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Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission
Thursday, December 20, 2001 Meeting Minutes
Roll Call
Commissioners Nutter, Green, Chapman, Spear, Burke, Baxter and Hartzell were present. Rogers and Bretko were absent.
Call to Order
Green called the meeting to order at 4:34 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of November 15 were approved as presented.
Public Forum
No public testimony.
New Business
Green asked whether anyone had items for discussion under new business. The Traffic Safety Commission video, bike path planning,
greenway signage, Rogers’ recent e-mail, and the monthly coffee gatherings were identified as items to be discussed.
Hartzell explained that the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) is working on a video dealing with traffic safety. She asked whether
Harris had brought any copies of the script. Hartzell emphasized that it was important for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission to
review the video as it falls within their area of interest.
Chapman indicated that he had discussed the video with staff, and suggested that it was too auto-centric. Green asked Chapman if he
could address any specific points. Chapman explained that he wanted the video to clearly spell out pedestrian, bicyclist, and
automobile rights and responsibilities, and stated that it is not that type of video.
Harris stated that the video addressed people using various modes of transportation, and that she believed it was important to keep in
mind the video shots. Harris stated that this commission had discussed whether or not to be involved in the project at the April 2001
meeting when they watched the pedestrian safety video from the United States Department of Transportation. Harris explained that at
that time, commissioners directed staff to tell the TSC that they did not want to be involved in the project because they had a full plate
of projects.
Green questioned whether having additional commissioners review the script would carry more weight. Baxter suggested that at this
stage, it might have some negative impact on the relationship with the TSC. Harris said it was her understanding that the development
of the video was fairly far along in the process. Chapman explained that it was his understanding that the shots would be taken
starting in January. Hartzell suggested that the timeline didn’t really matter, because the video is not aimed at any specific event.
Hartzell suggested that the video be delayed to incorporate the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission’s comments.
Baxter stated that he would be happy to look at the script, and emphasized that he didn’t think it was too late in the process to change
the video if the shots have not been taken yet. Green asked Chapman about the issue of where to ride, and stated that she felt the
video should contain the information on “Where to Ride” developed by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission.
Chapman said that he had questioned the line in the script saying that bicyclists should ride as far to the right as possible, and noted
that both the Police Chief and City Attorney had supported this interpretation. It was decided that the “Where to Ride” statement did
not address this issue. Chapman explained that the thing to remember is that it is like imagining a play or video through words.
Hartzell stated that she felt the video should have been brought back to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission several times, even if
the initial read from the Commission was that the group did not want to be involved. Harris stated that it was difficult for staff to
know that it should be brought back when the direction from the Commission was that they did not want to be involved. Baxter and
Spear agreed to look at the script and forward their comments to Maria.
School Project Car Free Day
It was noted that Lincoln School has been selected as the pilot school for the program, and that Chapman, Rogers and Burke had met with one of
the interested teachers. It was noted that the kids seemed excited about the program, but it was further explained that the subcommittee had met
and decided that they were not moving forward enough and needed to be prodded. It was explained that the subcommittee developed a poll and
polling sheets that were distributed in the school. It was noted that Chapman built a database from the polling sheets, and that the next item will be
to develop an article for the school newsletter. There was discussion of the polling process, and it was explained that each student conducting the
poll went to one of the 15 classes the first thing in the morning.
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Green questioned whether Lincoln has a PTO, and suggested reinvigorating this process by taking the poll results to the site council. Hartzell noted
that the site council does not usually have an audience, and suggested that a better way might be through the newsletter.
Spear pointed out that one of the second graders walked to school for the first time in response to the poll. Chapman noted that he is keeping a log,
and that his task for tomorrow morning is to work on the newsletter article.
Green said she thought the subcommittee should meet again sometime in January. Green noted that she was concerned over the need for
additional support from parents, teachers, and commission members to maintain forward momentum. Chapman stated that he does not feel
hopeless yet, but he agreed that more people need to be involved. Chapman suggested that 2 or 3 parents need to get a walking school bus going,
and he stated that 2 buses could cover the Lincoln School district because it is long and narrow. Hartzell stated that she would contact some
parents she knows in the Lincoln district. Chapman noted that he has thought of standing outside the school and approaching parents.
Sub-Critical Mass
Baxter stated that the subcommittee had not yet held another meeting. He noted that he is hoping to go to the January meeting for Siskiyou Velo to
discuss the idea. Baxter explained that he has met with a great deal of enthusiasm in discussing the idea with others in the bicycling community. He
stated that he will start approaching people early in the New Year.
Harris stated that she had checked on the liability concerns brought up at the last meeting, and that they would not be a problem. Baxter confirmed
for Harris that he was thinking of using a waiver similar to those used in bike races.
