HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-08-30 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Thursday, August 30, 2001 Meeting Minutes Members Present Elizabeth Bretko, Guy Nutter, Carol Lee Rogers, Alexis Rewcastle, John Baxter, and David Chapman. Hartzell arrived late. Staff Present Maria Harris was present. Call to Order Rogers called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Approval of Minutes th Commissioners Rewcastle/Bretko m/s to approve the minutes of July 19 as presented. Public Forum No speakers came forward. School Project Chapman confirmed for Rogers that .pdf document files are available through the Jackson County website. Chapman noted that he also has the elementary school service areas. Chapman questioned the purpose of the mapping, and stated that he had found some safe route styles via the internet. Rewcastle explained that the goal was to have a map showing the route kids should take to school for presentation at the “Back to School” night. Chapman suggested that to identify these routes, the school district, students, parents, and the police department would need to have input. Bretko suggested that the map might be prepared “interactively” as part of the “Back to School” night. Chapman pointed out that the middle school has eliminated a bus route because the Central Ashland Bike Path has been so effective. Chapman passed out an ACTS Guide to School Area Safety and a similar guide from California. He suggested producing a map as suggested in these guides. Rewcastle suggested doing a scaled-down effort this fall, with a map for students to highlight in their Back to School packets. Bretko confirmed that “Back to School” night is either September 4th or 5th. Rewcastle stated that her understanding is that all printed materials need to be put into a packet for “Back to School” night and binders need to be distributed to the schools. Rewcastle described the school project briefly for newer commission members, and stated that no one has signed up to work as a contact person with Briscoe School yet. Rewcastle also noted that Bellview School needs a contact person as well, and she clarified for Chapman that the principal who had indicated that Bellview was not interested in participating has since retired. It was noted that there are safety issues for Bellview. Rewcastle also suggested that large wall maps of safe routes would be very effective. Chapman stated that the maps could be laminated so that they could be written upon with magic markers. Rewcastle suggested that the commission request that the city print maps of each district. Chapman added that he thought that more information should be on the maps than simply streets, such as streetlights and crosswalks. Rogers noted the need to move on with the agenda, and asked if anyone was interested in working as a contact person for Briscoe School on “Back to School” night. Baxter stated that he could cover Briscoe School, and that he would contact them to verify the day and time. Rogers suggested that there be another subcommittee meeting to plan for the monthly event. Commission asked Harris to look into getting a large district map printed for each elementary school, plus large full city maps for each school in the city. It was agreed that the commission could identify districts on the city maps if the district layer was not available from the city, and requested that these be provided by the date of the subcommittee meeting if possible. Annual Car Free Day Event Bretko suggested that the commission come to an official consensus on how to proceed with this event. She noted that there 2001-0830_Bike Min Page Page 1 of 3 was a subcommittee meeting, with Spear and Bretko meeting with Klamath Siskiyou Wildlands Center, the Ecology Center of the Siskiyou, RVTD, Peace House, World Wildlife Foundation, and the Ashland Community Bike Program. She stated that they had talked about the cafés participating again this year, and noted that the cafés would rather have their logos/names printed in an advertisement than receive a small check to offset some costs as has happened in the past. Bretko noted that the Ashland Community Bike Program (ACBP) would like to do a fair at Triangle Park, and she asked if the Commission would reconsider based on the ACBP’s energy. Rogers stated that she would like to hear more about what is to be done. Bretko said ACBP would offer repairs, and there would be booths with information from participating groups along with some kind of safety workshop. She emphasized that this would occur after school hours while kids and commuters were around. It was noted that these environmental organizations are interested in being involved in the fair to present information on the adverse impacts that road building and relying on fossil fuels have on global climate and wildlife habitat. Bretko discussed the idea for a series of ads over the week of Car Free Day, with each day’s ad to be sponsored by one of the participating organizations. She questioned if the commission could approve funding of an ad. There was also discussion of using letters to the editor and articles as free advertising. Harris noted the need for the commission, as a city entity, to take a hands-on approach to events it sponsors. Rewcastle also expressed her concern with the commission not being involved in a commission event. Nutter expressed his willingness to be present on behalf of the commission. After discussion, it was agreed that other groups could hold a fair without direct commission sponsorship. Chapman noted that he was willing to staff a table on behalf of the commission for this fair. Rogers provided flyers to Bretko for distribution to the cafes. Rogers noted that she will be handling logistics at each site, and Rewcastle is handling the coordination of volunteers for the morning event. Bretko agreed to contact the cafes to ask them to provide a table for volunteers from the commission. Nutter/Bretko m/s to fund an ad promoting the morning event, free bus service and afternoon fair up to $150, to be reviewed by staff. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Chapman stated that he would assist Bretko in preparing the ad, and Harris stated that she would e-mail him the City logo. Bretko also noted that she would work on a press release. Matthew Barnes described what RVTD would be doing for Car Free Day. Presentation to City Council on September 4 Bretko noted the need to delegate as this may be occurring concurrently with the “Back to School” night. It was agreed that the commission would contact Green, as chair, about handling of this presentation, and that all members were interested in attending unless there were conflicts with the “Back to School” night. REPORTS Directional Bike Path Signs & Maps - Harris noted that this was requested by the commission last month. Central Ashland Bike Path - Harris noted that work is underway for engineering of the extension from Laurel Street to Jackson Road, with the design work to occur next year. SB173-C-New Motor Assisted Scooter Law - Harris explained that Police Chief Scott Fleuter had provided this language, and would like to revise brochure wording based on this senate bill. ACTS Grant - Harris stated that this was for informational purposes. 2001-0830_Bike Min Page Page 2 of 3 New Business Rewcastle noted that Clare Collins is going to interview her for JPR on September 5th, and asked if there were any items that commissioners would like to see addressed. It was suggested that the annual and monthly Car Free events and the focus on education would be good items to discuss. Chapman questioned the project to occur along Highway 99. Nutter and Chapman expressed concerns with adding bikelanes here. Harris stated that she would check with Engineering and report back to the commission at the next meeting. Rogers questioned whether ODOT required bikelane installation. Harris stated that she did not believe it had to be included in a repaving project. Commissioners requested that the minutes be posted to the website. David Chapman agreed to serve as liaison to the Traffic Safety Commission, and John Baxter stated that he would be willing to act as “deputy liaison.” It was agreed that the monthly Car Free Day subcommittee meeting would occur on September 17th, at 6:30pm, at Rewcastle’s home on 324 Avery Street. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. th Next Regular Meeting Thursday, September 20, 2001 2001-0830_Bike Min Page Page 3 of 3