HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-07-19 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Thursday, July 19, 2001 Meeting Minutes Members Present Joan Spear, Carol Lee Rogers, Keri Green, Cate Hartzell, David Chapman and Elizabeth Bretko. Staff Present Derek Severson was present. Call to Order Green called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Elizabeth Bretko and David Chapman were introduced as the new commissioners. Approval of Minutes stth The minutes of June 21 and July 5, 2001 were approved as presented. Public Forum Malena Marvin from the Ashland Community Bike Program (ACBP) explained that the ACBP is publishing a newsletter, and they would appreciate any funding assistance the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission could provide. Marvin explained that an eight-page newsletter detailing the ACBP program and plans will cost $200 for 500 copies, and she noted that they are preparing a mailing list to supplement distribution points around Ashland. She pointed out that the ACBP might again request funding assistance for their next issue, as grants will not come in until next summer. Marvin noted that the commission and ACBP are working in similar directions to empower and encourage cycling, and stated that they would be happy to include information about the commission in the newsletter to be published in mid-August. Green suggested that this request be dealt with under New Business later in the meeting. School Project Green suggested a discussion of what commissioners feel is needed to make this project a success. She suggested contacting those who had been receptive in the schools again to see if they are willing to work on the mapping element of this project prior to this fall. Green clarified that this needs to be initiated prior to Back to School night in the fall, and prior to the annual Car Free Day event. She emphasized that commissioners will not be doing the mapping, but will be identifying contacts in the schools to do it. Hartzell questioned whether commissioners could do initial mapping. Green stated that it could be done a number of ways, but reiterated that it needs to be done prior to Back to School night. Spear suggested that the commissioners need a base map to use. Green stated that she would be working with her school contacts to figure out what is needed for this project to get underway, and clarified that part of the intent here is to identify safety needs, including sidewalks needed, around each school. Chapman questioned the possibility of using city GIS data to generate a map; he was advised to contact the GIS/Mapping Specialists in the Planning and Engineering Departments. It was also noted that Jackson County GIS information could be accessed via the internet at www.smartmap.org . Hartzell asked if she could volunteer to work with the High School. Rogers noted that she is handling the Middle School and Walker School. It was also noted that Bellview School would not be participating and that Briscoe is still available. Hartzell noted that she has contact names for two people interested in helping for whoever works with Briscoe School, and suggested that Chapman or Bretko might look at Briscoe. Green stated that she intends to have mapping complete by the first week in September. 2001-0719_Bike Min Page Spear questioned what would be on the signs. Green stated that they would be commercial grade, sized 1x2 and similar to those used by real estate offices, for once-a-month use. Spear noted that metal signs are $37.50 each. Green suggested that wording could be discussed via e-mail or phone over the next few days. Annual Car Free Day Event Matthew Barnes of RVTD suggested renaming the annual event to avoid confusing it with the monthly events. He briefly discussed how last year’s event worked, and noted that RVTD would like to help if the commission plans fit with RVTD’s September 21st event. Green noted that the monthly events could kick off in schools on October 2nd, International Walk Your Child to School Day. She also noted that September 21st is International Car Free Day. Green stated that she is in favor of doing something different that has been done in the past, to build into a bigger annual event in the future. Rogers noted that a good deal of energy will be needed for monthly events along with an annual event, and she stated that there is some concern about commissioner burn-out if the schools do not take on the event. Green suggested that the commission could plan for an annual event for 2002 with street closures. She emphasized that to do this properly, it would be an immense effort and stated that she would prefer not to do the event if it was to be done as it has been in the past. Bretko noted that the annual Car Free Day helps SOU students build a sense of camaraderie with the community, and she stated that she feels that the coffee shop effort is valuable. She also suggested that since this is a valley- wide event, it could be used as a way to further the commission’s goals and prepare for the growth of future events. She noted that it could be expanded to involve others, such as local bike shops, to keep the momentum going. Hartzell recommended some sort of low-impact, cooperative event involving the commission, SOU, the ACBP and RVTD in order to tap into the energy available within these other organizations. Barnes noted that RVTD would like a wager between the mayors of Medford and Ashland, and asked if Hartzell would help to that end. Bretko suggested that there might also be energy at the high school level, and she recommended involving high school students in some way. She noted that they could mentor elementary school students to facilitate the Walk Your Child to School Day event. Green suggested that each commissioner express what he or she would be willing to take on in the coming year. Hartzell asked if Bretko would network with SOU. Hartzell agreed to talk with the mayor about the wager suggested by RVTD. Hartzell also agreed to look into having the Tidings use its weekly poll to focus in on the Car Free event, and she also stated she would check into some sort of challenge between city councilors relative to participation in the event. Bretko stated that she could look into involving the ACBP and the coffee shops. Chapman stated that he will think about his vision of Car Free Day, and noted that it is done on a much larger scale in Europe. He stated that he would like to see it better publicized. Rogers stated that she would like to see RVTD’s vision enacted with businesses encouraging employees to bike, walk or ride the bus. She agreed that if the city employees from Ashland and Medford were involved, it might give the event some more excitement. Green stated that her feeling is to have a reduced effort this year, with coffee stops and the city involved. She emphasized that she would like to begin planning for a future event with street closures. Bretko agreed to speak with the ACBP, SOU, and the charter school about possible cooperative efforts. 