HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-03-16 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Thursday, March 16, 2000 Meeting Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT Landon Hilliard, Tim Garry, Bruce Taylor, Russ Rickert, David Young, Tom Powell, Beverly Morris, and Councilor Carole Wheeldon were present. STAFF PRESENT Maria Harris, Derek Severson and Parks Director Ken Mickelsen were present. CALL TO ORDER: Garry called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 17, 2000 Garry questioned whether there had been a formal motion to move the date of Ashland Free Ride Day; consensus was that no formal motion had yet been made. Hilliard noted that the Ashland Community Bike Program is not a nonprofit organization at this time. Garry/Young m/s to approve the minutes for February 17, 2000 as amended. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. PUBLIC FORUM No speakers came forward. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Review and Recommendation on Greenway Connection to Nevada Street, Ashland Parks Department. Parks Director Ken Mickelsen noted that after working on the Greenway for 21 years, they are now ready to make this connection off of Nevada Street. Presented a map of the proposal, and explained some of the issues that have been involved in reaching this design. Discussed how connections will be made, parking issues, and how people with small children will unload bikes in the parking lot and get onto the path. Also discussed crosswalks, stop sign placement, signage and speed bumps. Rickert suggested that speed bumps will move cyclists to the sidewalk, but agreed that the speed bumps should be kept. Garry suggested widening the path, but Mickelsen explained that the city does not own more property to accomplish this. Garry suggested landscaping the area to direct people to one or two access points. Mickelsen confirmed that the intent was that the speed bumps should be applied for cyclists as welll as cars, and explained that the final speed bump design will be done by Public Works. Young noted that there could be conflicts between pedestrians and dog walkers, and suggested that a small break in the speed bumps’ centers would allow bikes a way through to avoid conflict with dogs and pedestrians at the sidewalk. Harris asked for clarification from the commission if they thought cyclists will use the sidewalk. Rickert said he believed that both highly skilled cylcists and cylists who feel safer separated from car traffic will use the sidewalk. There was general agreement from the commission, and Young confirmed that it would be better to leave either option open. Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes March 16, 2000 Page 1 of 5 Taylor/Rickert m/s approve the Parks Department’s plan, with the path to continue straight behind the parking lot. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Mickelsen noted that this project will likely be done by the end of summer. Discussed dog issues that might arise due to proximity to the dog park. Mickelsen also questioned the commission’s wishes relative to the bikepath at the Rail Road Park, and noted that he has been working with Engineering to have the path continue along the fence straight through the park. Commission expressed their consensus that this was the preferred option. Young/Garry m/s to recommend that the Central Ashland Bikepath be extended through the Rail Road Park, along the fence. Voice vote: All ayes. Motion passed. 2. BTA Bike Education Program, Carol Lee Rogers Rogers thanked the commission for its work on the BTA safety classes at the Middle School, and noted that she will be coordinating the program this year. Explained that she will conduct an orientation for volunteers, and then conduct classes in Ashland, Talent, and Medford. Rogers noted that volunteers are needed, and that she was also looking for ideas about how to transport bikes to the sessions outside of Ashland. Young suggested advertising for volunteers in the Tidings and Tribune. Rogers agreed that this was a good idea, and noted that she will also be meeting with Siskiyou Velo. Garry suggested talking to the Ashland Community Bike Program, Hilliard noted that the ECOS program at Southern Oregon University might also be a source of volunteers. Powell noted that he could provide the flatbed trailer used by the University’s Outdoor Program for bike transportation to the Talent and Medford session, and suggested that the University could probably provide credits for SOU students who wanted to help. Harris explained briefly that the Middle School program is self-supporting, and Rogers noted that Ashland Middle School teacher Julie Ponder hopes to offer more advanced classes. Rogers also explained that the program’s bikes would be available on a group basis, such as for kids’ summer camp groups. Harris questioned what level of commitment will be expected from volunteers. Rogers suggested that volunteers could do anything from assisting with the class to helping to direct traffic. Harris suggested a grid sign up sheet to allow volunteers to indicate times that they would be available to help. Rogers noted that high school students would be good volunteers, and Hilliard noted that Jim Hartman would be a good person to speak to in this regard. Garry also suggested looking into the th April 15 Bicycle Safety Day being conducted with the Medford Police Department. Rogers provided a copy of the BTA class curriculum book that is given to teachers. Also questioned whether the commissioners had ideas about how to get the program’s bikes tuned on an annual basis. Garry suggested contacting the Community Bike Program or the United Bicycle Institute. Questioned 2001 funding, and noted that this year had cost $3000 and that the money had come from ODOT. Rickert noted that Jackson County funds might be available for safety programs, and suggested contacting Sandy DiPietro at the Jackson County Sheriff or Karen Smith, the staff person for the Jackson County Bicycle Advisory Committee. Rogers questioned the lack of room for bicycles at the Tolman Creek Road and East Main Street intersection. Rickert noted that the problem has to do with the area falling under differing jurisdictions, both City and County. Harris explained that the bike lane will be continued when it Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes March 16, 2000 Page 2 of 5 comes under city jurisdiction. Harris suggested cutting through the nearby subdivision as a safer route. 