HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-04-18 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission th Thursday, April 18, 2002 Meeting Minutes Roll Call Commissioners Bretko, Spear, Burke, Nutter, and Chapman were present. Baxter arrived late. Call to Order Chapman called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. Approval of Minutes st The minutes of March 21, 2002 were approved as presented. Public Forum No one present wished to speak. Commissioners agreed to move “Signage and Maps” up on the agenda. Signage and Maps Jeff McFarland from the Parks Department presented the Department’s signage plan. He asked for recommendations on routes connecting trails above/south to the Bear Creek Greenway. After discussion, the commission recommendation was for equestrians to use Helman to Granite, and for pedestrians and cyclists to use the equestrian route as well as taking Helman to Van Ness to B Street to the Central Ashland Bike Path. McFarland also presented signs used by the Parks Department in the past. Incentives/Enforcement to Encourage Safe Bicycling This item was postponed. Bike Safety & Enforcement This item was postponed. Sub-Critical Mass Baxter stated that his time is taken up right now; Nutter asked if this item should be tabled for the next few months. Baxter agreed that this might be best. Bretko suggested that a subcommittee meeting date be set. School Project Car Free Challenge Chapman stated that the next step was a parent-teacher meeting. He also noted that there was a need to acquire more reflectors. Chapman pointed out that volunteers are desperately needed for the BTA bike education class, and he noted that Rogers sends out notices asking parents to help with the classes along with waivers. He added that the hours are 8:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. beginning on th Monday, May 15. Bretko suggested that it is a weakness of the program not to have enough time built in to get volunteers. Chapman agreed, but he added that at the same time it is important for Lincoln School to be a successful program. Harris suggested contacting a well-connected parent to get in the loop to get more volunteer parents. Siskiyou Boulevard/Highway 66 Redesign Update Chapman explained that the City Council has given 90% design approval for the Siskiyou Boulevard redesign project, and it has given 60% design approval for the Highway 66 project. He noted that most of the discussion at the Council level had dealt with the intersection of Gresham and Third Streets. He stated that the most recent plan is to have both streets as two-way, with a signalized intersection and the traffic light tied in to the light at East Main Street and Lithia Way. He further explained that the final details to be worked out have to do with landscaping along the boulevard. Bike Safety and RR Tracks It was noted that Rogers had asked to have this item included on the agenda, and with her absence members were unsure of the specifics to be discussed. A Street 2002-0418_Bike Min Page 1 of 1 Bretko explained that several people have approached her about A Street to ask what is going to be done. Baxter pointed out that he lived on A Street for six years, and he noted that a group of residents had gone to the Traffic Safety Commission to request that the speed limit be lowered. He stated that this effort had been a success. Baxter went on to note that at that time, there was a proposal to eliminate parking on one side of A Street but this met with opposition from the business owners on A Street. It was also noted that there was discussion that the parked cars serve as a traffic calming measure. Chapman suggested that cyclists take the middle of the lane rather than staying close to the parked vehicles. Burke noted that the City of Portland has “ghost” bike lanes in the form of dashed lines in the travel lane. Bretko suggested that signage should warn people of the situation as they come into the curve. Baxter stated that the sidewalks work well on A Street , but he added that the conditions for cyclists could be improved. Baxter recognized that plans are in place to improve the conditions for bicycling on A Street and that it is only a matter of time. Barnes asked what the specific concern was on A Street, and Baxter responded that it had to do with congestion. Baxter added that A Street is schizophrenic in that it is congested and crazy by day, but dead in the evening with cars able to speed on the street when it is clear. There was further discussion of the issue of speed versus congestion. Budget Harris stated that there was $3,000 remaining in this year’s budget. Bretko questioned whether this figure took into account the money that had been dedicated to co-sponsorship of the Bike Swap. Harris stated that money would not come out of the budget until the money had actually been spent and as such it was not reflected in the $3000 figure. Spear suggested using some commission funds to purchase ads to educate people on traffic safety issues. Harris stated that she could find out more information on advertising. Nutter inquired about the $3,000 for signage that had been requested for the 2002-2003 budget. Harris explained that the budgets had already been submitted and this revision could not be included. Chapman suggested finding a way to encourage biking with these funds. Bretko suggested using the money to buy incentives, and she suggested lights and helmets as possibilities. Harris suggested reflectors as another possibility, and she asked Barnes about reflectors. He noted that the minimum order was 1,000 at 9 cents each, and he stated that it was possible to have something printed on them. Bretko suggested buying LED lights, and Harris suggested bike headlights. It was agreed that Harris would look into advertisements, and that Baxter would look into acquiring lights. Chapman suggested looking at wristbands and LEDs. Bretko suggested that the Police Department could be contacted and asked to hand out lights to cyclists that do not have them, as a positive step when cyclists are stopped. Commissioners decided to wait on the decision of whether to purchase reflectors. Harris confirmed for Nutter that the internal budgeting process begins in January, and she stated that the Commission needs to decide on budget requests at its December meeting. New Business th It was noted that the Bike Swap table needed to be staffed on Saturday May 11 from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m, and Spear said that she would do it. She also asked Harris about getting more brochures. Chapman stated that he would help staff the table. Chapman noted that the “Traffic Engineering for Non-Engineers” class would be held next week during the Traffic Safety th Commission meeting. Chapman also asked for volunteers to help with bikepath clean-up on April 26. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. th Next meeting: 4:30 p.m. on May 16, 2002 2002-0418_Bike Min Page 2 of 1