Report – Bike Education Classes
Harris announced that the City had received a $1,000 grant to teach bike safety to 150 4 and 5 graders in the upcoming year. Green asked if the
classes would be the abbreviated, 6-week version, but Harris stated that they would be for the full, 10-week program.
Report – North Main Street Speed Limit Reduction Request
Harris handed out a draft memo requesting approval of the proposed changes. The commissioners approved this memo with minor changes.
Nutter, Chapman, Hartzell, Green and Baxter stated that they would like to be involved in discussions with the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) and
the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).
Report - Siskiyou Boulevard Design Update
Chapman discussed widening the interior lane to 12 feet, and adding a signalized intersection in front of fire station. Chapman explained that the
literature says that a 5-foot bikelane only works if the travel speed is less than 35 mph and there are no trucks. He noted the option of two 11-foot
travel lanes and a 6-foot bike lane. Chapman noted that the proposed design calls for the closure of Iowa Street, and for three lanes on Siskiyou
between Ashland and Walker, with a partial second northbound travel lane. He also noted that the merchants had complained, and as a result a
second lane has been added to Frances. He stated that a signal will be wired in at Morton, but not installed.
Hartzell noted that Beach Street would also be realigned. It was explained that ODOT would give the city $500,000 for the redesign of Ashland
Baxter stated that he was going to try to get involved in the design committee. He noted that he sees a lot of people walking their kids to Walker
School and to the Middle School. He stated that those who live in the small neighborhood between Ashland Street and Siskiyou Boulevard are
taking their lives in their hands just trying to cross the street. Chapman suggested that Baxter contact Public Works Director Paula Brown about
serving on this committee.
Harris explained that the colored paving in the bikelane is still under discussion. Harris pointed out that raised reflectors, which had been suggested,
are classified as a “practice to be avoided” in the ODOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan when they are used on the outside of the bike lane. Baxter
inquired about using grooved pavement, and Harris stated that she would pass that idea on.
New Business - Bikepaths and Planning
Chapman asked Harris if the Planning staff had an overlay that was used for bicycle and pedestrian projects when reviewing current planning
proposals. Harris explained that staff relies on the maps in the Transportation System Plan. There was discussion about the extent of
improvements that could be required of new development.
Greenway Signs
Burke asked if there were a more formal way to get signage for the greenway moving forward. He emphasized that the path along the railroad tracks
needs street signage. Green asked if the commission should devote a full meeting to the signage issue. Hartzell said the commission would want to
get this figured out and put forward a proposal for the upcoming budget cycle.
Nutter moved to dedicate the next meeting to a discussion of directional signage for the greenway.
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Discussion: Baxter said Klamath Falls has a map similar to the Eugene map that Green distributed. Baxter suggested that the mapping
idea also be discussed. Green agreed, and stated that there are a lot of really great bike routes that need to be showcased. Green stated
that ½ hour of the next meeting could be spent for regular business, while the remaining 1½ hours could be dedicated to working on
signage and maps. Chapman stated that the Commission needs to work on its goals. Green responded that based on her experience
with strategic planning, and now being on the Commission, that the issue is not that the commission lacks goals but that members do not
create accountabilities for each other and follow-through is lacking. She stated that this is not an argument against goal setting, but she
suggested that without enthusiasm and accountability, all the goals in the world are no help.
Chapman seconded Nutter’s motion. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion Passed.
Monthly Coffee
Members agreed to try to meet once a month for coffee on the first Tuesday of the month, at the Rogue Valley Roasting Company, at
8:00 am.
Hartzell stated that she would like more maps. Chapman asked if staff could provide a large Transportation System Plan map for the
next meeting.
Administrative Process
Green clarified that the subject of responding to citizen letters and inquiries had come up at a previous meeting, and that staff had
forwarded a suggested system for handling citizen comments. Green noted that under this proposed system, a citizen would submit
comments in writing, via letter or e-mail. She went on to explain that staff would evaluate the comments, and if they were simple
questions staff could respond in writing. She stated that if the issue raised required Commission discussion and/or decision, staff
would add it to the agenda and notify the citizen that it would be on the agenda. Green concluded that the Commission would give
staff direction at the meeting, and staff would send written follow-up after the meeting.
Harris pointed out that the Bicycle and Pedestrian portion of the city web page had changed so that citizen comments are directed to
staff when a citizen clicks “Contact the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission.” Harris also noted that members have the option of
removing their personal e-mail addresses from the page. Harris also explained that the minutes from all 2001 meetings were added to
the web page.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Next Regular Meeting
Thursday, January 17, 2001
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