HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-04-19 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Thursday, April 19, 2001 Meeting Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT Joan Spear, Carol Lee Rogers, Keri Green, Beverly Morris were present. Tom Powell, David Young and Council Liaison Cate Hartzell arrived late. Rewcastle was absent. STAFF PRESENT Associate Planner Maria Harris was present. Chief of Police Scott Fleuter was also present. CALL TO ORDER Green called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m.  MINUTES It was requested that the organization name be added after “non-profit” in the first sentence under th “Electric Bicycles.” The minutes of March 15, 2001 were approved as amended. PUBLIC FORUM No speakers came forward. BIKE PATH/GREENWAY LINKAGES AND SIGNAGE Commission agreed to take this item out of order. Southern Oregon University (SOU) geography student Jason Burke noted that he had lived in Talent last term, and stated that he had biked to SOU each day. Burke discussed the need for signage along the Greenway to make it easy to find. He stated that there are currently just a few signs providing direction to the Greenway. He suggested better signage along all bike routes, as well as better interconnections between bike routes and bike lanes. He emphasized that if the commission wants to encourage bicycle commuting as a viable option, there needs to be an interconnection between routes. He also noted that there is a need for a connection between the Greenway & the Central Ashland Bikeway. Harris noted that the Engineering staff is currently working to obtain a right of way and working to create linkages as suggested. Harris discussed the proposed bikeway going in on Clear Creek Drive, and noted that future extensions will be development driven. She also stated that there is discussion underway to develop a possible street connection over the railroad tracks at Fourth. Discussion that Helman should be made more bike friendly. Burke noted that the preference is often for quiet streets, then bike lanes, and then streets with bike lanes, and discussed maintaining quiet streets parallel to busy streets. Alder Street in Eugene was cited as an example of innovation, as car traffic is restricted to residents but bicycle through-traffic is allowed. Green questioned whether Burke has a sense of the bicycle commuting population at SOU. Powell stated that most of the bikes on campus are for students who reside on campus. Young suggested that Burke might be able to get credit for working with the Commission or serving on the Commission. Green concurred with Young, and advised Burke that the Commission is working on a monthly Car Free/Walk to School project that has yet to be targeted at SOU. Young reiterated the need to make Helman more bicycle friendly. Rogers stated that she has contacted Jim Hartmann, who is connected with the ECOS group on campus. Rogers concurred with the need for more signage and more signage for dogs on leashes, as well as more 2001-0419_Bike Min Page 1 of 4 enforcement. Powell suggested that a map would be helpful, in addition to signage. Harris noted that there is a new bike route map showing routes countywide. Green suggested putting these issues on the agenda next month for 30-40 minutes. After discussion, it was agreed that this item should be placed on the next agenda for further discussion. Green presented Young with a gift for all of his work for the Commission and the City. PEDESTRIAN SAFETY TOOLKIT VIDEO Harris explained that Jim Olson and the Traffic Safety Commissioners had asked that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commissioners watch this video, with an eye to possibly working together on specific projects around town to improve sidewalks and crosswalks. Green suggested putting this in a list of possible goals and projects. Rogers stated that the Commission is already acting to this end with the efforts in schools. Hartzell suggested that a mapping of needed improvements could be incorporated into the Car Free Day project. Hartzell suggested that members consider attending the Traffic Safety special session on May 12th. Powell suggested, and Rogers agreed, that members could make note of any specific areas needing improvement that they encounter in daily walks or rides. Green wanted to get a read from Commission. Morris recognized the importance of looking at needed improvements around school routes, and Rogers suggested that kids be encouraged to bring attention to improvements needed around their schools. Hartzell stated her hope that the work to be done could be coordinated between the two commissions, with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission emphasizing the education and outreach aspects. Harris noted that she had copies of the materials mentioned in the video. Agreed that sidewalk needs and street hazards mapping may become part of the programs that each individual school takes on as part of Car Free Day. A decision to table other specific action on this topic was made until the schools program is in place and evaluated for its contribution to neighborhood walkability. WHERE WHEELED VEHICLES BELONG UPDATE Young stated that he had lost track of the project after Spring Break, and suggested that someone else chair it. He stated that he would be willing to work on it from now until July. Young suggested discussing the focus of the subcommittee. Chief of Police Scott Fleuter stated that the Police Department would like to hear