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Thursday, April 20, 2000
Meeting Minutes
Tim Garry, Landon Hilliard, Bruce Taylor, Beverly Morris, David Young, Carole Wheeldon, and
Jennifer Hadden were present. Tom Powell arrived late.
Maria Harris was present.
Garry called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
It was noted that “Silberman” should be in fact be spelled “Silverman,” and it was pointed out that
“cyclists” was misspelled on page 1.
Young/Taylor m/s to approve the minutes for March 16, 2000 as amended. Voice vote: All
AYES. Motion passed.
Carol Lee Rogers, who teaches the bike education class for BTA, noted that she still needs
volunteers to assist with conducting classes. Noted that she will not be doing classes in
Medford, but she will still be conducting classes in Talent and Phoenix.
Rogers noted that volunteers were needed next week, Monday through Friday, and stated that
the class will be going out on the road Thursday and Friday, which would be the most important
days to have volunteer help. Noted that the most important periods to have help would be from
12:40 to 1:50 and from 1:50 to 3:00.
Explained further that there are thirty six kids in each class, and that ten volunteers are needed.
Those interested in volunteering need to report to the Ashland Middle School Office to check in
prior to coming to the class.
Patrick Honsinger noted that the downhill pathway along the TID ditch which comes down
Ashland Creek Drive has been blocked for the last three weeks due to barriers placed on the path
by property owners.
Harris clarified that the next property owner past the new development has blocked the path.
Noted that this is not a public path, and there is no public easement, and that the property owner
has been unwilling to discuss granting an easement. Harris noted that she has heard that the
owner had concerns about trash, dogs and cyclists veering off the path onto the property. It was
also noted that the owner may simply want to avoid liability. Concluded that use of the path is at
the discretion of the owner, and that it is a matter that would have to be taken up with them.
1. 485 A Street
Harris presented a map showing the site at 485 A Street, and explained that staff
recommends maintaining the easement. Noted that it is city policy to maintain pedestrian
easement access.
Discussion with property owner Steve Hoxmeier about the need to retain this easement
when no other property owners have been required to grant easements.
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Taylor recommended vacating the north-south easement, coming from A Street, if it is
still in existence. Young asked why Taylor felt the easement should be given up. Taylor
stated that he thought it was unnecessary. Hilliard stated his belief that any connection
or short-cut helps pedestrians, and that the easement should be maintained for the
purposes of interconnectivity and flexibility. Young also indicated that he would be
reluctant to vacate either easement, and suggested that multiple path options are needed
to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists. Commission indicated consensus, 5-1, that
they would prefer this easement not be vacated.
Briefly discussed the easement parallel to the tracks at the back of the property, noting
that easements on other properties could be acquired in the future. Harris noted the
difficulties in acquiring easements through the planning process, and explained that it is
often easier to acquire easements when there is a subdivision being built which has
traffic impacts to be mitigated.
Discussed the difficulty in deciding this issue, giving the fact that there is case law
involved and a great deal of knowledge that comes into play. It was suggested that if
commissioners do not feel adequately informed, they should refrain from voting.
Garry/Young m/s to make a recommendation to the Planning Commission that the
City not vacate either easement. Voice vote: All AYES. (Morris abstained.)
2. Discussion of a Commission Sponsored Booth at the Bike Swap
Agreed that no booth would be done this year, as there is no need to distribute literature
or promote Free Ride Day at this time. Hilliard noted that it is the same situation with the
Earth Day Fair. Pointed out that the Berkman memorial is not far enough along to begin
promotional efforts.
3. Subcommittee
This item was skipped for lack of time.
4. Commission Discussion
This item was skipped for lack of time.
5. Free Ride Day
This item was postponed until the May meeting. Noted that neither Hilliard nor Garry will
be here when this event occurs.
6. Crosswalk/Pedestrian Event
Wheeldon stated that she would be willing to head up a subcommittee or special events
committee on this project, and suggested that it be discussed at the May meeting.
7. Traffic Safety Commission Sign-Up
Discussed the March Traffic Safety Commission meeting. Noted that they had talked
about A Street and the possibility of taking parking off of one side of the street. Had also
talked about Eighth Street and about crosswalks. Garry noted that he had suggested
using “zebra striped” crossings, and the Traffic Safety Commissioners stated that they
had considered it but were somewhat reluctant to use this method. Wheeldon suggested
bringing this item up as a budgetary matter.
8. Agenda Items
Items identified to be covered on the next agenda included: Free Ride Day, the
Crosswalk Awareness/Pedestrian Event, and the Traffic Safety Commission sign-up.
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9. Other
Garry explained that John Enders of the Ashland Daily Tidings is anxious to get
commentary articles from the commission perspective, and is somewhat less interested
in the interviews that were being considered. Garry noted that he, Hilliard and Jim
Hartman are working on getting commentary pieces ready. Discussed the need to use
high profile projects, like the Siskiyou Boulevard redesign, to raise awareness of bicycle
and pedestrian concerns.
It was noted that July’s meeting will be Tim Garry’s last. Hilliard noted that this may be
his last meeting, and encouraged the remaining commissioners in their continuing work
on bicycle and pedestrian issues.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Next Meeting: Thursday, May 18 at 5:00 p.m.
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