HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-01-23 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002 Special Meeting Minutes Roll Call Commissioners Rogers, Nutter, Spear, Chapman, Bretko and Burke were present. Hartzell and Green were absent. Call to Order Rogers called the meeting to order at 2:55 p.m. Discussion of Pedestrian Safety Priorities Rogers noted that most of the suggestions being made seem to address short-term, immediate changes, rather than long-term issues such as education. Chapman explained that the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) would be voting on speed limit reductions at the January 24th meeting. Chapman went on to note that Assistant City Engineer Jim Olson had prepared a staff recommendation for reductions in the speed limit combining TSC member George Fardelmann’s request with that of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission. Chapman expressed his concern that the section of Siskiyou Boulevard currently under redesign is not included in the recommendation because it is still under design. Chapman stated that Fardelmann has asked that this section of Siskiyou be considered with the other speed reductions being recommended, as it takes about one year to actually change the speed limit. Chapman clarified that the concern is that if the reductions are left as they stand under the current staff recommendation, the reduced speed area will end at Gresham Street, and will not include the pedestrian crossing in front of the Ashland public library. Chapman emphasized that he would like to see a 25 miles- per-hour (mph) speed zone as a buffer going out Siskiyou from the downtown. Burke stated that if the city knows what the design is to be, it should be able to determine an appropriate speed now rather than later. Chapman explained that he would be meeting with the project designer, and that if speed is not a consideration in the design he will present this information to the TSC and ask that they include the redesigned section of Siskiyou Boulevard in their recommendations. There was commission discussion of what reductions seemed appropriate. Bretko suggested that reduced speeds on Siskiyou should be extended all the way to Tolman Creek Road. Rogers suggested that some sort of traffic calming measures would be needed if the speed here was to be reduced. Nutter pointed out that TSC member George Fardelmann’s recommendation that the police department ticket drivers who exceed the posted speed limit by more than 4 mph would help to motivate drivers to better observe speed limits. Chapman emphasized that Fardelmann’s recommendations stand a good chance of passing, and he suggested that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission should sign on in support of these recommendations. Nutter questioned whether Fardelmann had addressed areas beyond Walker Avenue in his recommendations. Chapman indicated that the whole town could not be addressed at this point. Rogers and Bretko indicated that they were comfortable with Fardelmann’s recommendations as a good first step. Spear noted that ticketing of those exceeding the speed by more than 4 mph was actually attributable to TSC member Thomas Heumann. There was general consensus to sign on in support of Fardelmann’s recommendations. Bretko suggested placing temporary, rubber speed bumps in the downtown area, near the intersection of North Main and Water Street. There was discussion of the idea of placing speed bumps in the downtown. Nutter also suggested that neck-downs, or curbing that extends into the right of way to narrow the travel lane, similar to those recently placed near the Rogue Community College building in downtown Medford, and mentioned in the Draft Downtown Plan, would also be effective. Bretko emphasized that a creative and immediate solution was needed. Nutter suggested that more crosswalk sting operations might bring about the desired result. Chapman noted that the TSC is split on the issue of speed bumps. Bretko suggested a poster design/art contest for children in local schools, with entries to be placed on buses. She explained that this would involve the schools and the media, and would serve to educate the children participating and the drivers seeing the artwork on buses. Rogers noted that the school project subcommittee had been interested in this sort of idea, but had wanted to avoid introducing something with a competitive spirit. Bretko explained that this idea could be introduced in a non-competitive, and free, way to raise awareness. 2002-0123_Bike Min Page 1 of 1 Bretko questioned whether the Police Department’s Senior Volunteers could also be involved in finding ways to address pedestrian safety issues in the downtown. She suggested that she would like to organize some sort of crosswalk action to accustom drivers to encountering pedestrians in crosswalks, similar to a critical mass for pedestrians. Rogers emphasized the need to focus the commissioners’ effort now on determining how they would like to address the TSC at it’s meeting tomorrow night. Nutter clarified that the group had already agreed on concurring with Fardelmann’s recommendations for speed limit reductions and ticketing anyone going 4 mph over the speed limit, as well as addressing downtown crosswalks. Bretko agreed with the idea of painting the word “look” in the road before crosswalks as discussed in Jim Olson’s memo to the TSC. Nutter concurred that crosswalks should be marked some way, either with zebra stripes, painted “look” wording, or lighted strips. Bretko noted that parked cars are also an obstacle for crosswalks, and she emphasized that crosswalk markings and parked car obstructions are issues that need to be addressed. Burke noted that everyone he has talked to is concerned with parked cars around crosswalks. Spear suggested eliminating the parking spaces. Chapman suggested a safety zone to make cars more aware of the crosswalks and to give greater vision clearance. Rogers stated that she liked the idea of raised lighting strips. Nutter suggested that the group work on the specific wording of a draft letter to the TSC. He stated that “short and sweet” would be most effective, and he emphasized that the issues could be revisited later. (See the attached memo.) There was discussion of the use of crosswalk “sting operations” as a means to combine education and enforcement. Bretko noted her difficulties with police enforcement as a vehicle to improving peoples’ behavior. Nutter emphasized the need to create some momentum for further enforcement and increased ticketing. Chapman suggested that a diversion program for cyclists who violate traffic law would be helpful. Rogers concurred that cyclists could be sent to bicycle safety classes or face a ticket. Chapman stated that he would like to add an item to the letter dealing with safe routes to schools relative to the recent legislative mandate, and he suggested the creation of an official committee with the authority to develop such a program. Rogers emphasized the need to encourage walking to school and to work. There was discussion of who would be addressing the TSC at its meeting. Chapman noted that this item was third on the agenda, and that it would likely come up fairly early in the meeting. It was agreed that members would appear as a commission at the bench during the public forum to present this letter to the TSC. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:48 p.m. Next Regular Meeting st Thursday, February 21, 2002 2002-0123_Bike Min Page 2 of 1