance. She also stated that she would see that the event was included in the Ashland Daily Tidings' Revels and the Medford Mail Tribune’s Tempo inserts, and noted that there will be print interviews in the Tidings as the event approaches. Young noted that there is a need to create a poster/calendar/info sheet. Harris stated that she could provide an electronic version of the logo to be used, and Wheeldon stated that she would work on this sheet. Harris pointed out that the Tidings will do ad lay-out as part of the advertising cost. Wheeldon stated that she could work out and ad, and have them printed on the commission’s budget. Sawyer and Rewcastle agreed to work to distribute flyers when they are completed, and Wheeldon stated that she would contact Sawyer when the flyers were done. Morris questioned whether the trolley service should be publicized, and Wheeldon suggested having the Tidings contact RVTD to do a story on the trolley. Sawyer stated that perhaps this could be tied in with a story on the new, reduced fares. Harris confirmed for Morris that the text signs for the sides of the buses have already been taken care of. Morris stated that she would look at doing a short letter announcing the event and creating an Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes August 17, 2000 Page event mailing list. Morris questioned whether a reminder letter to those who have committed to the event was necessary. Harris explained that she would be handling a letter to the coffee shops that will be helping during the morning commute. Wheeldon stated that she would also deliver the calendar with event info to these shops. Sawyer stated that he would hand deliver information while collecting the remaining donations. Wheeldon summarized that this covered all of the bike, board, and morning coffee shops. Morris questioned whether the coffee and pastry would be free as part of the event; it was confirmed that these would be free to pedestrians and cyclists participating in the event. Harris stated that there are 123 stickers remaining from last year, and Morris noted that printing 1000 more would cost $98.80. Wheeldon suggested waiting to make a decision on more stickers until the budget was considered. Discussion of getting tables to the morning coffee sites and then to the Triangle Park fair. Harris stated that she will do letters and send checks in advance for the coffee shops. She also stated that the tables are lined up, and times just need to be set. Wheeldon stated that the morning event will be from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., and then the tables can be taken to Triangle Park, and then picked up at 6:00 p.m. Harris noted that this creates an issue of staff time, as there will not be any staff available to pick up tables on Friday night. Young stated that he could pick up the tables after the event. Spear noted that signs will need to be picked up as well, and Sawyer agreed to help Young with these pick ups after the event. Morris noted that she would include the names of Evo’s, Brothers, the Rogue Valley Roasting Company, and Morning Glory in the event announcements to give them some recognition. Wheeldon noted that she would like to verify that all of these locations were still willing to participate, and would get back to Morris. Harris noted that the trolley will cost $75 per hour. Wheeldon pointed out that the 7:30-9:30 morning commute and the afternoon commute from 3:00-6:00 will run roughly $375, and emphasized that RVTD will try to leave the trolley in town between these periods to keep the cost down. Wheeldon stated that she had spoken to Deluxe Awning and noted that it would cost $100 to update the fittings for the banner. She stated that she could repaint it herself. It was also noted that stickers would cost $100, and the signs would cost about $30 for the paper. It was also noted that there will be advertising costs, and $100 for the coffee shops. Wheeldon noted that the previous 1/6 page was about $120, and that was for running it four times the week of the event. Wheeldon suggested that Morris contact the Tidings and have them pull the file for the previous ad. Harris stated that she can get one-half of the cost of the trolley ($200) elsewhere. Young noted that Rewcastle had written a letter, and also stated that she had assured him that Dave Nori would be willing to take part in the fair although she had not yet spoken to him. Prior to advertising his appearance, it was agreed that Rewcastle could be contacted on her return st August 21 to verify. Young pointed out that he has been in contact with Dave of Dave’s TV/VCR in Grants Pass, who is an inventor and builder of electric bikes and scooters. He stated that Dave will come for the fair to exhibit and demonstrate his products. Young also stated that “Solar Man” Gary Thomas, also of Grants Pass, will come down with some of his items, including solar-powered scooters and bikes. Young explained further that Channel 10 news will be on hand at the event to profile Thomas