HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-07-05 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN B ICYCLE & P EDESTRIAN C OMMISSION T HURSDAY, J ULY 5, 2001 M EETING M INUTES S PECIAL M EETING FOR C AR F REE D AY P LANNING Members Present Keri Green, Guy Nutter, Lexi Rewcastle, Carol Lee Rogers and Joan Spear were present. Hartzell arrived late. Staff Present Associate Planner Maria Harris. Matthew Barnes, RVTD. David Chapman from general public Call to Order Green called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. Car Free Day Green talked about email she sent Commission concerning Car Free Day. Heard back from Rogers, Spear and Barnes. Green said thought they should scale back event. Make more of a morning event, like it used to be. Spear agreed that should scale back to a morning event. Rewcastle said what struck her was idea of focusing. She said she thought it was a lot of work for a one-day event for a low impact. Rewcastle said she would rather put her energy into the school project and a morning event sounded just fine. Nutter said he didn’t have an opinion. He hasn’t experienced it since moved to Ashland, being a relative newcomer. Rogers said she wasn’t here last year during Car Free Day and appreciated that the topic was brought up. Rogers said she would like to keep the connection to RVTD. She said they originally had discussed the event as a kick-off to school event. Barnes said he thought it made sense given the Commissions resources and the group having a lot of things to tackle. Green asked Barnes if there were other activities in the Rogue Valley. Barnes said that most of the activities were in Ashland. Hartzell asked if the kid’s drawings on the outside of the bus were expensive. Barnes said it was a revenue generator. However, he said he wasn’t sure if was possible to arrange at this point due to timing. Green said that her understanding was the morning event involved contacting the restaurants. Rewcastle said she thought the trolley last year was a big expense. She said it was fun, but people didn’t use it to travel. Spear echoed that people didn’t use if for transportation. Hartzell said she loved the AFN ads that use Ashland people she knows. She suggested using sign-up sheets to capture people who participate. Harris said would check on the FY2001-2002 budget, and the amount of money available for the Car Free Day event. Green said it sounded like what they want to do is a morning event. Rewcastle said four restaurants participated last year – Roasting Co., Evo’s, Brothers, and Morning Glory. Rewcastle clarified that those establishments were who were asked last year because they were the restaurants who had historically participated. Spear said each person took a stop, and that person was responsible for contacting the restaurant. Rogers asked the time for the stops. 2001-0705_SpecialMeetBike Min Page 1 of 3 Rewcastle said they were open from 7-9:30am. Green said she thought it would be neat to have as many stops around town as possible. Green said she thought one person should call the restaurants. Rewcastle agreed. Spear said the person contacting the restaurants should go in person. Rewcastle suggested asking establishments if one of their tables could be used as opposed to coordinating tables from the outside being brought to the sites. Hartzell suggested using senior volunteers from SO. Rewcastle suggested Jim? From the Wilderness Charter School. The Commission discussed the budget issue, using trolley funds for more stops. Nutter suggested putting flyers up on doors of coffee shops, to alert patrons that the event was coming up. Green said another task is advertising, newspaper articles. Hartzell suggested going to the Ashland Daily Tidings about doing a series of articles about people whom ride/walk/etc. on a daily basis. Rewcastle said that may tie into the goals of the school project. Hartzell suggested taking a generational approach. Hartzell said she would talk to Larry Berteau. Green asked who was willing to do what. Rogers said she would be willing to talk to coffee shops. Green said she would too. Spear said advantage of person who makes contact also staffing table is that then the restaurants recognize the person when he/she comes back. Rewcastle said she would staff the Morning Glory table. Hartzell volunteered for Evo’s or the Roasting Co. Rogers said she could do Brothers or Key of C. Harris said she would check on the number of people who signed in at the different stops last year. Hartzell suggested giving a sheet to give restaurants explaining the event - here is how it works. David Chapman volunteered to man a table. The Commission members discussed potential new stops on Highway 66. Barnes said if RVTD knew at least a couple of weeks in advance, they could include events in their brochure. Also, may be able to provide advertising on the buses. Rogers asked if bus could make extra stops at tables. Barnes said may be possibility at one or two stops. Assignments/To Do List Volunteer coordinator – Rewcastle Publicity, advertising – Hartzell will talk to the Ashland Daily Tidings Write letter to the editor – Rewcastle will write one letter (Sept.) Signs for tables – Joan Banner – Joan will bring in it at next meeting, need to decide if want to use for monthly event -Harris will research hanging it monthly Map for stops – David Chapman Thank you ad to sponsors Need to develop comprehensive marketing/advertising campaign – John Baxter? & Cate Drop off lyers/materials at stops (We Proudly Support Ashland Carr Free Day, Come by Sept. 21, add RVTD) – Guy if knows how many, maybe half Logistics coordinators & goodwill generators - hand out pamphlets/packages group, arrange for tables – Rogers and Green Volunteer at tables – Rewcastle, David Chapman, Nutter, Hartzell Green said thought flyers should go up after Labor Day. Green asked no trolley? The Commission agreed not to use the trolley this year. Green said she thought the advertising campaign should tie into Monthly (School) Car Free Day. 2001-0705_SpecialMeetBike Min Page 2 of 3 Rewcastle asked about signs. Green said at last meeting decided not to apply for a conditional use permit. She said that they can do signs on private property, 1 x 2. Nutter asked if intended to have another extra meeting, inviting TSC. Nutter said would allow some latitude. Green said Baxter won’t be in town for a period between now and Car Free Day, so she knows he can’t do all of the advertising/publicity/signage discussed. Green suggested a subcommittee gets together and develop a package of ideas, and then bring to Ann Seltzer and ask “Where Do We Go From Here?” Hartzell said she would coordinate meeting between Spear, Baxter and herself. Spear asked about Tom Powell’s participateion. Hartzell said most City commissions require that members not miss more than four meetings. There was some discussion if the requirement was per year, or in succession. Harris said she would look it up. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. TH N EXT M EETING: T HURSDAY, J ULY 19, 2001 2001-0705_SpecialMeetBike Min Page 3 of 3