HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-05-18 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Thursday, May 18, 2000 Meeting Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Powell, Beverly Morris, David Young, Landon Hilliard and Joan Spear were present. Tim Garry arrived late. Carole Wheeldon, Russ Rickert, Bruce Taylor and Jennifer Hadden were absent. STAFF PRESENT Maria Harris and Kip Thomas were present. CALL TO ORDER: Young called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 20, 2000 Morris/Powell m/s to approve the minutes of April 20, 2000 as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. PUBLIC FORUM Renee Berkman spoke about planning for the annual “Bike-It” event, and gave a brief history of the background of this event. Explained that this will probably be held in the parking lot next to the Council Chambers, on July 23. Noted that Teri DeSilva of the Ashland Police Department will be helping to coordinate, and stated that any support or assistance the city or the Commission could provide would be greatly appreciated. Matthew Barnes from the Rogue Valley Transportation District (RVTD) appeared to request feedback on their draft “Bikes on Buses” brochure. Noted that they will be involved in helping to promote the alternative modes of transportation event. Young explained that this event would be moving to September. Barnes suggested Friday, September 15 as a possible date for the event, to coordinate with the Bear Creek Greenway event. Young noted that the downside to that date would be that SOU will not yet be in session. Garry noted that there had been previous discussion of staging the event over multiple days. Young asked if Barns had a vision of how the two events would work together, and what other activities are being organized. Barnes explained that there will be an event in downtown Medford, and noted that at this time nothing specific to Ashland has been planned. Barnes noted that he would like to have a copy of the minutes sent to him when they are completed and offered to stay in contact via e-mail to continue planning for this event. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION Presentation of Electric Bike, Teri DeSilva, Ashland Police Department DeSilva explained that this bike was loaned to the City by the Department of Energy, and noted that it was one of six such bikes being provided to cities in Oregon. Explained that the bike has lights and a siren, and that it can get from the Police Department to the top of Lithia Park in 5 to 7 minutes. DeSilva noted that the bike is power-assisted, and that she uses it for regular patrol. Explained that the bike is more maneuverable than a patrol car and can get to many areas faster than an officer in a car. DeSilva noted for Powell that the bike would cost about $3,000 if purchased, and explained for Garry that it has to be recharged every 4 hours, and that it has two batteries. DeSilva noted that the bike makes a humming noise when it runs. Introduction of New Member Young introduced new member Joan Spear, and welcomed her to the Commission. Spear noted that she is a frequent walker and cyclist, and tries to avoid using a car. Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes May 18, 2000 Page 1 of 3 Discussion of Bike Lockers Harris noted that the lockers are not being used for bike storage, and there have been some problems with people leaving garbage and debris in them. Stated that they are locked temporarily until there is a way to encourage proper use. Harris noted that she would suggest some sort of key rental program, and noted that she would also suggest a different location for the lockers. Garry suggested incorporating the bike lockers into the site of any new parking structure built behind the Shakespeare Festival. Noted that this issue could be raised before the Parking/Transit Committee, and questioned why the Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission was not invited to these meetings. Young asked that the Parking/Transit Committee be encouraged to incorporate safe and secure bicycle parking in any parking facilities enhancement, and also asked that they be made aware that the bicycle lockers are available and could be incorporated into a new parking structure. Commission Discussion of Subcommittees Powell reported that the BTA Bicycle Education class went well in Talent last week, and informed the Commission that BTA has donated 30 bikes for future use. Garry reported that he and Hilliard have written commentaries, and that Jim Hartman is working on writing one. Garry said he had struggled with how to write the article, and noted that he had the articles that he and Hilliard had done if anyone wants to review them. Young reported that the he and Wheeldon were working on doing an inventory around school areas, and that they will be meeting in the future to determine an appropriate format for presenting the inventory. Discussion of the Event Formerly Known as Free Ride Day Garry said the issues are: how many days; how to coordinate with school calendars; whether the commission wants to continue to do booths; and how to coordinate with RVTD. Hilliard identified some other issues as: what we want to accomplish; what to call the event; how to publicize the event; when it is going to happen; and how it is supposed to look. Hilliard suggested that when energy is dispersed, it does not yield much in the way of results; he suggested that it would be better to keep the event simple and strong. Young said that in 10 minutes it can be decided what the event should be and what it should accomplish. Garry suggested that should be considered one of the main promotional events that the commission does, but emphasized that the group should not try to be too ambitious in trying to make the event more than one day. Garry suggested that this should be a one day event, and Powell concurred. Hilliard suggested one primary event, with a few days of lesser events as well. Young questioned what the commission wants to accomplish? Young said he sees it as a major thing that has been done. Morris stated that she wants to encourage people to bike, walk and ride the bus. Garry said it is his hope that the event will draw attention to some issues, but recognized that we may not see a lot more people cycling afterwards. Suggested that it should be a day to bring attention to transportation issues, and that it should give people some incentives to participate by doing something different. Emphasized that the group should not get too hung up in trying to change people’s behavior after the event. Garry asked Barnes if RVTD would consider doing more than one day of f free bus fares. Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes May 18, 2000 Page 2 of 3 Morris suggested considering separate bike to work, bus to work and walk to work days. Barnes thth explained that he had suggested the September 15 date because the 16 is the Bear Creek Greenway event. Powell asked if it was two years ago that the pledges were done. Hilliard said that it was, and noted that the problem was that the commission and staff worked very hard but couldn’t see any noticeable impact over previous years. Powell said that it did get people talking, but it was noted that people who pledged did not necessarily ride bikes as they had pledged. Harris noted that the event may have been more successful if it had not been raining. th Young suggested doing the event as just one day, doing it September 15, and making the focus education. Benjamin Sawyer/846 Hillview Drive/Audience member, suggested doing two things as part of this event: 1) closing one lane of Siskiyou Boulevard, and 2) doing a shuttle all day long. Barnes said that RVTD could provide shuttle service for $75 an hour. th Young/Garry m/s that the event be a single-day event, held Friday, September 15, that it incorporate Sawyer’s suggestions, that it be tentatively called “Car Free Day”, and that there be a “tangible demonstration/facilitation of infrastructure to support alternative transportation.” DISCUSSION: Morris, Young and audience member Benjamin Sawyer volunteered to be on the subcommittee and work with the City and RVTD. Hilliard suggested determining who the audience will be, and emphasized the need to consider all modes of transportation. Suggested that instead of referring to “alternative transportation” the commission refer to “appropriate transportation” and look at all non- automotive modes. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Discussion of Summer Crosswalk/Pedestrian Event Discussion of this event was moved to the next agenda. Young asked Ashland Police Department liaison Kip Thomas if there could be a volunteer pedestrian control. Thomas explained that at the local schools, if drivers go through crosswalks without yielding, crosswalk guards record their license plate numbers and the police send a warning letter or call the offender. Suggested that there could be a volunteer recording or photographing all cars that do not yield to crosswalks in specific areas and then having the Police Department make contact. Discussed the need to educate drivers and pedestrians about safe behavior in crosswalks. Traffic Safety Commission Sign-Up Discussion of “zebra-striped” crosswalks. Garry said he brought it up at the Traffic Safety Commission and they did seem interested in the idea. Noted the new crosswalk striping done in the downtown by ODOT using raised, plastic striping. st Young and Morris said they would attend the next meeting on Thursday, June 1. Agenda Items for Next Meeting th Items identified for the next meeting were: “Car Free Day”, the May 18 Transportation meeting report, and the summer crosswalk event. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. th Next Meeting: Thursday, June 15 at 5:00 p.m. Ashland Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Minutes May 18, 2000 Page 3 of 3