2001-0719_Bike Min Page Hartzell agreed to work with the Tidings and the city. Hartzell also suggested looking into discounts for locals at bike rental places for the day. It was agreed that the existing banner, reworked by Spear, would work fine for this year’s event. It was suggested that a new banner be planned for 2002. Barnes noted that RVTD would be happy with the commission’s sanction and one positive effort. He noted that RVTD might do a TV advertisement dealing with the coffee shop stops. Bretko stated that the potential for free advertising would give the coffee shops additional incentive to be involved. It was noted that those who participated last year were Morning Glory, Evo’s, Brothers, and the Rogue Valley Roasting Company. Bretko agreed to help contact coffee shops along with RVTD. Chapman suggested finding a way to get people walking in the downtown. Hartzell noted that there might be some difficulty, as people who are car free and at work might not be able to get downtown during the workday. It was suggested that Chapman might look into trying to involve the retired people within the community through a forum, brown bag lunch, or coffee downtown to encourage them to be car free. Chapman noted that in the long-term, there is a need to address barriers to cyclists and pedestrians. Green suggested that for future meetings, a more focused agenda is needed if the commission is going to be able to accomplish anything of substance. Presentation to City Council on August 21 and August Meeting Schedule Hartzell provided brief background, explaining that these presentations typically involved an introduction of the members of the commission along with some sort of explanation of what the commission has done and what it might be planning. Hartzell noted that ideally, all members attend and it gives the city council and the public at large an idea of what is going on and being done, in addition to providing fifteen minutes of advertising for the commission. After discussion, it was decided that Hartzell would request that this presentation be for September 4th. It was also agreed that the regular meeting for August would be rescheduled until August 30th, at 5:00 in the Council Chambers. Chapman suggested that there might be a need to look at commission goals. He suggested that the commission also look at the Portland Master Plan for Bikes. Chapman was given a copy of the brochure detailing the commissions goals and activities. Commission Status and Vice-Chair Election Green explained that both Tom Powell and Beverly Morris had resigned from the commission since the last meeting, due to other commitments. She noted that since Morris served as vice-chair, it was necessary to elect another member to fill this role. Rogers was nominated as the new vice chair, replacing Morris. The nomination was seconded. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Spear was nominated as the new secretary, replacing Rogers. The nomination was seconded. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. New Business The request from the Ashland Community Bike Program for $50 to fund their new newsletter was discussed, and there was general agreement to provide this funding assistance. Hartzell stated that the commission should also seek to at least promote, if not to advertise, the Car Free Day events. She also suggested that RVTD consider advertising in this newsletter. 2001-0719_Bike Min Page Rogers/Green m/s to provide $50 to the Ashland Community Bike Program to assist in funding the publication of their first newsletter. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Rogers agreed to contact the ACBP. Chapman suggested that an article on the commission and/or the Car Free event be included. It was noted that after this $50, there was $3250 remaining in the budget, but it was noted that a large amount of this was dedicated to purchasing signs. Hartzell suggested that in the future, there should be regular reports from staff on the budget. It was noted that the commission would like better signage of the new parking and bike lanes on Walker Street near Iowa Street. Hartzell noted that the Downtown Plan will be coming back before the council in the fall, and she emphasized that it will include a bicycle component. Rogers noted that there is a need to trim the greenery along the Greenway as it is growing into the travel lanes. Hartzell stated that there is a need to get bushes trimmed out of the bike lanes around. Green noted that Mayor Alan DeBoer has suggested keeping an applicant pool on file for future openings on the commission. Bretko noted that her main motivation in serving on the commission is to improve cyclist safety as she feels that Ashland is very unsafe for a small town. Spear noted that many cyclists do not ride safely. Bretko expressed her concerns with the City’s encouragement of more cars downtown. Hartzell stated that North Main Street safety needs to be made a priority, and she suggested that she would like to see a safety class taught by Rogers as part of the Car Free Day event, followed by a ride through town. Bretko suggested a driver’s safety class as well. Hartzell also suggested that a potluck between the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission and the Traffic Safety Commission would be a good idea. She suggested that this could also include the Tree Commission. Green suggested that this might be considered for early October. Agenda Items for Next Meeting Green noted that a heavy agenda, filled with heavy issues makes it difficult to accomplish much, especially given the short time available before Car Free Day. It was suggested that the agenda should also include some time for open discussion. This was discussed, along with the possibility of a monthly luncheon for members to get together for open discussion. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:31 p.m. Next Meeting th Thursday, August 30, 2001 2001-0719_Bike Min Page