for a news feature. Young suggested that the Tidings be made aware that Thomas will be on hand. Young noted that Eli Johnson will also be contacted regarding his electric motorcross bikes, which are built in Ashland, and stated that he will make Morris aware if he gets a commitment from Johnson. Harris explained that she has requested to have Iowa Street, from the intersection of Iowa and Liberty Streets to the alley, blocked off. This request is currently under review by the Police Department. Harris stated that she will send letters to area residents, and street closure signs will Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes August 17, 2000 Page be posted. Harris also noted that she has received formal approval for the use of Triangle Park. She stated that the signs on RVTD buses will read, “Ashland Car Free Day September 15, 2000.” She noted that the tables are reserved. Young noted that he would be willing to lead the 5:30 ride. Harris stated that the city is preparing a brochure on the 25 cent bus fares, which will include the routes in colors, along with all marked and unmarked Ashland stops. Harris noted that the additional stops will be marked, and stated that the brochure will be ready for Car Free Day. She also pointed out that this brochure will serve as the base map for a bike route map, which will also be ready for the event. Rogers questioned whether the selling items would be strictly prohibited, and suggested the sale of low-cost helmets would be a good idea. Young explained that no commercial activity is permitted in city parks, and suggested that safety items be presented in an exhibit. Sawyer questioned what sort of displays the commission has in mind for the fair. He suggested that transport and practical items were what he had been thinking of. Young noted that safety items such as lights, bells, mirrors, and helmets could be included, along with clothing, and fully- outfitted commuter bikes. Morris questioned whether any outdoor stores have been contacted about displaying pedestrian items; Morris agreed to take on this duty and contact stores about displaying pedometers, poles, walking shoes, and etc. Taylor agreed to put together a safety display, possibly to include his broken helmet. Harris noted that she could provide safety booklets, and Rogers also offered to provide additional safety information. It was noted that the morning locations will need to have tables in place by 7:30 a.m. It was also pointed out that the raffle would be conducted only at the fair, in the afternoon. Young noted that he would be trying to do a circuit following the trolley to ensure that things are running smoothly at each of the stations; he also suggested that some attempt be made to track the number of participants. There was discussion that the morning will be about acknowledgement, engagement, and recognition without another focus. Budget Update (Included in the Car Free Day discussion above.) Monthly Media Piece (Included in the Car Free Day discussion above.) Walker Avenue Bike Lane Request Members took a moment to read this request, and Harris noted that the Engineering Division’s recommendation is included in the handout. Young clarified that the bike lane will not be removed, and explained that just involves adding a parking lane which could increase the potential for conflicts. Young emphasized the need for parking here, and noted that all sides are compromising. Harris stated that the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) had requested a recommendation from this commission for either eliminating one side’s bike lane or adding a parking lane along with the bike lane. Young noted that this parking row would be mainly for residents or activities. Young/Rogers m/s to reject the notion of two lanes on one side and support the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Commission. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Sawyer noted that he likes the idea of raised crosswalks, and stated that he would like to see them included in the Siskiyou Boulevard redesign. He also urged police enforcement of posted speed limits. Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes August 17, 2000 Page Traffic Safety Commission Sign-Up th Young stated that he would attend the meeting on the 24, and requested that staff provide copies of the agenda and minutes. Morris noted that she would also try to attend. Agenda Items for Next Meeting Young suggested that there is a need to look at where bikes fit in to the future vision of the city, in terms of a commission position, in light of the upcoming discussions of the Siskiyou Boulevard redesign project. It was also requested that the next meeting include a post-event assessment of Car Free Day. ADJOURNMENT: 6:35 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Special Car Free Day Planning Meeting: 5:00 p.m. Thursday, August 31st. st Next Regular Meeting: 5:00 p.m. Thursday, September 21 Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes August 17, 2000 Page