3. Ashland Bike Swap, Ashland Schools Foundation (482-8197) - Discussion/Decision on co- sponsorship of event by Commission and discussion of volunteering. Wheeldon noted receiving a call from Ken Silberman, and explained that the request for sponsorship was based in the fact that only city-sponsored events can place banners across East Main Street. th Wheeldon noted that the event will occur April 29, and that she was hoping for a motion in favor of the commission being a co-sponsor of the event, which may be the last Bike Swap. Garry clarified that they do have a banner already, and questioned whether there would be space for a booth for the commission. Wheeldon noted that this was a possibility, and suggested it would be an opportunity for the raffle previously discussed to raise funds for the Jim Berkman memorial sculpture. Consensus was that a booth should be considered, and Morris noted that she would look at possibly volunteering to staff the booth. Young/Garry m/s to sponsor the Ashland Bike Swap. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Harris noted that she would contact Silberman and let him know that the commission was willing to sponsor this event. 4. Discussion and Decision on Name and Date for Ashland Free Ride Day. Discussed rescheduling this event until the fall, around the time for going back to school. Garry questioned the possibility for coordinating the event with RVTD. Hilliard noted that RVTD would be willing to change their “Try Transit” date to September, and said that Julie Brown of RVTD would coordinate with the commission. Wheeldon suggested scheduling events from mid-September to mid-October to coincide with the start of classes at the University. Recommended scheduling events every Friday for four weeks or so to address changing behaviors over time. Garry noted that the Town Cruises could coordinated during this period, and suggested that the cruises could substitute for manning booths at Free Ride Day. Wheeldon stated that there could be a different focus for each Friday. Hilliard inquired about Mayor Shaw’s plan to distribute pamphlets at the schools. Wheeldon stated that she will check into this with the Mayor. Suggested that an event name could be decided on once further details are worked out. Hilliard noted that a fall event could be advertised in the utility billing inserts. Wheeldon reiterated that events could be spread over a period of time. Carol Lee Rogers suggested having one day’s event coordinated with the local shops involved. Garry/Hilliard m/s to move Ashland Free Ride Day to the fall, with further details and dates to be announced later. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Harris questioned if this event should remain a subcommittee item, or be on the full commission’s agenda again. Garry suggested placing this item on the next agenda, and recommended that the commission begin planning the event in earnest this spring. Wheeldon agreed that there should be a half-hour full group discussion, and suggested bringing ideas to the next meeting. Harris pointed out that a new banner would cost $600. Discussion that a new banner would be needed to promote a new event. 5. Traffic Safety Commission Sign-Up Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes March 16, 2000 Page 3 of 5 Brief discussion of the appearance before the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC). Hilliard stated that he may go to next week’s TSC meeting and will attend on 4/27. Young stated that he would attend the 4/27 meeting as well. Garry agreed to attend next week’s meeting. Powell stated that he will go to the May meeting. Harris stated that she will put another sign-up sheet in the next packet as a reminder. Young left at 6:07 p.m. th Discussed TSC meeting attendance and decision to reconsider the 8 and A Street matter. Explained that the closure of the bikepath had been postponed for a 6-month trial period. Noted that in the interim, A Street will be painted, some bushes will be removed, and signage will be considered. Discussed the need to address the way pedestrians and cyclists are viewed in an automobile culture. Harris noted the need to include education in a “Share the Road” type campaign, as a way to reeducate drivers. Discussed the DEQ-required paint that is used for crosswalks, and the need to repaint crosswalks more often. Morris suggested using the heavier striping used in Europe. Wheeldon suggested striping parallel to the curb to reduce wear on the paint. Harris suggested that the Commission look at this issue and make a recommendation. Discussed pedestrians needing to be educated for crossing rights and responsibilities. Wheeldon suggested planning a high-visibility summer event to raise awareness of cross walks. Garry noted that it would make sense for the economics of the town to do something more oriented to pedestrians. Morris questioned the possibility of a “Pedestrian Friendly” banner. Garry noted the effectiveness of fully striped intersections as crosswalks in other countries. Harris noted that the city has received a grant to look at intersections for pedestrian issues through 2001. Hilliard questioned reinstating the “Safety Chicken” program. Harris suggested that this might be treating the issue less seriously than necessary. Wheeldon suggested elevating the debate, and recommended placing islands midway in crosswalks for increased pedestrian safety. Morris questioned why there are no sidewalks from North Main to the Hospital on Maple Street. Harris noted that these are planned for this summer. Morris also questioned why there are no sidewalks on Hargadine behind Evo’s Café. Harris stated that she would check into this. 6. Agenda Items for Next Meeting Garry stated that he had spoken to Renee Burkman and that they will discuss the sculpture proposal with the High School welding teacher. Wheeldon stated that she will look into sighting this statue near the Grove. Confirmed that funds have already been dedicated by the commission. Discussion of the recent use of some of the bike lockers as storage for items other than bikes. Suggested that the lockers might be moved to a more visible location. Rickert suggested that not placing them in a parking lot might help. Harris noted that she is looking into placing lockers in the alleys near the Varsity Theater and Starbuck’s Coffee. Garry noted that he will be taking a leave of absence to teach in Copenhagen next year, but that he hoped to stay involved with the Commission until June or July. Noted that he will be living carless for the next year. rd Wheeldon noted the upcoming Parking/Transit meetings which will be beginning around April 3. Stated that she will mail further information to members when dates are decided. Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes March 16, 2000 Page 4 of 5 Noted the need to look at the Bike Swap booth and possible activities on a future agenda. Also noted the need to discuss the new Free Ride Day and a crosswalk awareness event for the summer. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:36 p.m. th Next Meeting: Thursday, April 20 at 5:00 p.m. Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes March 16, 2000 Page 5 of 5