HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-07-27 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION th Thursday, July 27, 2000 Special Meeting Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT Joan Spear, Beverly Morris, Carole Wheeldon, and David Young were present. STAFF PRESENT Maria Harris was present. PUBLIC PARTICIPANTS Benjamin Sawyer, Susanne Sawyer, and Alexis Rewcastle were present. CALL TO ORDER: Young called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. CAR FREE DAY EVENT PLANNING Wheeldon noted that Russ Rickert has bowed out of the commission, and noted that there will be some new appointments coming up. There was brief discussion of new appointments to the commission, and of the letter announcing the event to the Mayor. Wheeldon suggested that those present discuss progress made so far and assign new tasks as needed. Wheeldon stated that she has spoken to Jim Hartman, director of the Ashland Community Bike Program, and he had committed to bringing a Berkman Bike to the fair. Wheeldon explained that Jim Berkman was a community bike advocate who built bikes and who was killed last year. Wheeldon stated that she would check with Hartman again to see about arranging for the Bike Program to do tune-ups. Wheeldon noted that a reminder letter needs to be sent to fair participants. Wheeldon also stated that she had called several restaurants about providing coffee and pastries for the morning portion of the event. She noted that the restaurants contacted so far included Evo’s, Brothers, Rogue Valley Roasting Company, and Morning Glory. She pointed out that last year, participating restaurants were given $25 each as a thank you, and suggested that funds be set aside for that purpose this year. Wheeldon pointed out that she did not have Ken Hagen’s lawn signs as she previously believed, but noted that she has another lead on signs that might be available. Harris stated that staff can do black and white signs to staple over the existing signs, and noted that this would cost $75-100 in paper. Wheeldon noted that she has talked to the Ashland Daily Tidings. Morris explained that she has spoken to the Tidings and submitted a commentary to announce the event. She also stated that she has drafted a letter to the Mayor. Morris suggested that individual members also write letters to the editor. Susanne Sawyer asked the gist of Morris’ letter. Morris said she was taken aback by the commentary last week – “Solution: All Day Free Parking.” She said that she responded to that commentary and discussed the need for alternatives when Siskiyou Boulevard is worked on. Morris also stated that Rene Edwards was going to be the volunteer coordinator, but hasn’t come to meetings since. She questioned whether a volunteer coordinator is needed. Wheeldon Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes July 27, 2000 Page 1 of 3 suggested sending confirmation letters to people who have made commitments. Young stated that a request for volunteers could also be placed in the newspaper. Discussed which organizations could be notified of the event. Susanne Sawyer explained that several things have come up that will require volunteers. She suggested keeping a list of those things that will require volunteers, such as e-mailing people and putting out signs. Young said that he would prefer not to burden the general public with the work; he suggested that the best contribution citizens could make would be to attend the event and show their support. Wheeldon agreed with Young. Discussed how signs would be put up, and whether the flag pole holders could be used. Benjamin Sawyer asked about doing a banner. Wheeldon explained that she will be repainting the old banner. Also discussed signage for RVTD buses, noting that it should be as simple and to the point as possible. Young asked if the City has web page where this event could be announced on-line. Rewcastle noted that she spoke to Dave Nori about “Bike-It.” She said he would do a five-to- fifteen minute show. Spear questioned whether this could be done on the grass, and Wheeldon suggested closing down Beach Street near Triangle Park for a short time. Rewcastle stated that she will also write a letter to the editor, and is working on a flyer for the schools. She explained for Wheeldon that she intended the flyer to be an announcement to parents, to go home with kids. She also suggested that she could send some type of outreach letter to the School District to encourage teacher participation as well. Young stated that he did not think that there would be a big response now because teachers are gone, and the main parts of the event are before and after school. Rewcastle stated that she would get Morris’ letter to the school district. Young said he would like to see it reworked to be more student and teacher oriented. Morris suggested taking stickers to the schools. Wheeldon said they had done that last year, along with a coloring contest and transportation survey. However, she found that it was up to the teachers to work it into their classes. Morris said she had checked with Plaza Printing, and for around $100 they could print stickers that read “I’m Car Free Today” in red, white and blue. Susanne and Benjamin Sawyer said they had contacted all of the shops in town, and the response had been 100% positive. They noted that all shops except Siskiyou Cyclery had already committed to prizes for the raffles, and they had also talked to them about them doing tune-ups. Wheeldon said that she would call the Ashland Community Bike Program. Benjamin Sawyer asked if he should be asking the bike shops to do minor tune-ups. Young said yes, but explained that they should also be asked to provide displays of state-of-the-art materials. Sawyer explained that his sense is that some of the bike shops are short-staffed and might not be able to send someone out to staff a display. Wheeldon emphasized that city regulations prohibit commercial activity in the park; Young confirmed that it is clear to everyone that there will not be commercial activity during the event. Wheeldon asked what kinds of items were to be donated, and questioned whether they might hope for a bike to be raffled. Young said that he thought it should be smaller items because businesses are getting hit hard for stuff. Sawyer concurred that he thought the items should be small. Wheeldon pointed out that the raffle needs to be planned – including what time the raffle would be held, and details about printing the tickets. She suggested that the raffle occur at 5:30. Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes July 27, 2000 Page 2 of 3 Sawyer suggested focusing on smaller items, and more of them, for the raffle, rather than trying to do one more expensive item. It was suggested that the exhibits could be state-of-the-art, more expensive items. th Wheeldon stated that the next meeting is August 17, and suggested that those present continue to work on their assigned tasks. She explained that the steps to be taken next can be determined at the next meeting. Sawyer suggested printing a small poster to hang in bike and skate shops. Wheeldon suggested an announcement/events calendar similar to what was done by the Chamber of Commerce for the Fourth of July. th Rewcastle said she will not be able to come to the August 17 meeting; Young stated that she could call him. Benjamin Sawyer also suggested sending an announcement to Oregon Cycling, and agreed to take care of it. Next Meeting Members agreed to have their tasks done by the next meeting on August 17. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. th Next Meeting: Thursday, August 17 at 5:00 p.m. Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes July 27, 2000 Page 3 of 3