from the community on safety and enforcement issues. Fleuter suggested holding a specific meeting with Police Department staff and volunteers to discuss enforcement and pedestrian and bicycle safety issues. Green suggested that this meeting could occur with the subcommittee, and asked if anyone else would be willing to take the chair role. No one else indicated a willingness to chair; Young stated that he would keep going as chair. BUDGET UPDATE Harris stated that the balance is $70. Rogers questioned what had happened to the additional $400 requested for the remainder of this fiscal year. Harris confirmed that this money was still available to work on Car Free Day event preparations. Green asked about whether the Wheeled Vehicles brochure could be printed out of this $400. Harris confirmed that it could, but noted that it would take this money away from the Car Free event. 2001-0419_Bike Min Page 2 of 4 Hartzell suggested taking the sign ordinance to Council for a possible change to allow signs for events such as Car Free Day. Harris noted the need to keep in mind the need that this would open the city up to a number of new signs. Young suggested using parked cars as signs. CAR FREE DAY/WALK YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL DAY UPDATE Rogers noted that they now have the letter on City letterhead, and word from the School Superintendent that she will make sure the letter goes out in all school newsletters. Rogers also stated that the Middle School Vice Principal is very excited about the event, and is glad it will be held in September. Rogers stated that she had also approached Jim Hartmann, who has connections with the University and the High School. Green explained that the subcommittee is planning to have resource packets ready by Memorial Day, so that they can be distributed to the schools. She noted that the subcommittee hopes to make options available to allow schools to be as flexible as possible. Rogers pointed out that they hope to be in the Fourth of July parade with a “walking school bus.” Hartzell noted that she had a flyer for electric bikes, and reminded everyone that the electric bike fair would be occurring May 5th. There was discussion of including the September Car Free event and the upcoming monthly events in schools in the publicity materials. There was discussion of shift coverage at the Bike Swap from 9-11 and 11-1. Rogers agreed to call the Ashland Schools Foundation about having a table at this event. Young stated that he had alerted them, and informed them that the Commission would be providing helmet fittings. Young asked what the Commission’s focus would be at this event. It was agreed that there would be hand-out’s and brochures, as well as the helmet fittings, and that while the event wouldn’t be used as a formal promotion of the Car Free event it could serve as a mechanism to make people aware of the upcoming events. Green asked who would be attending; Young, Rogers, Morris, Spear and Green agreed to be there. Green stated that she would e-mail everyone to get organized for the Bike Swap. Spear said she would make a “Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission” sign. It was noted that the brochure would be printed and ready for the Swap. BIKE EDUCATION UPDATE Rogers noted that the program was doing quite well in Talent, but said she needs volunteers to assist in classes next Tuesday, Wednesday afternoon and Thursday at Talent Middle School. REVIEW/REVISIT COMMISSION GOALS Green brought up the goals identified by the commission in the past. She noted that work on Siskiyou Bike lanes is done through work on the redesign. She also touched on the bike lockers, bike lane sweeper, and school travel corridor analysis items. Green also noted that the previous goal was for review of the miscellaneous concrete projects. Green noted that this fits into the commission’s function as a review board, and also noted that it falls into the walkability surveys. Harris stated that this would require a little activism on the part of the commission to see that this happens, as it has not really occurred in the past. Green and Morris suggested that there is too much workload to look at these. The bike lane sweeper item was carried forward to the bike lane and signage discussion. Green asked whether there was anything on anyone’s wish list that the Commission is not addressing. Morris said preparing for Car Free Day in September needs to become a focus. Rogers concurred, and added that the Walk Your Kids to School day will overlap and tie into this. 2001-0419_Bike Min Page 3 of 4 Hartzell asked if signage was one of goals; Green clarified that it was a topic for the next meeting, if the agenda allowed. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION – UPDATE ON MARCH 22 MEETING Green questioned whether attending these meetings was a good use of time, and suggested that the chairs meet on a monthly basis. th TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION SIGN-UP FOR APRIL 26 MEETING No volunteers. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Bikepath/Greenway linkages, signage and sweeping (Jason Burke/SOU); Annual Car Free Day Event (initial preparations for September); Monthly Car Free/Walk Your Child to School Day update; Where Wheeled Vehicles Belong update (David Young w/Fleuter); Bike Education update; Budget Update; Traffic Safety Commission update ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. th NEXT MEETING Thursday, May 17, 2001 2001-0419_Bike Min Page 4 of 4